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Ethnobotany of the Rama of Southeastern Nicaragua and Comparisons with Miskitu Plant Lore. The Rama are one of the three Amerindian groups of eastern Nicaragua. This is the first systematic study of Rama ethnobotany. A total of 249 plant species, in 190 genera and 78 families, were documented as useful. Included are 190 species used as medicinals, 80 as food plants, and 99 for other uses. The ethnobotanical lore of two distinct indigenous groups, the Rama and Miskitu, were compared. Out of 249 species used by the Rama, 171, or 69%, were used by both groups, and 78 unique species were used by the Rama. These results have important implications for the understanding of ethnobotany as they demonstrate how unrelated indigenous groups sharing the same ecosystem, though separated by some physical distance, can have significantly similar ethnobotanical lore.
Resumen   Etnobotánica de los Ramas del Oriente Nicaragüense y Comparasiones con el Saber Etnobotánico de los Miskitus. Los Ramas constituyen uno de los tres grupos Amerindios del oriente Nicaragüense. Este es el primer studio sistemático de la etnobotánica Rama. Se documentó un total de 249 especies de plantas útiles en 190 géneros y 78 familias. Incluyendo 190 especies medicinales, 80 especies alimenticias y 99 especies para usos auxiliares. La erudición etnobotánica de los Ramas y los Miskitus fueron comparados. Un total de 171 de 249 especies documentadas son usados por ambos grupos y 78 especies solo por los Ramas. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones importantes para el entendimiento de la etnobotánica porque demuestran que grupos sin parentesco alguno que comparten el mismo ecosistema aunque separados por cierta distancia pueden tener una similitud significativa en la erudición etnobotánica.

Madagascar's palm flora is very diverse (171 species) and has a high degree of endemism (97%). Palm products make an important contribution to the household economy of many rural families, especially in the palm-rich eastern escarpments. Many palms are, however, threatened by overexploitation and habitat destruction. We investigated which palm species were found and used in three villages on the eastern escarpments of Madagascar. The importance local people accorded to each species was compared to the number of its uses, number of people using it, and other aspects of its use. From this comparison it was concluded that even if important palms are used for more purposes than less important palms, they owe their importance to one or two of their main uses. We also investigated if there were any patterns in the distribution of informants' knowledge and whether such patterns could be related to socio-economic factors. There was a positive relationship between knowledge about palms and personal wealth and a negative relationship between distance to the forest and amount of knowledge. The latter can be a sign of an ongoing knowledge erosion. Sustainable use of native palms should be encouraged as it may contribute positively to village economy and knowledge preservation, and may provide incentives for preservation of remaining forest tracts.  相似文献   

实时荧光定量PCR技术被广泛应用于实验研究、临床检测中。与普通的PCR相比,实时荧光定量PCR技术具有特异性强、灵敏度高、重复性好、定量准确、速度快、全封闭反应等优点。我们综述了实时荧光定量PCR技术的原理、定量方法,及其在传染性疾病检测研究中的应用。  相似文献   

The use of vegetables in two rural communities in Burkina Faso is quantified through the use of food diaries kept by 13 households during one year. Interviews on preferences, field registration, and a market survey supplement the diaries. The use of wild species is concentrated onParkia biglobosa, Corchorus spp.,Adansonia digitata, andBombax costatum. At least five other wild species are mentioned as important but very rarely occur in the diet, indicating the usefulness of diaries compared to interviews.Capsicum frutescens, Abelmoschus esculentus, Allium cepa, andSolanum lycopersicon are the most commonly used cultivated species. Wild vegetables constitute 35% and 59% of the total vegetable consumption in the two communities. Most products are highly seasonal in supply and prices vary accordingly. Households compensate for the seasonality by drying products, but stocks are often insufficient and vegetable purchases needed. Many of the vegetable species studied should be integrated in agricultural research and extension programs.  相似文献   

