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A study of the spore wall of Encephalitozoon hellem was performed on thin sections, freeze-fracture, and deep-etched samples to obtain information on spore wall organization and composition. Our observations demonstrate that the spore wall is formed by an inner 30–35 nm electron-lucent endospore and an outer 25–30 nm electron-dense exospore. The exospore is a complex of three layers: an outer spiny layer, an electron-lucent intermediate lamina and an inner fibrous layer. Freeze-fracture and deep-etching techniques reveal that the intermediate lamina and the inner fibrous layer result from the different spatial disposition of the same 4-nm thick fibrils. In thin sections the endospore reveals a scattered electron-dense material that appears in the form of trabecular structures when analyzed in deep-etched samples. The presence of chitin in the exospore is discussed.  相似文献   

A fraction enriched in spore precursor cells (sporoblasts) of the microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi, an intracellular parasite of mammals, was obtained by Percoll gradient centrifugation. Soluble extracts of these cells exhibited proteolytic activity towards azocasein, with an alkaline optimum pH range (9-10). Prevalence of some metallopeptidases was supported by the stimulating effect of Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+ ions, and inhibition by two chelating agents (EDTA and 1,10-phenanthroline), a thiol reductant (dithiothreitol) and two aminopeptidase inhibitors (bestatin and apstatin). Zymographic analysis revealed four caseinolytic bands at about 76, 70, 55 and 50 kDa. Mass spectrometry of tryptic peptides from one-dimensional gel slices identified a cytosol (leucine) aminopeptidase homologue (M17 family) in 50-kDa band and an enzyme similar to aminopeptidase P (AP-P) of cytosolic type (M24B subfamily) in 70-kDa band. Multiple sequence alignments showed conservation of critical residues for catalysis and metal binding. A long insertion in a common position was found in AP-P sequences from E. cuniculi and Nosema locustae, an insect-infecting microsporidian. The expression of cytosolic AP-P in sporogonial stages of microsporidia may suggest a key role in the attack of proline-containing peptides as a prerequisite to long-duration biosynthesis of structural proteins destined to the sporal polar tube.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Axenically grown Giardia lamblia trophozoites treated with low concentrations of the benzimidazole carbamates albendazole and mebendazole detach from glass culture tubes and lose viability. Scanning electron microscopic observations revealed that these drugs produce grotesque modifications of the cell shape of the parasite and disassembly of the adhesive disc. Transmission electron microscopy showed several stages of the fragmentation of adhesive discs with dispersion of microtubules and microribbons in the cytoplasm. Flagella appeared undamaged. In drug-treated trophozoites electron-dense precipitates were selectively deposited on microtubules and microribbons. The results indicate that the antigiardial effect of benzimidazoles is the result of binding to microtubules and subsequent alterations of the cytoskeleton. The electron microscopic observations also suggest that the drugs may bind to microribbon components of the adhesive disc, possibly giardin proteins.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural changes of young pollen protoplasts under culture condition in Hemerocallis fulva were studied. In comparison with the original pollen grains, the pollen protoplasts had been completely deprived of pollen wall, but kept the internal structure intact, including a large vacuole, a thin layer of cytoplasm and a peripherally located nucleus. After 8 days of culture a few pollen protoplasts were triggered to cell division: some of them were just undergoing mitosis with clearly visible chromosomes and spindle fibers; the others already divided into 2-celled units. The two daughter cells were equal or unequal in size but with similar distribution of organelles inside. Besides cell division, there were also free nuclear division, amitosis and formation of micronuclei indicating a diversity of division modes in pollen protoplast culture, A series of changes occurred during the process of induction of cell division, such as locomotion of the nucleus toward the central position, disappearence of the large vacuole, increase of electron density of cytoplasm, increase and activation of organelles, diminishing of starch granules in plastids, etc. However, the regeneration of surface wall was not sufficient it contained mostly vesicles with only a few microfibrits. The wall separating the two daughter cells were either complete or incomplete. The weak capability of wall formation is supposed to be one of the major obstacles which has so far restricted sustained cell divisions of young pollen protoplasts under current culture condition.  相似文献   

