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Analysis of 28 strains of Drosophila buzzatii from six different localities revealed that populations from southern Brazil apparently differ from northeastern populations in chromosome structure. Of the 16 polymorphic chromosome inversions detected in this species, only two (2j and 5c2) were present in southern populations. The Northeastern populations were the first of this species found not to have the 2j inversion. This suggests that the populations of Drosophila buzzatii may have lost chromosome polymorphism during dispersion, supporting the idea that the current geographic distribution of this species in South America is due to active dispersion.  相似文献   

Temperature and humidity affect insect physiology, survival, fecundity, reproductive status and behaviour. Complementing previous work investigating the effects of temperature on adult survival and fecundity of the invasive frugivorous pest, Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura), this study was conducted to determine the effect of humidity on D. suzukii larval development, adult survival, fecundity and reproductive status using blueberry as a host substrate. The five constant humidity levels in laboratory bioassays were 20, 33, 71, 82 and 94% RH at 20.6 ± 0.2°C. As RH increased, fecundity and longevity increased. At the higher humidity levels, RH had limited impact on mean generation times (T), larval development and eclosion times. The highest net reproductive rate (Ro = 68) and highest intrinsic rate of population increase (rm = 0.17) were both recorded at 94% RH. The reproductive status of females, as indicated by the number of mature oocytes per female, was significantly greater at 82 and 94% RH, compared to 71% RH. In addition to the laboratory procedures, we correlated field trap captures over an 81‐day summer period to relative humidity (RH) levels in close proximity to those traps. In the field, low ambient humidity levels resulted in decreased trap captures. A humidity‐dependent population model predicted lower densities of D. suzukii relative to populations at higher humidity. This study supports the hypothesis that cultural practices that minimize lower humidity levels in crops can contribute to the management of D. suzukii. Such methods may include open pruning, drip irrigation and field floor management.  相似文献   

Understanding the variation within and between populations in important male mating traits and female preferences is crucial to theories concerning the origin of sexual isolation by coevolution or other processes. There have been surprisingly few studies on the extent of variation and covariation within and between populations, especially where the evolutionary relationships between populations are understood. Here we examine variation in female preferences and a sexually selected male song trait, the carrier frequency of the song, within and between populations from different phylogeographic clusters of Drosophila montana. Song is obligatory for successful mating in this species, and both playback and field studies implicate song carrier frequency as the most important parameter in male song. Carrier frequency varied among three recently collected populations from Oulanka (Finland), Vancouver (Canada), and Colorado (central United States), which represent the main phylogeographic groups in D. montana. Males from Colorado had the most distinct song frequency, which did not follow patterns of genetic differentiation. There was considerable variation in preference functions within, and some variation between, populations. Surprisingly, females from three lines from Colorado seem to have preferences disfavoring the extreme male trait found in this population. We discuss sources of selection on male song and female preference.  相似文献   

The D. flavopilosa group encompasses an ecologically restricted set of species strictly adapted to hosting flowers of Cestrum (Solanaceae). This group presents potential to be used as a model to the study of different questions regarding ecologically restricted species macro and microevolutionary responses, geographical vs. ecological speciation and intra and interspecific competition. This review aims to revisit and reanalyze the patterns and processes that are subjacent to the interesting ecological and evolutionary properties of these species. Biotic and abiotic niche properties of some species were reanalyzed in face of ecological niche modeling approaches in order to get some insights into their ecological evolution. A test of the potential of DNA-Barcoding provided evidences that this technology may be a way of overcoming difficulties related to cryptic species differentiation. The new focus replenishes the scenario with new questions, presenting a case where neither geographical nor ecological speciation may be as yet suggested.  相似文献   

