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Asymmetric localization of Ran regulators (RanGAP1 and RanGEF/RCC1) produces a gradient of RanGTP across the nuclear envelope. In higher eukaryotes, the nuclear envelope breaks down as the cell enters mitosis (designated "open" mitosis). This nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD) leads to collapse of the RanGTP gradient and the diffusion of nuclear and cytoplasmic macromolecules in the cell, resulting in irreversible progression of the cell cycle. On the other hand, in many fungi, chromosome segregation takes place without NEBD (designated "closed" mitosis). Here we report that in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, despite the nuclear envelope and the nuclear pore complex remaining intact throughout both the meiotic and mitotic cell cycles, nuclear proteins diffuse into the cytoplasm transiently for a few minutes at the onset of anaphase of meiosis II. We also found that nuclear protein diffusion into the cytoplasm occurred coincidently with nuclear localization of Rna1, an S. pombe RanGAP1 homolog that is usually localized in the cytoplasm. These results suggest that nuclear localization of RanGAP1 and depression of RanGTP activity in the nucleus may be mechanistically tied to meiosis-specific diffusion of nuclear proteins into the cytoplasm. This nucleocytoplasmic shuffling of RanGAP1 and nuclear proteins represents virtual breakdown of the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

Sazer S 《Current biology : CB》2010,20(21):R923-R925
The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe undergoes closed mitosis but 'virtual nuclear envelope breakdown' at anaphase of meiosis II, in which the nuclear envelope is structurally closed but functionally open.  相似文献   

Li  Dmitriy  Roca  Marianne  Yuecel  Raif  Lorenz  Alexander 《Chromosoma》2019,128(3):385-396
Chromosoma - Schizosaccharomyces pombe, also known as fission yeast, is an established model for studying chromosome biological processes. Over the years, research employing fission yeast has made...  相似文献   

H A Snaith  S L Forsburg 《Genetics》1999,152(3):839-851
The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe can be induced to perform multiple rounds of DNA replication without intervening mitoses by manipulating the activity of the cyclin-dependent kinase p34(cdc2). We have examined the role in this abnormal rereplication of a large panel of genes known to be involved in normal S phase. The genes analyzed can be grouped into four classes: (1) those that have no effect on rereplication, (2) others that delay DNA accumulation, (3) several that allow a gradual increase in DNA content but not in genome equivalents, and finally, (4) mutations that completely block rereplication. The rereplication induced by overexpression of the CDK inhibitor Rum1p or depletion of the Cdc13p cyclin is essentially the same and requires the activity of two minor B-type cyclins, cig1(+) and cig2(+). In particular, the level, composition, and localization of the MCM protein complex does not alter during rereplication. Thus rereplication in fission yeast mimics the DNA synthesis of normal S phase, and the inability to rereplicate provides an excellent assay for novel S-phase mutants.  相似文献   

The 26S proteasome is a large multisubunit complex involved in degrading both cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins. We have investigated the localization of this complex in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Immunofluorescence microscopy shows a striking localization pattern whereby the proteasome is found predominantly at the nuclear periphery, both in interphase and throughout mitosis. Electron microscopic analysis revealed a concentration of label near the inner side of the nuclear envelope. The localization of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged 26S proteasomes was analyzed in live cells during mitosis and meiosis. Throughout mitosis the proteasome remained predominantly at the nuclear periphery. During meiosis the proteasome was found to undergo dramatic changes in its localization. Throughout the first meiotic division, the signal is more dispersed over the nucleus. During meiosis II, there was a dramatic re-localization, and the signal became restricted to the area between the separating DNA until the end of meiosis when the signal dispersed before returning to the nuclear periphery during spore formation. These findings strongly imply that the nuclear periphery is a major site of protein degradation in fission yeast both in interphase and throughout mitosis. Furthermore they raise interesting questions as to the spatial organization of protein degradation during meiosis.  相似文献   

Induction of meiosis in yeast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A. F. Croes 《Planta》1967,76(3):227-237
Summary Meiosis is induced in yeast by a sequence of events starting with the disappearance of glucose from the growth medium. Preparation for meiosis during the period of the premeiotic mitoses involves: (1) Development of the ability to metabolize acetate; and (2) establishment and maintenance of sufficiently high concentrations of RNA and protein in the cell to support an extensive biosynthetic activity. A new regulation model is proposed on the basis of the results obtained.  相似文献   

Meiosis and other nuclear changes in conjugation of Blepharisma japonicum regularly occur when cells of complementary mating types I and II unite (heterotypic union). But no nuclear changes occur if unions are induced between cells of the same mating type (homotypic union). Similarly, chains of homotypically united cells, induced by treating type II cells of a doublet strain (mutant with two attachment points) with gamone of mating type I, do not undergo nuclear changes. However, if a type I cell unites at one end of such a chain, the nuclear changes of conjugation occur not only in the doublet to which the type I cell unites but also in other doublets in the same chain. We examined the mode of propagation of nuclear activation by surgically separating all cells in the chain and observing the subsequent occurrence of nuclear changes in these isolated cells. The nuclear activation began at the site of heterotypic union and propagated from cell-to-cell without skipping. In chains of a given length, the propagation slowed down as it proceeded in the chain. If compared at the corresponding site of the chain, the propagation was slower in longer chains. We conclude that meiosis and other nuclear changes in conjugation are initiated by a substance originating at the site of heterotypic union and transferable to other cells through the united regions of the cells.  相似文献   

