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Immune responses to Helicobacter pylori infection play important roles in gastroduodenal diseases. The contributions of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) to the induction of gastric inflammation and to the protection from H. pylori infection were investigated using TNF-alpha geneknockout (TNF-alpha(-/-)) mice and IFN-gamma gene-knockout (IFN-gamma(-/-)) mice. We first examined the colonizing ability of H. pylori strain CPY2052 in the stomach of C57BL/6 wild-type and knockout mice. The number of H. pylori colonized in the stomach of IFN-gamma(-/-) and TNF-alpha(-/-) mice was higher than that of wild-type mice. These findings suggest that TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma may play a protective role in H. pylori infection. Furthermore, we examined the contribution of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma to gastric inflammation. The CPY2052-infected TNF-alpha(-/-) mice showed a moderate infiltration of mononuclear cells in the lamina propria and erosions in the gastric epithelium as did wild-type mice, whereas the CPY2052-infected IFN-gamma(-/-) mice showed no inflammatory findings even 6 months after infection. These results demonstrate that IFN-gamma may play an important role in gastric inflammation induced by H. pylori infection, whereas TNF-alpha may not participate in the development of inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) inducing protein (Tipalpha) is a carcinogenic factor secreted from Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), mediated through both enhanced expression of TNF-alpha and chemokine genes and activation of nuclear factor-kappaB. Since Tipalpha enters gastric cancer cells, the Tipalpha binding molecules in the cells should be investigated. The direct DNA-binding activity of Tipalpha was observed by pull down assay using single- and double-stranded genomic DNA cellulose. The surface plasmon resonance assay, indicating an association between Tipalpha and DNA, revealed that the affinity of Tipalpha for (dGdC)10 is 2400 times stronger than that of del-Tipalpha, an inactive Tipalpha. This suggests a strong correlation between DNA-binding activity and carcinogenic activity of Tipalpha. And the DNA-binding activity of Tipalpha was first demonstrated with a molecule secreted from H. pylori.  相似文献   

