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【目的】L-缬氨酸生物合成的前体物质是丙酮酸。为了增加磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸向丙酮酸的代谢流向,优化L-缬氨酸前体物质的供应,以一株积累L-缬氨酸的谷氨酸棒杆菌V1(Corynebacterium glutamicum V1)为对象,构建磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPC)基因敲除的重组菌株C.glutamicum V1-Δpepc,并研究pepc敲除后菌株生理特性的改变。【方法】运用交叉PCR方法得到pepc基因内部缺失的同源片段Δpepc,并构建敲除质粒pK18mobsacB-Δpepc。利用同源重组技术获得pepc基因缺陷突变株C.glutamicum V1-Δpepc。采用摇瓶发酵对C.glutamicum V1-Δpepc进行发酵特性的研究。对谷氨酸棒杆菌模式菌株C.glutamicum ATCC 13032、出发菌株C.glutamicum V1和敲除菌株C.glu-tamicum V1-Δpepc的丙酮酸激酶(Pyruvate kinase,PK)、丙酮酸脱氢酶(Pyruvate dehydro-genase,PDH)、丙酮酸羧化酶(Pyruvate carboxylase,PC)分别进行测定和分析。【结果】PCR验证以及PEPC酶活测定都表明筛选到pepc缺陷的突变菌株C.glutamicum V1-Δpepc,摇瓶发酵结果表明,突变菌株C.glutamicum V1-Δpepc不再积累L-缬氨酸而是积累L-精氨酸达到7.48 g/L。酶活测定结果表明出发菌株的PDH和PC酶活均低于模式菌株C.glu-tamicum ATCC13032和重组菌株C.glutamicum V1-Δpepc,出发菌株的PK与PEPC酶活与模式菌株没有较大的差异。【结论】研究表明,通过切断PEPC参与的三羧酸循环的回补途径,增加磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸向丙酮酸的流向使丙酮酸向TCA循环的流量增加,精氨酸的累积量提高。同时,以丙酮酸为前体的L-缬氨酸和丙氨酸的积累量降低。  相似文献   

高等植物中的磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧激酶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了近年来有关高等植物中磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧激酶(PEPCK)的研究进展,并讨论了此酶的结构、功能和调节等方面的问题。  相似文献   

陆敏涛  赵智  张英姿  王宇  丁久元 《微生物学报》2010,50(10):1334-1340
【目的】为了优化L-色氨酸合成的前体供应,构建北京棒杆菌PD-67(Corynebacterium pekinense PD-67)磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(EC:,phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase,PEPCx)基因ppc敲除的菌株,并研究ppc基因敲除对菌株生理特性的影响。【方法】运用PCR技术扩增ppc基因的上游和下游序列,构建带有目标基因内部缺失的基因整合载体。通过同源重组技术将C.pekinense PD-67的ppc基因敲除,构建ppc基因缺陷突变株C.pekinense PD-67-Δppc。通过摇瓶发酵研究突变株的生理特性,并测定突变株丙酮酸激酶和丙酮酸羧化酶的活性。【结果】PCR验证和PEPCx活性分析结果表明,筛选到ppc缺陷的突变株。摇瓶发酵结果表明,与出发菌株相比,突变株的生长速率下降,生物量降低20%,L-色氨酸积累降低62%,丙酮酸激酶活力提高,而丙酮酸羧化酶活力下降。【结论】C.pekinense PD-67的ppc基因敲除以后,对菌株的代谢影响较大。仅通过阻断PEPCx催化的回补途径,减少磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸的分支代谢,不能提高该菌株L-色氨酸的积累。  相似文献   

在大肠杆菌厌氧混合酸发酵途径中,磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PPC)和磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化激酶(PCK)皆可催化由磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸(PEP)到草酰乙酸(OAA)的反应。鉴于经由PCK催化的反应伴有ATP的生成,理论上更有利于菌体生长和产酸,本研究以大肠杆菌W3110(△pfl,△ldh)为出发菌株,利用λ-Red同源重组系统构建了其ppc缺陷菌株并在此基础上过量表达了Bacillus subtilispck基因。初步的厌氧发酵实验表明:过量表达pck可在一定程度上恢复初始菌株厌氧代谢葡萄糖的能力。其中又以ppc缺陷株更为明显,其耗糖能力和产酸能力分别为对照菌株的4.2和15.3倍。  相似文献   

