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We tested directly the differences in the aggregation kinetics of three important β amyloid peptides, the full‐length Aβ1‐42, and the two N‐terminal truncated and pyroglutamil modified Aβpy3‐42 and Aβpy11‐42 found in different relative concentrations in the brains in normal aging and in Alzheimer disease. By following the circular dichroism signal and the ThT fluorescence of the solution in phosphate buffer, we found substantially faster aggregation kinetics for Aβpy3‐42. This behavior is due to the particular sequence of this peptide, which is also responsible for the specific oligomeric aggregation states, found by TEM, during the fibrillization process, which are very different from those of Aβ1‐42, more prone to fibril formation. In addition, Aβpy3‐42 is found here to have an inhibitory effect on Aβ1‐42 fibrillogenesis, coherently with its known greater infective power. This is an indication of the important role of this peptide in the aggregation process of β‐peptides in Alzheimer disease. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 861–873, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online“ date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

We study the complex formation of a peptide βAβAKLVFF, previously developed by our group, with Aβ(1–42) in aqueous solution. Circular dichroism spectroscopy is used to probe the interactions between βAβAKLVFF and Aβ(1–42), and to study the secondary structure of the species in solution. Thioflavin T fluorescence spectroscopy shows that the population of fibers is higher in βAβAKLVFF/Aβ(1–42) mixtures compared to pure Aβ(1–42) solutions. TEM and cryo‐TEM demonstrate that co‐incubation of βAβAKLVFF with Aβ(1–42) causes the formation of extended dense networks of branched fibrils, very different from the straight fibrils observed for Aβ(1–42) alone. Neurotoxicity assays show that although βAβAKLVFF alters the fibrillization of Aβ(1–42), it does not decrease the neurotoxicity, which suggests that toxic oligomeric Aβ(1–42) species are still present in the βAβAKLVFF/Aβ(1–42) mixtures. Our results show that our designed peptide binds to Aβ(1–42) and changes the amyloid fibril morphology. This is shown to not necessarily translate into reduced toxicity. Copyright © 2010 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work we have probed the interactions of the amyloid Aβ(1–42) peptide with self‐assembled nanospheres. The nanospheres were formed by self‐assembly of a newly developed bolaamphiphile bis(N‐alpha‐amido‐methionine)‐1,8 octane dicarboxylate under aqueous conditions. It was found that the interactions of the Aβ(1–42) peptide with the nanospheres were concentration as well as pH dependent and the peptide largely adopts a random coil structure upon interacting with the nanospheres. Further, upon incorporation with the nanospheres, we observed a relative diminution in the aggregation of Aβ(1–42) at low concentrations of Aβ(1–42). The interactions between the nanospheres and the Aβ(1–42) peptide were investigated by atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, circular dichroism, FTIR and fluorescence spectroscopy, and the degree of fibrillation in the presence and absence of nanospheres was monitored by the Thioflavine T assay. We believe that the outcome from this work will help further elucidate the binding properties of Aβ peptide as well as designing nanostructures as templates for further investigating the nucleation and fibrillation process of Aβ‐like peptides. Copyright © 2010 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The amyloid β‐peptide with a sequence of 42 amino acids is the major constituent of extracellular amyloid deposits in Alzheimer's disease plaques. The control of the peptide self‐assembly is difficult to achieve because the process is fast and is affected by many variables. In this paper, we describe the effect of different charged and non‐charged surfactants on Aβ(1‐42) fibrillation to define common alternate aggregation pathways. The characterization of the peptide‐surfactant interactions by ultra‐structural analysis, thioflavin T assay and secondary structure analysis, suggested that charged surfactants interact with Aβ(1‐42) through electrostatic interactions. Charged micelles slow down the aggregation process and stabilize the peptide in the oligomeric state, whereas non‐charged surfactants promote the Aβ(1‐42) fibril formation. Copyright © 2013 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of