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Adsorption of cellulase on solids resulting from pretreatment of poplar wood by ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX), ammonia recycled percolation (ARP), controlled pH, dilute acid (DA), flowthrough (FT), lime, and sulfur dioxide (SO2) and pure Avicel glucan was measured at 4°C, as were adsorption and desorption of cellulase and adsorption of β‐glucosidase for lignin left after enzymatic digestion of the solids from these pretreatments. From this, Langmuir adsorption parameters, cellulose accessibility to cellulase, and the effectiveness of cellulase adsorbed on poplar solids were estimated, and the effect of delignification on cellulase effectiveness was determined. Furthermore, Avicel hydrolysis inhibition by enzymatic and acid lignin of poplar solids was studied. Flowthrough pretreated solids showed the highest maximum cellulase adsorption capacity (σsolids = 195 mg/g solid) followed by dilute acid (σsolids = 170.0 mg/g solid) and lime pretreated solids (σsolids = 150.8 mg/g solid), whereas controlled pH pretreated solids had the lowest (σsolids = 56 mg/g solid). Lime pretreated solids also had the highest cellulose accessibility (σcellulose = 241 mg/g cellulose) followed by FT and DA. AFEX lignin had the lowest cellulase adsorption capacity (σlignin = 57 mg/g lignin) followed by dilute acid lignin (σlignin = 74 mg/g lignin). AFEX lignin also had the lowest β‐glucosidase capacity (σlignin = 66.6 mg/g lignin), while lignin from SO2lignin = 320 mg/g lignin) followed by dilute acid had the highest (301 mg/g lignin). Furthermore, SO2 followed by dilute acid pretreated solids gave the highest cellulase effectiveness, but delignification enhanced cellulase effectiveness more for high pH than low pH pretreatments, suggesting that lignin impedes access of enzymes to xylan more than to glucan, which in turn affects glucan accessibility. In addition, lignin from enzymatic digestion of AFEX and dilute acid pretreated solids inhibited Avicel hydrolysis less than ARP and flowthrough lignin, whereas acid lignin from unpretreated poplar inhibited enzymes the most. Irreversible binding of cellulase to lignin varied with pretreatment type and desorption method. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Through a Biomass Refining Consortium for Applied Fundamentals and Innovation among Auburn University, Dartmouth College, Michigan State University, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Purdue University, Texas A&M University, the University of British Columbia, and the University of California at Riverside, leading pretreatment technologies based on ammonia fiber expansion, aqueous ammonia recycle, dilute sulfuric acid, lime, neutral pH, and sulfur dioxide were applied to a single source of poplar wood, and the remaining solids from each technology were hydrolyzed to sugars using the same enzymes. Identical analytical methods and a consistent material balance methodology were employed to develop comparative performance data for each combination of pretreatment and enzymes. Overall, compared to data with corn stover employed previously, the results showed that poplar was more recalcitrant to conversion to sugars and that sugar yields from the combined operations of pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis varied more among pretreatments. However, application of more severe pretreatment conditions gave good yields from sulfur dioxide and lime, and a recombinant yeast strain fermented the mixed stream of glucose and xylose sugars released by enzymatic hydrolysis of water washed solids from all pretreatments to ethanol with similarly high yields. An Agricultural and Industrial Advisory Board followed progress and helped steer the research to meet scientific and commercial needs. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Bovine serum albumin (BSA), Tween‐20, and polyethylene glycol (PEG6000) were added to washed corn stover solids produced by ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX), ammonia recycled percolation (ARP), dilute sulfuric acid (DA), lime, controlled pH, and sulfur dioxide (SO2) pretreatments and to untreated corn stover (UT) and pure Avicel glucan prior to adding cellulase supplemented with β‐glucosidase at an activity ratio of 1:2/g and a moderate enzyme loading of 16.1 mg/g glucan in the raw corn stover. The additives were applied individually at 150, 300, and 600 mg/g glucan in the pretreated solids and in combinations of equal amounts of each that totaled 600 mg/g. The greatest increase in total sugar release was by Tween‐20 with SO2 pretreated solids followed by PEG6000 with ARP solids and Tween‐20 with lime solids. The effectiveness of the additives was observed to depend on the type of sugars left in the solids, suggesting that it may be more beneficial to use the mixture of these additives to realize a high total sugar yield. In addition, little enhancement in sugar release was possible beyond a loading of 150 mg additives/g glucan for most pretreatments, and combinations did not improve sugar release much over use of additives alone for all except SO2. Additives were also found to significantly increase concentrations of cellobiose and cellooligomers after 72 h of Avicel hydrolysis. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;102: 1544–1557. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Short‐term lime pretreatment uses lime and high‐pressure oxygen to significantly increase the digestibility of poplar wood. When the treated poplar wood was enzymatically hydrolyzed, glucan and xylan were converted to glucose and xylose, respectively. To calculate product yields from raw biomass, these sugars were expressed as equivalent glucan and xylan. To recommend pretreatment conditions, the single criterion was the maximum overall glucan and xylan yields using a cellulase loading of 15 FPU/g glucan in raw biomass. On this basis, the recommended conditions for short‐term lime pretreatment of poplar wood follow: (1) 2 h, 140°C, 21.7 bar absolute and (2) 2 h, 160°C, and 14.8 bar absolute. In these two cases, the reactivity was nearly identical, thus the selected condition depends on the economic trade off between pressure and temperature. Considering glucose and xylose and their oligomers produced during 72 h of enzymatic hydrolysis, the overall yields attained under these recommended conditions follow: (1) 95.5 g glucan/100 g of glucan in raw biomass and 73.1 g xylan/100 g xylan in raw biomass and (2) 94.2 g glucan/100 g glucan in raw biomass and 73.2 g xylan/100 g xylan in raw biomass. The yields improved by increasing the enzyme loading. An optimal enzyme cocktail was identified as 67% cellulase, 12% β‐glucosidase, and 24% xylanase (mass of protein basis) with cellulase activity of 15 FPU/g glucan in raw biomass and total enzyme loading of 51 mg protein/g glucan in raw biomass. Ball milling the lime‐treated poplar wood allowed for 100% conversion of glucan in 120 h with a cellulase loading of only 10 FPU/g glucan in raw biomass. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Solids resulting from pretreatment of corn stover by ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX), ammonia recycled percolation (ARP), controlled pH, dilute acid, lime, and sulfur dioxide (SO2) technologies were hydrolyzed by enzyme cocktails based on cellulase supplemented with β-glucosidase at an activity ratio of 1:2, respectively, and augmented with up to 11.0 g xylanase protein/g cellulase protein for combined cellulase and β-glucosidase mass loadings of 14.5 and 29.0 mg protein (about 7.5 and 15 FPU, respectively)/g of original potential glucose. It was found that glucose release increased nearly linearly with residual xylose removal by enzymes for all pretreatments despite substantial differences in their relative yields. The ratio of the fraction of glucan removed by enzymes to that for xylose was defined as leverage and correlated statistically at two combined cellulase and β-glucosidase mass loadings with pretreatment type. However, no direct relationship was found between leverage and solid features following different pretreatments such as residual xylan or acetyl content. However, acetyl content not only affected how xylanase impacted cellulase action but also enhanced accessibility of cellulose and/or cellulase effectiveness, as determined by hydrolysis with purified CBHI (Cel7A). Statistical modeling showed that cellulose crystallinity, among the main substrate features, played a vital role in cellulase–xylanase interactions, and a mechanism is suggested to explain the incremental increase in glucose release with xylanase supplementation.  相似文献   