On both theoretical and practical grounds, respect for, and inclusion of, local decision-making processes is advocated in conservation, yet little is known about the conservation priorities on local territories. We employed interviews and ecological inventories in two villages in order to (1) evaluate the local perception of the conservation status of important plant resources; (2) compare patterns of plant use; and (3) compare perceived conservation status with population structure and abundance in the field. One-third of the 35 species examined were perceived to be threatened or declining. These were predominantly used locally for construction or sold commercially, but were not necessarily rare in the field. The destructiveness of harvest was the most consistent predictor of conservation status in both villages. Contrasting patterns were found in the two villages for the frequency of plant harvest and the relationship of this variable with conservation status. We suggest that local knowledge is an efficient means to rapidly assess the status of a large number of species, whereas population structure analysis provides an initial evaluation of the impact of harvest for selected species.
Conservación de Plantas útiles: Una Evaluación de Prioridades Locales en dos Localidades del Este de Panamá
Resumen  Tanto desde una perspectiva teórica como práctica el respeto e inclusión de los procesos locales de toma de decisiones es una forma en que la conservación puede ser promovida. Sin embargo, poco se sabe sobre las prioridades de conservación en territorios indígenas. En el presente estudio se emplearon entrevistas e inventarios ecológicos en dos localidades indígenas para (1) evaluar la percepción de los habitantes locales sobre el estado de conservación de recursos vegetales importantes; (2) comparar los patrones de uso de plantas; y (3) comparar la percepción del estado de conservación con la estructura de las poblaciones y la abundancia de las especies en el campo. Una tercera parte de las 35 especies estudiadas fueron percibidas como amenazadas o en proceso de declinación. Se trata de plantas utilizadas principalmente como materiales de construcción o que aportan productos que son comercializados, pero que no son necesariamente escasas en el campo. En ambas localidades la variable que predijo el estado de conservación de forma más consistente fue el grado de destrucción de las plantas asociado a las prócticas de cosecha. Encontramos patrones contrastantes entre las dos localidades con respecto a la frecuencia de cosecha y ala relación de esta variable con el estado de conservación de las plantas. Sugerimos que el uso de conocimientos locales es una forma eficiente de evaluar con rapidez el estado de un gran número de especies, en tanto que el análisis de la estructura de poblaciones aporta una evaluación inicial sobre el impacto de la cosecha para algunas especies de inters’e.

Body shape variation is integrally related to many aspects of fish ecology, including locomotion and foraging, and can indicate the functional diversity of fish assemblages. Few studies have thoroughly characterized body shape in a diverse marine fish clade, or investigated both temporal and spatial patterns of variation in body shape disparity. Here, I use digital photographs to measure geometric body shape in 66 species of north‐east Pacific rockfish (Sebastes spp.), including a correction for error introduced by arching of specimens. Different components of interspecific shape variation show associations with fish size, depth habitat, trophic niche and phylogenetic relationships. Overall, the accumulation of body shape disparity appears to have been near‐constant over time, and shows little variation across the latitudinal range of rockfish.  相似文献   

Pterosaurs are an extinct group of Mesozoic flying reptiles, whose fossil record extends from approximately 210 to 66 million years ago. They were integral components of continental and marginal marine ecosystems, yet their diets remain poorly constrained. Numerous dietary hypotheses have been proposed for different pterosaur groups, including insectivory, piscivory, carnivory, durophagy, herbivory/frugivory, filter‐feeding and generalism. These hypotheses, and subsequent interpretations of pterosaur diet, are supported by qualitative (content fossils, associations, ichnology, comparative anatomy) and/or quantitative (functional morphology, stable isotope analysis) evidence. Pterosaur dietary interpretations are scattered throughout the literature with little attention paid to the supporting evidence. Reaching a robustly supported consensus on pterosaur diets is important for understanding their dietary evolution, and their roles in Mesozoic ecosystems. A comprehensive examination of the pterosaur literature identified 314 dietary interpretations (dietary statement plus supporting evidence) from 126 published studies. Multiple alternative diets have been hypothesised for most principal taxonomic pterosaur groups. Some groups exhibit a high degree of consensus, supported by multiple lines of evidence, while others exhibit less consensus. Qualitative evidence supports 87.3% of dietary interpretations, with comparative anatomy most common (62.1% of total). More speciose groups of pterosaur tend to have a greater range of hypothesised diets. Consideration of dietary interpretations within alternative phylogenetic contexts reveals high levels of consensus between equivalent monofenestratan groups, and lower levels of consensus between equivalent non‐monofenestratan groups. Evaluating the possible non‐biological controls on apparent patterns of dietary diversity reveals that numbers of dietary interpretations through time exhibit no correlation with patterns of publication (number of peer‐reviewed publications through time). 73.8% of dietary interpretations were published in the 21st century. Overall, consensus interpretations of pterosaur diets are better accounted for by non‐biological signals, such as the impact of the respective quality of the fossil record of different pterosaur groups on research levels. That many interpretations are based on qualitative, often untestable lines of evidence adds significant noise to the data. More experiment‐led pterosaur dietary research, with greater consideration of pterosaurs as organisms with independent evolutionary histories, will lead to more robust conclusions drawn from repeatable results. This will allow greater understanding of pterosaur dietary diversity, disparity and evolution and facilitate reconstructions of Mesozoic ecosystems.  相似文献   

