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林标扬  白永延 《遗传》1989,11(1):42-45
本文介绍了植物组蛋白和核糖体RNA基因的结构。植物组蛋白基因的5'端有TATA盒,CART 盒和GATCC的保守顺序。此外它还有一个植物组蛋白基因特有的保守顺序,'-CGCGGATC-3',这个顺 序可能与组蛋白基因的特殊调节有关。它的3'端也有特殊的保守顺序5'(T)n(G)m- TG- AT3'o 组蛋白基因在密码子的选择上有很大的偏爱,95%的密码子以C或G结尾。植物rDNA的结构可分为 编码区,非编码区和间隙区,与其他生物的rDNA比较,它们都有几个大于40bp的同源区。间隙区由 不同的亚单位构成,不同亚单位有同源顺序,亚单位对DNA的转录调节有重要作用。文中还讨论了 甲基化对基因表达的影响及5S DNA的结构特点。  相似文献   

组蛋白是基因转录的抑制者,其作用方式是在TATA单元处形成核粒并阻止转录因子固定在DNA上。基因起动时,上游激活处的激活子蛋白使组蛋白脱离TATA单元,使基本转录因子装配在TATA单元,从而产生基本水平的转录。  相似文献   

染色体核心心组蛋白乙酰化与基因的激活存在着密切的关系。本文主要介绍了组蛋白乙酰化与基因转录时基本的转录机器和转录激活子的关系,非组蛋白的乙酰化与其激活转录的关系,并例举了一些可能的机理。  相似文献   

水稻脂质转移蛋白基因的分离和分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用水稻脂质转移蛋白(lipidtransferprotein,LTP)的cDNA(pFDRSC110)为探针,从水稻(OryzasativaL.sp.indica)“广陆矮4号”基因文库中筛选出LTP基因,完成了1.8kb长片段的序列测定。该基因编码一个121个氨基酸组成的肽,编码区中间有一个90bp的内含子,基因的调控区除有2个TATAbox和polyA加工信号外,还存在多个回文序列和逆向重复序列。该基因编码的蛋白质N端是由28个氨基酸组成的信号肽,同源性比较表明它具有典型的植物LTP特征。  相似文献   

水稻转基因植株后代中外源基因异常分离的研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
以用农杆菌介导法育成的日本晴等3个品种(系)的转基因水稻为材料,对外源基因的分离情况进行了研究。这几份转基因水稻都携带串联排列的抗虫基因cry1Ab和报告基因gusA等基因,在自交后代中,cry1Ab和gusA协同分离,但阳性植株与阴性植株之比都显著小于3:1,阴性植株显著偏多,以杂合转基因植株(gusA1-)作母本植株,与常规品种(-1-)杂交所得测交F1,阳性植株(+/-)和阴性植株(-/-)的比例基本符合1:1,在反交时,阴性植株与阳性植株之比显著大于1:1的比例,比较日本晴转基因后代中gusA阳性株与阴性株的结实率发现,前者的结实率显著低于后者,综合上述结果可以看出,携带crylAb等转基因的花粉存在竞争劣势,可能是导致外源基因异常分离的主要原因。  相似文献   

为探讨水稻(Oryza sativa)组蛋白脱乙酰化酶基因HDA705的功能和表达特性,根据NCBI上登录的水稻HDA705基因(GenBank登录号:AK111861)的序列,克隆了5′端2 kb的启动子片段proHDA705,并构建了proHDA705:GUS表达载体。通过农杆菌介导法转化水稻,并获得了转基因株系。GUS检测结果表明,proHDA705仅在水稻的根、茎、叶及部分颖壳的表皮毛等器官中表达,而在花器官中不表达,这表明HDA705具有组织表达特异性。  相似文献   

为了分离水稻的基因及其启动子,该实验室构建了T-DNA(GUS)结构的水稻启动子捕获系统,对其中编号为113#、T-DNA单拷贝插入、GUS报告基因为组成型表达的阳性捕获系进行了进一步分析。潮霉素筛选结合GUS组织化学染色获得了T-DNA插入的纯合株(113#-22和113#-26);Inverse法分离得到T-DNA插入位点水稻基因组DNA旁邻序列,测序和BLAST结果表明,T-DNA反方向插在水稻基因组4号染色体预测基因的内含子中;扩增T-DNA插入位点上游2kb左右DNA片段,构建启动子分析质粒转化水稻‘中花11’胚性愈伤组织,获得转基因植株,GUS组织化学染色模式与113#阳性株系一致。结果表明,该预测基因及其启动子是利用启动子捕获系统所捕获到的候选基因。  相似文献   