interfacial folding and membrane insertion of the Alzheimer's amyloid‐β fragment Aβ(25–35) and its less toxic mutant, N27A‐Aβ(25–35) and more toxic mutant, M35A‐Aβ(25–35), are investigated using replica–exchange molecular dynamics in an implicit water‐membrane environment. This study simulates the processes of interfacial folding and membrane insertion in a spontaneous fashion to identify their general mechanisms. Aβ(25–35) and N27A‐Aβ(25–35) peptides share similar mechanisms: the peptides are first located in the membrane hydrophilic region where their C‐terminal residues form helical structures. The peptides attempt to insert themselves into the membrane hydrophobic region using the C‐terminal or central hydrophobic residues. A small portion of peptides can successfully enter the membrane's hydrophobic core, led by their C‐terminal residues, through the formation of continuous helical structures. No detectable amount of M35A‐Aβ(25–35) peptides appeared to enter the membrane's hydrophobic core. The three studied peptides share a similar helical structure for their C‐terminal five residues, and these residues mainly buried within the membrane's hydrophobic region. In contrast, their N‐terminal properties are markedly different. With respect to the Aβ(25–35), the N27A‐Aβ(25–35) forms a more structured helix and is buried deeper within the membrane, which may result in a lower degree of aggregation and a lower neurotoxicity; in contrast, the less structured and more water‐exposed M35A‐Aβ(25–35) is prone to aggregation and has a higher neurotoxicity. Understanding the mechanisms of Aβ peptide interfacial folding and membrane insertion will provide new insights into the mechanisms of neurodegradation and may give structure‐based clues for rational drug design preventing amyloid associated diseases. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Amyloid‐β peptides (Aβs) are generated in a membrane‐embedded state by sequential processing of amyloid precursor protein (APP). Although shedding of membrane‐embedded Aβ is essential for its secretion and neurotoxicity, the mechanism behind shedding regulation is not fully elucidated. Thus, we devised a Langmuir film balance‐based assay to uncover this mechanism. We found that Aβ shedding was enhanced under acidic pH conditions and in lipid compositions resembling raft microdomains, which are directly related to the microenvironment of Aβ generation. Furthermore, Aβ shedding efficiency was determined by the length of the C‐terminal membrane‐spanning region, whereas pH responsiveness appears to depend on the N‐terminal ectodomain. These findings indicate that Aβ shedding may be directly coupled to its generation and represents an unrecognized control mechanism regulating the fate of membrane‐embedded products of APP processing.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that the aggregation of the small peptide Aβ42 plays an important role in the development of Alzheimer's disease. Inhibiting the initial aggregation of Aβ42 may be an effective treatment for preventing, or slowing, the onset of the disease. Using an in vivo screen based on the enzyme EGFP, we have searched through two combinatorially diverse peptide libraries to identify peptides capable of inhibiting Aβ42 aggregation. From this initial screen, three candidate peptides were selected and characterized. ThT studies indicated that the selected peptides were capable of inhibiting amyloid aggregation. Additional ThT studies showed that one of the selected peptides was capable of disaggregating preformed Aβ42 fibers. Copyright © 2009 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Some neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer disease (AD) and Parkinson disease are caused by protein misfolding. In AD, amyloid β‐peptide (Aβ) is thought to be a toxic agent by self‐assembling into a variety of aggregates involving soluble oligomeric intermediates and amyloid fibrils. Here, we have designed several green fluorescent protein (GFP) variants that contain pseudo‐Aβ β‐sheet surfaces and evaluated their abilities to bind to Aβ and inhibit Aβ oligomerization. Two GFP variants P13H and AP93Q bound tightly to Aβ, Kd = 260 nM and Kd = 420 nM, respectively. Moreover, P13H and AP93Q were capable of efficiently suppressing the generation of toxic Aβ oligomers as shown by a cell viability assay. By combining the P13H and AP93Q mutations, a super variant SFAB4 comprising four strands of Aβ‐derived sequences was designed and bound more tightly to Aβ (Kd = 100 nM) than those having only two pseudo‐Aβ strands. The SFAB4 protein preferentially recognized the soluble oligomeric intermediates of Aβ more than both unstructured monomer and mature amyloid fibrils. Thus, the design strategy for embedding pseudo‐Aβ β‐sheet structures onto a protein surface arranged in the β‐barrel structure is useful to construct molecules capable of binding tightly to Aβ and inhibiting its aggregation. This strategy may provide implication for the diagnostic and therapeutic development in the treatment of AD. