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A method to purify the phytochrome photoreceptor from the unicellular green alga Mesotaenium caldariorum is presented. Preparative scale formation of algal protoplasts and controlled osmotic cell lysis have permitted separation of intact organelles from the phytochrome-enriched soluble protein fraction. We have utilized the observation that red light-absorbing (Pr) and far-red light-absorbing (Pfr) forms of phytochrome are differentially retained on an anion exchange matrix to purify M. caldariorum phytochrome to apparent homogeneity. M. caldariorum phytochrome preparations with A650/A280 ratios greater than 0.78 exhibit a single 120-kDa band on silver-stained sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Immunoblot analyses using a cross-reactive pea phytochrome monoclonal antibody reveal that 1) the 120-kDa band represents the full-length polypeptide, 2) phytochrome is predominantly localized in the algal cytoplasm, and 3) there are 150,000-250,000 phytochrome molecules/cell. Steric exclusion high pressure liquid chromatography analysis under nondenaturing conditions indicates that M. caldariorum phytochrome has an apparent mass of 355 kDa. The absorption maxima for Pr and Pfr are 650 and 722 nm, respectively. Both are blue-shifted compared with those of phytochromes from dark-grown angiosperm tissue. The molar absorption coefficient for Pr at 650 nm is 86,800 +/- 2800 liter mol-1 cm-1, which is lower than that of higher plant phytochromes. The significance of the similarities and differences of the molecular properties of phytochromes from M. caldariorum and higher plant sources is discussed.  相似文献   

Chloroplast movement in the unicellular green alga Mesotaenium caldariorum is one of the earliest documented photomorphogenetic responses in plants. Photobiological studies have established that this response is under the control of phytochrome, whose rigid association with the plasma membrane and/or cytoskeleton enables the algal cells to orientate the chloroplast in response to the direction and intensity of light from the environment. While many of the key components of the algal phytochrome signalling pathway have been elucidated (i.e. Ca2+, calmodulin, actin and myosin), the primary biochemical mechanism of algal phytochrome action is unknown. To begin to address this important question, phytochrome and its corresponding genes have been isolated and characterized in this alga. These studies reveal that Mesotaenium cells contain a single type of phytochrome which is encoded by a small family of highly related genes. On the basis of its biochemical properties, primary structure and ability to interfere with the photoregulatory activity of phytochrome in transgenic plant seedlings, it appears likely that the primary mechanism of phytochrome action has been conserved throughout its evolution.  相似文献   

Polysaccharide analyses of mutants link several of the glycosyltransferases encoded by the 10 CesA genes of Arabidopsis to cellulose synthesis. Features of those mutant phenotypes point to particular genes depositing cellulose predominantly in either primary or secondary walls. We used transformation with antisense constructs to investigate the functions of CesA2 (AthA) and CesA3 (AthB), genes for which reduced synthesis mutants are not yet available. Plants expressing antisense CesA1 (RSW1) provided a comparison with a gene whose mutant phenotype (Rsw1(-)) points mainly to a primary wall role. The antisense phenotypes of CesA1 and CesA3 were closely similar and correlated with reduced expression of the target gene. Reductions in cell length rather than cell number underlay the shorter bolts and stamen filaments. Surprisingly, seedling roots were unaffected in both CesA1 and CesA3 antisense plants. In keeping with the mild phenotype compared with Rsw1(-), reductions in total cellulose levels in antisense CesA1 and CesA3 plants were at the borderline of significance. We conclude that CesA3, like CesA1, is required for deposition of primary wall cellulose. To test whether there were important functional differences between the two, we overexpressed CesA3 in rsw1 but were unable to complement that mutant's defect in CesA1. The function of CesA2 was less obvious, but, consistent with a role in primary wall deposition, the rate of stem elongation was reduced in antisense plants growing rapidly at 31 degrees C.  相似文献   

The subcellular localization and biochemical characterization of calcium transport were studied in the unicellular green alga Mesotaenium caldariorum. Membrane fractions prepared by osmotic lysis of Mesotaenium protoplasts exhibit high rates of ATP-dependent calcium uptake. Sucrose gradient centrifugation separates two pools of activity, which display specific activities for calcium transport as high as 15 nanomoles Ca2+ per minute per milligram of protein. Marker enzyme analysis shows that this dual distribution of calcium transport activity is similar to that of vanadate-insensitive ATPase and pyrophosphatase, activities considered to be associated with the tonoplast. Plasma membranes, endoplasmic reticulum vesicles, mitochondrial membranes, and thylakoids band at higher densities than either calcium transport fraction. Both pools of ATP-dependent calcium uptake contain two components which are not separable on sucrose gradients but can be distinguished on the basis of inhibitor sensitivity. One component is inhibited by nigericin or trimethyltin chloride (I50 values of 3 nanomolar and 4 micromolar, respectively), while the other component is vanadate sensitive (I50 of 25 micromolar). These results suggest that direct Ca2+ transport and Ca2+/H+ antiport activities are present in both sucrose gradient fractions.  相似文献   

