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Impacts of highly invasive ants in new ecosystems are well documented, but many more ant species are establishing in new ranges for which there is little or no information. We studied the effects of the recently discovered Australian ant, Monomorium sydneyense Forel, on the ant community of Sulphur Point in Tauranga, New Zealand. At the community scale, the species composition in invaded areas was significantly different from that in areas free of M. sydneyense. However, no single ant species was significantly more or less abundant in the presence of M. sydneyense. Some resident ant species categorised in the same functional group as the invader appeared to be scarcer when sympatric with M. sydneyense, but the local abundances of these species were always spatially variable, so the effects were not statistically significant Patchy distribution of M. sydneyense, and other aspects of its behaviour, such as poor foraging abilities and a lack of unicoloniality (where there is little or no aggression between conspecific ants from spatially separate nests), appear to allow resident ant species to coexist with M. sydneyense at Sulphur Point.  相似文献   

Ribosomal DNA from eight species of microsporidians infecting fish have been sequenced. Seven of these species infect the skeletal muscle of fish ( Pleistophora spp.) and one species infects migratory mesenchyma cells ( Glugea anomala ). These sequences, in addition to other available microsporidian rDNA sequences from a broad range of host taxa, have been used in phylogenetic analysis. This analysis revealed that muscle-infecting microsporidians from fish are a polyphyletic group, indicating that characters supposed to be important in the classification of the genus Pleistophora have to be re-evaluated. One character that probably has a polyphyletic origin is the amorphous coat, which has been extensively used in the definition of this genus. Furthermore, our results showed that the insect parasitizing Pleistophora spp. are not related to the true pleistophorans parasitic in skeletal muscle of fish. Phylogenetic analysis of small subunit rDNA sequences revealed disagreements between the molecular phylogeny and classifications based upon ultrastruclure. Many of the morphological characters claimed to be important in microsporidian classifications appeared to have arisen several times during evolution: for example, the diplokaryon and sporophorous vesicles.  相似文献   

Perl's Prussian blue and bathophenanthroline have been used to investigate the sites where iron-containing granules are found within representatives of each of the three extant families of lampreys. Amongst the larvae, granules were present in the columnar cells of the posterior intestine in small amounts in some but not all northern hemisphere species (Petromyzonidae), and in moderate and very large amounts in the southern hemisphere families Geotriidae and Mordaciidae respectively. Granules were only found in large numbers elsewhere in the body of larvae of the Geotriidae, in which they were predominant in the adipose tissue of the nephric fold and fat column. It is suggested that these large iron deposits reflect the intake of an unusually large amount of iron, a feature which in turn could be related to the relatively high plasma iron levels and haemotocrit found in larvae of the Geotriidae. During metamorphosis, iron deposits accumulate in the liver of all species as haemoglobin is broken down.  相似文献   

Sugarcane is a major crop of tropical and sub-tropical climates. Modern cultivars are hybrids of several Saccharum species. Many attempts have been made to make intergeneric crosses to increase the diversity of germplasm available for breeding. Currently methods of incorporating new traits through genetic manipulation are also being researched. A review of the attempts by breeders to make hybridisations with sugarcane has been performed to determine the likelihood of spontaneous transfer of a transgene to a range of other species. When combined with the list of sexually compatible species growing outside of cultivation in Australia, Saccharum spontaneum L. was considered to be the most likely to spontaneously hybridise with commercial sugarcane. Using a combination of local knowledge and herbarium samples, S. spontaneum has been documented at five previously unpublished locations in Australia. Analysis of the DNA of plants growing at each of these locations, by molecular markers, showed vegetative propagation at three sites, predominantly vegetative propagation at a fourth and the presence of a more diverse set of plants at the fifth. At the latter location there may have been multiple introductions, interbreeding between clones or both. An analysis of both pollen and seed viability from these plants would discriminate between these options and determine whether S. spontaneum is interbreeding with commercial sugarcane.  相似文献   