Summary Several different fixatives were used in order to obtain the best preservation of fine structure in the chromaffin cells of hamster adrenal medulla. The best fixative for both immersion-fixation and perfusion-fixation contained glutaraldehyde (2.5%) and formaldehyde (4%). After fixation by immersion of the gland, both dark and light cells are found, but glands fixed by perfusion contain a homogeneous population of light cells, which were very well preserved.The plasma membrane along the free surface of chromaffin cells showed a large number of omega-shaped invaginations that usually contained a dense core or fibre-like material; the extracellular dense cores were very similar to those of intact secretory granules. Rarely, the extracellular dense cores were very large and resembled the contents of a secondary lysosome. Several coated pits were found on the inner surface of each omega-shaped invagination.A prominent Golgi zone, containing many coated vesicles, is typical of these chromaffin cells. The coated vesicles are of two kinds, one with and one without electron-dense contents. Coated vesicles were frequently found in close contact with, or fused with, pro-secretory granules.Both authors are Wellcome Research Fellows. This work is supported by a grant from the Medical Research Council. We appreciate the technical assistance of Mr. P. T. Edwards.  相似文献   

试验采用两种方案选育不同自交系背景的隐性核不育双杂合保持系。不同保持系在成株率、双杂合体比例、花粉败育率等特性上有明显差异,表明不同自交系对染色体重复缺失承受力的差异,将双杂合结构转育到更多自交系背景中,有可能筛选出农艺性状优良、生活力强的保持系。通过同一自交系双杂合体互交或不同自交系双杂合体杂交,改良保持系农艺性状已初见成效。 ms~2|双杂合保持系保持雄性不育株率99.72%,符合生产杂交种子的要求。文章还讨论了两种选育方案的效果和保持系的应用前景。 Abstract:Recessive enic male-sterile double heterozygous maintainers in various inbred line backgrounds were eveloped using two different breeding procedures.The maintainers showed significantly differences in plant viability percentage,double heterozygote percentage,abortive pollen percentage and other traits.This implied different tolerances of various inbred lines to Dp-Df chromosome complement.Maintainers possessing good viability can be selected when double heterozygous constitution was transferred to more inbred lines.The agronomic traits and viability was improved by sibcrossing among double heterozygotes with the same inbred line background or crossing among different double heterozygotes.The maintainers could maintain 99.72% progeny plants to be male-sterile,this satisfies essential reguirement for production of commercial hybrid corn.The merits and demerits of two approaches for breeding double heterozygous maintainers and the applied prospect of maintainers are discussed.  相似文献   

细胞迁移 (cell migration) 在机体生命活动中的胚胎发育、免疫防御、损伤修复、血管新生以及肿瘤转移等许多重要生理和病理过程中发挥核心作用 . 越来越多的证据表明,细胞迁移中处于极性分布的细胞膜离子通道和离子转运体可以通过调节细胞体积变化协助细胞的移动 . 然而细胞膜水转运机制在这一过程中的作用尚未阐明 . Saadoun 等 2005 年 4 月发表于《自然》杂志上的一项研究发现细胞膜水通道蛋白在细胞迁移中发挥重要作用 . 为细胞迁移的分子机制增加了新的内容,也为水通道基因功能研究开启了一个新的领域 .  相似文献   

The type I keratin 17 (K17) shows a peculiar localization in human epithelial appendages including hair follicles, which undergo a growth cycle throughout adult life. Additionally K17 is induced, along with K6 and K16, early after acute injury to human skin. To gain further insights into its potential function(s), we cloned the mouse K17 gene and investigated its expression during skin development. Synthesis of K17 protein first occurs in a subset of epithelial cells within the single-layered, undifferentiated ectoderm of embryonic day 10.5 mouse fetuses. In the ensuing 48 h, K17-expressing cells give rise to placodes, the precursors of ectoderm-derived appendages (hair, glands, and tooth), and to periderm. During early development, there is a spatial correspondence in the distribution of K17 and that of lymphoid-enhancer factor (lef-1), a DNA-bending protein involved in inductive epithelial–mesenchymal interactions. We demonstrate that ectopic lef-1 expression induces K17 protein in the skin of adult transgenic mice. The pattern of K17 gene expression during development has direct implications for the morphogenesis of skin epithelia, and points to the existence of a molecular relationship between development and wound repair.  相似文献   

