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Signalling behaviour is integral to animal contests. However, post‐contest signals, such as victory displays, have received relatively little attention. One hypothesised function of victory displays is to ensure a more lasting dominance by reducing the risk of losers re‐initiating a new contest with winners. Despite several theoretical studies using game theory that support this hypothesis, empirical support for the understanding of when and why victory displays are used with respect to browbeating is lacking. We use a common South‐East Asian mangrove crab, Perisesarma eumolpe, to examine whether the performance of victory displays by winners, among other factors, affects the time of fight re‐initiation by losers, if at all re‐initiated. Using mixed‐effects survival analysis models, we analysed 77 fights from 27 staged contest trials between randomly paired males. We found losers that experienced victory display performed by winners, presented a decreased instantaneous hazard rate of re‐initiating a new fight than losers that did not. These results corroborate previous game theoretical models indicating that victory displays may function to reduce the chances of losers re‐initiating another fight. In discouraging losers from restarting a fight, winners reduce the potential costs of a future contest.  相似文献   

Victory displays are behaviours that occur after the conclusion of a signaling contest, performed solely by the contest winner. Victory displays may reinforce the dominance of the winner either to the loser or to other conspecifics within signaling range. Victory displays are poorly studied despite the significant consequences that post-conflict behaviour may have on the individuals involved. We examined the period immediately following 50 territorial countersinging contests between males in 10 neighbourhoods of black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) of known dominance rank. We characterized the post-contest singing behaviour of chickadees and evaluated whether post-contest behaviour is consistent with victory displays. Using a 16-microphone acoustic location system to simultaneously record entire neighbourhoods of breeding chickadees, we isolated 50 dyadic countersinging contests and measured the vocal behaviour of the contestants in the minutes following each interaction. Eighty-six percent of contests were followed by a period of solo singing by one of the contestants, while 14% were followed by silence. The post-contest singer was most often the contestant who held a subordinate dominance position in the previous winter’s dominance hierarchy; dominant males performed post-contest song bouts significantly less often. Asymmetry in overlapping between contestants did not predict which bird sang a post-contest bout. However, in a significant majority of cases, the post-contest singer was pitch-matched by his opponent during the contest more than he pitch-matched his opponent. Our results indicate that male chickadees do not perform acoustic victory displays after countersinging contests. In contrast, the post-contest behaviour of territorial chickadees is more consistent with a “loser display”.  相似文献   

Victory or triumph display is a post‐contest signal, performed only by winners and not by losers. While much is unknown about its function, there is mounting evidence that victory displays are widespread among animals. However, evidence remains anecdotal in crabs. Sesarmid crabs belonging to the genera Parasesarma and Perisesarma are known to have characteristic stridulatory structures on their chelipeds. In Perisesarma eumolpe, a mangrove crab, stridulation has been anecdotally purported as a triumph display. We examined whether stridulation in P. eumolpe is a victory display and the factors affecting it by staging 17 contest trials among males and investigating the factors influencing stridulations and fight outcome in 55 fights. Using generalised linear mixed‐effects models, we find that stridulations were generally performed by winners and after fights, especially when the fights were intense. In addition, stridulation was only observed in the context of a contest, never before or outside of it. Stridulation in P. eumolpe is likely a victory display, and, unlike other forms of victory display described for other species, it appears exclusively used for asserting victory.  相似文献   

Physical fights are the usual means of establishing dominance hierarchies in animal societies. This form of dominance behaviour is most strongly expressed in honeybee queens who engage in fights to the death to establish themselves in the colony. Workers can also compete for reproductive dominance resulting in the establishment of stable hierarchies. They do not engage each other physically, but use pheromones that mimic those produced by queens. The dynamics of pheromone production in paired workers suggests that they engage in a pheromonal contest. Because queen pheromones suppress ovary activation, the contest results in the sterility of the loser.  相似文献   

