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The display of human antibody repertoire on the cell surface of the filamentous bacteriophage has offered a novel strategy for selecting antibodies to a diverse range of purified targets. However, the selection of antibodies with biological functions has not yet been fully investigated. To select phage antibodies with therapeutic potential, a synthetic human single chain Fv (scFv) phage antibody library was panned on whole premyelocytic leukemia cell line (HL60). Phages binding to common receptors and undesirable phages were subtracted by incubating the library with human glioma cells. High affinity binding phages to HL60 cells were enriched by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. After the 6th round of selection, 50% of the selected phage antibodies showed significant binding to HL60 cells, whereas none of the analyzed phage antibodies bound to human pre-B cells (Nalm-6). In addition to binding, one scFv antibody inhibited HL60 cell proliferation by 90% compared to irrelevant scFv antibodies. Taken together the data demonstrate that specific scFv antibodies with biological functions can be isolated by using whole cells as affinity matrix.  相似文献   

本研究旨在利用噬菌体展示技术构建人源性天然抗体库,以可溶性Aβ1-42寡聚体对抗体库进行筛选获得针对低分子量Aβ1-42寡聚体的特异性单链抗体.利用RT-PCR法从10个健康人外周血淋巴细胞中得到全套人抗体VH和VL基因,经过重叠延伸PCR将VH和VL连接得到scFv片段,将scFv片段酶切后克隆至pCANTAB5E噬菌体载体,电转化TG1感受态菌,获得库容为2.5×109单链抗体库.经辅助噬菌体M13K07拯救,以可溶性Aβ1-42寡聚体为抗原,对抗体库进行4轮筛选,ELISA法筛选特异性识别Aβ1-42寡聚体的阳性克隆,将筛选到的阳性克隆B19转化至E coliHB2151菌,诱导表达可溶性scFv抗体.SDS-PAGE及Western blotting分析结果显示可溶性scFv抗体获得了正确表达,且能够与Aβ1-42三聚体及纤维特异性结合,亲和力(Kd)为9×10-6 mol/L.Aβ1-42寡聚体特异性单链抗体的获得为老年性痴呆(AD)的治疗研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

本研究旨在利用噬菌体展示技术构建人源性天然抗体库,以可溶性Aβ1-42寡聚体对抗体库进行筛选获得针对低分子量Aβ1-42寡聚体的特异性单链抗体。利用RT-PCR法从10个健康人外周血淋巴细胞中得到全套人抗体VH和VL基因,经过重叠延伸PCR将VH和VL连接得到scFv片段,将scFv片段酶切后克隆至pCANTAB5E噬菌体载体,电转化TG1感受态菌,获得库容为2.5×109单链抗体库。经辅助噬菌体M13K07拯救,以可溶性Aβ1-42寡聚体为抗原,对抗体库进行4轮筛选,ELISA法筛选特异性识别Aβ1-42寡聚体的阳性克隆,将筛选到的阳性克隆B19转化至E.coli HB2151菌,诱导表达可溶性scFv抗体。SDS-PAGE及Western blotting分析结果显示可溶性scFv抗体获得了正确表达,且能够与Aβ1-42三聚体及纤维特异性结合,亲和力(Kd)为9×10-6 mol/L。Aβ1-42寡聚体特异性单链抗体的获得为老年性痴呆(AD)的治疗研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The biological activities of many acylated molecules are lipid dependent. Lipids, however, are poorly immunogenic or non-immunogenic. We employed a phage display semi-synthetic human antibody library to isolate anti-lipid antibodies. Selection was done against methyl palmitate, a 16 carbon aliphatic chain, and a major component of bacterial glycolipids and lipoproteins in animal cells. The selected single chain variable fragment (scFv) bound specifically to a 16 carbon aliphatic chain and to a lesser extent to a 14 or 18 carbon aliphatic chain and poorly to either 12, 22 or 8 carbon aliphatic chains. Furthermore, the scFv prevented micelle formation of lipoteichoic acid from Gram-positive bacteria; inhibited lipopolysaccharide-induced tumor necrosis factor alpha release in mononuclear cells; bound to hydrophobic bacterial surfaces, especially those of Gram-positive bacteria, and bound to Lck, a mammalian palmitated lipoprotein. Our data suggest that the phage antibody library can be successfully employed to obtain human anti-aliphatic scFv human antibody fragment with potential therapeutic applications in neutralizing the deleterious effects of bacterial toxins as well as in structure--function analysis of lipoproteins in animal cells.  相似文献   