Moderate loadings of cellulase enzyme supplemented with beta-glucosidase were applied to solids produced by ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX), ammonia recycle (ARP), controlled pH, dilute sulfuric acid, lime, and sulfur dioxide pretreatments to better understand factors that control glucose and xylose release following 24, 48, and 72 h of hydrolysis and define promising routes to reducing enzyme demands. Glucose removal was higher from all pretreatments than from Avicel cellulose at lower enzyme loadings, but sugar release was a bit lower for solids prepared by dilute sulfuric acid in the Sunds system and by controlled pH pretreatment than from Avicel at higher protein loadings. Inhibition by cellobiose was observed to depend on the type of substrate and pretreatment and hydrolysis times, with a corresponding impact of beta-glucosidase supplementation. Furthermore, for the first time, xylobiose and higher xylooligomers were shown to inhibit enzymatic hydrolysis of pure glucan, pure xylan, and pretreated corn stover, and xylose, xylobiose, and xylotriose were shown to have progressively greater effects on hydrolysis rates. Consistent with this, addition of xylanase and beta-xylosidase improved performance significantly. For a combined mass loading of cellulase and beta-glucosidase of 16.1 mg/g original glucan (about 7.5 FPU/g), glucose release from pretreated solids ranged from 50% to75% of the theoretical maximum and was greater for all pretreatments at all protein loadings compared to pure Avicel cellulose except for solids from controlled pH pretreatment and from dilute acid pretreatment by the Sunds pilot unit. The fraction of xylose released from pretreated solids was always less than for glucose, with the upper limit being about 60% of the maximum for ARP and the Sunds dilute acid pretreatments at a very high protein mass loading of 116 mg/g glucan (about 60 FPU).  相似文献   

