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Debates over the status of the tree of life (TOL) often proceed without agreement as to what it is supposed to be: a hierarchical classification scheme, a tracing of genomic and organismal history or a hypothesis about evolutionary processes and the patterns they can generate. I will argue that for Darwin it was a hypothesis, which lateral gene transfer in prokaryotes now shows to be false. I will propose a more general and relaxed evolutionary theory and point out why anti-evolutionists should take no comfort from disproof of the TOL hypothesis.  相似文献   

While there is compelling evidence for the impact of endosymbiotic gene transfer (EGT; transfer from either mitochondrion or chloroplast to the nucleus) on genome evolution in eukaryotes, the role of interdomain transfer from bacteria and/or archaea (i.e. prokaryotes) is less clear. Lateral gene transfers (LGTs) have been argued to be potential sources of phylogenetic information, particularly for reconstructing deep nodes that are difficult to recover with traditional phylogenetic methods. We sought to identify interdomain LGTs by using a phylogenomic pipeline that generated 13 465 single gene trees and included up to 487 eukaryotes, 303 bacteria and 118 archaea. Our goals include searching for LGTs that unite major eukaryotic clades, and describing the relative contributions of LGT and EGT across the eukaryotic tree of life. Given the difficulties in interpreting single gene trees that aim to capture the approximately 1.8 billion years of eukaryotic evolution, we focus on presence–absence data to identify interdomain transfer events. Specifically, we identify 1138 genes found only in prokaryotes and representatives of three or fewer major clades of eukaryotes (e.g. Amoebozoa, Archaeplastida, Excavata, Opisthokonta, SAR and orphan lineages). The majority of these genes have phylogenetic patterns that are consistent with recent interdomain LGTs and, with the notable exception of EGTs involving photosynthetic eukaryotes, we detect few ancient interdomain LGTs. These analyses suggest that LGTs have probably occurred throughout the history of eukaryotes, but that ancient events are not maintained unless they are associated with endosymbiotic gene transfer among photosynthetic lineages.  相似文献   

There has been increasing interest in integrating a regional tree of life with community assembly rules in the ecological research. This raises questions regarding the impacts of taxon sampling strategies at the regional versus global scales on the topology. To address this concern, we constructed two trees for the nitrogen-fixing clade: (i) a genus-level global tree including 1023 genera; and (ii) a regional tree comprising 303 genera, with taxon sampling limited to China. We used the supermatrix approach and performed maximum likelihood analyses on combined matK, rbcL, and trnL-F plastid sequences. We found that the topology of the global and the regional tree of the N-fixing clade were generally congruent. However, whereas relationships among the four orders obtained with the global tree agreed with the accepted topology obtained in focused analyses with more genes, the regional topology obtained different relationships, albeit weakly supported. At a finer scale, the phylogenetic position of the family Myricaceae was found to be sensitive to sampling density. We expect that internal support throughout the phylogeny could be improved with denser taxon sampling. The taxon sampling approach (global vs. regional) did not have a major impact on fine-level branching patterns of the N-fixing clade. Thus, a well-resolved phylogeny with relatively dense taxon sampling strategy at the regional scale appears, in this case, to be a good representation of the overall phylogenetic pattern and could be used in ecological research. Otherwise, the regional tree should be adjusted according to the correspondingly reliable global tree.  相似文献   

L20 is a specific protein of the bacterial ribosome, which is involved in the early assembly steps of the 50S subunit and in the feedback control of the expression of its own gene. This dual function involves specific interactions with either the 23S rRNA or its messenger RNA. The solution structure of the free Aquifex aeolicus L20 has been solved. It is composed of an unstructured N-terminal domain comprising residues 1-58 and a C-terminal alpha-helical domain. This is in contrast with what is observed in the bacterial 50S subunit, where the N-terminal region folds as an elongated alpha-helical region. The solution structure of the C-terminal domain shows that several solvent-accessible, conserved residues are clustered on the surface of the molecule and are probably involved in RNA recognition. In vivo studies show that this domain is sufficient to repress the expression of the cistrons encoding L35 and L20 in the IF3 operon. The ability of L20 C-terminal domain to specifically recognise RNA suggests an assembly mechanism for L20 into the ribosome. The pre-folded C-terminal domain would make a primary interaction with a specific site on the 23S rRNA. The N-terminal domain would then fold within the ribosome, participating in its correct 3D assembly.  相似文献   

