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Abelson murine leukemia virus transforms both lymphoid cells and fibroblasts in vitro and induces a unique type of thymus-dependent lymphoma in vivo. Four fibroblast-transforming strains of Abelson murine leukemia virus were identified, based on the sizes of the Abelson murine leukemia virus-specific phosphoproteins produced by these isolates. Two of these strains, the standard P120- and the P160-producing viruses, transformed lymphoid cells efficiently in vitro and induced Abelson disease in vivo. Two other strains, which synthesized small Abelson murine leukemia virus-specific proteins with molecular weights of 90,000 (P90) and 100,000 (P100), transformed lymphoid cells very poorly both in vitro and in vivo. The reduced oncogenic potentials of these isolates were correlated with a high level of synthesis of fairly unstable P90 and P100. In addition, neither P90 nor P100 functional efficiently in protein kinase assays. The correlation of abnormal metabolism and deficient protein kinase activity with the reduced oncogenic potentials of these virus strains supported a direct role for these proteins and the kinase activity in transformation. Furthermore, these results suggested that the requirements for lymphoid cell transformation and fibroblast transformation are different.  相似文献   

Several transformation-defective (td) mutants of Abelson murine leukemia virus (AbLV) are described. Cells nonproductively infected with such mutants exhibited a high degree of growth contact inhibition, failed to form colonies in soft agar, lacked rescuable transforming virus, and were as susceptible as uninfected control cells to transformation by wild-type (wt) AbLV pseudotype virus. In addition, each of several td AbLV nonproductively infected cell clones analyzed was found to be nontumorigenic in vivo. Biochemical analysis of td mutant AbLV-infected clones revealed levels of expression of the major AbLV translational product, P120, and a highly related 80,000-Mr AbLV-encoded protein, P80, at concentrations analogous to those in wt AbLV-transformed cells. Although the AbLV-specific 120,000-Mr polyproteins expressed in td mutant AbLV-infected clones were indistinguishable from those in wt AbLV-transformed lines with respect to molecular weight and [35S]methionine tryptic peptide composition, they each differed from wt AbLV P120 in their patterns of post-translational phosphorylation. A previously described AbLV-associated protein kinase activity is shown to recognize as substrate a major tyrosine-specific acceptor site(s) contained within a single well-resolved tryptic peptide common to both AbLV P120 and P80. In vitro [gamma-32P]ATP-mediated labeling of this phosphorylation site was reduced to below detectable levels in td mutant nonproductively infected cell clones. These findings establish that the AbLV-encoded polyprotein P120 and its associated protein kinase activity are involved in AbLV tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The Abelson murine leukemia virus transforming gene product is a phosphorylated protein encoded by both viral and cellular sequences. This gene product has an amino-terminal region derived from the gag gene of its parent virus and a carboxyl-terminal region of (abl) derived from a normal murine cellular gene. Using a combination of partial proteolytic cleavage techniques and antisera specific for gag and abl sequences, we mapped in vivo phosphorylation sites to different regions of the protein. Phosphoproteins encoded by strain variants and transformation-defective mutants of Abelson murine leukemia virus with defined deletions in the primary sequence of the abl region were compared by two dimensional limit digest peptide mapping. Specific phosphorylation pattern differences for wild-type and mutant proteins probably represented deletions of specific phosphate acceptor sites in the abl region. An in vitro autophosphorylation activity copurified with the Abelson murine leukemia virus protein from transformation-competent strains. A peptide analysis of such in vitro reactions demonstrated that these phosphorylation sites were restricted to the amino-terminal region, and the specific sites appeared to be unrelated to the sites found on proteins phosphorylated in vivo. Thus, the autophosphorylation reaction probably correlates with an activity important in transformation, but the specific end product in vitro bears little resemblance to its function in vivo.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts transformed by Abelson murine leukemia virus differ from normal fibroblasts in that they contain several cellular proteins, including one of 29 and one of 36 kilodaltons, which are phosphorylated at tyrosine residues. Since it has been shown before that these proteins also become phosphorylated at tyrosine after transformation of fibroblasts by a number of other retroviruses, their phosphorylation may play an important role in the transformation of these cells. In contrast, the 36-kilodalton phosphoprotein was not detectable in three of the four lines of Abelson virus-transformed B lymphoma cell lines studied here. These three cell lines, RAW307.1.1, 18-48, and 18-81, and a B lymphoma induced by mineral oil, WEHI 279, were all found to lack both the phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms of the 36-kilodalton protein. It thus appears that expression of this major cell protein is not essential for the survival of B lymphoma cells in culture and that the phosphorylation of the 36-kilodalton protein at tyrosine is not essential for transformation of pre-B lymphocytes by Abelson virus.  相似文献   