Biological pretreatment of rice straw and production of reducing sugars by hydrolysis of bio-pretreated material with Streptomyces griseorubens JSD-1 was investigated. After 10 days of incubation, various chemical compositions of inoculated rice straw were degraded and used for further enzymatic hydrolysis studies. The production of cellulolytic enzyme by S. griseorubens JSD-1 favored the conversion of cellulose to reducing sugars. The culture medium for cellulolytic enzyme production by using agro-industrial wastes was optimized through response surface methodology. According to the response surface analysis, the concentrations of 11.13, 20.34, 4.61, and 2.85 g L?1 for rice straw, wheat bran, peptone, and CaCO3, respectively, were found to be optimum for cellulase and xylanase production. Then the hydrolyzed spent Streptomyces cells were used as a nitrogen source and the maximum filter paper cellulase, carboxymethylcellulase, and xylanase activities of 25.79, 78.91, and 269.53 U mL?1 were achieved. The crude cellulase produced by S. griseorubens JSD-1 was subsequently used for the hydrolysis of bio-pretreated rice straw, and the optimum saccharification efficiency of 88.13% was obtained, indicating that the crude enzyme might be used instead of commercial cellulase during a saccharification process. These results give a basis for further study of bioethanol production from agricultural cellulosic waste.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of supplementation of cellulase and xylanase to diets of growing goats to improve nutrient digestibility, utilisation of energy and mitigation of enteric methane emissions. The experiment was conducted in a 5 × 5 Latin square design using five goats with permanent rumen fistulae and five treatments consisted of two levels of cellulase crossed over with two levels of xylanase plus unsupplemented Control. The cellulase (243 U/g) derived from Neocallimastix patriciarum was added at 0.8 and 1.6 g/kg dry matter intake (DMI) and the xylanase (31,457 U/ml) derived from Aspergillus oryzae was fed at 1.4 and 2.2 ml/kg DMI. There were no differences in apparent digestibility of organic matter, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre and rumen fermentation parameters (i.e. ammonia-nitrogen [N], volatile fatty acids) among all treatments. Dietary cellulase and xylanase addition did not influence energy and N utilisation. But compared to xylanase addition at the higher dose, at the low xylanase dose the retained N, the availability of retained N and digested N were increased (< 0.01). Moreover, enzyme addition did not affect the enteric methane emission and community diversity of ruminal methanogens. The present results indicated that previous in vitro findings were not confirmed in ruminant trials.  相似文献   

Termitomyces clypeatus produced 450 IU xylanase ml–1 in a medium containing starch-free wheat bran powder as the carbon source. Carboxymethyl cellulase (CMCase) activity in the culture filtrate was removed by keeping the filtrate at pH 10 for 60 min followed by a change to pH 6. Treatment of Kraft pulp (bamboo) with the filtrate at pH 7 decreased the kappa number from 10.5 to 5 with release of reducing groups equivalent to 0.15 mg glucose g–1 pulp.  相似文献   