The rapid racerunner,Eremias velox,is a widely distributed lizard from the northern Caucasus across entire Central Asia eastward to China.It is increasingly common to accept E.velox as a species complex in its entire range.To date,published morphological and molecular systematic hypotheses of this complex are only partially congruent,and its taxonomic status and evolutionary history are still far from clear.The mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and12S rRNA sequences were used to evaluate the taxonomy of this complex,with particular attention to the phylogenetic placement of populations in northwestern China.Examination of the phylogenetic analyses recovers seven distinct,biogeographically discrete,and well-supported clades,revealing genetically identifiable populations corresponding to some previously morphology-defined subspecies.Chinese E.v.roborowskii appears to have split from other Central Asian rapid racerunner lizards well before differentiation occurred among the latter taxa.Specifically,we corroborate that there are two subspecies occurring in China,i.e.,E.v.velox and E.v.roborowskii.We recommend a novel subspecific status for the phenotypically and genetically distinct populations in southern Aral Sea region of Uzbekistan previously assigned to E.v.velox.Finally,each of the three independently evolving lineages from Iranian Plateau should be recognized as three species new to science under the general lineage concept.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Plistophora cargoi n. sp., found in the muscles of Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, is described. Spores are ellipsoidal and about 3.3 by 5.1 μ when alive. The coiled polar filament is PAS positive. When extruded the filament appears thick throughout most of its length but has a short and fine terminal portion. The sporont gives rise to many (32 to more than 100) spores. P. sp. Sogandares-Bernal, 1962, found in the muscles of the fresh water crayfish Cambarellus puer Hobbs, is given the name P. sogandaresi n. sp.  相似文献   

The albumin and globulin fractions of the seeds of a wide rangeof Brassica and Sinapis species have been investigated by acrylamidegel electrophoresis. The results of this investigation havebeen presented in the form of a three-dimensional model andcorrelation between this model, the distribution of the proteins,and the established taxonomy has been indicated.  相似文献   

In continuation of our efforts to provide quantitative information on antiaddictive ibogan type alkaloid‐producing Tabernaemontana species, we used gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC/MS) to compare the alkaloid profiles of the barks and/or leaves of one Mexican and one African species – T. arborea and T. crassa, respectively, with the primary sources of commercially available semisynthetic ibogaine, Voacanga africana root and stem bark. The qualitative and quantitative similarities between T. arborea and V. africana barks consolidate previous reports regarding the potential of the former as a promising alternative source of voacangine and ibogaine. The results also suggest that T. crassa could be used to produce conopharyngine and ibogaline, two compounds with the same basic skeletal structure and possibly similar antiaddictive properties as ibogaine.  相似文献   

A. Caballero 《Genetics》1995,139(2):1007-1011
Inconsistencies between equations for the effective population size of populations with separate sexes obtained by two different approaches are explained. One approach, which is the most common in the literature, is based on the assumption that the sex of the progeny cannot be identified. The second approach incorporates identification of the sexes of both parents and offspring. The approaches lead to identical expressions for effective size under some situations, such as Poisson distributions of offspring numbers. In general, however, the first approach gives incorrect answers, which become particularly severe for sex-linked genes, because then only numbers of daughters of males are relevant. Predictions of the effective size for sex-linked genes are illustrated for different systems of mating.  相似文献   

Nanochlorum eucaryotum was described by Wilhelm et al. (1982) as a new algal species with an uncertain taxonomic position. Whereas some features were chlorococcacean, others suggested an isolated position in the sense of a “pre-eucaryote” (Wilhelm, 1983; Zahn, 1984; Geisert et al., 1987). Our comparative ultrastructural, physiological and biochemical examinations of coccoid microalgae (Menzel, 1988) gave no arguments for the separation of Nanochlorum eucaryotum from the genus Nannochloris. This paper is concerned with the ultrastructural composition of the cell wall and mode of reproduction in Nanochlorum eucaryotum as well as in three Nannochloris species. The systematic position of Nanochlorum eucaryotum is discussed in comparison with representatives of the genus Nannochloris. As a result, Nanochlorum eucaryotum has been included in the genus Nannochloris.  相似文献   