真核生物系统发育和多样性概观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our understanding of eukaryote biology is dominated by the study of land plants, animals and fungi. However, these are only three isolated fragments of the full diversity of extant eukaryotes. The majority of eukaryotes, in terms of major taxa and probably also sheer numbers of cells, consists of exclusively or predominantly unicellular lineages. A surprising number of these lineages are poorly characterized. Nonetheless, they are fundamental to our understanding of eukaryote biology and the underlying forces that shaped it. This article consists of an overview of the current state of our understanding of the eukaryote tree. This includes the identity of the major groups of eukaryotes, some of their important, defining or simply interesting features and the proposed relationships of these groups to each other.  相似文献   

As the Human Genome Project and other genome projects experience remarkable success and a flood of biological data is produced by means of high-throughout sequencing techniques, detection of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) becomes a promising field in bioinformatics. This review describes two freeware programs: T-REX for MS Windows and RHOM for Linux. T-REX is a graphical user interface program that offers functions to reconstruct the HGT network among the donor and receptor hosts from the gene and species distance matrices. RHOM is a set of command-line driven programs used to detect HGT in genomes. While T-REX impresses with a user-friendly interface and drawing of the reticulation network, the strength of RHOM is an extensive statistical framework of genome and the graphical display of the estimated sequence position probabilities for the candidate horizontally transferred genes.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic organelles are inherited in a nonMendelian fashion in all eukaryotic organisms investigated. Among the seed plants, plastids can be inherited strictly from the female parent, strictly from the male parent, or biparentally. Most flowering plants studied to date exhibit maternal plastid inheritance, but approximately one-third of the genera investigated display biparental plastid inheritance to some degree. Among the gymnosperms, paternal plastid inheritance is the rule in the conifers, whereas the other groups appear to have maternal plastid inheritance, although they have been less well studied. Mitochondrial inheritance is predominantly maternal in the seed plants, except for a few coniferous families where it is predominantly paternal. The advent of recombinant DNA technology has allowed restriction fragment length polymorphisms to be used as molecular markers, and has stimulated much research in organelle inheritance and its application to studies of population genetics and phylogenetic biology. This report emphasizes the various mechanisms by which organelles are, or are not, transmitted among the seed plants in order that researchers directly or indirectly involved with organelle inheritance may better understand the potential and the limitations of their investigations. A summary and discussion of the possible evolutionary significance of the various patterns of cytoplasmic inheritance among the seed plants are also included.  相似文献   

Species tree inference from gene family trees is becoming increasingly popular because it can account for discordance between the species tree and the corresponding gene family trees. In particular, methods that can account for multiple-copy gene families exhibit potential to leverage paralogy as informative signal. At present, there does not exist any widely adopted inference method for this purpose. Here, we present SpeciesRax, the first maximum likelihood method that can infer a rooted species tree from a set of gene family trees and can account for gene duplication, loss, and transfer events. By explicitly modeling events by which gene trees can depart from the species tree, SpeciesRax leverages the phylogenetic rooting signal in gene trees. SpeciesRax infers species tree branch lengths in units of expected substitutions per site and branch support values via paralogy-aware quartets extracted from the gene family trees. Using both empirical and simulated data sets we show that SpeciesRax is at least as accurate as the best competing methods while being one order of magnitude faster on large data sets at the same time. We used SpeciesRax to infer a biologically plausible rooted phylogeny of the vertebrates comprising 188 species from 31,612 gene families in 1 h using 40 cores. SpeciesRax is available under GNU GPL at https://github.com/BenoitMorel/GeneRax and on BioConda.  相似文献   