In order to investigate changes in substrate chemical and physical features after pretreatment, several characterizations were performed on untreated (UT) corn stover and poplar and their solids resulting pretreatments by ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX), ammonia recycled percolation (ARP), controlled pH, dilute acid, flowthrough, lime, and SO2 technologies. In addition to measuring the chemical compositions including acetyl content, physical attributes determined were biomass crystallinity, cellulose degree of polymerization, cellulase adsorption capacity of pretreated solids and enzymatically extracted lignin, copper number, FT-IR responses, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) visualizations, and surface atomic composition by electron spectroscopy of chemical analysis (ESCA). Lime pretreatment removed the most acetyl groups from both corn stover and poplar, while AFEX removed the least. Low pH pretreatments depolymerized cellulose and enhanced biomass crystallinity much more than higher pH approaches. Lime pretreated corn stover solids and flowthrough pretreated poplar solids had the highest cellulase adsorption capacity, while dilute acid pretreated corn stover solids and controlled pH pretreated poplar solids had the least. Furthermore, enzymatically extracted AFEX lignin preparations for both corn stover and poplar had the lowest cellulase adsorption capacity. ESCA results showed that SO2 pretreated solids had the highest surface O/C ratio for poplar, but for corn stover, the highest value was observed for dilute acid pretreatment with a Parr reactor. Although dependent on pretreatment and substrate, FT-IR data showed that along with changes in cross linking and chemical changes, pretreatments may also decrystallize cellulose and change the ratio of crystalline cellulose polymorphs (Iα/Iβ).  相似文献   

To study the role of cellulose and cellulase in plant growth, we expressed poplar cellulase (PaPopCel1) constitutively in Arabidopsis thaliana. Expression increased the size of the rosettes due to increased cell size. The change in growth was accompanied by changes in biomechanical properties due to cell wall structure indicative of decrease in xyloglucan cross-linked with cellulose microfibrils by chemical analysis and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra. The result supports the concept that the paracrystalline sites of cellulose microfibrils are attacked by poplar cellulase to loosen xyloglucan intercalation and this irreversible wall modification promotes the enlargement of plant cells.  相似文献   

Enzymatic hydrolysis of hybrid poplar treated by ammonia recycle percolation (ARP) was studied applying cellulase enzyme supplemented with additional xylanase or pectinase. The effect of xylanase addition was much more significant than pectinase addition. Conversion of ARP‐treated hybrid poplar to ethanol was carried out by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) and SS and cofermentation (SSCF). The maximum ethanol yield observed from the SSCF experiment was 78% of theoretical maximum based on the total carbohydrate (glucan + xylan). The same feedstock was also treated by soaking in aqueous ammonia (SAA), a batch pretreatment process with lower severity than ARP. The test results indicated that relatively high severity is required to attain acceptable level of digestibility of hybrid poplar. In order to lower the severity of the pretreatment, addition of H2O2 was attempted in the SAA. Addition of H2O2 significantly enhanced delignification of hybrid poplar due to its oxidative degradation of lignin. Several different H2O2 feeding schemes and different temperature profiles were attempted in operation of the SAA to investigate the effects of H2O2 on degradation of lignin and carbohydrates in hybrid poplar. More than 60% of lignin in hybrid poplar was removed with stepwise‐increase of temperature (60–120°C after 4h of reaction). Increase of carbohydrate degradation was also observed under this condition. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Cellulase (CMCase) and xylanase enzyme production and saccharification of sugar cane bagasse were coupled into two stages and named enzyme production and sugar cane bagasse saccharification. The performance of Cellulomonas flavigena (Cf) PR‐22 cultured in a bubble column reactor (BCR) was compared to that in a stirred tank reactor (STR). Cells cultured in the BCR presented higher yields and productivity of both CMCase and xylanase activities than those grown in the STR configuration. A continuous culture with Cf PR‐22 was run in the BCR using 1% alkali‐pretreated sugar cane bagasse and mineral media, at dilution rates ranging from 0.04 to 0.22 1/h. The highest enzymatic productivity values were found at 0.08 1/h with 1846.4 ± 126.4 and 101.6 ± 5.6 U/L·h for xylanase and CMCase, respectively. Effluent from the BCR in steady state was transferred to an enzymatic reactor operated in fed‐batch mode with an initial load of 75 g of pretreated sugar cane bagasse; saccharification was then performed in an STR at 55°C and 300 rpm for 90 h. The constant addition of fresh enzyme as well as the increase in time of contact with the substrate increased the total soluble sugar concentration 83% compared to the value obtained in a batch enzymatic reactor. This advantageous strategy may be used for industrial enzyme pretreatment and saccharification of lignocellulosic wastes to be used in bioethanol and chemicals production from lignocellulose. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:321–326, 2016  相似文献   

