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Bioarchaeological approaches are well suited for examining past responses to political and environmental changes. In the Andes, we hypothesized that political and environmental changes around AD 1100 resulted in behavioral changes, visible as shifts in paleodiet and paleomobility, among individuals in the San Pedro de Atacama oases and Loa River Valley. To investigate this hypothesis, we generated carbon and oxygen isotope data from cemeteries dating to the early Middle Horizon (Larache, Quitor‐5, Solor‐3), late Middle Horizon (Casa Parroquial, Coyo Oriental, Coyo‐3, Solcor‐Plaza, Solcor‐3, Tchecar), and Late Intermediate Period (Caspana, Quitor‐6 Tardío, Toconce, Yaye‐1, Yaye‐2, Yaye‐3, Yaye‐4). Carbon isotope data demonstrate a greater range of carbon sources during the late Middle Horizon compared with the Late Intermediate Period; while most individuals consumed largely C3 sources, some late Middle Horizon individuals consumed more C4 sources. Oxygen isotope data demonstrate greater diversity in drinking water sources during the late Middle Horizon compared with the Late Intermediate Period. Water samples were analyzed to provide baseline data on oxygen isotope variability within the Atacama Desert, and demonstrated that oxygen isotope values are indistinguishable in the San Pedro and Loa Rivers. However, oxygen isotope values in water sources in the high‐altitude altiplano and coast are distinct from those in the San Pedro and Loa Rivers. In conclusion, instead of utilizing a wider variety of resources after environmental and political changes, individuals exhibited a wider range of paleodietary and paleomobility strategies during the Middle Horizon, a period of environmental and political stability. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:179–201, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Paleomobility has been a key element in the study of the expansion of ancient states and empires, including the Tiwanaku polity of the South Central Andes (AD 500–1000). We present radiogenic strontium and oxygen isotope data from human burials from three cemeteries in the Tiwanaku‐affiliated Middle Horizon archaeological site complex of Rio Muerto in the Moquegua Valley of southern Peru. At Rio Muerto, archaeological human enamel and bone values range from 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70657–0.72018, with a mean of 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70804 ± 0.00207 (1σ, n = 55). For the subset of samples analyzed for oxygen isotope values (n = 48), the data ranges from δ18Ocarbonate(VSMOW) = +18.1 to +27.0‰. When contextualized with other lines of archaeological evidence, we interpret these data as evidence for an archaeological population in which the majority of individuals had “local” origins, and were likely second‐generation, or more, immigrants from the Tiwanaku heartland in the altiplano. Based on detailed life history data, we argue a smaller number of individuals came at different ages from various regions within the Tiwanaku polity. We consider whether these individuals with isotopic values consistent with “nonlocal” geographic origins could represent first‐generation migrants, marriage exchange partners, or occupationally mobile herders, traders or other travelers. By combining isotopic life history studies with mortuary treatment data, we use a person‐centered migration history approach to state integration and expansion. Isotopic analyses of paleomobility at the Rio Muerto site complex contribute to the role of diversity in ancient states by demonstrating the range of geographic origins rather than simply colonists from the Lake Titicaca Basin. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:405–421, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT  Using a contextualized bioarchaeological framework, in this article, I examine the complex relationship between the Tiwanaku polity of the Bolivian altiplano (C.E. 550–1000) and the inhabitants of the San Pedro de Atacama oases of northern Chile, in Tiwanaku's far periphery. I focus on how influences from Tiwanaku might have affected the presentation of Atacameño group identity in the mortuary context. I compare skeletal and mortuary data from 300 individuals buried during the peak of Tiwanaku influence in the Atacama to assess mortuary context, trauma, and body modifications. Results suggest a complex response to Tiwanaku influence. Data from the grave and mortuary assemblage reveal traditional Atacameño tombs with occasional foreign objects. Evidence of increased traumatic injury suggests that this relationship was not without some conflict. Finally, the maintenance of bodily expressions of local identity indicates a society that used their bodies to mark Atacameño identity.  相似文献   

