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Automated microfluidic devices are a promising route towards a point-of-care autologous cell therapy. The initial steps of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) derivation involve transfection and long term cell culture. Integration of these steps would help reduce the cost and footprint of micro-scale devices with applications in cell reprogramming or gene correction. Current examples of transfection integration focus on maximising efficiency rather than viable long-term culture. Here we look for whole process compatibility by integrating automated transfection with a perfused microfluidic device designed for homogeneous culture conditions. The injection process was characterised using fluorescein to establish a LabVIEW-based routine for user-defined automation. Proof-of-concept is demonstrated by chemically transfecting a GFP plasmid into mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). Cells transfected in the device showed an improvement in efficiency (34%, n = 3) compared with standard protocols (17.2%, n = 3). This represents a first step towards microfluidic processing systems for cell reprogramming or gene therapy.  相似文献   

Microfluidic channel systems were fabricated out of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and used as culture vessels for primary culture of neurons from locust thoracic ganglia. In a biocompatibility study it was shown that cell adhesion and neuronal cell growth of locust neurons on uncoated PDMS was restricted. Coating with concanavalin A improved cell adhesion. In closed-channel microfluidic devices neurons were grown in static-bath culture conditions for more than 15 days. Cell densities of up to 20 cells/channel were not exceeded in low-density cultures but we also found optimal cell growth of single neurons inside individual channels. The first successful cultivation of insect neurons in closed-channel microfluidic devices provides a prerequisite for the development of low density neuronal networks on multi electrode arrays combined with microfluidic devices.  相似文献   

Oxygen plays a key role in stem cell biology as a signaling molecule and as an indicator of cell energy metabolism. Quantification of cellular oxygen kinetics, i.e. the determination of specific oxygen uptake rates (sOURs), is routinely used to understand metabolic shifts. However current methods to determine sOUR in adherent cell cultures rely on cell sampling, which impacts on cellular phenotype. We present real‐time monitoring of cell growth from phase contrast microscopy images, and of respiration using optical sensors for dissolved oxygen. Time‐course data for bulk and peri‐cellular oxygen concentrations obtained for Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and mouse embryonic stem cell (mESCs) cultures successfully demonstrated this non‐invasive and label‐free approach. Additionally, we confirmed non‐invasive detection of cellular responses to rapidly changing culture conditions by exposing the cells to mitochondrial inhibiting and uncoupling agents. For the CHO and mESCs, sOUR values between 8 and 60 amol cell?1 s?1, and 5 and 35 amol cell?1 s?1 were obtained, respectively. These values compare favorably with literature data. The capability to monitor oxygen tensions, cell growth, and sOUR, of adherent stem cell cultures, non‐invasively and in real time, will be of significant benefit for future studies in stem cell biology and stem cell‐based therapies.  相似文献   

We developed an alternative patterning technique which is capable of producing both topographic and biochemical features for cell culture studies. This technique is based on microaspiration induced with a degassed poly (dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) mold. After degassing in a rough vacuum chamber and placed on a sample surface, liquid solution can be aspired through channels and cavities created in the PDMS mold. Depending on the composition of the solution and the associated drying or incubation processes, a variety of surface patterns can be produced without applying external pressure. For demonstration, we fabricated agarose gel microwells and biomolecule patterns either on a glass plate or in a cell culture Petri dish, both applicable for cell culture studies. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010. 105: 854–859. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This communication presents a novel experimental model for Alzheimer studies, where connected primary neurons were set into subtend, co-pathological states. Cortical neurons were cultured in two separated cell compartments in a microfluidic device. A neurite network was generated in a main channel through the neurite outgrowth from both cell compartments. A gradient of okadaic acid (OA) is generated over this neurite network by perfusion. OA is a phosphatase inhibitor that induces hyperphosphorylation of Tau proteins, a major hallmark in Alzheimer disease. The local OA treatment resulted in a connected "diseased" and "healthy" cell population. Anti-phosphorylated tau (Ser262) staining confirmed different states of phosphorylated Tau proteins, and synapthophysin staining the connection of "healthy" and "diseased" cells. Here, we present a novel in vitro model that opens the possibility to study cellular and molecular propagation mechanisms in neurodegeneration, in Tauopathies (as e.g., in Alzheimer), as well as simultaneous drug effects on connected healthy and diseased cell populations.  相似文献   

