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A robotic high‐throughput displacer screen was developed and employed to identify chemically selective displacers for several protein pairs in cation exchange chromatography. This automated screen enabled the evaluation of a wide range of experimental conditions in a relatively short period of time. Displacers were evaluated at multiple concentrations for these protein pairs, and DC‐50 plots were constructed. Selectivity pathway plots were also constructed and different regimes were established for selective and exclusive separations. Importantly, selective displacement was found to be conserved for multiple protein pairs, demonstrating the technique to be applicable for a range of protein systems. Although chemically selective displacers were able to separate protein pairs that had similar retention in ion exchange but different surface hydrophobicities, they were not able to distinguish protein pairs with similar surface hydrophobicities. This corroborates that displacer‐protein hydrophobic interactions play an important role for this class of selective displacers. Important functional group moieties were established and efficient displacers were identified. These results demonstrate that the design of chemically selective displacers requires a delicate balance between the abilities to displace proteins from the resin and to bind to a selected protein. The use of robotic screening of displacers will enable the extension of chemically selective displacement chromatography beyond hydrophobic displacer‐protein interactions to other secondary interactions and more selective displacement systems. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Model-free parameters obtained from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation experiments and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations commonly are used to describe the intramolecular dynamical properties of proteins. To assess the relative accuracy and precision of experimental and simulated model-free parameters, three independent data sets derived from backbone 15N NMR relaxation experiments and two independent data sets derived from MD simulations of Escherichia coli ribonuclease HI are compared. The widths of the distributions of the differences between the order parameters for pairs of NMR data sets are congruent with the uncertainties derived from statistical analyses of individual data sets; thus, current protocols for analyzing NMR data encapsulate random uncertainties appropriately. Large differences in order parameters for certain residues are attributed to systematic differences between samples for intralaboratory comparisons and unknown, possibly magnetic field-dependent, experimental effects for interlaboratory comparisons. The widths of distributions of the differences between the order parameters for two NMR sets are similar to widths of distributions for an NMR and an MD set or for two MD sets. The linear correlations between the order parameters for an MD set and an NMR set are within the range of correlations observed between pairs of NMR sets. These comparisons suggest that the NMR and MD generalized order parameters for the backbone amide N—H bond vectors are of comparable accuracy for residues exhibiting motions on a fast time scale (<100 ps). Large discrepancies between NMR and MD order parameters for certain residues are attributed to the occurrence of “rare” motional events over the simulation trajectories, the disruption of an element of secondary structure in one of the simulations, and lack of consensus among the experimental data sets. Consequently, (easily detectable) severe distortions of local protein structure and infrequent motional events in MD simulations appear to be the most serious artifacts affecting the accuracy and precision, respectively, of MD order parameters relative to NMR values. In addition, MD order parameters for motions on a fast (<100 ps) timescale are more precisely determined than their NMR counterparts, thereby permitting more detailed dynamic characterization of biologically important residues by MD simulation than is sometimes possible by experimental methods. Proteins 28:481–493, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Selective desorption on ceramic hydroxyapatite (CHT) was implemented for the purification of monomeric monoclonal antibody (mAb) from associated aggregates and other post-protein A step impurities. A robotic liquid handling system was employed to carry out a parallel batch screen of selective desorbents on a post-protein A step mAb mixture. The effect of different phosphate concentrations was also investigated. Selective batch separations were achieved between monomeric mAb and associated aggregates/impurities. The batch screen results also established optimal mobile phase conditions for each selective desorbent. These initial batch results were then used to guide column separations, and baseline separation of monomeric mAb from associated aggregates and impurities was achieved, validating the screening results. Selective desorption also resulted in improved separations on CHT, with 100% yield of pure monomeric mAb as compared to 61% and 79%, respectively, for conventional linear and step gradient operations. This proof of concept study demonstrates selective desorption on CHT as an effective separation technique for the purification of monomeric mAb from associated aggregates and other post-protein A step impurities in a single process step.  相似文献   

