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We propose a general family of mixture hazard models to analyze lifetime data associated with bathtub and multimodal hazard functions. With this model we have a great flexibility for fitting lifetime data. Its version with covariates has the proportional hazard and the accelerated failure time models as special cases. A Bayesian analysis is presented for the model using informative priors, using sampling‐based approaches to perform the Bayesian computations. A real example with a medical data illustrates the methodology.  相似文献   

Biochemical demands constrain the range of amino acids acceptable at specific sites resulting in across-site compositional heterogeneity of the amino acid replacement process. Phylogenetic models that disregard this heterogeneity are prone to systematic errors, which can lead to severe long-branch attraction artifacts. State-of-the-art models accounting for across-site compositional heterogeneity include the CAT model, which is computationally expensive, and empirical distribution mixture models estimated via maximum likelihood (C10–C60 models). Here, we present a new, scalable method EDCluster for finding empirical distribution mixture models involving a simple cluster analysis. The cluster analysis utilizes specific coordinate transformations which allow the detection of specialized amino acid distributions either from curated databases or from the alignment at hand. We apply EDCluster to the HOGENOM and HSSP databases in order to provide universal distribution mixture (UDM) models comprising up to 4,096 components. Detailed analyses of the UDM models demonstrate the removal of various long-branch attraction artifacts and improved performance compared with the C10–C60 models. Ready-to-use implementations of the UDM models are provided for three established software packages (IQ-TREE, Phylobayes, and RevBayes).  相似文献   

Finite mixture models can provide the insights about behavioral patterns as a source of heterogeneity of the various dynamics of time course gene expression data by reducing the high dimensionality and making clear the major components of the underlying structure of the data in terms of the unobservable latent variables. The latent structure of the dynamic transition process of gene expression changes over time can be represented by Markov processes. This paper addresses key problems in the analysis of large gene expression data sets that describe systemic temporal response cascades and dynamic changes to therapeutic doses in multiple tissues, such as liver, skeletal muscle, and kidney from the same animals. Bayesian Finite Markov Mixture Model with a Dirichlet Prior is developed for the identifications of differentially expressed time related genes and dynamic clusters. Deviance information criterion is applied to determine the number of components for model comparisons and selections. The proposed Bayesian models are applied to multiple tissue polygenetic temporal gene expression data and compared to a Bayesian model‐based clustering method, named CAGED. Results show that our proposed Bayesian Finite Markov Mixture model can well capture the dynamic changes and patterns for irregular complex temporal data (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We propose methods for Bayesian inference for a new class of semiparametric survival models with a cure fraction. Specifically, we propose a semiparametric cure rate model with a smoothing parameter that controls the degree of parametricity in the right tail of the survival distribution. We show that such a parameter is crucial for these kinds of models and can have an impact on the posterior estimates. Several novel properties of the proposed model are derived. In addition, we propose a class of improper noninformative priors based on this model and examine the properties of the implied posterior. Also, a class of informative priors based on historical data is proposed and its theoretical properties are investigated. A case study involving a melanoma clinical trial is discussed in detail to demonstrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

Analysis of longitudinal data with excessive zeros has gained increasing attention in recent years; however, current approaches to the analysis of longitudinal data with excessive zeros have primarily focused on balanced data. Dropouts are common in longitudinal studies; therefore, the analysis of the resulting unbalanced data is complicated by the missing mechanism. Our study is motivated by the analysis of longitudinal skin cancer count data presented by Greenberg, Baron, Stukel, Stevens, Mandel, Spencer, Elias, Lowe, Nierenberg, Bayrd, Vance, Freeman, Clendenning, Kwan, and the Skin Cancer Prevention Study Group[New England Journal of Medicine 323 , 789–795]. The data consist of a large number of zero responses (83% of the observations) as well as a substantial amount of dropout (about 52% of the observations). To account for both excessive zeros and dropout patterns, we propose a pattern‐mixture zero‐inflated model with compound Poisson random effects for the unbalanced longitudinal skin cancer data. We also incorporate an autoregressive of order 1 correlation structure in the model to capture longitudinal correlation of the count responses. A quasi‐likelihood approach has been developed in the estimation of our model. We illustrated the method with analysis of the longitudinal skin cancer data.  相似文献   

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