As one of the few areas apt for horticulture in Northern Chile's arid landscape, the prehistory of the Atacama oases is deeply enmeshed with that of the inter‐regional networks that promoted societal development in the south central Andes. During the Middle Horizon (AD 500–1000), local populations experienced a cultural apex associated with a substantial increase in inter‐regional interaction, population density, and quantity and quality of mortuary assemblages. Here, we test if this cultural peak affected dietary practices equally among the distinct local groups of this period. We examine caries prevalence and the degree of occlusal wear in four series recovered from three cemeteries. Our results show a reduction in the prevalence of caries for males among an elite subsample from Solcor 3 and the later Coyo 3 cemeteries. Dental wear tends to increase over time with the Late Middle Horizon/Late Intermediate Period cemetery of Quitor 6 showing a higher average degree of wear. When considered in concert with archaeological information, we concluded that the Middle Horizon was marked by dietary variability wherein some populations were able to obtain better access to protein sources (e.g., camelid meat). Not all members of Atacameño society benefited from this, as we note that this dietary change only affected men. Our results suggest that the benefits brought to the San Pedro oases during the Middle Horizon were not equally distributed among local groups and that social status, relationship to the Tiwanaku polity, and interment in particular cemeteries affected dietary composition. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Middle Period (AD 400–1000) in northern Chile's Atacama oases is characterized by an increase in social complexity and regional interaction, much of which was organized around the power and impact of the Tiwanaku polity. Despite the strong cultural influence of Tiwanaku and numerous other groups evident in interactions with Atacameños, the role of immigration into the oases during this period is unclear. While archaeological and bioarchaeological research in the region has shown no evidence that clearly indicates large groups of foreign immigrants, the contemporary increase in interregional exchange networks connecting the oases to other parts of the Andes suggests residential mobility and the possibility that movement of people both into and out of the oases accompanied these foreign influences. Here, we analyze biodistance through cranial non‐metric traits in a skeletal sample from prehistoric San Pedro de Atacama to elucidate the extent of foreign influence in the oases and discuss its implications. We analyzed 715 individuals from the Middle Period (AD 400–1000) and later Regional Developments Period (AD 1000–1450), and found greater phenotypic differences between Middle Period cemeteries than among cemeteries in the subsequent period. We argue that this greater diversity extends beyond the relationship between the oases and the renowned Tiwanaku polity and reflects the role of the oases and its different ayllus as a node and way station for the Middle Period's myriad interregional networks. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:370–382, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We analyzed the archaeobotanical remains from the Mediterranean Medieval village of Geridu (Sardinia-Italy) in order: (1) to formulate hypotheses concerning different uses of woody plants; (2) to reconstruct the distribution patterns of charcoals and to compare them with the results of the archeological interpretation and (3) to describe the agricultural activities and cultural landscape around the village. In total, 29 plant taxa were identified from charcoals and 14 from carpological remains. The number of charcoals and the ubiquity of plant taxa were correlated with each other (rp = 0.735; n = 29). Only the stratigraphic units referred to as the “construction layer” in the archeological interpretation significantly differed from the other archeological contexts which were related to the life and abandonment phases of the village. Some hypotheses regarding the agricultural activities of the village were formulated on the basis of carpological remains, largely of cereals and legumes. Integration of the archeological findings with information supported by the biological archive in Geridu and with knowledge of the vegetation series allowed reconstruction of the cultural landscape, which fit with the thermo- and meso-Mediterranean climate of the area.  相似文献   