Organismal phylogeny depends on cell division, stasis, mutational divergence, cell mergers (by sex or symbiogenesis), lateral gene transfer and death. The tree of life is a useful metaphor for organismal genealogical history provided we recognize that branches sometimes fuse. Hennigian cladistics emphasizes only lineage splitting, ignoring most other major phylogenetic processes. Though methodologically useful it has been conceptually confusing and harmed taxonomy, especially in mistakenly opposing ancestral (paraphyletic) taxa. The history of life involved about 10 really major innovations in cell structure. In membrane topology, there were five successive kinds of cell: (i) negibacteria, with two bounding membranes, (ii) unibacteria, with one bounding and no internal membranes, (iii) eukaryotes with endomembranes and mitochondria, (iv) plants with chloroplasts and (v) finally, chromists with plastids inside the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Membrane chemistry divides negibacteria into the more advanced Glycobacteria (e.g. Cyanobacteria and Proteobacteria) with outer membrane lipolysaccharide and primitive Eobacteria without lipopolysaccharide (deserving intenser study). It also divides unibacteria into posibacteria, ancestors of eukaryotes, and archaebacteria—the sisters (not ancestors) of eukaryotes and the youngest bacterial phylum. Anaerobic eobacteria, oxygenic cyanobacteria, desiccation-resistant posibacteria and finally neomura (eukaryotes plus archaebacteria) successively transformed Earth. Accidents and organizational constraints are as important as adaptiveness in body plan evolution.  相似文献   

Inferring phylogenetic trees for individual homologous gene families is difficult because alignments are often too short, and thus contain insufficient signal, while substitution models inevitably fail to capture the complexity of the evolutionary processes. To overcome these challenges, species-tree-aware methods also leverage information from a putative species tree. However, only few methods are available that implement a full likelihood framework or account for horizontal gene transfers. Furthermore, these methods often require expensive data preprocessing (e.g., computing bootstrap trees) and rely on approximations and heuristics that limit the degree of tree space exploration. Here, we present GeneRax, the first maximum likelihood species-tree-aware phylogenetic inference software. It simultaneously accounts for substitutions at the sequence level as well as gene level events, such as duplication, transfer, and loss relying on established maximum likelihood optimization algorithms. GeneRax can infer rooted phylogenetic trees for multiple gene families, directly from the per-gene sequence alignments and a rooted, yet undated, species tree. We show that compared with competing tools, on simulated data GeneRax infers trees that are the closest to the true tree in 90% of the simulations in terms of relative Robinson–Foulds distance. On empirical data sets, GeneRax is the fastest among all tested methods when starting from aligned sequences, and it infers trees with the highest likelihood score, based on our model. GeneRax completed tree inferences and reconciliations for 1,099 Cyanobacteria families in 8 min on 512 CPU cores. Thus, its parallelization scheme enables large-scale analyses. GeneRax is available under GNU GPL at https://github.com/BenoitMorel/GeneRax (last accessed June 17, 2020).    相似文献   

Heterogeneity in riverine habitats acts as a template for species evolution that influences river communities at different spatio‐temporal scales. Although birds are conspicuous elements of these communities, the roles of phylogeny, functional traits, and habitat character in their niche use or species'' assembly have seldom been investigated. We explored these themes by surveying multiple headwaters over 3000 m of elevation in the Himalayan Mountains of India where the specialist birds of montane rivers reach their greatest diversity on Earth. After ordinating community composition, species traits, and habitat character, we investigated whether river bird traits varied with elevation in ways that were constrained or independent of phylogeny, hypothesizing that trait patterns reflect environmental filtering. Community composition and trait representation varied strongly with increasing elevation and river naturalness as species that foraged in the river/riparian ecotone gave way to small insectivores with direct trophic dependence on the river or its immediate channel. These trends were influenced strongly by phylogeny as communities became more clustered by functional traits at a higher elevation. Phylogenetic signals varied among traits, however, and were reflected in body mass, bill size, and tarsus length more than in body size, tail length, and breeding strategy. These variations imply that community assembly in high‐altitude river birds reflects a blend of phylogenetic constraint and habitat filtering coupled with some proximate niche‐based moulding of trait character. We suggest that the regional co‐existence of river birds in the Himalaya is facilitated by this same array of factors that together reflect the highly heterogeneous template of river habitats provided by these mountain headwaters.  相似文献   

