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Five types of neurons were distinguished in the sensory nuclei of the trigeminal nerve, stained by Golgi's method, in kittens aged 1–5 days and 30 days: reticular and short-dendritic cells (with few branches), and multipolar giant cells, arborescent, and bushy neurons (densely branching). Yet another special type of cell, with a few short dendrites and one long dendrite, was distinguished in preparations from the brain of newborn kittens. Analysis of the dimensions of the bodies, the number, length, and ramification of the dendrites, and the total ramification of the cell yielded quantitative morphological characteristics of these neurons at different times of development. These types of neurons differed in their qualitative and quantitative parameters and in the features of their maturation.Bushy neurons underwent regressive changes during development. Foci of maximal ramification of dendrites of densely branched neurons changed their location during the first months of life relative to the cell body, moving into the more distal regions of the dendrites. Differences in orientation of dendrites with foci of maximal ramification were found relative to neighboring brain formations, which depended on the types of cells and the animal's age. The high level of maturity of trigeminal neurons at birth was demonstrated.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Brain Institute, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 592–600, November–December, 1982.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have shown that the flight motor pattern of the mature locust (Locusta migratoria L.) relies heavily on the input of the hindwing tegulae. Removal of the hindwing tegulae results in an immediate change in the motor pattern: the wingbeat frequency (WBF) decreases and the interval between the activity of depressor and elevator muscles (D–E interval) increases. In contrast, removal of the forewing tegulae has little effect on the motor pattern. Here we report adaptive modifications in the flight system that occur after the removal of the hindwing tegulae. Over a period of about 2 weeks following hendwing tegula removal, the flight motor pattern progressively returned towards normal, and in about 80% of the animals recovery of the flight motor pattern was complete. We describe the changes in the activity pattern of flight muscles and in the patterns of depolarizations in flight motoneurons and flight interneurons associated with this recovery. In contrast to the situation in the intact animal, the activity of the forewing tegulae is necessary in recovered animals for the generation of the motor pattern. Removal of the forewing tegulae in recovered animals resulted resulted in similar changes in the flight motor pattern as were observed in intact animals after the removal of the hindwing tegulae. Furthermore, electrical stimulation of forewing tegula afferents in recovered animals produced similar resetting effects on the motor pattern as electrical stimulation of the hindwing tegulae afferents in intact animals. From these observations we conclude that recovery is due to the functional replacement of the removed hindwing tegulae by input from the forewing tegulae.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have shown that the flight motor pattern of the mature locust (Locusta migratoria L.) relies heavily on the input of the hindwing tegulae. Removal of the hindwing tegulae results in an immediate change in the motor pattern: the wingbeat frequency (WBF) decreases and the interval between the activity of depressor and elevator muscles (D-E interval) increases. In contrast, removal of the forewing tegulae has little effect on the motor pattern. Here we report adaptive modifications in the flight system that occur after the removal of the hindwing tegulae. Over a period of about 2 weeks following hindwing tegula removal, the flight motor pattern progressively returned towards normal, and in about 80% of the animals recovery of the flight motor pattern was complete. We describe the changes in the activity pattern of flight muscles and in the patterns of depolarizations in flight motoneurons and flight interneurons associated with this recovery. In contrast to the situation in the intact animal, the activity of the forewing tegulae is necessary in recovered animals for the generation of the motor pattern. Removal of the forewing tegulae in recovered animals resulted in similar changes in the flight motor pattern as were observed in intact animals after the removal of the hindwing tegulae. Furthermore, electrical stimulation of forewing tegula afferents in recovered animals produced similar resetting effects on the motor pattern as electrical stimulation of the hindwing tegulae afferents in intact animals. From these observations we conclude that recovery is due to the functional replacement of the removed hindwing tegulae by input from the forewing tegulae.  相似文献   

