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The study presents the structure of the ovaries of the spiny mouse (Acomys cahirinus) during the first months of life. The ovaries in neonate females exhibit a large number of primordial and primary follicles, sometimes clustered in nests. The growing follicles were also observed within the ovary at that period. The first, early antral follicles appeared in the ovary during the second week of life. In the group of 60-day old females, the structure of the ovaries was characterized by a significant increase in the connective tissue elements. Moreover, ovarian follicles at various stages of development were observed, except for the antral ones with cumulus oophorus. The first mature follicles were identified in 3-month old females. In the ovarian follicles, apoptosis occurs at all stages of follicle development, especially in the early antral follicles. In the atretic follicles, apoptotic cells were identified in the layer of granulosa cells.  相似文献   

D A Czech 《Life sciences》1987,41(8):935-940
Feeding and drinking behavior were studied in deprived or sated spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus) at various time intervals following peripheral administration of naloxone hydrochloride and butorphanol tartrate. Naloxone attenuated both food and water intake, but not latency to respond, indicating existence of functional opioid-sensitive feeding and drinking systems in this species. Butorphanol tartrate, a mixed opioid agonist/antagonist produced a dose-related enhancement or suppression of feeding, the former naloxone reversible, but had no measureable effect on drinking.  相似文献   

While there are many species that are commonly used for the study of mammalian social behavior, there remains a need for lab-suitable organisms that are appropriate for examining sociality specifically in non-reproductive contexts (i.e., social behavior not in the context of mating or parenting). The spiny mouse, Acomys cahirinus, is a cooperatively breeding rodent that lives in large groups and is a species that holds great potential for studying a wide range of social behaviors in reproductive and non-reproductive contexts. Here, we characterize the basic social behaviors in male and female Acahirinus to obtain a foundation for future study. We tested adult Acahirinus in social approach, social preference, social interaction, social recognition, and group size preference paradigms. Regardless of sex, novelty, or familiarity, we found that both males and females rapidly approach conspecifics demonstrating high social boldness. Additionally, both sexes are significantly more prosocial than aggressive when freely interacting with conspecifics. However, we observed effects of sex on social preferences, such that males exhibit a preference to affiliate with same-sex conspecifics, whereas females exhibit a preference for affiliating with opposite-sex conspecifics. We discuss how this preference may relate to the cooperative breeding system of spiny mice. Lastly, both sexes show a robust preference for affiliating with large over small groups, indicating they may be an ideal species for the study of mammalian gregariousness. These data lay a basic foundation for future studies that seek to assess complex group dynamics and the mechanisms underlying reproductive and non-reproductive social behaviors in a highly social mammal.  相似文献   

Light-and electron-microscopical observations revealed a rod-like inclusion body in the pinealocytes of the common spiny mouse (Acomys cahirinus dimidiatus). Ultrastructurally, the body is composed of a varying number of tubes whose wall consists of thin filaments aligned in helical arrangement. The inner and outer surface of the wall is covered with ribosome-like granules. Based on a morphological analysis it is concluded that the body described in the present investigation is identical with Kolmer's crystalloid of horizontal cells in the human and primate retina.This work represents a portion of a doctoral thesis (Dr. med.) submitted to the University of Bonn and was presented at the 87th meeting of the anatomische Gesellschaft in Mainz, Germany, March 1992  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(4):1182-1188
Discrimination between individual full siblings was tested in spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus). At weaning, intact litters were separated into two pairs so that animals only had social contact with one of their full siblings. Following 10 days of being housed in pairs, the four weanlings from a given litter were reunited in an observation terrarium. Pairings by familiar siblings were more frequent than unfamiliar-sibling pairings, indicating that interactions among close kin are mediated by the recognition of individual signatures rather than general phenotypic traits shared by all members of a kin class. Animals rendered anosmic by intranasal injections of zinc sulphate displayed no evidence of discriminating between familiar and unfamiliar siblings. Olfactory cues therefore appear to function as the signatures by which individual siblings are recognized. Since all animals were fed identical diets and otherwise maintained in similar environments, the differences in olfactory signatures between full siblings are most likely a function of genetic variability within this class of kin.  相似文献   

