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Spontaneously diabetic BB/OK rats are not genetically susceptible to develop diabetic complications as hypertension or nephropathy. Recently, we generated 5 congenic BB. SHR rat strains by transferring different chromosomal regions of the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) onto the genetic background of BB/OK rats. Four out of 5 strains showed a weak increase of blood pressure (8 mmHg). This weak blood pressure effect indicated that the transferred regions fo not contain major genes for hypertension. That prompted us to choose the classical procedure of phenotypic selection to fix major genes causing hypertension in a BB/OK rat subline generated by cross of BB/OK and SHR and repeated backcrossing of animals with highest blood pressure onto normotensive BB/OK rats. After 7 backcrosses (N8), all backcross parents were genetically analysed with the aid of 259 microsatellites to identify loci causing blood pressure of 177 ± 10 mmHg in this BB/OK rat subline. The data revealed, that loci on chromosome 1, 14 and 18 were heterozygous until BC5, BC6 and BC7, respectively. Considering the relative stable high blood pressure during the backcross procedure, these loci might be of essential importance for the development of hypertension in the SHR.  相似文献   

A novel strategy termed habitat-inducible rescue of survival (HIRS) was developed to identify genes of Pseudomonas syringae that are induced during growth on bean leaves. This strategy is based on the complementation of metXW, two cotranscribed genes that are necessary for methionine biosynthesis and required for survival of P. syringae on bean leaves exposed to conditions of low humidity. We constructed a promoter trap vector, pTrap, containing a promoterless version of the wild-type P. syringae metXW genes. Only with an active promoter fused to metXW on pTrap did this plasmid restore methionine prototrophy to the P. syringae metXW mutant B7MX89 and survival of this strain on bean leaves. To test this method, a partial library of P. syringae genomic DNA was constructed in pTrap and a total of 1,400 B7MX89 pTrap clones were subjected to HIRS selection on bean leaves. This resulted in the enrichment of five clones, each with a unique RsaI restriction pattern of their DNA insert. Sequence analysis of these clones revealed those P. syringae genes for which putative plant-inducible activity could be assigned. Promoter activity experiments with a gfp reporter gene revealed that these plant-inducible gene promoters had very low levels of expression in minimal medium. Based on green fluorescent protein fluorescence levels, it appears that many P. syringae genes have relatively low expression levels and that the metXW HIRS strategy is a sensitive method to detect weakly expressed P. syringae genes that are active on plants. Furthermore, we found that protected sites on the leaf surface provided a higher level of enrichment for P. syringae expressing metXW than exposed sites. Thus, the metXW HIRS strategy should lead to the identification of P. syringae genes that are expressed primarily in these areas on the leaf.  相似文献   

Disease resistance genes in plants are often found in complex multigene families. The largest known cluster of disease resistance specificities in lettuce contains the RGC2 family of genes. We compared the sequences of nine full-length genomic copies of RGC2 representing the diversity in the cluster to determine the structure of genes within this family and to examine the evolution of its members. The transcribed regions range from at least 7.0 to 13.1 kb, and the cDNAs contain deduced open reading frames of approximately 5. 5 kb. The predicted RGC2 proteins contain a nucleotide binding site and irregular leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) that are characteristic of resistance genes cloned from other species. Unique features of the RGC2 gene products include a bipartite LRR region with >40 repeats. At least eight members of this family are transcribed. The level of sequence diversity between family members varied in different regions of the gene. The ratio of nonsynonymous (Ka) to synonymous (Ks) nucleotide substitutions was lowest in the region encoding the nucleotide binding site, which is the presumed effector domain of the protein. The LRR-encoding region showed an alternating pattern of conservation and hypervariability. This alternating pattern of variation was also found in all comparisons within families of resistance genes cloned from other species. The Ka /Ks ratios indicate that diversifying selection has resulted in increased variation at these codons. The patterns of variation support the predicted structure of LRR regions with solvent-exposed hypervariable residues that are potentially involved in binding pathogen-derived ligands.  相似文献   