When a protein such as human serum albumin is added to the separation buffer in capillary electrophoresis, the mobility of solutes which bind to that protein may be altered. The change in mobility of the solute is a function both of the strength of the binding interaction, and the difference in mobility between the free solute and protein additive. By adding other ligands which themselves bind to the protein, the strength of the solute–protein binding may be modified, leading to a measurable change in the mobility of the solute. These effects are particularly striking for chiral compounds, where enantioselectivity may be completely lost on addition of a competitive ligand. Capillary electrophoresis with human serum ablumin as a buffer additive was used to separate the enantiomers of benzoin and three phenothiazine derivatives. A comparison of the binding of (S)-benzoin to human serum albumin as determined by capillary electrophoresis and by ultrafiltration was made. A variety of other ligands were then added to the buffer along with the protein, and the effects on mobility and enantioselectivity were studied. The displacers included (R)- and (S)-oxazepam hemisuccinate, (R)- and (S)-warfarin, nitrazepam, phenylbutazone, and octanoic acid. From the results obtained, it seems that capillary electrophoresis may be a useful, rapid method to screen for drug–drug interactions. There are some advantages of using this technique to study protein–ligand interactions: Only very small amounts of ligand are needed (useful when dealing with metabolites); for chiral compounds, if protein binding is stereoselective, then the method is also stereoselective, so single enantiomers are not needed; finally, measurements are obtained in solution, without the need for immobilization of the protein. A disadvantage is that the ligand and protein must have significantly different electrophoretic mobilities. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lai YT  Cheng CS  Liu YN  Liu YJ  Lyu PC 《Proteins》2008,72(4):1189-1198
Plant nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs) are small, basic proteins constituted mainly of alpha-helices and stabilized by four conserved disulfide bridges. They are characterized by the presence of a tunnel-like hydrophobic cavity, capable of transferring various lipid molecules between lipid bilayers in vitro. In this study, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed at room temperature to investigate the effects of lipid binding on the dynamic properties of rice nsLTP1. Rice nsLTP1, either in the free form or complexed with one or two lipids was subjected to MD simulations. The C-terminal loop was very flexible both before and after lipid binding, as revealed by calculating the root-mean-square fluctuation. After lipid binding, the flexibility of some residues that were not in direct contact with lipid molecules increased significantly, indicating an increase of entropy in the region distal from the binding site. Essential dynamics analysis revealed clear differences in motion between unliganded and liganded rice nsLTP1s. In the free form of rice nsLTP1, loop1 exhibited the largest directional motion. This specific essential motion mode diminished after binding one or two lipid molecules. To verify the origin of the essential motion observed in the free form of rice nsLTP1, we performed multiple sequence alignments to probe the intrinsic motion encoded in the primary sequence. We found that the amino acid sequence of loop1 is highly conserved among plant nsLTP1s, thus revealing its functional importance during evolution. Furthermore, the sequence of loop1 is composed mainly of amino acids with short side chains. In this study, we show that MD simulations, together with essential dynamics analysis, can be used to determine structural and dynamic differences of rice nsLTP1 upon lipid binding.  相似文献   

Membrane binding by cytosolic fatty acid binding proteins (FABP) appears to constitute a key step of intracellular lipid trafficking. We applied NMR spectroscopy to study the partitioning of a water‐soluble bile acid binding protein (BABP), belonging to the FABP family, between its free and lipid‐vesicle‐bound states. As the lipid‐bound protein was NMR‐invisible, the signals of the free biomolecule were analyzed to obtain quantitative information on binding affinity and steady‐state kinetics. The data indicated a reversible interaction of BABP with anionic vesicles occurring in a very slow exchange regime on the NMR time scale. The approximate binding epitope was demonstrated from results on BABP samples in which different positively charged lysine residues were mutated to neutral alanines. H/D exchange measurements indicated a higher exposure to solvent for the core amino acid residues in the liposome‐bound state. Finally, the BABP‐liposome interaction was also investigated for the first time through an MRI‐chemical exchange saturation transfer experiment that has potential applications not only in the field of biology, but also in biomedicine, bioanalytical chemistry, and nanotechnology. Proteins 2013; 81:1776–1791. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Molecular imprinting is a powerful synthetic technique for generating template-defined binding sites in cross-linked polymers. One scientific challenge in molecular imprinting research is to understand the intermolecular interactions leading to molecular complexation and the process of binding site formation during polymerization. In this work, we present a novel method for studying the molecular imprinting process in precipitation polymerization systems. This method employs solution (1) H NMR and dynamic light scattering (DLS) to investigate the association of template molecules with colloidal particles and the dynamic process of particle growth. Under precipitation polymerization conditions, the colloidal particles formed did not interfere with NMR signals from the soluble components, allowing unreacted monomers and free template to be easily quantified. To examine the process of particle nucleation and growth, DLS was used to measure the hydrodynamic particle size at different reaction times. To corroborate the interpretation of the NMR and DLS results, imprinted nanoparticles were collected at different reaction times and their binding characteristics were evaluated using radioligand-binding analysis. Our experimental results provide new insights into the molecular imprinting process that will be useful in the development of new imprinted nanoparticles.  相似文献   