Sufficient amounts of water and food are important cues for reproduction in an unpredictable environment. We previously demonstrated that increased osmolarity levels, or exogenous vasopressin (VP) treatment halt reproduction of desert adapted golden spiny mice Acomys russatus. In this research we studied gonad regulation by VP and food restriction (FR) in desert adapted common spiny mouse (A. cahirinus) males, kept under two different photoperiod regimes-short (SD-8L:16D) and long (LD-16L:8D) days. Mice were treated with VP, FR, and VP+FR for three weeks. Response was assessed from changes in relative testis mass, serum testosterone levels and mRNA receptor gene expression of VP, aldosterone and leptin in treated groups, compared with their controls. SD-acclimation increased testosterone levels, VP treatment decreased expression of aldosterone mRNA receptor in the testes of SD-acclimated males. FR under SD-conditions resulted in testosterone decrease and elevation of VP- receptor gene expression in testes. Aldosterone receptor mRNA expression was also detected in WAT. These results support the idea that water and food availability in the habitat may be used as signals for activating the reproductive system through direct effects of VP, aldosterone and leptin on the testes or through WAT by indirect effects.  相似文献   

In keeping with studies of other desert rodents, the potentially diabetic spiny mouse has been demonstrated to have a very low basal metabolic rate, disproportionate to its body weight. The maintenance of a lower body temperature in response to high environmental temperatures and a lack of increase in metabolic rate in response to cooling have also been demonstrated. Assessments of "mechanical efficiency" have shown that spiny mice carry a potential selective advantage under fasting conditions. The findings, some of which are similar to those noted in other desert rodents, and in other species showing either spontaneous or induced hyperglycaemia, suggest that the low metabolic rate is at least partly based on ineffective glucose utilization. This phenomenon may be the common denominator of the survival advantage which has allowed both the successful evolution of species inhabiting warm, arid climes, and the persistence of the diabetic genotype in animal and human populations.  相似文献   

The adaptive responses to sucrose and fat diets were investigated in two species of spiny mice, Acomys russatus and Acomys cahirinus, in relation to their propensity to develop diabetic-like symptoms. A russatus gained weight pronouncedly, both on regular and fat-rich seed diet, did not exhibit hyperglycemia or hyperlipidemia but had highly increased hepatic triglyceride content in association with high levels of circulating free fatty acids and incidence of ketonuria in 10 of 41 animals. On the other hand, A. cahirinus exhibited a moderate weight gain on the fat diet which was accompanied by hyperglycemia but no hyperlipidemia or ketonuria. Neither weight gain nor ketonuria were evident in A. russatus and A. cahirinus on the sucrose-rich diet, but there was hyperlipidemia in the latter species. A. cahirinus, in particular, showed many-fold induction of liver enzymes, of regulatory importance in the pathways of glycolysis and lipogenesis, which could be linked to the hyperlipidemia in this species. On the fat diet there was a smaller increase in activity in enzymes related to gluconeogenesis in A. russatus compared with A. cahirinus, as well as a smaller suppression of glycolytic and lipogenic enzymes. Adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase activity rose in response to the fat-rich diet, more markedly in A. russatus than A. cahirinus in correlation to the more marked weight gain and hyperinsulinemia in this species. The affluent diets, especially sucrose, elicited an increase in circulating triiodothyronine levels which was more pronounced in A. cahirinus than in A. russatus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

By means of a modification of the Reinecke salt method already described, characteristical amine containing granules have been demonstrated in the parenchymal cells of the adrenal medulla in normoglycemic spiny mice. By this method two types of granules have been discerned according to their different contrasts. The advantages of the modification method are discussed.  相似文献   