We prepared single-chain immunoglobulin Fv fragments (scFv) SLH10 specific for the HepG2 cell line after biopanning from a large human-naïe phage display library (Griffin. 1 Library). The three-dimensional (3D) structure of SLH10 was modelled by the Insight II molecule simulation software. The structure was refined using the molecular dynamics method. The structures with the least steric clashes and lowest energy were determined finally. The optimized structures of heavy (VH) and light (VL) variable chains of SLH10 scFv were obtained. Then SLH10 bivalent single-chain Fv (BsFv) was constructed that would be suitable for high-affinity targeting. SLH10 BsFv was generated by linking scFvs together and identified by sequencing. Its expression products were confirmed by western blot analysis. The relative molecular masses of scFv and BsFv were approximately 30 kDa and 60 kDa, respectively. Flow cytometry revealed that SLH10 BsFv bound the selected cell lines with greater signal intensity than the parental scFv. The improved antigen binding of SLH10 BsFv may be useful for immunodiagnostics or targeted gene therapy for liver cancer.  相似文献   



Phage display technology is a powerful new tool for making antibodies outside the immune system, thus avoiding the use of experimental animals. In the early days, it was postulated that this technique would eventually replace hybridoma technology and animal immunisations. However, since this technology emerged more than 20 years ago, there have only been a handful reports on the construction and application of phage display antibody libraries world-wide.  相似文献   

We have isolated from a human synthetic phage display library a clone, 2A3, which discriminates native lysozyme from denatured forms. Binding of single-chain Fv fragments (scFvs) of the clone to native hen egg white lysozyme was competitively inhibited by native hen egg white (hew) and human (h) lysozymes. Dot blotting analysis indicated that scFv of the clone did not react with denatured lysozymes. The K(d) values for scFv of 2A3 binding to native hew- and h-lysozymes were 3.78 x 10(-9) and 9.31 x 10(-9) M, respectively, indicating that 2A3 binds more strongly to native hew-lysozyme than to native h-lysozyme. The deduced amino acid sequence of the V(H) chain-CDR3 region of 2A3 was RRYALDY, of which the Arg residues at positions 1 and 2 of the CDR3 region were observed to be extremely rare in other antibodies by homology analysis. Based on these observations, site-directed mutagenesis of the RRYALDY-coding region was carried out. The results, combined with biomolecular analyses, demonstrated that Arg residues at positions 1 and 2 of this region were important for native lysozyme-binding.  相似文献   

It has been shown that a repetitive motif with the sequence FKEL(F) within the Ki-67 antigen (pKi-67) serves as an epitope for the Ki-67 antibody and equivalent clones. However, no direct correlation between reactivity towards Ki-67 epitopes and reactivity in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue could be found. In this study our aim was the isolation and characterization of new monoclonal Ki-67 equivalent antibodies in an in vitro approach. To select pKi-67 reactive phage antibodies, we used a large naive Fab-phage library (Human Combinatorial Antibody Library; HuCAL). We implemented a panning strategy against two different overlapping peptides, both containing the 'FKELF' epitope. ELISA screening of randomly picked phage antibody clones after the third selection round yielded six highly reactive clones against the 'FKELF' epitope, of which five were found to be reactive in FFPE tissue, showing a Ki-67 equivalent staining pattern. Substitutional epitope analysis on peptide arrays of the new recombinant pKi-67 binders and of the established murine clones Ki-67, Mib-1 and Mib-5 were carried out to compare their fine specificities. The results suggest that the lysine residue in the epitope is critical for recognition of Ki-67 antigen in FFPE tissue.  相似文献   

