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Inhibitory and stimulatory adenosine receptors have been identified and characterized in both membranes and intact rat C6 glioma cells. In membranes, saturation experiment performed with [3H]DPCPX, selective A1R antagonist, revealed a single binding site with a K D = 9.4 ± 1.4 nM and B max = 62.7 ± 8.6 fmol/mg protein. Binding of [3H]DPCPX in intact cell revealed a K D = 17.7 ± 1.3 nM and B max = 567.1 ± 26.5 fmol/mg protein. On the other hand, [3H]ZM241385 binding experiments revealed a single binding site population of receptors with K D = 16.5 ± 1.3 nM and B max = 358.9 ± 52.4 fmol/mg protein in intact cells, and K D = 4.7 ± 0.6 nM and B max = 74.3 ± 7.9 fmol/mg protein in plasma membranes, suggesting the presence of A2A receptor in C6 cells. A1, A2A, A2B and A3 adenosine receptors were detected by Western-blotting and immunocytochemistry, and their mRNAs quantified by real time PCR assays. Giα and Gsα proteins were also detected by Western-blotting and RT-PCR assays. Furthermore, selective A1R agonists inhibited forskolin- and GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity and CGS 21680 and NECA stimulated this enzymatic activity in C6 cells. These results suggest that C6 glioma cells endogenously express A1 and A2 receptors functionally coupled to adenylyl cyclase inhibition and stimulation, respectively, and suggest these cells as a model to study the role of adenosine receptors in tumoral cells.  相似文献   

Neonatal brain hypoxic ischemia (HI) often results in long-term motor and cognitive impairments. Post-ischemic inflammation greatly effects outcome and adenosine receptor signaling modulates both HI and immune cell function. Here, we investigated the influence of adenosine A1 receptor deficiency (A1R?/?) on key immune cell populations in a neonatal brain HI model. Ten-day-old mice were subjected to HI. Functional outcome was assessed by open locomotion and beam walking test and infarction size evaluated. Flow cytometry was performed on brain-infiltrating cells, and semi-automated analysis of flow cytometric data was applied. A1R?/? mice displayed larger infarctions (+33 %, p?<?0.05) and performed worse in beam walking tests (44 % more mistakes, p?<?0.05) than wild-type (WT) mice. Myeloid cell activation after injury was enhanced in A1R?/? versus WT brains. Activated B lymphocytes expressing IL-10 infiltrated the brain after HI in WT, but were less activated and did not increase in relative frequency in A1R?/?. Also, A1R?/? B lymphocytes expressed less IL-10 than their WT counterparts, the A1R antagonist DPCPX decreased IL-10 expression whereas the A1R agonist CPA increased it. CD4+ T lymphocytes including FoxP3+ T regulatory cells, were unaffected by genotype, whereas CD8+ T lymphocyte responses were smaller in A1R?/? mice. Using PCA to characterize the immune profile, we could discriminate the A1R?/? and WT genotypes as well as sham operated from HI-subjected animals. We conclude that A1R signaling modulates IL-10 expression by immune cells, influences the activation of these cells in vivo, and affects outcome after HI.  相似文献   

Sepsis is a generalized infection accompanied by response of the body that manifests in a clinical and laboratory syndrome, namely, in the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) from the organism to the infection. Although sepsis is a widespread and life-threatening disease, the assortment of drugs for its treatment is mostly limited by antibiotics. Therefore, the search for new cellular targets for drug therapy of sepsis is an urgent task of modern medicine and pharmacology. One of the most promising targets is the adenosine A2A receptor (A2AAR). The activation of this receptor, which is mediated by extracellular adenosine, manifests in almost all types of immune cells (lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells) and results in reducing the severity of inflammation and reperfusion injury in various tissues. The activation of adenosine A2A receptor inhibits the proliferation of T cells and production of proinflammatory cytokines, which contributes to the activation of the synthesis of anti-inflammatory cytokines, thereby suppressing the systemic response. For this reason, various selective A2AAR agonists and antagonists may be considered to be drug candidates for sepsis pharmacotherapy. Nevertheless, they remain only efficient ligands and objects of pre-clinical and clinical trials. This review examines the molecular mechanisms of inflammatory response in sepsis and the structure and functions of A2AAR and its role in the pathogenesis of sepsis, as well as examples of using agonists and antagonists of this receptor for the treatment of SIRS and sepsis.  相似文献   

