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Osman TA  Coutts RH  Buck KW 《Journal of virology》2006,80(21):10743-10751
Cereal yellow dwarf virus (CYDV) RNA has a 5'-terminal genome-linked protein (VPg). We have expressed the VPg region of the CYDV genome in bacteria and used the purified protein (bVPg) to raise an antiserum which was able to detect free VPg in extracts of CYDV-infected oat plants. A template-dependent RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) has been produced from a CYDV membrane-bound RNA polymerase by treatment with BAL 31 nuclease. The RdRp was template specific, being able to utilize templates from CYDV plus- and minus-strand RNAs but not those of three unrelated viruses, Red clover necrotic mosaic virus, Cucumber mosaic virus, and Tobacco mosaic virus. RNA synthesis catalyzed by the RdRp required a 3'-terminal GU sequence and the presence of bVPg. Additionally, synthesis of minus-strand RNA on a plus-strand RNA template required the presence of a putative stem-loop structure near the 3' terminus of CYDV RNA. The base-paired stem, a single-nucleotide (A) bulge in the stem, and the sequence of a tetraloop were all required for the template activity. Evidence was produced showing that minus-strand synthesis in vitro was initiated by priming by bVPg at the 3' end of the template. The data are consistent with a model in which the RdRp binds to the stem-loop structure which positions the active site to recognize the 3'-terminal GU sequence for initiation of RNA synthesis by the addition of an A residue to VPg.  相似文献   

A 3'-terminal, 77-nucleotide sequence of Bamboo mosaic virus (BaMV) minus-strand RNA (Ba-77), comprising a 5' stem-loop, a spacer and a 3'-CUUUU sequence, can be used to initiate plus-strand RNA synthesis in vitro . To understand the mechanism of plus-strand RNA synthesis, mutations were introduced in the 5' untranslated region of BaMV RNA, resulting in changes at the 3' end of minus-strand RNA. The results showed that at least three uridylate residues in 3'-CUUUU are required and the changes at the penultimate U are deleterious to viral accumulation in Nicotiana benthamiana protoplasts. Results from UV-crosslinking and in vitro RNA-dependent RNA polymerase competition assays suggested that the replicase preferentially interacts with the stem structure of Ba-77. Finally, CMV/83 + UUUUC, a heterologus RNA, which possesses about 80 nucleotides containing the 3'-CUUUU pentamer terminus, and which folds into a secondary structure similar to that of Ba-77, could be used as template for RNA production by the BaMV replicase complex in vitro .  相似文献   

The NS5B protein, or RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of the hepatitis virus type C, catalyzes the replication of the viral genomic RNA. Little is known about the recognition domains of the viral genome by the NS5B. To better understand the initiation of RNA synthesis on HCV genomic RNA, we used in vitro transcribed RNAs as templates for in vitro RNA synthesis catalyzed by the HCV NS5B. These RNA templates contained different regions of the 3' end of either the plus or the minus RNA strands. Large differences were obtained depending on the template. A few products shorter than the template were synthesized by using the 3' UTR of the (+) strand RNA. In contrast the 341 nucleotides at the 3' end of the HCV minus-strand RNA were efficiently copied by the purified HCV NS5B in vitro. At least three elements were found to be involved in the high efficiency of the RNA synthesis directed by the HCV NS5B with templates derived from the 3' end of the minus-strand RNA: (a) the presence of a C residue as the 3' terminal nucleotide; (b) one or two G residues at positions +2 and +3; (c) other sequences and/or structures inside the following 42-nucleotide stretch. These results indicate that the 3' end of the minus-strand RNA of HCV possesses some sequences and structure elements well recognized by the purified NS5B.  相似文献   

G Wu  J M Kaper  E M Jaspars 《FEBS letters》1991,292(1-2):213-216
An RNA-dependent RNA polymerase purified from tobacco infected with cucumber mosaic virus catalyzes the synthesis of (-) and (+) strands of the viral satellite RNA, CARNA 5, but fails to replicate the satellite RNA of peanut stunt virus (PSV). The enzyme replicates the genomic RNAs of the three principal cucumoviruses CMV, PSV and tomato aspermy virus (TAV) with varying efficiencies. The specificity with which CMV RdRp replicates different sequence-unrelated RNA templates suggests that the site of their recognition requires secondary or higher level structural organization.  相似文献   

