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High-throughput automated refolding screening of inclusion bodies   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
One of the main stumbling blocks encountered when attempting to express foreign proteins in Escherichia coli is the occurrence of amorphous aggregates of misfolded proteins, called inclusion bodies (IB). Developing efficient protein native structure recovery procedures based on IB refolding is therefore an important challenge. Unfortunately, there is no "universal" refolding buffer: Experience shows that refolding buffer composition varies from one protein to another. In addition, the methods developed so far for finding a suitable refolding buffer suffer from a number of weaknesses. These include the small number of refolding formulations, which often leads to negative results, solubility assays incompatible with high-throughput, and experiment formatting not suitable for automation. To overcome these problems, it was proposed in the present study to address some of these limitations. This resulted in the first completely automated IB refolding screening procedure to be developed using a 96-well format. The 96 refolding buffers were obtained using a fractional factorial approach. The screening procedure is potentially applicable to any nonmembrane protein, and was validated with 24 proteins in the framework of two Structural Genomics projects. The tests used for this purpose included the use of quality control methods such as circular dichroism, dynamic light scattering, and crystallogenesis. Out of the 24 proteins, 17 remained soluble in at least one of the 96 refolding buffers, 15 passed large-scale purification tests, and five gave crystals.  相似文献   

Refolding of proteins from solubilized inclusion bodies still represents a major challenge for many recombinantly expressed proteins and often constitutes a major bottleneck. As in vitro refolding is a complex reaction with a variety of critical parameters, suitable refolding conditions are typically derived empirically in extensive screening experiments. Here, we introduce a new strategy that combines screening and optimization of refolding yields with a genetic algorithm (GA). The experimental setup was designed to achieve a robust and universal method that should allow optimizing the folding of a variety of proteins with the same routine procedure guided by the GA. In the screen, we incorporated a large number of common refolding additives and conditions. Using this design, the refolding of four structurally and functionally different model proteins was optimized experimentally, achieving 74–100% refolding yield for all of them. Interestingly, our results show that this new strategy provides optimum conditions not only for refolding but also for the activity of the native enzyme. It is designed to be generally applicable and seems to be eligible for all enzymes.  相似文献   

Expression of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli is normally accompanied by the formation of inclusion bodies (IBs). To obtain the protein product in an active (native) soluble form, the IBs must be first solubilized, and thereafter, the soluble, often denatured and reduced protein must be refolded. Several technically feasible alternatives to conduct IBs solubilization and on-column refolding have been proposed in recent years. However, rarely these on-column refolding alternatives have been evaluated from an economical point of view, questioning the feasibility of their implementation at a preparative scale. The presented study assesses the economic performance of four distinct process alternatives that include pH induced IBs solubilization and protein refolding (pH_IndSR); IBs solubilization using urea, dithiothreitol (DTT), and alkaline pH followed by batch size-exclusion protein refolding; inclusion bodies (IBs) solubilization using urea, DTT, and alkaline pH followed by simulated moving bed (SMB) size-exclusion protein refolding, and IBs solubilization using urea, DTT and alkaline pH followed by batch dilution protein refolding. The economic performance was judged on the basis of the direct fixed capital, and the production cost per unit of product (P(C)). This work shows that (1) pH_IndSR system is a relatively economical process, because of the low IBs solubilization cost; (2) substituting β-mercaptoethanol for dithiothreithol is an attractive alternative, as it significantly decreases the product cost contribution from the IBs solubilization; and (3) protein refolding by size-exclusion chromatography becomes economically attractive by changing the mode of operation of the chromatographic reactor from batch to continuous using SMB technology.  相似文献   

The refolding of protein derived from inclusion bodies is often characterized by low yields of active protein. The optimization of the refolding step is achieved empirically and consequently is time-consuming slowing process development. An automated robotic platform has been used to develop a dilution refold process-screening platform upon which a hierarchical set of assays rapidly determine optimal refolding conditions at the microscale. This hierarchy allows the simplest, cheapest, and most generic high-throughput assays to first screen for a smaller subset of potentially high-yielding conditions to take forward for analysis by slower, more expensive, or protein specific assays, thus saving resources whilst maximizing information output. An absorbance assay was used to initially screen out aggregating conditions, followed by an intrinsic fluorescence assay of the soluble protein to identify the presence of native-like tertiary structure, which was then confirmed by an activity assay. Results show that fluorescence can be used in conjunction with absorbance to eliminate low-yielding conditions, leaving a significantly reduced set of conditions from which the highest yielding ones can then be identified with slower and often more costly activity or RP-HPLC assays, thus reducing bottlenecks in high-throughput analysis. The microwell-based automated process sequence with generic hierarchical assays was also used to study and minimize the effect on redox potential or misfolding, of oxygenation due to agitation, before demonstrating that the platform can be used to rapidly collect data and evaluate different refolding conditions to speed up the acquisition of process development data in a resource efficient manner.  相似文献   