水稻H3.2型组蛋白基因RH3.2A的克隆与盐胁迫下的表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组蛋白H3与其他类型的组蛋白分子H2A,H2B,H4共同构成了真核生物核小体的八聚体核心。研究发现组蛋白H3的多种翻译修饰,如甲基化、乙酰化、磷酸化等在调控基因转录过程种发挥了重要的作用。本研究从盐胁迫处理的水稻幼苗组织中分离了一个新的水稻组蛋白H3基因RH3.2A,编码具有136个氨基酸残基的多肽,与多种植物的组蛋白H3蛋白具有高度的氨基酸一致性。多序列比较发现,除了基因结构差异之外,还有3个位置的氨基酸残基(32、88、91)在H3.1与H3.2型组蛋白H3中存在差异。研究了RH3.2A基因在高盐和ABA胁迫下的表达,结果发现在水稻根部RH3.2A基因受高盐的强烈诱导,而在叶片RH3.2A基因的表达则不受高盐诱导,此外RH3.2A基因也受外源ABA的诱导,结合启动子分析的结果,我们认为RH3.2A基因可能参与了依赖于ABA的高盐胁迫应答反应。文章讨论了植物组蛋白H3基因在高盐胁迫应答反应中可能的作用。  相似文献   

杂交灿稻(珍汕97B)的叶绿体DNA克隆到pBR 322载体上后,从克隆库中筛选出含核酮糖1.5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶大亚基基因(rbcL)的重组子(19.3kb),用10种限制性内切酶分析了这个重组质粒并制作了完整的物理图谱,rbcL基因被定位在这个物理图谱上。  相似文献   

本文利用常规的PCR技术,克隆、测序园蛛科Araneidae角类肥蛛Larinioides cornuta组蛋白基因H3.将其H3基因与皿蛛科Linyphiidae 11个种的组蛋白H3基因的序列,在1级结构、2级结构、蛋白质水平进行了比较,分析发现:组蛋白基因H3的序列A、T、C、G碱基的百分含量比较平均,分别为24.9%、23.2%、25.7%、26.3%;简约信息位点数74,多数分布在第3位点;平均替换率为0.15.平均转换/颠换比(R)为1.8,大于0.5;G-C, C-T间的替换是该区域进化的另一个显著特征;DNA 1级结构高度保守的区段都不分布在2级结构"茎"区,不存在补偿性突变,2级结构的"环"(loop)区差异也很大;在氨基酸水平上所有成员非常保守.  相似文献   

用农林 8号m萌发 15天左右幼苗抽提总RNA ,然后分离mRNA ,构建农林 8号mcDNA文库。经测定原始文库滴度达到 1.4× 10 6,14个随机抽取的重组子 ,通过PCR测得插入片断的 0 .4kb~ 2kb ,平均约 1kb。重组率在 99%以上。完全符合cDNA文库构建要求  相似文献   

为了挖掘野生稻中的抗病资源,根据已克隆的植物抗病基因核苷酸结合位点序列中的保守结构域设计3对简并引物,从疣粒、药用、高秆、宽叶和斑点野生稻基因组DNA中分离出13条NBS类抗病基因类似物,其中11条具有连续的ORF,具有NBS类R基因的保守基元P-loop、kinas-2、kinas-3a和GLPL。在NCBI上进行同源性搜索发现,其中12条RGAs的核苷酸序列与水稻已知的NBS类R基因具有66%~94%的同源性,与其他植物已知R基因具有67%~84%的同源性;其对应的氨基酸序列与水稻已知的NBS类R基因具有43%~93%的同源性,与其他植物已知R基因具有37%~79%的同源性。另外1条的核苷酸序列与水稻假定的NBS类R基因具有76%的同源性,其氨基酸序列与水稻假定的NBS类R基因具有74%的同源性。根据序列分析结果设计6对不同基因特异性引物,并利用RT-PCR技术进行表达分析,结果表明,RN1BD5、RN1BD10、RN1GG2和RN1YY6均能表达,说明这些片段可能是功能性抗病基因的部分序列;而RN1KY9和RN1GG5没有表达,可能是假基因。  相似文献   

Whereas the genomes of many organisms contain several nonallelic types of linker histone genes, one single histone H1 type is known in Drosophila melanogaster that occurs in about 100 copies per genome. Amplification of H1 gene sequences from genomic DNA of wild type strains of D. melanogaster from Oregon, Australia, and central Africa yielded numerous clones that all exhibited restriction patterns identical to each other and to those of the known H1 gene sequence. Nucleotide sequences encoding the evolutionarily variable domains of H1 were determined in two gene copies of strain Niamey from central Africa and were found to be identical to the known H1 sequence. Most likely therefore, the translated sequences of D. melanogaster H1 genes do not exhibit intragenomic or intergenomic variations. In contrast, three different histone H1 genes were isolated from D. virilis and found to encode proteins that differ remarkably from each other and from the H1 of D. melanogaster and D. hydei. About 40 copies of H1 genes are organized in the D. virilis genome with copies of core histone genes in gene quintets that were found to be located in band 25F of chromosome 2. Another type of histone gene cluster is present in about 15 copies per genome and contains a variable intergenic sequence instead of an H1 gene. The H1 heterogeneity in D. virilis may have arisen from higher recombination rates than occur near the H1 locus in D. melanogaster and might provide a basis for formation of different chromatin subtypes. Received: 2 March 2000 / Accepted: 1 June 2000  相似文献   