Two types of neurons — reticular (with few branches) and multipolar giant (densely ramified) were distinguished in the brain-stem reticular nuclei of the brain in Golgi preparations from cat fetuses aged 45–55 days and kittens aged 1–5 and 30 days. The quantitative morphological characteristics of these neurons at different stages of development were determined from the dimensions of their bodies, the number, length, and ramification of their dendrites, and the overall ramification of the cell. The types of neurons described above differed in both qualitative and quantitative indices and in the character of their maturation. Maximal ramification of dendrites of giant multipolar neurons was observed in the embryonic period. Foci of maximal ramification in reticular neurons were close to the cell bodies. In gaint multipolar neurons in fetuses and 30-day-old kittens foci of maximal ramification were located on the proximal and distal portions of the dendrites, but in the newborn kittens on the proximal segments only. These facts are examined in connection with differences in the spike activity of the growing neuron.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Brain Institute, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 53–61, January–February, 1980.  相似文献   

Gamma-aminobutyric acid-immunoreactive neurons in the rat trigeminal nuclei   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The distribution of GABAergic neurons in the rat trigeminal nuclei was studied using a highly specific monoclonal antibody (mAb3A12) to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Immunopositive cells were relatively abundant in the marginal and gelatinosa beds of the caudal part of the trigeminal spinal tract nucleus, and in the dorsomedial areas of the oral subnucleus and the principal nucleus. A high density of GABA-immunoreactive somata was also found in the rostral part of the oral subnucleus and in the adjacent parvicellular reticular formation as well as in the supratrigeminal and intertrigeminal regions. Thus, the distribution of the GABAergic cells showed a relatively high density in areas related to the convergence of sensory stimuli, and in zones that contain interneurons inhibiting masticatory motorneurons. The results suggest, therefore, that GABA might play an important role both in discriminative sensory processing and in reflex modulation of the orofacial region.Abbreviations RF reticular formation - FRp parvicellular reticular formation - Vc trigeminal nucleus of the spinal tract, subnucleus caudalis - Vmes mesencephalic nucleus - Vmo trigeminal motor nucleus - Vo trigeminal nucleus of the spinal tract, subnucleus oralis - Vp principal trigeminal nucleus - Vsp spinal trigeminal nucleus - Vsup supratrigeminal nucleus  相似文献   

The effects of stimulation of the ipsilateral sensomotor cortex were studied on 88 neurons in the region of the main trigeminal sensory nucleus of a cat. The cortex was stimulated via a coaxial electrode by single impulses. Stimulation of the cortex caused the appearance of EPSPs and action potentials in these neurons; a small number of these responses were monosynaptic. The polarity of the impulse applied to the cortex had a significant effect on the magnitude of the latent period of the response and the postsynaptic reaction, which is apparently caused by the stimulation of different types of cortex neurons. Apparently, corticofugal pulsation regulates the level of sensitivity of the trigeminal sensory neurons.A. A. Bogomolets' Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 47–53, July–August, 1969.  相似文献   

Divergence in the orientation of reticular brainstem neuronal dendrites was demonstrated using computerized morphometric techniques in Golgi preparations of 30-day-old kitten brain following oral deafferentation produced by uni- or bilateral severing of the lingual nerve. Less dense distribution of dendritic segments oriented towards the vestibular nuclei was the most typical of the effects noted. Altered dendritic distribution density in relation to different afferent inputs are viewed as indicative of changed efferent-dendritic interaction following partial deafferentation.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 661–669, November–December, 1991.  相似文献   

Neurons dissociated from the brain of embryonic cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) can be maintained in culture for several weeks. The survival as well as the progressive organization of the neurons into a complex network was studied during a 5-week period under different culture conditions. About 10% of the dissociated cells adhered to the culture dish. This figure remained constant throughout the culture. The cell diameter ranged from 10 to 20 microns and did not change significantly over time in culture. Whereas only a few cells exhibited neurites at the start of the culture, the number of cells exhibiting neurites increased to reach about 99% after 2 weeks. The different cells were then connected to each other, forming a network, which became more and more complex. The number of cells per cluster as well as the length and the diameter of the "connectives" that linked the different clusters were found to increase with time. The morphology of individual neurons within the network was visualized after intracellular injection of biocytin. Labeling with antibodies raised against serotonin or GABA indicated that neurons were able to differentiate and to acquire specific neurotransmitter fates. The serotonergic phenotype was found to appear progressively throughout the culture, in parallel with the formation of the network. Cell density, addition of fetal calf serum, and ecdysone were shown to influence the development of the network.  相似文献   

