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Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are often inoculated from a single wastewater source. The extent that the inoculum affects community development or power production is unknown. The stable anodic microbial communities in MFCs were examined using three inocula: a wastewater treatment plant sample known to produce consistent power densities, a second wastewater treatment plant sample, and an anaerobic bog sediment. The bog-inoculated MFCs initially produced higher power densities than the wastewater-inoculated MFCs, but after 20 cycles all MFCs on average converged to similar voltages (470±20 mV) and maximum power densities (590±170 mW m−2). The power output from replicate bog-inoculated MFCs was not significantly different, but one wastewater-inoculated MFC (UAJA3 (UAJA, University Area Joint Authority Wastewater Treatment Plant)) produced substantially less power. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiling showed a stable exoelectrogenic biofilm community in all samples after 11 cycles. After 16 cycles the predominance of Geobacter spp. in anode communities was identified using 16S rRNA gene clone libraries (58±10%), fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) (63±6%) and pyrosequencing (81±4%). While the clone library analysis for the underperforming UAJA3 had a significantly lower percentage of Geobacter spp. sequences (36%), suggesting that a predominance of this microbe was needed for convergent power densities, the lower percentage of this species was not verified by FISH or pyrosequencing analyses. These results show that the predominance of Geobacter spp. in acetate-fed systems was consistent with good MFC performance and independent of the inoculum source.  相似文献   

微生物燃料电池生物质能利用现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为一种新概念的废物处理与能源化技术,微生物燃料电池研究在过去10年里取得了长足的进步和技术突破。本文在简要介绍微生物燃料电池研究现状基础上,系统综述了该技术及与其他技术耦合在生物质能利用方面的最新研究进展,重点分析了其中存在的问题,并展望了该技术在生物质能转化和利用方面的研究前景。  相似文献   

Bioelectricity production from a phytoplankton, Chlorella vulgaris, and a macrophyte, Ulva lactuca was examined in single chamber microbial fuel cells (MFCs). MFCs were fed with the two algae (as powders), obtaining differences in energy recovery, degradation efficiency, and power densities. C. vulgaris produced more energy generation per substrate mass (2.5 kWh/kg), but U. lactuca was degraded more completely over a batch cycle (73 ± 1% COD). Maximum power densities obtained using either single cycle or multiple cycle methods were 0.98 W/m2 (277 W/m3) using C. vulgaris, and 0.76 W/m2 (215 W/m3) using U. lactuca. Polarization curves obtained using a common method of linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) overestimated maximum power densities at a scan rate of 1 mV/s. At 0.1 mV/s, however, the LSV polarization data was in better agreement with single‐ and multiple‐cycle polarization curves. The fingerprints of microbial communities developed in reactors had only 11% similarity to inocula and clustered according to the type of bioprocess used. These results demonstrate that algae can in principle, be used as a renewable source of electricity production in MFCs. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;103: 1068–1076. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌产生的次生代谢产物吩嗪化合物具有电子传递作用,可用于构建微生物燃料电池。如何通过改进微生物自身性质来提升微生物燃料电池产电量是研究的热点与难点之一。本文以铜绿假单胞菌SJTD-1和其敲除突变株SJTD-1(ΔmvaT)为对象,研究了以其搭建的微生物燃料电池的放电过程,分析了影响其放电量的主要因素。结果显示,假单胞菌产生的吩嗪化合物和发酵系统中细菌的活性与存活数量均会直接影响燃料电池的产电量。敲除突变株SJTD-1(ΔmvaT)可产生较多的吩嗪化合物,在生物燃料电池系统可持续放电超过160 h,产生2.32 J的总电量;而野生菌株SJTD-1仅能放电90 h,产生1.30 J的总电量。细胞生长分析结果进一步显示,与野生菌株相比,突变菌株SJTD-1(ΔmvaT)在发酵过程中维持了较长的稳定期生长,细胞存活时间更长,放电时间更持久。因此,铜绿假单胞菌存活时间延长,可增加其在微生物燃料电池中的放电时间,从而提升微生物燃料电池的总产电量。本研究可为通过工程菌株改造来提升微生物燃料电池总产电量的研究提供思路,有利于推进微生物燃料电池的实际应用。  相似文献   

