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The morphometric affinities of the 33,000 year old skeleton from Nazlet Khater, Upper Egypt are examined using multivariate statistical procedures. In the first part, principal components analysis is performed on a dataset of mandible dimensions of 220 fossils, sub-fossils and modern specimens, ranging in time from the Late Pleistocene to recent and restricted in space to the African continent and Southern Levant. In the second part, mean measurements for various prehistoric and modern African and Levantine populations are incorporated in the statistical analysis. Subsequently, differences between male and female means are examined for some of the modern and prehistoric populations. The results indicate a strong association between some of the sub-Saharan Middle Stone Age (MSA) specimens, and the Nazlet Khater mandible. Furthermore, the results suggest that variability between African populations during the Neolithic and Protohistoric periods was more pronounced than the range of variability observed among recent African and Levantine populations. Results also demonstrate a general reduction in the degree of sexual dimorphism during the Holocene. However, this pattern of reduction pattern varies by geographic location and is not uniform across the African continent.  相似文献   

The craniometric affinities among Neandertals. Upper Palcolithic Europeans, early anatomically modern Southwest Asians, and archaic and modern Africans are investigated using univariate and multivariate methods. For the first time, it is possible to analyse the North African finds Dar-es-Soltane 5, Nazlet Khater, and Wadi Kubbaniya. It was not possible to include the Neandertals from Central Europe due to their poor state of preservation. The results point to, first, a basic distinction between Neandertals on the one hand and modern humans from all geographic regions on the other, and, secondly, to great similarities between modern African and European populations. Late archaic sapiens specimens from Africa were more similar to Upper Paleolithic Europeans than were the Neandertals. The results do not support the hypothesis that a regional evolution giving rise to modern humans took place in Europe. The results are, however, consistent with the hypothesis that modern populations originated in Africa and spread to Europe from there.  相似文献   

魏偏偏 《人类学学报》2020,39(4):616-631
1960年,在云南省丽江市发现了三根古人类股骨,通过地层观察,仅PA108可归为更新世晚期。前人对PA108做了初步报导,为了进一步了解丽江人股骨的演化分类地位和东亚早期现代人股骨形态变异,本文对PA108的内外结构进行了详尽的分析。研究发现,PA108具有明显的早期现代人特征,即明显的股骨粗线、骨干中部后侧骨密质最厚和中部横断面轮廓形状偏椭圆。PA108标本也有一定的特殊性,体现在骨干中近端和中部骨密质厚度分布上,这可能与其股骨嵴发育较弱有关,这一特征也导致了PA108与其他东亚早期现代人之间的形态差异,这些形态变异进一步扩大了目前已知的东亚地区早期现代人变异范围。同时,在采用骨密质厚度分布模式进行分类时,建议关注股骨骨干中部骨密质最厚部位。  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(4):333-341
The earlier Late Pleistocene mandibular ramus from Xujiayao (northern China) preserves traits that vary distributionally among western Old World Pleistocene Homo samples and between Early/Middle Pleistocene archaic humans and Late Pleistocene modern humans in eastern Eurasia. Xujiayao 14 presents a lateral mandibular notch crest, an open mandibular foramen, a wide ramus, an asymmetrical mandibular notch, an enlarged superior medial pterygoid tubercle, (probably) a retromolar space, and gonial eversion, as well as an unusual depression in the planum triangulare. The first two traits appear ancestral for Later Pleistocene and recent Homo and are dominant among modern humans. The second two traits largely separate Xujiayao 14 and archaic Homo from modern humans. The next two traits are found in the highest frequency among the Neandertals, although gonial eversion contrasts with Late Pleistocene Neandertals. Xujiayao 14, in the context of Pleistocene and recent Homo samples and the other Xujiayao human remains, therefore provides a morphological mosaic, highlighting regional variation through the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