A number of researchers have hypothesized that the biomechanical forces associated with cultural cranial deformation can influence the formation of sutural ossicles. However, it is still difficult to make definitive conclusions about this relationship because the effects appear to be quite weak, and contradictory results have been obtained when specific sutures and deformation types are compared across studies. This research retests the hypothesis using a single archeological sample of lamdoidally deformed, occipitally deformed, and undeformed crania from Hawikuh, New Mexico (AD 1300–1680). Our results show no significant difference in either the prevalence or number of ossicles between deformed and undeformed crania, suggesting that the abnormal strains generated by cranial shape modification during infancy are not a factor in ossicle development for this population. One significant relationship was detected at the right lambdoid suture in crania with asymmetrical occipital deformation. Crania that were more deformed on the left side showed greater numbers of ossicles on the right side, but the effect was small. Furthermore, the relationship may well reflect a sampling error, due to the small number of crania with greater left side deformation and scorable right side lambdoid ossicles (n = 11). Although it is possible that forms of cranial deformation other than the posterior tabular types examined here may affect ossicle expression, our review of the literature suggests that the relationship in humans is complex and incompletely understood at this time. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The weaning process was investigated at two Maya sites dominated by Postclassic remains: Marco Gonzalez (100 BC-AD 1350) and San Pedro (1400-AD 1650), Belize. Bone collagen and bioapatite were analyzed from 67 individuals (n < or = 6 years = 15, n > 6 years = 52). Five isotopic measures were used to reconstruct diet and weaning: stable nitrogen- and carbon-isotope ratios in collagen, stable carbon- and oxygen-isotope ratios in bioapatite, and the difference in stable carbon-isotope values of coexisting collagen and bioapatite. Nitrogen-isotope ratios in infant collagen from both sites are distinct from adult females, indicating a trophic level effect. Collagen-to-bioapatite differences in infant bone from both sites are distinct from adult females, indicating a shift in macronutrients. Oxygen-isotope ratios in infant bioapatite from both sites are also distinct from adult females, indicating the consumption of breast milk. Among infants, carbon- and nitrogen-isotope ratios vary, indicating death during different stages in the weaning process. The ethnohistoric and paleopathological literature on the Maya indicate cessation of breast-feeding between ages 3-4 years. Isotopic data from Marco Gonzalez and San Pedro also indicate an average weaning age of 3-4 years. Based on various isotopic indicators, weaning likely began around age 12 months. This data set is not only important for understanding the weaning process during the Postclassic, but also demonstrates the use of collagen-to-bioapatite spacing as an indicator of macronutrient shifts associated with weaning.  相似文献   

This article seeks to identify “Greeks” and “non‐Greeks” in “mixed” mortuary contexts in a Greek colony. Specifically, we test the hypothesis that Illyrian and Greek individuals lived and were buried together at the Corinthian colony of Apollonia, Albania (established ca. 600 BC). The pattern of human biological interaction at Apollonia is tested by identifying variation in genetic relatedness using biodistance analysis of dental and cranial nonmetric traits for three sites: Apollonia (n = 116), its founder‐city Corinth (n = 69), and Lofkënd (n = 108), an inland site near Apollonia pre‐dating colonization. Logistic regression analysis estimates that individuals from colonial Apollonia are most closely related to prehistoric Illyrian populations (from Lofkënd and prehistoric Apollonia), rather than Greeks (from Corinth). The phenotypic similarity between colonial Apollonia and prehistoric Illyria suggests that there was a large Illyrian contribution to the gene pool at the colony of Apollonia. However, some trait combinations show low biological distances among all groups, suggesting homogeneity among Illyrian and Greek populations (assessed through pseudo‐Mahalanobis' D2). The degree of phenotypic similarity suggests shared ancestry and long‐term migration throughout these regions. The impacts of missing data and small sample sizes are also considered. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:236–248, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An isotopic reconstruction of human dietary patterns and livestock management practices (herding, grazing, foddering, etc.) is presented here from the sites of Düzen Tepe and Sagalassos in southwestern Turkey. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios were determined from bone collagen extracted from humans (n = 49) and animals (n = 454) from five distinct time periods: Classical‐Hellenistic (400–200 BC), Early to Middle Imperial (25 BC–300 AD), Late Imperial (300–450 AD), Early Byzantine (450–600 AD), and Middle Byzantine (800–1200 AD). The humans had protein sources that were based on C3 plants and terrestrial animals. During the Classical‐Hellenistic period, all of the domestic animals had δ13C and δ15N signatures that clustered together; evidence that the animals were herded in the same area or kept in enclosures and fed on similar foods. The diachronic analysis of the isotopic trends in the dogs, cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats highlighted subtle but distinct variations in these animals. The δ13C values of the dogs and cattle increased (reflecting C4 plant consumption) during the Imperial and Byzantine periods, but the pigs and the goats displayed little change and a constant C3 plant‐based diet. The sheep had a variable δ13C pattern reflecting periods of greater and lesser consumption of C4 plants in the diet. In addition, the δ15N values of the dogs, pigs, cattle, and sheep increase substantially from the Classical‐Hellenistic to the Imperial periods reflecting a possible increase in protein consumption, but the goats showed a decrease. Finally, these isotopic results are discussed in the context of zooarcheological, archeobotanical, and trace element evidence. Am J Phys Anthropol 149:157–171, 2012. © Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Objective: Higher levels of physical activity have been associated with body weight maintenance, but previous work in our laboratory suggests that this is not purely related to energy balance. We hypothesize that this may be related to the partitioning of dietary fat between oxidation and storage. Research Methods and Procedures: Healthy women (age 24 ± 1 years, BMI = 21.2 ± 0.4 kg/m2) were recruited to participate in rest (n = 10) or exercise sessions of light (n = 11), moderate (n = 10), and heavy (n = 7) exercise. All exercises (1250 kJ above rest) were performed on a stationary cycle inside of a whole‐body calorimeter. [1‐13C]oleate and [d31]palmitate were given in a liquid meal 30 minutes post‐exercise. An additional study was done with identical exercise sessions, but with administration of an oral dose of [1‐13C]acetate and [d3]acetate 30 minutes post‐exercise to determine label sequestration. Results: Cumulative oxidation of [1‐13C]oleate was significantly greater after light (45 ± 3%), moderate (54 ± 4%), and heavy (51 ± 4%) exercise than that with rest (33 ± 3%) (p = 0.0008). Cumulative oxidation of [d31]palmitate did not differ among trials (12 ± 2%, 14 ± 1%, 17 ± 2%, and 14 ± 2% for rest, light, moderate, and heavy, respectively; p = 0.30). Discussion: Exercise standardized for energy expenditure increases monounsaturated fat oxidation more than saturated fat oxidation and that the increase occurs regardless of intensity. Recommendations for physical activity for the purposes of weight control may be specific for dietary fat composition.  相似文献   

