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An efficient, simple method for preparing biologically active erythrocyte membranes is described. The semi-automated procedure involves circulating hemolysate mixture through a hollow-fiber system, thereby filtering off intracellular components leaving a high yield of washed ghosts. The prepared ghosts exhibit cation-stimulated ATPase activities comparable to those of ghosts prepared by traditional methods. Electron micrographs revealed that the filtration isolation caused less shearing of the membranes than procedures based solely on centrifugation.  相似文献   

Xanthine oxidase is a commercially-important enzyme. Several biochemical compounds have been quantitated by xanthine oxidase. Xanthine oxidase has been used as an auxiliary enzyme in the staining of several enzymes or tissues, however, there is no direct staining method available for it, on polyacrylamide gels. Partially-purified xanthine oxidase from cow milk was used as the enzyme source for the development of an activity-staining method on polyacrylamide gels. Staining was very sensitive. Detection of 0.02 μU of the enzyme on polyacrylamide gels was possible. Staining of 0.05 μU takes about 1 min whereas staining of 0.5 μU will take less than 5 s. Addition of TEMED is not essential for activity staining but it did increase both the rate and the intensity of the staining. The stained gels must be washed with distilled water, extensively, in order to remove excess unoxidized nitroblue tetrazolium, and must be protected from light, for a clear background and sharp activity-band staining. This method might be useful for quality control of xanthine oxidase obtained from different sources.  相似文献   

A new simple filtration technique designed for measuring red cell filtrability in the routine laboratory use was developed. The suspension of the whole blood in saline (1:20,000 dilution) was processed on the Sartorius filter membranes, pore size 8 micron. The percentage of passed erythrocytes indicating red cell filtrability was determined. The suitability and perspective applicability of this method for studying various hematological disorders is proposed.  相似文献   

A novel spectroscopic method is described for following the kinetics of resealing of hemolysed erythrocyte ghosts. The procedure is based on the broadening of the EPR spectrum of nitroxyl radicals by paramagnetic ions. The method is used to study the effect of Ca2+, Mg2+ and dimethonium ion on the kinetics of resealing.  相似文献   

Extraction of RNA from alfalfa pollen using conventional grinding devices resulted in low yields of degraded RNA; degradation appeared to be related to the length of time required to break open the pollen grains with such devices. A glass syringe was modified to provide the restricted, shearing environment necessary for rapidly rupturing this type of tissue. This apparatus would be useful for extracting a variety of molecules from pollen of any species, but is particularly valuable for species which produce low amounts of relatively small pollen grains.  相似文献   

A simple method is described for the construction of subtracted cDNA libraries. The technique was used to create a human pancreatic tumor cDNA library that was screened using either hybridization with cDNA probes or antibodies. cDNA from a well-differentiated tumor cell line (CD-11) was subtracted against RNA from an undifferentiated tumor cell line (Panc-1). The subtracted cDNA was purified from RNA-cDNA hybrids by oligo-dA cellulose affinity chromatography. Single-stranded subtracted cDNA was used as a template for random primed second-strand synthesis using the Klenow's fragment of DNA polymerase. After ligation with Eco R1 adapters, cDNA was inserted into lambda gt11. A library of 140,000 primary pfu was obtained that contained 92% recombinants. A small portion of this library (40,000 pfu) was subjected to probe screening with a mucin cDNA probe known to be differentially expressed by CD-11 cells. The ratio of mucin cDNA clones to actin cDNA clones was increased by greater than 300-fold in the subtracted cDNA library compared to a standard cDNA library from the same cell line. The absolute number of mucin cDNA clones per 40,000 pfu was also increased 32-fold in the subtracted library. Pancreatic tumor mucin cDNAs were also identified in the subtracted library by antibody screening. The subtraction procedure yielded a 50-fold enrichment in differentially expressed cDNA detected by antibodies, compared to a nonsubtracted library from the same cell line.  相似文献   

The Entero-Test, a device for easy sampling of gastrointestinal contents, including bile, has been used for determination of biliary lipid composition. The device consists of a weighted gelatin capsule containing 140 cm of a highly absorbent nylon line. The capsule is swallowed while one end of the string is taped to the face. After 3.5 h, when the line has reached the duodenum, gallbladder contraction is stimulated by intramuscular administration of ceruletide. The line is pulled out, and the last 15 cm are eluted four times in methanol. Total bile acids (by 3 alpha-hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase assay), individual bile acids (by high performance liquid chromatography), phospholipids (by assay of lipid-soluble phosphorus), and cholesterol (by gas-liquid chromatography) are determined in the eluate. Tests in vitro demonstrated no preferential binding and a good recovery of biliary lipids from the thread. Similar values of biliary cholesterol saturation were obtained by means of duodenal intubation and of the Entero-Test in a series of 12 subjects (r = 0.952). In 5 subjects, individual bile acids were also measured and were found to be similar with both techniques (r = 0.948). When the test was repeated over 3 days in a series of 7 subjects, biliary cholesterol saturation was found to be remarkably reproducible (CV = 7.6%). Thus, the Entero-Test is a convenient technique for the determination of biliary lipid composition, which can be particularly useful in longitudinal studies.  相似文献   

