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血源紧缺和病毒污染问题推动了血液代用品的研究,以血红蛋白为代表的红细胞代用品成为研究的重点。为克服血红蛋白直接使用的毒副作用,各种修饰技术得到了迅速发展,其中包括双阿司匹林交联、戊二醛交联、棉子糖交联、聚乙二醇偶联、脂质体包埋、生物可降解高分子包埋等。其中一些技术已经形成规模化制备工艺,产品进入临床试验,有的已在个别国家上市。鉴于这项研究意义重大,我国有关研究已经起步并正在迅速发展,各国同行的研究有重要的参考价值,因此有必要对近年来血红蛋白作为红细胞的代用品研究状况进行分析,明确面临的挑战,这将有利于发展更全面和有效的研究方案,以期取得突破性进展。  相似文献   

以绵羊BMPR-IB基因为候选基因,应用PCR-RFLP方法通过分析湖羊、夏洛来、陶赛特、萨福克、罗米丽、中国美利奴羊、中国美利奴肉用多胎品系以及陶赛特×中国美利奴羊和萨福克×中国美利奴羊杂交后代共615只个体的FecB基因多态性,以及BMPR-IB基因多态性对产羔数、体尺和体重的影响.结果表明,BMPR-IB基因在不同品种(系)绵羊中共有3种基因型(BB、B+和++),但基因型频率分布在各品种(系)间差异极显著(P<0.01).在湖羊中仅有BB基因型;在中国美利奴肉用多胎品系中BB、B+和++基因型频率分别为51%、30%和19%;而其他品种(系)羊中则仅有++基因型.对中国美利奴羊肉用多胎品系研究,发现BB和B+基因型群体平均产羔数分别为2.8和2.3,显著高于++基因型群体(1.2,P<0.01).在90日龄时,BB和B+基因型群体的体重分别为18.6±3.70 kg和18.0±3.31 kg,显著高于++基因型群体(15.6±2.22kg,P<0.05);此外,90日龄时,BB和B+基因型群体比++基因型群体胸围、胸宽较大(P<0.05);但这些差异在120日龄时消失.另外,我们还发现不同地区群体的第一胎产羔数存在明显差别.这些结果表明,BMPR-IB基因为影响绵羊产羔数的主效基因,并首次证明该基因对后代羔羊出生后生长发育具有加性效应.  相似文献   

Nine sheep breeds or strains, including 615 individuals were screened with forced PCR RFLP method for the FecB gene to study the polymorphism and its effects on litter size, body weight and body size. Results showed that the polymorphism frequencies of FecB gene were significantly imbalanced in these breeds or strains. The Hu sheep were all homozygous carriers of FecB gene(BB). In the Chinese Merino prolific meat strain, the genotype frequencies of BB, B+ and ++ were 51%, 30% and 19%, respectively, whereas all the other flocks had only the wild-type (++) genotype. Results within the Chinese Merino prolific meat strain showed that the mean litter size of ewes with genotype BB and B+ were 2.8 (±0.74) and 2.3 (±0.63) (P<0.05). whereas ++ genotype ewes had a litter size of only 1.2 (±0.68) (P<0.01). At day 90 after birth, the body weights of BB/B+ genotype lambs were higher than that of ++ genotype lambs (18.6±3.70 kg. 18.0±3.71 kg vs 15.6±2.22 kg, P<0.05). In addition, the heart girth and chest width of BB/B+ genotype lambs were significantly longer than those of the ++ lambs (P<0.05). No significant differences were observed in either body weight or body size at day 120. Litter size at first lambing from Hu at Natural Source Conservative Region was found to be significantly higher than that from the other two regions sampled (P<0.05). In addition to the additive effect on litter size, these findings showed for the first time that the FecB gene had a positive effect on early postnatal body growth.  相似文献   