There is a growing need to find alternatives to crude oil as the primary feed stock for the chemicals and fuel industry and ethanol has been demonstrated to be a viable alternative. Among the various feed stocks for producing ethanol, poplar (Populus nigra × Populus maximowiczii) is considered to have great potential as a biorefinery feedstock in the United States, due to their widespread availability and good productivity in several parts of the country. We have optimized AFEX pretreatment conditions (180°C, 2:1 ammonia to biomass loading, 233% moisture, 30 minutes residence time) and by using various combinations of enzymes (commercical celluloses and xylanases) to achieve high glucan and xylan conversion (93 and 65%, respectively). We have also identified and quantified several important degradation products formed during AFEX using liquid chromatography followed by mass spectrometry (LC‐MS/MS). As a part of degradation product analysis, we have also quantified oligosaccharides in the AFEX water wash extracts by acid hydrolysis. It is interesting to note that corn stover (C4 grass) can be pretreated effectively using mild AFEX pretreatment conditions, while on the other hand hardwood poplar requires much harsher AFEX conditions to obtain equivalent sugar yields upon enzymatic hydrolysis. Comparing corn stover and poplar, we conclude that pretreatment severity and enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency are dictated to a large extent by lignin carbohydrate complexes and arabinoxylan cross‐linkages for AFEX. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Ethanol production from lignocellulosic raw materials includes a pretreatment step before enzymatic hydrolysis (EH). Pretreated substrates contain complex hemicelluloses in the solid fraction that can protect the cellulose from enzymatic attack. In addition, soluble xylooligomers are contained in the pretreated materials and may have an inhibitory effect on cellulase activity. In this context, several approaches for xylanase supplementation have been studied to increase EH yields. In this study, the whole slurry obtained after steam explosion pretreatment of wheat straw has been used as substrate. EH experiments were performed using commercial cellulase preparations supplemented with an endoxylanase (XlnC) from Aspergillus nidulans. Among different strategies of XlnC supplementation, the 24‐h xylanase treatment before cellulase addition yielded an increase of 40.1 and 10.1% in glucose and xylose production, respectively. Different XlnC addition strategies were integrated in a simultaneous saccharification and cofermentation process (SSCF) using the xylose fermenting strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae F12. Ethanol production in SSCF was 28.4% higher when comparing to a simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2011  相似文献   


The synergism of cellulase (C), pectinase (P), and xylanase (X) for the saccharification of sweet potato residues (SPR) was investigated. The removal of starch from SPR was easily achieved by using amylase, but the cellulose conversion of de-starched SPR was relatively low, thus dilute H2SO4, NaOH, and H2O2 pretreatment was conducted to improve the enzymatic digestibility. The lignin content of NaOH pretreated SPR was the lowest, whereas H2SO4 pretreatment resulted in the lowest contents of hemicellulose and pectin. The combination of C, P, and X exhibited different sugar production patterns, C–P displayed synergistic action on glucose and galactose production from each type of SPR, C–X also exhibited synergistic effect on glucose production except when H2SO4 pretreated SPR was used, whereas no synergism between P–X on monosaccharide production was observed. The presence of synergism between cellulase and mixed accessory enzymes [C–(PX)] on glucose formation was determined by C–X, and the degree of synergism between C–P and C–(PX) on glucose production had a positive relationship with pectin content. The highest cellulose conversion of 96.2% was obtained from NaOH pretreated SPR using mixed enzymes comprising C, P, and X with the ratio of 8:1:1.  相似文献   