With the long-term goal of generating CMV-resistant transgenic plants using antibody genes, a single-chain variable fragment (scFv) antibody that binds to the cucumber mosaic virus was isolated from a scFv phage display library by four rounds of affinity selection with CMV-Mf as an antigen. The scFv has the identical binding specificity to CMV as a monoclonal antibody that is generated by the hybridoma fusion technique, and recognized purified preparations of CMV isolates belonging to either subgroup I or II in immunoblotting. The nucleotide sequences of the recombinant antibody showed that a heavy chain variable region (V(H)) gene belonged to the VH3 subgroup and the kappa light chain variable region (V kappa) came from the Vkappa4 subgroup. Our results demonstrate that the scFv phage display library, an alternative approach to the traditional hybridoma fusion technique, has a potential applicability in the study of plant virus and plant pathology.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel competitive method to select from a phage display library a single chain Fv which is able to mimic the alpha-bungarotoxin binding site of the muscle nicotinic receptor. The single chain Fv was selected from a large synthetic library using alpha-bungarotoxin-coated magnetic beads. Toxin-bound phages were then eluted by competition with affinity purified nicotinic receptor. Recognition of the toxin by the anti-alpha-bungarotoxin single chain Fv was very similar to that of the receptor, such as indicated by the epitope mapping of alpha-bungarotoxin through overlapping synthetic peptides. Moreover, several positively charged residues located in the toxin second loop and in the C-terminal region were found to be critical, to a similar extent, for toxin recognition by the single chain Fv and the receptor. However, although the anti-alpha-bungarotoxin single chain Fv seems to mimic the toxin binding site of the nicotinic receptor, it does not bind other nicotinic agonists or antagonists. Our results suggest that competitive selection of anti-ligand antibody phages can allow the production of receptor-mimicking molecules directly and exclusively targeted at one specific ligand. Since physiologically and pharmacologically different ligands can produce opposite effects on receptor functions, such selective ligand decoys can have important therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis is a powerful tool for identification of proteins that differ between patients with qualitatively or quantitatively different disease states. Further characterization of these protein differences would be greatly facilitated by the availability of antibodies that could be used to detect and quantitate the temporo-spatial pattern and cellular and tissue location of the different proteins. To generate such antibodies, methods were developed which permit the successful selection of monoclonal phage antibodies from phage display libraries against antigens blotted from SDS-PAGE gels onto nitrocellulose. First, it was determined that nitrocellulose and PVDF membranes gave significantly lower levels of background phage binding than two other membranes studied. Next, it was determined that blocking with fish gelatin and binding in the presence of 0.5 M NaCl could reduce nonspecific binding 10,000-fold and result in enrichment ratios greater than 500-fold with antigen concentrations as low as 1 ng/mm(2). When optimized conditions were applied to phage antibody libraries, panels of monoclonal phage antibodies were generated against the proteins ErbB2 and bovine serum albumin electroblotted from SDS-PAGE gels onto nitrocellulose. Antibodies were obtained with as little as 10 to 1 ng of antigen, depending on whether the libraries displayed single or multiple copies of antibody per phage. The antibodies worked as reagents in both ELISA and Western blotting.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that most malignancies are driven by “cancer stem cells” sharing the signature characteristics of adult stem cells: the ability to self renew and to differentiate. Furthermore these cells are thought to be quiescent, infrequently dividing cells with a natural resistance to chemotherapeutic agents. These studies theorize that therapies, which effectively treat the majority of tumor cells but ‘miss’ the stem cell population, will fail, while therapies directed at stern cells can potentially eradicate tumors. In breast cancer, researchers have isolated ‘breast cancer stem cells’ capable of recreating the tumor in vivo and in vitro. Generated new tumors contained both additional numbers of cancer stem cells and diverse mixed populations of cells present in the initial tumor, supporting the intriguing self‐renewal and differentiation characteristics. In the present study, an antibody phage library has been used to search for phage displayed‐single chain antibodies (scFv) with selective affinity to specific targets on breast cancer stem cells. We demonstrate evidence of two clones binding specifically to a cancer stem cell population isolated from the SUMl59 breast cancer cell line. These clones had selective affinity for cancer stem cells and they were able to select cancer stem cells among a large population of non‐stem cancer cells in paraffin‐embedded sections. The applicability of these clones to paraffin sections and frozen tissue specimens made them good candidates to be used as diagnostic and prognostic markers in breast cancer patient samples taking into consideration the cancer stern cell concept in tumor biology. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

