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This report describes the measurement of estrogen and progesterone receptors in cytosols and nuclear fractions from endocervical tissue components. Unoccupied cytosol estrogen receptor levels as determined by Scatchard analysis of [3H]-estradiol binding data indicated a single class of high affinity binding sites for the epithelial-stromal complex (KD = 0.74 × 10−9 M). Binding was specific for estrogen (estradiol > estriol > estrone) and unaffected by desoxycorticosterone, dihydrotesterone and progesterone. Assays for total estrogen receptor verified that 71.6 ± 5.3% of this 8S estrogen receptor is in the epithelial-stromal complex while the remaining approximately 28% is localized in the stroma and fibromuscular wall, with the cells of the complex containing the highest receptor concentration. In 5-day pseudopregnant and ovariectomized rabbits compared to estrous rabbits there was a 50% decrease in the cytosol estrogen receptor in the epithelial-stromal complex and a 30% decrease in the concentration of nuclear receptor. Cytosol and nuclear progesterone receptors were measured as an indicator of estrogen action in the rabbit endocervix. Cytosol progesterone receptor concentrations (fmol/mg DNA) in 5-day pseudopregnant and ovariectomized animals were reduced to approximately 35% of the concentration in estrous animals. Nuclear progesterone receptor concentrations decreased 65% in 5-day pseudopregnant and 90% in ovariectomized animals suggesting decreased receptor synthesis. Collectively these data support the concept that the rabbit endocervix may be directly regulated by estrogens.  相似文献   

E M Tani  L Skoog 《Acta cytologica》1988,32(6):825-828
Immunocytochemistry was used to analyze the estrogen receptor (ER) content in mammary Paget cells obtained by scraping the nipples of six patients. The Paget cells in the smears were ER positive in four cases and ER negative in two cases. Five of the patients underwent a modified radical mastectomy; histologic study of the excision specimens showed three invasive ductal carcinomas and two intraductal carcinomas. Analysis of the ER status of the three invasive tumors, analyzed both by immunohistochemistry and by the radioligand technique, showed that the ER content in the Paget cells reflected that in the tumor in the breast parenchyma. This finding lends support to the hypothesis that Paget cells originate from an epidermotropic cancer in the parenchyma of the breast.  相似文献   

Summary A combination of two monoclonal antibodies and high resolution immunocytochemical technique was applied to label estrogen receptors in spontaneous mouse mammary tumors. Protein A-colloidal gold complex was used as an electron opaque marker. With this procedure estrogen receptors were labelled in the nuclei of cancer cells, predominantly over heterochromatin. In the cytoplasm a slight tagging of the rough endoplasmic reticulum was detected, apparently related with the sites of receptor biosynthesis. Other organelles and the mammary tumor viruses (MuMTV) were not stained immunocytochemically.The immunocytochemical procedure applied in this investigation allowed the detection of low levels of estrogen receptors in an estrogen-unresponsive mammary carcinoma. The presence of estrogen receptors with a specific distribution in estrogen-independent tumors suggests the need of a reevaluation of their capacity as indicators of hormone-dependence in mammary carcinomas.  相似文献   

A combination of two monoclonal antibodies and high resolution immunocytochemical technique was applied to label estrogen receptors in spontaneous mouse mammary tumors. Protein A-colloidal gold complex was used as an electron opaque marker. With this procedure estrogen receptors were labelled in the nuclei of cancer cells, predominantly over heterochromatin. In the cytoplasm a slight tagging of the rough endoplasmic reticulum was detected, apparently related with the sites of receptor biosynthesis. Other organelles and the mammary tumor viruses (MuMTV) were not stained immunocytochemically. The immunocytochemical procedure applied in this investigation allowed the detection of low levels of estrogen receptors in an estrogen-unresponsive mammary carcinoma. The presence of estrogen receptors with a specific distribution in estrogen-independent tumors suggests the need of a reevaluation of their capacity as indicators of hormone-dependence in mammary carcinomas.  相似文献   

Renin was localized in the submandibular gland of the adult mouse at light and electron microscopic levels by the unlabeled antibody enzyme method of Sternberger. At the light microscopic level, renin was confined to the granular convoluted tubule (GCT) segment of the gland with considerable variation among GCT cells in intensity of staining. Some GCT cells failed to stain for renin. The pattern of staining was the same in the gland of male and female mice, but in the glands of females GCT segments were smaller and less numerous. At the electron microscopic level, staining for renin was also confined to the GCT cells, and was localized exclusively to the secretory granules. The intensity of staining of the secretory granules within a given GCT cell varied; some cells contained only minimally reactive or negative secretory granules. All other organelles within the GCT cell, except condensing vacuoles, failed to stain.  相似文献   

