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Ⅱ类乳酸菌细菌素具有抑菌谱广,尤其对单核细胞增生李斯特菌表现出强抑制作用,被视为一类新型、安全的天然食品防腐剂,具有广泛应用前景,但合成量低是目前限制其应用的瓶颈之一。群体感应是细菌细胞间的相互交流,从而感知自身信号分子浓度进行基因表达调控的一种生理行为,已经证明乳酸菌群体感应系统能调控细菌素的合成。本文综述了细菌群体感应调控机制及其对乳酸菌细菌素生物合成调控的作用,为通过群体感应系统调控提高乳酸菌细菌素的产量提供思路。  相似文献   

群体感应与群体淬灭及其在抗微生物感染中的潜在应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从发现群体感应现象以来,由于其可替代抗生素药物以避免抗药性突变株出现的潜在应用前景,有关群体感应与群体淬灭研究日益受到人们的广泛关注,相关研究的进展速度促使研究者无法不相信群体淬灭机制作为新药开发的巨大价值。我们重点讨论了群体感应与群体淬灭的作用机制,并探讨了以群体淬灭方式作为抗病原性药物开发的应用前景。  相似文献   

乳酸菌作为干腌肉制品生产过程中的主要微生物之一,对制品品质的形成和安全性具有重要意义,而如何耐受腌腊过程中的环境胁迫是乳酸菌生存的基本要求。已有研究表明,LuxS/AI-2介导的群体感应(quorum-sensing,QS)系统能够调节乳酸菌在高盐、高酸等特定环境下AI-2的活性和luxS的转录水平。本文中,笔者主要综述了干腌肉制品中常见乳酸菌、乳酸菌群体感应系统及其分类以及群体感应调控乳酸菌环境胁迫应激机制,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望,以期为乳酸菌群体感应调控的干腌肉制品品质及其质量安全控制提供参考。  相似文献   

群体感应及其自我调控是细菌间进行信息交流的重要机制。细菌通过特定的化学信号分子来监测菌群密度和周围环境的变化,进而调节菌体内相关基因表达,使菌体更加适应周围环境。乳酸菌很多生物学现象都与群体感应系统有关。本文中,笔者总结了乳酸菌群体感应系统的组成、信号转导机制及其生物学功能,这些功能包括调控菌体生物膜的形成、菌株自溶、抗菌肽的合成、酸胁迫应答。本综述将为乳品工业提高乳酸菌的发酵密度和扩大其益生菌功能提供新思路。  相似文献   

根瘤菌与群体感应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
细菌在高细胞密度下可以产生群体感应信号分子,调控细菌相关基因的表达,这种信号分子被称为自体诱导物。酰基高丝氨酸内酯类化合物(acyl-HSLs)是在根瘤菌中广泛存在的一类自体诱导物,该群体感应系统与根瘤菌和植物的共生作用密切相关。本文概述了AHLs介导的群体感应系统的组成及调控机制和不同根瘤菌中群体感应调节对根瘤菌生理行为及共生固氮的影响。  相似文献   

乳酸菌是传统的发酵菌株,是公认的安全级(GRAS)菌株。本文中,笔者综述了乳酸菌的群体感应系统、乳酸菌的黏附能力和乳酸菌作为生物防治菌在水产品保鲜方面的研究进展。通过介绍乳酸菌的黏附因素表层蛋白和生物膜,阐述了乳酸菌群体感应系统与乳酸菌黏附性的关系,旨在为乳酸菌的应用研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

褐飞虱腹部脂肪体内普遍存在共生酵母菌,该类共生菌在褐飞虱的生理代谢和营养利用等方面起着重要作用。采用冷冻切片技术结合显微摄像系统观察法测定不同地理种群褐飞虱体内共生酵母菌的个体大小和数量。试验结果表明,不同地理种群褐飞虱雌(雄)成虫体内共生菌的个体大小和数量差异显著,依次为:对照种群>广西种群>浙江种群>福建种群。结合虫体内脂肪和糖元含量的分析得出,褐飞虱体内共生酵母菌的长、宽度和数量与脂肪和糖元含量显著正相关。文章从共生酵母菌的角度解释了不同地理种群褐飞虱致害性变异的内在原因,并推测,迁飞过程所导致的褐飞虱体内脂肪和糖元的消耗影响了该类共生菌的数量和质量,并最终导致褐飞虱对抗性品种水稻的致害性减弱。  相似文献   

周佳  梅一堃  李博文  刘宁宁 《菌物学报》2020,39(11):2060-2075
营养元素是白念珠菌定植和致病的关键因素之一,作为人体真菌微生物组的一部分,白念珠菌能够特异性感应宿主微环境中营养物质的变化,及时做出适应性反应,为其生长、繁殖和侵袭宿主提供营养支持;同时白念珠菌还能反馈作用于人体,在机体免疫力低下或肠道菌群失调时由共生菌转化为致病菌引发严重的念珠菌病。目前关于营养感应与白念珠菌致病的分子机制已经有很多研究。本文概述了近年来营养感应与白念珠菌致病机制的相关研究结果,总结了碳源、氮源、磷营养以及多种金属元素在白念珠菌致病过程中发挥的作用,旨在为系统认识白念珠菌致病机制以及开发新型抗真菌药物提供新的研究思路。  相似文献   