近些年在东亚发现的晚更新世现代人化石及其研究使得关于该地区现代人起源问题更加复杂,更多该时段人类标本的研究有助于对其有更清晰的认识。1966年在山东新泰乌珠台发现一枚古人类下颌臼齿,吴新智和宗冠福(1973)对其进行了报道,而后再无详细研究。本文将使用牙齿非测量性状的半定量化(分级)、齿冠外轮廓形状的几何形态测量、基于显微断层扫描(Micro-computed tomography 或micro-CT)的釉质厚度、釉质厚度分布规律和齿质表面三维结构复原等方法对乌珠台人类牙齿进行综合研究,进而对东亚晚更新世古人类牙齿形态特征变异有一个进一步的了解。结果显示,乌珠台人类牙齿的形态特征基本与现代人接近,但其所表现出的三角座横脊、Y型齿沟排列、原附尖在现代人中出现率较低,而更多发现在直立人或尼安德特人中。相对于东亚其他晚更新世现代人,乌珠台M3所表现出的特征组合具有特殊性,增加了东亚晚更新世现代人的牙齿形态特征多样性。未来研究可尝试测定乌珠台人类牙齿的绝对年代,以更好的将其归入到现代人演化序列中去。  相似文献   

The human remains recovered from “Grotte supérieure de Zhoukoudian” are the best-preserved Late Pleistocene human fossils in East Asia. For decades, as the representative of the Late Pleistocene human in East Asia, the Upper Cave skulls have been playing important role in the research of origins of modern Mongoloids and American Indians. With the advance of the origin and evolution of modern humans, more attention has been paid to the details and the mechanisms for the late Pleistocene human evolution and the formation of modern human populations. Both the origin and diversification of modern humans have been stressed. Some studies further trigger the debaters on the Upper Cave Man concerning its evolutionary level and its role in the formation of modern human populations in East Asia. To further explore these problems, we examined and compared 12 non-metric features on the 3 Late Pleistocene Upper Cave skulls and 162 Holocene individuals earthed from two archaeological sites of North China (Longxian and Yanqing). Our results indicate that 8 on the 12 features have different expression patterns between Upper Cave Man and recent Chinese leading the authors to believe that more primitive expressions appeared on the Upper Cave Man than on recent Chinese populations. Based on these findings, some problems on the intragroup variation in Late Pleistocene and Holocene populations are discussed.  相似文献   

魏敦瑞在研究周口店北京直立人化石时发现,位于上颌骨硬腭表面的门齿孔位置在周口店标本靠后,而在现代人靠近齿槽。此后,门齿孔位置作为具有演化意义的形态特征被用于古人类学研究。迄今,对门齿孔位置在中国古人类化石表现的专门研究仅有周口店一件标本,而在现代中国人的数据尚属空白。鉴于此,本文对门齿孔位置在中国古人类化石以及现代中国人标本进行了观察、测量和数据统计。在此基础上,结合世界其他地区古人类数据资料,本文对门齿孔位置在中国古人类化石的表现特点及其演化意义进行了探讨。本研究发现,从更新世早期到更新世晚期,门齿孔位置在中国古人类呈现由后向前的总体变化趋势。更新世早期和中期直立人(郧县曲远河口、周口店)的门齿孔位置都比较靠后;中更新世晚期的部分中国古人类(大荔、长阳、华龙洞)的门齿孔位置前移,并与现代人接近,而金牛山和巢县门齿孔位置比较靠后,位于直立人范围;在更新世晚期,所有中国古人类都比较靠前,位于现代人变异范围。本文对现代人标本的观测显示,门齿孔位置在现代中国人比较靠前。现代人门齿孔大小及形态存在较大变异,这种表现特点在一定程度上影响对门齿孔位置及演化意义的判定。几乎全部现代人标本门齿孔前缘呈...  相似文献   