The approximately 150 nt tRNA-like structure present at the 3' end of each of the brome mosaic virus (BMV) genomic RNAs is sufficient to direct minus-strand RNA synthesis. RNAs containing mutations in the tRNA-like structure that decrease minus-strand synthesis were tested for their ability to interact with RdRp (RNA-dependent RNA polymerase) using a template competition assay. Mutations that are predicted to disrupt the pseudoknot and stem B1 do not affect the ability of the tRNA-like structure to interact with RdRp. Similarly, the +1 and +2 nucleotides are not required for stable template-RdRp interaction. Mutations in the bulge and hairpin loops of stem C decreased the ability of the tRNA-like structure to interact with RdRp. Furthermore, in the absence of the rest of the BMV tRNA, stem C is able to interact with RdRp. The addition of an accessible initiation sequence containing ACCA3' to stem C created an RNA capable of directing RNA synthesis. Synthesis from this minimal minus-strand template is dependent on sequences in the hairpin and bulged loops.  相似文献   

The 3' untranslated region (UTR) of bamboo mosaic potexvirus (BaMV) genomic RNA was found to fold into a series of stem-loop structures including a pseudoknot structure. These structures were demonstrated to be important for viral RNA replication and were believed to be recognized by the replicase (C.-P. Cheng and C.-H. Tsai, J. Mol. Biol. 288:555-565, 1999). Electrophoretic mobility shift and competition assays have now been used to demonstrate that the Escherichia coli-expressed RNA-dependent RNA polymerase domain (Delta 893) derived from BaMV open reading frame 1 could specifically bind to the 3' UTR of BaMV RNA. No competition was observed when bovine liver tRNAs or poly(I)(C) double-stranded homopolymers were used as competitors, and the cucumber mosaic virus 3' UTR was a less efficient competitor. Competition analysis with different regions of the BaMV 3' UTR showed that Delta 893 binds to at least two independent RNA binding sites, stem-loop D and the poly(A) tail. Footprinting analysis revealed that Delta 893 could protect the sequences at loop D containing the potexviral conserved hexamer motif and part of the stem of domain D from chemical cleavage.  相似文献   

An RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (replicase) extract from brome mosaic virus-infected barley leaves has been shown to initiate synthesis of (-) sense RNA from (+) sense virion RNA. Initiation occurred de novo, as demonstrated by the incorporation of [gamma-32P]GTP into the product. Sequencing using cordycepin triphosphate to terminate (-) strands during their synthesis by the replicase generated sequence ladders that confirmed that copying was accurate, and that initiation occurred very close to the 3' end. The precise site of initiation was further defined by testing the replicase template activity after stepwise removal of 3'-terminal nucleotides. Whereas removal of the terminal A did not decrease template activity, removal of the next nucleotide (C-2) did. Thus, initiation almost certainly occurs opposite the penultimate 3'-nucleotide (C-2) in vitro. The structure of the double-stranded replicative form of RNA isolated from brome mosaic virus-infected leaves was consistent with such a mechanism occurring in vivo, in that it lacked the 3'-terminal A found on virion RNAs. The specific site of (-) strand initiation and normal template activity were retained for RNAs with as many as 15 to 30 A residues added to the 3' end. However, only limited oligonucleotide 3' extensions can be present on active templates. In order to assess the 5' extent of sequences required for an active template, a 134-nucleotide-long fragment of brome mosaic virus RNA, corresponding to the tRNA-like structure, was generated. This RNA had high template activity, but a shorter 3' (85-nucleotide) fragment was inactive. RNAs with various heterologous sequences 5' to position 134 also showed high template activity. Thus, the 3'-terminal tRNA-like structure common to all four brome mosaic virus virion RNAs contains all of the signals required for initiation of replication, and sequences 5' to it do not play a role in template selection.  相似文献   