Animal behaviour studies have begun to incorporate the influence of the social environment, providing new opportunities for studying signal strategies and evolution. We examined how the presence and sex of an audience influenced aggression and victory display behaviour in field-captured and laboratory-reared field crickets (Gryllus veletis). Audience type, rearing environment and their interaction were important predictors in all model sets. Thus, audience type may impose different costs and benefits for competing males depending on whether they are socially experienced or not. Our results suggest that field-captured winners, in particular, dynamically adjust their contest behaviour to potentially gain a reproductive benefit via female eavesdropping and may deter future aggression from rivals by advertising their aggressiveness and victories.  相似文献   

Males and females commonly compete for limited resources. When interaction costs are similar for both sexes and there are no sexual differences in resource value estimation, a non‐sex‐biased dominance is expected. Moreover, only non‐sex‐biased assessment of contenders fighting ability (Resource Holding Potential, RHP) should influence contest decisions. To test these predictions, we evaluated non‐breeding agonistic intra‐ and intersexual dyadic interactions in the weakly electric fish, Gymnotus omarorum. During the non‐breeding season, resource value is not expected to depend on individuals’ reproductive status and should thus be equal for males and females. In addition, as G. omarorum presents no sexual differences in body size, interaction costs can be considered symmetric between sexes. We confirmed that body size differences, but not individuals’ gender, is the best predictor of dominance. We correlated RHP asymmetries with contest duration and evidenced that body size but not sex influences assessment in intrasexual and intersexual encounters. All dyads tested engaged in agonistic interactions (N = 33) in which a clear dominant emerged. The analysis of conflict phases evidenced the submissive role of electric displays. Electric organ discharge (EOD) interruptions appear early in the contest as an electric hiding attempt, whereas chirps are post‐resolution signals of subordinate status. Interestingly, the decision of interrupting the EOD was also influenced by RHP asymmetries, whereas chirping activity was influenced by the intensity of the attacks received. Our results confirm that body size is the best RHP proxy in non‐breeding intra‐ and intersexual contests of this monomorphic species and demonstrated a sequential pattern of submissive signalling by means of two different electric displays.  相似文献   

Older males signal more reliably   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The hypothesis that females prefer older males because they have higher mean fitness than younger males has been the centre of recent controversy. These discussions have focused on the success of a female who prefers males of a particular age class when age cues, but not quality cues, are available. Thus, if the distribution of male quality changes with age, such that older males have on average genotypes with higher fitness than younger males, then a female who mates with older males has fitter offspring, which allows the female preference to spread through a genetic correlation. We develop a general model for male display in a species with multiple reproductive bouts that allows us to identify the conditions that promote reliable signalling within an age class. Because males have opportunities for future reproduction, they will reduce their levels of advertising compared with a semelparous species. In addition, because higher-quality males have more future reproduction, they will reduce their advertising more than low-quality males. Thus, the conditions for reliable signalling in a semelparous organism are generally not sufficient to produce reliable signalling in species with multiple reproductive bouts. This result is due to the possibility of future reproduction so that, as individuals age and the opportunities for future reproduction fade, signalling becomes more reliable. This provides a novel rationale for female preference for older mates; older males reveal more information in their sexual displays.  相似文献   

The theory of games and the evolution of animal conflicts   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The evolution of behaviour patterns used in animal conflicts is discussed, using models based on the theory of games. The paper extends arguments used by Maynard Smith &; Price (1973) showing that ritualized behaviour can evolve by individual selection. The concept of an evolutionarily stable strategy, or ESS, is defined. Two types of ritualized contests are distinguished, “tournaments” and “displays”; the latter, defined as contests without physical contact in which victory goes to the contestant which continues longer, are analyzed in detail. Three main conclusions are drawn. The degree of persistence should be very variable, either between individuals or for the same individual at different times; a negative exponential distribution of persistence times is predicted. Individuals should display with constant intensity, independent of how much longer they will in fact continue. An initial asymmetry in the conditions of a contest can be used to settle it, even if it is irrelevant to the outcome of a more protracted conflict if one were to take place.  相似文献   