采用AlamarBlue和瑞-姬氏染色方法检测毛茛有效部位D1对人胃癌细胞MGC803增殖的作用;PI染色法观察D1对MGC803细胞周期的影响;半定量RT-PCR法检测D1对MGC803细胞周期相关基因表达的作用;用DAPI染色方法和细胞色素C免疫荧光法观察D1对胃癌细胞MGC803凋亡的影响。结果显示,毛茛有效部位D1对胃癌细胞MGC803表现出较好的增殖抑制作用,且24、48和72 h的半数抑制浓度分别为126.89、74.81、68.72μg/mL;同时D1对细胞周期和周期相关基因的表达无明显影响,且D1能促使细胞色素C释放到细胞胞浆诱导细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

The transfer mechanism of melanosome from the melanocyte into the keratinocyte was investigated in mildly photodamaged Caucasian facial skin by electron microscopy. Three ways of transfer are suggested by our observations. The first mechanism probably occurs through the following process: 1) protrusion and insertion of the thick dendrite of the melanocyte into the basal keratinocyte, 2) formation of sac-dendrite complex in the subnuclear region, 3) digestion and segregation of the enclosed dendrite, 4) formation of the cistern in the paranuclear region, and 5) pinching-off of the melanosomes in single or aggregated form from the tip of the cistern. The second mechanism probably takes place through a membrane fusion between the melanocyte and the keratinocyte. Such a membrane fusion possibly forms a passage way for release of the melanosome from the former cell to the latter. The third mechanism is considered to include exocytosis of the single melanosome from the melanocyte followed by the endocytosis through the formation of coated-pit in the keratinocyte.  相似文献   

The hippocampus has become one of the most extensively studied areas of the mammalian brain, and its proper function is of utmost importance, particularly for learning and memory. The hippocampus is the most susceptible brain region for damage, and its impaired function has been documented in many human brain diseases, e.g. hypoxia, ischemia, and epilepsy regardless of the age of the affected patients. In addition to experimental in vivo models of these disorders, the investigation of basic anatomical, physiological, and molecular aspects requires an adequate experimental in vitro model, which should meet the requirements for well-preserved representation of various cell types, and functional information processing properties in the hippocampus. In this review, the characteristics of organotypic hippocampal slice cultures (OHCs) together with the main differences between the in vivo and in vitro preparations are first briefly outlined. Thereafter, the use of OHCs in studies focusing on neuron cell death and synaptic plasticity is discussed. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Simo S. Oja  相似文献   

Tetrahydropapaveroline (THP) is a compound derived from dopamine monoamine oxidase-mediated metabolism, particularly present in the brain of parkinsonian patients receiving L-dopa therapy, and is capable of causing dopaminergic neurodegeneration. The aim of this work was to evaluate the potential of THP to cause oxidative stress on mitochondrial preparations and to gain insight into the molecular mechanisms responsible for its neurotoxicity. Our data show that THP autoxidation occurs with a continuous generation of hydroxyl radicals (*OH) and without the involvement of the Fenton reaction. The presence of ascorbate enhances this process by establishing a redox cycle, which regenerates THP from its quinolic forms. It has been shown that the production of *OH is not affected by the presence of either ferrous or ferric iron. Although THP does not affect lipid peroxidation, it is capable of reducing the high levels of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances obtained in the presence of ascorbate and/or iron. However, THP autoxidation in the presence of ascorbate causes both an increase in protein carbonyl content and a reduction in protein-free thiol content. THP also increases protein carbonyl content when the autoxidation occurs in the presence of iron. The remarkable role played by ascorbate in the production of oxidative stress by THP autoxidation is of particular interest.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Described herein are the morphology and certain morphogenetic stages of a new freshwater ciliate species, Deviata polycirrata n. sp., and of Deviata bacilliformis recorded in the soil of a dried temporary pond from Argentina. Ciliates were studied alive and after silver impregnation with Protargol. Deviata polycirrata n. sp. measures 130–180 × 45–70 μm in vivo. The species possesses 8–9 long cirral rows on the right and 9–13 on the left of the oral zone, and 3 dorsal rows of dikinetids. The adoral zone is composed of 39–48 membranelles. There are four macronuclear nodules and usually two micronuclei. A single contractile vacuole is located equatorially on the left body margin. This new species mainly differs from its congeners in having a higher number of cirral rows, the three long dorsal rows of dikinetids (vs. usually one to two dorsal rows of dikinetids), and a higher number of adoral membranelles. The other species reported here, D. bacilliformis, is recorded for the first time in Argentina. Unlike previous observations on this species, on the dorsal surface there are cirral rows that are preceded by cilia (combined cirral rows), and stomatogenesis begins with the proliferation of non‐ciliferous basal bodies some distance posterior to the buccal vertex.  相似文献   