Anionic and zwitterionic micelles are often used as simple models for the lipids found in bacterial and mammalian cell membranes to investigate antimicrobial peptide‐lipid interactions. In our laboratory we have employed a variety of 1D, 2D, and diffusion ordered (DOSY) NMR experiments to investigate the interactions of antimicrobial peptides containing unnatural amino acids with SDS and DPC micelles. Complete assignment of the proton spectra of these peptides is prohibited by the incorporation of a high percentage of unnatural amino acids which don't contain amide protons into the backbone. However preliminary assignment of the TOCSY spectra of compound 23 in the presence of both micelles indicated multiple conformers are present as a result of binding to these micelles. Chemical Shift Indexing agreed with previously collected CD spectra that indicated on binding to SDS micelles compound 23 adopts a mixture of α‐helical structures and on binding to DPC micelles this peptide adopts a mixture of helical and β‐turn/sheet like structures. DOSY NMR experiments also indicated that the total positive charge and the relative placement of that charge at the N‐terminus or C‐terminus are important in determining the mole fraction of the peptide that will bind to the different micelles. DOSY and 1H‐NMR experiments indicated that the length of Spacer #1 plays a major role in defining the binding conformation of these analogs with SDS micelles. Results obtained from molecular simulations studies of the binding of compounds 23 and 36 with SDS micelles were consistent with the observed NMR results. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 99: 548–561, 2013.  相似文献   

Plant LTP1 are small helical proteins stabilized by four disulfide bridges and are characterized by the presence of an internal cavity, in which various hydrophobic ligands can be inserted. Recently, we have determined the solution structure of the recombinant tobacco LTP1_1. Unexpectedly, despite a global fold very similar to the structures already known for cereal seed LTP1, its binding properties are different: Tobacco LTP1_1 is able to bind only one monoacylated lipid, whereas cereal LTP1 can bind either one or two. The 3D structure of tobacco LTP1_1 revealed the presence of a hydrophobic cluster, not observed on cereal LTP1 structures, which may hinder one of the two entrances of the cavity defined for wheat LTP1. To better understand the mechanism of lipid entrance for tobacco LTP1_1 and to define the regions of the protein monitoring the accessibility of the cavity, we have complemented our structural data by the study of the internal dynamics of tobacco LTP1_1, using (15)N magnetic relaxation rate data and MD simulations at room and high temperatures. This work allowed us to define two regions of the protein experiencing the largest motions. These two regions delineate a portal that opens up during the simulation constituting a unique entrance of the hydrophobic cavity, in contrast with wheat LTP1 where two routes were detected. The hydrophobic interactions resulting from a few point mutations are strong enough to completely block the second portal so that the accessibility of the cavity is restricted to one entrance, explaining why this particular LTP1 binds only one lipid molecule.  相似文献   

Replica exchange molecular dynamics (RexMD) simulations are frequently used for studying structure formation and dynamics of peptides and proteins. A significant drawback of standard temperature RexMD is, however, the rapid increase of the replica number with increasing system size to cover a desired temperature range. A recently developed Hamiltonian RexMD method has been used to study folding of the Trp‐cage protein. It employs a biasing potential that lowers the backbone dihedral barriers and promotes peptide backbone transitions along the replica coordinate. In two independent applications of the biasing potential RexMD method including explicit solvent and starting from a completely unfolded structure the formation of near‐native conformations was observed after 30–40 ns simulation time. The conformation representing the most populated cluster at the final simulation stage had a backbone root mean square deviation of ~1.3 Å from the experimental structure. This was achieved with a very modest number of five replicas making it well suited for peptide and protein folding and refinement studies including explicit solvent. In contrast, during five independent continuous 70 ns molecular dynamics simulations formation of collapsed states but no near native structure formation was observed. The simulations predict a largely collapsed state with a significant helical propensity for the helical domain of the Trp‐cage protein already in the unfolded state. Hydrogen bonded bridging water molecules were identified that could play an active role by stabilizing the arrangement of the helical domain with respect to the rest of the chain already in intermediate states of the protein. Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An engineered variant of T4 lysozyme serves as a model for studying induced remote conformational changes in a full protein context. The design involves a duplicated surface helix, flanked by two loops, that switches between two different conformations spanning about 20 Å. Molecular dynamics simulations of the engineered protein, up to 1 μs, rule out α‐helix to β‐sheet transitions within the duplicated helix as suggested by others. These simulations highlight how the use of different force fields can lead to radical differences in the structure of the protein. In addition, Markov state modeling and transition path theory were employed to map a 6.6 μs simulation for possible early intermediate states and to provide insights into the onset of the switching motion. The putative intermediates involve the folding of one helical turn in the C‐terminal loop through energy driven, sequential rearrangement of nearby salt bridges around the key residue Arg63. These results provide a first step towards understanding the energetics and dynamics of a rather complicated intra‐protein motion.  相似文献   