The effects of macronutrients (NO3 , NH4 + and PO4 3−) on cell growth and triterpenoids production inCentella asiatica cell suspension cultures were analyzed using the Box-Behnken response surface model experimental design. In screening and optimization experiments, PO4 3− as a single factor significantly influenced cell growth where increasing the phosphate level from 0.1 to 2.4 or 2.6 mM, elevated cell growth from 3.9 to 14–16 g/L. The optimum values predicted from the response surface model are 5.05 mM NH4 +, 15.0 mM NO3 and 2.6 mM PO4 3−, yielding 16.0 g/L cell dry weight with 99% fitness to the experimental data. While the NH4 +-NO3 interaction influenced cell growth positively in the optimization experiment, NH4 + and NO3 as single factors; and interactions of NO3 -PO4 3−, NH4 +-PO4 3− and NH4 +-NO3 were all negative in the screening experiment. Cell growth and the final pH level were positively affected by PO4 3−, but negatively affected by NH4 + and NH4 +-PO4 3− interactions. The different effects of factors and their interactions on cell growth and final pH are influenced by a broad or narrow range of macronutrient concentrations. The productions of triterpenoids however were lower than 4 mg/g cell dry weight.  相似文献   

As cell culture medium development efforts have progressed towards leaner, serum-free, and chemically defined formulations, it has become increasingly important to ensure that the appropriate concentrations of all nutrients are maintained and delivered at point of use. In light of concurrent efforts to progress to disposable polymeric storage and culture platforms, the characterization and control of medium component interactions with container surfaces can be a key issue in ensuring consistent delivery of these medium formulations. These studies characterize the interactions of lipids with culture surfaces typically encountered in the bioprocess industry using model systems. The extent and kinetics of lipid association with polymeric surfaces were determined using radio-labeled linoleic acid and cholesterol. The effect of methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, a component commonly used to solubilize lipids in culture media, on association kinetics was also examined. In addition, loss of lipids across a sterilizing membrane filter was quantified. We find that there is potential for significant loss of hydrophobic components due to non-specific binding to surfaces at timescales relevant to a typical cell culture process. The extent of loss is dependent on the nature of the hydrophobic component as well as the type of surface. These studies highlight the potential of the extracellular environment to modify medium composition and also emphasize the importance of medium formulation strategies, including those used in the delivery of hydrophobic components. It is noted, however, that the level of loss is very dependent on the specific system including the composition of the culture medium used.  相似文献   

二维 (Two-dimensional,2D) 细胞实验模型是目前研究人类疾病的细胞过程和药物筛选的主流方法。然而,生物细胞的生长受到众多因素的影响,传统的2D细胞培养在精确再现三维组织内细胞的功能方面存在一些障碍。与2D细胞培养相比,三维 (Three-dimensional,3D) 细胞培养体系注重细胞间的接触及细胞-基质间的接触,更接近于生物体的生长环境,更适合于药物筛选、细胞培植等研究。文中通过纳米压印技术制备了不同结构微米阵列聚合物薄膜,并将其应用于293T细胞的培养,通过调节薄膜表面结构、表面接触角成功实现了对生物细胞生长形貌的调控。利用扫描电镜等方法,对比了聚合物薄膜不同微结构、不同表面润湿性对细胞生长形貌的影响,重点关注细胞团的形态变化。结果表明,细胞在亲水性10 μm柱形阵列薄膜上呈现三维生长状态,这种薄膜可能更适用于制备生物细胞3D培养基;疏水性3 μm柱形阵列薄膜适用于体积小、表皮硬的组织细胞的3D培养,对于体积较大的细胞效果差。另外,对于疏水性较强的薄膜,细胞倾向于球状生长,而亲水性较强的薄膜则易贴壁生长。研究结果为微结构薄膜在生物细胞3D培养方面的应用作了初步探索。  相似文献   