A novel two-step protein refolding strategy has been developed, where continuous renaturation-bydilution is followed by direct capture on an expanded bed adsorption (EBA) column. The performance of the overall process was tested on a N-terminally tagged version of human beta2-microglobulin (HAT-hbeta2m) both at analytical, small, and preparative scale. In a single scalable operation, extracted and denatured inclusion body proteins from Escherichia coli were continuously diluted into refolding buffer, using a short pipe reactor, allowing for a defined retention and refolding time, and then fed directly to an EBA column, where the protein was captured, washed, and finally eluted as soluble folded protein. Not only was the eluted protein in a correctly folded state, the purity of the HAThbeta2m was increased from 34% to 94%, and the product was concentrated sevenfold. The yield of the overall process was 45%, and the product loss was primarily a consequence of the refolding reaction rather than the EBA step. Full biological activity of HAT-hbeta2m was demonstrated after removal of the HAT-tag. In contrast to batch refolding, a continuous refolding strategy allows the conditions to be controlled and maintained throughout the process, irrespective of the batch size; i.e., it is readily scalable. Furthermore, the procedure is fast and tolerant toward aggregate formation, a common complication of in vitro protein refolding. In conclusion, this system represents a novel approach to small and preparative scale protein refolding, which should be applicable to many other proteins.  相似文献   

Heterologous overexpression of genes in Escherichia coli has made it possible to obtain high titers of recombinant proteins. However, this can result in the formation of aggregated protein particles known as ‘inclusion bodies’. Protein sequestered as inclusion body is inactive and needs to be converted back to its functional form by refolding using appropriate techniques. In the current study inclusion bodies of the enzyme aminoglycoside nucleotidyl transferase (or ANT(2″)‐Ia) were first solubilized in urea and subsequently subjected to thermal cycling under controlled conditions as part of the refolding strategy. Thermal cycling led to disaggregation of the individual protein chains and simultaneously refolding the released protein molecules to their native state. The optimum condition was identified as 10–80°C thermal cycling at 3°C s?1 for 2 h. Enzyme activity measurements showed that thermal cycling under optimized conditions resulted in 257% activity recovery when compared with nonrefolded protein. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:133–139, 2017  相似文献   

A recurring obstacle for structural genomics is the expression of insoluble, aggregated proteins. In these cases, the use of alternative salvage strategies, like in vitro refolding, is hindered by the lack of a universal refolding method. To overcome this obstacle, fractional factorial screens have been introduced as a systematic and rapid method to identify refolding conditions. However, methodical analyses of the effectiveness of refolding reagents on large sets of proteins remain limited. In this study, we address this void by designing a fractional factorial screen to rapidly explore the effect of 14 different reagents on the refolding of 33 structurally and functionally diverse proteins. The refolding data was analyzed using statistical methods to determine the effect of each refolding additive. The screen has been miniaturized for automation resulting in reduced protein requirements and increased throughput. Our results show that the choice of pH and reducing agent had the largest impact on protein refolding. Bis-mercaptoacetamide cyclohexane (BMC) and tris (2-carboxyethylphosphine) (TCEP) were superior reductants when compared to others in the screen. BMC was particularly effective in refolding disulfide-containing proteins, while TCEP was better for nondisulfide-containing proteins. From the screen, we successfully identified a positive synergistic interaction between nondetergent sulfobetaine 201 (NDSB 201) and BMC on Cdc25A refolding. The soluble protein resulting from this interaction crystallized and yielded a 2.2 Angstroms structure. Our method, which combines a fractional factorial screen with statistical analysis of the data, provides a powerful approach for the identification of optimal refolding reagents in a general refolding screen.  相似文献   

Overexpression of foreign proteins in Escherichia coli often leads to the formation of inclusion bodies (IBs), which becomes the major bottleneck in the preparation of recombinant proteins and their applications. In the present study, 36 proteins from IBs were refolded using a simple refolding method. Refolding yields of these proteins were defined as the percentage of soluble pro- teins following dilution refoiding in the amount of denatured proteins in the samples before diluting into refolding buffer. Furthermore, a mathematical model was deduced to evaluate the role of biochemical proper- ties in the protein refolding. Our results indicated that under the experimental conditions, isoelectric point of proteins might be mostly contributing to the high effi- cacy of protein refolding since the increment of one unit resulted in a decrease of 14.83% in the refolding yield. Other important mediators were components of protein secondary structure and the molecular weight (R2= 0.98, P = 0.000, F-test). Six proteins with low efficiency in the protein refolding possessed relatively low isoelectric points. Furthermore, refolding yields of six additional proteins from IBs were predicted and further validated by refolding the proteins under the same conditions. Therefore, the model of protein refold- ing developed here could be used to predict the refold- ing yields of proteins from IBs through a simple method. Our study will be suggestive to optimize the methods for protein refoiding from IBs according to their intrinsic properties.  相似文献   

A reversible green fluorogenic protein‐fragment complementation assay was developed based on the crystal structure of UnaG, a recently discovered fluorescent protein. In living mammalian cells, the nonfluorescent fragments complemented and rapidly became fluorescent upon rapamycin‐induced FKBP and Frb protein interaction, and lost fluorescence when the protein interaction was inhibited. This reversible fluorogenic reporter, named uPPI [UnaG‐based protein‐protein interaction (PPI) reporter], uses bilirubin (BR) as the chromophore and requires no exogenous cofactor. BR is an endogenous molecule in mammalian cells and is not fluorescent by itself. uPPI may have many potential applications in visualizing spatiotemporal dynamics of PPIs.  相似文献   

