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A peptide fragment corresponding to the ubiquitin(50-59) sequence (LEDGRTLSDY) (U50-59) possesses a very high immunosuppressory activity, comparable to that of cyclosporine, both in the cellular and humoral immune responses. We found that the pentapeptide DGRTL (U52-56) is the shortest, effective immunosuppressory fragment of ubiquitin, although its potency is weaker than that of U50-59. Replacement of each consecutive residue with alanine in U52-56 allowed identification of essential amino acids involved in the immunosuppression. We also evaluated the roles of its N- and C-terminal groups by their acetylation and/or amidation, respectively. The active sequence is located in the external loop of the molecule and therefore it may serve as an important functional epitope for intermolecular binding. Based on the crystal structure of ubiquitin molecule, we designed and synthesized the cyclic analogue with a restricted conformation, cyclo(Glt-Gln-Leu-Glu-Asp-Gly-Arg-Thr-Leu-Ser-Asp-Lys)-NH2 (Glt = glutaryl) by reacting the C-terminal Lys side chain with the glutarylated N-terminus. The peptide was designed to mimic the ubiquitin(48-59) loop, in order to obtain the ligand that may interact with hypothetical receptors of the loop. The cyclization product selectively but strongly suppresses the cellular immune response. The results indicate that the 48-59 loop may serve as an important functional epitope in the ubiquitin molecule for intermolecular binding.  相似文献   

Our previous studies revealed that ubiquitin and its decapeptide fragment with the LEDGRTLSDY sequence, located on the exposed molecule loop, strongly suppressed the immune response. This suggested that the loop may serve as a functional epitope of ubiquitin molecule and that a possible mechanism of biological action of the synthesized peptides is associated with interfering in interactions of ubiquitin with other molecules. Ubiquitin is known to exist in oligomeric forms, which can interact with various oligomeric receptors. We designed and synthesized new dimeric analogs of the ubiquitin fragment, to probe whether dimeric peptides may have higher affinity towards the ubiquitin receptors responsible for immunosuppression, which are believed to form oligomeric structures. Three dimerization strategies, N‐terminus to N‐terminus, C‐terminus to C‐terminus, and N‐terminus to C‐terminus (head‐to‐tail) via PEG derivatives were used to synthesize the dimeric peptides on solid support. In the course of our research, we developed a new and straightforward procedure of dimerization where α‐amino groups of the C‐terminal lysine residues of two peptide fragments were linked by PEG spacer directly on solid support. The effect of dimeric analogs on the immunological response was tested in the AFC in vitro experiment. The immunological tests showed that the head‐to‐tail dimerization caused a more profound increase in the biological activity than other tested dimerization methods. Our results suggest that such orientation of peptide components may correspond to orientation of the hypothetic ubiquitin receptors responsible for the immunomodulatory activity. Copyright © 2012 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

DC‐UbP/UBTD2 is a ubiquitin (Ub) domain‐containing protein first identified from dendritic cells, and is implicated in ubiquitination pathway. The solution structure and backbone dynamics of the C‐terminal Ub‐like (UbL) domain were elucidated in our previous work. To further understand the biological function of DC‐UbP, we then solved the solution structure of the N‐terminal domain of DC‐UbP (DC‐UbP_N) and studied its Ub binding properties by NMR techniques. The results show that DC‐UbP_N holds a novel structural fold and acts as a Ub‐binding domain (UBD) but with low affinity. This implies that the DC‐UbP protein, composing of a combination of both UbL and UBD domains, might play an important role in regulating protein ubiquitination and delivery of ubiquitinated substrates in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