 Mature Jasminum officinale and J. nudiflorum pollen grains were stained with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and examined by epifluorescence microscopy. The pollen grains were found to be trinucleate, and the sperm cells in both species contained a large number of epifluorescent spots that corresponded to cytoplasmic DNA aggregates (nucleoids). The nucleoids of J. nudiflorum were observed to be dimorphic under the epifluorescence microscope, indicating that the sperm cells might contain both plastid and mitochondrial DNA. The nucleoids of J. officinale presented a similar appearance when stained with DAPI, but electron microscopic examination of the sperm cells revealed that they contained both plastids and mitochondria. When analyzed by DNA immunogold electron microscopy, gold particles were detected on both plastids and mitochondria. These findings demonstrated the preservation of plastid and mitochondrial DNA in mature sperm cells and thus the potential for biparental cytoplasmic inheritance in J. officinale and J. nudiflorum. Received: 8 August 1997 / Revision accepted: 25 February 1998  相似文献   

Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobia and Chlamydia are prokaryotic phyla, sometimes grouped together as the PVC superphylum of eubacteria. Some PVC species possess interesting attributes, in particular, internal membranes that superficially resemble eukaryotic endomembranes. Some biologists now claim that PVC bacteria are nucleus-bearing prokaryotes and are considered evolutionary intermediates in the transition from prokaryote to eukaryote. PVC prokaryotes do not possess a nucleus and are not intermediates in the prokaryote-to-eukaryote transition. Here we summarise the evidence that shows why all of the PVC traits that are currently cited as evidence for aspiring eukaryoticity are either analogous (the result of convergent evolution), not homologous, to eukaryotic traits; or else they are the result of horizontal gene transfers.  相似文献   

生命之树的概念由达尔文在1859年提出, 用以反映分类群的亲缘关系和进化历史。近30年来, 随着建树性状种类的多样化、数据量的快速增长以及建树方法的不断发展和完善, 生命之树的规模越来越大, 可信度也越来越高。分子生物学、生态学、基因组学、生物信息学及计算机科学等的快速发展, 使得生命之树成为开展学科间交叉研究的桥梁, 其用途日益广泛。本文综述了生命之树研究的历史和现状, 介绍了生命之树在以下几个方面的应用: (1)通过构建不同尺度的生命之树, 理解生物类群间的系统发育关系; (2)通过时间估算和地理分布区重建, 推测现存生物的起源和地理分布格局及其成因; (3)基于时间树, 结合生态、环境因子及关键创新性状, 探讨生物的多样化进程和成因; (4)揭示生物多样性的来源和格局, 预测生物多样性动态变化, 并提出相应的保护策略。最后, 本文评估了生命之树在目前海量数据情况下遇到的序列比对困难、基因树冲突、“流浪类群”干扰等建树难题, 并指出了构建“超大树”的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The conference ‘Celebrating Darwin: From the Origin of Species to Deep Metazoan Phylogeny’ was held at the Humboldt University in Berlin, from 3 to 6 March 2009. Specialists from the fields of bioinformatics, molecular biology, developmental biology, comparative morphology and paleontology joined forces to present and discuss novel approaches in reconstructing the still unresolved early branching patterns of the metazoan tree of life.  相似文献   

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