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Our lab and most others have not been able to close a carbon balance for fermentation by the thermophilic, cellulolytic anaerobe, Clostridium thermocellum. We undertook a detailed accounting of product formation in C. thermocellum ATCC 27405. Elemental analysis revealed that for both cellulose (Avicel) and cellobiose, >92% of the substrate carbon utilized could be accounted for in the pellet, supernatant and off-gas when including sampling. However, 11.1% of the original substrate carbon was found in the liquid phase and not in the form of commonly-measured fermentation products - ethanol, acetate, lactate, and formate. Further detailed analysis revealed all the products to be <720 da and have not usually been associated with C. thermocellum fermentation, including malate, pyruvate, uracil, soluble glucans, and extracellular free amino acids. By accounting for these products, 92.9% and 93.2% of the final product carbon was identified during growth on cellobiose and Avicel, respectively.  相似文献   

End-product synthesis and enzyme activities involved in pyruvate catabolism, H2 synthesis, and ethanol production in mid-log (OD600  0.25), early stationary (OD600  0.5), and stationary phase (OD600  0.7) cell extracts were determined in Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405 grown in batch cultures on cellobiose. Carbon dioxide, hydrogen, ethanol, acetate and formate were major end-products and their production paralleled growth and cellobiose consumption. Lactate dehydrogenase, pyruvate:formate lyase, pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, methyl viologen-dependant hydrogenase, ferredoxin-dependant hydrogenase, NADH-dependant hydrogenase, NADPH-dependant hydrogenase, NADH-dependant acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, NADH-dependant alcohol dehydogenase, and NADPH-dependant alcohol dehydrogenase activities were detected in all extracts, while pyruate dehydrogenase and formate dehydrogenase activities were not detected. All hydrogenase activities decreased (2–12-fold) as growth progressed from early exponential to stationary phase. Alcohol dehydrogenase activities fluctuated only marginally (<45%), while lactate dehydrogenase, pyruvate:formate lyase, and pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase remained constant in all cell extracts. We have proposed a pathway involved in pyruvate catabolism and end-product formation based on enzyme activity profiles in conjunction with bioinformatics analysis.  相似文献   

Two strains of obligately anaerobic, thermophilic spirochetes were isolated from cyanobacterial mat samples collected at freshwater hot springs in Oregon and Utah, USA. The isolates grew optimally between 48° and 52°C, and did not grow at 25° or 60°C. Both strains fermented various pentoses, hexoses, and disaccharides. Amino acids or cellulose did not serve as fermentable substrates for growth. H2, CO2, acetate, and lactate were end products of d-glucose fermentation. On the basis of physiological characteristics, guanine + cytosine content of DNA, and comparisons of 16S ribosomal RNA sequences, it was concluded that the two isolates were representatives of a novel species of Spirochaeta for which the name Spirochaeta caldaria is proposed. One of the two strains was grown in coculture with a thermophilic cellulolytic bacterium (Clostridium thermocellum) in a medium containing cellulose as the only fermentable substrate. In the coculture cellulose was broken down at a faster rate than in the clostridial monoculture. The results are consistent with the suggestion that interactions between cellulolytic bacteria and non-cellulolytic spirochetes enhance cellulose breakdown in natural environments in which cellulose-containing plant material is biodegraded.  相似文献   

Three genes coding for xylanase synthesis in Clostridium thermocellum were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Genomic DNA from Clostridium thermocellum was digested to completion with HindIII, BamHI, and SalI. The fragments were ligated into the corresponding sites of pUC19 and transformed into Escherichia coli. Two of the genes encoded for xylanases which depolymerized xylans but were unable to extensively convert these substrates to reducing sugar. The third gene encoded for an enzyme that extensively hydrolyzed xylan. The insert containing the latter gene was subjected to extensive mapping and was found to encode for a xylanase with a molecular weight of approximately 25,000. The protein product of the cloned gene was obtained in a relatively pure form by heat treatment, ion exchange and gel permeation steps. The enzyme was quite stable to high temperatures with a half-life of 24 h at 70°C.Issued as National Research Council of Canada No. 30545  相似文献   