The caerin 1 peptides are among the most powerful of the broad-spectrum antibiotic amphibian peptides. Caerin 1.1 has previously been shown to form an amphipathic helix-bend-helix structure in aqueous trifluoroethanol (H. Wong, J. H. Bowie, and J. A. Carver European Journal Biochemistry, 1997, Vol. 247, pp. 545-557) and structure-activity relationship studies indicate that both helices are required for activity, as well as flexibility in the bend region connecting the two. The structure of caerin 1.1 in dodecylphosphocholine micelles was investigated and shown to be very similar to that determined in aqueous trifluoroethanol. Caerin 1.4, which is identical to caerin 1.1, but with serine residues replacing Val5 and Gly7, is less active than caerin 1.1 against most bacterial species but has improved activity against Escherichia coli and Micrococcus luteus. The solution NMR structure of caerin 1.4 was determined in both aqueous trifluoroethanol and dodecylphosphocholine micelles, and was shown to be similar to caerin 1.1. It was concluded that differences in the hydrophobicity and hydrophilic angle of the first helix are probably responsible for the different spectra of antibacterial activity. The similarity of the structures calculated in aqueous trifluoroethanol and dodecylphosphocholine micelles suggests that, for caerin 1.1 and 1.4, these solvent systems are equally as good at representing a membrane environment.  相似文献   

P J Kraulis  T A Jones 《Proteins》1987,2(3):188-201
A method to build a three-dimensional protein model from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data using fragments from a data base of crystallographically determined protein structures is presented. The interproton distances derived from the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) data are compared to the precalculated distances in the known protein structures. An efficient search algorithm is used, which arranges the distances in matrices akin to a C alpha diagonal distance plot, and compares the NOE distance matrices for short sequential zones of the protein to the data base matrices. After cluster analysis of the fragments found in this way, the structure is built by aligning fragments in overlapping zones. The sequentially long-range NOEs cannot be used in the initial fragments search but are vital to discriminate between several possible combinations of different groups of fragments. The method has been tested on one simulated NOE data set derived from a crystal structure and one experimental NMR data set. The method produces models that have good local structure, but may contain larger global errors. These models can be used as the starting point for further refinement, e.g., by restrained molecular dynamics or interactive graphics.  相似文献   

Lysine‐free ubiquitin (K0‐Ub) is commonly used to study the ubiquitin‐signaling pathway, where it is assumed to have the same structure and function as wild‐type ubiquitin (wt‐Ub). However, the K0‐Ub 15N heteronuclear single quantum correlation NMR spectrum differs significantly from wt‐Ub and the melting temperature is depressed by 19°C, raising the question of the structural integrity and equivalence to wt‐Ub. The three‐dimensional structure of K0‐Ub was determined by solution NMR, using chemical shift and residual dipolar coupling data. K0‐Ub adopts the same backbone structure as wt‐Ub, and all significant chemical shifts can be related to interactions impacted by the K to R mutations.  相似文献   

A high-precision solution structure of the elastase inhibitor eglin c was determined by NMR and distance geometry calculations. A large set of 947 nuclear Overhauser (NOE) distance constraints was identified, 417 of which were quantified from two-dimensional NOE spectra at short mixing times. In addition, a large number of homonuclear 1H-1H and heteronuclear 1H-15N vicinal coupling constants were used, and constraints on 42 chi 1 and 38 phi angles were obtained. Structure calculations were carried out using the distance geometry program DG-II. These calculations had a high convergence rate, in that 66 out of 75 calculations converged with maximum residual NOE violations ranging from 0.17 A to 0.47 A. The spread of the structures was characterized with average root mean square deviations () between the structures and a mean structure. To calculate the unbiased toward any single structure, a new procedure was used for structure alignment. A canonical structure was calculated from the mean distances, and all structures were aligned relative to that. Furthermore, an angular order parameter S was defined and used to characterize the spread of structures in torsion angle space. To obtain an accurate estimate of the precision of the structure, the number of calculations was increased until the and the angular order parameters stabilized. This was achieved after approximately 40 calculations. The structure consists of a well-defined core whose backbone deviates from the canonical structure ca. 0.4 A, a disordered N-terminal heptapeptide whose backbone deviates by 0.8-12 A, and a proteinase-binding loop whose backbone deviates up to 3.0 A. Analysis of the angular order parameters and inspection of the structures indicates that a hinge-bending motion of the binding loop may occur in solution. Secondary structures were analyzed by comparison of dihedral angle patterns. The high precision of the structure allows one to identify subtle differences with four crystal structures of eglin c determined in complexes with proteinases.  相似文献   

