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Minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) is the earliest stage of hepatic encephalopathy and is associated with changes in cognitive functions, in electrophysiological parameters, and in cerebral neurochemical/neurotransmitter homeostasis. MHE can be observed in patients with cirrhosis who have no clinical evidence of hepatic encephalopathy (HE). At present, no data are available on a possible olfactory dysfunction in such a syndrome, although the pathophysiology of HE may alter olfactory functions since some of the neurotransmitters impaired in the syndrome are involved in the transmission of olfactory information. In the present paper, we performed a preliminary study aimed at detecting whether identification and recognition odor memory is altered in patients with MHE. Twelve patients diagnosed as MHE on the basis of their scores at the portosystemic encephalopathy (PSE)-syndrome test battery, and 12 age-matched controls were studied. Consistent with the hypothesis, patients performed significantly worse than controls for both odor identification and recognition tasks. In addition, a significant correlation between the two olfactory tests and the PSE-syndrome test score was found. This pattern supports the notion that olfactory alterations related to cognitive dysfunction in patients with MHE may be linked to the pathophysiology of HE.  相似文献   

A well-preserved portion of a body chamber of a coiled nautiloid (taxon uncertain) from the Kendrick Shale (Lower Pennsylvanian) of Floyd County, Kentucky, U.S.A., exhibits three comparatively large, nearly circular punctures and a circular indentation in the shell. These punctures are interpreted as representing an attack on the nautiloid by a cladodontid shark, most likely by the large symmoriid shark, Symmorium reniforme. We conclude that the punctures in the nautiloid body chamber were inflicted by three teeth in a single tooth file in the lower jaw of a specimen of 5. reniforme that was approximately 2.5 meters long. This nautiloid specimen is the first Paleozoic record of a chondrichthyan-cephalopod/ predator-prey relationship. We suggest, however, that this relationship was perhaps a common one and that other examples probably exist in collections of late Paleozoic ccphalopods. ?Paleozoic, Pennsylvanian, Symmorium reniforme, cephalopod. predation.  相似文献   



There is a danger that mass drug administration campaigns may fail to maintain adequate treatment coverage to achieve lymphatic filariasis elimination. Hence, additional measures to suppress transmission might be needed to ensure the success of the Global Program for the Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis.


Vector control successfully eliminated lymphatic filariasis when implemented alone or with mass drug administration. Challenges to lymphatic filariasis elimination include uncertainty of the exact level and duration of microfilarial suppression required for elimination, the mobility of infected individuals, consistent non-participation of some infected individuals with mass drug administration, the possible development of anti-filarial drug resistance and treatment strategies in areas co-endemic with loasis. Integration of vector control with mass drug administration can address some of these challenges. The potential benefits of vector control would include: (1) the ability to suppress filariasis transmission without the need to identify all individual 'foci of infection'; (2) minimizing the risk of reestablishment of transmission from imported microfilaria positive individuals; and (3) decreasing the risk of dengue or malaria transmission where, respectively, Aedes or Anopheles are lymphatic filariasis vectors.


With adequate sustained treatment coverage, mass drug administration should meet the criteria for elimination of lymphatic filariasis. However, it may be difficult to sustain sufficiently high mass drug administration coverage to achieve lymphatic filariasis elimination in some areas, particularly, where Aedes species are the vectors. Since vector control was effective in controlling and even eliminating lymphatic filariasis transmission, integration of vector control with mass drug administration will ensure the sustainability of transmission suppression and thereby better ensure the success of national filariasis elimination programs. Although trials of some vector control interventions are needed, proven vector control strategies are ready for immediate integration with mass drug administration for many important vectors. Vector control is the only presently available additional lymphatic filariasis control measure with the potential for immediate implementation.  相似文献   

Orin Percus 《Morphology》2011,21(2):167-196
Are features on nouns associated with an interpretation? This is debated in the case of number, where some say that number features on nouns are interpreted, and others say that they are a mere reflex of an interpreted feature located elsewhere. This paper looks at gender features in Italian, where the gender a noun can have is not arbitrary, and it seeks to account for the restrictions that gender seems to impose on interpretation. It argues that gender features on Italian nouns are indeed associated with an interpretation. At the same time, however, there is a special process, subject to various conditions, that has the result that in certain contexts their contribution can be ignored. The paper thus defends a view on which interpretable elements can sometimes go uninterpreted. Gender features are among the elements that can do so.  相似文献   

Butterfly species richness is examined on simulated archipelagoes of 2, 3, 4 and 5 holm oak forest fragments in the Guadalajara Province (central Spain). It is shown that there are more species on several small islands than on a single island. Also, species number increases with the number of fragments that form the archipelago, and with the average distance between islands within the archipelago. Thus, we conclude, at least for butterflies in a system of fragmented holm oak forests in central Iberia, that the best strategy in order to maximize the conservation of species richness is the creation of a net of some small and scattered reserves.  相似文献   