The cellulosome is a membrane-bound, extracellular multi-subunit complex responsible for the degradation of crystalline cellulose by a number of organisms including anaerobic bacteria and fungi. The hydrophilic X-module (CipA-X) from the modular scaffoldin subunit of Clostridium thermocellum cellulosome has been proposed to play various roles in cellulosomal function, including thermal and structural stability. Towards elucidating the function of CipA-X using structural and biophysical studies, the region comprising residues 1692-1785 from the C. thermocellum CipA cDNA encoding CipA-X was cloned into a pET21b expression vector. When expressed in Escherichia coli, the C-terminal His-tagged protein accumulated in the insoluble fraction. Cell fractionation experiments showed that the recombinant protein was localized to inclusion bodies. Refolding and purification involved denaturation of the whole cell lysate by addition of urea, followed by a nickel-Sepharose chromatography step and dialysis into native conditions (25 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 50 mM NaCl, and 10 mM EDTA). A final gel filtration step purified the protein to homogeneity, yielding 40 mg/L. The two-dimensional 1H-15N correlation spectrum of uniformly 15N-labelled CipA-X showed the characteristics of a well-folded protein comprising significant beta-structure, which is in agreement with the circular dichroism data.  相似文献   

The crude extracellular cellulase from Clostridium thermocellum was oxidatively inactivated by air and inhibited by sulfhydryl reagents. Activity-loss was prevented and reversed by the addition of a high concentration (10 mM) dithiothreitol (DDT) at zero time and up to 24 h respectively. In the presence of a low concentration (0.4 mM) of DTT, the enzyme was more rapidly inactivated than in air alone. This was probably due to autoxidation of the low DTT concentration to H2O2 as shown by its prevention by a high DTT concentration, exclusion of air, or catalase; and by the oxidative inactivation of the enzyme by H2O2. The inactivation by H2O2 could be prevented by a high concentration of DTT but not by air exclusion. EDTA protected the enzyme from inactivation in air by a low concentration of DTT or by H2O2. This is presumably due to the role of metals in oxidation of SH groups. Furthermore, copper (5 M) also caused inactivation and this was prevented by the presence of a high DTT concentration. Even in the protective atmosphere of a high DTT concentration, cellulase was inactivated by certain apolar chelating agents such as o-phenanthroline and -1-dipyridyl, such inactivation being preventable by the prior incubation of the chelator with a mixture of Fe2+ and Fe3+. These data suggest that the clostridial cellulase, unlike the enzyme from aerobic fungi, contains essential sulfhydryl groups and is stimulated by iron. The endo--glucanase component of the cellulase complex was not susceptible to oxidative inactivation.Abbreviations DTT dithiothreitol - CMC carboxymethylcellulose - DTNB 5,5-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - p-CMB p-chloromercuribenzoic acid  相似文献   

Three strains of Clostridium thermocellum obtained from various sources were found to have nearly identical deoxyribonucleic acid guanosine plus cytosine contents that ranged from 38.1–39.5 mole-%. All strain examined fermented only cellulose and cellulose derivatives, but not glucose, or xylose or other sugars. The principal cellulose fermentation products were ethanol, lactate, acetate, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Growth of C. thermocellum on cellulose resulted in the production of extracellular cellulase that was non-oxygen labile, was thermally stable at 70° C for 45 min and adsorbed strongly on cellulose. Production of cellulase during fermentation correlated linearly with growth and cellulose degradation. Both the yield and specific activity of crude cellulase varied considerably with the specific growth substrates. Highest cellulase yield was obtained when grown on native cellulose, -cellulose and low degree of polymerization cellulose but not carboxymethylcellulose or other carbohydrate sources. Cellulase activity was not detected when cells were grown on cellobiose. Crude extracellular protein preparations lacked proteolytic and cellobiase activity. The pH and temperafure optima for endoglucanase activity were 5.2 and 65° C, respectively, while that of the exoglucanase activity were 5.4 and 64° C, respectively. The specific activity at 60° c for exoglucanase and endoglucanase of crude cellulase obtained from cells grown on cellulose (MN 300) was 3.6 moles reducing sugar equivalents released per h (unit)/mg of protein and 1.5 mole reducing sugar equivalent released per min (unit)/mg of protein, respectively. The yield of endoglucanase was 125 units per g of cellulose MN 300 degraded and that of exoglucanase was 300 units per g of cellulose MN 300 degraded. Glucose and cellobiose were the hydrolytic end products of crude cellulase action on cellulose, cellotraose and cellotriose in vitro.  相似文献   

