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Contractions of intact rat aortic rings induced by endothelin were totally inhibited by the amiloride analogue dichlorobenzamil (DCB) at concentrations known to block Na-Ca exchange (IC50 = 30 microM). Amiloride (100 microM) was ineffective. Ca-channel blockers and a K-channel opener elicited only partial inhibition. These results could indicate that the Na-Ca exchanger plays an important role in endothelin-induced contractions. Endothelin, however, had no effect on the kinetics of the exchanger, and, in addition, contractions also occurred in Na-depleted vessels. The endothelin-induced contractions produced by Ca release from intracellular pools were also completely inhibited by DCB. In fact, the latter compound was found to block contractions induced by Ca itself in the presence of Ca ionophore or detergent. We conclude that DCB acts directly on Ca-induced activation of myofilaments in smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Incubation of spontaneously beating ventricular cardiomyocytes from neonatal rats with prostaglandin E(2) (0.1 microM) or forskolin (0.1 microM) simultaneously increased the rate of cellular contraction and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) secretion. Both responses were maximal within 10-20 min of application and were accompanied by three- to fourfold increases in cAMP formation. By contrast, a higher regimen of forskolin (10 microM) promoted a 20- to 30-fold increase in basal cAMP production, which was accompanied by the abolition of contractile activity and ANP release. Low regimens of forskolin (0.1 microM) doubled the occurrence of cytosolic Ca(2+) transients associated with monolayer contraction, whereas higher regimens of forskolin (10 microM) completely suppressed Ca(2+) transients. Moreover, in quiescent cultures that were pretreated with ryanodine, tetrodotoxin, nifedipine, or butanedione monoxime, prostaglandin E(2) (0.1 microM) and forskolin (0.1 microM) failed to elicit significant ANP secretion, suggesting that cAMP-elevating agents promote ANP secretion to a great extent via an increase in cellular contraction frequency in ventricular cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

Effects of prostacyclin and carbacyclins on endothelin-induced DNA synthesis were investigated in vascular smooth muscle cells. DNA synthesis was estimated by [3H]thymidine incorporation. Five carbacyclins used in this report were 5-[(1S, 5S, 6R, 7R)-7-hydroxy-6-[(E)-(S)-3-hydroxy-1-octenyl]bicyclo [3.3.0]oct-2-en-3-yl) pentanoic acid (TEI-7165), methyl 5-[(1S, 5S, 6R, 7R)-7-hydroxy-6-[(E)-(S)-3-hydroxy-1-octenyl]bicyclo[3.3.0]oct-2-en-3- yl]pentanoate (TEI-9090), 5-[(1S, 5S, 6R, 7R)-7-hydroxy-6-[(E)-(3S, 5S)-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-1-nonenyl]bicyclo[3.3.0]oct-2-en-3-yl)penta noic acid (TEI-9063), methyl 5-[(1S, 5S, 6R, 7R)-7-hydroxy-6-[(E)-(3S, 5S)-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-1- nonenyl]bicyclo[3.3.0]oct-2-en-3-yl)pentanoate (TEI-1324), 5-[(1S, 5S, 6R, 7R)-7-hydroxy-6-[(E)-(S)-4-hydroxy-4-methyl-1- octenyl]bicyclo[3.3.0]oct-2-en-3-yl] pentanoic acid (TEI-3356). Prostacyclin and the carbacyclins inhibited the endothelin-induced DNA synthesis within the nanomolar range. These results suggest that prostacyclin and carbacyclins are possibly effective in inhibiting the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells under some situations in vivo.  相似文献   

High-voltage-activated (HVA) calcium channels are known to be the primary source of calcium for glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. However, few studies have investigated how these channels can be regulated by chronically elevated levels of glucose. In the present study, we determined the level of expression of the four major HVA calcium channels (N-type, P/Q-type, L(C)-type, and L(D)-type) in rat pancreatic beta-cells. Using quantitative real-time PCR (QRT-PCR), we found the expression of all four HVA genes in rat insulinoma cells (INS-1) and in primary isolated rat islet cells. We then determined the role of each channel in insulin secretion by using channel-selective antagonists. Insulin secretion analysis revealed that N- and L-type channels are both involved in immediate glucose-induced insulin secretion. However, L-type was preferentially coupled to secretion at later time points. P/Q-type channels were not found to play a role in insulin secretion at any stage. It was also found that long-term exposure to elevated glucose increases basal calcium in these cells. Interestingly, chronically elevated glucose decreased the mRNA expression of the channels involved with insulin secretion and diminished the level of stimulated calcium influx in these cells. Using whole cell patch clamp, we found that N- and L-type channel currents increase gradually subsequent to lower intracellular calcium perfusion, suggesting that these channels may be regulated by glucose-induced changes in calcium.  相似文献   