Optimization of enzyme production from Aspergillus niger ATCC 6275 under both submerged and solid-substrate cultivation was investigated. Results from submerged cultivation using palm oil mill effluent revealed that pretreatment of ground palm cake did not improve enzyme production. Addition of 0.60g NH4NO3/l generated maximum activity of xylanase and cellulase (CMCase). The optimum aeration rate was 1.2 v/v min. Under solid-substrate cultivation, the results indicated that heating and alkali treatment of the ground palm cake gave no further improvement in enzyme production. The optimal N-source was 2% urea. Optimal initial moisture contents for xylanase and CMCase activities were 60% and 50% respectively, with temperature optima of 30°C and 35°C, respectively. The optimal inoculum size was 1× 108 spores/g palm cake with an initial pH of 4.5–5.0. The maximum activities of xylanase (282.9U/g) and CMCase (23.8U/g) were obtained under the optimum conditions. Solid-substrate cultivation was a better method for the production of enzyme, particularly xylanase, from A. niger ATCC 6275. The application of these enzymes to decanter effluent showed the separation of oil and grease and suspended solids from the effluent. This is comparable to the result achieved from using the commercial xylase preparation Meicelase and superior to the effect of Sumyzyme.  相似文献   

热碱预处理对菊芋茎秆组成和酶水解影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王卿  邱婧雯  李阳  沈飞 《生物工程学报》2015,31(10):1459-1467
为了深入了解菊芋茎秆用于生物能源转化的潜力,在对菊芋茎秆的全秆、韧皮以及髓芯的组成分析基础上,采用不同浓度的Na OH在121℃对菊芋茎秆进行预处理,并对预处理后的茎秆进行酶水解。结果表明:菊芋茎秆具有较高木质素含量(32.0%),且韧皮中木质素含量最高;茎秆中碳水化合物总含量与传统农作物秸秆相当,但纤维素含量相对较高(40.5%),半纤维含量相对较低(19.6%)。经不同浓度Na OH预处理后,相对于未处理茎秆,全秆、韧皮以及髓芯中木质素含量分别降低13.1%–13.4%、8.3%–13.5%和19.9%–27.2%,半纤维素含量分别降低了87.8%–96.9%、87.6%–95.0%和74.0%–90.2%。纤维素含量在全秆、韧皮和髓芯中相应增加了56.5%–60.2%、52.2%–55.4%和62.7%–73.2%。酶水解的结果显示,增加预处理过程中Na OH的浓度,全秆和韧皮的水解率可被提高2.3–2.6倍和10.3–18.5倍。虽然热Na OH预处理可以有效地改善髓芯水解性能,但经过高浓度的Na OH(2.0 mol/L)预处理,髓芯的水解性能下降明显。由此可见,菊芋用于生物能源转化技术中,热碱法可较好地适用于菊芋秸秆预处理。提高碱浓度,有利于半纤维素和木质素的去除,并实现酶水解糖化产率的提高。但鉴于碱浓度过高会造成髓芯糖产率降低,热碱预处理菊芋秸秆工艺条件需进一步优化。  相似文献   

A new functionally based kinetic model for enzymatic hydrolysis of pure cellulose by the Trichoderma cellulase system is presented. The model represents the actions of cellobiohydrolases I, cellobiohydrolase II, and endoglucanase I; and incorporates two measurable and physically interpretable substrate parameters: the degree of polymerization (DP) and the fraction of beta-glucosidic bonds accessible to cellulase, F(a) (Zhang and Lynd, 2004). Initial enzyme-limited reaction rates simulated by the model are consistent with several important behaviors reported in the literature, including the effects of substrate characteristics on exoglucanase and endoglucanase activities; the degree of endo/exoglucanase synergy; the endoglucanase partition coefficient on hydrolysis rates; and enzyme loading on relative reaction rates for different substrates. This is the first cellulase kinetic model involving a single set of kinetic parameters that is successfully applied to a variety of cellulosic substrates, and the first that describes more than one behavior associated with enzymatic hydrolysis. The model has potential utility for data accommodation and design of industrial processes, structuring, testing, and extending understanding of cellulase enzyme systems when experimental date are available, and providing guidance for functional design of cellulase systems at a molecular scale. Opportunities to further refine cellulase kinetic models are discussed, including parameters that would benefit from further study.  相似文献   

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