For various groups of plant viruses, the genomic RNAs end with a tRNA-like structure (TLS) instead of the 3' poly(A) tail of common mRNAs. The actual function of these TLSs has long been enigmatic. Recently, however, it became clear that for turnip yellow mosaic virus, a tymovirus, the valylated TLS(TYMV) of the single genomic RNA functions as a bait for host ribosomes and directs them to the internal initiation site of translation (with N-terminal valine) of the second open reading frame for the polyprotein. This discovery prompted us to investigate whether the much larger TLSs of a different genus of viruses have a comparable function in translation. Brome mosaic virus (BMV), a bromovirus, has a tripartite RNA genome with a subgenomic RNA4 for coat protein expression. All four RNAs carry a highly conserved and bulky 3' TLS(BMV) (about 200 nucleotides) with determinants for tyrosylation. We discovered TLS(BMV)-catalyzed self-tyrosylation of the tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase but could not clearly detect tyrosine incorporation into any virus-encoded protein. We established that BMV proteins do not need TLS(BMV) tyrosylation for their initiation. However, disruption of the TLSs strongly reduced the translation of genomic RNA1, RNA2, and less strongly, RNA3, whereas coat protein expression from RNA4 remained unaffected. This aberrant translation could be partially restored by providing the TLS(BMV) in trans. Intriguingly, a subdomain of the TLS(BMV) could even almost fully restore translation to the original pattern. We discuss here a model with a central and dominant role for the TLS(BMV) during the BMV infection cycle.  相似文献   

C C Kao  J H Sun 《Journal of virology》1996,70(10):6826-6830
Various DNA- and RNA-dependent RNA polymerases have been reported to use oligoribonucleotide primers to initiate nucleic acid synthesis. For the brome mosaic virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), we determined that in reactions performed with limited GTP concentrations, minus-strand RNA synthesis can be stimulated by the inclusion of guanosine monophosphate or specific oligoribonucleotides. Furthermore, guanylyl-3',5'-guanosine (GpG) was incorporated into minus-strand RNA and increased the rate of minus-strand RNA synthesis. In the presence of GpG, RdRp's Km for GTP decreased from 50 microM to approximately 3 microM while the Kms for other nucleotides were unaffected. These results have implications for the mechanism of initiation by RdRp.  相似文献   

The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (NS5B) of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) plays a key role in the life cycle of the virus. In order to find inhibitors of the HCV polymerase, we screened a library of 81 nucleotide (nt)-long synthetic DNA containing 35 random nucleotides by the Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential enrichment (SELEX) approach. Thirty ligands selected for their binding affinity to the NS5B were classified into four groups on the basis of their sequence homologies. Among the selected molecules, two were able to inhibit in vitro the polymerase activity of the HCV NS5B. These aptamers appeared to be specific for HCV polymerase, as no inhibition of poliovirus 3D polymerase activity was observed. The binding and inhibitory potential of one aptamer (27v) was associated with the 35 nt-long variable region. This oligonucleotide displayed an apparent dissociation constant (K(d)) in the nanomolar range. Our results showed that it was able to compete with RNA templates corresponding to the 3'-ends of the (+) and the (-) HCV RNA for binding to the polymerase. The fact that a DNA aptamer could interfere with the binding of natural templates of the enzyme could help in performing structure-function analysis of the NS5B and might constitute a basis for further structure-based drug design of this crucial enzyme of HCV replication.  相似文献   

The 3'-terminal ends of both the positive and negative strands of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA, the latter being the replicative intermediate, are most likely the initiation sites for replication by the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, NS5B. The structural features of the very conserved 3' plus [(+)] strand untranslated region [3' (+) UTR] are well established (K. J. Blight and C. M. Rice, J. Virol. 71:7345-7352, 1997). However, little information is available concerning the 3' end of the minus [(-)] strand RNA. In the present work, we used chemical and enzymatic probing to investigate the conformation of that region, which is complementary to the 5' (+) UTR and the first 74 nucleotides of the HCV polyprotein coding sequence. By combining our experimental data with computer predictions, we have derived a secondary-structure model of this region. In our model, the last 220 nucleotides, where initiation of the (+) strand RNA synthesis presumably takes place, fold into five stable stem-loops, forming domain I. Domain I is linked to an overall less stable structure, named domain II, containing the sequences complementary to the pseudoknot of the internal ribosomal entry site in the 5' (+) UTR. Our results show that, even though the (-) strand 3'-terminal region has the antisense sequence of the 5' (+) UTR, it does not fold into its mirror image. Interestingly, comparison of the replication initiation sites on both strands reveals common structural features that may play key functions in the replication process.  相似文献   