The relationships of the electrical to the mechanical responses of the canine trachealis muscle during stimulation of its cholinergic nerves or exposure to exogenous acetylcholine were recorded in the single or the double sucrose gap. At 27 degrees C, the responses to a train of stimuli consisted of a transient depolarization excitatory junction potential of 10-30 mV followed by fading oscillations and contractions. When stimulus parameters were varied in the single sucrose gap, contractions were more closely associated with the occurrence of and varied in duration with the oscillations rather than with the amplitude of the EJP. Acetylcholine superfused at a concentration of 10(-6) M for 30 s caused a prolonged depolarization of 10-20 mV, but a much larger contraction than could be elicited by nerve stimulation. None of the responses to acetylcholine was significantly affected by the Ca channel antagonists, nifedipine, nitrendipine, or verapamil in Ca channel blocking concentrations. When tissues were exposed to a Ca-free medium, the excitatory junction potentials and oscillations rapidly disappeared, but the electrical and mechanical responses to acetylcholine persisted and only gradually disappeared with repetitive exposures. Furthermore, in a medium with normal Ca2+ in the double sucrose gap, depolarization by 10-15 mV with an applied current caused no contraction, and repolarization to the normal membrane potential during acetylcholine-induced contraction caused no relaxation. Tetraethylammonium ion (20 mM) depolarized the membrane, increased membrane resistance, and enhanced the secondary oscillations and contractions after field stimulation. No other K(+)-channel blocker tested (Ba2+, apamin, 4-aminopyridine, glibenclamide, charybdotoxin) had the effect of prolonging secondary oscillations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the isolated vascularly perfused rat duodenojejunum, vascular infusion of bombesin (100 nM) provoked an early, transient (6 min) release of CCK (500% of basal), followed by a sustained response (400% of basal). The calcium chelator EGTA (2 mM) reduced the early peak and abolished the second phase of CCK release. A similar variation was evoked by verapamil (10 μM), whereas diltiazem (100 μM), nifedipine (50 μM), and ω-conotoxin (100 nM) had no significant effect. It is concluded that bombesin-induced CCK release from rat intestine is dependent on the availability of extracellular calcium and on the activation of calcium channels sensitive to blockers of the phenylalkylamine family.  相似文献   

The effects of endothelin on intracellular calcium concentrations ([Ca2+i]) in primary cultures of bovine adrenal chromaffin cells (BAM) were measured using Fura 2. Endothelin had minimal effects on [Ca2+i] over a broad dose range (1 nM to 1 microM). However, in conjunction with K+ depolarization there was a synergistic increase in [Ca2+i]. This effect was dependent on extracellular calcium as was the response to KCl alone. A partial synergistic effect was evident with endothelin and nicotinic stimulation. The effects of endothelin and angiotensin II on [Ca2+i] are only additive. Blockade of voltage sensitive calcium channels failed to alter the synergistic effects. Our results indicate that endothelin influences BAM calcium mobilization through sites regulated by membrane depolarization but differing from traditional voltage sensitive calcium channels.  相似文献   

C M Moriarty 《Life sciences》1978,23(3):185-194
It is now accepted by most investigators that the initial action of most peptide hormones involves an interaction with a specific receptor on (or in) the plasma membrane of the target cell. A cascade of intracellular events results and culminates in the physiological response characteristic of the interaction of the particular hormone with its target cell. The regulation of hormone release from the adenohypophysis by the hypothalamic releasing hormones is presumed to occur via a similar process. The nature of the interaction at the cell surface as well as the details and sequence of the subsequent intracellular events are largely unknown. We do know, however, that two of the key factors regulating the intracellular secretory machinery in most cells are 1) the adenylate cyclase — cyclic AMP — protein kinase system and 2) the divalent cation, calcium. Since there have been several recent reviews (1–3) which have covered the role of the cyclic nucleotides in pituitary hormone secretion, this discussion will be restricted to a consideration of the regulatory role played by calcium.As was the case with tissues, the early work regarding calcium and the adenohypophysis followed the pattern of determining the ability of secretagogues to release pituitary hormones subsequent to various manipulations designed to remove what was often implicity considered to be extracellular calcium.  相似文献   

