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Leaf longevity (LL) varies more than 20‐fold in tropical evergreen forests, but it remains unclear how to capture these variations using predictive models. Current theories of LL that are based on carbon optimisation principles are challenging to quantitatively assess because of uncertainty across species in the ‘ageing rate:’ the rate at which leaf photosynthetic capacity declines with age. Here, we present a meta‐analysis of 49 species across temperate and tropical biomes, demonstrating that the ageing rate of photosynthetic capacity is positively correlated with the mass‐based carboxylation rate of mature leaves. We assess an improved trait‐driven carbon optimality model with in situLL data for 105 species in two Panamanian forests. We show that our model explains over 40% of the cross‐species variation in LL under contrasting light environment. Collectively, our results reveal how variation in LL emerges from carbon optimisation constrained by both leaf structural traits and abiotic environment.  相似文献   

Individual bacterial cells can communicate via quorum sensing, cooperate to harvest nutrients from their environment, form multicellular biofilms, compete over resources and even kill one another. When the environment that bacteria inhabit is an animal host, these social behaviours mediate virulence. Over the last decade, much attention has focussed on the ecology, evolution and pathology of bacterial cooperation, and the possibility that it could be exploited or destabilised to treat infections. But how far can we really extrapolate from theoretical predictions and laboratory experiments to make inferences about ‘cooperative’ behaviours in hosts and reservoirs? To determine the likely importance and evolution of cooperation ‘in the wild’, several questions must be addressed. A recent paper that reports the dynamics of bacterial cooperation and virulence in a field experiment provides an excellent nucleus for bringing together key empirical and theoretical results which help us to frame – if not completely to answer – these questions.  相似文献   

Neophobia is the fear of novel stimuli or situations. This phenotype has recently received much ecological attention, primarily in the context of decision making. Here, we explore neophobia across biological levels of organisation, first describing types of neophobia among animals and the underlying causes of neophobia, highlighting high levels of risk and uncertainty as key drivers. We place neophobia in the framework of Error Management Theory and Signal Detection Theory, showing how increases in overall risk and uncertainty can lead to costly non‐responses towards novel threats unless individuals lower their response threshold and become neophobic. We then discuss how neophobic behaviour translates into population and evolutionary consequences before introducing neophobia‐like processes at the cellular level, where some phenomena such as allergy and autoimmunity can parallel neophobic behaviour. Finally, we discuss neophobia attenuation, considering how a sudden change in the environment from dangerous to safe can lead to problematic over‐responses (i.e. the ‘maladaptive defensive carry‐over’ hypothesis), and discuss treatment methods for such over‐responses. We anticipate that bridging the concept of neophobia with a process‐centered perspective can facilitate a transfer of insight across organisational levels.  相似文献   

Signal reliability is a major focus of animal communication research. Aggressive signals are ideal for measuring signal reliability because the signal referent – attack or no attack – can be measured unambiguously. Signals of aggressive intent occur at elevated rates in aggressive contexts, predict subsequent aggression by the signaler, and elicit appropriate responses from receivers. We tested the ‘predictive criterion’ in smooth‐billed anis, Crotophaga ani, by broadcasting one of two playback types (‘ahnee’ calls only or ‘ahnee + hoot’ calls), presenting a taxidermic mount, and observing the animals’ behavior. Based on the hypotheses that ‘hoot’ calls and ‘throat‐inflation’ displays signal aggressive intent, we predicted that they would be associated with attack, and that signaling rate would increase over the time period leading up to an attack. Indeed, both hoots and throat‐inflation displays reliably predicted attack. The second prediction, that signaling rate increases in the time leading up to attack, was strongly supported for throat‐inflation displays, which increased over the pre‐attack period in both treatments. Hoots increased over the pre‐attack period in ahnee playbacks but not in ahnee + hoot playbacks. Hierarchical signaling systems are characterized by early, less‐reliable predictors of attack, and later, more reliable predictors of attack. During both natural and simulated interactions, the more‐reliable throat‐inflation display tended to precede the less‐reliable hoot call, suggesting that this signaling system is not hierarchical. In a comparison of 11 putative signals of aggressive intent in birds, the throat‐inflation display had the second highest mutual information (reduction in uncertainty) among visual signals and non‐passerine signals while hoots had below‐average mutual information. Natural observations indicate that both hoots and throat‐inflation displays occur in the context of aggressive between‐group encounters, and hoots also occur during within‐group interactions. Throat‐inflation displays appear to be reliable indicators of aggressive intent, but the function of hoot calls is less clear.  相似文献   