He Q  Hemme CL  Jiang H  He Z  Zhou J 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(20):9586-9592
Engineering microbial consortia capable of efficient ethanolic fermentation of cellulose is a strategy for the development of consolidated bioprocessing for bioethanol production. Co-cultures of cellulolytic Clostridium thermocellum with non-cellulolytic Thermoanaerobacter strains (X514 and 39E) significantly improved ethanol production by 194-440%. Strain X514 enhanced ethanolic fermentation much more effectively than strain 39E in co-cultivation, with ethanol production in X514 co-cultures at least 62% higher than that of 39E co-cultures. Comparative genome sequence analysis revealed that the higher ethanolic fermentation efficiency in strain X514 was associated with the presence of a complete vitamin B(12) biosynthesis pathway, which is incomplete in strain 39E. The significance of the vitamin B(12)de novo biosynthesis capacity was further supported by the observation of improved ethanol production in strain 39E by 203% following the addition of exogenous vitamin B(12). The vitamin B(12) biosynthesis pathway provides a valuable biomarker for selecting metabolically robust strains for bioethanol production.  相似文献   

In this study, efforts were taken to compare solubilization of Avicel and AFEX pretreated corn stover (AFEX CS) by SSF and Clostridium thermocellum fermentation, with an aim to gain insights into microbial conversion of pretreated cellulosic biomass. Solubilization rates for AFEX CS are comparable for the two systems while solubilization of Avicel is much faster by C. thermocellum. Initial catalyst loading impacts final cellulose conversion for SSF but not for C. thermocellum. Hydrolysis of the two substrates using cell-free C. thermocellum fermentation broth revealed much smaller difference in cellulose conversion than the difference observed for growing cultures. Tests on hemicellulose removal and particle size reduction for AFEX CS indicated that substrate accessibility is very important for enhanced solubilization by C. thermocellum.  相似文献   

Continuous hydrogen (H2) production during fermentation of alpha-cellulose was established using the thermophillic, anaerobic bacterium Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405. The objectives of this work were to characterize growth of C. thermocellum, quantify H2 production and determine soluble end-product synthesis patterns during fermentation of a cellulosic substrate under continuous culture conditions. A 5 L working volume fermentor was established and growth experiments were maintained for over 3,000 h. Substrate concentrations were varied from 1 to 4 g/L and the feed was introduced with continuous nitrogen gas sparging to prevent clogging of the feed-line. The pH and temperature of the reactor were maintained at 7.0 and 600 degrees C, respectively, throughout the study. At concentrations above 4 g/L, the delivery of alpha-cellulose was impaired due to feed-line clogging and it became difficult to maintain a homogenous suspension. The highest total gas (H2 plus CO2) production rate, 56.6 mL L(-1) h(-1), was observed at a dilution rate of 0.042 h(-1) and substrate concentration of 4 g/L. Under these conditions, the H2 production rate was 5.06 mmol h(-1). Acetate and ethanol were the major soluble end-products, while lactate and formate were greatly reduced compared to production in batch cultures. Concentrations of all metabolites increased with increasing substrate concentration, with the exception of lactate. Despite a number of short-term electrical and mechanical failures during the testing period, the system recovered quickly, exhibiting substantial robustness. A carbon balance was completed to ensure that all end-products were accounted for, with final results indicating near 100% carbon recovery. This study shows that long-term, stable H2 production can be achieved during direct fermentation of an insoluble cellulosic substrate under continuous culture conditions.  相似文献   

Combined gasification and fermentation technologies can potentially produce biofuels from renewable biomass. Gasification generates synthesis gas consisting primarily of CO, CO2, H2, N2, with smaller amounts of CH4, NOx, O2, C2 compounds, ash and tars. Several anaerobic bacteria species can ferment bottled mixtures of pure synthesis gas constituents. However, there are challenges to maintaining culture viability of synthesis gas exposed cells. This study was designed to enhance culture stability and improve ethanol-to-acetate ratios using resting (non-growing) cells in synthesis gas fermentation. Resting cell states were induced in autotrophic Clostridium ljungdahlii cultures with minimal ethanol and acetate production due to low metabolic activity compared to growing cell production levels of 5.2 and 40.1 mM of ethanol and acetate. Clostridium autoethanogenum cultures were not induced into true resting states but did show improvement in total ethanol production (from 5.1 mM in growing cultures to 9.4 in one nitrogen-limited medium) as well as increased shifts in ethanol-to-acetate production ratios.  相似文献   