InDrosophila montana andD. littoralis (species of theD. virilis group), females use male courtship song in their mate choice in wild preferring males which produce short and dense sound pulses (Aspi and Hoikkala, 1995). In the present study these song characters were found to be repeatable among overwintered males. Male progenies of wild-caught flies reared in the laboratory, and inD. montana also the males collected in wild before overwintering, exhibited very little variation between males in these characters. Contrary to pulse characters, pulse train characters measured forD. montana song varied significantly between laboratory-reared males. Our findings suggest that inD. montana andD. littoralis song characters playing a part in sexual selection in the wild are more condition dependent than song characters which are not the direct targets of female choice.  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic basis of cross-resistance to insecticides, natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen) were first collected from four different locations in Japan. After 10-80 isofemale lines of each population had been established in a laboratory, the susceptibility of each line to each of the insecticides permethrin, malathion, fenitrothion, prothiophos, and DDT was examined. Broad ranges of continuous variation in susceptibility to all the chemicals were observed within each natural population as a whole. In addition, highly significant correlations among responses to organophosphates were observed. However, based on the coefficients of determination, about less than half of variation in responses to one insecticide could be explained by variation in responses to another insecticide, suggesting that not only a common resistance factor but also other factors could be involved in a natural population. Genetic analyses by using resistant and susceptible inbred lines from the same natural population demonstrated that resistance to organophosphates in some resistant lines could be due to a single or tightly linked factors, and that resistance in the other line may be due to more than one major factor. These observations could suggest that several resistance factors may be involved within each natural population, and that some of major factors could contribute to correlations among responses to organophosphates. These major factors could then contribute to the broad ranges of continuous variation observed at the level of the populations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In the Drosophila auraria complex (D. auraria Peng, D. biauraria Bock & Wheeler, D. triauraria Bock & Wheeler, D. quadraria Bock & Wheeler and D. subauraria Kimura), D. triauraria from the island of Yaku (30.3N in latitude) and D. quadraria from Taiwan (24.1N) had no or weak diapause, while strains of all the four species from the main islands of Japan had a firm reproductive diapause. These strains entered diapause at short daylengths and the critical daylength was longer and the incidence of diapause higher at a low rather than high temperature. In each species, the critical daylength was longer in strains from higher latitudes. Among sympatric populations of different species, D. subauraria always had the longest critical daylength, while D. auraria had the shortest one. The populations of D. biauraria and D. triauraria had longer critical daylengths than the sympatric populations of D. auraria , but this difference became smaller northwards. Since a longer critical daylength induces diapause earlier in autumn, D. subauraria would enter diapause earliest among these species, and D. auraria would do so latest. The late start of diapause in D. auraria may be related to its adaptation to domestic environments. On the other hand, the adaptive significance of the late start of diapause in northern populations of D. biauraria and D. triauraria is not clear.  相似文献   

Lutzomyia migonei is a vector of leishmaniasis with a wide distribution in South America, which could favour population differentiation and speciation. Cryptic species of the Lutzomyia longipalpis complex, the widely distributed sand fly vector of visceral leishmaniasis in Latin America, have previously been shown to display distinct copulation songs. We found that Lu. migonei males also produce a song during copulation. This "lovesong" presents short trains (6-8 pulses) with an inter-pulse interval around 26 ms and is potentially involved in cryptic female choice and insemination success.  相似文献   

High levels (about 4,000-fold) of resistance to dieldrin were isolated by screening field-collected populations of Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen). The resistance was made homozygous following 2-4 generations of selection. A single, major gene mapping to the left arm of chromosome III was solely responsible for resistance. The implications of the recovery of resistant mutants from field populations of D. melanogaster are discussed.  相似文献   

We have used a quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping approach to study the genetic basis of differences between two Drosophila virilis strains representing extreme phenotypes in two song characters, the number of pulses in a pulse train (PN) and the length of a pulse train (PTL). Variation in these characters among 520 F2 males was studied by single-marker analysis and composite interval mapping (CIM) using a recombination linkage map constructed for 26 microsatellite markers. In single-marker analysis, two adjacent microsatellite markers on the third chromosome, msat19 and vir84 explained 13.8 and 12.4% of the variation in PN and 9.9 and 6.5% of the variation in PTL, respectively. CIM analysis revealed significant QTLs affecting PN, located on the X and the second, third and fourth chromosome of D. virilis, while variation in PTL was attributable to QTLs located only on the third chromosome.  相似文献   