Platelet activation and prostacyclin release in essential hypertension.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To evaluate platelet activation thromboxane A2 (TxA2) and beta-thromboglobulin (beta TG) were used as markers and in addition we studied the biosynthesis of prostacyclin. Synthesis of TxA2 and prostacyclin was assessed by measurement of urinary metabolites. Fifteen untreated hypertensive patients (HT) and 15 age-matched normotensive controls (NT) were investigated at rest, during and after exercise. HT patients were re-examined after 3 months on enalapril. During basal conditions there was no difference in the excretion of Tx-M, PGI-M or beta TG between the groups. During strenuous exercise HT exhibit a significantly higher increase in prostacyclin synthesis (162%) compared to NT (76%). The levels of beta TG increased with 82% in the HT and 24% in the NT group, Tx-M increased with 27% and 23% respectively. Treatment with the ACE-inhibitor enalapril did not significantly alter these findings. These results indicate that there is no evidence of basal platelet activation in early essential hypertension. Strenuous exercise leads to some increase in Tx-M in both groups, with no pronounced differences between the groups. Hypertensive patients exhibit a significantly increased prostacyclin response to exercise which could be due to differences in vessel-wall reactivity. Enalapril seems to exert no effect on platelet activation or on prostacyclin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Anti-IgE, con A or antigen caused an increase in the intracellular calcium concentration, [Ca2+]i, of mast cells. The increase occurred in two stages: a rapid initial rise caused by Ca-mobilization from intracellular Ca-stores and a second sustained rise caused by an influx of extracellular calcium (White, J.R., Pluznik, D.V., Ishizaka, K. & Ishizaka, T. (1985) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82, 8193-8197). The rapid initial rise was followed by a release of histamine, which seemed to coincide with the second rise. A23187 and compound 48/80 induced a rapid initial rise in [Ca2+]i, followed by a gradual decrease in [Ca2+]i, GMCHA-OPhBut, a specific pH 7 tryptase inhibitor (Muramatu, M., Ito, T., Takei, M. & Endo, K. (1988) Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 369, 617-625), strongly inhibited both the initial and second rises of [Ca2+]i, as well as histamine release by these secretagogues, and its effects on the initial rise were closely correlated with those on histamine release. Addition of GMCHA-OPhBut immediately after the initial rise strongly inhibited the second rise, thereby decreasing the final [Ca2+]i. These results strongly suggested a possible involvement of pH 7 tryptase, not only in Ca-mobilization leading to the initial rise in [Ca2+]i, but also in the second rise. Trapping of extracellular calcium by 3mM EGTA decreased both the initial rise in [Ca2+]i and histamine secretion induced by anti-IgE or con A; the magnitude of this effect depended on the time between induction and EGTA addition. Histamine release was closely correlated with the initial rise in [Ca2+]i. Similar results were obtained with A23187, but even 5 min after the addition of EGTA an initial rise of [Ca2+]i could still be induced, and histamine (30% of total histamine) was still released. However, A23187 did not induce a rise in [Ca2+]i in mast cells which had been exhaustively washed with Tyrode/Hepes solution containing 3mM EGTA, followed by suspension in the same solution. Even at 20 min after depletion of the extracellular calcium, compound 48/80 still caused an initial rise in [Ca2+]i to above half the maximal value, and histamine secretion was even less affected. The above results indicated that the initial rise in [Ca2+]i, due to Ca-mobilization, correlates with the histamine release promoted by the secretagogues described. On the other hand, isoproterenol strongly induced histamine secretion with no change of [Ca2+]i, while EGTA treatment prior to isoproterenol stimulation had no effect on histamine release, indicating a different secretion mechanism.  相似文献   

Treatment of newborn rat calvaria discs with a variety of unsaturated fatty acids led to a 50% enhancement of calcium uptake. Arachidonic acid was effective at lower concentrations than cis-vaccenic or oleic acid, while trans-vaccenic acid and saturated fatty acids did not enhance calcium uptake. Cyclooxygenase inhibitors indomethacin and acetylsalicylic acid abolished the enhancement of calcium uptake seen in response to cis-vaccenic acid and inhibited calcium uptake by otherwise untreated bones. Prostacyclin was found to produce up to 2 fold stimulation of calcium uptake with an EC50 of approximately 0.1 microM. No statistically significant stimulation of calcium uptake was seen in response to PGE2 or PGE1 alpha up to 25 microM, while slight stimulation was produced by 6-keto PGE1 alpha but only at concentrations of 10 microM. Prostacyclin production by calvaria was demonstrated and was stimulated over 50% by cis-vaccenic acid. These results suggest that not only is enhanced prostacyclin production responsible for elevation of calcium uptake in response to unsaturated fatty acids, but also that prostacyclin may be an important regulator of bone calcium homeostasis.  相似文献   