纯化的高梁叶片磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEP羧化酶)经不同浓度的盐酸胍处理变性失活后,在试验的蛋白浓度范围内,它的失活时间进程的动力学分析表明为一级反应。0.4 M盐酸胍处理25分钟后(O℃),酶的催化活性完全丧失,酶蛋白的远紫外圆二色性光谱、内源荧光光谱及免疫特异性等测定均表明酶的结构发生了深刻变化。甘油及PEP羧化酶的变构效应剂G6P和甘氨酸对酶在盐酸胍溶液中的变性作用有一定的保护效果。变性酶用复性缓冲液稀释20倍后,在最佳条件下,再经30分钟保温,酶的催化活性能恢复70%以上。G6P和甘氨酸能促进变性酶的复性,甘油亦有明显效果。随着酶活性的恢复,它的远紫外圆二色性、内源荧光及免疫特异性也随之恢复,变性酶的复性速率在常温下(25℃)比在低温下(0℃)要快得多。  相似文献   

水分胁迫能引进露花叶片PEP羧化酶的活力,酶蛋白和mRNA水平的提高。复水后,叶片PEP羧化酶表达量降低,茎中的PEP羧化酶在水分胁迫和恢复水分供应过程中变化情况与叶片相似,兼性CAM植物的碳代谢类型转变发生在植物的绿色组织中。  相似文献   

蓝藻磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶的生物信息学分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
应用NCBI、Expasy等在线生物信息学网站对蓝藻磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPC)与其他物种进行序列同源比对,分析相同的保守序列及催化活性位点,构建分子进化树;预测跨膜结构、疏水性/亲水性、二级结构、功能域和模体等.结果显示,蓝藻PEPC与高等植物、细菌、真核藻PEPC同源性都比较低(约为33%),但是它们含有两个类似的活性部位和相同的催化活性位点;该蛋白质是非跨膜的亲水性不稳定蛋白,二级结构以a-螺旋和无规则卷曲为主,舍有一个功能结构域,主要的功能是参与氨基酸的合成.  相似文献   

磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPC)广泛存在于高等植物、藻类及大多数细菌中,催化C4光合作用固定CO2的第一步反应。在过去的10年中关于PEPC分子的一级结构研究已取得显著的进展,最近,通过X-射线衍射分析阐明了大肠杆菌和玉米C4型PEPC分子的三维结构,就这些研究进展进行总结。  相似文献   

魏绍巍  黎茵 《生物工程学报》2011,27(12):1702-1710
植物磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase,PEPC,EC是广泛存在的一种细胞质酶,催化磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸(PEP)和HCO3-生成草酰乙酸(OAA),后者可转化生成三羧酸循环的多种中间产物.PEPC在植物细胞中参与植物的光合碳同化等重要代谢途径,并且在不同组织中具有多种生理功能.PEPC同时也参与调控植物种子的营养物质合成与代谢过程,控制糖类物质流向脂肪酸合成或蛋白质合成途径.以下介绍了植物PEPC的种类、蛋白质结构特点及其在植物组织中的调控方式,并重点论述了PEPC在生物基因工程中的应用方面的进展,随着对其功能机制和应用研究的深入,将有助于植物PEPC在高产优质农作物育种、能源植物和工业微生物等的开发利用等方面得到更好的发展与应用.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCx) has recently been found to be dispensable as an anaplerotic enzyme for growth and lysine production of Corynebacterium glutamicum. To clarify the role of the glyoxylate cycle as a possible alternative anaplerotic sequence, defined PEPCx- and isocitrate-lyase (ICL)-negative double mutants of C. glutamicum wild-type and of the l-lysine-producing strain MH20-22B were constructed by disruption of the respective genes. Analysis of these mutants revealed that the growth on glucose and the lysine productivity were identical to that of the parental strains. These results show that PEPCx and the glyoxylate cycle are not essential for growth of C. glutamicum on glucose and for lysine production and prove the presence of another anaplerotic reaction in this organism. To study the anaplerotic pathways in C. glutamicum further, H13CO3 -labeling experiments were performed with cells of the wild-type and a PEPCx-negative strain growing on glucose. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of threonine isolated from cell protein of both strains revealed the same labeling pattern: about 37% 13C enrichment in C-4 and 3.5% 13C enrichment in C-1. Since the carbon backbone of threonine corresponds to that of oxaloacetate, the label in C-4 of threonine positively identifies the anaplerotic pathway as a C3-carboxylation reaction that also takes place in the absence of PEPCx. Received: 27 December 1995 / Accepted: 20 March 1996  相似文献   