The Cbl proteins, RING-type E3 ubiquitin ligases, are responsible for ubiquitinating the activated tyrosine kinases and targeting them for degradation. Both c-Cbl and Cbl-b have a UBA (ubiquitin-associated) domain at their C-terminal ends, and these two UBA domains share a high sequence similarity (75%). However, only the UBA from Cbl-b, but not from c-Cbl, can bind ubiquitin (Ub). To understand the mechanism by which the UBA domains specifically interact with Ub with different affinities, we determined the solution NMR structures of these two UBA domains, cUBA from human c-Cbl and UBAb from Cbl-b. Their structures show that these two UBA domains share the same fold, a compact three-helix bundle, highly resembling the typical UBA fold. Chemical shift perturbation experiments reveal that the helix-1 and loop-1 of UBAb form a predominately hydrophobic surface for Ub binding. By comparing the Ub-interacting surface on UBAb and its counterpart on cUBA, we find that the hydrophobic patch on cUBA is interrupted by a negatively charged residue Glu12. Fluorescence titration data show that the Ala12Glu mutant of UBAb completely loses the ability to bind Ub, whereas the mutation disrupting the dimerization has no significant effect on Ub binding. This study provides structural and biochemical insights into the Ub binding specificities of the Cbl UBA domains, in which the hydrophobic surface distribution on the first helix plays crucial roles in their differential affinities for Ub binding. That is, the amino acid residue diversity in the helix-1 region, but not the dimerization, determines the abilities of various UBA domains binding with Ub.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin-like domains are present, apart from ubiquitin-like proteins themselves, in many multidomain proteins involved in different signal transduction processes. The sequence conservation for all ubiquitin superfold family members is rather poor, even between subfamily members, leading to mistakes in sequence alignments using conventional sequence alignment methods. However, a correct alignment is essential, especially for in silico methods that predict binding partners on the basis of sequence and structure. In this study, using 3D-structural information we have generated and manually corrected sequence alignments for proteins of the five ubiquitin superfold subfamilies. On the basis of this alignment, we suggest domains for which structural information will be useful to allow homology modelling. In addition, we have analysed the energetic and electrostatic properties of ubiquitin-like domains in complex with various functional binding proteins using the protein design algorithm FoldX. On the basis of an in silico alanine-scanning mutagenesis, we provide a detailed binding epitope mapping of the hotspots of the ubiquitin domain fold, involved in the interaction with different domains and proteins. Finally, we provide a consensus fingerprint sequence that identifies all sequences described to belong to the ubiquitin superfold family. It is possible that the method that we describe may be applied to other domain families sharing a similar fold but having low levels of sequence homology.  相似文献   

Physiological processes such as protein folding and molecular recognition are intricately linked to their dynamic signature, which is reflected in their thermal coefficient. In addition, the local conformational entropy is directly related to the degrees of freedom, which each residue possesses within its conformational space. Therefore, the temperature dependence of the local conformational entropy may provide insight into understanding how local dynamics may affect the stability of proteins. Here, we analyze the temperature dependence of internal methyl group dynamics derived from the cross-correlated relaxation between dipolar couplings of two CH bonds within ubiquitin. Spanning a temperature range from 275 to 308 K, internal methyl group dynamics tend to increase with increasing temperature, which translates to a general increase in local conformational entropy. With this data measured over multiple temperatures, the thermal coefficient of the methyl group order parameter, the characteristic thermal coefficient, and the local heat capacity were obtained. By analyzing the distribution of methyl group thermal coefficients within ubiquitin, we found that the N-terminal region has relatively high thermostability. These results indicate that methyl groups contribute quite appreciably to the total heat capacity of ubiquitin through the regulation of local conformational entropy.  相似文献   

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We developed a novel approach for predicting local protein structure from sequence. It relies on the Hybrid Protein Model (HPM), an unsupervised clustering method we previously developed. This model learns three-dimensional protein fragments encoded into a structural alphabet of 16 protein blocks (PBs). Here, we focused on 11-residue fragments encoded as a series of seven PBs and used HPM to cluster them according to their local similarities. We thus built a library of 120 overlapping prototypes (mean fragments from each cluster), with good three-dimensional local approximation, i.e., a mean accuracy of 1.61 A Calpha root-mean-square distance. Our prediction method is intended to optimize the exploitation of the sequence-structure relations deduced from this library of long protein fragments. This was achieved by setting up a system of 120 experts, each defined by logistic regression to optimize the discrimination from sequence of a given prototype relative to the others. For a target sequence window, the experts computed probabilities of sequence-structure compatibility for the prototypes and ranked them, proposing the top scorers as structural candidates. Predictions were defined as successful when a prototype <2.5 A from the true local structure was found among those proposed. Our strategy yielded a prediction rate of 51.2% for an average of 4.2 candidates per sequence window. We also proposed a confidence index to estimate prediction quality. Our approach predicts from sequence alone and will thus provide valuable information for proteins without structural homologs. Candidates will also contribute to global structure prediction by fragment assembly.  相似文献   