ARS replication during the yeast S phase   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
A 1.45 kb circular plasmid derived from yeast chromosome IV contains the autonomous replication element called ARS1. Isotope density transfer experiments show that each plasmid molecule replicates once each S phase, with initiation depending on two genetically defined steps required for nuclear DNA replication. A density transfer experiment with synchronized cells demonstrates that the ARS1 plasmid population replicates early in the S phase. The sequences adjacent to ARS1 on chromosome IV also initiate replication early, suggesting that the ARS1 plasmid contains information which determines its time of replication. The times of replication for two other yeast chromosome sequences, ARS2 and a sequence referred to as 1OZ, indicate that the temporal order of replication is ARS1 leads to ARS2 leads to 1OZ. These experiments show directly that specific chromosome regions replicate at specific times during the yeast S phase. If ARS elements are origins of chromosome replication, then the experiment reveals times of activation for two origins.  相似文献   

The synaptonemal complex and the spindle plaque during meiosis in yeast   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Meiosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae proceeds principally in the same manner as in other Ascomycetes. Leptotene is characterized by unpaired lateral components and pachytene by the presence of extensive synaptonemal complexes. The synaptonemal complex has the same dimensions and is similar in structure to those described for other organisms. Chromosome counts can now be made by reconstructing the synaptonemal complexes. Diplotene nuclei consistently contain a single polycomplex. The behaviour, doubling and the fine structure of the spindle plaque provide additional markers for the different stages of meiosis.  相似文献   

Crossover homeostasis in yeast meiosis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Martini E  Diaz RL  Hunter N  Keeney S 《Cell》2006,126(2):285-295
Crossovers produced by homologous recombination promote accurate chromosome segregation in meiosis and are controlled such that at least one forms per chromosome pair and multiple crossovers are widely spaced. Recombination initiates with an excess number of double-strand breaks made by Spo11 protein. Thus, crossover control involves a decision by which some breaks give crossovers while others follow a predominantly noncrossover pathway(s). To understand this decision, we examined recombination when breaks are reduced in yeast spo11 hypomorphs. We find that crossover levels tend to be maintained at the expense of noncrossovers and that genomic loci differ in expression of this "crossover homeostasis." These findings define a previously unsuspected manifestation of crossover control, i.e., that the crossover/noncrossover ratio can change to maintain crossovers. Our results distinguish between existing models of crossover control and support the hypothesis that an obligate crossover is a genetically programmed event tied to crossover interference.  相似文献   

Chromosoma - Centrosomes represent the major microtubule organizing center (MTOC) in eukaryotic cells and are responsible for nucleation of the spindle, the vehicle of chromosome segregation. In...  相似文献   

Brent AE  MacQueen A  Hazelrigg T 《Genetics》2000,154(4):1649-1662
RNAs are localized by microtubule-based pathways to both the anterior and posterior poles of the developing Drosophila oocyte. We describe a new gene, wispy, required for localization of mRNAs to both poles of the egg. Embryos from wispy mothers arrest development after abnormal oocyte meiosis and failure of pronuclei to fuse. Our analysis of spindle and chromosome movements during meiosis reveals defects in spindle structures correlated with very high frequencies of chromosome nondisjunction and loss. Spindle defects include abnormally shaped spindles, spindle spurs, and ectopic spindles associated with lost chromosomes, as well as mispositioning of the meiosis II spindles. The polar body nuclei do not associate with their normal monastral arrays of microtubules, the sperm aster is reduced in size, and the centrosomes often dissociate from a mitotic spindle that forms in association with the male pronucleus. We show that wispy is required to recruit or maintain known centrosomal proteins with two types of microtubule organizing centers (MTOCs): (1) the central MTOC that forms between the meiosis II tandem spindles and (2) the centrosomes of the mitotic spindle. We propose that the wispy gene product functions directly in several microtubule-based events in meiosis and early embryogenesis and speculate about its possible mode of action.  相似文献   

The time at which S phase begins in mammalian cells is highly variable with respect to cell age. Evidence is presented that this variability does not arise because the initiation of DNA synthesis depends on the stochastic interaction of an initiator substance with a rare initiation site. Instead, the signal responsible for starting S phase must appear at random in the cytoplasm and may be transient.  相似文献   

Dual regulation of meiosis in yeast   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
R E Malone 《Cell》1990,61(3):375-378

The genes required for meiosis and sporulation in yeast are expressed at specific points in a highly regulated temporal pathway. Recent experiments using DNA microarrays to examine gene expression during meiosis and the identification of many regulatory factors have provided important advances in our understanding of how genes are regulated at the different stages of meiosis.  相似文献   

In conjugation of Blepharismajaponicum, cell contact between complementary mating types induces meiosis and other nuclear changes. How long the cells must be in contact in order to be induced to undergo these nuclear changes (activated) can be ascertained by surgically separating the united cells at different times after the onset of cell union and then examining the occurrence of the nuclear changes. Applying this technique to cycloheximide-treated cells, we investigated the role of protein synthesis in the activation. Cycloheximide was used at the concentration which was found to inhibit most incorporation of amino acid into protein in this ciliate. Newly formed conjugant pairs were incubated with and without cycloheximide, washed free of the inhibitor and surgically separated. Although untreated controls were activated in 1.8 h after cell-cell contact, no activation was observed in cycloheximide-treated cells after 5 h of contact. Removal of cycloheximide from the paired cells resulted in an activation delayed by the interval of exposure time to the inhibitor. If the pairs were first incubated in normal medium and then exposed to cycloheximide, operated, activated cells appeared and increased very slowly (activation rate, about 110 of the control). Protein synthesis is therefore required for the initiation of meiosis and other nuclear changes. We propose that heterotypic cell union induces and maintains the synthesis of a protein, whose accumulation to a certain threshold is required for activation.  相似文献   

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