COLIN FARRELLY 《Bioethics》2010,24(8):384-394
Where does the aspiration to retard human ageing fit in the ‘big picture’ of medical necessities and the requirements of just healthcare? Is there a duty to retard human ageing? And if so, how much should we invest in the basic science that studies the biology of ageing and could lead to interventions that modify the biological processes of human ageing? I consider two prominent accounts of equality and just healthcare – Norman Daniels's application of the principle of fair equality of opportunity and Ronald Dworkin's account of equality of resources – and conclude that, once suitably amended and revised, both actually support the conclusion that anti‐ageing research is important and could lead to interventions that ought to be considered ‘medical necessities’.  相似文献   

This article engages critically with concepts of ‘skill’, ‘expertise’, and ‘capacity’ as they operate as markers of distinction and domination and shape migratory labour relations among road construction workers from across South Asia in the Maldives archipelago. The article examines roadwork at three levels: the professional biographies leading to ‘flexible specialization’ rather than technical expertise amongst Maldivian managers; the technical expertise and social incorporation of ‘skilled’ Sri Lankan supervisors; and the key material expertise of ‘non-skilled’ Bangladeshi labourers in precarious employment. Whilst discussions of South Asian labour migration have been dominated by caste and class, this article argues that it is important to consider how the cultural production and understanding of concepts such as ‘expertise’, ‘capacity’, and ‘exposure’ at worksites can (also) become distinguishing factors in (hierarchical) migratory labour relations.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous species pair partners often form and maintain long‐term pair‐bonds. Relationships between pair partners are dynamic and driven by both cooperation and conflicts between the sexes. Successful reproduction depends on behavioural coordination and cooperation, which includes continuing mutual responsiveness between the pair partners, as well as conflicts, for example, over parental investment. Gonadal hormones, such as testosterone, centrally regulate reproduction and are potentially involved in the formation and maintenance of pair‐bonds. In greylag geese ( Anser anser), a positive within‐pair testosterone co‐variation (TC) among pair partners has been observed at the seasonal level. Goose pairs with a higher TC have a higher reproductive output and long‐term success than pairs with lower TC, but it is still not clear whether TC is cause or consequence. In this article, I (i) summarize the evidence for hormonal partner compatibility in geese, (ii) ask whether TC is restricted to monogamous and biparental systems and (iii) synthesize open questions or new aspects of information we may draw by studying hormonal partner compatibility. From longitudinal studies in geese, we know that TC decreases with pair‐bond duration. This indicates some form of ‘attritional effect’ over the years rather than an improved breeding performance with increasing familiarity between the partners (the ‘mate familiarity hypothesis’). Under certain circumstances, for example, during ageing, selection may not act in the same direction for males and females. Partner preference increased female androgen levels during laying and social instability may impinge on the pair's TC. Data from other species show that TC is not restricted to monogamous species, but presumably the link between TC and reproductive output may be primarily relevant in species with biparental care. This article surveys the major unanswered questions relating to hormonal partner compatibility and previews potential future work for addressing those open issues.  相似文献   

Ecological networks that exhibit stable dynamics should theoretically persist longer than those that fluctuate wildly. Thus, network structures which are over‐represented in natural systems are often hypothesised to be either a cause or consequence of ecological stability. Rarely considered, however, is that these network structures can also be by‐products of the processes that determine how new species attempt to join the community. Using a simulation approach in tandem with key results from random matrix theory, we illustrate how historical assembly mechanisms alter the structure of ecological networks. We demonstrate that different community assembly scenarios can lead to the emergence of structures that are often interpreted as evidence of ‘selection for stability’. However, by controlling for the underlying selection pressures, we show that these assembly artefacts—or spandrels—are completely unrelated to stability or selection, and are instead by‐products of how new species are introduced into the system. We propose that these network‐assembly spandrels are critically overlooked aspects of network theory and stability analysis, and we illustrate how a failure to adequately account for historical assembly can lead to incorrect inference about the causes and consequences of ecological stability.  相似文献   