海洋生态环境复杂多变,其未被开发的栖息地蕴藏着丰富且稀有的生物资源,具有高盐、高压、寡营养、常年高温或低温等特点。海洋微生物经过长期持续的缓慢进化,已形成独特的代谢机制来适应海洋相对特殊的生态环境,极大地增加了发现新型活性物质的可能性。因此,海洋微生物代谢产物被认为是发现新型天然活性化合物(群体感应抑制剂)的潜在来源。本文首先介绍群体感应概念及起源,随后简述不同种群群体感应系统,然后介绍群体感应抑制剂定义及分类,最后回顾海洋微生物群体感应抑制剂的研究进展,从而为进一步研究群体感应抑制剂奠定基础,同时也为研发新型抗病原菌感染药物提供新的思路。  相似文献   

为适应环境变化,微生物细胞间进行信息交流,导致其菌体形态、生物被膜的形成、毒素分泌等生理生化特征发生变化,这种细胞间交流的现象称为群体感应现象。最初在细菌中发现这种复杂的交流方式,后来,在真核生物(真菌)中也发现了这种现象,白色念珠菌是较早被报道具有群体感应系统的真菌之一。目前,已经在各种真菌中鉴定出了许多群体感应分子,其中,围绕白色念珠菌的群体感应现象及机制研究报道较多,发现了其主要的群体感应分子及其调控作用机制。本文中,笔者主要针对白色念珠菌群体感应分子的挖掘及其生理效应进行系统综述,此外,还对其他真菌群体感应现象及群体感应分子进行概述。最后,笔者预测不同真菌群体感应研究发展方向和潜在应用。  相似文献   

邓曌曦  音建华  汪海峰 《微生物学报》2018,58(11):1970-1978
肠道内栖息着数量庞大且复杂的微生物菌群,是一个具有生物多样性的微环境,菌群在调节宿主肠道健康中发挥着重要作用。群体感应(quorumsensing,QS)是细菌间通过化学信号分子进行信息传递的重要方式。本文综述了QS系统组成、信号转导机制及AI-2/LuxS系统对肠道生物膜形成的调控,介绍了乳酸菌AI-2/LuxSQS系统及其在调控生物膜形成上的作用。通过肠道乳酸菌QS与生物膜形成综述分析,旨在为肠道屏障功能和健康调控提供新思路。  相似文献   

Quorum sensing is a decision-making process used by decentralized groups such as colonies of bacteria to trigger a coordinated behavior. The existence of decentralized coordinated behavior has also been suggested in the immune system. In this paper, we explore the possibility for quorum sensing mechanisms in the immune response. Cytokines are good candidates as inducer of quorum sensing effects on migration, proliferation and differentiation of immune cells. The existence of a quorum sensing mechanism should be explored experimentally. It may provide new perspectives into immune responses and could lead to new therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

在污水处理领域,藻菌共生有同步脱氮、除磷效率高、排放温室气体量低、生物质可资源化回收等优势,近年来受到学者的重视.目前鲜有综述污水处理中藻类与细菌、真菌及混合藻菌间互作机制的文章.本文从藻类-细菌、藻类-真菌、混合藻-混合菌3个方面介绍藻菌共生处理污水的研究进展,重点阐述藻菌间营养物质交换、信号传导及生物絮凝3种不同互...  相似文献   


It is well established that bacteria communicate between each other by using different mechanisms; among which, quorum sensing (QS) is the best known one. Indeed, intra- and intercellular communications of microorganisms, as well as the regulation of metabolism and reaction to the surrounding environmental conditions, are carried out by using different signaling molecules. N-Acyl homoserine lactones control the QS in Gram-negative bacteria, while Gram-positive bacteria use communicating peptides. These compounds, by diffusing through the bacterial membrane cell from the extracellular medium, directly or indirectly control the expression of specific genes that induce bacteria to react to their surrounding environment and stressing agents. In the case of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria which are widely used in the dairy industry, QS is of extreme importance for their survival and the extent of their activity in the dairy matrix. Moreover, it is also via QS that these bacteria synthesize various antimicrobial agents such as bacteriocins. The aim of this review is to highlight the quorum sensing circuits involved in the communicating mechanisms of bacteria with emphasis on current applications of QS in lactic acid bacteria. More particularly, the implication of QS in the biosynthesis of bacteriocins by lactic acid bacteria will be detailed.