Single‐chamber microbial fuel cells (MFCs) with nitrifiers pre‐enriched at the air cathodes have previously been demonstrated as a passive strategy for integrating nitrogen removal into current‐generating bioelectrochemical systems. To further define system design parameters for this strategy, we investigated in this study the effects of oxygen diffusion area and COD/N ratio in continuous‐flow reactors. Doubling the gas diffusion area by adding an additional air cathode or a diffusion cloth significantly increased the ammonia and COD removal rates (by up to 115% and 39%), ammonia removal efficiency (by up to 134%), the cell voltage and cathode potentials, and the power densities (by a factor of approximately 2). When the COD/N ratio was lowered from 13 to 3, we found up to 244% higher ammonia removal rate but at least 19% lower ammonia removal efficiency. An increase of COD removal rate by up to 27% was also found when the COD/N ratio was lowered from 11 to 3. The Coulombic efficiency was not affected by the additional air cathode, but decreased by an average of 11% with the addition of a diffusion cloth. Ammonia removal by assimilation was also estimated to understand the ammonia removal mechanism in these systems. These results showed that the doubling of gas diffusion area enhanced N and COD removal rates without compromising electrochemical performance. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 785–791. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A new one-compartment fuel cell was composed of a rubber bunged bottle with a center-inserted anode and a window-mounted cathode containing an internal, proton-permeable porcelain layer. This fuel cell design was less expensive and more practical than the conventional two-compartment system, which requires aeration and a ferricyanide solution in the cathode compartment. Three new electrodes containing bound electron mediators including a Mn(4+)-graphite anode, a neutral red (NR) covalently linked woven graphite anode, and an Fe(3+)-graphite cathode were developed that greatly enhanced electrical energy production (i.e., microbial electron transfer) over conventional graphite electrodes. The potentials of these electrodes measured by cyclic voltametry at pH 7.0 were (in volts): +0.493 (Fe(3+)-graphite); +0.15 (Mn(4+)-graphite); and -0.53 (NR-woven graphite). The maximal electrical productivities obtained with sewage sludge as the biocatalyst and using a Mn(4+)-graphite anode and a Fe(3+)-graphite cathode were 14 mA current, 0.45 V potential, 1,750 mA/m(2) current density, and 788 mW/m(2) of power density. With Escherichia coli as the biocatalyst and using a Mn(4+)-graphite anode and a Fe(3+)-graphite cathode, the maximal electrical productivities obtained were 2.6 mA current, 0.28 V potential, 325 mA/m(2) current density, and 91 mW/m(2) of power density. These results show that the amount of electrical energy produced by microbial fuel cells can be increased 1,000-fold by incorporating electron mediators into graphite electrodes. These results also imply that sewage sludge may contain unique electrophilic microbes that transfer electrons more readily than E. coli and that microbial fuel cells using the new Mn(4+)-graphite anode and Fe(3+)-graphite cathode may have commercial utility for producing low amounts of electrical power needed in remote locations.  相似文献   