Delineation of a Carcinogenic Helicobacter pylori Proteome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Helicobacter pylori is the strongest known risk factor for gastric adenocarcinoma, yet only a fraction of infected persons ever develop cancer. The extensive genetic diversity inherent to this pathogen has precluded comprehensive analyses of constituents that mediate carcinogenesis. We previously reported that in vivo adaptation of a non-carcinogenic H. pylori strain endowed the output derivative with the ability to induce adenocarcinoma, providing a unique opportunity to identify proteins selectively expressed by an oncogenic H. pylori strain. Using a global proteomics DIGE/MS approach, a novel missense mutation of the flagellar protein FlaA was identified that affects structure and function of this virulence-related organelle. Among 25 additional differentially abundant proteins, this approach also identified new proteins previously unassociated with gastric cancer, generating a profile of H. pylori proteins to use in vaccine development and for screening persons infected with strains most likely to induce severe disease.Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative bacterial species that selectively colonizes gastric epithelium and induces an inflammatory response within the stomach that persists for decades (1, 2). Biological costs incurred by the long term relationship between H. pylori and humans include an increased risk for distal gastric adenocarcinoma (38), and eradication of this pathogen significantly decreases cancer risk among infected individuals without premalignant lesions (9). However, only a fraction of colonized persons ever develop neoplasia, and enhanced cancer risk is related to H. pylori strain differences, inflammatory responses governed by host genetic diversity, and/or specific interactions between host and microbial determinants (10).H. pylori strains are remarkably diverse (1115), and the genetic composition of strains can change over time within an individual colonized stomach (16, 17). Despite this diversity, several genetic loci have been identified that augment disease risk. The cag pathogenicity island encodes a type IV bacterial secretion system, and the product of the terminal gene in this island, CagA, is translocated into host epithelial cells by the cag secretion system following adherence (1820). Within the host cell, CagA undergoes Src- and Abl-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation (21) and activates the eukaryotic phosphatase SHP-2, leading to dephosphorylation of host cell proteins and cellular morphological changes (1921). CagA also dysregulates β-catenin signaling (22, 23) and apical-junctional complexes (24), events linked to increased cell motility and oncogenic transformation in several models (25, 26). Another H. pylori constituent linked to gastric cancer is the cytotoxin VacA, encoded by the gene vacA, which is present in virtually all H. pylori strains (27). In vitro, VacA induces the formation of intracellular vacuoles (27) and can induce apoptosis (28), and vacuolating activity is significantly associated with the presence of the cag pathogenicity island (3).Approximately 20% of H. pylori bind to gastric epithelial cells in vivo (29), and sequence analysis has revealed that the H. pylori genome contains an unusually high number of ORFs relative to its genome size that are predicted to encode outer membrane proteins (15). BabA, a member of a family of highly conserved outer membrane proteins and encoded by the strain-specific gene babA2, binds the Lewisb histo-blood group antigen on gastric epithelial cells (30, 31), and H. pylori babA2+ strains are associated with an increased risk for gastric cancer (30). However, not all persons infected with cag+ babA2+ toxigenic strains develop gastric cancer, indicating that additional H. pylori constituents are important in carcinogenesis.We recently identified a strain of H. pylori, 7.13, that reproducibly induces gastric cancer in two rodent models of gastritis, Mongolian gerbils and hypergastrinemic INS-GAS mice (22). This strain was derived via in vivo adaptation of a clinical H. pylori strain, B128, which induces inflammation, but not cancer, in rodent gastric mucosa. The oncogenic 7.13 phenotype is not due to an enhanced ability of strain 7.13 to colonize as there were no significant differences in gastric colonization density or efficiency between strains B128 and 7.13 as assessed by either quantitative culture or histology. However, carcinogenic strain 7.13 binds more avidly to gastric epithelial cells in vitro than does strain B128, suggesting that the two strains may variably express different outer membrane proteins.To define proteins that may mediate the development of H. pylori-induced gastric cancer, we performed two-dimensional (2D)1 DIGE coupled with MS to identify differentially abundant membrane-associated and cytosolic proteins from non-carcinogenic H. pylori strain B128 and its carcinogenic derivative, strain 7.13 (22). DIGE/MS is a well established proteomics technology based on conventional 2D gel protein separations whereby prelabeling samples with spectrally resolvable fluorescent dyes and multiplexing samples onto a series of gels that contain a mixture of all experimental samples (internal standard) provide quantitative data on abundance changes for thousands of intact proteins from multiple experimental conditions, each measured in replicate for statistical confidence (3236). Techniques including DIGE/MS have recently been utilized to robustly define differences in protein abundance profiles between bacterial strains and to compare expression patterns of proteins harvested from bacteria maintained under different growth conditions (37, 38).Utilizing DIGE/MS, we detected and identified 26 proteins with statistically significant differences between strains B128 and 7.13, including a novel cysteine-to-arginine mutation in the H. pylori flagellar protein FlaA. We demonstrate that this FlaA mutation results in structural and functional aberrations. Application of this technique to two genetically related bacterial strains that induce distinct phenotypes also identified several novel candidate H. pylori virulence factors, providing a framework for studies targeting the pathogenesis of microbially induced cancer.  相似文献   

肿瘤坏死因子α诱导蛋白(Tipα)是幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)分泌到外界的一种独特的致癌因子,其能特异性结合胃癌细胞表面核仁素,然后进入细胞激活NF-κB诱导TNF-α和趋化因子基因表达,与H.pylori致炎、致癌作用密切相关,成为肿瘤治疗的新靶点。就Tipα蛋白晶体的结构及特性、诱导TNF-α和趋化因子基因表达的分子机制及其与胃癌的相互关系等方面作一综述。  相似文献   

Molecular weight of recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-alpha   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recombinant DNA-derived human tumor necrosis factor-alpha from Escherichia coli was examined by equilibrium ultracentrifugation under conditions similar to those where gel filtration experiments suggested an oligomeric structure. Short-column equilibrium experiments at concentrations in the range 0.015-0.12% at pH 8.5 in 0.04 M Tris/Tris-HCl gave molecular weights corresponding to 3 times the sequence molecular weight both in the presence and absence of 0.1 M NaCl. Long (2.6 mm)-column experiments under the same solvent conditions indicated molecular weights of 51,900 +/- 900 in the absence of added NaCl and 52,600 +/- 700 in the presence of added 0.1 M NaCl. No evidence of any species other than the trimer was found.  相似文献   

Murine models of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have shown apparently contradictory evidence in that either (a) tumor necrosis factor (TNF) expression was low and TNF administration helpful or (b) TNF was high and TNF blockade of therapeutic benefit, depending on the mouse model investigated. In fact, TNF apparently has both effects, checking autoimmunity, at least to some degree, and fostering inflammation. TNF blockade regularly, but transiently, induces or increases autoantibodies to chromatin and to phospholipids. At the same time, open-label data suggest that TNF blockade suppresses inflammatory manifestations of SLE, and long-term benefit was seen in patients with lupus nephritis. A controlled clinical trial is under way.  相似文献   