Histone H4 and H2B genes in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary The complete nucleotide sequence of the 3.0-kb BamH I-Sst I restriction fragment contained within the rainbow trout genomic clone TH2 has been determined. This region contains the rainbow trout H4 and H2B histone genes and 5 and 3 flanking and spacer sequences, and represents the 5 half of the histone-gene cluster; the remaining half has been characterized previously. The genes are uninterrupted, and are transcribed from the same strand. The protein sequence of H4, as determined from the nucleic acid sequence, is the same as that derived for other vertebrate H4 proteins, although comparison of nucleotide sequences shows a great deal of sequence divergence, especially in the third base position. The amino acid sequence of H2B, though largely homologous to those of other vertebrate H2B proteins, displays some characteristic differences in primary structure. Consensus sequences noted in many other eukaryotic genes, as well as histone-specific consensus sequences, have been identified. An unusual feature of the spacer region between the H4 and H2B genes is the presence of a duplicated sequence 87 bp in length. The 5 and 3 ends of each repeat are complementary, and each repeat contains smaller repeated sequences internally, as well as a possible cruciform structure.  相似文献   

刘志华  杨谦 《生物信息学》2005,3(3):108-111
构建了球毛壳菌菌丝的cDNA文库,并获得了1410条ESTs序列,用里氏木霉(Hypocrea jecorina,AAM76068)和粗糙脉胞菌(Neurospora crassa,CAA25761)的组蛋白H3基因(Histone H3)蛋白序列对球毛壳菌(Chaetomium globosum)ESTs序列本地数据库进行tBlastn检索,获得了球毛壳菌组蛋白H3cDNA序列。cDNA序列全长739bp,开放阅读框411bp,编码136个氨基酸组成的多肽,蛋白分子量为15.4kD。BlastP同源性分析表明该基因与里氏木霉同源性最高为100%;与地钱(Marchantia polymorpha)同源性最低为95%。三级结构预测表明,该蛋白C端为球状结构域,而N端结构对其发挥调控作用起重要作用。该基因的cDNA序列及推测的氨基酸序列在GenBank登录(登录号分别为AY669068,AAT74576)。  相似文献   

Human MOF (MYST1), a member of the MYST (Moz-Ybf2/Sas3-Sas2-Tip60) family of histone acetyltransferases (HATs), is the human ortholog of the Drosophila males absent on the first (MOF) protein. MOF is the catalytic subunit of the male-specific lethal (MSL) HAT complex, which plays a key role in dosage compensation in the fly and is responsible for a large fraction of histone H4 lysine 16 (H4K16) acetylation in vivo. MOF was recently reported to be a component of a second HAT complex, designated the non-specific lethal (NSL) complex (Mendjan, S., Taipale, M., Kind, J., Holz, H., Gebhardt, P., Schelder, M., Vermeulen, M., Buscaino, A., Duncan, K., Mueller, J., Wilm, M., Stunnenberg, H. G., Saumweber, H., and Akhtar, A. (2006) Mol. Cell 21, 811–823). Here we report an analysis of the subunit composition and substrate specificity of the NSL complex. Proteomic analyses of complexes purified through multiple candidate subunits reveal that NSL is composed of nine subunits. Two of its subunits, WD repeat domain 5 (WDR5) and host cell factor 1 (HCF1), are shared with members of the MLL/SET family of histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methyltransferase complexes, and a third subunit, MCRS1, is shared with the human INO80 chromatin-remodeling complex. In addition, we show that assembly of the MOF HAT into MSL or NSL complexes controls its substrate specificity. Although MSL-associated MOF acetylates nucleosomal histone H4 almost exclusively on lysine 16, NSL-associated MOF exhibits a relaxed specificity and also acetylates nucleosomal histone H4 on lysines 5 and 8.  相似文献   

The histones H4 are known as highly conserved proteins. However, in ciliates a high degree of variation was found compared both to other eukaryotes and between the ciliate species. To date, only H4 histones of species belonging to two distantly related classes have been investigated. In order to obtain more detailed information on histone H4 variation in ciliates we undertook a comprehensive sequence analysis of PCR-amplified internal H4 fragments from 12 species belonging to seven out of the nine currently recognized ciliate classes. In addition, we used PCR primers to amplify longer fragments of H3 and H4 genes including the intergenic region. The encoded amino acid sequences reveal a high number of differences when compared with those of other eukaryotes and the ciliate species investigated. Furthermore, in some species H4 gene variants were detected, which result in amino acid differences. The greatest number of substitutions and insertions found was in the amino terminal region of the H4 histones. However, all sequences possess a conserved region corresponding to those of all other eukaryotic H4 histones. The histone gene variations were used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships. The tree from our data matches perfectly with the ribosomal RNA data: The heterotrichs, which were considered as a late branching lineage, diverge at the base of the ciliate tree and groups formerly thought to represent ancestral lineages now appear as highly derived ciliates. Received: 4 April 1997 / Accepted: 1 August 1997  相似文献   

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