Mapping the cleft-lip genes: the first fix?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Abstract Probes containing the nod and hsn regions of Rhizobium meliloti and the fixABC genes of Rhizobium japonicum were used to perform hybridization experiments with endonuclease-restricted DNA from Azospirillum brasilense strains and 2 Azospirillum lipoferum strains. Homology to nod, hsn and fixA was found in the 4 Azospirillum strains.  相似文献   

By using selection differentials, gradients and structural equation modelling (SEM), I have quantified the phenotypic selection acting on Lobularia maritima (Cruciferae) flower size, display, colour and density, using data on lifetime female fitness. Furthermore, by analysing the resulting F1 generation in field and greenhouse conditions, I estimated the actual intergenerational change in the value of these traits. Both pollinators preferred plants with many and large flowers. Strong directional selection for increased flower display was found in all years of the study, regardless of the technique used. Indirect selection due to a high significant correlation with flower display occurred on flower colour and size. SEM showed that pollinators played only a minor role in this observed phenotypic selection. The analysis of the phenotypes of F1 plants showed that flower display actually increased across generations. In addition, white flowers were significantly more frequent in the offspring population than in the parental one, mostly due to the association between flower display and white coloured flowers. This suggests that both direct and indirect selection can play a role in the evolution of correlated traits in this crucifer.  相似文献   

One of evolutionary biology's most persistent puzzles is the fact that apparent directional selection on a heritable trait in a natural population often does not produce a selection response. We tested three possible explanations for this problem using data on body size of more than 23,000 individuals, measured over 18 yr, in a collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis) population. Using a restricted maximum likelihood "animal model," we found a narrow-sense heritability for fledgling tarsus length of [Formula: see text] SE and substantial common environment effects ([Formula: see text] SE). For survival to adulthood, the selection differential on tarsus length was [Formula: see text] SE. There was, however, no response to this selection over the study period. One explanation for the lack of response might have been that selection was associated with only the environmental (nonheritable) component of phenotype, but we found significant selection on breeding values (the heritable component). There was also no evidence of fluctuating selection pressures or of antagonistic selection between the sexes in selection pressures. Thus, in contrast to earlier investigations in this same population, none of the potential explanations for the absence of a selection response was supported; we discuss alternative hypotheses yet to be investigated.  相似文献   

Despite strong evidence that HDL-cholesterol levels predict atherosclerotic events in a population, attempts at using an HDL-based treatment strategy have not yet been successful. Most of the efforts to date have focused on raising plasma HDL-cholesterol levels. This brief review focuses on a different strategy, which is based on the use of 18-amino acid apoA-I mimetic peptides. The story of these peptides spans decades and illustrates the remarkable complexity of HDL-based treatment strategies, but suggests that such a strategy may still be successful.  相似文献   

A prominent hypothesis about insecticide resistance is that genes of major effect play a key role in field-evolved resistance because the intensity of selection is extremely high in the field. A corollary hypothesis is that the lower intensity of selection in laboratory selection experiments favors polygenic control of insecticide resistance. Contrary to these hypotheses, a literature review revealed that the intensity of selection for insecticide resistance in the field varies widely and overlaps broadly with selection intensities in the laboratory. Also contrary to these hypotheses, results from simulations of population genetic models suggest that selection intensities typical of laboratory selection experiments favor resistance that is conferred by major genes. Major genes dominated responses to selection for resistance across a wide range of simulated selection intensities, with and without fitness costs and refuges. The simulation results also suggest that the intensity of selection, rather than the number of loci conferring resistance, is central in determining rates of resistance evolution and effectiveness of refuges.  相似文献   