目的:在建立转基因小鼠模型时,外源基因拷贝数是影响其表达水平和遗传稳定性的重要因素之一。外源基因拷贝数的精确测定,是建立转基因动物模型的重要环节。方法:合成cagA基因和内参基因GAPDH的引物,用标准曲线法测得cagA和GAPDH基因的扩增效率分别为97.6%和98.6%;将128拷贝阴性小鼠基因组和128拷贝c0鲥打靶质粒的混合物作为参照样品,取6只来自同一母本的F2阳性小鼠的128拷贝基因组作为待测样品;选取GAPDH作为内源参照基因,用比较Ct法对待测样品进行定量。结果:经计算,6只待测小鼠的cagA基因拷贝数平均值为8。结论:利用实时荧光定量PCR仪,呆用改良后的比较Ct法对转基因小鼠的外源基因拷贝数进行了精确测定。  相似文献   

The importance of the environment in shaping phenotypic evolution lies at the core of evolutionary biology. Chipmunks of the genus Tamias (subgenus Neotamias) are part of a very recent radiation, occupying a wide range of environments with marked niche partitioning among species. One open question is if and how those differences in environments affected phenotypic evolution in this lineage. Herein we examine the relative importance of genetic drift versus natural selection in the origin of cranial diversity exhibited by clade members. We also explore the degree to which variation in potential selective agents (environmental variables) are correlated with the patterns of morphological variation presented. We found that genetic drift cannot explain morphological diversification in the group, thus supporting the potential role of natural selection as the predominant evolutionary force during Neotamias cranial diversification, although the strength of selection varied greatly among species. This morphological diversification, in turn, was correlated with environmental conditions, suggesting a possible causal relationship. These results underscore that extant Neotamias represent a radiation in which aspects of the environment might have acted as the selective force driving species’ divergence.  相似文献   

Many studies show agreement within and between cultures for general judgements of facial attractiveness. Few studies, however, have examined the attractiveness of specific traits and few have examined preferences in hunter-gatherers. The current study examined preferences for symmetry in both the UK and the Hadza, a hunter-gatherer society of Tanzania. We found that symmetry was more attractive than asymmetry across both the cultures and was more strongly preferred by the Hadza than in the UK. The different ecological conditions may play a role in generating this difference. Such variation in preference may be adaptive if it reflects adaptation to local conditions. Symmetry is thought to indicate genetic quality, which may be more important among the Hadza with much higher mortality rates from birth onwards. Hadza men who were more often named as good hunters placed a greater value on symmetry in female faces. These results suggest that high quality Hadza men are more discriminating in their choice of faces. Hadza women had increased preferences for symmetry in men's faces when they were pregnant or nursing, perhaps due to their increased discrimination and sensitivity to foods and disease harmful to a foetus or nursing infant. These results imply that symmetry is an evolutionarily relevant trait and that variation in symmetry preference appears strategic both between cultures and within individuals of a single culture.  相似文献   

目的:与定量比值法比较,探讨全自动直接定量法检测红细胞葡糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶(G-6-PD)活性的可行性。方法:同时采用定量比值法(即硝基四氮唑蓝定量法)和全自动直接定量法,检测219例肝素抗凝静脉血标本的红细胞G-6-PD活性。结果:定量比值法检测G-6-PD缺乏的阳性率为9.13%,全自动直接定量法检测的G-6-PD缺乏阳性率为9.58%,两种方法检测结果无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:定量比值法简单易行,适用于卫生条件有限的基层医疗单位;全自动直接定量法快速准确,是一种可批量检测的理想筛选方法。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:建立一种快速、灵敏的方法检测人源异种移植模型(Patient-Derived tumor Xenograft,PDX)中小鼠细胞的浸润比例,以确保PDX模型的保真性。方法:选择人和小鼠的特异性基因PSMB2、Ren 2的部分区段设计引物和探针,利用多重荧光定量PCR(TaqMan探针法)在单管中检测PDX模型中小鼠-人细胞的相对量。另外,构建了不同浸润比例的标准品作为阳性对照,根据标准曲线进行样本比例计算。结果:建立了一种多重荧光定量PCR检测PDX模型小鼠细胞浸润比例的检测方案,该方案显示,PDX模型中不同比例的人鼠混合样本与△Ct值(Ct(小鼠)-Ct(人))之间线性关系良好,相关系数r2为0.9998。利用该方法对14个样本进行检测,结果表明在绝大部分样本中小鼠细胞的比例低于30.00%,平均小鼠细胞比例为13.38%。结论:本研究建立的多重定量PCR检测PDX模型中小鼠细胞浸润比例的方法能够根据△Ct值快速、准确推断PDX模型中人、小鼠细胞的比例。该方法操作简单、耗时短、结果可靠,是一种快速、灵敏的PDX模型的质控方案。  相似文献   