A library of Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) proviral DNAs with 12- or 6-base-pair (bp) insertional mutations was constructed. The 29 mutations characterized spanned the entire protein-coding region of the provirus. We tested the effects of these mutations both on the kinase activity of the gag-abl fusion protein encoded by the provirus and on the ability of the provirus to transform NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. To simplify assessment of the mutant kinases, we expressed the A-MuLV-encoded kinase in the bacterial expression vector pATH2, resulting in production of a trpE-gag-abl fusion protein in Escherichia coli. We used an immunoprecipitation kinase assay to measure both autophosphorylation and artificial substrate phosphorylation by the mutant kinases. To assay transformation ability of the mutant proviruses, we transfected NIH 3T3 fibroblasts with the mutants and with helper virus (Moloney MuLV) by the DEAE-dextran method. Our analysis of these A-MuLV insertional mutants allows the division of the protein-coding region of the provirus into four domains: domain A (proviral bp 1068 to 1685), in which insertions have no effect on the bacterially expressed kinase, but diminish both kinase activity and transformation efficiency in fibroblasts; domain B (bp 1750 to 2078), in which insertions have no effect on the provirus; domain C (bp 2181 to 2878), the critical kinase domain, in which 12-bp or even 6-bp insertions completely inactivate the A-MuLV kinase and result in transformation-defective proviruses; and domain D (bp 2956 to 4610), the large C-terminal domain in which mutations are silent.  相似文献   

Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) is a replication-defective virus that transforms both fibroblasts and hematopoietic cells in vitro. The virus encodes a 120,000-molecular-weight protein (P120) that is composed of Moloney murine leukemia virus-derived gag gene sequences and A-MuLV--specific sequences. This protein is the only A-MuLV--encoded protein that has been detected, and thus P120 is a candidate for the transforming protein of A-MuLV. We now report isolation and characterization of three new A-MuLV isolates that do not synthesize P120 but do produce analogous proteins of larger (160,000 molecular weight) and smaller (100,000 and 90,000 molecular weight) size. All of these A-MuLV isolates transform fibroblasts and lymphoid cells in vitro. Because the different A-MuLV proteins vary in the A-MuLV--specific region of the molecule, these variants may set a maximum limit on the size of the A-MuLV transforming protein.  相似文献   

Tryptic peptides containing two major in vivo P120gag-abl tyrosine phosphorylation acceptor sites were identified, phosphorylated in vitro, and purified to homogeneity. The tyrosine site in peptide a is localized at a position six residues distal to its trypsin cleavage site, whereas the tyrosine acceptor site in peptide b is at residue seven. A third peptide, c, contains an amino-terminal phosphotyrosine residue: phosphorylation of this latter peptide only occurs to a significant extent in vivo.  相似文献   

Structure of the Abelson murine leukemia virus genome.   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
A Shields  S Goff  M Paskind  G Otto  D Baltimore 《Cell》1979,18(4):955-962
Virions produced from cells transformed by A-MuLV contain a 30S, 5.6 kb RNA that can be translated in a cell-free system to form the characteristic A-MuLV protein. This RNA was mapped by heteroduplex methods using DNA probes from M-MuLV, the presumed parent of A-MuLV. The overall organization of the RNA was determined by using full-length M-MuLV reverse transcribed DNA and visualizing the heteroduplexes in the electron microscope. This showed that A-MuLV and M-MuLV have homologous sequences at both ends of their RNAs but that the central portion of the A-MuLV genome is not homologous to sequences in M-MuLV RNA. A precise measure of the lengths of the shared regions was obtained by using S1 nuclease to digest hybrids between 32P-labeled M-MuLV DNA and A-MuLV RNA; the resulting fragments were analyzed for their length by electrophoresis. The regions of homology were shown to be 1320 nucleotides long at the 5' end and 730 nucleotides long at the 3' end. Thus approximately 6200 nucleotides of the approximately 8300 in M-MuLV RNA were deleted when the A-MuLV genome was formed, but an insert of 3600 nucleotides, presumably derived from the normal murine genome, was inserted in place of the deleted region.  相似文献   