Isotope labeling by residue type (LBRT) has long been an important tool for resonance assignments at the limit where other approaches, such as triple-resonance experiments or NOESY methods do not succeed in yielding complete assignments. While LBRT has become less important for small proteins it can be the method of last resort for completing assignments of the most challenging protein systems. Here we present an approach where LBRT is achieved by adding protonated 14N amino acids that are 13C labeled at the carbonyl position to a medium for uniform deuteration and 15N labeling. This has three important benefits over conventional 15N LBRT in a deuterated back ground: (1) selective TROSY-HNCO cross peaks can be observed with high sensitivity for amino-acid pairs connected by the labeling, and the amide proton of the residue following the 13C labeled amino acid is very sharp since its alpha position is deuterated, (2) the 13C label at the carbonyl position is less prone to scrambling than the 15N at the α-amino position, and (3) the peaks for the 1-13C labeled amino acids can be identified easily from the large intensity reduction in the 1H-15N TROSY-HSQC spectrum for some residues that do not significantly scramble nitrogens, such as alanine and tyrosine. This approach is cost effective and has been successfully applied to proteins larger than 40 kDa. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide gamma is one of the largest members of the tachykinin family of peptides, exhibiting strong agonistic activity towards the NK-2 tachykinin receptor. This peptide was synthesized by the solid-phase method using the Fmoc chemistry. Circular-dichroism spectroscopy (CD) investigations of this peptide were performed in phosphate buffer, in the presence of sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) micelles and trifluoroethanol (TFE) solutions and in DMSO-d6 using the 2D NMR technique in conjunction with two different theoretical approaches. The first assumes multiconformational equilibrium of the peptide studied characterized by the values of statistical weights of low-energy conformations. These calculations were performed using three different force fields ECEPP/3, AMBER4.1 and CHARMM (implemented in the X-PLOR program). The second method incorporates interproton distance and dihedral angle constraints into the starting conformation using the Simulated Annealing algorithm (X-PLOR program). The CD experiments revealed that although the peptide studied is flexible in polar solvents, a tendency to adopt a helical structure was observed in the hydrophobic environment. The NMR data (NOE effects) indicate a helical or reverse structure in the Ile7-His12 fragment of the peptide studied in DMSO-d6 solution. The results obtained cannot be interpreted in terms of a single conformation. Most of the conformations obtained with the ECEPP/3 force field possess a high content of a helical structure. None of the conformers, obtained with the AMBER4.1 and CHARMM force fields, can be considered as the dominant one. In all conformations several beta-turns were detected and in some cases gamma-turns were also found. But in fact, it is rather difficult to select the position of the secondary element(s) present in the structure of NPgamma in solution. All conformers calculated with the X-PLOR program (with using NMR derived distance and torsion angle constraints) are stabilized by several beta-turns. Common structural motives are a type IV beta-turn in the Gln6-His12 fragment. All conformations obtained using two approaches adopt very similar turn shapes in the middle region of molecule and a random structure on the N- and C-terminal fragments.  相似文献   