A persistent debate in evolutionary biology is one over the continuity of microevolution and macroevolution – whether macroevolutionary trends are governed by the principles of microevolution. The opposition of evolutionary trends over different time scales is taken as evidence that selection is uncoupled over these scales. I argue that the paradox inferred by trend opposition is eliminated by a hierarchical application of the ‘geometric‐mean fitness’ principle, a principle that has been invoked only within the limited context of microevolution in response to environmental variance. This principle implies the elimination of well adapted genotypes – even those with the highest arithmetic mean fitness over a shorter time scale. Contingent on premises concerning the temporal structure of environmental variance, selectivity of extinction, and clade‐level heritability, the evolutionary outcome of major environmental change may be viewed as identical in principle to the outcome of minor environmental fluctuations over the short‐term. Trend reversals are thus recognized as a fundamental property of selection operating at any phylogenetic level that occur in response to event severities of any magnitude over all time scales. This ‘bet‐hedging’ perspective differs from others in that a specified, single hierarchical selective process is proposed to explain observed hierarchical patterns of extinction.  相似文献   

Given the central role of DNA in life, and how ageing can be seen as the gradual and irreversible breakdown of living systems, the idea that damage to the DNA is the crucial cause of ageing remains a powerful one. DNA damage and mutations of different types clearly accumulate with age in mammalian tissues. Human progeroid syndromes resulting in what appears to be accelerated ageing have been linked to defects in DNA repair or processing, suggesting that elevated levels of DNA damage can accelerate physiological decline and the development of age-related diseases not limited to cancer. Higher DNA damage may trigger cellular signalling pathways, such as apoptosis, that result in a faster depletion of stem cells, which in turn contributes to accelerated ageing. Genetic manipulations of DNA repair pathways in mice further strengthen this view and also indicate that disruption of specific pathways, such as nucleotide excision repair and non-homologous end joining, is more strongly associated with premature ageing phenotypes. Delaying ageing in mice by decreasing levels of DNA damage, however, has not been achieved yet, perhaps due to the complexity inherent to DNA repair and DNA damage response pathways. Another open question is whether DNA repair optimization is involved in the evolution of species longevity, and we suggest that the way cells from different organisms respond to DNA damage may be crucial in species differences in ageing. Taken together, the data suggest a major role of DNA damage in the modulation of longevity, possibly through effects on cell dysfunction and loss, although understanding how to modify DNA damage repair and response systems to delay ageing remains a crucial challenge.  相似文献   

Ecology, with a traditional focus on plants and animals, seeks to understand the mechanisms underlying structure and dynamics of communities. In microbial ecology, the focus is changing from planktonic communities to attached biofilms that dominate microbial life in numerous systems. Therefore, interest in the structure and function of biofilms is on the rise. Biofilms can form reproducible physical structures (i.e. architecture) at the millimetre‐scale, which are central to their functioning. However, the spatial dynamics of the clusters conferring physical structure to biofilms remains often elusive. By experimenting with complex microbial communities forming biofilms in contrasting hydrodynamic microenvironments in stream mesocosms, we show that morphogenesis results in ‘ripple‐like’ and ‘star‐like’ architectures – as they have also been reported from monospecies bacterial biofilms, for instance. To explore the potential contribution of demographic processes to these architectures, we propose a size‐structured population model to simulate the dynamics of biofilm growth and cluster size distribution. Our findings establish that basic physical and demographic processes are key forces that shape apparently universal biofilm architectures as they occur in diverse microbial but also in single‐species bacterial biofilms.  相似文献   