A DNA-binding peptide was selected from a random peptide phage display library. For competitive elution using the DNA methyltransferase M.TaqI in the selection step, a biotin-labeled duplex oligodeoxyribonucleotide containing the 5'-TCGA-3' recognition sequence of M.TaqI was employed. Nine of ten phages selected were found to have the same deduced amino acid sequence SVSVGMKPSPRP. The selected phage binds to DNA, as demonstrated in an ELISA.  相似文献   

Advances in proteomic research allow the identification of several hundred protein components in complex biological specimens. Structural information is typically lost during proteomic investigations. For this reason, the rapid isolation of monoclonal antibodies specific to proteins of interest would allow the study of structurally intact biological specimens, thus providing complementary proteomic information. Here, we describe the design, construction, characterization, and use of a large synthetic human antibody phage display library (ETH-2-Gold) containing three billion individual antibody clones. A large repertoire of antibodies with similar biochemical properties was produced by appending short variable complementarity-determining region 3 (CDR3) onto three antibody germline segments (DP47, DPK22, and DPL16), which are frequently found in human antibodies. The ETH-2-Gold library exhibits efficient display of antibody fragments on filamentous phage, as assessed by immunoblot. Furthermore, the library is highly functional, since >90% of clones express soluble antibodies in bacteria and since good quality monoclonal antibodies have been isolated against 16 different antigens. The usefulness of the library as a tool for generating monoclonal antibodies for biomedical applications was tested using the C-domain of tenascin-C (a marker of angiogenesis) as antigen and showing that specific antibodies to this target were able to stain vascular structures in tumor sections.  相似文献   

Phage display and two competitive panning elution conditions were used to isolate Candida-specific single chain fragment variable (scFv) antibodies. An scFv phage library constructed from splenic lymphocytes of mice immunized by idiotypic vaccination with an HM-1 killer toxin (HM-1)-neutralizing monoclonal antibody (nmAb-KT) was used for panning against Candidaalbicans membrane fraction (CaMF). Key steps were specific elution conditions to separately release the bound phages with original antigen HM-1 + HM-1 peptide 6 and CaMF. The positive phages were screened by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and after nucleotide sequencing, clone expression, and purification, clone scFv-C1 was selected for detailed characterization. The scFv-C1 showed IC50 values for cell growth against various Candida species and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as 2.40 to 6.40 μM and 2.20 μM, respectively. By using surface plasmon resonance analysis, the scFv-C1 had a Kd value of 3.09 × 10−11 M to nmAb-KT, indicating a 260-fold higher affinity than for HM-1. These results showed the generated scFv-C1 mimicking HM-1-binding affinity to nmAb-KT and in vitro antifungal activity. We believe that the effectiveness of the competitive panning elution method and antigen-specific recombinant scFv antibodies obtained in this study are excellent candidates for antimycotic drugs.  相似文献   