The role of young guards inXylocopa pubescens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Xylocopa pubescens is a facultatively social species in which two types of guards can be found: 1) old, formerly reproductive guards and 2) young, pre-reproductive guards that usually guard the nest in which they emerged. In this species it is always the dominant female that forages and lays the eggs.This paper focuses on the young females' reasons for guarding. Young guards are characteristically the first females of an emerging brood. They start guarding at an age of 6 days, and continue to do so for on average 10 days, when they start a dominance contest. In comparison to other emerging bees, guards did not receive any more of the incoming food. The presence of young females in the nest was sufficient to deter pollen robbers; the protection was not ameliorated by guarding. Guards did not protect the nest from usurpation by intruding females. The presence of a young guard positively influenced both the number and the duration of foraging flights.All guards attempted to take over dominance inside the nest by fighting with the dominant female. Guards had a probability of 50% of winning this contest, which was distinctly higher than their probability of finding a nest elsewhere. The dominant female was not in all cases the mother of the guard. Therefore, the average increase of indirect fitness by guarding was lower than the expected direct fitness returns from leaving the nest earlier. We therefore conclude that guarding females are environmentally disabled, hopeful reproductives. They may be guarding to determine the right time to risk a fight about dominance and to increase their direct fitness if their attempt to supersede is successful.  相似文献   

Troops comprising a high density population of samango monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis) in Natal province, South Africa, experienced an influx of adult males during the breeding season. Observation of one troop revealed that these males competed with one another and with two resident males for access to receptive females. Although both sexes initiated copulation, attempts to do so were more often successful if female-initiated. Males did not interact with non-receptive females and there were no recorded attempts at infanticide. Male-male interactions were agonistic in the presence of receptive females and neutral at other times. No ritualized displays of dominance and subordinance were seen. The significance of these observations for male reproductive strategies is discussed.  相似文献   

Aggressiveness during intersexual conflicts is predicted to depend on its costs, the value of winning and the power asymmetry of the contestants, all of which may vary between populations. In the marine isopod Idotea baltica (Pallas) a conflict occurs as females resist the attempts by males to start precopulatory mate guarding. We analysed contest dynamics with respect to female maturity stage, that is, to time left to reproductive moult, with which the payoffs of guarding for males and females change. We did this in two populations that differ in synchrony of reproduction, sex ratio and the degree of sexual dimorphism. The intensity and dynamics of contests differed between populations: in the more size-dimorphic population, females, the smaller sex, resisted less by forceful flexing but more by hooking their body than in the other population. Male aggressiveness stayed at a constant level with respect to female maturity. In the less size-dimorphic population, female resistance by flexing was intense and it decreased, while male persistence increased, with the approaching reproductive moult. Contests were more intense with small than with large males. These results fit well with the predictions from models of conflict behaviour. Assessment of the payoffs of winning versus contest costs, coadaptation of the level of aggressiveness to the other traits affecting contest outcome, and counteradaptations by the sexes to each other largely explain the dynamics and between-population differences of these contests. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Experience in aggressive contests often affects behaviour during, and the outcome of, later contests. This review discusses evidence for, variations in, and consequences of such effects. Generally, prior winning experiences increase, and prior losing experiences decrease, the probability of winning in later contests, reflecting modifications of expected fighting ability. We examine differences in the methodologies used to study experience effects, and the relative importance and persistence of winning and losing experiences within and across taxa. We review the voluminous, but somewhat disconnected, literature on the neuroendocrine mechanisms that mediate experience effects. Most studies focus on only one of a number of possible mechanisms without providing a comprehensive view of how these mechanisms are integrated into overt behaviour. More carefully controlled work on the mechanisms underlying experience effects is needed before firm conclusions can be drawn.Behavioural changes during contests that relate to prior experience fall into two general categories. Losing experiences decrease willingness to engage in a contest while winning experiences increase willingness to escalate a contest. As expected from the sequential assessment model of contest behaviour, experiences become less important to outcomes of contests that escalate to physical fighting.A limited number of studies indicate that integration of multiple experiences can influence current contest behaviour. Details of multiple experience integration for any species are virtually unknown. We propose a simple additive model for this integration of multiple experiences into an individual's expected fighting ability. The model accounts for different magnitudes of experience effects and the possible decline in experience effects over time.Predicting contest outcomes based on prior experiences requires an algorithm that translates experience differences into contest outcomes. We propose two general types of model, one based solely on individual differences in integrated multiple experiences and the other based on the probability contests reach the escalated phase. The difference models include four algorithms reflecting possible decision rules that convert the perceived fighting abilities of two rivals into their probabilities of winning. The second type of algorithm focuses on how experience influences the probability that a subsequent contest will escalate and the fact that escalated contests may not be influenced by prior experience. Neither type of algorithm has been systematically investigated.Finally, we review models for the formation of dominance hierarchies that assume that prior experience influences contest outcome. Numerous models have reached varied conclusions depending on which factors examined in this review are included. We know relatively little about the importance of and variation in experience effects in nature and how they influence the dynamics of aggressive interactions in social groups and random assemblages of individuals. Researchers should be very active in this area in the next decade. The role of experience must be integrated with other influences on contest outcome, such as prior residency, to arrive at a more complete picture of variations in contest outcomes. We expect that this integrated view will be important in understanding other types of interactions between individuals, such as mating and predator-prey interactions, that also are affected significantly by prior experiences.  相似文献   