C J Duncan 《Cell calcium》1983,4(3):171-193
Calcium ions have a key role in triggering the release of packaged transmitter at the amphibian neuromuscular junction and of the chromaffin granules at the adrenal medulla. It is suggested that (i) proteins on the vesicle and plasma membranes are of particular importance in promoting membrane fusion and exocytosis (ii) they may be divalent cation-stimulated ATPases, which form the calcium-binding sites or have a specific calcium-binding protein in close molecular apposition (iii) these ATPases in synaptic vesicles and chromaffin granules also generate a protonmotive force which is associated with the uptake of transmitter (iv) the osmotic properties of the vesicle may be important during fission, but it is not suggested that chemiosmotic effects are involved in Ca2+-triggered fusion (v) the action of calcium is markedly co-operative (vi) the adrenal medullary cell and the n.m.j. may differ in the Ca2+-binding site; there is evidence for the involvement of calmodulin in granule-plasmalemma fusion in the chromaffin cells, but not at present (surprisingly) for a role of this Ca2+-binding protein at the n.m.j. (vii) exocytosis requires MgATP (viii) phosphorylation of the ATPase may well be involved; phosphorylation via cAMP does not seem to be involved in fusion in either system (ix) the ATPase may undergo configurational changes during exocytosis and is markedly sensitive to the physical state of its phospholipid environment and to the oxidation of its -SH groups.  相似文献   

Bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells, in serum-free culture medium, release small quantities of prostacyclin and thromboxane A2 (3-10 and 0.1-0.3 ng/ml; measured as immunoreactive 6-ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha and thromboxane B2, respectively). The release of these substances is stimulated by up to 20-fold during a 3 min incubation with the vasodilator, bradykinin (Arg1-Pro2-Pro3-Gly4-Phe5-Ser6-Pro7-Phe8-Arg9). Endothelial cells incubated with [3H]arachidonic acid for 24 h and then exposed to bradykinin for 3 min release 3H into the medium, approximately 65% of which co-chromatographs with 6-ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha and 3% with thromboxane B2. The effects of bradykinin are dose-related and are often discernible when the hormone is used at concentrations believed to occur physiologically (10 pg/ml; approximately 10 pM). Furthermore, the bradykinin molecule must be intact: none of its lower homologs affects the release of prostacyclin, thromboxane A2, or 3H unless used at concentrations (1 microM or higher) unlikely to be achieved in vivo. The release appears to involve calcium uptake and calmodulin: it is abolished by EGTA (5 mM) and inhibited by the 'slow channel' calcium antagonists, verapamil and nifedipine (10-100 microM), and by the calmodulin inhibitor, trifluoperazine (3-30 microM). Our findings suggest that bradykinin exerts some of its hormonal effects by acting on specific receptors possessed by vascular endothelial cells; receptor activation is associated with calcium transport, arachidonate mobilization, and a selective synthesis of prostacyclin, a vasodilator in its own right.  相似文献   

Summary The two closely related soluble zinc metalloendopeptidases EC (EP24.15) and EC (EP24.16) readily hydrolyze the vasocative peptide bradykinin in vitro, and therefore may play a role in cardiovascular regulation. Although primarily soluble cytosolic enzymes, both secreted and membrane-associated forms of both peptidases have been reported. However, these enzymes have neither a transmembrane domain nor a signal sequence; thus, the mechanisms of membrane anchoring and secretion are unknown. In the present study, secreted/released EP24.15 and EP24.16 activity from aortic endothelial cells in culture was assessed by the cleavage of a specific quenched fluorescent substrate. An increase in enzyme activity released from endothelial cells, which express both peptidases, was seen following incubation with calcium-free media. In the AtT-20 endocrine cell (mouse pituitary corticotrope), which predominantly expresses EP24.15, the release of activity into media was unaffected by calcium removal. The release of enzyme activity from endothelial cells was inversely proportional to calcium concentrations ranging between 0.01 mM (activity equivalent to calcium-free media) and 0.5 mM (activity equivalent to normal media). Cleavage of the EP24.16-specific substrate AcNT8–13 indicated that the increase in enzyme activity released upon incubation with calcium-free medium was due at least in part to the release of EP24.16. These results suggest that EP24.15 and EP24.16 are secreted from endothelial cells, and that removal of calcium selectively enhances the release of EP24.16 by an as yet unknown mechanism.  相似文献   

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