To determine the region of human tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), essential for cytotoxic activity against mouse L-M cells, single amino-acid-substituted TNF-alpha mutant proteins (muteins) were produced in Escherichia coli by protein engineering techniques. An expression plasmid for TNF-alpha was mutagenized by passage through an E. coli mutD5 mutator strain and by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis. Approximately 100 single amino-acid-substituted TNF-alpha muteins were produced and assayed for cytotoxic activity. The cytotoxic activities of purified TNF-alpha muteins, e.g. TNF-31T, -32Y, -82D, -85H, -115L, -141Y, -144K and -146E, were less than 1% of that of parent TNF-alpha. These results indicate that the integrity of at least four distinct regions of the TNF-alpha molecule is required for full biological activity. These regions are designated as follows: region I, from position 30 to 32; region II, from position 82 to 89; region III, from position 115 to 117; region IV, from position 141 to 146. In addition, TNF-141Y could not completely compete with parent TNF-alpha for binding to the receptor. This demonstrates that region IV, and at least aspartic acid at position 141, must be involved in the TNF receptor binding site.  相似文献   

Role of single disulfide in recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-alpha   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two analogs of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) were produced by in vitro site-directed mutagenesis. In these analogs, cysteine residues at positions 69 and 101, which form a disulfide bond, were changed to alanine or leucine. CD spectra showed that the analogs are apparently similar in secondary and tertiary structure to the natural sequence TNF-alpha. In addition, the molecular size of the analogs was identical to that of the natural sequence TNF-alpha as determined by gel filtration. However, fluorescence spectra and quenching indicated that the removal of the disulfide bond alters the local conformation around tryptophan residues. The cytolytic, macrophage activation, and lipogenic activities decreased in the order of the natural sequence TNF-alpha greater than the alanine analog greater than the leucine analog, suggesting that the surface involving the disulfide bond plays a role in these biological functions and the introduced modifications decrease the activity. Differential effect of the modifications was suggested in the antiviral activity, since in this assay only the leucine analog showed significantly lower activity.  相似文献   

We describe two subclones of Helicobacter pylori, isolated contemporaneously from a human stomach, which differ markedly in the vacuolating cytotoxin gene, vacA, but whose near identity in sequences outside this locus implies a very recent common origin. The differences are consistent with homologous recombination with DNA from another strain and result in a changed vacA midregion and, importantly, in changed toxicity.  相似文献   

Living dangerously: how Helicobacter pylori survives in the human stomach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Helicobacter pylori was already present in the stomach of primitive humans as they left Africa and spread through the world. Today, it still chronically infects more than 50% of the human population, causing, in some cases, severe diseases such as peptic ulcers and stomach cancer. To succeed in these long-term associations, H. pylori has developed a unique set of virulence factors, which allow survival in a unique and hostile ecological niche--the human stomach.  相似文献   

Serotonin inhibited in a concentration dependent way (10(-3) M to 10(-10) M) the LPS induced Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha synthesis both, when added to the monocyte cultures from the beginning and when added together with the activating stimulus 8 hours before the end of the culture. The inhibitory effect was specifically blocked by the 5-HT1 and 5-HT2 serotonin antagonist methysergide and the 5-HT2 receptor antagonist ketanserin. This indicates that only the 5-HT2 receptor family (5-HT2 or 5-HT1C) may be involved in the inhibitory effect. Serotonin seems to play an important immunomodulatory role in macrophage functions.  相似文献   

Slomiany BL  Slomiany A 《IUBMB life》2000,50(6):391-395
Among the early manifestations of impairment by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in mucosal tissue repair is the enhancement in tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). We investigated the effect of aspirin ingestion on the processing of TNF-alpha in rat soft oral tissue during buccal ulcer healing. While in the control group, the ulcer healed by the 10th day; only a 54.8% reduction in the ulcer area was attained in the presence of aspirin administration. Moreover, by the 10th day, the delay in ulcer healing by aspirin was manifested in a 5.6-fold higher rate of apoptosis and a 5.2-fold higher level of soluble TNF-alpha, yet the expression of membrane-bound TNF-alpha showed a 38% decline. Treatment with metalloprotease inhibitor, Zincov, produced dose-dependent reduction (56.9%) in aspirin-induced increase in the mucosal expression of soluble TNF-alpha, evoked a 62% decrease in the rate of epithelial cell apoptosis, and led to a marked reversal (56.9%) in aspirin-induced delay in ulcer healing. Our findings indicate that the impairment in buccal ulcer healing by aspirin is a result of upregulation in the processing of soluble TNF-alpha from its membrane-bound precursor that leads to the amplification of apoptotic events and potentiation of the mucosal inflammatory responses that interfere with healing process.  相似文献   