The population morphometric variation of the endangered freshwater killifish (Fundulus lima) was evaluated and compared with that of its euryhaline coastal relatives (F. parvipinnis parvipinnis and F. p. brevis) on the basis of 384 specimens from the Baja California peninsula, Mexico. Forty five standardized body distances were compared by means of discriminant function analysis (DFA). Sixteen body distances were significant to distinguish two groups of populations for F. lima: a first group represented by the Bebelamas and San Javier basins, and second group composed by the basins of San Ignacio, La Purísima, San Luis, San Pedro and Las Pocitas. When all freshwater and coastal populations were compared, the southernmost population of F. lima (Las Pocitas) showed a higher morphometric similarity with the southern coastal subspecies (F. p. brevis), while another southern population (San Pedro) had an intermediate position between the freshwater and coastal forms. This study suggests the presence of five evolutionary units (three freshwater and two coastal) for the genus Fundulus in the Baja California peninsula.  相似文献   

The extent to which both water source and atmospheric humidity affect δ2H values of terrestrial plant leaf waxes will affect the interpretations of δ2H variation of leaf waxes as a proxy for hydrological conditions. To elucidate the effects of these parameters, we conducted a long‐term experiment in which we grew two tree species, Populus fremontii and Betula occidentalis, hydroponically under combinations of six isotopically distinct waters and two different atmospheric humidities. We observed that leaf n‐alkane δ2H values of both species were linearly related to source water δ2H values, but with slope differences associated with differing humidities. When a modified version of the Craig–Gordon model incorporating plant factors was used to predict the δ2H values of leaf water, all modelled leaf water values fit the same linear relationship with n‐alkane δ2H values. These observations suggested a relatively constant biosynthetic fractionation factor between leaf water and n‐alkanes. However, our calculations indicated a small difference in the biosynthetic fractionation factor between the two species, consistent with small differences calculated for species in other studies. At present, it remains unclear if these apparent interspecies differences in biosynthetic fractionation reflect species‐specific biochemistry or a common biosynthetic fractionation factor with insufficient model parameterization.  相似文献   

A new species of Coreocarpus endemic to San Pedro Nolasco Island, Mexico, C. sanpedroensis , is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(79):69-74