How neurons connect to form functional circuits is central to the understanding of the development and function of the nervous system. In the somatosensory system, perception of sensory stimuli to the head requires specific connections between trigeminal sensory neurons and their many target areas in the central nervous system. Different trigeminal subtypes have specialized functions and downstream circuits, but it has remained unclear how subtype-specific axonal projection patterns are formed. Using zebrafish as a model system, we followed the development of two trigeminal sensory neuron subtypes: one that expresses trpa1b, a nociceptive channel important for sensing environmental chemicals; and a distinct subtype labeled by an islet1 reporter (Isl1SS). We found that Trpa1b and Isl1SS neurons have overall similar axon trajectories but different branching morphologies and distributions of presynaptic sites. Compared with Trpa1b neurons, Isl1SS neurons display reduced branch growth and synaptogenesis at the hindbrain-spinal cord junction. The subtype-specific morphogenesis of Isl1SS neurons depends on the guidance receptor Robo2. robo2 is preferentially expressed in the Isl1SS subset and inhibits branch growth and synaptogenesis. In the absence of Robo2, Isl1SS afferents acquire many of the characteristics of Trpa1b afferents. These results reveal that subtype-specific activity of Robo2 regulates subcircuit morphogenesis in the trigeminal sensory system.  相似文献   

The application of electron microscopy to defining the fine structural characteristics of axon terminals and synapses was followed by a half century of intensive exploration of the molecular concomitants of synaptic activity. The summer of 2003 marks the 50th anniversary of the earliest accounts of synapses by Palay and Palade. Prompted by recent findings of specialization in the fine structure of nociceptor terminals that lack contacts remotely resembling a synapse, we present a survey of arrangements, contacts and axoplasmic contents of peripheral sensory axon terminals. The morphological principles underlying the variety of small, clear, spherical vesicles, mitochondrial aggregation, the membrane thickenings associated with sensory terminals and the organelles or inclusions associated with the site of transduction apparently do not conform to a simple parsimonious rule. It is also evident that the terminal of the central branch of bifurcated sensory axons differs structurally from its distal counterparts. This brief illustrated account addresses some important unresolved problems in the functional interpretation of the diverse morphological features exhibited in both synaptic and non-synaptic sensory axon terminals with the aim of identifying and emphasizing some key questions amenable to resolution with contemporary morphological and physiological techniques.  相似文献   

Retrograde degeneration of the cerebellar nuclei cells has been studied after partial ablation of the associative parietal cerebral cortex in the cat. The material is stained after Nissl. Retrogradely degenerated and normal cells are counted. The "ghost-cells" in the cerebellar nuclei indicate that a direct axonal connection exists between some neurons and the cerebral cortex operated, while the cells that are at other stages of degeneration are, perhaps, connected with this part of the cortex by means of axonal collaterals.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of intranuclear rodlets, microtubules, fibrillar lattices and membranous inclusions found in the developing cuneate nuclei of rats is described. Rodlets, ranging in diameter from 96–312 nm and in length from 1–2 m, are made up of tightly packed straight filaments measuring 5–8 nm in diameter. Microtubules with a diameter of 26 nm are clustered together. Fibrillar lattices are made up of fibrils with a diameter of 9 nm arranged in layers or sets. Two to nine sets make up a lattice, with a maximum width of 68 nm, in which the adjacent sets are arranged at an angle to each other. Rodlets and fibrillar lattices occur in 6.8% of the neurons. Membranous inclusions, reported here for the first time in normal neurons, are of 2 types: small vesicles of 0.1–0.6 m and large vacuoles measuring 1–2 m. Both types are bounded by either a single or a double membrane and generally have an electron lucent content. Membranous inclusions occur in 25.3 % of the neurons. Changes in the frequency of occurrence of the various intranuclear inclusions in the course of postnatal development are also reported.  相似文献   