Dominance rank in female chimpanzees correlates positively with reproductive success. Although a high rank obviously has an advantage for females, clear (linear) hierarchies in female chimpanzees have not been detected. Following the predictions of the socio-ecological model, the type of food competition should affect the dominance relationships among females. We investigated food competition and relationships among 11 adult female chimpanzees in the Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire (West Africa). We detected a formal linear dominance hierarchy among the females based on greeting behaviour directed from the subordinate to the dominant female. Females faced contest competition over food, and it increased when either the food was monopolizable or the number of competitors increased. Winning contests over food, but not age, was related to the dominance rank. Affiliative relationships among the females did not help to explain the absence of greetings in some dyads. However comparison post hoc among chimpanzee study sites made differences in the dominance relationships apparent. We discuss them based on social relationships among females, contest competition and predation. The cross-site comparison indicates that the differences in female dominance hierarchies among the chimpanzee study sites are affected by food competition, predation risk and observation time.  相似文献   

Optimal-skew models (OSMs) predict that cooperative breeding occurs as a result of dominants conceding reproductive benefits to subordinates, and that division of reproduction within groups reflects each cooperator's willingness and ability to contest aggressively for dominance. Polistine paper wasps are a leading model system for testing OSMs, and data on reproduction and aggression appear to support OSMs. These studies, however, measure aggression as a single rate rather than by the activity patterns of individuals. This leads to a potential error: if individuals are more likely to receive aggression when active than when inactive, differences in aggression across samples can reflect changes in activity rather than hostility. This study replicates a field manipulation cited as strongly supporting OSMs. We show that fundamentally different conclusions arise when controlling for individual activity states. Our analyses strongly suggest that behaviours classified as 'aggression' in paper wasps are unlikely to function in establishing, maintaining or responding to changes in reproductive skew. This illustrates that OSM tests using aggression or other non-reproductive behaviour as a metric for reproductive partitioning must demonstrate those links rather than assume them.  相似文献   

The relationship between male dominance rank and reproductive success has been a topic of interest since the beginning of primatology. From a theoretical point of view the existence or absence of this relationship has great implications with respect to the meaning of dominance rank and more general of the social relationships between individuals within social groups. Until fairly recently mating behaviour has been used as an indicator of reproductive success, but these two variables need not be correlated. The relations between mating success, reproductive success, and dominance rank indicate whether selective mating is involved (different mating partners at different phases of fertility, for example through male contest or female choice). With the development of genetic techniques to determine reproductive success directly, it has now become possible to investigate these relations. In our study on wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) we find a relatively strong correlation between rank and reproductive success which is attributable to selective mating by the alpha male during fertile periods of the females. In most previous studies no such clear results have been obtained, and we discuss the differences in outcome in relation to the study conditions, group sizes, and possible differences between species in terms of reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