铃木氏果蝇不同地理种群中Wolbachia的检测和系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于毅  王静  陶云荔  国栋  褚栋 《昆虫学报》2013,56(3):323-328
铃木氏果蝇Drosophila suzukii是原产于东南亚地区的重要果树害虫, 近年来传入北美和欧洲等地区造成严重的危害。本研究利用Wolbachia的16S rDNA和wsp基因特异引物(分别为16S-F/16S-R和81F/691R)对铃木氏果蝇7个地理种群(中国的5个种群、 韩国的1个种群和美国的1个种群)的Wolbachia进行了PCR检测并对检测结果进行了比较; 对感染个体体内Wolbachia的16S rDNA基因片段进行测序, 确定了我国铃木氏果蝇体内Wolbachia的分类地位。基于Wolbachia的16S rDNA基因特异引物检测结果发现, 我国5个铃木氏果蝇种群广泛感染Wolbachia(感染率36.7%~80.0%), 而韩国和美国2个种群均未检测到该菌的感染。而利用wsp基因特异引物无法检测到该菌。基于Wolbachia的16S rDNA基因构建系统发育树表明, 我国铃木氏果蝇种群感染的Wolbachia全部属于A组。这些结果为研究Wolbachia感染对铃木氏果蝇生物学及生态学的影响奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Turner TL  Miller PM 《Genetics》2012,191(2):633-642
A primary goal of population genetics is to determine the genetic basis of natural trait variation. We could significantly advance this goal by developing comprehensive genome-wide approaches to link genotype and phenotype in model organisms. Here we combine artificial selection with population-based resequencing to investigate the genetic basis of variation in the interpulse interval (IPI) of Drosophila melanogaster courtship song. We performed divergent selection on replicate populations for only 14 generations, but had considerable power to differentiate alleles that evolved due to selection from those that evolved stochastically. We identified a large number of variants that changed frequency in response to selection for this simple behavior, and they are highly underrepresented on the X chromosome. Though our power was adequate using this experimental technique, the ability to differentiate causal variants from those affected by linked selection requires further development.  相似文献   

The present study aims to characterise the assemblages of Drosophilidae sampled from four sites subject to different levels of urbanisation, in the city of Florianópolis, South Brazil. Five samples were collected between August 2000 and August 2001 and five between August 2002 and August 2003 in each site. A gradual change in the dominant species was observed in the urbanisation gradient, with an increase in relative abundance of exotic species in urban areas. Among the native species, the relative abundance of Drosophila capricorni Dobzhansky & Pavan had an expressive decrease. In the other hand the richness in the low urbanisation site increased, probably due to the presence of urban gardens. The diversity index did not vary significantly among sites, but its correlation with evenness and richness changed.  相似文献   

Frequencies of stereotyped lek displays of male Drosophila grimshawi were measured in groups of different sizes (2, 4, 8, or 16 ♂♂ per container). In one experiment ♀♀ were absent, and in a second experiment two ♀♀ were present in each male group. In both experiments the frequency of courtship displays was linearly dependent upon density. Two agonistic displays and a communal display were density-dependent only when ♀♀ were present. The strategy ♂♂ adopted only in the presence of ♀♀ was: (1) to balance the relative frequencies of communal and aggressive behavior, and (2) to increase the ratio of contact to noncontact aggression with increasing density.  相似文献   

New biological and bibliographic information confirms that the widely accepted name Drosophila yakuba Burla, 1954 and the unused name Drosophila opisthomelaina are synonymous. The latter was coined by Nolte & Stoch in a 1950 work containing a disclaimer and is unavailable by strict application of Article 8b of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (3rd edn, 1985). In a previously overlooked publication, Nolte (1958) cites D.opisthomelaina as a senior synonym; the work also contains diagnostic information. Synonymy is not disputed but before 1958 the name was unavailable. Thus D. opisthomelaina Nolte, 1958 is treated as a junior rather than a senior synonym of D.yakuba. These nomenclatural corrections remove confusion concerning records of this species in southern Africa and will probably be met with general approval. The distribution in southern Africa and Madagascar of D.yakuba and closely related species: D.melanogaster Meigen, 1830, D.simulans Sturtevant, 1919 and D.teissieri Tsacas, 1971, are summarized.  相似文献   

The Quaternary period was marked by considerable changes in climate. Such palaeoclimatic changes affected the population dynamics of many species, both in the Northern and in the Southern Hemisphere. However, the extent of these impacts on the demographic patterns of Neotropical species presenting different ecological requirements remains unclear. Drosophila maculifrons DUDA 1947 belongs to the guaramunu group of Drosophila and represents a potential indicator of the genetic consequences caused by the climatic fluctuations of the Quaternary, because it seems to be sensitive to temperature and humidity shifts. The aim of this study was to evaluate the evolutionary processes subjacent to the patterns of intraspecific diversity and structure of different populations of D. maculifrons. In total, 152 individuals were collected in the south and south‐east Brazil. Phylogenetic and phylogeographical analyses were performed based on sequences of COI and COII mitochondrial genes. In general, the results pointed to Brazilian populations of D. maculifrons being extremely impoverished in terms of mitochondrial diversity and population structure, which could be explained by a recent population expansion event dated to approximately 12 000 years ago. In fact, with the assistance of species palaeo‐distribution modelling strategies, it was possible to infer that most of the sampled region did not present the D. maculifrons environmental suitability requirements at least during the period of the Last Glacial Maximum. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 55–66.  相似文献   

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