Cioclovina (Romania): affinities of an early modern European   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Early American crania show a different morphological pattern from the one shared by late Native Americans. Although the origin of the diachronic morphological diversity seen on the continents is still debated, the distinct morphology of early Americans is well documented and widely dispersed. This morphology has been described extensively for South America, where larger samples are available. Here we test the hypotheses that the morphology of Early Americans results from retention of the morphological pattern of Late Pleistocene modern humans and that the occupation of the New World precedes the morphological differentiation that gave rise to recent Eurasian and American morphology. We compare Early American samples with European Upper Paleolithic skulls, the East Asian Zhoukoudian Upper Cave specimens and a series of 20 modern human reference crania. Canonical Analysis and Minimum Spanning Tree were used to assess the morphological affinities among the series, while Mantel and Dow-Cheverud tests based on Mahalanobis Squared Distances were used to test different evolutionary scenarios. Our results show strong morphological affinities among the early series irrespective of geographical origin, which together with the matrix analyses results favor the scenario of a late morphological differentiation of modern humans. We conclude that the geographic differentiation of modern human morphology is a late phenomenon that occurred after the initial settlement of the Americas.  相似文献   

The “Weak Garden of Eden” model for the origin and dispersal of modern humans (Harpendinget al., 1993) posits that modern humans spread into separate regions from a restricted source, around 100 ka (thousand years ago), then passed through population bottlenecks. Around 50 ka, dramatic growth occurred within dispersed populations that were genetically isolated from each other. Population growth began earliest in Africa and later in Eurasia and is hypothesized to have been caused by the invention and spread of a more efficient Later Stone Age/Upper Paleolithic technology, which developed in equatorial Africa.Climatic and geological evidence suggest an alternative hypothesis for Late Pleistocene population bottlenecks and releases. The last glacial period was preceded by one thousand years of the coldest temperatures of the Later Pleistocene (∼71–70 ka), apparently caused by the eruption of Toba, Sumatra. Toba was the largest known explosive eruption of the Quaternary. Toba's volcanic winter could have decimated most modern human populations, especially outside of isolated tropical refugia. Release from the bottleneck could have occurred either at the end of this hypercold phase, or 10,000 years later, at the transition from cold oxygen isotope stage 4 to warmer stage 3. The largest populations surviving through the bottleneck should have been found in the largest tropical refugia, and thus in equatorial Africa. High genetic diversity in modern Africans may thus reflect a less severe bottleneck rather than earlier population growth.Volcanic winter may have reduced populations to levels low enough for founder effects, genetic drift and local adaptations to produce rapid population differentiation. If Toba caused the bottlenecks, then modern human races may have differentiated abruptly, only 70 thousand years ago.  相似文献   

The living hyena species (spotted, brown, striped and aardwolf) are remnants of a formerly diverse group of more than 80 fossil species, which peaked in diversity in the Late Miocene (about 7–8 Ma). The fossil history indicates an African origin, and morphological and ancient DNA data have confirmed that living spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) of Africa were closely related to extinct Late Pleistocene cave hyenas from Europe and Asia. The current model used to explain the origins of Eurasian cave hyena populations invokes multiple migrations out of Africa between 3.5–0.35 Ma. We used mitochondrial DNA sequences from radiocarbon‐dated Chinese Pleistocene hyena specimens to examine the origin of Asian populations, and temporally calibrate the evolutionary history of spotted hyenas. Our results support a far more recent evolutionary timescale (430–163 kya) and suggest that extinct and living spotted hyena populations originated from a widespread Eurasian population in the Late Pleistocene, which was only subsequently restricted to Africa. We developed statistical tests of the contrasting population models and their fit to the fossil record. Coalescent simulations and Bayes Factor analysis support the new radiocarbon‐calibrated timescale and Eurasian origins model. The new Eurasian biogeographic scenario proposed for the hyena emphasizes the role of the vast steppe grasslands of Eurasia in contrast to models only involving Africa. The new methodology for combining genetic and geological data to test contrasting models of population history will be useful for a wide range of taxa where ancient and historic genetic data are available.  相似文献   