A synthetic progestin, 16 alpha-ethyl-21-hydroxy-19-nor-4-pregnene-3,20-dione (ORG 2058), was utilized to measure progesterone receptors from the rabbit uterus. This steroid has a high affinity for both cytosol and nuclear receptors, with KD values of 1.2 nM (at 0--4 degrees C) and 2.3 nM (at 15 degrees C), respectively. Administration of estradiol-17 beta or a non-steroidal antiestrogen, tamoxifen, for 5 days to estrous rabbits led to a progressive rise in the cytosol receptor levels: from 34,000 to 120,000 (estradiol-17 beta) and 80,000 (tamoxifen) receptors/cell, without any major influence on the nuclear receptor content. A single intravenous injection of progesterone (5 mg/kg) elicited a 3-fold increase in the mean nuclear receptor content at 30 min after injection (from 18,000 to 48,000 receptors/nucleus). Nuclear receptor accumulation was short-lived and returned to control levels within 4 h after treatment. A second dose of progesterone given 24 h later doubled the nuclear receptor level (from 18,000 to 35,000 receptors/nucleus). The concomitant decline in the cytosol receptor content was twice that accounted for by the nuclear receptor accumulation (70,000 vs. 30,000, and 40,000 vs. 17,000 receptors/cell, after the first and second progesterone injection, respectively). Following progesterone administration, the cytosol receptor level reached a nadir by 30 min, exhibited minimal replenishment within the ensuing 24 h, and remained at approx. 50% of the pretreatment values. After a single dose or two consecutive doses of progesterone, total uterine progesterone receptor content declined to about 60% of the level prior to each dose, a nadir being reached at 2 h after treatment.  相似文献   

The cellular and subcellular localization of epidermal growth factor in the submandibular glands of male and female adult mice was established by immunoperoxidase techniques. In light microscopic preparations epidermal growth factor was found exclusively in the granular convoluted tubules of the gland. The intensity of staining for epidermal growth factor varied from cell to cell, and some cells apparently were negative. The pattern of staining was similar in the glands of male and female mice; however, the granular convoluted tubules are androgen-responsive, and thus more extensive and composed of larger cells in males. In thin sections epidermal growth factor was most heavily concentrated in the secretion granules of the granular convoluted tubule cells. Within a given cell there was variation in intensity of staining of individual secretion granules, with some granules appearing minimally reactive or negative. The only other cell component with deposits of reaction product was the ribosomes.  相似文献   

The secretory endpieces of the rabbit submandibular gland are unusual in that they consist of seromucous acini (not demilunes) that empty into serous tubules that in turn drain into intercalated ducts. Seromucous granules consist of a moderately dense spherule in a fibrillogranular matrix. Serous granules contain a feltwork of filaments, which are liberated as a tangled skein during exocytosis. Peculiar granulated cells that have secretory granules of complex morphology are present at each end of the serous tubules. Intercalated ducts are, cytologically speaking, relatively simple, but the duct cells may contain a few oblong secretory granules. Striated ducts are typical in structure, although postfixation with ferrocyanide-reduced osmium reveals significant amounts of glycogen in the basal processes. Modified mitochondria are present in striated duct cells, but their frequency varies from rabbit to rabbit. Such mitochondria contain either an array of parallel, rigid cristae linked by intermembranous bridges, or a bundle of helical filaments within an expanded crista. Interspersed with the striated duct cells, especially near the duct origin, are some highly vacuolated cells with sparse mitochondria. Excretory ducts consisting of stratified columnar (sometimes pseudostratified) epithelium often show bleb formation of the luminal surface of the tall cells.  相似文献   

A synthetic progestin, 16α-ethyl-21-hydroxy-19-nor-4-pregnene-3,20-dione (ORG 2058), was utilized to measure progesterone receptors from the rabbit uterus. This steroid has a high affinity for both cytosol and nuclear receptors, with KD values of 1.2 nM (at 0–4°C) and 2.3 nM (at 15°C), respectively. Administration of estradiol-17β or a non-steroidal antiestrogen, tamoxifen, for 5 days to estrous rabbits led to a progressive rise in the cytosol receptor levels: from 34 000 to 120 000 (estradiol-17β) and 80 000 (tamoxifen) receptors/ cell, without any major influence on the nuclear receptor content. A single intravenous injection of progesterone (5 mg/kg) elicited a 3-fold increase in the mean nuclear receptor content at 30 min after injection (from 18 000 to 48 000 receptors/nucleus). Nuclear receptor accumulation was short-lived and returned to control levels within 4 h after treatment. A second dose of progesterone given 24 h later doubled the nuclear receptor level (from 18 000 to 35 000 receptor/nucleus). The concomitant decline in the cytosol receptor content was twice that accounted for by the nuclear receptor accumulation (70 000 vs. 30 000, and 40 000 vs. 17 000 receptors/cell, after the first and second progesterone injection, respectively). Following progesterone administration, the cytosol receptor level reached a nadir by 30 min, exhibited minimal replenishment within the ensuing 24 h, and remained at approx. 50% of the pretreatment values. After a single dose or two consecutive doses of progesterone, total uterine progesterone receptor content declined to about 60% of the level prior to each dose, a nadir being reached at 2 h after treatment.  相似文献   