基于"居群"概念,对木鱼坪淫羊藿复合种(Epimedium franchetii species complex)进行了系统的标本查阅,并于花期对该复合种9个居群的野外形态进行了观测和比较研究。结果显示,竹山淫羊藿(E.zhushanense K.F.Wu et S.X.Qian)花瓣为紫红色,易于与其它物种区分;时珍淫羊藿(E.lishihchenii Stearn)在模式产地(江西庐山)的JXLS居群中有1/5的个体根茎为结节状(并非像模式种一样根茎细长),其叶背被毛细长的性状较稳定,且与木鱼坪淫羊藿(E.franchetii Stearn)叶背被粗短伏毛的性状区别明显;JXJA居群(江西靖安)地理分布靠近江西庐山,叶背被毛也与时珍淫羊藿类似,但其典型的粗壮根茎则与木鱼坪淫羊藿一致,因此将其处理为木鱼坪淫羊藿-时珍淫羊藿过渡类型;保靖淫羊藿(E.baojingense Q.L.Chen et B.M.Yang)与木鱼坪淫羊藿主要区别在于前者小叶柄、叶柄、茎和节部密被柔毛,尤以节部明显,叶背被细长毛,而木鱼坪淫羊藿小叶柄、叶柄、茎和节部均光滑,叶背被粗短伏毛;HBFX居群(湖北房县)和HBMP居群(湖北神农架)小叶柄、叶柄、茎、节部和叶背均疏被毛,被毛特征介于木鱼坪淫羊藿和保靖淫羊藿之间,因此将HBFX和HBMP居群处理为木鱼坪淫羊藿-保靖淫羊藿过渡类型。聚类分析结果表明,9个居群可划分为3类,竹山淫羊藿与其它类群种间界限明显,建议将其从木鱼坪淫羊藿复合种中分离出来;木鱼坪淫羊藿与时珍淫羊藿和保靖淫羊藿的关系复杂;保靖淫羊藿与木鱼坪淫羊藿主要是被毛上的差异,地理上存在同域分布,推测其为微生境导致的生态宗,将其处理为木鱼坪淫羊藿的变种;时珍淫羊藿与木鱼坪淫羊藿地理分布相对隔离,是由地理隔离引起的地理宗,将其处理为木鱼坪淫羊藿亚种。  相似文献   

A systematic scheme has been developed by improving Helander’s method for the separation of principal intra-cellular proteins from muscle. Helander’s technique with certain modifications has been integrated with other procedures, used for the fractionation of extracellular protein (stroma) and its biophysical characterization, to make the scheme more be-fitting for biochemical evaluation of meat quality. Besides simplicity, reproducibility and accuracy, this scheme has many inherent advantages over the previous methods, employed for this purpose. The design of an economical extraction apparatus, which helps minimizing the experimental error in handling the samples is also presented. Any number of samples can be extracted per unit time by making a suitable assembly of the design.  相似文献   

Fusarium species belonging to the Fusarium fujikuroi species complex (FFSC) are associated with maize in northern Mexico and cause Fusarium ear and root rot. In order to assess the diversity of FFSC fungal species involved in this destructive disease in Sinaloa, Mexico, a collection of 108 fungal isolates was obtained from maize plants in 2007–2011. DNA sequence analysis of the calmodulin and elongation factor 1α genes identified four species: Fusarium verticillioides, F. nygamai, F. andiyazi and F. thapsinum (comprising 79, 23, 4 and 2 isolates, respectively). Differential distribution of Fusarium species in maize organs was observed, that is F. verticillioides was the most frequently isolated species from maize seeds, while F. nygamai predominated on maize roots. Mixed infections with F. verticillioides/F. thapsinum and F. verticillioides/F. nygamai were detected in maize seeds and roots, respectively. Pathogenicity assay demonstrated the ability of the four species to infect maize seedlings and induce different levels of disease severity, reflecting variation in aggressiveness, plant height and root biomass. Isolates of F. verticillioides and F. nygamai were the most aggressive. These species were able to colonize all root tissues, from the epidermis to the vascular vessels, while infection by F. andiyazi and F. thapsinum was restricted to the epidermis and adjacent cortical cells. This is the first report of F. nygamai, F. andiyazi and F. thapsinum infecting maize in Mexico and co‐infecting with F. verticillioides. Mixed infections should be taken into consideration due to the production and/or accumulation of diverse mycotoxins in maize grain.  相似文献   

Based on results of the comparison of skull proportions and using available data on phylogeny of barbins we discuss patterns of morphological diversity of the present forms and modes of morphological transformations resulting in their emergence. There is no strict correspondence between distance in a character space and genealogical closeness of forms. Similar forms of barbins independently originated from a generalized form in different sites of Africa and western Asia. Regularity of patterns of morphological diversity is thought to be caused by the channeling of morphological transformations. Heterochrony played an important part in evolution of the African large Barbus and Varicorhinus. Extraordinary morphological diversity of the African barbins, Lake Tana barbs in particular, is caused mainly by drastic changes in patterns of relative growth late in ontogeny.  相似文献   

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