Summary Weekly samplings of airborne spores have been carried out with an S.A.S. apparatus in an urban and a rural site in Franche-Comté (France) during two years. The amount of air spora is higher in the rural environment than in the urban atmosphere. Many allergenic genera have been identified. Quantitative seasonal variations of many genera have been observed. The most frequent genera are:Cladosporium, Geotrichum, Epicoccum, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Aureobasidium andPenicillium appear only sporadically.  相似文献   

为深入研究亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林的生物多样性维持机制, 合理保护与利用此类森林植被, 以鄂西南两个自然保护区——星斗山和木林子典型的亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林为研究对象, 在野外样方调查的基础上进行了群落数量分类和排序, 分析了常绿和落叶物种比例随群落类型及环境因子变化的规律。研究结果表明: (1)将鄂西南两个自然保护区的亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林划分为5个群落类型: 即青冈-翅柃+尖连蕊茶(Cyclobalanopsis glauca-Eurya alata + Camellia cuspidata)群落(I)、川陕鹅耳枥+青冈-翅柃(Carpinus fargesiana + Cyclobalanopsis glauca-Eurya alata)群落(II)、川陕鹅耳枥+青冈-水马桑(Carpinus fargesiana + Cyclobalanopsis glauca-Weigela japonica)群落(III)、光叶水青冈+多脉青冈-翅柃(Fagus lucida + Cyclobalanopsis multinervis-Eurya alata)群落(IV)和川陕鹅耳枥+交让木+包果柯-翅柃(Carpinus fargesiana + Daphniphyllum macropodum + Lithocarpus cleistocarpus-Eurya alata)群落(V); (2)常绿和落叶物种的丰富度、多度、胸高断面积及重要值等指标随群落类型而变化。在群落II、III和V中落叶物种占优势, 而在群落I和IV中二者无显著差异; (3)各类型群落在小径级(1-5 cm)内落叶物种的丰富度大于常绿物种, 但多度、胸高断面积和重要值大都小于常绿物种。在中径级(5-10 cm)内, 群落I和群落IV的各项指标都表现为常绿物种大于落叶物种, 而群落II、群落III和群落V的则相反。在大径级(≥ 10 cm)内, 各群落类型的落叶物种都占显著优势, 其各项指标大于常绿物种; (4)海拔、坡度、坡向、土壤氮含量和土壤磷含量是影响各群落类型内常绿和落叶物种比例变化的主导因子。  相似文献   

We explored the evolution of morphological integration in the most noteworthy example of adaptive radiation in mammals, the New World leaf‐nosed bats, using a massive dataset and by combining phylogenetic comparative methods and quantitative genetic approaches. We demonstrated that the phenotypic covariance structure remained conserved on a broader phylogenetic scale but also showed a substantial divergence between interclade comparisons. Most of the phylogenetic structure in the integration space can be explained by splits at the beginning of the diversification of major clades. Our results provide evidence for a multiple peak adaptive landscape in the evolution of cranial covariance structure and morphological differentiation, based upon diet and roosting ecology. In this scenario, the successful radiation of phyllostomid bats was triggered by the diversification of dietary and roosting strategies, and the invasion of these new adaptive zones lead to changes in phenotypic covariance structure and average morphology. Our results suggest that intense natural selection preceded the invasion of these new adaptive zones and played a fundamental role in shaping cranial covariance structure and morphological differentiation in this hyperdiverse clade of mammals. Finally, our study demonstrates the power of combining comparative methods and quantitative genetic approaches when investigating the evolution of complex morphologies.  相似文献   