The regulation of both estrogen and progesterone receptor levels in human endometrial adenocarcinoma cells of the Ishikawa line was investigated immunocytochemically by using monoclonal antibodies. Positive staining for estrogen and progesterone receptors was observed in the nuclei of Ishikawa cells. Intercellular heterogeneity in receptor content was evident from the presence of receptor-positive or -negative cells and from differences in staining intensity of positive cells. Quantitative analysis was performed by scoring the staining intensity and the proportion of positively stained cells. The time and dose-dependent stimulatory effect of estradiol added to culture media on progesterone receptor levels was studied by applying both immunocytochemical and biochemical methods. Estradiol at 10 nM (optimal concentration) increased the intensity score for PR from an initial value of 10.1 to 78.3 after 72 h incubation, and the proportion of the positive staining cells from 6.7 to 42.7%. Promegestone (R5020) was effective at 1 microM concentration in decreasing the intensity score for ER from 31.1 to 14.6 after 72 h exposure and the proportion of positive cells from 19.0 to 11.4%.  相似文献   

Summary Heparan sulphate proteoglycan is the predominant proteoglycan synthesized by the parenchymal cells of the rat submandibular gland. A polyclonal antibody was used to localize this proteoglycan in the adult rat submandibular gland. Localization was accomplished by indirect immunoperoxidase cytochemistry at the light and electron microscopic levels. Heparan sulphate proteoglycan was localized in a continuous, linear pattern in the lamina densa of the basement membrane surrounding all of the epithelial components of the gland as well as the basement membrane of the capillaries and small arterioles in the glandular stroma. In addition, heparan sulphate proteoglycan was seen in vesicles and pits along the acinar cell basal plasmalemma adjacent to the basement membrane and in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus of the acinar cells.  相似文献   

The localization of renin in the developing mouse submandibular gland was studied immunocytochemically using the unlabelled antibody-enzyme method of Sternberger ('74). Bouin-fixed submandibular glands of mice of both sexes were examined at 5-day-intervals from birth (day 0) to 50 days of age. At all stages studied, only granular convoluted tubule (GCT) cells stained immunocytochemically for renin; such cells were first seen in glands of 30-day-old males and of 30-day-old females. The size and number of renin-containing GCT cells increased rapidly in males, attaining adult status by 50 days of age. In females, differentiation of GCT cells immunoreactive for renin was slower and less regular than in males, and at 50 days of age the GCT segment had not yet reached adult conditions with respect to the distribution of renin. Renin appears in GCT cells at later ages than other GCT cell products (e.g., EGF and amylase), suggesting the existence of independent developmental control for the expression of various biologically active substances in the GCTs.  相似文献   

VIP and noncholinergic vasodilatation in rabbit submandibular gland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of parasympathetic nerve activation on rabbit submandibular gland (SMG) blood flow and saliva secretion were studied before and after systemic administration of atropine or hexamethonium. The parasympathetic fibers were stimulated electrically (2 and 15 Hz, 10 V, 1 msec) at the plexus around the submandibular salivary duct or at the chorda lingual nerve. In untreated animals, stimulation of parasympathetic fibers caused a frequency-dependent increase of salivary secretion and blood flow in the SMG. Atropine treatment completely abolished saliva secretion at 2 Hz and 15 Hz and the increase in SMG blood flow during stimulation at 2 Hz. Although atropine significantly reduced the vasodilatory response at 15 Hz, the highest blood flow measured under such circumstances was still about 2.5 times the prestimulation value. After hexamethonium administration no blood flow increase or saliva secretion was seen upon chorda lingual stimulation. The concentration of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-like immunoreactivity in the venous effluent of the SMG increased during nerve stimulation. Atropine significantly reduced, and hexamethonium abolished this VIP-output elicited by parasympathetic nerve stimulation. Local infusion of VIP, peptide histidine isoleucine (PHI) and substance P all caused atropine-resistant vasodilation but no salivation. The present data suggest that VIP and possibly PHI play a role in the atropine-resistant vasodilatation in rabbit submandibular gland elicited by parasympathetic nerve stimulation. The contribution of sensory mediators such as substance P released by stimulation of afferent nerves in the chorda lingual nerve to the salivary and vasodilatory responses seems to be of minor importance in the rabbit submandibular gland.  相似文献   