This study attempts to develop a new theory to explain the varying dynamics of testosterone levels in dominant (winners) and subordinate (losers) males, both pre- and post-encounter. The crux of our new theory consists of the following four theses: (1) the strengthening of testosterone synthesis is a result of not only the existence of challenges, but also of a positive mood before an encounter that is associated with the anticipation of a victory; (2) in situations where the anticipation of victory is present but the positive mood is absent, no rise in testosterone levels will occur; (3) testosterone acts as a "pleasure" hormone and usually releases in situations where the individual achieves or anticipates possible satisfaction; (4) an increased release of testosterone to the blood not only decreases anxiety but also elevates the mood, which increases animal's/human's assertiveness and consequently aggressiveness.  相似文献   

To better understand how individual relationships influence patterns of social foraging in primate groups, we explored networks of co-feeding in wild desert baboons (Papio ursinus). To minimize the risk of aggression and injury associated with contest competition, we expected that individual group members would choose to co-feed with those group-mates that are most likely to show tolerance and a willingness to share food patches. We tested two alternative hypotheses about who those group-mates might be: the "social bonds hypothesis" predicts that preferred foraging partners will be those with whom individuals share strong social bonds, indexed by grooming, whereas the "kinship hypothesis" predicts that preferred foraging partners will be relatives. We also investigated and controlled for the effects of dominance rank, given that competitive ability is known to shape foraging patterns. Social network analyses of over 5,000 foraging events for 14 adults in a single troop revealed that baboon co-feeding was significantly correlated with grooming relationships but not genetic relatedness, and this finding was also true of the female-only co-feeding network. Dominant individuals were also found to be central to the co-feeding network, frequently sharing food patches with multiple group-mates. This polyadic analysis of foraging associations between individuals underlines the importance of dominance and affiliation to patterns of primate social foraging.  相似文献   

The outcome of male–male contest competition is known to affect male mating success and is believed to confer fitness benefits to females through preference for dominant males. However, by mating with contest winners, females can incur significant costs spanning from decreased fecundity to negative effects on offspring. Hence, identifying costs and benefits of male dominance on female fitness is crucial to unravel the potential for a conflict of interests between the sexes. Here, we investigated males' pre‐ and post‐copulatory reproductive investment and its effect on female fitness after a single contest a using the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. We allowed males to fight and immediately measured their mating behaviour, sperm quality and offspring viability. We found that males experiencing a fight, independently of the outcome, delayed matings, but their courtship effort was not affected. However, winners produced sperm of lower quality (viability) compared to losers and to males that did not experience fighting. Results suggest a trade‐off in resource allocation between pre‐ and post‐mating episodes of sexual selection. Despite lower ejaculate quality, we found no fitness costs (fecundity and viability of offspring) for females mated to winners. Overall, our findings highlight the importance of considering fighting ability when assessing male reproductive success, as winners may be impaired in their competitiveness at a post‐mating level.  相似文献   

Aggression is rare among wild female chimpanzees. However, in the Kanyawara chimpanzee community in Kibale National Park, Uganda, stable use of food-rich core areas is linked to increased reproductive success, suggesting that contest competition might occur over access to the highest-quality ranges. To examine this hypothesis, we studied aggression and dominance relationships among Kanyawara females during a 10-yr period that included the immigration of 5 females into the community. We tested 2 predictions: 1) that female-female aggression should intensify when immigrants enter the community because this is when core area access is determined and 2) that the quality of core areas should reflect relative female dominance relationships. In support of the first prediction, female-female aggression increased 4-fold when new immigrants were in the community, with rates peaking when there were multiple immigrants. This pattern was due primarily to aggression by resident mothers toward immigrants and featured coalitionary aggression, a rare behavior among female chimpanzees. In support of the second prediction, females occupying core areas high in foraging quality ranked high overall and higher than expected for their ages, whereas females occupying low-quality core areas were lower-ranking and ranked lower than expected for their ages. Together, the data indicate that though female aggression does not regularly occur in chimpanzees, contest competition continues to play an important role in determining long-term access to resources, an important correlate of reproductive success.  相似文献   

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