Phylogeography and Origin of Sheep Breeds in Northern China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
With the establishment of modern sheep production systems in China, various forms of hybridization with Western breeds and between native breeds have been utilized for genetic improvement. At the same time, the progressive destruction or deterioration of sheep habitat has accompanied urbanization in China. Together these factors have accelerated the loss of genetic diversity, or even resulted in the extinction of some indigenous breeds. It is therefore important that efficient strategies for surveillance, evaluation, conservation and utilization of available genetic resources are developed for this species. In this study, a total of 30 microsatellite markers were used to assess genetic diversity for 12 native breeds and one Western sheep breed in Northern China. The high polymorphism information contents at the 30 markers, varying from averages of 0.519 to 0.666 for the 13 breeds, imply the retention of natural variation from source populations in the domestic breeds from different geographic regions in China. Analysis of genetic differentiation revealed substantial divergence among these breeds. Neutrality tests indicated that more than one third of the 30 loci were in departure from neutrality, implying that some evolutionary forces (e.g. selection and migration) had acted on these populations. Phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses displayed a remarkable degree of consistency between geographic origins, breeding histories and the pattern of genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic positions of the Bayanbulak sheep in China and the Sipsu sheep in Bhutan in the northern Asian sheep group were determined on the basis of allele frequency data for five informative and polymorphic loci of blood protein and nonproteins, such as transferrin (TF), arylesterase (ES), hemoglobin-β (HB-β), X-protein (XP), and potassium transport (KE), using different electrophoretic and ion-densitometric techniques. Based on Nei’s genetic distance, clustering analysis by the UPGMA method showed that the Bayanbulak sheep is clustered in the northern Asian sheep group. Furthermore, the Bayanbulak sheep belongs to a subgroup containing the Khalkhas and Hu sheep of the Mongolian sheep group, which is distinguished from another subgroup of the small-tailed Han, Tan, Tong, and Wadi sheep. The Bayanbulak sheep was closest to the Hu sheep, despite a morphological difference in the fat deposits. In addition to these findings, the Sipsu sheep was verified to belong to the Baruwal sheep.  相似文献   

This paper reports inhibition of Na+ + K+-stimulated, ouabain-inhibited adenosine triphosphatase (S-ATPase) in sheep red cell membranes by oxidized glutathione (GSSG). The results are consistent with the hypothesis that this inhibition depends upon the formation of a mixed disulfide between glutathione and -SH group(s) in the enzyme protein. Thus, inhibition of S-ATPase by GSSG proceeds more rapidly at alkaline than at neutral pH and is reversed by the addition of an excess of a compound containing reduced -SH groups (e.g. dithiothreitol). ATP protects S-ATPase against inhibition by GSSG and this protection depends on both the monovalent and divalent cation composition of the medium. Protection by ATP is more complete in the presence of K+ than in the presence of Na+.  相似文献   

Elmaci C  Oner Y  Ozis S  Tuncel E 《Biochemical genetics》2007,45(9-10):691-696
The genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of 108 individual sheep from three Turkish sheep breeds (K?v?rc?k, Gökçeada, and Sak?z) were studied using RAPD analysis. Polymorphisms within and between populations were assayed using 15 random primers, and 82 loci were amplified ranging from 250 to 2,500 bp. The percentage of polymorphic loci was found to be 80.49, 78.05, and 73.17%, for K?v?rc?k, Gökçeada, and Sak?z sheep breeds, respectively. Total genetic diversity was 0.2265, and the average coefficient of genetic differentiation was 0.1181. Genetically, the Gökçeada breed was more closely related to the Sak?z breed than to the K?v?rc?k breed.  相似文献   

纳西族和普米族的红细胞血型分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肖春杰  张卫红 《遗传学报》1995,22(4):252-257
调查了云南纳西族和普米族各104人的ABO、NMSs、Rh和P血型系统。结果表明,ABO血型系统中,纳西族和普米族有较高的基因频率r,分别为0.6082和0.6882,且基因频率p=q,纳西族均为0.1959,普米族均为0.1559。MNSw系统中两个民族都表现m〉n、s〉s,Ms〉Ns、MS〉NS,其中纳西族的基因频率在国内报道的相应值中是比较高的,且NS为零。  相似文献   

A model cell which controls its cation composition and volume by the action of a K-Na exchange pump and leaks for both ions working in parallel is presented. Equations are formulated which describe the behavior of this model in terms of three membrane parameters. From these equations and the steady state concentrations of Na, K, and Cl, values for these parameters in high potassium (HK) and low potassium (LK) sheep red cells are calculated. Kinetic experiments designed to measure the membrane parameters directly in the two types of sheep red cells are also reported. The values of the parameters obtained in these experiments agreed well with those calculated from the steady state concentrations of ions and the theoretical equations. It is concluded that both HK and LK sheep red cells control their cation composition and volume in a manner consistent with the model cell. Both have a cation pump which exchanges one sodium ion from inside the cell with one potassium ion from outside the cell but the pump is working approximately four times faster in the HK cell. The characteristics of the cation leak in the two cell types are also very different since the HK cells are relatively more leaky to sodium as compared with potassium than is the case in the LK cells. Both cell types show appreciable sodium exchange diffusion but this process is more rapid in the LK than in the HK cells.  相似文献   