The ventral giant interneurons (GIs) in the cockroach have two distinct dendritic fields: a small one ipsilateral to the soma, and a larger, contralateral field from which the axon arises. The major input to these GIs is from the cercus on the axon side; when this cercus is ablated in the last instar before the adult stage, input from the other cercus becomes more effective within 30 days (Vardi and Camhi, 1982b). I wished to determine if the input from the intact, soma-ipsilateral cercus contacted the GIs purely ipsilaterally and if EPSPs at this site were larger in deafferented animals. Consistent with earlier anatomical findings, intracellular recordings from the GI somata showed that the majority of cercal inputs synapse on their own side of the ganglion in normal animals. This was evidenced by differences in the size and shape of the synaptic potentials evoked from the two cerci and by the presence of large EPSPs after a ganglion had been split along the midline. Unitary EPSPs produced by stimulation of single, identified cercal afferents, ipsilateral to the soma, were compared between normal and deafferented animals. Column "h" afferents were chosen because they make a large contribution to the receptive fields of GIs 1 and 2 after ablation of the contralateral cercus. In addition, the arbors of these afferents, when stained with cobalt, did not cross the ganglionic midline in normal animals. Unitary EPSPs recorded in GI 2 were significantly larger in the deafferented animals. There was, however, no significant change in the size of EPSPs in GI 1. Nevertheless, the results from GI 2 suggest that partial deafferentation in the central nervous system can increase the efficacy of synapses distant from the locus of denervation.  相似文献   

Retrograde transport of fluorescent tracers (diamidino yellow and true blue) was used to study the arrangement of brainstem neurons innervating the lateral pterygoid muscle in the rat. The lateral pterygoid motoneurons were located in the dorsolateral (jaw-closing) part of the trigeminal motor nucleus with clear somatotopy in the caudal part of the nucleus. No muscle-related neurons were present in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. Histological examination of serial sections of lateral pterygoid muscles confirms the notion that, at least in the rat, this muscle is devoid of muscle spindles.  相似文献   

Sensory experience regulates the structural and functional wiring of neuronal circuits, during development and throughout adulthood. Here, we review current knowledge of how experience affects structural plasticity of pyramidal neurons in the sensory cortices. We discuss the pros and cons of existing labeling approaches, as well as what structural parameters are most plastic. We further discuss how recent advances in sparse labeling of specific neuronal subtypes, as well as development of techniques that allow fast, high resolution imaging in large fields, would enable future studies to address currently unanswered questions in the field of structural plasticity.  相似文献   

Summary With the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunohistochemical method we ascertained the presence of substance P-like immunoreactivity (SPLI) in fibers and cell bodies of the trigeminal sensory system of the pit viper, Agkistrodon blomhoffi. There are a few SPLI fibers each in the principal sensory nucleus and the main neuropil of the lateral descending nucleus (i.e., the infrared sensory nucleus); a moderate number in the descending nucleus; and a large number in the caudal subnucleus, the medial edges of the interpolar subnucleus, and the marginal neuropil of the lateral descending nucleus. About 30% of the cell bodies in the ophthalmic and maxillo-mandibular ganglia show SPLI, and of the two craniocervical ganglia, the proximal ganglion has many more cells with SPLI than the distal ganglion. The SPLI distribution in the common trigeminal sensory system is similar to that of mammals, and suggests that the function of this system is also similar. In the infrared sensory system, the differing distribution in the main and marginal neuropils suggests separate functions for these two structures in the system.  相似文献   

Golgi preparations of cervical part of the spinal cord were used to study sparely and densely branching neurons of lamina VII, sparely and densely branching neurons of lamina VIII and large densely branching motor neurons of lamina IX in 30-day kittens developing under the conditions of limited reticulospinal input. Limitation was induced by electrocoagulation of bulbar magnocellular nucleus and caudal reticular pontine nucleus performed at the 7th day. Computerized morphometry revealed that partial deafferentation affects the geometry in all studied cell types except densely branching neurons of lamina VIII. Adaptive nature of structural reorganization of spinal neurons and possible relationship between morphological properties and functional profile of cells are discussed.  相似文献   

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