Since its invention in the 1980s, 3D printing has evolved into a versatile technique for the additive manufacturing of diverse objects and tools, using various materials. The relative flexibility, straightforwardness, and ability to enable rapid prototyping are tremendous advantages offered by this technique compared to conventional methods for miniaturized and microfluidic systems fabrication (such as soft lithography). The development of 3D printers exhibiting high printer resolution has enabled the fabrication of accurate miniaturized and microfluidic systems—which have, in turn, substantially reduced both device sizes and required sample volumes. Moreover, the continuing development of translucent, heat resistant, and biocompatible materials will make 3D printing more and more useful for applications in biotechnology in the coming years. Today, a wide variety of 3D‐printed objects in biotechnology—ranging from miniaturized cultivation chambers to microfluidic lab‐on‐a‐chip devices for diagnostics—are already being deployed in labs across the world. This review explains the 3D printing technologies that are currently used to fabricate such miniaturized microfluidic devices, and also seeks to offer some insight into recent developments demonstrating the use of these tools for biotechnological applications such as cell culture, separation techniques, and biosensors.  相似文献   

Organ culture systems are used to elucidate the mechanisms of pattern formation in developmental biology. Various organ culture techniques have been used, but the lack of microcirculation in such cultures impedes the long‐term maintenance of larger tissues. Recent advances in microfluidic devices now enable us to utilize self‐organized perfusable capillary networks in organ cultures. In this review, we will overview past approaches to organ culture and current technical advances in microfluidic devices, and discuss possible applications of microfluidics towards the study of developmental biology.  相似文献   

During the past year, advances in our understanding of receptor–ligand interactions between opposing cell surfaces have occurred at a structural level. These include adhesion involving CD2–CD58, antigen-specific T-cell receptor interactions with peptides bound to major histocompatibility complex molecules (both pMHCI and pMHCII), the CD8αα co-receptor–pMHCI interaction and the binding of two distinct classes of natural killer receptors to self-MHC ligands.  相似文献   

A series of high-density media for mammalian cell culture were developed by step-fortifications of most nutrient components in RPMI-1640 medium. Each medium constituting the series was constructed to meet in vitro cell growth limitations. Four different cell lines were cultivated in the media series, and their growth characteristics were observed. Maximum cell densities varied in the range of 0.4 to 1.3 x 10(7) cells/mL, depending on cell lines. Cell growth responses to each of the media series were analyzed in terms of cell density and cell mass. Step increases of cell mass in the range of 1.3 to 3.7 g/L were observed according to the step-fortifications of nutrients. Also, the characteristics of each cell line were compared in terms of metabolic yields and specific productions of lactic acid and ammonium ion. The effect of step-fortifications of nutrients on the production of monoclonal antibody was also examined. Apparent differences in metabolic characteristics among cell lines were observed. Experimental results suggested that the different cell sizes and metabolic characteristics of each cell line resulted in cell-line-specific responses to the step-fortifications. The significant influence of nutritional fortifications on high-density culture of mammalian cells was evaluated. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Knowledge of how the structure of nanoparticles and the interactions with biological cell membranes is important not only for understanding nanotoxicological effects on human, animal health and the environment, but also for better understanding of nanoparticle fabrication for biomedical applications. In this work, we use molecular modelling techniques, namely molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, to explore how polymer nanoparticles interact with 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) lipid cell membranes. Two different polymers have been considered: 100 monomer units of polyethylene (approx. 2.83 kDa) and polystyrene (approx. 10.4 kDa), both of which have wide industrial applications. We found that, despite the polar lipid head groups acting as an effective barrier to prevent the nanoparticles from interacting with the membrane surface, irreversible adhesion can be initiated by insertion of dangling chain ends from the polymer into the hydrophobic interior of the membrane. In addition, alignment of chain segments from the polymers with that of hydrocarbon chains in the interior of the membrane facilitates the complete immersion of the nanoparticles into the cell membrane. These findings highlight the importance of the surface and the topological structures of the polymer particles that dictate the absorption behaviour into the membrane and, subsequently, induce the possible translocation into the cell.  相似文献   