Clostridium thermocellum, strain JW20 (ATCC 31449) when growing in cellulose produces a cellulolytic enzyme system, that at the early stage of the fermentation is largely bound to the substrate. As cellulose is consumed the bound enzyme is released as free enzyme to the culture fluid. The bound enzyme fraction extracted with distilled water from the cellulose contains two major components, a large complex (Mr100×106) and a small complex Mr4.5×106) which were separated by gel filtration and sucrose solved by affinity chromatography into a complex that binds to the column and into a non-bindable mixture of proteins. All four fractions have endo--glucanase activity but only the two bound complexes and the free bindable complex hydrolyze crystalline cellulose with cellobiose as the main product. These three complexes are qualitatively similar in that they each contain about 20 different polypeptides (Mr values from 45,000 to 200,000) of which about ten are major components. However, the relative amounts of some of the peptides in the complexes differ. At least four polypeptides of the complexes have endo--glucanase activity.Abbreviations CM cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose - CMCase carboxymethyl cellulase cosidered endo--1,4-glucanase - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - YAS yellow affinity substance - YAS-cellulose yellow affinity substance-cellulose complex  相似文献   

Abstract The anaerobic degradation of microcrystalline cellulose by thermostable cellulolytic enzyme complexes from Clostridium thermocellum JW20 (ATCC 31449) was monitored. For quantitative investigations as enzyme-coupled spectrophotometric assay has been developed. The assay allows for the evaluation of the release of cellubiose-/glucose-units from native cellulose. Kinetic studies revealed that the anaerobic breakdown of crystalline cellulose (CC) at 60°C follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics K m CC values have been determined for different aggregation states of the cellulolytic complex. The presented assay seems well suited to screen for CC-degrading enzymes of various sources, and to further explore the mechanism of CC-breakdown.  相似文献   

The influence of a number of environmental parameters on the fermentation of glucose, and on the energetics of growth of Clostridium butyricum in chemostat culture, have been studied. With cultures that were continuously sparged with nitrogen gas, glucose was fermented primarily to acetate and butyrate with a fixed stoichiometry. Thus, irrespective of the growth rate, input glucose concentration specific nutrient limitation and, within limits, the culture pH value, the acetate/butyrate molar ratio in the culture extracellular fluids was uniformly 0.74±0.07. Thus, the efficiency with which ATP was generated from glucose catabolism also was constant at 3.27±0.02 mol ATP/mol glucose fermented. However, the rate of glucose fermentation at a fixed growth rate, and hence the rate of ATP generation, varied markedly under some conditions leading to changes in the Y glucose and Y ATP values. In general, glucose-sufficient cultures expressed lower yield values than a correponding glucose-limited culture, and this was particularly marked with a potassium-limited culture. However, with a glucose-limited culture increasing the input glucose concentration above 40g glucose·l-1 also led to a significant decrease in the yield values that could be partially reversed by increasing the sparging rate of the nitrogen gas. Finally glucose-limited cultures immediately expressed an increased rate of glucose fermentation when relieved of their growth limitation. Since the rate of cell synthesis did not increase instantaneously, again the yield values with respect to glucose consumed and ATP generated transiently decreased.Two conditions were found to effect a change in the fermentation pattern with a lowering of the acetate/butyrate molar ratio. First, a significant decrease in this ratio was observed when a glucose-limited culture was not sparged with nitrogen gas; and second, a substantial (and progressive) decrease was observed to follow addition of increasing amounts of mannitol to a glucose-limited culture. In both cases, however, there was no apparent change in the Y ATP value.These results are discussed with respect to two imponder-ables, namely the mechanism(s) by which C. butyricum might partially or totally dissociate catabolism from anabolism, and how it might dispose of the excess reductant [as NAD(P)H] that attends both the formation of acetate from glucose and the fermentation of mannitol. With regards to the latter, evidence is presented that supports the conclusion that the ferredoxin-mediated oxidation of NAD(P)H, generating H2, is neither coupled to, nor driven by, an energy-yielding reaction.  相似文献   