Thymocyte subsets transformed by Abelson murine leukemia virus.   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The infectious complex of Abelson murine leukemia virus was altered by replacing its usual helper virus, Moloney leukemia virus, with radiation leukemia virus (RadLV). After intrathymic injection of the Abelson-RadLV complex, thymomas arose rapidly, as described previously for injection of the Abelson-Moloney complex. Cell lines were derived from thymomas induced by each Abelson virus complex and were classified according to normal thymus cell phenotypes. Each virus complex induced some cell lines which were like a 0.7% subpopulation of murine thymocytes in that they failed to express the Thy-1 cell-surface antigen. These lines are thus far indistinguishable from some Abelson-derived bone marrow transformants classified as pre-B cells. However, the Abelson-Moloney complex induced some cell lines which expressed low levels of Thy-1 and which shared most markers with immature blast cells of the thymic medulla, whereas the Abelson-RadLV complex induced some lines which were clearly like thymic cortex blast cells. Thus, Abelson virus can induce thymoma cell lines of at least two, and possibly three, distinct phenotypes corresponding to normal thymocyte blast subsets, the determination of which can be influenced by helper virus sequences.  相似文献   

Abelson leukemia virus (A-MuLV) is an oncogenic murine retrovirus whose genome contains sequences homologous to those of a normal cellular gene, c-abl. It has been demonstrated to cause rapid transformation of several cell types, including pre-B lymphocytes, macrophages, and fibroblasts. More recently, A-MuLV has been reported to induce thymic tumors in a mouse strain (C57BL/Ka) previously thought to be resistant to disease induction. We showed that the masses occurring after intrathymic injection of the virus were composed of lymphocytes of a previously described immature T-cell phenotype. This phenotype has been defined here by flow cytometry of 10 primary tumor samples stained with antibodies to several thymocyte differentiation antigens. Hybridization of DNAs from these tumors with v-abl, immunoglobulin mu, and T-cell antigen receptor beta-chain probes confirmed the T-lymphoid, polyclonal nature of the primary tumor cells. The primary tumors were malignant, as clearly shown by reinjection into Thy-congenic host animals. Further, four Thy- in vitro cell lines derived from three tumors differed from the majority of primary tumor cells and were similar to previously described A-MuLV-transformed pre-B cells. The consistent T-lymphoid phenotype exhibited by primary A-MuLV thymomas may represent one stage of normal thymocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

A number of strains of Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) with various abilities to transform cells have been identified. Among these is the A-MuLV-P90 strain, a mutant derived from A-MuLV-P120 that encodes an A-MuLV protein missing sequences that are normally present at the extreme carboxy terminus of P120 (N. Rosenberg and O. N. Witte, J. Virol. 33:340-348, 1980). This virus transforms NIH 3T3 cells efficiently but does not transform a high frequency of lymphoid cells in vitro or in vivo. In this communication, we show that of the relatively few tumors induced by A-MuLV-P90 nearly all contained new variant viruses that stably expressed either larger or smaller A-MuLV proteins. Strains that expressed larger A-MuLV proteins behaved like A-MuLV-P120 in transformation assays, whereas those expressing smaller A-MuLV proteins induced a high frequency of tumors after a short latent period in vivo but failed to transform large numbers of lymphoid cells in vitro. Thus, these latter viruses separated the requirements for in vitro transformation of lymphoid cells from those for tumor induction. All of the variants differed from A-MuLV-P90 in the carboxy-terminal region of the A-MuLV protein, suggesting that sequences in this region play a key role in the ability of the virus to interact with hematopoietic cells in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

We examined the clonality of tumors induced by an acutely transforming retrovirus which carries a single oncogene. Contrary to our expectation, tumors induced by the Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) showed one to four major proviral integration events. To further investigate the process by which clonality was established, we analyzed the number of cells infected and transformed by A-MuLV at various times after in vivo infection. At the midpoint of tumor latency (14 days postinfection), we found that infection of total bone marrow cells by A-MuLV was efficient and polyclonal. However, only a minority of these infected cells were transformed as assayed in cell culture, and clonal dominance had already been established in this transformed cell population. Examination of the in vitro growth properties of transformed cells recovered from preleukemic and leukemic mice indicated that preleukemic cells had lower cloning efficiencies than primary tumor cells. Our results suggest that the rate-limiting step in this system of lymphomagenesis is the initial transformation of bone marrow target cells and that these cells undergo subsequent changes in cloning ability during the course of the disease that lead to an autonomous neoplastic state.  相似文献   