AIMS: To study the physiology and metabolism of microbial cells in the performance of microbial fuel cells (MFCs). METHODS AND RESULTS: A dual-chamber MFCs was constructed, and Rhodoferax ferrireducens was used as biocatalyst. To examine the physiology of microbial cells in the performance of MFCs, the anode media containing planktonic cells was replaced with fresh media in which KH(2)PO(4) and/or NH(4)Cl were excluded. The replacing of anode media containing planktonic cells with fresh media excluded of KH(2)PO(4) and NH(4)Cl made the coulombic yield remarkably increased by a factor of 68% (from 29.1 to 46.8C). The results showed that the electricity could be generated with cells in biofilms as biocatalyst, and coulombic yield was improved by limiting cell growth via removal of ingredients in anode media. By supplementation of glucose to the anode media when current declined to baseline, MFCs achieved about same platform current values immediately. MFCs could continue to produce electricity for about 30 h even after glucose was below detection. CONCLUSIONS: Biofilms and metabolism of glucose play important roles in the performance of MFCs. Coulombic yield of MFCs could be improved by regulating the media ingredients using the stable biofilms-electrode system. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first attempt to study the effect of ingredient compositions of anode media on the performance of MFCs. The observed results that MFCs continued to produce electricity after glucose was below detection was helpful to better understand the mechanism of microbial electricity production.  相似文献   

In microbial fuel cells (MFCs) bacteria generate electricity by mediating the oxidation of organic compounds and transferring the resulting electrons to an anode electrode. The objective of this study was to test the possibility of generating electricity with rumen microorganisms as biocatalysts and cellulose as the electron donor in two-compartment MFCs. The anode and cathode chambers were separated by a proton exchange membrane and graphite plates were used as electrodes. The medium in the anode chamber was inoculated with rumen microorganisms, and the catholyte in the cathode compartment was ferricyanide solution. Maximum power density reached 55 mW/m(2) (1.5 mA, 313 mV) with cellulose as the electron donor. Cellulose hydrolysis and electrode reduction were shown to support the production of current. The electrical current was sustained for over 2 months with periodic cellulose addition. Clarified rumen fluid and a soluble carbohydrate mixture, serving as the electron donors, could also sustain power output. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR amplified 16S rRNA genes revealed that the microbial communities differed when different substrates were used in the MFCs. The anode-attached and the suspended consortia were shown to be different within the same MFC. Cloning and sequencing analysis of 16S rRNA genes indicated that the most predominant bacteria in the anode-attached consortia were related to Clostridium spp., while Comamonas spp. abounded in the suspended consortia. The results demonstrated that electricity can be generated from cellulose by exploiting rumen microorganisms as biocatalysts, but both technical and biological optimization is needed to maximize power output.  相似文献   

In this work, the long‐term effects of transient chemical oxygen demands (COD) concentrations over the performance of a microbial fuel cell were studied. From the obtained results, it was observed that the repetitive change in the COD loading rate during 12 h conditioned the behavior of the system during periods of up to 7 days. The main modifications were the enhancement of the COD consumption rate and the exerted current. These enhancements yielded increasing Coulombic efficiencies (CEs) when working with COD concentrations of 300 mg/L, but constant CEs when working with COD concentrations from 900 to 1800 mg/L. This effect could be explained by the higher affinity for the substrate of Geobacter than that of the nonelectrogenic organisms such as Clostridia. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:883–890, 2016  相似文献   

微生物燃料电池(Microbial fuel cell,MFC)利用微生物整体作为催化剂催化底物将化学能直接转化为电能,是一种极具应用前景的生物电化学技术。微生物在阳极氧化还原有机物产生电子并传递给阳极,电子通过外电路传递至阴极后将电子释放给阴极中的氧化剂,从而产生电流。当有毒物质进入MFC,微生物活性降低,电子传递量变少,电流降低,而电流的产生与微生物活性呈线性关系,据此可检测样品的毒性。本文主要介绍了微生物燃料电池在毒性物质抗生素、重金属离子、有机污染物、酸等方面的研究,并分析了微生物燃料电池存在的问题及未来研究方向,以期不久的将来微生物燃料电池能付之使用。  相似文献   