Poly‐ubiquitylation is a common post‐translational modification that can impart various functions to a target protein. Several distinct mechanisms have been reported for the assembly of poly‐ubiquitin chains, involving either stepwise transfer of ubiquitin monomers or attachment of a preformed poly‐ubiquitin chain and requiring either a single pair of ubiquitin‐conjugating enzyme (E2) and ubiquitin ligase (E3), or alternatively combinations of different E2s and E3s. We have analysed the mechanism of poly‐ubiquitylation of the replication clamp PCNA by two cooperating E2–E3 pairs, Rad6–Rad18 and Ubc13–Mms2–Rad5. We find that the two complexes act sequentially and independently in chain initiation and stepwise elongation, respectively. While loading of PCNA onto DNA is essential for recognition by Rad6–Rad18, chain extension by Ubc13–Mms2–Rad5 is only slightly enhanced by loading. Moreover, in contrast to initiation, chain extension is tolerant to variations in the attachment site of the proximal ubiquitin moiety. Our results provide information about a unique conjugation mechanism that appears to be specialised for a regulatable pattern of dual modification.  相似文献   

Several mechanisms have been proposed for the synthesis of substrate-linked ubiquitin chains. HECT ligases directly catalyse protein ubiquitination and have been found to non-covalently interact with ubiquitin. We report crystal structures of the Nedd4 HECT domain, alone and in complex with ubiquitin, which show a new binding mode involving two surfaces on ubiquitin and both subdomains of the HECT N-lobe. The structures suggest a model for HECT-to-substrate ubiquitin transfer, in which the growing chain on the substrate is kept close to the catalytic cysteine to promote processivity. Mutational analysis highlights differences between the processes of substrate polyubiquitination and self-ubiquitination.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin (Ub) chains regulate a wide range of biological processes, and Ub chain connectivity is a critical determinant of the many regulatory roles that this post‐translational modification plays in cells. To understand how distinct Ub chains orchestrate different biochemical events, we and other investigators have developed enzymatic and non‐enzymatic methods to synthesize Ub chains of well‐defined length and connectivity. A number of chemical approaches have been used to generate Ub oligomers connected by non‐native linkages; however, few studies have examined the extent to which non‐native linkages recapitulate the structural and functional properties associated with native isopeptide bonds. Here, we compare the structure and function of Ub dimers bearing native and non‐native linkages. Using small‐angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS) analysis, we show that scattering profiles for the two types of dimers are similar. Moreover, using an experimental structural library and atomistic simulations to fit the experimental SAXS profiles, we find that the two types of Ub dimers can be matched to analogous structures. An important application of non‐native Ub oligomers is to probe the activity and selectivity of deubiquitinases. Through steady‐state kinetic analyses, we demonstrate that different families of deubiquitinases hydrolyze native and non‐native isopeptide linkages with comparable efficiency and selectivity. Considering the significant challenges associated with building topologically diverse native Ub chains, our results illustrate that chains harboring non‐native linkages can serve as surrogate substrates for explorations of Ub function.  相似文献   