The inactivation of quorum sensing signals, a phenomenon known as quorum quenching, has been described in diverse microorganisms, though it remains almost unexplored in yeasts. Beyond the well-known properties of these microorganisms for the industry or as eukaryotic models, the role of yeasts in soil or in the inner tissues of a plant is largely unknown. In this report, the wider survey of quorum quenching activities in yeasts isolated from Antarctic soil and the inner tissues of sugarcane, a tropical crop, is presented. Results show that, independently of their niche, quorum quenching activities are broadly present in unicellular fungi. Although yeasts showing a broad range of quorum quenching activity are present in the two niches, at the same time specific AHL inactivation profiles can also be found. Furthermore, yeasts from both sampling sites show quorum quenching activities compatible with lactonase-like and acylase-like inactivations of AHLs. Interestingly, the characterization of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa 7Apo1 showed that the presence of a particular AHL does not interfere with the quenching of a second molecule. Evidence suggests that yeasts could play a role in the modulation of the quorum sensing activity of bacteria. The relationship among phylogeny, sampling sites and yeast quorum quenching activities of the isolates is analyzed.  相似文献   



Cell-to-cell communication (also referred to as quorum sensing) based on N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs) is a widespread response to environmental change in Gram-negative bacteria. AHLs seem to be highly variable, both in terms of the acyl chain length and in the chemical structure of the radicals. Another quorum sensing pathway, the autoinducer-2-based system, is present both in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. In this study the presence of signal molecules belonging to both quorum sensing signalling pathways was analysed in the marine symbiotic species Vibrio scophthalmi.  相似文献   

Microbial interactions represent important modulatory role in the dynamics of biological processes. During bioethanol production from sugar cane must, the presence of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and wild yeasts is inevitable as they originate from the raw material and industrial environment. Increasing the concentration of ethanol, organic acids, and other extracellular metabolites in the fermentation must are revealed as wise strategies for survival by certain microorganisms. Despite this, the co-existence of LAB and yeasts in the fermentation vat and production of compounds such as organic acids and other extracellular metabolites result in reduction in the final yield of the bioethanol production process. In addition to the competition for nutrients, reduction of cellular viability of yeast strain responsible for fermentation, flocculation, biofilm formation, and changes in cell morphology are listed as important factors for reductions in productivity. Although these consequences are scientifically well established, there is still a gap about the physiological and molecular mechanisms governing these interactions. This review aims to discuss the potential occurrence of quorum sensing mechanisms between bacteria (mainly LAB) and yeasts and to highlight how the understanding of such mechanisms can result in very relevant and useful tools to benefit the biofuels industry and other sectors of biotechnology in which bacteria and yeast may co-exist in fermentation processes.  相似文献   

Bacteria communicate within a system by means of a density dependent mechanism known as quorum sensing which regulate the metabolic and behavioral activities of a bacterial community. This sort of interaction occurs through a dialect of chemical signals called as autoinducers synthesized by bacteria. Bacterial quorum sensing occurs through various complex pathways depending upon specious diversity. Therefore the cognizance of quorum sensing mechanism will enable the regulation and thereby constrain bacterial communication. Inhibition strategies of quorum sensing are collectively called as quorum quenching; through which bacteria are incapacitated of its interaction with each other. Many virulence mechanism such as sporulation, biofilm formation, toxin production can be blocked by quorum quenching. Usually quorum quenching mechanisms can be broadly classified into enzymatic methods and non-enzymatic methods. Substantial understanding of bacterial communication and its inhibition enhances the development of novel antibacterial therapeutic drugs. In this review we have discussed the types and mechanisms of quorum sensing and various methods to inhibit and regulate density dependent bacterial communication.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria communicate with each other by producing and sensing diffusible signaling molecules. This mechanism is called quorum sensing (QS) and regulates many bacterial activities from gene expression to symbiotic/pathogenic interactions with hosts. Therefore, the elucidation and control of bacterial QS systems have been attracted increasing attention over the past two decades. The most common QS signals in Gram-negative bacteria are N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs). There are also bacteria that employ different QS systems, for example, the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum utilizes 3-hydroxy fatty acid methyl esters as its QS signals. The QS system found in the endosymbiotic bacterium associated with the fungus Mortierella alpina, the development of an affinity pull-down method for AHL synthases, and the elucidation of a unique QS circuit in R. solanacearum are discussed herein.  相似文献   

群体感应(quorum sensing, QS)是一种广泛存在于多种微生物中的胞间通信系统,细菌产生的自诱导物随着种群密度的增加而积累,诱导细菌对种群密度的响应,调节生物膜的形成或特定基因的表达。近年来,随着群体感应系统原理与关键元件的逐渐清晰,应用合成生物学手段进行多技术联合以及多系统间正交性设计具有极大的发展潜力,群体感应系统已成为合成生物学家动态调控胞间通信常用的重要手段之一。在群体感应是细胞-细胞间通信系统的基础上,对多种群体感应系统的联合设计在生物基化学品生产中自动化调控的研究进展进行综述;并针对群体感应系统在生物电化学转化领域实现双向生物信息交流的应用进行总结;同时归纳了医学领域中群体感应系统的动态调控功能与多种疾病诊断及治疗结合的研究进展,讨论了群体感应系统在多细胞通信和实际应用等方面的发展前景。  相似文献   

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