Adenosine is a neuromodulator that operates via the most abundant inhibitory adenosine A1 receptors (A1Rs) and the less abundant, but widespread, facilitatory A2ARs. It is commonly assumed that A1Rs play a key role in neuroprotection since they decrease glutamate release and hyperpolarize neurons. In fact, A1R activation at the onset of neuronal injury attenuates brain damage, whereas its blockade exacerbates damage in adult animals. However, there is a down-regulation of central A1Rs in chronic noxious situations. In contrast, A2ARs are up-regulated in noxious brain conditions and their blockade confers robust brain neuroprotection in adult animals. The brain neuroprotective effect of A2AR antagonists is maintained in chronic noxious brain conditions without observable peripheral effects, thus justifying the interest of A2AR antagonists as novel protective agents in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons and Alzheimers disease, ischemic brain damage and epilepsy. The greater interest of A2AR blockade compared to A1R activation does not mean that A1R activation is irrelevant for a neuroprotective strategy. In fact, it is proposed that coupling A2AR antagonists with strategies aimed at bursting the levels of extracellular adenosine (by inhibiting adenosine kinase) to activate A1Rs might constitute the more robust brain neuroprotective strategy based on the adenosine neuromodulatory system. This strategy should be useful in adult animals and especially in the elderly (where brain pathologies are prevalent) but is not valid for fetus or newborns where the impact of adenosine receptors on brain damage is different.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to elucidate the distribution of calcium-independent phospholipase A2 (iPLA2) in the normal monkey brain. iPLA2 immunoreactivity was observed in structures derived from the telencephalon, including the cerebral neocortex, amygdala, hippocampus, caudate nucleus, putamen, and nucleus accumbens, whereas structures derived from the diencephalon, including the thalamus, hypothalamus and globus pallidus were lightly labeled. The midbrain, vestibular, trigeminal and inferior olivary nuclei, and the cerebellar cortex were densely labeled. Immunoreactivity was observed on the nuclear envelope of neurons, and dendrites and axon terminals at electron microscopy. Western blot analysis showed higher levels of iPLA2 protein in the cytosolic, than the nuclear fraction, but little or no protein in the membrane fraction. Similarly, subcellular fractionation studies of iPLA2 activity in rat brain cortical cell cultures showed greater enzymatic activity in the cytosolic, than the nuclear fraction, and the least activity in non-nuclear membranes. The association of iPLA2 with the nuclear envelope suggests a role of the enzyme in nuclear signaling, such as during neuronal proliferation and differentiation or death. In addition, the localization of iPLA2 in dendrites and axon terminals suggests a role of the enzyme in neuronal signaling.  相似文献   

(1) The serotonin1A receptor is a G-protein coupled receptor involved in several cognitive, behavioral, and developmental functions. It binds the neurotransmitter serotonin and signals across the membrane through its interactions with heterotrimeric G-proteins. (2) Lipid–protein interactions in membranes play an important role in the assembly, stability, and function of membrane proteins. The role of membrane environment in serotonin1A receptor function is beginning to be addressed by exploring the consequences of lipid manipulations on the ligand binding and G-protein coupling of serotonin1A receptors, the ability to functionally solubilize the serotonin1A receptor, and the factors influencing the membrane organization of the serotonin1A receptor. (3) Recent developments involving the application of detergent-based and detergent-free approaches to understand the membrane organization of the serotonin1A receptor under conditions of ligand activation and modulation of membrane lipid content, with an emphasis on membrane cholesterol, are described.  相似文献   