德国小蠊泛素基因的克隆及序列分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
设计一对简并引物,从德国小蠊Blattellager manica细胞中克隆了泛素基因的编码区,GenBank登录号为AY501003。序列分析表明,该编码区的长度为228 bp,编码的多肽由76个氨基酸残基组成,相对分子质量为8.47 Kd ,其等电点为5.73。同源性比较发现,德国小蠊泛素基因与其他真核生物泛素基因在氨基酸水平上具有94%以上的相似性。  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM), the ubiquitous, eukaryotic, bilobal calcium-binding regulatory protein, has been cleaved by thrombin to create two fragments. TM1 (1-106) and TM2 (107-148). NMR and CD results indicate that TMI and TM2 can associate in the presence of Ca2+ to form a complex similar to native CaM, even though the cleavage site is not in the linker region between two helix-loop-helix domains, but rather within an alpha-helix. Cadmium-113 NMR results show that this complex has enhanced metal-ion binding properties when compared to either TM1 or TM2 alone. This complex can bind several CaM-binding target peptides, as shown by gel bandshift assays, circular dichroism spectra, and 13C NMR spectra of biosynthetically methyl-13C-Met-labeled TM1 and TM2; moreover, gel bandshift assays show that the addition of a target peptide strengthens the interactions between TM1 and TM2 and increases the stability of the complex. Cadmium-113 NMR spectra indicate that the TM1:TM2 complex can also bind the antipsychotic drug trifluoperazine. However, in contrast to CaM:peptide complexes, the TM1:TM2:peptide complexes are disrupted by 4 M urea; moreover, TM1 and TM2 in combination are unable to activate CaM-dependent enzymes. This suggests that TM1:TM2 mixtures cannot bind target molecules as tightly as intact CaM, or perhaps that binding occurs but additional interactions with the target enzymes that are necessary for proper activation are perturbed by the proteolytic cleavage. The results presented here reflect the importance of the existence of helix-loop-helix Ca2+-binding domains in pairs in proteins such as CaM, and extend the understanding of the association of such domains in this class of proteins in general.  相似文献   

Calreticulin (CRT) is an abundant, soluble molecular chaperone of the endoplasmic reticulum. Similar to its membrane-bound homolog calnexin (CNX), it is a lectin that promotes the folding of proteins carrying N-linked glycans. Both proteins cooperate with an associated co-chaperone, the thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase ERp57. This enzyme catalyzes the formation of disulfide bonds in CNX and CRT-bound glycoprotein substrates. Previously, we solved the NMR structure of the central proline-rich P-domain of CRT comprising residues 189-288. This structure shows an extended hairpin topology, with three short anti-parallel beta-sheets, three small hydrophobic clusters, and one helical turn at the tip of the hairpin. We further demonstrated that the residues 225-251 at the tip of the CRT P-domain are involved in direct contacts with ERp57. Here, we show that the CRT P-domain fragment CRT(221-256) constitutes an autonomous folding unit, and has a structure highly similar to that of the corresponding region in CRT(189-288). Of the 36 residues present in CRT(221-256), 32 form a well-structured core, making this fragment one of the smallest known natural sequences to form a stable non-helical fold in the absence of disulfide bonds or tightly bound metal ions. CRT(221-256) comprises all the residues of the intact P-domain that were shown to interact with ERp57. Isothermal titration microcalorimetry (ITC) now showed affinity of this fragment for ERp57 similar to that of the intact P-domain, demonstrating that CRT(221-256) may be used as a low molecular mass mimic of CRT for further investigations of the interaction with ERp57. We also solved the NMR structure of the 73-residue fragment CRT(189-261), in which the tip of the hairpin and the first beta-sheet are well structured, but the residues 189-213 are disordered, presumably due to lack of stabilizing interactions across the hairpin.  相似文献   

The formation of the N-terminal beta-hairpin of ubiquitin is thought to be an early event in the folding of this small protein. Previously, we have shown that a peptide corresponding to residues 1-17 of ubiquitin folds autonomously and is likely to have a native-like hairpin register. To investigate the causes of the stability of this fold, we have made mutations in the amino acids at the apex of the turn. We find that in a peptide where Thr9 is replaced by Asp, U(1-17)T9D, the native conformation is stabilized with respect to the wild-type sequence, so much so that we are able to characterize the structure of the mutant peptide fully by NMR spectroscopy. The data indicate that U(1-17)T9D peptide does indeed form a hairpin with a native-like register and a type I turn with a G1 beta-bulge, as in the full-length protein. The reason for the greater stability of the U(1-17)T9D mutant remains uncertain, but there are nuclear Overhauser effects between the side chains of Asp9 and Lys 11, which may indicate that a charge-charge interaction between these residues is responsible.  相似文献   

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