2 years experience with Acomys in one laboratory confirmed the slow breeding rate found by other workers. On moving the animals to another laboratory there was a 2-5 fold increase in breeding rate. The most likely explanation of this change was the presence of copper in the drinking water at the 1st laboratory, due to the use of copper water pipes. The data relating to maintenance and breeding of acomys for 2 years at the 2nd laboratory were analyzed to provide a more representative picture of the species.  相似文献   

Seasonal reproduction is a common characteristic of many small mammals which inhabit seasonal environments in temperate regions, the sub-tropics as well as the tropics. It is important for an animal to reproduce during the most favourable time of the year to ensure the survival of the young and maximize reproductive success. In southern Africa, female spiny mice (Acomys spinosissimus) breed during the warm and wet spring and summer months, whereas the reproductive pattern of males is unknown although an opportunistic breeding pattern has been implicated. We investigated testes mass and volume, seminiferous tubule diameter, spermatogenesis and plasma testosterone concentrations in a South African population of male spiny mice on a 2-monthly basis over one year. Testes mass and volume started to increase in July/August and was high from September until December. Seminiferous tubule diameter and spermatogenesis increased during the same months. Plasma testosterone concentration was elevated from July/August to November/December. Development of the reproductive characteristics of male spiny mice was correlated with high rainfall and high ambient temperatures, but reproductive development had already started during the dry season and the coldest months. This shows that reproductive development in males may not be dependent on climatic conditions, and other factors, such as photoperiod, may trigger the onset of reproduction. The data, however, suggest that A. spinosissimus is a true seasonal breeder with reproduction confined to the spring and summer months in southern Africa.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(5):318-324
The pattern of ovulation in mammals is generally considered to be either spontaneous or induced by coitus. The present study aimed to assess the pattern of ovulation in the southern African spiny mice (Acomys spinosissimus). Females were divided into three treatments differing in the degree of contact with a male. Control females had no contact with males, separated females had only chemical, auditory and visual contact with a male as the sexes were separated with wire mesh and paired females had full contact with a vasectomized male and copulations were possible. Each treatment consisted of seven females and the ovarian mass, the number of primary, secondary/tertiary and Graafian follicles as well as presence of corpora lutea were compared between the three treatments. Faecal progestagen metabolite (FPM) concentrations were analyzed for every second day throughout the experiment and they were used to determine luteal phases and oestrous cycles. Corpora lutea were found in both the control and the paired treatment indicating that ovulation also occurred in the absence of coitus. There was also no effect of treatment on ovarian mass or follicle numbers. In contrast, only females in the separated and paired treatments exhibited luteal phases and oestrous cycles. Especially at the beginning of the experiment, FPM concentrations were higher in those two groups than the control. The results indicate that A. spinosissimus appears to ovulate spontaneously, although physical as well as olfactory male cues appear to be of great importance to enhance reproductive efforts of females.  相似文献   

We compared non-shivering thermogenesis between two adjacent populations of the common spiny mouse Acomys cahirinus from different habitats, in relation to increasing salinity. Individuals were captured from the north- and south-facing slopes of the same valley, that represent "Mediterranean" and "desert" habitats, respectively. We hypothesized that the two populations of mice would differ in their thermoregulatory capacities, reflecting their need to cope with the environmental stress in each habitat. We measured resting metabolic rate by recording oxygen consumption, body temperature and response to an injection of exogenous noradrenaline. Mice were maintained on diets with increasing levels of salt intake to examine their abilities to cope with increasing osmotic stress. Mice from north-facing slopes generally had a higher resting metabolic rate and a higher increase in oxygen consumption in response to noradrenaline than mice from south-facing slopes. Increasing salinity decreased resting metabolic rate values, body temperature, and oxygen consumption in response to noradrenaline in both populations, and diminished slope-dependant differences. We suggest that these differences could be a result of an ongoing adaptive process to different climatic conditions, typical of the Mediterranean region, that are a demonstrable example of evolution in action.  相似文献   

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