Sequences termed v-abl, which encode the protein-tyrosine kinase activity of Abelson murine leukemia virus, have been expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion product (ptabl50 kinase). This fusion protein contains 80 amino acids of SV40 small t and the 403 amino acid protein kinase domain of v-abl. We report here the purification and characterization of this kinase. The purified material contains two proteins (Mr = 59,800 and 57,200), both of which possess sequences derived from v-abl. Overall purification was 3,750-fold, with a 31% yield, such that 117 micrograms of kinase could be obtained from 40 g of E. coli within 6-7 days. The specific kinase activity is over 170 mumol of phosphate min-1 mumol-1, comparable to the most active protein-serine kinases. Kinase activity is insensitive to K+, Na+, Ca2+, Ca2+-calmodulin, cAMP, or cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor. The Km for ATP is dependent on the concentration of the second substrate. GTP can also be used as a phosphate donor. The enzyme can phosphorylate peptides consisting of as few as two amino acids and, at a very low rate, free tyrosine. Incubation of the kinase with [gamma-32P]ATP results in incorporation of 1.0 mol of phosphate/mol of protein. This reaction, however, cannot be blocked by prior incubation with unlabeled ATP. Incubation of 32P-labeled kinase with either ADP or ATP results in the synthesis of [32P]ATP. This suggests the phosphotyrosine residue on the Abelson kinase contains a high energy phosphate bond.  相似文献   

Several sarcoma-inducing viruses encode protein kinases that phosphorylate tyrosine residues. Such enzymatic activities can be detected within the detergent-insoluble matrix of transformed fibroblasts. We have analysed the protein kinase activities in two murine lymphoma cell lines ( MBL2 and LSTRA) induced by Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MuLV). After incubation of the detergent-insoluble matrix of these cells with [gamma-32P]ATP, several alkali-resistant phosphoproteins, including a very heavily labelled 55 000 mol. wt. protein ( p55 ), have been detected in LSTRA, reflecting the activity of a protein kinase specific to this cell line. This protein kinase activity shares some of the distinctive properties of the protein kinases of transforming viruses, i.e., specificity for tyrosine residues, association with membranous and/or cytoskeletal structures, and inhibition by a synthetic peptide derived from the phosphorylation site of pp60src. In view of the absence of a transforming gene in MoMuLV , it is likely that the high level of protein kinase detected in the LSTRA cell line arises from the expression of a cellular gene.  相似文献   

We examined the interaction of Abelson murine leukemia virus protein P120 with other cellular components after extraction with the nonionic detergent Triton X-100. Most of the Abelson murine leukemia virus P120-associated kinase activity was found in the detergent-insoluble matrix in both lymphoid and fibroblast cell lines. The P120 labeled during a short exposure of cells to [35S]-methionine was mainly in the detergent-insoluble matrix (lymphoid cells) or equally distributed in the detergent-insoluble matrix and the soluble fraction (fibroblasts). Steady-state-labeled P120 was distributed equally in the two fractions (lymphoid cells) or mostly in the soluble portion (fibroblasts). Thus, there was an apparent movement of P120 from the detergent-insoluble matrix to the detergent-soluble fraction and a concomitant loss of enzymatic activity. When the detergent-insoluble matrix was incubated with [32P]ATP in situ, phosphorylation of tyrosine residues of P120 was observed. We found an 80,000-molecular-weight fragment of P120 (designated F80) after extraction of fibroblast cells with detergent. F80 was not found in extracted lymphoid cells, but mixing labeled lymphoid cells and unlabeled fibroblasts before extraction produced the fragment. F80 contained the gag determinants of P120 but did not react with Abelson-specific serum. These data allowed us to assign various features of the protein to regions of the P120 molecule and to localize the Abelson-specific antigenic determinants to the C-terminal region of the molecule.  相似文献   