Glucose‐dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (gastric inhibitory polypeptide, or GIP), a 42‐amino acid incretin hormone, modulates insulin secretion in a glucose‐concentration‐dependent manner. Its insulinotropic action is highly dependent on glucose concentration that surmounts the hypoglycemia side effects associated with current therapy. In order to develop a GIP‐based anti‐diabetic therapy, it is essential to establish the 3D structure of the peptide and study its interaction with the GIP receptor (GIPR) in detail. This will give an insight into the GIP‐mediated insulin release process. In this article, we report the solution structure of GIP(1–42, human)NH2 deduced by NMR and the interaction of the peptide with the N‐terminus of GIPR using molecular modelling methods. The structure of GIP(1–42, human)NH2 in H2O has been investigated using 2D‐NMR (DQF‐COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, 1H‐13C HSQC) experiments, and its conformation was built by constrained MD simulations with the NMR data as constraints. The peptide in H2O exhibits an α‐helical structure between residues Ser8 and Asn39 with some discontinuity at residues Gln29 to Asp35; the helix is bent at Gln29. This bent gives the peptide an ‘L’ shape that becomes more pronounced upon binding to the receptor. The interaction of GIP with the N‐terminus of GIPR was modelled by allowing GIP to interact with the N‐terminus of GIPR under a series of decreasing constraints in a molecular dynamics simulation, culminating with energy minimization without application of any constraints on the system. The canonical ensemble obtained from the simulation was subjected to a detailed energy analysis to identify the peptide–protein interaction patterns at the individual residue level. These interaction energies shed some light on the binding of GIP with the GIPR N‐terminus in a quantitative manner. Copyright © 2010 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The addition of fluid phase modifiers provides significant opportunities for increasing the selectivity of multimodal chromatography. In order to optimize this selectivity, it is important to understand the fundamental interactions between proteins and these modifiers. To this end, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were first performed to study the interactions of guanidine and arginine with three proteins. The simulation results showed that both guanidine and arginine interacted primarily with the negatively charged regions on the proteins and that these regions could be readily predicted using electrostatic potential maps. Protein surface characterization was then carried out using computationally efficient coarse‐grained techniques for a broader set of proteins which exhibited interesting chromatographic retention behavior upon the addition of these modifiers. It was shown that proteins exhibiting an increased retention in the presence of guanidine possessed hydrophobic regions adjacent to negatively charged regions on their surfaces. In contrast, proteins which exhibited a decreased binding in the presence of guanidine did not have hydrophobic regions adjacent to negatively charged patches. These results indicated that the effect of guanidine could be described as a combination of competitive binding, charge neutralization and increased hydrophobic interactions for certain proteins. In contrast, arginine resulted in a significant decrease in protein retention times primarily due to competition for the resin and steric effects, with minimal accompanying increase in hydrophobic interactions. The approach presented in this paper which employs MD simulations to guide the application of coarse‐grained approaches is expected to be extremely useful for methods development in downstream bioprocesses. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:435–447, 2017  相似文献   

UIS3 is a malaria parasite protein essential for liver stage development of Plasmodium species, presumably localized to the membrane of the parasitophorous vacuole formed in infected cells. It has been recently proposed that the soluble domain of UIS3 interacts with the host liver fatty acid binding protein (L‐FABP), providing the parasite with a pathway for importing exogenous lipids required for its rapid growth. This finding may suggest novel strategies for arresting parasite development. In this study, we have investigated the interaction between human L‐FABP and the soluble domain of Plasmodium falciparum UIS3 by NMR spectroscopy. The amino acid residue‐specific analysis of 1H,15N‐2D NMR spectra excluded the occurrence of a direct interaction between L‐FABP (in its unbound and oleate‐loaded forms) and Pf‐UIS3. Furthermore, the spectrum of Pf‐UIS3 was unchanged when oleate or phospholipids were added. The present investigation entails a reformulation of the current model of host‐pathogen lipid transfer, possibly redirecting research for early intervention against malaria.  相似文献   

Verkhivker GM 《Biopolymers》2007,85(4):333-348
The molecular basis of the tyrosine kinases binding specificity and drug resistance against cancer drugs Imatinib and Dasatinib is elucidated using Monte Carlo simulations of the inhibitor-receptor binding with the ensembles of protein kinase crystal structures. In silico proteomics analysis unravels mechanisms by which structural plasticity of the tyrosine kinases is linked with the conformational preferences of Imatinib and Dasatinib in achieving effective drug binding with a distinct spectrum of the tyrosine kinome. The differences in the inhibitor sensitivities to the ABL kinase mutants are rationalized based on variations in the binding free energy profiles with the conformational states of the ABL kinase. While Imatinib binding is highly sensitive to the activation state of the enzyme, the computed binding profile of Dasatinib is remarkably tolerant to the conformational state of ABL. A comparative analysis of the inhibitor binding profiles with the clinically important ABL kinase mutants has revealed an excellent agreement with the biochemical and proteomics data. We have found that conformational adaptability of the kinase inhibitors to structurally different conformational states of the tyrosine kinases may have pharmacological relevance in acquiring a specific array of potent activities and regulating a scope of the inhibitor resistance mutations. This study outlines a useful approach for understanding and predicting the molecular basis of the inhibitor sensitivity against potential kinase targets and drug resistance.  相似文献   

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