Cellulose Synthesis Takes the CesA Train   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Representatives of the CesA multigene family that control the synthesis of the catalytic subunits of the cellulose synthase complex were described for a number of higher plants. It has been established that the HVR2 region of these genes is class-specific and determines the involvement of the gene product in the synthesis of either the primary or secondary cell wall. The purpose of the current research was to develop degenerate and specific primers for parts of the CesA genes to allow the construction of molecular markers for the class-specific HVR2 region. Two pairs of specific primers for the CesA-1 and CesA-6 genes as well as a pair of degenerate primers for the HVR2 region of all flax CesA genes were developed, based on analysis of the CesA ESTs as well as the full-length cDNA sequences of the CesA genes in Arabidopsis, poplar, maize, and cotton that are available in the GenBank. Fragments of the expected size were amplified using flax cDNA as a template (201 bp for CesA-1, 300 bp for CesA-6, and 600 bp for HVR2). The markers developed in this research can be used for CesA gene cloning and sequencing, analysis of gene copy numbers as well as characterization of tissue- and development specific gene expression.  相似文献   

Molecular Genetics and Genomics - When the green unicellular alga Chlamydomonas eugametos is grown under light/dark regimes, nuclear genes are periodically activated in response to the changes in...  相似文献   

The increasing focus on plantation forestry as a renewable source of cellulosic biomass has emphasized the need for tools to study the unique biology of woody genera such as Eucalyptus, Populus and Pinus. The domestication of these woody crops is hampered by long generation times, and breeders are now looking to molecular approaches such as marker-assisted breeding and genetic modification to accelerate tree improvement. Much of what is known about genes involved in the growth and development of plants has come from studies of herbaceous models such as Arabidopsis and rice. However, transferring this information to woody plants often proves difficult, especially for genes expressed in woody stems. Here we report the use of induced somatic sector analysis (ISSA) for characterization of promoter expression patterns directly in the stems of Populus and Eucalyptus trees. As a case study, we used previously characterized primary and secondary cell wall-related cellulose synthase (CesA) promoters cloned from Eucalyptus grandis. We show that ISSA can be used to elucidate the phloem and xylem expression patterns of the CesA genes in Eucalyptus and Populus stems and also show that the staining patterns differ in Eucalyptus and Populus stems. These findings show that ISSA is an efficient approach to investigate promoter function in the developmental context of woody plant tissues and raise questions about the suitability of heterologous promoters for genetic manipulation in plant species.  相似文献   

Specific plant cellulose synthases (CesA), encoded by a multigene family, are necessary for secondary wall synthesis in vascular tissues and are critical to wood production. We obtained full-length clones for the three CesAs that are highly expressed in developing xylem and examined their phylogenetic relationships and expression patterns in loblolly pine tissues. Full-length CesA clones were isolated from cDNA of developing loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) xylem and phylogenetic inferences made from plant CesA protein sequences. Expression of the three genes was examined by Northern blot analysis and semiquantitative RT-PCR. Each of three PtCesA genes is orthologous to one of the three angiosperm secondary cell wall CesAs. The PtCesAs are coexpressed in tissues of loblolly pine with tissues undergoing secondary cell wall biosynthesis showing the highest levels of expression. Phylogenetic and expression analyses suggest that functional roles for these loblolly pine CesAs are analogous to those of orthologs in angiosperm taxa. Based upon evidence from this and other studies, we suggest division of seed plant CesA genes into six major paralogous groups, each containing orthologs from various taxa. Available evidence suggests that paralogous CesA genes and their distinct functional roles evolved before the divergence of gymnosperm and angiosperm lineages.  相似文献   

The green microalga Apatococcus lobatus is widely distributed in terrestrial habitats throughout many climatic zones. It dominates green biofilms on natural and artificial substrata in temperate latitudes and is regarded as a key genus of obligate terrestrial consortia. Until now, its isolation, cultivation and application as a terrestrial model organism has been hampered by slow growth rates and low growth capacities. A mixotrophic culturing approach clearly enhanced the accumulation of biomass, thereby permitting the future application of A. lobatus in different types of bio‐assays necessary for material and biofilm research. The ability of A. lobatus to grow mixotrophically is assumed as a competitive advantage in terrestrial habitats.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The unbranched filamentous green alga Spirogyra (Streptophyta, Zygnemataceae) is easily recognizable based on its vegetative morphology, which shows one to several spiral chloroplasts. This simple structure falsely points to a low genetic diversity: Spirogyra is commonly excluded from phylogenetic analyses because the genus is known as a long-branch taxon caused by a high evolutionary rate. RESULTS: We focused on this genetic diversity and sequenced 130 Spirogyra small subunit nuclear ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) strands of different origin. The resulting SSU rDNA sequences were used for phylogenetic analyses using complex evolutionary models (posterior probability, maximum likelihood, neighbor joining, and maximum parsimony methods). The sequences were between 1672 and 1779 nucleotides long. Sequence comparisons revealed 53 individual clones, but our results still support monophyly of the genus. Our data set did not contain a single slow-evolving taxon that would have been placed on a shorter branch compared to the remaining sequences. Out of 130 accessions analyzed, 72 showed a.  相似文献   