Kuhlmann I 《Cytotechnology》1995,19(2):95-105
This article describes the historical development of the prophylactic use of antibiotics in cell culture as well as their effects on cells. The influence of antibiotics on cell morphology, cellular degeneration and cell death and cellular function is summarized. Cellular DNA as well as protein synthesis are affected which can lead to interference with, or even changes in, metabolic processes. Such effects must be considered in cell culture research. As antibiotics are used in multifold ways, the otherwise standardized conditions in cell culture are no longer comparable. The prophylactic use of antibiotics is rejected for scientific reasons.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interactions control a plethora of cellular processes, including cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and signal transduction. Understanding how and why proteins interact will inevitably lead to novel structure‐based drug design methods, as well as design of de novo binders with preferred interaction properties. At a structural and molecular level, interface and rim regions are not enough to fully account for the energetics of protein–protein binding, even for simple lock‐and‐key rigid binders. As we have recently shown, properties of the global surface might also play a role in protein–protein interactions. Here, we report on molecular dynamics simulations performed to understand solvent effects on protein–protein surfaces. We compare properties of the interface, rim, and non‐interacting surface regions for five different complexes and their free components. Interface and rim residues become, as expected, less mobile upon complexation. However, non‐interacting surface appears more flexible in the complex. Fluctuations of polar residues are always lower compared with charged ones, independent of the protein state. Further, stable water molecules are often observed around polar residues, in contrast to charged ones. Our analysis reveals that (a) upon complexation, the non‐interacting surface can have a direct entropic compensation for the lower interface and rim entropy and (b) the mobility of the first hydration layer, which is linked to the stability of the protein–protein complex, is influenced by the local chemical properties of the surface. These findings corroborate previous hypotheses on the role of the hydration layer in shielding protein–protein complexes from unintended protein–protein interactions. Proteins 2015; 83:445–458. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Additive manufacturing (3D printing) enables the fabrication of highly customized and complex devices and is therefore increasingly used in the field of life sciences and biotechnology. However, the application of 3D‐printed parts in these fields requires not only their biocompatibility but also their sterility. The most common method for sterilizing 3D‐printed parts is heat steam sterilization—but most commercially available 3D printing materials cannot withstand high temperatures. In this study, a novel heat‐resistant polyacrylate material for high‐resolution 3D Multijet printing was evaluated for the first time for its resistance to heat steam sterilization and in vitro biocompatibility with mouse fibroblasts (L929), human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293E), and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae)). Analysis of the growth and viability of L929 cells and the growth of S. cerevisiae confirmed that the extraction media obtained from 3D‐printed parts had no negative effect on the aforementioned cell types, while, in contrast, viability and growth of HEK 293E cells were affected. No different effects of the material on the cells were found when comparing heat steam sterilization and disinfection with ethanol (70%, v/v). In principle, the investigated material shows great potential for high‐resolution 3D printing of novel cell culture systems that are highly complex in design, customized and easily sterilizable—however, the biocompatibility of the material for other cell types needs to be re‐evaluated.  相似文献   

There are many variables to be considered in studying how cells interact with 3D scaffolds used in tissue engineering. In this study we investigated the influence of the fiber diameter and interfiber spaces of 3D electrospun fiber scaffolds on the behavior of human dermal fibroblasts. Fibers of two dissimilar model materials, polystyrene and poly-L-lactic acid, with a broad range of diameters were constructed in a specifically developed 3D cell culture system. When fibroblasts were introduced to freestanding fibers, and encouraged to "walk the plank," a minimum fiber diameter of 10 microm was observed for cell adhesion and migration, irrespective of fiber material chemistry. A distance between fibers of up to 200 microm was also observed to be the maximum gap that could be bridged by cell aggregates--a behavior not seen in conventional 2D culture. This approach has identified some basic micro-architectural parameters for electrospun scaffold design and some key differences in fibroblast growth in 3D. We suggest the findings will be of value for optimizing the integration of cells in these scaffolds for skin tissue engineering.  相似文献   

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