Sommer S  Pearman PB 《Genetica》2003,119(1):1-10
We estimated genetic and maternal variance components of larval life history characters in alpine populations of Rana temporaria (the common frog) using a full-sib/half-sib breeding design. We studied trait plasticity by raising tadpoles at 14 or 20°C in the laboratory. Larval period and metamorphic mass were greater at 14°C. Larval period did not differ between populations, but high elevation metamorphs were larger than low elevation metamorphs. Significant additive variation for larval period was detected in the low altitude population. No significant additive variation was detected for mass at metamorphosis (MM), which instead displayed significant maternal effects. Plasticity in metamorphic mass of froglets was greater in the high altitude population. The plastic response of larval period to temperature did not differ between the populations. Evolution of metamorphic mass is likely constrained by lack of additive genetic variation. In contrast, significant heritability for larval period suggests this trait may evolve in response to environmental change. These results differ from other studies on R. temporaria, suggesting that populations of this broadly distributed species present substantial geographic variation in the genetic architecture and plasticity of tadpole life history traits.  相似文献   

A comparative floristic survey of lowland tropical rain forest at Kuala Lompat, Krau Game Reserve, West Malaysia and at Sepilok Virgin Jungle Reserve, Sabah, East Malaysia, revealed significant differences in the composition of canopy species, notably in the relative paucity of Dipterocarpaceae and abundance of Leguminosae at Kuala Lompat. A further comparison with data from other sites in Malesia indicated that Kuala Lompat was rather atypical, representing an extreme example of the relatively legume rich and dipterocarp poor forests of West Malaysia. Conversely, the predominance of dipterocarps and lack of legumes at Sepilok was similar to other sites in Borneo. Young and mature leaves were collected from a representative sample of the canopy flora of the two study sites; the levels of nitrogen, fibre, total phenolics and condensed tannins, and degree of digestibility by cellulase and pepsin, were measured. Levels of fibre, nitrogen and phenolics differed significantly between the two floras; foliage from Kuala Lompat being, on the whole, richer in nitrogen but lower in phenolics and fibre. As a consequence of the lower levels of fibre, and less certainly of phenolics, the Kuala Lompat foliage was comparatively more digestible. Possible reasons for the differences in foliar biochemistry between the two sites are discussed. Differences in rainfall and in soil quality are regarded as potential evolutionary causes. A further comparison of the chemical profiles with data for other forests in India and Africa indicate that Sepilok is a site in which trees invest heavily in quantitative defences such as fibre and phenolics whereas trees at Kuala Lompat place a lower emphasis on the production of these. Finally, attention is drawn to the use of foliar chemical profiles in predicting the carrying capacity for colobine monkeys at each of the five Old World forests where data are available. It was found that the ratio of nitrogen to fibre correlated well with the biomass of colobines at the five sites.  相似文献   

Apple, Malus×domestica, is the most important fruit grown within the temperate zonobiome. It is attacked by both fruit‐damaging and leaf‐damaging lepidopteran pest insects, which require regular control such as the carpophagous codling moth, Cydia pomonella, or frequent control such as the phyllophagous apple leaf miner, Lyonetia clerkella. As many environmentally friendly pest control tactics are only effective at low levels of infestation, host plant resistance is a promising future component of integrated pest management systems, but knowledge is still lacking on such genetically based approaches against lepidopteran pests. The aim of the study was to identify molecular markers linked to C. pomonella and L. clerkella resistance or susceptibility in commercial apple as well as markers linked to selected fruit traits. The number of C. pomonella‐infested fruits and the number of L. clerkella mines were quantified as measures of apple resistance or susceptibility to the studied moth species. Herbivore surveys on 160 apple genotypes, representing a segregating F1 cross of the apple cultivars ‘Fiesta’ and ‘Discovery’, were carried out during two consecutive years and at two sites in Switzerland. Broad‐sense heritability was 29.9% (C. pomonella), 18.2% (L. clerkella), 21.9% (fruit number) and 16.6% (fruit diameter). A subsequent analysis identified a quantitative trait locus (QTL) associated to C. pomonella susceptibility on the Discovery linkage group 10. The closest marker to this QTL was the random amplified polymorphic marker Z19‐350. No significant QTL was identified for resistance to L. clerkella. A putative QTL associated to fruit number was identified on Fiesta linkage group 12. The presented QTL associated with C. pomonella susceptibility and the putative QTL linked to fruit number may facilitate marker‐assisted breeding of resistant apple cultivars with cropping traits desirable for optimal fruit production.  相似文献   

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