Four cellulose synthase genes were identified by analysis of their class-specific regions (CSRII) in plants of fiber flax during the “rapid growth” stage. These genes were designated as LusCesA1, LusCesA4, LusCesA7 and LusCesA9. LusCesA4, LusCesA7, and LusCesA9 genes were expressed in the stem; LusCesA1 and LusCesA4 genes were expressed in the apex part of plants; and the LusCesA4 gene was expressed in the leaves of fiber flax. The expression of the LusCesA7 and LusCesA9 genes was specific to the stems of fiber flax. These genes may influence the quality of the flax fiber.  相似文献   

Wang SB  Hu Q  Sommerfeld M  Chen F 《Proteomics》2004,4(3):692-708
The green microalga Haematococcus pluvialis can synthesize and accumulate large amounts of the ketocarotenoid astaxanthin, and undergo profound changes in cell wall composition and architecture during the cell cycle and in response to environmental stresses. In this study, cell wall proteins (CWPs) of H. pluvialis were systematically analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) coupled with peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) and sequence-database analysis. In total, 163 protein bands were analyzed, which resulted in positive identification of 81 protein orthologues. The highly complex and dynamic composition of CWPs is manifested by the fact that the majority of identified CWPs are differentially expressed at specific stages of the cell cycle along with a number of common wall-associated 'housekeeping' proteins. The detection of cellulose synthase orthologue in the vegetative cells suggested that the biosynthesis of cellulose occurred during primary wall formation, in contrast to earlier observations that cellulose was exclusively present in the secondary wall of the organism. A transient accumulation of a putative cytokinin oxidase at the early stage of encystment pointed to a possible role in cytokinin degradation while facilitating secondary wall formation and/or assisting in cell expansion. This work represents the first attempt to use a proteomic approach to investigate CWPs of microalgae. The reference protein map constructed and the specific protein markers obtained from this study provide a framework for future characterization of the expression and physiological functions of the proteins involved in the biogenesis and modifications in the cell wall of Haematococcus and related organisms.  相似文献   

The cell cycle has been extensively studied in various organisms, and the recent access to an overwhelming amount of genomic data has given birth to a new integrated approach called comparative genomics. Comparing the cell cycle across species shows that its regulation is evolutionarily conserved; the best-known example is the pivotal role of cyclin-dependent kinases in all the eukaryotic lineages hitherto investigated. Interestingly, the molecular network associated with the activity of the CDK-cyclin complexes is also evolutionarily conserved, thus, defining a core cell cycle set of genes together with lineage-specific adaptations. In this paper, we describe the core cell cycle genes of Ostreococcus tauri, the smallest free-living eukaryotic cell having a minimal cellular organization with a nucleus, a single chloroplast, and only one mitochondrion. This unicellular marine green alga, which has diverged at the base of the green lineage, shows the minimal yet complete set of core cell cycle genes described to date. It has only one homolog of CDKA, CDKB, CDKD, cyclin A, cyclin B, cyclin D, cyclin H, Cks, Rb, E2F, DP, DEL, Cdc25, and Wee1. We have also added the APC and SCF E3 ligases to the core cell cycle gene set. We discuss the potential of genome-wide analysis in the identification of divergent orthologs of cell cycle genes in different lineages by mining the genomes of evolutionarily important and strategic organisms.  相似文献   

When the green unicellular alga Chlamydomonas eugametos is grown under light/dark regimes, nuclear genes are periodically activated in response to the changes in light conditions. These genetic responses are dependent upon the activation of genes associated with photosynthesis (LI616 and LI637), nonphotosynthetic photoreceptors (LI410 and LI818) and the biological clock (LI818). We report here that the LI410 and LI637 genes are part of a small gene family encoding hemoglobins (Hbs) related to those from two unicellular eukaryotes, the ciliated protozoa Paramecium caudatum and Tetrahymena pyriformis, and from the cyanobacterium Nostoc commune. Investigations of the intracellular localization of C. eugametos Hbs by means of immunogold electron microscopy indicate that these proteins are predominantly located in the chloroplast, particularly in the pyrenoid and the thylakoid region. To our knowledge, this constitutes the first evidence for the presence of Hbs in chloroplasts. Alignment of the LI637 cDNA nucleotide sequence with its corresponding genomic sequence indicates that the L1637 gene contains three introns, the positions of which are compared with those in the Hb genes of plants, animals and the ciliate P. caudatum. Although the LI637 gene possesses a three-intron/four-exon pattern similar to that of plant leghemoglobin genes, introns are inserted at different positions. Similarly the position of the single intron in the P. caudatum gene differs from the intron sites in the LI637 gene. The latter observations argue against the current view that all eukaryotic Hbs have evolved from a common ancestor having a gene structure identical to that of plant or animal Hbs.  相似文献   

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