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The metal ions Zn2+, Cu2+, and Fe2+ play a significant role in the aggregation mechanism of Aβ peptides. However, the nature of binding between metal and peptide has remained elusive; the detailed information on this from the experimental study is very difficult. Density functional theory (dft) (M06‐2X/6‐311++G (2df,2pd) +LANL2DZ) has employed to determine the force field resulting due to metal and histidine interaction. We performed 200 ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulation on Aβ1‐42‐Zn2+, Aβ1‐42‐Cu2+, and Aβ1‐42‐Fe2+ systems in explicit water with different combination of coordinating residues including the three Histidine residues in the N‐terminal. The present investigation, the Aβ1‐42‐Zn2+ system possess three turn conformations separated by coil structure. Zn2+ binding caused the loss of the helical structure of N‐terminal residues which transformed into the S‐shaped conformation. Zn2+ has reduced the coil and increases the turn content of the peptide compared with experimental study. On the other hand, the Cu2+ binds with peptide, β sheet formation is observed at the N‐terminal residues of the peptide. Fe2+ binding is to promote the formation of Glu22‐Lys28 salt‐bridge which stabilized the turn conformation in the Phe19‐Gly25 residues, subsequently β sheets were observed at His13‐Lys18 and Gly29‐Gly37 residues. The turn conformation facilitates the β sheets are arranged in parallel by enhancing the hydrophobic contact between Gly25 and Met35, Lys16 and Met35, Leu17 and Leu34, Val18 and Leu34 residues. The Fe2+ binding reduced the helix structure and increases the β sheet content in the peptide, which suggested, Fe2+ promotes the oligomerization by enhancing the peptide‐peptide interaction. Proteins 2016; 84:1257–1274. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Alzheimer disease is a neurodegenerative disease affecting an increasing number of patients worldwide. Current therapeutic strategies are directed to molecules capable to block the aggregation of the β‐amyloid(1‐42) (Aβ) peptide and its shorter naturally occurring peptide fragments into toxic oligomers and amyloid fibrils. Aβ‐specific antibodies have been recently developed as powerful antiaggregation tools. The identification and functional characterization of the epitope structures of Aβ antibodies contributes to the elucidation of their mechanism of action in the human organism. In previous studies, the Aβ(4‐10) peptide has been identified as an epitope for the polyclonal anti‐Aβ(1‐42) antibody that has been shown capable to reduce amyloid deposition in a transgenic Alzheimer disease mouse model. To determine the functional significance of the amino acid residues involved in binding to the antibody, we report here the effects of alanine single‐site mutations within the Aβ‐epitope sequence on the antigen‐antibody interaction. Specific identification of the essential affinity preserving mutant peptides was obtained by exposing a Sepharose‐immobilized antibody column to an equimolar mixture of mutant peptides, followed by analysis of bound peptides using high‐resolution MALDI‐Fourier transform‐Ion Cyclotron Resonance mass spectrometry. For the polyclonal antibody, affinity was preserved in the H6A, D7A, S8A, and G9A mutants but was lost in the F4, R5, and Y10 mutants, indicating these residues as essential amino acids for binding. Enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays confirmed the binding differences of the mutant peptides to the polyclonal antibody. In contrast, the mass spectrometric analysis of the mutant Aβ(4‐10) peptides upon affinity binding to a monoclonal anti‐Aβ(1‐17) antibody showed complete loss of binding by Ala‐site mutation of any residue of the Aβ(4‐10) epitope. Surface plasmon resonance affinity determination of wild‐type Aβ(1‐17) to the monoclonal Aβ antibody provided a binding constant KD in the low nanomolar range. These results provide valuable information in the elucidation of the binding mechanism and the development of Aβ‐specific antibodies with improved therapeutic efficacy.