Protein aggregation is an essential molecular event in a wide variety of biological situations, and is a causal factor in several degenerative diseases. The aggregation of proteins also frequently hampers structural biological analyses, such as solution NMR studies. Therefore, precise detection and characterization of protein aggregation are of crucial importance for various research fields. In this study, we demonstrate that fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) using a single‐molecule fluorescence detection system enables the detection of otherwise invisible aggregation of proteins at higher protein concentrations, which are suitable for structural biological experiments, and consumes relatively small amounts of protein over a short measurement time. Furthermore, utilizing FCS, we established a method for high‐throughput screening of protein aggregation and optimal solution conditions for structural biological experiments.  相似文献   

A fusion protein, consisting of a human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) as the recognition domain and human angiogenin as the toxin domain, can be used as a targeted therapeutic against breast cancer cells among others. The fusion protein was expressed as inclusion body in recombinantE. coli, and when the conventional, solution-phase refolding process was used the refolding yield was very low due to severe aggregation. It was probably because of the opposite electric charge at a neutral pH resulting from the vastly different pI values of each domain. The solidphase refolding process that exploited the ionic interactions between ionic exchanger surface and the fusion protein was tried, but the adsorption yield was also very low, below 30%, regardless of the resins and pH conditions used. Therefore, to provide a higher ionic affinity toward the solid matrix, six lysine residues were tagged to theN-terminus of the hEGF domain. When heparin-Sepharose was used as the matrix, the adsorption capacity increased 2.5–3 times to about 88%. Besides the intrinsic affinity of angiogenin to heparin the poly-lysine tag provided additional ionic affinity. And the subsequent refolding yield increased nearly 13-fold, fromc.a 4.8% in the conventional refolding of the untagged fusion protein to 63.6%. The process was highly reproducible. The refolded protein in the column eluate retained R Nase bioactivity, of angiogenin.  相似文献   

Quantifying the concentration and purity of a target protein is essential for high‐throughput protein expression test and rapid screening of highly soluble proteins. However, conventional methods such as PAGE and dot blot assay generally involve multiple time‐consuming tasks requiring hours or do not allow instant quantification. Here, we demonstrate a new method based on the Photoactive yellow protein turn Off/On Label (POOL) system that can instantly quantify the concentration and purity of a target protein. The main idea of POOL is to use Photoactive Yellow Protein (PYP), or its miniaturized version, as a fusion partner of the target protein. The characteristic blue light absorption and the consequent yellow color of PYP is absent when initially expressed without its chromophore, but can be turned on by binding its chromophore, p‐coumaric acid. The appearance of yellow color upon adding a precursor of chromophore to the co‐expressed PYP can be used to check the expression amount of the target protein via visual inspection within a few seconds as well as to quantify its concentration and purity with the aid of a spectrometer within a few minutes. The concentrations measured by the POOL method, which usually takes a few minutes, show excellent agreement with those by the BCA Kit, which usually takes ~1 h. We demonstrate the applicability of POOL in E. coli, insect, and mammalian cells, and for high‐throughput protein expression screening.  相似文献   

We expressed recombinant murine growth hormone (rmGH) in E. coli as a cost‐effective way to produce large quantities (gram scale) of the protein for use in murine studies of immunogenicity to therapeutic proteins. High hydrostatic pressure was used to achieve high solubility and high refolding yields of rmGH protein produced in E. coli inclusion bodies. A two‐step column purification protocol was used to produce 99% pure monomeric rmGH. Secondary and tertiary structures of purified rmGH were investigated using circular dichroism and 2D‐UV spectroscopy. The purified rmGH produced was found to be biologically active in hypophysectomized rats. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

We have succeeded in developing a simple and effective protein refolding method using the inorganic catalyst, beta-zeolite. The method involves the adsorption of proteins solubilized with 6M guanidine hydrochloride from inclusion body (IB) preparations onto the zeolite. The denaturant is then removed, and the proteins in the IBs are released from the zeolite with polyoxyethylene detergent and salt. All of the IBs tested (11 different species) were successfully refolded under these conditions. The refolded proteins are biochemically active, and NMR analysis of one of the proteins (replication protein A 8) supports the conclusion that correct refolding does occur. Based on these results, we discuss the refolding mechanism.  相似文献   

The production of recombinant proteins for biotherapeutic use is a multibillion dollar industry, which has seen continual growth in recent years. In order to produce the best protein with minimal cost and time, selection methods are utilized during the cell line development process in order to select for the most desirable clonal cell line from a heterogeneous transfectant pool. Today, there is a vast array of potential selection methods available, which vary in cost, complexity and efficacy. This review aims to highlight cell line selection methods that exist for the isolation of high‐producing clones, and also reviews techniques that can be used to predict, at a small scale, the performance of clones at large, industrially‐relevant scales.  相似文献   

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