The transforming protein of Rous sarcoma virus, p60src, has associated with it a protein kinase activity. We examined whether a correlation exists between the cellular concentration of enzymatically active p60src and the degree to which chick cells are transformed by mutants of Rous sarcoma virus which are temperature-sensitive for transformation. Such a correlation does exist, but cells infected with some mutants could be shown to contain, at the nonpermissive temperature, an amount of protein kinase activity equal to 30 to 40% of that in a wild-type transformed cell. We quantified the amount of virus-induced protein kinase activity by precipitation of p60src with an excess of antitumor antiserum. Our initial measurements of activity were serious underestimates, due to the lability of the protein kinase activity associated with p60src of at least four temperature-sensitive mutants. In fact, no activity at all was associated with p60src of tsLA90 when immunoprecipitation was performed by standard means. However, when immunoprecipitation was performed with procedures which minimize inactivation, it became apparent both that cells transformed by tsLA90 contained protein kinase activity and that cells infected with either NY68 or BK5 contained at the nonpermissive temperature, one-third to one-half as much activity as wild-type transformed cells. This level of activity was much more than that arising from p60sarc in uninfected cells. In uninfected cells we found an amount of protein kinase activity which varied from 3 to 5% as much as that in a virally transformed cell. The lability of the protein kinase activity of each of these mutants is a further demonstration that this activity is essential for the transformation of cells by Rous sarcoma virus. So as to explain the high protein kinase levels in cells infected with NY68 and BK5 at the nonpermissive temperature, the idea that transformation may be a response to a small quantitative change in the total activity of p60src and the possibility that there may be more than one viral function which is essential for transformation are discussed.  相似文献   

Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) encodes a single protein product, a tyrosine-specific protein kinase, whose activity is necessary for cell transformation by this retrovirus. Using a defined medium culture system, we demonstrate that transformation of NIH 3T3 fibroblasts by A-MuLV abrogates their normal requirement for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) for cell growth. Analysis of constructed insertional mutant viruses revealed an absolute correlation between A-MuLV-encoded tyrosine kinase activity and PDGF-independent fibroblast growth. Sequences of the provirus not required for kinase activity appeared unnecessary for abrogating the fibroblast requirement for PDGF. Conversely, sequences required for kinase activity appeared necessary, suggesting that induction of PDGF-independent fibroblast growth, like cell transformation, is a function of this tyrosine kinase. Fibroblasts transformed by a partially transformation-defective mutant demonstrated incomplete morphological transformation but were still independent of PDGF for growth. Thus, the processes of full morphological transformation and growth factor independence can be partially dissociated.  相似文献   

The activity of protein tyrosine kinase (EC was characterized from Leydig tumor cells (M5480A) using the synthetic peptide NH2-Glu-Asp-Ala-Glu-Tyr-Ala-Ala-Arg-Arg-Arg-Gly-COOH as a substrate. Relatively high tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity (about 135 pmol/mg protein per min) was detected in a particulate fraction (30 000 X g pellet) and was found to be linear as a function of time and protein concentration. The enzymic activity in the particulate fraction was stimulated 1.4-fold by 0.02% Nonidet P-40 as judged by 32PO4 incorporated into the peptide. Phosphorylation of endogenous proteins in M5480A particulate fractions with [gamma-32P]ATP resulted in several alkali-resistant radiolabeled bands in polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Included in this group was a major radiolabeled doublet with an apparent molecular-weight in the range of 50 000-54 000. Phosphoamino acid analysis of hydrolysates of these eluted proteins indicated the presence of phosphotyrosine. Several alkali-resistant radio-labeled bands, including a major doublet with an apparent molecular-weight of 32 000, were also detected after culturing M5480A cells in the presence of 32PO4. These studies demonstrate the presence of high levels of protein tyrosine kinase activity in Leydig tumor cells and of endogenous protein substrates for this enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive mutants of Japanese encephalitis virus.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Ten stable temperature-sensitive mutants of Japanese encephalitis virus were isolated after mutagenesis by growth of cloned wild-type virus in the presence of the nucleic acid precursor analogs 5-fluorouracil and 5-azacytidine. Mutants were selected which grew at least 100-fold better at 33 degrees C than at 41 degrees C. The 5-fluorouracil was found to be more effective at inducing temperature-sensitive mutations than was 5-azacytidine. Analysis of the virus-specific RNA and proteins synthesized by each mutant at the nonpermissive temperature was used to determine biochemical phenotypes. The mutants were analyzed for abilities to complement in mixed infections. Although inefficient and sometimes nonreciprocal, complementation occurred at higher levels than previously reported for flavivirus mutants. Interference between mutants in some mixed infections was also observed. Seven complementation groups were defined. Three groups contained mutants incapable of synthesizing virus-specific RNA at the nonpermissive temperature, whereas the remaining complementation groups displayed an RNA+ phenotype. Levels of protein synthesis comparable to that of wild type were observed at the nonpermissive temperature in three groups. Two other groups were represented by mutants which synthesized only low levels of virus-specific proteins at the higher temperature. Mutants in the remaining two groups did not produce detectable levels of proteins under nonpermissive conditions.  相似文献   

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