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to study the behavior of a microbial fuel cell (MFC) during initial biofilm growth in an acetate-fed, two-chamber MFC system with ferricyanide in the cathode. EIS experiments were performed both on the full cell (between cathode and anode) as well as on individual electrodes. The Nyquist plots of the EIS data were fitted with an equivalent electrical circuit to estimate the contributions of various intrinsic resistances to the overall internal MFC impedance. During initial development of the anode biofilm, the anode polarization resistance was found to decrease by over 70% at open circuit and by over 45% at 27 microA/cm(2), and a simultaneous increase in power density by about 120% was observed. The exchange current density for the bio-electrochemical reaction on the anode was estimated to be in the range of 40-60 nA/cm(2) for an immature biofilm after 5 days of closed circuit operation, which increased to around 182 nA/cm(2) after more than 3 weeks of operation and stable performance in an identical parallel system. The polarization resistance of the anode was 30-40 times higher than that of the ferricyanide cathode for the conditions tested, even with an established biofilm. For a two-chamber MFC system with a Nafion 117 membrane and an inter-electrode spacing of 15 cm, the membrane and electrolyte solution dominate the ohmic resistance and contribute to over 95% of the MFC internal impedance. Detailed EIS analyses provide new insights into the dominant kinetic resistance of the anode bio-electrochemical reaction and its influence on the overall power output of the MFC system, even in the high internal resistance system used in this study. These results suggest that new strategies to address this kinetic constraint of the anode bio-electrochemical reactions are needed to complement the reduction of ohmic resistance in modern designs.  相似文献   

Pentose and humic acids (HA) are the main components of hydrolysates, the liquid fraction produced during thermohydrolysis of lignocellulosic material. Electricity generation integrated with xylose (typical pentose) degradation as well as the effect of HA on electricity production in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) was examined. Without HA addition the maximum power density increased from 39.5 mW/m(2) to 83 mW/m(2) when initial xylose concentrations increased from 1.5 to 30 mM, while coulombic efficiency ranged from 13.5% to 52.4% for xylose concentrations of 15 and 0.5 mM, respectively. Compared to controls where HAs were not added, addition of commercial HA resulted in increase of power density and coulombic efficiency, which ranged from 7.5% to 67.4% and 24% to 92.6%, respectively. Digested manure wastewater (DMW) was tested as potential mediator for power generation due to its content of natural HA, and although it could produce higher coulombic efficiency namely 32.2% than the control of 18.3%, showed lower power density which was approx. 57 mW/m(2) in comparison to power density of the control which was 69 mW/m(2). Presence of commercial HA or DMW in the anode chamber resulted in faster xylose degradation and formation of more oxidized products (acetate and formate) as well as less reduced products (lactate and ethanol) compared to the controls. The reduced power generation in the presence of DMW was attributed to the presence of bacterial inhibitors such as phenolic compounds. Therefore, new feedstocks for MFCs, containing both mediators and substrates, such as lignocellulose hydrolysates should be considered for their applicability in MFCs.  相似文献   