With the continuous increase of atmospheric CO2 in the last decades, efficient methods for carbon capture, sequestration, and utilization are urgently required. The possibility of converting CO2 into useful chemicals could be a good strategy to both decreasing the CO2 concentration and for achieving an efficient exploitation of this cheap carbon source. Recently, several single- and multi-enzyme systems for the catalytic conversion of CO2 mainly to bicarbonate have been implemented. In order to design and construct a catalytic system for the conversion of CO2 to organic molecules, we implemented an in vitro multienzyme system using mesophilic and thermophilic enzymes. The system, in fact, was constituted by a recombinant phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus, in combination with mesophilic/thermophilic bacterial carbonic anhydrases (CAs), for converting CO2 into oxaloacetate, a compound of potential utility in industrial processes. The catalytic procedure is in two steps: the conversion of CO2 into bicarbonate by CA, followed by the carboxylation of phosphoenolpyruvate with bicarbonate, catalyzed by PEPC, with formation of oxaloacetate (OAA). All tested CAs, belonging to α-, β-, and γ-CA classes, were able to increase OAA production compared to procedures when only PEPC was used. Interestingly, the efficiency of the CAs tested in OAA production was in good agreement with the kinetic parameters for the CO2 hydration reaction of these enzymes. This PEPC also revealed to be thermoactive and thermostable, and when coupled with the extremely thermostable CA from Sulphurhydrogenibium azorense (SazCA) the production of OAA was achieved even if the two enzymes were exposed to temperatures up to 60 °C, suggesting a possible role of the two coupled enzymes in biotechnological processes.  相似文献   

Heterotrophically grown Euglena synthesize grains of paramylon, its reserve carbohydrate, in a vesicular complex of mitochondrial origin. A CO2 fixation activity in dark grown Euglena was demonstrated in the mitochondria via paramylon. At the beginning of the exponential phase of growth, the activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase increases before the augmentation of paramylon.At the end of the exponential phase, the activity of this enzyme decreases, and low residual levels persist in the transition and stationary phases of growth. The activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase evolves inversely during the heterotrophic growth of the algae in succinate- or a lactate-containing medium. A compartmentalized scheme of carbon metabolism in mitochondria is presented.Abbreviations PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - OAA oxaloacetate - PGA phosphoglyceric acid  相似文献   

Summary The ppc gene of Corynebacterium glutamicum encoding phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase was isolated by complementation of a ppc mutant of Escherichia coli using a cosmid gene bank of chromosomal c. glutamicum DNA. By subsequent subcloning into the plasmid pUC8 and deletion analysis, the ppc gene could be located on a 3.3 kb SalI fragment. This fragment was able to complement the E. coli ppc mutant and conferred PEP carboxylase activity to the mutant. The complete nucleotide sequence of the ppc gene including 5 and 3 flanking regions has been determined and the primary structure of PEP carboxylase was deduced. The sequence predicts a 919 residue protein product (molecular weight of 103154) which shows 34% similarity with the respective E. coli enzyme. Present address: Institut für Biotechnologie 1 der Kernforschungsanlage, Postfach 1913, D-5170 Jülich, Federal Republic of Germany  相似文献   

为了提高L-异亮氨酸生产菌株Corynebacterium glutamicum LD320的产酸水平,通过改善其分泌系统,在C. glutamicum LD320中分别过表达突变型和野生型的双组份转运系统BrnFE操纵子,构建了重组菌LD320/pXMJ19-brnFE和LD320/pXMJ19-brnFE1。通过对两株重组菌的L-异亮氨酸生产分析比较,发现突变型比野生型能更有效地提高 L-异亮氨酸产量。同时对 LD320/pXMJ19-brnFE1进行表面活性剂添加实验,发现Tween-80为最佳选择,其最佳添加量为0.5 g/L,最佳添加时间为对数期的16 h。最后通过7 L发酵罐放大实验,LD320/pXMJ19-brnFE1的L-异亮氨酸产量由18.53 g/L提高到25.45 g/L,比对照组提高了37%。  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity decreases when Euglena gracilis Z and ZR undergo light-induced chloroplast development in batch resting medium lacking utilizable organic carbon and CO2. This enzyme is present in heterotrophically grown cells (Briand et al. 1981) and assures gluconeogenesis. It was consistently more active in strain ZR. Decreased carboxykinase activities were accompanied by parallel increases in the activities of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. The rates of O2 evolution in light were much lower than those of CO2 fixed simultaneously. The incorporation of 14CO2 into early C-4 dicarboxylic acids was higher in green cells than in etiolated cells, and it was even higher in green cells assayed in light in the presence of (DCMU). A hypothesis has been proposed, according to which there is a possible cooperation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in photosynthetic CO2 fixation, especially under conditions of limiting CO2.High temperatures (34° C) depress carboxylation enzyme activities to a greater extent than that of the carboxykinase without a great effect on cellular chlorophyll content. In the presence of 25 m DCMU, however, chlorophyll accumulation is reduced without any detectable changes in enzyme activities in the Z strain. The ZR strain displayed its characteristic resistance to DCMU.Abbreviations PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - RuBP ribulose bisphosphate - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea To whom all correspondence and reprint request should be addressed  相似文献   