Adenosine can show anti-inflammatory as well as pro-inflammatory activities. The contribution of the specific adenosine receptor subtypes in various cells, tissues and organs is complex. In this study, we examined the effect of the adenosine A2A receptor agonist CGS 21680 and the A2BR antagonist PSB-1115 on acute inflammation induced experimentally by 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS) on rat ileum/jejunum preparations. Pre-incubation of the ileum/jejunum segments with TNBS for 30 min resulted in a concentration-dependent inhibition of acetylcholine (ACh)-induced contractions. Pharmacological activation of the A2AR with CGS 21680 (0.1–10 μM) pre-incubated simultaneously with TNBS (10 mM) prevented concentration-dependently the TNBS-induced inhibition of the ACh contractions. Stimulation of A2BR with the selective agonist BAY 60-6583 (10 μM) did neither result in an increase nor in a further decrease of ACh-induced contractions compared to the TNBS-induced inhibition. The simultaneous pre-incubation of the ileum/jejunum segments with TNBS (10 mM) and the selective A2BR antagonist PSB-1115 (100 μM) inhibited the contraction-decreasing effect of TNBS. The effects of the A2AR agonist and the A2BR antagonist were in the same range as the effect induced by 1 μM methotrexate. The combination of the A2AR agonist CGS 21680 and the A2BR antagonist PSB-1115 at subthreshold concentrations of both agents found a significant amelioration of the TNBS-diminished contractility. Our results demonstrate that the activation of A2A receptors or the blockade of the A2B receptors can prevent the inflammation-induced disturbance of the ACh-induced contraction in TNBS pre-treated small intestinal preparations. The combination of both may be useful for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A1 is a hydrolytic enzyme that catalyzes the removal of the acyl group from position 1 of glycerophospholipids to form 2-acyl lysophospholipids. Lysophospholipids are used in foods, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals as surfactants. Novel forms of phospholipase A1 that function at low temperatures are desirable for use in lipophilic systems in food processing. However, there is currently little variety in the available sources of phospholipase A1. Given this situation, we screened the intestinal contents of marine animals for phospholipase A1-producing bacteria. Colonies that formed a halo on K28CP screening medium and that grew in K28 medium were cultured in liquid K28 medium, and the supernatant was retrieved for analysis. Phosphatidylcholine was added to the culture supernatant, and the product of the reaction was analyzed by using TLC. For culture supernatants that were able to generate lysophosphatidylcholine, synthetic phosphatidylcholines were added, and the site of the reaction was determined by analyzing the fatty acid compositions of the lysophosphatidylcholines generated by GLC. A bacterial isolate from a flatfish, which we named HFKI0020, was found to have phospholipase A1 activity at low temperatures. We determined that the isolate HFKI0020 is closely related to Pseudomonas by using 16S rDNA sequence analysis and by characterizing the isolate with respect to its physiologic and biochemical properties. From the intestinal contents of a marine fish, we successfully isolated a bacterium that secretes phospholipase A1 that is active at low temperatures.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated the role of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and 5-HT1A receptor during liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy (PH) and N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) induced hepatocellular carcinoma in male Wistar rats. 5-HT content was significantly increased during liver regeneration after PH and NDEA induced hepatocellular carcinoma. Scatchard analysis using 8-OH-DPAT, a 5-HT1A specific agonist showed a decreased receptor during liver regeneration after PH and NDEA induced hepatocellular carcinoma. 5-HT when added alone to primary hepatocyte culture did not increase DNA synthesis but was able to increase the EGF mediated DNA synthesis and inhibit the TGFβ1 mediated DNA synthesis suppression in vitro. This confirmed the co-mitogenic activity of 5-HT. 8-OH-DPAT at a concentration of 10−4 M inhibited the basal and EGF-mediated DNA synthesis in primary hepatocyte cultures. It also suppressed the TGFβ1-mediated DNA synthesis suppression. This clearly showed that activated 5-HT1A receptor inhibited hepatocyte DNA synthesis. Our results suggest that decreased hepatic 5-HT1A receptor function during hepatocyte regeneration and neoplasia has clinical significance in the control of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Time-resolved FTIR difference spectroscopy has been used to study photosystem I (PSI) particles with three different benzoquinones [plastoquinone-9 (PQ), 2,6-dimethyl-1,4-benzoquinone (DMBQ), 2,3,5,6-tetrachloro-1,4-benzoquinone (Cl4BQ)] incorporated into the A1 binding site. If PSI samples are cooled in the dark to 77 K, the incorporated benzoquinones are shown to be functional, allowing the production of time-resolved (P700+A1??P700A1) FTIR difference spectra. If samples are subjected to repetitive flash illumination at room temperature prior to cooling, however, the time-resolved FTIR difference spectra at 77 K display contributions typical of the P700 triplet state (3P700), indicating a loss of functionality of the incorporated benzoquinones, that occurs because of double protonation of the incorporated benzoquinones. The benzoquinone protonation mechanism likely involves nearby water molecules but does not involve the terminal iron–sulfur clusters FA and FB. These results and conclusions resolve discrepancies between results from previous low-temperature FTIR and EPR studies on similar PSI samples with PQ incorporated.  相似文献   