The human frontal bone from Sal'a, Slovak Republic, has previously entered into discussions of the morphological patterns of Central European Neandertals and the origins of early modern humans in that region. A morphological reassessment of its supraorbital region and a morphometric analysis of its overall proportions indicate that it falls well within expected ranges of variation of Late Pleistocene Neandertals and is separate from European earlier Upper Paleolithic early modern human crania. It is similar to the Qafzeh-Skhul sample in some metrical and supraorbital robusticity measures, but it contrasts with them in mid-sagittal curvature and supraorbital torus morphology. In the context of its probable oxygen isotope stage 5 age based on inferred biostratigraphic associations, it should not be employed directly for arguments relating to the emergence of modern humans in Central Europe.  相似文献   

The continent of Africa is thought to be the site of origin of all modern humans and is the more recent origin of millions of African Americans. Although Africa has the highest levels of human genetic diversity both within and between populations, it is under-represented in studies of human genetics. Recent advances have been made in understanding the origins of modern humans within Africa, the rate of adaptations due to positive selection, the routes taken in the first migrations of modern humans out of Africa, and the degree of admixture with archaic populations. Africa is also in dire need of effective medical interventions, and studies of genetic variation in Africans will shed light on the genetic basis of diseases and resistance to infectious diseases. Thus, we have tremendous potential to learn about human variation and evolutionary history and to positively impact human health care from studies of genetic diversity in Africa.  相似文献   

A. Gallagher  M.M. Gunther 《HOMO》2009,60(2):95-892
The transition to agro-pastoralism in central Europe has been framed within a dichotomy of “regional continuity” versus exogenous “demic diffusion”. While substantial genetic support exists for a model of demographic diffusion from an ancestral source in the Near East, archaeological data furnish weak support for the “wave of advance” model. Nevertheless, archaeological evidence attests the widespread introduction of an exogenous “package” comprising ceramics, cereals, pulses and domesticated animals to central Europe at 5600 cal BCE.Body proportions are under strong climatic selection and evince remarkable stability within regional lineages. As such, they offer a viable and robust alternative to cranio-facial data in assessing hypothesised continuity and replacement with the transition to agro-pastoralism in central Europe. Humero-clavicular, brachial and crural indices in a large sample (n=75) of Linienbandkeramik (LBK), Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age specimens from the middle Elbe-Saale-Werra valley (MESV) were compared with Eurasian and African terminal Pleistocene, European Mesolithic and geographically disparate recent human specimens.Mesolithic Europeans display considerable variation in humero-clavicular and brachial indices yet none approach the extreme “hyper-polar” morphology of LBK humans from the MESV. In contrast, Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age peoples display elongated brachial and crural indices reminiscent of terminal Pleistocene and “tropically adapted” recent humans. These marked morphological changes likely reflect exogenous immigration during the terminal Fourth millennium cal BC. Population expansion and diffusion is a function of increased mobility and settlement dispersal concomitant with significant technological and subsistence changes in later Neolithic societies during the late fourth millennium cal BCE.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of the human remains from the Upper Cave of Zhoukoudian in the 1930s there has been speculation over their affinities. In particular, the degree to which the three adult crania exhibit recent East Asian morphology, as well as their degree of within-group variability, has long been debated. Several early researchers described a resemblance to East Asian populations, but these findings have been for the most part rejected by more recent metric and non-metric analyses. Nevertheless, the Upper Cave specimens have not been classified conclusively into any recent modern human population to which they have been compared, and classification results differ for each cranium. Here, the question of the affinities of Upper Cave 101 and 103, the two better-preserved crania, is examined from the perspective of the Late Pleistocene human fossil record using the methodology of 3-D geometric morphometrics. The degree of morphological variation between the two specimens is also evaluated within the context of recent population variability. Neurocranial and facial morphology are analyzed separately so as to maximize comparative samples. Results show a morphological resemblance of the Upper Cave material to Upper Paleolithic Europeans. It is proposed that the Upper Cave specimens retain important aspects of modern human ancestral morphology, and possibly share a recent common ancestral population with Upper Paleolithic Europeans, in accordance with the Single Origin model of modern human origins.  相似文献   