Shen Y  Yang X  Dong N  Xie X  Bai X  Shi Y 《Cell research》2007,17(7):650-660
The approval of using monoclonal antibodies as a targeted therapy in the management of patients with B cell lymphoma has led to new treatment options for this group of patients. Production ofmonoclonal antibodies by the traditional hybridoma technology is costly, and the resulting murine antibodies often have the disadvantage of triggering human anti-mouse antibody (HAMA) response. Therefore recombinant Fab antibodies generated by the phage display technology can be a suitable alternative in managing B cell lymphoma. In this study, we extracted total RNA from spleen cells of BALB/c mice immunized with human B lymphoma cells, and used RT-PCR to amplify cDNAs coding for the κ light chains and Fd fragments of heavy chains. After appropriate restriction digests, these cDNA fragments were successively inserted into the phagemid vector pComb3H-SS to construct an immunized Fab phage display library. The diversity of the constructed library was approximately 1.94× 10^7. Following five rounds of biopanning, soluble Fab antibodies were produced from positive clones identified by ELISA. From eight positive clones, FabC06, FabC21, FabC43 and FabC59 were selected for sequence analysis. At the level of amino acid sequences, the variable heavy domains (VH) and variable light domains (VL) were found to share 88-92% and 89-94% homology with sequences coded by the corresponding murine germline genes respectively. Furthermore, reactivity with membrane proteins of the B cell lymphoma was demonstrated by immunohistochemistry and western blotting. These immunized Fab antibodies may provide a valuable tool for further study of B cell lymphoma and could also contribute to the improvement of disease therapy.  相似文献   

Abrin is a highly potent and lethal type II ribosome inactivating toxin that may be used as a biological warfare agent. To date, no human anti-Abrin antibodies have yet to be reported. Herein, we describe the selection and characterization of two human monoclonal antibodies, termed E12 and RF12, which are capable of binding native Abrin with high affinity and specificity. Through surface plasmon resonance studies, we have determined the association and dissociation rate constants and the cross-reactivity for both antibodies. In our developed Biacore-based Abrin detection system, the limit of detection of antibodies E12 and RF12 is 35 and 75 ng/mL, respectively. These concentrations are about 5 x 10(4)-fold lower than the extrapolated Abrin human LD(50). In sum, our data demonstrated the power of human antibody phage display libraries and the promise of these antibodies as detection devices for Abrin.  相似文献   

A prerequisite for the enrichment of antibodies screened from phage display libraries is their stable expression on a phage during multiple selection rounds. Thus, if stringent panning procedures are employed, selection is simultaneously driven by antigen affinity, stability and solubility. To take advantage of robust pre-selected scaffolds of such molecules, we grafted single-chain Fv (scFv) antibodies, previously isolated from a human phage display library after multiple rounds of in vitro panning on tumor cells, with the specificity of the clinically established murine monoclonal anti-CD22 antibody RFB4. We show that a panel of grafted scFvs retained the specificity of the murine monoclonal antibody, bound to the target antigen with high affinity (6.4-9.6 nM), and exhibited exceptional biophysical stability with retention of 89-93% of the initial binding activity after 6 days of incubation in human serum at 37 degrees C. Selection of stable human scaffolds with high sequence identity to both the human germline and the rodent frameworks required only a small number of murine residues to be retained within the human frameworks in order to maintain the structural integrity of the antigen binding site. We expect this approach may be applicable for the rapid generation of highly stable humanized antibodies with low immunogenic potential.  相似文献   

A combinatorial immune library of human single-chain antibody fragments (scFv) was constructed on the base of genes encoding variable domains of heavy and light chains of immunoglobulins cloned from the lymphocytes of four vaccinia virus (VACV) vaccinated donors. The size of the library was 3 x 10(7) independent clones. After the library was enriched with the clones producing scFv against recombinant analogue of variola virus surface protein prA30L, a panel of unique antibodies specific to both prA30L and VACV was selected from the library. A plaque reduction neutralization test was performed for all selected antibodies and two antibodies were shown to be able to neutralize plaque formation of VACV in Vero E6 cells monolayer. Binding specificities of these antibodies were confirmed using ELISA and Western blot analysis. To determine the amino acid sequences of neutralizing antibodies their genes were sequenced.  相似文献   

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