Microbial fuel cells (MFC) with 30% wet-proofed air cathodes have previously been optimized to have 4 diffusion layers (DLs) in order to limit oxygen transfer into the anode chamber and optimize performance. Newer MFC designs that allow close electrode spacing have a separator that can also reduce oxygen transfer into the anode chamber, and there are many types of carbon wet-proofed materials available. Additional analysis of conditions that optimize performance is therefore needed for separator-coupled MFCs in terms of the number of DLs and the percent of wet proofing used for the cathode. The number of DLs on a 50% wet-proofed carbon cloth cathode significantly affected MFC performance, with the maximum power density decreasing from 1427 to 855 mW/m2 for 1–4 DLs. A commonly used cathode (30% wet-proofed, 4 DLs) produced a maximum power density (988 mW/m2) that was 31% less than that produced by the 50% wet-proofed cathode (1 DL). It was shown that the cathode performance with different materials and numbers of DLs was directly related to conditions that increased oxygen transfer. The coulombic efficiency (CE) was more affected by the current density than the oxygen transfer coefficient for the cathode. MFCs with the 50% wet-proofed cathode (2 DLs) had a CE of >84% (6.8 A/m2), which was substantially larger than that previously obtained using carbon cloth air-cathodes lacking separators. These results demonstrate that MFCs constructed with separators should have the minimum number of DLs that prevent water leakage and maximize oxygen transfer to the cathode.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates real‐time maximization of power production in a stack of two continuous flow microbial fuel cells (MFCs). To maximize power output, external resistances of two air–cathode membraneless MFCs were controlled by a multiunit optimization algorithm. Multiunit optimization is a recently proposed method that uses multiple similar units to optimize process performance. The experiment demonstrated fast convergence toward optimal external resistance and algorithm stability during external perturbations (e.g., temperature variations). Rate of the algorithm convergence was much faster than in traditional maximum power point tracking algorithms (MPPT), which are based on temporal perturbations. A power output of 81–84 mW/LA (A = anode volume) was achieved in each MFC. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Three Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) were fluidically connected in series, with a single feed-line going into the 1st column through the 2nd column and finally as a single outflow coming from the 3rd column. Provision was also made for re-circulation in a loop (the outflow from the 3rd column becoming the feed-line into the 1st column) in order to extend the hydraulic retention time (HRT) on treatment of landfill leachate. The effect of increasing the electrode surface area was also studied whilst the columns were (fluidically) connected in series. An increase in the electrode surface area from 360 to 1080 cm2 increased the power output by 118% for C2, 151% for C3 and 264% for C1. COD and BOD5 removal efficiencies also increased by 137% for C1, 279% for C2 and 182% for C3 and 63% for C1, 161% for C2 and 159% for C3, respectively. The system when configured into a loop was able to remove 79% of COD and 82% of BOD5 after 4 days. These high levels of removal efficiency demonstrate the MFC system’s ability to treat leachate with the added benefit of generating energy.  相似文献   

The combined anaerobic-aerobic conditions in air-cathode single-chamber MFCs were used to completely mineralize pentachlorophenol (PCP; 5 mg/L), in the presence of acetate or glucose. Degradation rates of 0.140 ± 0.011 mg/L-h (acetate) and 0.117 ± 0.009 mg/L-h (glucose) were obtained with maximum power densities of 7.7 ± 1.1 W/m(3) (264 ± 39 W/m(2), acetate) and 5.1 ± 0.1 W/m(3) (175 ± 5 W/m(2), glucose). At a higher PCP concentration of 15 mg/L, PCP degradation rates increased to 0.171 ± 0.01 mg/L-h (acetate) and 0.159 ± 0.011 mg/L-h (glucose). However, power was inversely proportional to initial PCP concentration, with decreases of 0.255 W/mg PCP (acetate) and 0.184 W/mg PCP (glucose). High pH (9.0, acetate; 8.0, glucose) was beneficial to exoelectrogenic activities and power generation, whereas an acidic pH = 5.0 decreased power but increased PCP degradation rates (0.195 ± 0.002 mg/L-h, acetate; 0.173 ± 0.005 mg/L-h, glucose). Increasing temperature from 22 to 35°C enhanced power production by 37% (glucose) to 70% (acetate), and PCP degradation rates (0.188 ± 0.01 mg/L-h, acetate; 0.172 ± 0.009 mg/L-h, glucose). Dominant exoelectrogens of Pseudomonas (acetate) and Klebsiella (glucose) were identified in the biofilms. These results demonstrate that PCP degradation using air-cathode single-chamber MFCs may be a promising process for remediation of water contaminated with PCP as well as for power generation.  相似文献   

Recent progress in electrodes for microbial fuel cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Wei J  Liang P  Huang X 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(20):9335-9344
The performance and cost of electrodes are the most important aspects in the design of microbial fuel cell (MFC) reactors. A wide range of electrode materials and configurations have been tested and developed in recent years to improve MFC performance and lower material cost. As well, anodic electrode surface modifications have been widely used to improve bacterial adhesion and electron transfer from bacteria to the electrode surface. In this paper, a review of recent advances in electrode material and a configuration of both the anode and cathode in MFCs are provided. The advantages and drawbacks of these electrodes, in terms of their conductivity, surface properties, biocompatibility, and cost are analyzed, and the modification methods for the anodic electrode are summarized. Finally, to achieve improvements and the commercial use of MFCs, the challenges and prospects of future electrode development are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