Traditionally, Arikara mortuary practice has been described as direct interment soon after death in wood-covered pits. This interpretation explains most of the ethnohistorical and archeological data, but not all. Some ethnohistorical, archeological, and entomological evidence suggests scaffolding prior to burial.  相似文献   

A seven month-long time series sediment trap project was carried out in San Pedro Basin (Southern California Borderlands) in order to evaluate the response of calcareous nannoplankton to seasonal hydrographic changes. This region is periodically influenced by upwelling, particularly during the spring and early summer. The highest fluxes of both whole coccospheres and individual coccoliths occurred during winter (January-February), a period when the fluxes of diatoms and planktic foraminifera were low. The highest coccolithophore fluxes were recorded in the mid-February with 860 × 106 coccoliths m−2 day−1, 8 × 106 whole coccospheres m−2 day−1, and 80 mg of coccolith carbonate m−2 day−1. Coccolith carbonate fluxes in January and February account for most of the total carbonate fluxes measured during this period. The season of maximum coccolithophore production in this region (winter) is correlated with weak stratification of the upper water column, low total primary production, low nutrient contents, and low temperatures.Emiliania huxleyi and Florisphaera profunda are the two most abundant species in this region. While E. huxleyi displays no distinct seasonal changes in flux, F. profunda shows a clear preference for cold, low nutrient water conditions and low light levels. Helicosphaera spp. flux is positively correlated to the total coccosphere fluxes and is indicative of high coccolithophore productivity.  相似文献   

Data on weekly to bimonthly particle flux collected by sediment traps in three environments show that forms of silicoflagellates do not have a simple and consistent relationship to either temperature or productivity of the overlying water column. Sites were located in the fjords of British Columbia, along a transect off the coast of southern Oregon, and in San Pedro Basin of the Southern California Bight. Either the “cool”Distephanus speculum or the “warm”Dictyocha messanensis may dominate at temperatures over a range from 10–19°C.D. speculum dominated high-productivity periods off Oregon, whileD. messanensis dominated during coastal upwelling events in the San Pedro Basin, regardless of surface temperature.Octactis pulchra showed no distinctive trend in the San Pedro Basin, the only locality where it was observed. The isolated presence ofD. speculum in the fjords, where mixed-zone salinity may be as low as 11‰, indicates a tolerance for hyposaline waters, but no other trends could be defined with respect to surface salinity.  相似文献   

The Byzantine Empire managed a complex administrative network that controlled the mining and processing of natural resources from within its boundaries. Scholars relying upon archeological and textual evidence debate the level of imperial involvement in these ventures, particularly in the provinces. Ancient sources note that many mining camps, for instance, purportedly contained criminal laborers and elite administrators transported from distant locales, indicating significant organization and expenditures by the imperial administration to run the mines. This analysis explores the presence of these nonlocal individuals in a cemetery associated with the third to seventh century A.D. mining camp of Phaeno (Faynan), located in modern Jordan. Strontium isotope analysis of 31 burials indicates that most spent their childhood in a similar geological region as Phaeno, implying that they were locally born. The δ18O results mirror the homogeneous 87Sr/86Sr values, confirming a local origin for most of the sample. Isotopic evidence therefore suggests that the Phaeno mining camp was largely a local operation, contrary to the picture presented in textual sources, although the profits surely padded imperial coffers. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report Molecular Dynamics calculations of radial density profiles and self-diffusion coefficients of Lennard-Jones fluids in a cylindrical pore of radius 2σ, for a wide range of temperatures and densities. At n p σ3 = 0.825 the self-diffusion coefficient parallel to the pore walls D *. follows a monotonic (nearly linear) increase with kT/ε and is very similar to that of the bulk self-diffusion coefficient D b *. At n p σ3 = 0.4 and kT/ε ≤ 1.0 the curve of D * vs. kT/ε shows a distinct inflection in the region 0.7 ≤ kT/ε ≤ 0.9 and values of D * are much less than D b * decreasing to near solid state values at very low temperatures. At the highest temperature studied, kT/ε = 2.98, D * is almost inversely proportional to density and in a fairly close agreement with that of D b *. At KT/ε = 0.49, D * is much smaller than D b *. The motion of adsorbate particles normal to the walls is also discussed.  相似文献   

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