Progressively sophisticated understanding of cellular and molecular processes that contribute to age‐related physical deterioration is being gained from ongoing research into cancer, chronic inflammatory syndromes and other serious disorders that increase with age. Particularly valuable insight has resulted from characterization of how senescent cells affect the tissues in which they form in ways that decrease an organism's overall viability. Increasingly, the underlying pathophysiology of ageing is recognized as a consequence of oxidative damage. This leads to hyperactivity of cell growth pathways, prominently including mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), that contribute to a build‐up in cells of toxic aggregates such as progerin (a mutant nuclear cytoskeletal protein), lipofuscin and other cellular debris, triggering formation of senescent cellular phenotypes, which interact destructively with surrounding tissue. Indeed, senescent cell ablation dramatically inhibits physical deterioration in progeroid (age‐accelerated) mice. This review explores ways in which oxidative stress creates ageing‐associated cellular damage and triggers induction of the cell death/survival programs’ apoptosis, necrosis, autophagy and ‘necroapoptophagy’. The concept of ‘necroapoptophagy’ is presented here as a strategy for varying tissue oxidative stress intensity in ways that induce differential activation of death versus survival programs, resulting in enhanced and sustained representation of healthy functional cells. These strategies are discussed in the context of specialized mesenchymal stromal cells with the potential to synergize with telocytes in stabilizing engrafted progenitor cells, thereby extending periods of healthy life. Information and concepts are summarized in a hypothetical approach to suppressing whole‐organism senescence, with methods drawn from emerging understandings of ageing, gained from Cnidarians (jellyfish, corals and anemones) that undergo a unique form of cellular regeneration, potentially conferring open‐ended lifespans.  相似文献   

Early‐life conditions can have long‐lasting effects and organisms that experience a poor start in life are often expected to age at a faster rate. Alternatively, individuals raised in high‐quality environments can overinvest in early‐reproduction resulting in rapid ageing. Here we use a long‐term experimental manipulation of early‐life conditions in a natural population of collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis), to show that females raised in a low‐competition environment (artificially reduced broods) have higher early‐life reproduction but lower late‐life reproduction than females raised in high‐competition environment (artificially increased broods). Reproductive success of high‐competition females peaked in late‐life, when low‐competition females were already in steep reproductive decline and suffered from a higher mortality rate. Our results demonstrate that ‘silver‐spoon’ natal conditions increase female early‐life performance at the cost of faster reproductive ageing and increased late‐life mortality. These findings demonstrate experimentally that natal environment shapes individual variation in reproductive and actuarial ageing in nature.  相似文献   

Assessment of yield performance under fluctuating environmental conditions is a major aim of crop breeders. Unfortunately, results from controlled‐environment evaluations of complex agronomic traits rarely translate to field performance. A major cause is that crops grown over their complete lifecycle in a greenhouse or growth chamber are generally constricted in their root growth, which influences their response to important abiotic constraints like water or nutrient availability. To overcome this poor transferability, we established a plant growth system comprising large refuse containers (120 L ‘wheelie bins’) that allow detailed phenotyping of small field‐crop populations under semi‐controlled growth conditions. Diverse winter oilseed rape cultivars were grown at field densities throughout the crop lifecycle, in different experiments over 2 years, to compare seed yields from individual containers to plot yields from multi‐environment field trials. We found that we were able to predict yields in the field with high accuracy from container‐grown plants. The container system proved suitable for detailed studies of stress response physiology and performance in pre‐breeding populations. Investment in automated large‐container systems may help breeders improve field transferability of greenhouse experiments, enabling screening of pre‐breeding materials for abiotic stress response traits with a positive influence on yield.  相似文献   