Plant breeders simultaneously select for qualitative traits controlled by one or a small number of major genes, as well as for polygenic traits controlled by multiple genes that may be detected as quantitative trait loci (QTL). In this study, we applied computer simulation to investigate simultaneous selection for alleles at both major and minor gene (as QTL) loci in breeding populations of two wheat parental lines, HM14BS and Sunstate. Loci targeted for selection included six major genes affecting plant height, disease resistance, and grain quality, plus 6 known and 11 “unidentified” QTL affecting coleoptile length (CL). Parental line HM14BS contributed the target alleles at two of the major gene loci, while parental line Sunstate contributed target alleles at four loci. The parents have similar plant height, but HM14BS has a longer coleoptile, a desirable attribute for deep sowing in rainfed environments. Including the wild-type allele at the major reduced-height locus Rht-D1, HM14BS was assumed to have 13 QTL for increased CL, and Sunstate four; these assumptions being derived from mapping studies and empirical data from an actual HM14BS/Sunstate population. Simulation indicated that compared to backcross populations, a single biparental F1 cross produced the highest frequency of target genotypes (six desired alleles at major genes plus desired QTL alleles for long CL). From 1,000 simulation runs, an average of 2.4 individuals with the target genotype were present in unselected F1-derived doubled haploid (DH) or recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations of size 200. A selection scheme for the six major genes increased the number of target individuals to 19.1, and additional marker-assisted selection (MAS) for CL increased the number to 23.0. Phenotypic selection (PS) of CL outperformed MAS in this study due to the high heritability of CL, incompletely linked markers for known QTL, and the existence of unidentified QTL. However, a selection scheme combining MAS and PS was equally as efficient as PS and would result in net savings in production and time to delivery of long coleoptile wheats containing the six favorable alleles.  相似文献   

Summary Average genotypic responses were compared after selection for genotypic values and for phenotypic values on the basis of single-gene models and multigene models in simulated livestock populations. Single-gene models dealt with single gene control of the genetic differences between animals, while multigene models considered a collection of genes with various magnitudes of effects on a trait. In each case, selection lasted through discrete generations until the fixation of the gene frequencies occurred. Generations to reach fixation were used to compare various models, and the two criteria for selection, for their efficiency in selection. Implications of using these models versus using infinitesimal models for selection in practice are presented.  相似文献   

In the annual plant Impatiens pallida, individuals exhibit a floral heteromorphism consisting of autogamously selfing, cleistogamous (CL) flowers and partially outcrossing, chasmogamous (CH) flowers. As part of an investigation into natural selection and mating system evolution in I. pallida, we measured the magnitude and direction of phenotypic selection on nine life history characters (two traits measured on three dates, one measured on two dates and one measured once). Three of these characters were positively correlated with the ratio of CH/CL flowers produced per plant, which is an important determinant of the mating system. Values for the nine characters and three different measures of fitness (viability, fecundity, lifetime) were estimated for 500 plants in five locations over a single growing season. Based on lifetime fitness, linear selection differentials were significant for all nine characters, indicating a selective advantage to tall, leafy, highly branched plants that flowered early. However, only two of these characters had a direct effect on fitness. Selection was significant on all nine characters when based on fecundity as well as lifetime fitness; however, only three of five characters examined had significant selection based on viability fitness. For all fitness components, the frequency of significant linear and nonlinear selection coefficients was comparable (23% vs 17% of all cases, respectively), but nonlinear coefficients were generally larger. Finally, the magnitude and direction of direct linear selection was heterogeneous among locations, for all characters and all fitness components. Collectively these results suggest that selection is strong, favouring large size, high allocation to reproduction and high CH/CL flower ratios. However, any directional evolutionary changes in vegetative or reproductive characters may be constrained by strong non-linear and correlational selection.  相似文献   