DNA-based parentage determination accelerates genetic improvement in sheep by increasing pedigree accuracy. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers can be used for determining parentage and to provide unique molecular identifiers for tracing sheep products to their source. However, the utility of a particular “parentage SNP” varies by breed depending on its minor allele frequency (MAF) and its sequence context. Our aims were to identify parentage SNPs with exceptional qualities for use in globally diverse breeds and to develop a subset for use in North American sheep. Starting with genotypes from 2,915 sheep and 74 breed groups provided by the International Sheep Genomics Consortium (ISGC), we analyzed 47,693 autosomal SNPs by multiple criteria and selected 163 with desirable properties for parentage testing. On average, each of the 163 SNPs was highly informative (MAF≥0.3) in 48±5 breed groups. Nearby polymorphisms that could otherwise confound genetic testing were identified by whole genome and Sanger sequencing of 166 sheep from 54 breed groups. A genetic test with 109 of the 163 parentage SNPs was developed for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization–time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The scoring rates and accuracies for these 109 SNPs were greater than 99% in a panel of North American sheep. In a blinded set of 96 families (sire, dam, and non-identical twin lambs), each parent of every lamb was identified without using the other parent’s genotype. In 74 ISGC breed groups, the median estimates for probability of a coincidental match between two animals (PI), and the fraction of potential adults excluded from parentage (PE) were 1.1×10(−39) and 0.999987, respectively, for the 109 SNPs combined. The availability of a well-characterized set of 163 parentage SNPs facilitates the development of high-throughput genetic technologies for implementing accurate and economical parentage testing and traceability in many of the world’s sheep breeds.  相似文献   

The genetic polymorphism of the β-lactoglobulin gene was investigated in three native Turkish sheep breeds. The study was carried out on 108 sheep (29 Kıvırcık, 38 G?k?eada, and 41 Sakız) by means of PCR-RFLP methods. Two genetic variants (A and B) and three genotypes (AA, AB, and BB) of β-lactoglobulin have been identified. The gene frequencies of β-LG A and B were 0.7759 and 0.2241 in Kıvırcık, 0.7632 and 0.2368 in G?k?eada, and 0.9756 and 0.0244 in Sakız breeds, respectively. The populations were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in all samples from the three breeds.  相似文献   

Hemoglobins, haptoglobins, and transferrins in beagles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Membrane fragments from high potassium (HK) and low potassium (LK) sheep red cells were separated by density gradient centrifugation. Three preparations were studied: (1) HK membranes sonicated for 20 minutes, (2) HK membranes sonicated for 3 minutes, and (3) LK membranes sonicated for 3 minutes. The adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity in the maximally disrupted preparation (1) was not sensitive to Na + K and was recovered in relatively small but heavy (specific gravity 1.19) fragments which made up no more than 8 per cent of the total membrane. Both Na + K-sensitive (S) and Na + K-insensitive (I) ATPase activity were found in the more gently broken up preparations (2) and (3) but the ratio of S- to I-ATPase was much greater in HK than in LK membrane fragments. S-ATPase activity in preparation (2) was about 50 per cent that observed in HK membranes prior to sonication. S-ATPase activity was recovered from the density gradient in relatively large but light (specific gravity 1.10) fragments. As was the case with the maximally disrupted preparation (1), I-ATPase activity in both preparations (2) and (3) was recovered in small but heavy (specific gravity > 1.20) fragments. The possibility that sensitivity of sheep red cell membrane ATPase to Na + K depends on the association between units containing the enzyme(s) and large, light, phospholipid-containing components is discussed.  相似文献   

Water content of faeces from five breeds was examined (14 weekly observations — eight sheep of each breed). A higher water content was found of faeces from New Zealand Romney Marsh than from their pasture mates of breeds originating from drier areas — Somali, Merino, Karakul; but Nandi originating from a medium to wet area had a similar dry matter content of faeces as the dry area breeds mentioned above. The growth rate in New Zealand Romney Marsh is greater than in the other breeds.  相似文献   