The recent progress in knowledge on biochemical properties and functions of phospholipases A2 in plants paved the way for approving the suitability of these enzymes for commercial use now. The secreted phospholipases A2, representing one type of phospholipases A2 occurring in plants, show distinct differences in substrate specificities with respect to headgroup and acyl chains of the glycerophospholipids in comparison to their counterparts from animal sources. The other type of phospholipases A2 in plants, the patatin-related phospholipases A2, is characterized by broad substrate specificity. Accordingly, the unique properties of the plant enzymes open new horizons to engineered biocatalysts with improved performance, e.g., for vegetable oil refinement by degumming and for targeted modification of phospholipids. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The structure of the human A2A adenosine receptor has been elucidated by X-ray crystallography with a high affinity non-xanthine antagonist, ZM241385, bound to it. This template molecule served as a starting point for the incorporation of reactive moieties that cause the ligand to covalently bind to the receptor. In particular, we incorporated a fluorosulfonyl moiety onto ZM241385, which yielded LUF7445 (4-((3-((7-amino-2-(furan-2-yl)-[1, 2, 4]triazolo[1,5-a][1, 3, 5]triazin-5-yl)amino)propyl)carbamoyl)benzene sulfonyl fluoride). In a radioligand binding assay, LUF7445 acted as a potent antagonist, with an apparent affinity for the hA2A receptor in the nanomolar range. Its apparent affinity increased with longer incubation time, suggesting an increasing level of covalent binding over time. An in silico A2A-structure-based docking model was used to study the binding mode of LUF7445. This led us to perform site-directed mutagenesis of the A2A receptor to probe and validate the target lysine amino acid K153 for covalent binding. Meanwhile, a functional assay combined with wash-out experiments was set up to investigate the efficacy of covalent binding of LUF7445. All these experiments led us to conclude LUF7445 is a valuable molecular tool for further investigating covalent interactions at this receptor. It may also serve as a prototype for a therapeutic approach in which a covalent antagonist may be needed to counteract prolonged and persistent presence of the endogenous ligand adenosine.  相似文献   

Trimeresurus flavoviridis (Crotalinae) snakes inhabit the southwestern islands of Japan: Amami-Oshima, Tokunoshima, and Okinawa. Affinity and conventional chromatographies of Amami-Oshima T. flavoviridis venom led to isolation of a novel phospholipase A2 (PLA2). This protein was highly homologous (91%) in sequence to trimucrotoxin, a neurotoxic PLA2, which had been isolated from T. mucrosquamatus (Taiwan) venom, and exhibited weak neurotoxicity. This protein was named PLA-N. Its LD50 for mice was 1.34 µg/g, which is comparable to that of trimucrotoxin. The cDNA encoding PLA-N was isolated from both the Amami-Oshima and the Tokunoshima T. flavoviridis venom-gland cDNA libraries. Screening of the Okinawa T. flavoviridis venom-gland cDNA library with PLA-N cDNA led to isolation of the cDNA encoding one amino acid-substituted PLA-N homologue, named PLA-N(O), suggesting that interisland mutation occurred and that Okinawa island was separated from a former island prior to dissociation of Amami-Oshima and Tokunoshima islands. Construction of a phylogenetic tree of Crotalinae venom group II PLA2s based on the amino acid sequences revealed that neurotoxic PLA2s including PLA-N and PLA-N(O) form an independent cluster which is distant from other PLA2 groups such as PLA2 type, basic [Asp49]PLA2 type, and [Lys49]PLA2 type. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence of PLA-N cDNA with those of the cDNAs encoding other T. flavoviridis venom PLA2s showed that they have evolved in an accelerated manner. However, when comparison was made within the cDNAs encoding Crotalinae venom neurotoxic PLA2s, their evolutionary rates appear to be reduced to a level between accelerated evolution and neutral evolution. It is likely that ancestral genes of neurotoxic PLA2s evolved in an accelerated manner until they had acquired neurotoxic function and since then they have evolved with less frequent mutation, possibly for functional conservation. The nucleotide sequences reported in this paper are available from the GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ databases under accession numbers AB102728 and AB102729.  相似文献   