Selecting superior clones is the first step for commercial short‐rotation coppice cultures to provide biomass and bioenergy. Till date, such selection for hybrid Populus clones in middle China is absent. Here we describe the growth, aboveground biomass production and cell wall composition of 27 hybrid poplar clones in Henan, China for two 3‐year rotations. Significant variation in these three characteristics over two triennial rotation coppices among the 27 poplar clones was observed. During two 3‐year rotation coppices, clones ‘276’, ‘02‐17’, and ‘599’ showed relatively higher tree heights and larger basal diameters than those of the other clones. However, the most productive clones were ‘36’ and ‘01‐30’. At the end of the second triennial rotation, the aboveground biomass production reached 18 Mg ha?1 year?1. For the cell wall composition analysis, the cellulose contents of clones ‘01‐243’ and ‘2001’ were relatively high, while the xylose contents of clones ‘01‐30’ and ‘65’ were relatively high. Cluster analysis based on height, basal diameter, biomass, heat value, cellulose content, and survival rate revealed five growth potential classes. Accordingly, clones ‘03‐332’, ‘36’, and ‘599’ exhibited high biomass and growth and had the greatest potential to serve as excellent biomass producers in Henan, China. In addition, the expression patterns of 20 key regulatory genes were analyzed, and an integrated coexpression network was constructed. This field trial provides a comprehensive quantification and evaluation of the agronomic performance of 27 poplar clones in Henan, China. The results of this study and the analytical strategies provide an efficient mechanism for selecting clones that will perform well agronomically in local environments. The expression of key genes and the integrated coexpression network provide the molecular mechanisms of poplar biomass performance.  相似文献   

Although possession is ‘nine‐tenths of the law’, respect for ownership is widespread in the animal kingdom even without third‐party enforcement. Thus, the first individuals to find objects are frequently left unchallenged by potential competitors and tend to win contests when disputes arise. Game theory has shown that respect for ownership (‘Bourgeois’ behaviour) can arise as an arbitrary convention to avoid costly disputes. However, the same theory predicts that a paradoxical respect for lack of ownership (‘anti‐Bourgeois’ behaviour) can evolve under the same conditions and in some cases is the only stable outcome. Despite these predictions, anti‐Bourgeois behaviour is rare in nature, whereas respect for ownership is frequently not absolute. Here, we review extensions of the classic models involving repeated interactions, confusion over roles, strategic coordination of behaviour (‘secret handshakes’), owner–intruder asymmetries and continuous control of fighting investment. Confusion over roles and owner–intruder asymmetries in fighting ability may explain why respect for ownership is often partial. Moreover, although most model extensions facilitate the evolution of Bourgeois‐like behaviour, secret handshakes and continuous control of fighting investment render the alternative anti‐Bourgeois convention unstable. We develop these insights to highlight several key areas for future investigation.  相似文献   

Evidence is emerging that many diseases result from defects in gene functions, which, in turn, depend on the local chromatin environment of a gene. However, it still remains not fully clear how chromatin activity code is ‘translated’ to the particular ‘activating’ or ‘repressing’ chromatin structural transition. Commonly, chromatin remodeling in vitro was studied using mononucleosomes as a model. However, recent data suggest that structural reorganization of a single mononucleosome is not equal to remodeling of a nucleosome particle under multinucleosomal content – such as, interaction of nucleosomes via flexible histone termini could significantly alter the mode (and the resulting products) of nucleosome structural transitions. It is becoming evident that a nucleosome array does not constitute just a ‘polymer’ of individual ‘canonical’ nucleosomes due to multiple inter-nucleosomal interactions which affect nucleosome dynamics and structure. It could be hypothesized, that inter-nucleosomal interactions could act in cooperation with nucleosome inherent dynamics to orchestrate DNA-based processes and promote formation and stabilization of highly-dynamic, accessible structure of a nucleosome array. In the proposed paper we would like to discuss the nucleosome dynamics within the chromatin fiber mainly as it pertains to the roles of the structural changes mediated by inter-nucleosomal interactions.  相似文献   

Age is the strongest independent risk factor for the development of osteoarthritis (OA) and for many years this was assumed to be due to repetitive microtrauma of the joint surface over time, the so-called ‘wear and tear’ arthritis. As our understanding of OA pathogenesis has become more refined, it has changed our appreciation of the role of ageing on disease. Cartilage breakdown in disease is not a passive process but one involving induction and activation of specific matrix-degrading enzymes; chondrocytes are exquisitely sensitive to changes in the mechanical, inflammatory and metabolic environment of the joint; cartilage is continuously adapting to these changes by altering its matrix. Ageing influences all of these processes. In this review, we will discuss how ageing affects tissue structure, joint use and the cellular metabolism. We describe what is known about pathways implicated in ageing in other model systems and discuss the potential value of targeting these pathways in OA.  相似文献   

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