以我国主要地方绵羊品种湖羊、同羊、小尾寒羊、滩羊和洼地绵羊为研究对象,检测位于不同染色体的微卫星位点的基因频率分布,进行比较分析.结果表明 1) 就本研究涉及的微卫星标记而言,湖羊处于Hardy-Weinberg极不平衡状态 (P < 0.01),而其余群体包括同羊、小尾寒羊、滩羊和洼地绵羊却处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡 (P < 0.05).2) 就本研究涉及的微卫星标记而言,平均杂合度、多型信息含量和有效等位基因数三个遗传变异指标的方差分析表明不同群体间杂合度、多型信息含量均不存在显著差异 (P > 0.05),有效等位基因数遗传变异指标在、滩羊、湖羊、同羊和洼地羊相互之间以及洼地羊与小尾寒羊之间亦差异不显著(P > 0.05),但是有效等位基因数在前3个群体与后2个群体之间存在显著差异 (0.01 < P < 0.05).5个绵羊群体的变异水平以小尾寒羊最高,其次为洼地绵羊、同羊和滩羊,最低的是湖羊.3) 本研究涉及的我国蒙古羊系统内5个绵羊群体间的系统发生关系不满足距离隔离模式,绵羊群体间的遗传分化关系的远近与其地理分布并未表现出紧密的线性相关.这与5个绵羊起源于不同时期的蒙古羊始祖群体,同时在品种间存在一定程度的基因交流,并在各自特有的生态环境中经历不同程度的自然选择和人为选择品种培育史实相符.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of antibodies against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in sheep from Guarapuava, Paraná State, Brazil. The seroepidemiological study was carried out in 262 sheep. The samples were analyzed by ELISA and immunodiffusion test using P. brasiliensis gp43 and exoantigen as antigens, respectively. Initially, two sheep were immunized with P. brasiliensis to evaluate whether contact with the fungal cells could induce a humoral immune response against gp43 and exoantigen from P. brasiliensis. Both animals produced antibodies against gp43 and exoantigen, the main antigens used for diagnosis and seroepidemiology of paracoccidioidomycosis. A reactivity of 37% was observed to the P. brasiliensis gp43 antigen by ELISA although no reactivity had been observed by the immunodiffusion test. Sheep under extensive grazing system showed higher frequency of positivity to P. brasiliensis (P ≤ 0.05) than those under intensive and semi-intensive systems. These data suggest that sheep may be a useful epidemiological marker of P. brasiliensis presence in the environment and reinforce that contact with soil is an important risk factor for infection.  相似文献   

新疆8个绵羊品种遗传多样性和系统发生关系的微卫星分析   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
为分析新疆北疆地区主要绵羊品种的遗传多样性和系统发生关系,利用10个微卫星标记,采用PCR扩增,12%非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、Sanguinetti银染法显色,对新疆北疆地区8个品种、1个杂交一代绵羊群体遗传多样性进行了检测,统计了各群体的等位基因组成、平均有效等位基因数(E)和平均基因纯合率,利用等位基因频率计算出各群体的平均遗传杂合度(h)、多态信息含量(PIC)和群体间的遗传距离。利用分子进化遗传分析软件,采用邻结法构建系统发生树;同时根据等位基因频率,利用PHYLIP(3.6)分析软件,采用最大似然法构建系统发生树,应用白举检验估计系统树中结点的白引导值,并进行了系统发生分析。结果表明:10个微卫星位点在9个绵羊群体中的多态信息含量除BMI824、MAF65为低、中度多态外,其余8个微卫星均为高度多态,可作为有效的遗传标记用于各绵羊品种的遗传多样性和系统发生关系的分析;所有绵羊群体的平均PIC(0.5631)、h(0.5721)和E(2.9)均低于国外其他品种的绵羊,其基因多态性和遗传多样性相对贫乏;新疆本地土种阿勒泰羊、哈萨克羊和巴什拜羊与国外引进绵羊品种及混有外血的本地培育品种遗传距离较远,他们聚为不同的两类,各绵羊品种的分子系统发生关系与其来源、育成史、分化及地理分布基本一致。  相似文献   

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