A number of useful marker-trait associations have been reported for wheat. However the number of publications detailing the integrated and pragmatic use of molecular markers in wheat breeding is limited. A previous report by some of these authors showed how marker-assisted selection could increase the genetic gain and economic efficiency of a specific breeding strategy. Here, we present a practical validation of that study. The target of this breeding strategy was to produce wheat lines derived from an elite Australian cultivar ‘Stylet’, with superior dough properties and durable rust resistance donated from ‘Annuello’. Molecular markers were used to screen a BC1F1 population produced from a cross between the recurrent parent ‘Stylet’ and the donor parent ‘Annuello’ for the presence of rust resistance genes Lr34/Yr18 and Lr46/Yr29. Following this, marker-assisted selection was applied to haploid plants, prior to chromosome doubling with cochicine, for the rust resistance genes Lr24/Sr24, Lr34/Yr18, height reducing genes, and for the grain protein genes Glu-D1 and Glu-A3. In general, results from this study agreed with those of the simulation study. Genetic improvement for rust resistance was greatest when marker selection was applied on BC1F1 individuals. Introgression of both the Lr34/Yr18 and Lr46/Yr29 loci into the susceptible recurrent parent background resulted in substantial improvement in leaf rust and stripe rust resistance levels. Selection for favourable glutenin alleles significantly improved dough resistance and dough extensibility. Marker-assisted selection for improved grain yield, through the selection of recurrent parent genome using anonymous markers, only marginally improved grain yield at one of the five sites used for grain yield assessment. In summary, the integration of marker-assisted selection for specific target genes, particularly at the early stages of a breeding programme, is likely to substantially increase genetic improvement in wheat.  相似文献   

Sister taxa with distinct phenotypes often occupy contrasting environments in parapatric ranges, yet we generally do not know whether trait divergence reflects spatially varying selection. We conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment to test whether selection favors “native phenotypes” in two subspecies of Clarkia xantiana (Onagraceae), an annual plant in California. For four quantitative traits that differ between subspecies, we estimated phenotypic selection in subspecies’ exclusive ranges and their contact zone in two consecutive years. We predicted that in the arid, pollinator‐scarce eastern region, selection favors phenotypes of the native subspecies parviflora: small leaves, slow leaf growth, early flowering, and diminutive flowers. In the wetter, pollinator‐rich, western range of subspecies xantiana, we expected selection for opposite phenotypes. We investigated pollinator contributions to selection by comparing naturally pollinated and pollen‐supplemented individuals. For reproductive traits and for subspecies xantiana, selection generally matched expectations. The contact zone sometimes showed distinctive selection, and in ssp. parviflora selection sometimes favored nonnative phenotypes. Pollinators influenced selection on flowering time but not on flower size. Little temporal variation in selection occurred, possibly because of plastic trait responses across years. Though there were exceptions and some causes of selection remain obscure, phenotypic differentiation between subspecies appears to reflect spatially variable selection.  相似文献   

Having argued that phenotypic variation with respect to the component of fitness involved in withstanding density stress is useful for the persistence of populations through time, the sources of such variation are described. Age differences and differences caused by the accidental encounters of dissimilar microenvironments are non-genetic in origin. Genetic bases for phenotypic variation can either be proximate (each individual having a unique genotype) or ultimate. The latter case is one in which the genotypes of individuals are such that the progeny they produce are phenotypically variable. Selection favouring such genotypes can be shown to be Darwinian; group selection is not required. A means for revealing instances of the ultimate genetic control of phenotypic variation is suggested: measures of what should be error variance prove to be larger than those which should, under normal circumstances, include error variance. The last increment of variation that causes what might otherwise be repetitive structures to differ can be ascribed to decisions that are genetically pre-set within developmental programmes.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas brassicacearum was isolated as a major root-colonizing population from Arabidopsis thaliana. The strain NFM421 of P. brassicacearum undergoes phenotypic variation during A. thaliana and Brassica napus root colonization in vitro as well as in soil, resulting in different colony appearance on agar surfaces. Bacteria forming translucent colonies (phase II cells) essentially were localized at the surface of young roots and root tips, whereas wild-type cells (phase I cells) were localized at the basal part of roots. The ability of phase II cells to spread and colonize new sites on root surface correlates with over-production of flagellin as evidenced by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of surface proteins and microsequencing. Moreover, phase II cells showed a higher ability to swim and to swarm on semisolid agar medium. Phase I and phase II cells of P. brassicacearum NFM421 were tagged genetically with green fluorescent protein and red fluorescent protein. Confocal scanning laser microscopy was used to localize phase II cells on secondary roots and root tips of A. thaliana, whereas phase I cells essentially were localized at the basal part of roots. These experiments were conducted in vitro and in soil. Phenotypic variation on plant roots is likely to be a colonization strategy that may explain the high colonization power of P. brassicacearum.  相似文献   

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