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the role of heterogeneous nucleation in β‐amyloid aggregation. Heterogeneous nucleation is more common and occurs at lower levels of supersaturation than homogeneous nucleation. The nucleation period is also the stage at which most of the polymorphism of amyloids arises, this being one of the defining features of amyloids. We focus on several well‐known heterogeneous nucleators of β‐amyloid, including lipid surfaces, especially those enriched in gangliosides and cholesterol, and divalent metal ions. These two broad classes of nucleators affect β‐amyloid particularly in light of the amphiphilicity of these peptides: the N‐terminal region, which is largely polar and charged, contains the metal binding site, whereas the C‐terminal region is aliphatic and is important in lipid binding. Notably, these two classes of nucleators can interact cooperatively, aggregation begetting greater aggregation.  相似文献   

Self‐assembly of natural or designed peptides into fibrillar structures based on β‐sheet conformation is a ubiquitous and important phenomenon. Recently, organic solvents have been reported to play inductive roles in the process of conformational change and fibrillization of some proteins and peptides. In this study, we report the change of secondary structure and self‐assembling behavior of the surfactant‐like peptide A6K at different ethanol concentrations in water. Circular dichroism indicated that ethanol could induce a gradual conformational change of A6K from unordered secondary structure to β‐sheet depending upon the ethanol concentration. Dynamic light scattering and atomic force microscopy revealed that with an increase of ethanol concentration the nanostructure formed by A6K was transformed from nanosphere/string‐of‐beads to long and smooth fibrils. Furthermore, Congo red staining/binding and thioflavin‐T binding experiments showed that with increased ethanol concentration, the fibrils formed by A6K exhibited stronger amyloid fibril features. These results reveal the ability of ethanol to promote β‐sheet conformation and fibrillization of the surfactant‐like peptide, a fact that may be useful for both designing self‐assembling peptide nanomaterials and clarifying the molecular mechanism behind the formation of amyloid fibrils. Copyright © 2013 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abnormal aggregation of β‐amyloid (Aβ) peptide plays an important role in the onset and progress of Alzheimer's disease (AD); hence, targeting Aβ aggregation is considered as an effective therapeutic strategy. Here, we studied the aromatic‐interaction‐mediated inhibitory effect of oligomeric polypeptides (K8Y8, K4Y8, K8W8) on Aβ42 fibrillization process. The polypeptides containing lysine as well as representative aromatic amino acids of tryptophan or tyrosine were found to greatly suppress the aggregation as evaluated by thioflavin T assay. Circular dichroism spectra showed that the β‐sheet formation of Aβ42 peptides decreased with the polypeptide additives. Molecular docking studies revealed that the oligomeric polypeptides could preferentially bind to Aβ42 through π–π stacking between aromatic amino acids and Phe19, together with hydrogen bonding. The cell viability assay confirmed that the toxicity of Aβ42 to SH‐SY5Y cells was markedly reduced in the presence of polypeptides. This study could be beneficial for developing peptide‐based inhibitory agents for amyloidoses. Copyright © 2017 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The biological underpinnings linking stress to Alzheimer's disease (AD) risk are poorly understood. We investigated how corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF), a critical stress response mediator, influences amyloid‐β (Aβ) production. In cells, CRF treatment increases Aβ production and triggers CRF receptor 1 (CRFR1) and γ‐secretase internalization. Co‐immunoprecipitation studies establish that γ‐secretase associates with CRFR1; this is mediated by β‐arrestin binding motifs. Additionally, CRFR1 and γ‐secretase co‐localize in lipid raft fractions, with increased γ‐secretase accumulation upon CRF treatment. CRF treatment also increases γ‐secretase activity in vitro, revealing a second, receptor‐independent mechanism of action. CRF is the first endogenous neuropeptide that can be shown to directly modulate γ‐secretase activity. Unexpectedly, CRFR1 antagonists also increased Aβ. These data collectively link CRF to increased Aβ through γ‐secretase and provide mechanistic insight into how stress may increase AD risk. They also suggest that direct targeting of CRF might be necessary to effectively modulate this pathway for therapeutic benefit in AD, as CRFR1 antagonists increase Aβ and in some cases preferentially increase Aβ42 via complex effects on γ‐secretase.