A whole cell technique to measure estradiol receptors in cultured rabbit endometrial cells is described. The estradiol receptors measured appear to be composed of at least two components: one component has high affinity but low capacity, while the other component has low affinity but high capacity. Using the assay, the effects of estradiol and progesterone pretreatment were examined on the estradiol receptor levels. It was found that both of the hormones decreased the number of estrogen receptors in the cultured cells. The finding that estradiol decreased its own receptors was unexpected and its possible relevance is discussed.  相似文献   

Vanilloid receptor 1 (VR1) is a polymodal receptor originally found in sensory neurons of the central nervous system. Recent evidence indicates that VR1 is also expressed in non-neuronal tissues. We report here endogenous expression of VR1 in rabbit submandibular gland (SMG) and its possible role in regulating saliva secretion based on: (i) the expression of VR1 mRNA and protein detected in SMG; (ii) VR1 was mainly localized in the basolateral membrane of duct cells and the cytoplasm of acinar cells and also in cytoplasm of primary cultured neonatal rabbit SMG cells; (iii) stimulation of neonatal rabbit SMG cells with capsaicin induced a significant increase in intracellular calcium, and capsazepine, a VR1 antagonist, abolished this increase; (iv) infusion of capsaicin via the external carotid artery to isolated SMG increased saliva secretion of the gland. These findings indicated that VR1 was expressed in SMG and appeared to play an important role in regulating saliva secretion.  相似文献   

Submandibular gland (SMG) autotransplantation is an effective treatment for severe keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Our previous studies have shown that phenylephrine attenuates structural injury and promotes cell proliferation in autotransplanted rabbit SMG. However, the mechanism by which phenylephrine reduces the injury has not been fully evaluated. In this study, we investigate the ability of phenylephrine to inhibit apoptosis in autotransplanted rabbit SMG. We observed that apoptosis occurred in the early phase of SMG transplantation and that phenylephrine treatment protected transplanted SMG from apoptosis. Furthermore, we found that phenylephrine could significantly upregulate the expression of Bcl-2, downregulate the expression of Bax, and inhibit the activation of both caspase-3 and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in autotransplanted SMG. Therefore, the cytoprotective effects of phenylephrine on autotransplanted SMG may be a novel clinical strategy for autotransplanted SMG protection during the early postoperative stage of transplantation.  相似文献   

To obtain more insight into the relationship between cyclic and regional changes in steroid receptor expression and function-related changes in the various types of cell of the normal human uterus, we performed an immunocytochemical study on paraffin-embedded sections. The distribution and intensity of immunostaining for the oestrogen receptor and the progesterone receptor in the various types of cell were semiquantitatively scored. The data were statistically compared for the different phases of the menstrual cycle and after the menopause, and for the different regions of the corpus and (endo)cervix uteri. During the menstrual cycle, significant changes in oestrogen receptor score were observed in glandular and stromal cells of endometrium basalis and functionalis and in smooth muscle cells of the myometrium. In all types of cell, oestrogen receptor expression reached a maximum in the late proliferative phase. During the early secretory phase, oestrogen receptor staining declined sharply in stromal and smooth muscle cells, whereas, in glandular epithelium, oestrogen receptor expression decreased more gradually. During mid- and late-secretory phases, an increase in oestrogen receptor staining was also observed in predecidualizing stromal cells and smooth muscle cells. Progesterone receptor numbers changed significantly in glandular epithelium but not in stromal and smooth muscle cells. Glandular progesterone receptor expression reached a maximum in the early secretory phase and was then drastically reduced. During mid- and late-secretory phases stromal cells were moderately stained for progesterone receptor in contrast to epithelial gland cells which showed no or very weak staining. No regional variations in steroid receptor distribution in endometrium and myometrium were found.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Multiple proto-signals (p-NLSs) for nuclear targeting, none of which suffices on its own, cooperate in the estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) receptors. In the ER, an estrogen-inducible p-NLS was found in the hormone binding domain (HBD), in addition to three lysine/arginine-rich motifs resembling prototype constitutive nuclear localization signals (NLSs). The inducible and the constitutive ER p-NLSs cooperate in the presence of estrogen and hydroxy-tamoxifen, but not in the presence of ICI 164,384. In the PR, three p-NLSs, two of which are located within and directly adjacent to the second zinc finger, cooperate with each other and a weak hormone-inducible p-NLS in the PR HBD. No 'masking' of p-NLSs by the HBD was observed for ER and PR, while the ligand-free glucocorticoid receptor HBD inhibited the activity of both homologous and heterologous NLSs. Nuclear co-translocation experiments indicated that in vivo the stability of ER and PR dimers is hormonally controlled, but that, in the absence of the cognate ligand, ER dimers are more stable than PR dimers. This is likely to account for the differential hormone requirement of ER and PR DNA binding in vitro.  相似文献   

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