收集甜菜夜蛾卵的简便方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种收集甜菜夜蛾SpodopteraexiguaH櫣bner卵的简单而有效的方法 ,收卵率达 90 %以上  相似文献   

A simple method for measuring stiffness during running   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spring-mass model, representing a runner as a point mass supported by a single linear leg spring, has been a widely used concept in studies on running and bouncing mechanics. However, the measurement of leg and vertical stiffness has previously required force platforms and high-speed kinematic measurement systems that are costly and difficult to handle in field conditions. We propose a new "sine-wave" method for measuring stiffness during running. Based on the modeling of the force-time curve by a sine function,this method allows leg and vertical stiffness to be estimated from just a few simple mechanical parameters: body mass, forward velocity, leg length, flight time, and contact time. We compared this method to force-platform-derived stiffness measurements for treadmill dynamometer and overground running conditions, at velocities ranging from 3.33 m.s-1 to maximal running velocity in both recreational and highly trained runners. Stiffness values calculated with the proposed method ranged from 0.67 % to 6.93 % less than the force platform method, and thus were judged to be acceptable. Furthermore, significant linear regressions (p < 0.01) close to the identity line were obtained between force platform and sine-wave model values of stiffness. Given the limits inherent in the use of the spring-mass model, it was concluded that this sine-wave method allows leg and stiffness estimates in running on the basis of a few mechanical parameters, and could be useful in further field measurements.  相似文献   

We describe a simple and rapid method for determining the linearity of a flow cytometer amplification system. The method is based on a fundamental characteristic of linear amplifiers: The difference between two amplified signals increases linearly with increasing amplifier gain. Two populations of beads or cells, differing slightly in fluorescence intensity, are analyzed by the flow cytometer at increasing photomultiplier tube high-voltage settings. The distribution of the populations' mean difference versus mean position is a straight line intersecting the origin for linear amplifiers. Although some types of nonlinearities cannot be detected with this technique, deviations from linearity indicate nonlinear components in the flow cytometer amplification system. The correlation coefficient is used to quantify degree of nonlinearity. We also describe a method for amplifier nonlinearity compensation.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method to screen for mutant mice (Mus musculus) lacking D-amino-acid oxidase activity has been devised. Mice were given water containing small amounts (0.02%) of either D-methionine or D-phenylalanine. Urinary levels of the D-amino acid were examined using thin-layer chromatography. Some mice excreted substantial amounts of the D-amino acid through the urine. None of them had detectable D-amino-acid oxidase activity.  相似文献   

The erythrocyte defense system against cellular oxidants is complex and efficient. Free radicals generated in cell membranes, however, are relatively sequestered from the cell's antioxidant mechanisms. When an oxidant challenge exceeds the capacity of the erythrocyte's antioxidant system, membrane damage may occur, causing red cell destruction and hemolytic anemia. In this study, we present a method for monitoring radical reduction in erythrocyte membranes, using fatty acid spin labels with nitroxide radicals on the hydrocarbon chains. About 50 microL of packed (about 5-6 x 10(8)), carbon monoxide (CO)-gassed red blood cells are used. The electron paramagnetic resonance signals of the 5-doxylstearic acid spin labels in the intact cells are obtained as a function of time, at 37 degrees C over a period of 2 h. The pseudo first-order rate constant for reduction of the spin label in normal adult intact cells under our experimental conditions is 4.3 +/- 1.8 x 10(-3)/min. The reproducibility and variability of the measurements are discussed. Since the measurements we describe reflect the extent of radical reductions occurring in cell membranes, we suggest that this method can be used to measure the ability to defend oxidants in membranes of erythrocytes with defective antioxidant systems. This method is particularly useful for measuring the modification of the antioxidant system toward radicals in membranes by drugs, chemicals, or environmental toxins.  相似文献   

Fe inhibition to PCR can be overcome by adding greatly excessive EDTA first, and then the same amount Mg(2+) as EDTA to PCR mix. By this method impure DNA was amplified successfully. DNA samples containing metals whose complexation constant with EDTA was much higher than Mg(2+) can also be amplified.  相似文献   

A simplified method for the treatment of tattoos is described. The method is based on an older method called the "French method" known to tattoo artists. The treatment consists of superficial dermabrasion of the skin followed by application of a tannic acid solution which is then "rubbed" into the skin by the dermabrasion wheel. The treatment site is then "painted" with a silver nitrate stick. A heavy eschar forms which separates in approximately 2 to 3 weeks. The method incorporates the use of equipment that is present in the usual plastic surgical office. The method has produced excellent improvement in tattoos, with obliteration of the tattoo in the majority of cases. This report covers 85 patients with 207 tattoos treated over an 11-year period. The method is presented as a treatment of tattoos that are too large for simple excision. Details of the treatment are presented.  相似文献   

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