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia in humans and is related to the accumulation of the amyloid‐β (Aβ) peptide and its interaction with metals (Cu, Fe, and Zn) in the brain. Crystallographic structural information about Aβ peptide deposits and the details of the metal‐binding site is limited owing to the heterogeneous nature of aggregation states formed by the peptide. Here, we present a crystal structure of Aβ residues 1–16 fused to the N‐terminus of the Escherichia coli immunity protein Im7, and stabilized with the fragment antigen binding fragment of the anti‐Aβ N‐terminal antibody WO2. The structure demonstrates that Aβ residues 10–16, which are not in complex with the antibody, adopt a mixture of local polyproline II‐helix and turn type conformations, enhancing cooperativity between the two adjacent histidine residues His13 and His14. Furthermore, this relatively rigid region of Aβ (residues, 10–16) appear as an almost independent unit available for trapping metal ions and provides a rationale for the His13‐metal‐His14 coordination in the Aβ1–16 fragment implicated in Aβ metal binding. This novel structure, therefore, has the potential to provide a foundation for investigating the effect of metal ion binding to Aβ and illustrates a potential target for the development of future Alzheimer's disease therapeutics aimed at stabilizing the N‐terminal monomer structure, in particular residues His13 and His14, and preventing Aβ metal‐binding‐induced neurotoxicity.Proteins 2013; 81:1748–1758. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Young Kee Kang    Byung Jin Byun 《Biopolymers》2012,97(12):1018-1025
The γ‐peptide β‐turn structures have been designed computationally by the combination of chirospecific γ 2 , 3 ‐residues of 2‐(aminomethyl)cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (γAmc6) with a cyclohexyl constraint on the Cα?Cβ bond using density functional methods in water. The chirospecific γAmc6 dipeptide with the (2S,3S)‐(2R,3R) configurations forms a stable turn structure in water, resembling a type II′ turn of α‐peptides, which can be used as a β‐turn motif in β‐hairpins of Ala‐based α‐peptides. The γAmc6 dipeptide with homochiral (2S,3S)‐(2S,3S) configurations but different cyclohexyl puckerings shows the capability to be incorporated into one of two β‐turn motifs of gramicidin S. The overall structure of this gramicidin S analogue is quite similar to the native gramicidin S with the same patterns and geometries of hydrogen bonds. Our calculated results and the recently observed results may imply the wider applicability of chirospecific γ‐peptides with a cyclohexyl constraint on the backbone to form various peptide foldamers. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 97:1018–1025, 2012.  相似文献   

Oligomeric amyloid‐β (Aβ) 1‐42 disrupts synaptic function at an early stage of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Multiple posttranslational modifications of Aβ have been identified, among which N‐terminally truncated forms are the most abundant. It is not clear, however, whether modified species can induce synaptic dysfunction on their own and how altered biochemical properties can contribute to the synaptotoxic mechanisms. Here, we show that a prominent isoform, pyroglutamated Aβ3(pE)‐42, induces synaptic dysfunction to a similar extent like Aβ1‐42 but by clearly different mechanisms. In contrast to Aβ1‐42, Aβ3(pE)‐42 does not directly associate with synaptic membranes or the prion protein but is instead taken up by astrocytes and potently induces glial release of the proinflammatory cytokine TNFα. Moreover, Aβ3(pE)‐42‐induced synaptic dysfunction is not related to NMDAR signalling and Aβ3(pE)‐42‐induced impairment of synaptic plasticity cannot be rescued by D1‐agonists. Collectively, the data point to a scenario where neuroinflammatory processes together with direct synaptotoxic effects are caused by posttranslational modification of soluble oligomeric Aβ and contribute synergistically to the onset of synaptic dysfunction in AD.  相似文献   

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