Receptor-interacting protein (RIP), a death domain serine/threonine kinase, has been shown to play a critical role in tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)-induced activation of the nuclear factor-kappaB signaling pathway. We demonstrate here that ectopically expressed RIP induces I-kappaB kinase-beta (IKKbeta) activation in intact cells and that RIP-induced IKKbeta activation can be blocked by a kinase-inactive form of MEKK1, MEKK1(K1253M). Interestingly, RIP physically associated with MEKK1 both in vitro and in vivo. RIP phosphorylated MEKK1 at Ser-957 and Ser-994. Our data also indicate that RIP induced the stimulation of MEKK1 but not MEKK1(S957A/S994A) in transfected cells. Furthermore, overexpressed MEKK1(S957A/S994A) inhibited the RIP-induced activation of both IKKbeta and nuclear factor-kappaB. We also demonstrated that the TNF-alpha-induced MEKK1 activation was defective in RIP-deficient Jurkat cells. Taken together, our results suggest that RIP phosphorylates and activates MEKK1 and that RIP is involved in TNF-alpha-induced MEKK1 activation.  相似文献   

Tissue hypoxia is intimately associated with a number of chronic inflammatory conditions of the intestine. In this study, we investigated the impact of hypoxia on the expression of a panel of inflammatory mediators by intestinal epithelia. Initial experiments revealed that epithelial (T84 cell) exposure to ambient hypoxia evoked a time-dependent induction of the proinflammatory markers tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-8 (IL-8), and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II (37 +/- 6.1-, 7 +/- 0.8-, and 9 +/- 0.9-fold increase over normoxia, respectively, each p < 0.01). Since the gene regulatory elements for each of these molecules contains an NF-kappaB binding domain, we investigated the influence of hypoxia on NF-kappaB activation. Cellular hypoxia induced a time-dependent increase in nuclear p65, suggesting a dominant role for NF-kappaB in hypoxia-elicited induction of proinflammatory gene products. Further work, however, revealed that hypoxia does not influence epithelial intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) or MHC class I, the promoters of which also contain NF-kappaB binding domains, suggesting differential responses to hypoxia. Importantly, the genes for TNF-alpha, IL-8, and MHC class II, but not ICAM-1 or MHC class I, contain cyclic AMP response element (CRE) consensus motifs. Thus, we examined the role of cAMP in the hypoxia-elicited phenotype. Hypoxia diminished CRE binding protein (CREB) expression. In parallel, T84 cell cAMP was diminished by hypoxia (83 +/- 13.2% decrease, p < 0.001), and pharmacologic inhibition of protein kinase A induced TNF-alpha and protein release (9 +/- 3.9-fold increase). Addback of cAMP resulted in reversal of hypoxia-elicited TNF-alpha release (86 +/- 3.2% inhibition with 3 mM 8-bromo-cAMP). Furthermore, overexpression of CREB but not mutated CREB by retroviral-mediated gene transfer reversed hypoxia-elicited induction of TNF-alpha defining a causal relationship between hypoxia-elicited CREB reduction and TNF-alpha induction. Such data indicate a prominent role for CREB in the hypoxia-elicited epithelial phenotype and implicate intracellular cAMP as an important second messenger in differential induction of proinflammatory mediators.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic mechanism of tumor necrosis factor-alpha   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
J W Larrick  S C Wright 《FASEB journal》1990,4(14):3215-3223
Many intracellular pathways are set in motion by the binding of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) to its cell surface receptor. Major steps in the TNF-mediated cytotoxicity cascade include G protein-coupled activation of phospholipases, generation of free radicals, and damage to nuclear DNA by endonucleases. Ultimately the cells undergo apoptosis and die. Understanding how TNF initiates these pathways will facilitate the rational design of pharmaceuticals that can attenuate or potentiate the action of this important cytokine.  相似文献   

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