微生物燃料电池(Microbial fuel cell,MFC)作为一种生物电化学装置,在可再生能源生产和废水处理方面的巨大潜力已引起广泛关注。然而MFC面临输出功率低、欧姆内阻高以及启动时间长等问题,极大限制了其在实际工程中的应用。MFC中阳极是微生物附着的载体,对电子的产生及传递起着关键作用,开发优质的生物电极已发展成为改善MFC性能的有效途径。共轭聚合物具有成本低、电导率高、化学稳定性及生物相容性好等优点,利用共轭聚合物修饰生物电极结构,可以实现大比表面积、缩短电荷转移路径,从而实现高效生物电化学性能。同时,纳米级共轭聚合物包覆细菌,可以使细菌产生的电子有效地传递到电极。文中综述了最近报道的共轭聚合物在MFC中的应用,重点介绍了共轭聚合物修饰的MFC阳极,系统分析了共轭聚合物的优点及局限性,以及这些高效复合生物电极如何解决MFC应用中存在的低输出功率、高欧姆内阻及长启动时间等问题。  相似文献   

Instead of the utilization of artificial redox mediators or other catalysts, a biocathode has been applied in a two-chamber microbial fuel cell in this study, and the cell performance and microbial community were analyzed. After a 2-month startup, the microorganisms of each compartment in microbial fuel cell were well developed, and the output of microbial fuel cell increased and became stable gradually, in terms of electricity generation. At 20 ml/min flow rate of the cathodic influent, the maximum power density reached 19.53 W/m3, while the corresponding current and cell voltage were 15.36 mA and 223 mV at an external resistor of 14.9 Omega, respectively. With the development of microorganisms in both compartments, the internal resistance decreased from initial 40.2 to 14.0 Omega, too. Microbial community analysis demonstrated that five major groups of the clones were categorized among those 26 clone types derived from the cathode microorganisms. Betaproteobacteria was the most abundant division with 50.0% (37 of 74) of the sequenced clones in the cathode compartment, followed by 21.6% (16 of 74) Bacteroidetes, 9.5% (7 of 74) Alphaproteobacteria, 8.1% (6 of 74) Chlorobi, 4.1% (3 of 74) Deltaproteobacteria, 4.1% (3 of 74) Actinobacteria, and 2.6% (2 of 74) Gammaproteobacteria.  相似文献   

Endogenously produced, diffusible redox mediators can act as electron shuttles for bacterial respiration. Accordingly, the mediators also serve a critical role in microbial fuel cells (MFCs), as they assist extracellular electron transfer from the bacteria to the anode serving as the intermediate electron sink. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) may be a valuable tool for evaluating the role of mediators in an operating MFC. EIS offers distinct advantages over some conventional analytical methods for the investigation of MFC systems because EIS can elucidate the electrochemical properties of various charge transfer processes in the bio‐energetic pathway. Preliminary investigations of Shewanella oneidensis DSP10‐based MFCs revealved that even low quantities of extracellular mediators significantly influence the impedance behavior of MFCs. EIS results also suggested that for the model MFC studied, electron transfer from the mediator to the anode may be up to 15 times faster than the electron transfer from bacteria to the mediator. When a simple carbonate membrane separated the anode and cathode chambers, the extracellular mediators were also detected at the cathode, indicating diffusion from the anode under open circuit conditions. The findings demonstrated that EIS can be used as a tool to indicate presence of extracellular redox mediators produced by microorganisms and their participation in extracellular electron shuttling. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 882–891. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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