Replication of viral RNA genomes requires the specific interaction between the replicase and the RNA template. Members of the Bromovirus and Cucumovirus genera have a tRNA-like structure at the 3' end of their genomic RNAs that interacts with the replicase and is required for minus-strand synthesis. In Brome mosaic virus (BMV), a stem-loop structure named C (SLC) is present within the tRNA-like region and is required for replicase binding and initiation of RNA synthesis in vitro. We have prepared an enriched replicase fraction from tobacco plants infected with the Fny isolate of Cucumber mosaic virus (Fny-CMV) that will direct synthesis from exogenously added templates. Using this replicase, we demonstrate that the SLC-like structure in Fny-CMV plays a role similar to that of BMV SLC in interacting with the CMV replicase. While the majority of CMV isolates have SLC-like elements similar to that of Fny-CMV, a second group displays sequence or structural features that are distinct but nonetheless recognized by Fny-CMV replicase for RNA synthesis. Both motifs have a 5'CA3' dinucleotide that is invariant in the CMV isolates examined, and mutational analysis indicates that these are critical for interaction with the replicase. In the context of the entire tRNA-like element, both CMV SLC-like motifs are recognized by the BMV replicase. However, neither motif can direct synthesis by the BMV replicase in the absence of other tRNA-like elements, indicating that other features of the CMV tRNA can induce promoter recognition by a heterologous replicase.  相似文献   

A crude membrane-bound RNA polymerase, obtained by differential centrifugation of extracts of tomato leaves infected with tobacco mosaic tobamovirus (tomato strain L) TMV-L), was purified by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Removal of the endogenous RNA template with micrococcal nuclease rendered the polymerase template dependent and template specific. The polymerase was primer independent and able to initiate RNA synthesis on templates containing the 3'-terminal sequences of the TMV-L positive or negative strands. TMV-vulgare RNA was a less efficient template, while RNAs of cucumber mosaic cucumovirus and red clover necrotic mosaic dianthovirus, or 5'-terminal sequences of TMV-L positive or negative strands, did not act as templates for the polymerase. A main product of the reaction with TMV-L genomic RNA as a template, carried out in the presence of [alpha-32P]UTP, was genomic-length single-stranded RNA. This was shown to be the positive strand and uniformly labelled along its length, demonstrating complete replication of TMV-L RNA. Genomic-length double-stranded RNA, labelled in both strands, and small amounts of RNAs corresponding to the single- and double-stranded forms of the coat protein subgenomic mRNA were also formed. Antibodies to N-terminal and C-terminal portions of the 126-kDa protein detected the 126-kDa protein and the 183-kDa readthrough protein in purified RNA polymerase preparations, whereas antibodies to the readthrough portion of the 183-kDa protein detected only the 183-kDa protein. All three antibodies inhibited the template-dependent RNA polymerase, but none of them had any effect on the template-bound enzyme.  相似文献   

Recombinant bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) nonstructural protein 5B (NS5B) produced in insect cells has been shown to possess an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) activity. Our initial attempt to produce the full-length BVDV NS5B with a C-terminal hexahistidine tag in Escherichia coli failed due to the expression of insoluble products. Prompted by a recent report that removal of the C-terminal hydrophobic domain significantly improved the solubility of hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS5B, we constructed a similar deletion of 24 amino acids at the C terminus of BVDV NS5B. The resulting fusion protein, NS5BDeltaCT24-His, was purified to homogeneity and demonstrated to direct RNA replication via both primer-dependent (elongative) and primer-independent (de novo) mechanisms. Furthermore, BVDV RdRp was found to utilize a circular single-stranded DNA as a template for RNA synthesis, suggesting that synthesis does not require ends in the template. In addition to the previously described polymerase motifs A, B, C, and D, alignments with other flavivirus sequences revealed two additional motifs, one N-terminal to motif A and one C-terminal to motif D. Extensive alanine substitutions showed that while most mutations had similar effects on both elongative and de novo RNA syntheses, some had selective effects. Finally, deletions of up to 90 amino acids from the N terminus did not significantly affect RdRp activities, whereas deletions of more than 24 amino acids at the C terminus resulted in either insoluble products or soluble proteins (DeltaCT179 and DeltaCT218) that lacked RdRp activities.  相似文献   

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