Summary Various medium components (carbon and nitrogen sources, iron, inoculum size) and environmental factors (initial pH and the agitation speed) were evaluated for their effects on the rate and the yield of hydrogen production by Clostridium saccharoperbutylacetonicum. Among the carbon sources assessed, cells grown on disaccharides (lactose, sucrose and maltose) produced on the average more than twice (2.81 mol-H2/mol sugar) as much hydrogen as monosaccharides (1.29 mol-H2/mol sugar), but there was no correlation between the carbon source and the production rate. The highest yield (2.83 mol/mol) was obtained in lactose and sucrose but the highest production rate (1.75 mmol/h) in sucrose. Using glucose as carbon source, yeast extract was the best nitrogen source. A parallel increase between the production rate and the yield was obtained by increasing glucose concentration up to 40 g/l (1.76 mol-H2/mol, 3.39 mmol/h), total nitrogen as yeast extract up to 0.1% (1.41 mol/mol, 1.91 mmol/h) and agitation up to 100 rev/min (1.66 mol-H2/mol, 1.86 mmol/h). On the other hand, higher production rates were favoured in preference to the yield at a neutral initial pH 7 (2.27 mmol/h), 1000 mg iron/l or more (1.99 mmol/h), and a larger inoculum size, 10%, (2.36 mmol/h) whereas an initial alkaline pH of 8.5 (1.72 mol/mol), a lower iron concentration of 25 mg/l (1.74 mol/mol) and smaller inoculum size, 1%, (1.85 mol/mol) promoted higher yield over production rate.  相似文献   

A. Fischer  M. Kluge 《Planta》1984,160(2):121-128
In the Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants Kalanchoë tubiflora and Sedum morganianum a shift in the pathways occurs by which external CO2 enters the metabolism during the initial light period (phase II of the diurnal CAM cycle). At the beginning of phase II, CO2 is fixed mainly by the C4 pathway; during late phase II, however, it is fixed mainly via the C3 pathway. The C3 pathway contributes to the phosphoenolpyruvate-carboxylase-mediated CO2 fixation by the provision of three-carbon skeletons. Since the shift in the carbon-flow pathway is delayed after a CO2-free night when malic-acid accumulation in the vacuoles is prevented, it is very likely that the amount of malic acid in the vacuole is integrated in the mechanism which controls CAM during the initial light period. A light-on signal at the beginning of phase II is not required to bring about the shifts in the carbon-flow pathways, as is shown by the reaction of plants to a prolonged dark period. A model of carbon flow during phase II is proposed.Abbreviations CAM Crassulacean acid metabolism - PEP-Case phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase  相似文献   

The effects of the hydraulic retention time (HRT = 8, 10, 12 or 16.7 h) and glucose concentration (30, 40 or 50 g/L) on the production of hydrogen and butyrate by an immobilized Clostridium tyrobutyricum culture, grown under continuous culturing conditions, were evaluated. With 30 g/L glucose, the higher HRTs tested led to greater butyrate concentrations in the culture, i.e., 9.3 g/L versus 12.9 g/L with HRTs of 8 h and 16.7 h, respectively. In contrast, higher biogas and hydrogen production rates were generally seen when the HRT was lower. Experiments with different glucose concentrations saw a significant amount of glucose washed out when 50 g/L was used, the highest being 22.7 g/L when the HRT was 16.7 h. This study found the best conditions for the continuous production of hydrogen and butyric acid by C. tyrobutyricum to be with an HRT of 12 h and a glucose concentration of 50 g/L, respectively.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to characterize the metabolism of Clostridium thermolacticum, a thermophilic anaerobic bacterium, growing continuously on lactose (10 g l−1) and to determine the enzymes involved in the pathways leading to the formation of the fermentation products. Biomass and metabolites concentration were measured at steady-state for different dilution rates, from 0.013 to 0.19 h−1. Acetate, ethanol, hydrogen and carbon dioxide were produced at all dilution rates, whereas lactate was detected only for dilution rates below 0.06 h−1. The presence of several key enzymes involved in lactose metabolism, including beta-galactosidase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, acetate kinase, ethanol dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase, was demonstrated. Finally, the intracellular level of NADH, NAD+, ATP and ADP was also measured for different dilution rates. The production of ethanol and lactate appeared to be linked with the re-oxidation of NADH produced during glycolysis, whereas hydrogen produced should come from reduced ferredoxin generated during pyruvate decarboxylation. To produce more hydrogen or more acetate from lactose, it thus appears that an efficient H2 removal system should be used, based on a physical (membrane) or a biological approach, respectively, by cultivating C. thermolacticum with efficient H2 scavenging and acetate producing microorganisms.  相似文献   

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