A new method of gibberellin A3 detection based on high-performance liquid chromatography has been elaborated. It combines high accuracy and low cost, and includes the following stages: fixation with liquid nitrogen; extraction of alcohol-soluble substances; purification with freezing, reextraction in ethyl acetate, and thin-layer chromatography; and detection with HPLC. Chromatographic conditions and methods of substance identification have been determined. The method allows the use of modest amounts of plant material (5–20 g), at which variability does not exceed 7%, and the total loss of substance is approximately 3%. The results of gibberellin A3 detection in buckwheat are presented.  相似文献   

The study of alcohol dependence mechanisms has been aided by work in rodents, where regimens of intermittent chronic administration with repeated episodes of intoxication and withdrawal can be coupled with controlled timing of in vitro studies and the possibility of relating them to behavior. The chronic intermittent ethanol (CIE) model in the rat has been found to be a good model of human alcohol dependence, showing persistent signs of withdrawal and self-administration. Studies in CIE rats suggest that plastic changes in GABA-mediated inhibition involving the GABAA receptor system may be responsible for the behavioral alterations. Here we summarize a combination of evidence that the alcoholic rat CIE model demonstrates changes in GABAA receptor subunit levels, in receptor localization, and in physiology and pharmacology, leading to alterations in behavior that contribute to the hyperexcitable alcohol withdrawal state (anxiety, insomnia, seizure susceptibility) and alcohol dependence. Special Issue dedicated to Dr. Simo S. Oja  相似文献   

We aim to investigate whether A2A/nitric oxide-mediated regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression is impaired in feto-placental endothelial cells from late-onset pre-eclampsia. Cultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and human placental microvascular endothelial cells (hPMECs) from normal and pre-eclamptic pregnancies were used. Assays by using small interference RNA (siRNA) for A2A were performed, and transfected cells were used for estimation of messenger RNA (mRNA) levels of VEGF, as well as for cell proliferation and angiogenesis in vitro. CGS-21680 (A2A agonist, 24 h) increases HUVEC and hPMEC proliferation in a dose response manner. Furthermore, similar to CGS-21680, the nitric oxide donor, S-nitroso-N-acetyl-penicillamine oxide (SNAP), increased cell proliferation in a dose response manner (logEC50 10?9.2 M). In hPMEC, CGS-21680 increased VEGF protein levels in both normal (~1.5-fold) and pre-eclamptic pregnancies (~1.2-fold), an effect blocked by the A2A antagonist, ZM-241385 (10?5 M) and the inhibitor of NO synthase, N ω-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride (L-NAME). Subsequently, SNAP partially recovered cell proliferation and in vitro angiogenesis capacity of cells from normal pregnancies exposed to siRNA for A2A. CGS-21680 also increased (~1.5-fold) the level of VEGF mRNA in HUVEC from normal pregnancies, but not in pre-eclampsia. Additionally, transfection with siRNA for A2A decrease (~30 %) the level of mRNA for VEGF in normal pregnancy compared to untransfected cells, an effect partially reversed by co-incubation with SNAP. The A2A-NO-VEGF pathway is present in endothelium from microcirculation and macrocirculation in both normal and pre-eclamptic pregnancies. However, NO signaling pathway seems to be impaired in HUVEC from pre-eclampsia.  相似文献   

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