以中国特有植物香格里拉水韭(Isoetes shangrilaensis X.Liu)为材料,通过转录组测序数据分析筛选出磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶基因(IsPEPC),根据该基因序列,从香格里拉水韭cDNA中克隆获得磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPCase)的编码基因IsPEPC,并将此基因插入pCAMBIA-2300-N-eGFP及pMD质粒载体上,再采用农杆菌介导的花序浸染法将2个重组载体分开转入野生型拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana(L.)Heynh.)中。结果显示:IsPEPC基因蛋白编码序列长度为2928 bp,编码975个氨基酸;同源性检索分析结果表明,该蛋白与其近源物种江南卷柏(Selaginella moellendorffii Hieron.)的PEPC基因蛋白序列同源性为79.8%。对转基因的T1代拟南芥通过抗性筛选并在gDNA水平上阳性鉴定,初步鉴定得到pC2300-N-eGFP-IsPEPC转基因株系26个和pMD-IsPEPC转基因株系32个。  相似文献   

This article reports marked modulation of the activity and regulatory properties of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) by temperature and light in leaf discs as well as leaves of Amaranthus hypochondriacus. The activity of PEPC increased by 1.7-fold at 45 degrees C over 25 degrees C. Warm temperature also stimulated the photoactivation of PEPC. The activation by light of PEPC was 1.9-fold at 25 degrees C and increased to 2.2-fold at 45 degrees C. The sensitivity of PEPC to its inhibitor malate was less and the activation by glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P) or inorganic phosphate (Pi) was more at 45 degrees C than that at 25 degrees C. These effects of temperature were quite pronounced in light. Similar responses were observed when detached leaves were exposed to varying ambient temperature (dry heat). The activity of PEPC increased by 1.6-fold at 45 degrees C over 25 degrees C in the dark. The activation of PEPC by light was 2.1-fold at 25 degrees C and increased to 2.6-fold at 45 degrees C. Inhibition by malate was less and activation by G-6-P or Pi was more at 45 degrees C than that at 25 degrees C. Thus, there was a marked modulation of not only the activity but also the regulatory properties of the enzyme by temperature and light, independently as well as cooperatively with each other. Further experiments suggested that PEPC was able to memorize to a significant extent the changes induced by warm temperature and that these changes were complemented by subsequent illumination. These effects were not due to changes in PEPC protein levels. We conclude that temperature and light can modulate PEPC activity and regulatory properties not only individually but also in a significantly cooperative manner with each other. As significant increases in temperature are common during daytime in tropical or subtropical conditions, we suggest that the synergistic effects of temperature and light are quite relevant in optimizing the activity of PEPC in leaves of C(4) plants.  相似文献   

The biochemical basis for photosynthetic plasticity in tropical trees of the genus Clusia was investigated in three species that were from contrasting habitats and showed marked differences in their capacity for crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). Physiological, anatomical and biochemical measurements were used to relate changes in the activities/amounts of key enzymes of C3 and C4 carboxylation to physiological performance under severe drought stress. On the basis of gas-exchange measurements and day/night patterns of organic acid turnover, the species were categorised as weak CAM-inducible (C.aripoensis Britt.), C3-CAM intermediate (C. minor L.) and constitutive CAM (C.␣rosea Jacq. 9.). The categories reflect genotypic differences in physiological response to drought stress in terms of net carbon gain; in C. aripoensis net carbon gain was reduced by over 80% in drought-stressed plants whilst carbon gain was relatively unaffected after 10 d without water in C. rosea. In turn, genotypic differences in the capacity for CAM appeared to be directly related to the capacities/amounts of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) which increased in response to drought in both young and mature leaves. Whilst measured activities of PEPCase and PEPCK in well-watered plants of the C3-CAM intermediate C. minor were 5–10 times in excess of that required to support the magnitude of organic acid turnover induced by drought, close correlations were observed between malate accumulation/PEPCase capacity and citrate decarboxylation/PEPCK capacity in all the species. Drought stress did not affect the amount of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) protein in any of the species but Rubisco activity was reduced by 35% in the weak CAM-inducible C. aripoensis. Similar amounts of glycine decarboxylase (GDC) protein were present in all three species regardless of the magnitude of CAM expression. Thus, the constitutive CAM species C. rosea did not appear to show reduced activity of this key enzyme of the photorespiratory pathway, which, in turn, may be related to the low internal conductance to CO2 in this succulent species. Immuno-histochemical techniques showed that PEPCase, PEPCK and Rubisco were present in cells of the palisade and spongy parenchyma in leaves of species performing CAM. However, in leaves from well-watered plants of C. aripoensis which only performed C3 photosynthesis, PEPCK was localized around latex-producing ducts. Differences in leaf anatomy between the species suggest that the association between mesophyll succulence and the capacity for CAM in these hemi-epiphytic stranglers has been selected for in arid environments. Received: 4 July 1997 / Accepted: 27 November 1997  相似文献   

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