M J Faddy  M C Jones 《Biometrics》1988,44(2):587-593
A multicompartment model with time-dependent transfer rates is fitted to data on ovarian follicle dynamics in mice. The fitted model arises from an interplay between parametric and nonparametric approaches to fitting curves to these data. Nonparametric regression estimates, in the form of spline smoothers, are used in conjunction with the biologically meaningful general class of multicompartment models to suggest refinements to the parametric model. One result of this interplay is the suggestion of using three-stage step functions for the compartmental transition rates; the resulting curves mimic closely the nonparametric regression estimates.  相似文献   

Since many bats used in research are wild-caught, dealing with mite infestation can present a unique challenge to the animal care staff. The authors tested the efficacy of fipronil spray for eliminating mites from a bat colony.  相似文献   

The range of uses of a conservation area by a nearby population was quantified by questionnaires applied to residents of Santa Helena county, Brazil. Of the 312 responses compiled, 71.2% of the residents acknowledged the presence of a conservation unit within the county limits while only 59.3% of the respondents had participated in some recreational or leisure outdoor activity within the unit. Activities cited by respondents included games (11.7%), beach visits (11.4%), cross-country walks (9.4%), and fishing (8.3%). A possible visitor fee to improve infrastructure within the area was approved by 64.9% of the interviewees. Suggested visitor fee varied from 50 cents to two dollars.  相似文献   

With the rapidly increasing number of health care professionals seeking international research experience, comes an urgent need for enhanced capacity of host country institutional review boards (IRB) to review research proposals and ensure research activities are both ethical and relevant to the host country customs and needs. A successful combination of distance learning, interactive courses and expert course instructors has been applied in Peru since 2004 through collaborations between the U.S. Naval Medical Research Center Detachment, the University of Washington and the Department of Clinical Bioethics of the National Institutes of Health to provide training in ethical conduct of research to IRB members and researchers from Peru and other Latin American countries. All training activities were conducted under the auspices of the Peruvian National Institute of Health (INS), Ministry of Health. To date, 927 people from 12 different Latin American countries have participated in several of these training activities. In this article we describe our training model.  相似文献   

Municipal sludge handling is a major problem facing wastewater treatment plants due to the high costs of treatment and disposal. This issue is of special importance in Jordan because of the critical economic situation as well as the lack of financial support for such nonprofit projects. This study investigates the possibility of solving this problem by testing a method of sludge stabilization that requires minimum initial and operating costs. The method tested here is sludge stabilization by composting which is an attempt to transform sludge into a safe, nuisance free, humus like product that can be applied safely to land and can become a source of income that would recover the costs of processing. Two types of composting systems were tested in this study, aerated static pile and windrow. Results obtained indicate that composting of dried sludge was not possible due to the extremely low moisture content; which was overcome by sludge seeding and mixing with amendment and bulking agents. This resulted in efficient stabilization and reduction of the amount of organic matter in the final compost. The experimental results obtained also indicate that both systems (aerated static pile and windrow) are efficient. The organic content of the sludge was reduced in the windrow system by 46% and in the aerated static pile by 66%. In addition, the total volatile solids had decreased in the windrow and the aerated pile by 26 and 73%, respectively. The heavy metals content of the final compost was examined and found to comply with the international standards.  相似文献   

Scleroderma is a common autoimmune disorder with no effective therapy. Current concepts of scleroderma include the hypothesis that scleroderma results from excess conversion of endothelial cells to fibroblast like cells, called endothelial mesenchymal transformation. This process is thought to be mediated by cytokines including transforming growth factor beta (TGFb), which causes increased collagen synthesis, resulting in fibrosis, the hallmark of the disease. In vitro studies have hypothesized that rapamycin may be of benefit in scleroderma due to antagonism of collagen synthesis. Given that rapamycin has antiangiogenic activities, inhibits wound healing, and prevents the synthesis of collagen in vivo, we tried rapamycin in a patient with scleroderma. We observed rapid improvement in skin stiffness and mobility. Our results provide the rationale for larger clinical trials of rapamycin in scleroderma and other fibrotic disorders.  相似文献   

The bony canals permeating the turtle skull associated with the cranial circulation have long been considered integral to an understanding of extinct and extant turtle systematics. Recent phylogenetic analyses, employing a variety of data sets, suggest alternatives to the traditional arrangement of crown turtles. Of particular note is the recent failure of investigations employing molecular techniques to retrieve a monophyletic Trionychoidea, a clade supported largely by shared circulatory features. These alternative phylogenies may also have implications for extinct forms. The turtle cranial arterial circulation therefore represents an ideal system upon which to conduct a detailed, multipronged analysis of a systematically influential character. In the present study, the theoretical underpinnings of character analysis are critically evaluated, and a new interpretation of circulatory variation in turtles is offered, including a revised phylogenetic character suite. This assessment indicates an autapomorphic circulatory pattern in Trionychia, whereas Trionychoidea is not supported.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 239–256.  相似文献   

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