刘武  吴秀杰  邢松 《人类学学报》2016,35(2):161-171
自2002年在周口店附近的田园洞发现大约4万年前的现代人化石以来,相继在湖北郧西黄龙洞、广西崇左智人洞等地点发现了早期现代人化石。这些化石发现证实大约10万年前早期现代人在华南地区已经出现。最近在湖南道县福岩洞发现的人类牙齿化石及相关研究进一步揭示具有完全现代形态的人类8万-12万年前在华南局部地区已经出现;而在这个时间段的华北地区,以许家窑人为代表的人类化石形态仍较原始,其演化尚未进入早期现代人阶段。这些研究发现提示,在中国地区,华南是现代人形成与扩散的中心区域,早期现代人以及完全现代类型的人类都可能首先在华南地区出现,然后向华北地区扩散。现有的化石形态证据显示,更新世晚期华南地区人类具有较大的演化变异,可能同时生存有几种不同的演化类群。智人洞属于从古老型智人向现代人演化的过渡类型,而道县则代表着演化进入完全现代类型的人类。基于前人研究及本文的分析,作者认为柳江、资阳、丽江、田园洞等更新世晚期人类化石特征比较进步,在演化上属于与道县相似的现代类型人类。值得注意的是,这些研究进展在引起对现代人在东亚地区出现和扩散关注的同时,古人类学界对其中涉及的许多问题还存在争论。本文在回顾分析这些研究进展的基础上,就相关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The Neanderthal taxonomic position is a matter of wide disagreement among paleoanthropologists. Some workers consider this fossil human group to represent a different species, Homo neanderthalensis, while others see it as a subspecies of Homo sapiens. This study developed two models of morphological variation to be applied to a comparison between Neanderthals and modern humans: modern human populations provided a measure of intra-specific variation, while the species and subspecies of Pan provided measures of both intra- and inter-specific morphological differences. Although such an approach has been advocated strongly, it has not been systematically undertaken until recently. The techniques of geometric morphometrics were used to collect data in the form of three-dimensional coordinates of craniofacial landmarks. The data were processed using generalized procrustes analysis, and analyzed by an array of multivariate statistical methods, including principal components analysis, canonical variates analysis and Mahalanobis D(2). The morphological distances between Neanderthals and modern humans, and between Neanderthals and Late Paleolithic/early anatomically modern specimens, are consistently greater than the distances among recent human populations, and greater than the distances between the two chimpanzee species. Furthermore, no strong morphological similarities were found between Neanderthals and Late Paleolithic Europeans. This study does not find evidence for Neanderthal contribution to the evolution of modern Europeans. Results are consistent with the recognition of Neanderthals as a distinct species.  相似文献   

While a wide variety of studies have focused on population variation in adult cross‐sectional properties, relatively little is known about population variation in postcranial robusticity in immature individuals. Furthermore, the age at which the population differences readily detected in adults manifest during growth is also unknown. This research addresses these gaps in our current understanding through the analysis of immature humeral and femoral long bone strength. Cross‐sectional geometry was used to compare the developmental trajectories of diaphyseal strength in Late Pleistocene Neandertal and modern human subadults to a sample of immature humans from seven geographically diverse Holocene populations. Population differences in size‐standardized cross‐sectional properties appear to be systemic and develop very early in ontogeny in the Holocene sample. In many cases, these differences are present before one year of age. In general, the Late Pleistocene fossil samples fit within the range of recent human variation in long bone strength. Population differences detected here are likely related to a combination of factors including activity patterns, genetic propensities, and nutritional status. These results highlight the complex mosaic of processes that result in adult postcranial robusticity, and suggest that further exploration of the developmental interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic influences on skeletal robusticity will likely enhance our understanding of adult postcranial morphology. Am J Phys Anthropol 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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