In this study, two enucleation methods, the squeezing and the aspiration methods, were compared. The efficiency of these two methods to enucleate pig oocytes and the in vitro and in vivo viability of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) pig embryos, were evaluated. In the squeezing method, the zona pellucida was partially dissected and a small amount of cytoplasm containing metaphase II (MII) chromosomes and the first polar body (PB) were pushed out. In the aspiration method, the PB and MII chromosomes were aspirated using a beveled micropipette. After injection of fetal fibroblasts into the perivitelline space, reconstructed oocytes were fused and activated electrically, and then cultured in vitro for 6 days or transferred to surrogates. The squeezing method resulted in a higher proportion of degenerated oocytes than the aspiration method (14% vs. 5%). The squeezing method took longer to enucleate 100 oocytes (306 minutes) than the aspirating method (113 minutes). Fusion rate (72–78%) and cleavage rate (67%) were not influenced by the enucleation method but blastocyst formation was improved (P < 0.05) in oocytes enucleated by the aspiration method (5 vs. 9%). When SCNT embryos were transferred to recipients, pregnancy rates to term were similar (27%, 3/11 and 27%, 3/11) in both methods with the birth of 10 piglets/3 litters and 16 piglets/3 litters in the squeezing and the aspiration methods, respectively. Our results indicate that the aspiration method for oocyte enucleation is more efficient than the squeezing method in producing a large number of pig SCNT embryos with normal in vivo viability.  相似文献   

Zhou J  Zhang H  Liu X  Wang PG  Qi Q 《Current microbiology》2007,55(3):198-204
The N-glycosylation mutants (mnn1 and mnn1 och1) show different morphological characteristics at the restrictive and nonpermissive temperature. We deleted the MNN1 to eliminate the terminal α1, 3-linked mannose of hypermannosylation and deleted the OCH1 to block the elongation of the main backbone chain. The mnn1 cells exhibited no observable change with respect to the wild-type strain at 28°C and 37°C, but the mnn1 och1 double mutant exhibited defects in cell cytokinesis, showed a slower growth rate, and became temperature-sensitive. Meanwhile, the mnn1 och1 mutant tended to aggregate, which was probably due to the glycolsylation defect. Loss of mannosyl-phosphate-accepting sites in this mutant migth result in reduced charge repulsion between cell surfaces. Pyridylaminated glycans were profiled and purified through an NH2 column by size-fractionation high-performance liquid chromatography. Matrix assisted laser desoption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI TOF/MS) analysis of the N-glycan structure of the mnn1 och1 mutant revealed that the main component is Man8GlcNAc2.  相似文献   

Inner retinal cells including dopamine (DA) cells were isolated and fractionated from the carp (Cyprinus carpio) retina by an enzyme cell dissociation and metrizamide gradient centrifugation method. When gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) antagonists (bicuculline and picrotoxin) were added into the perfusate over such a cell fraction, they stimulated the release of [3H]DA which had been preloaded in the cell fraction. The action of GABA antagonists was dose and Ca2+ dependent. Their minimal effective concentration was very low (0.5 microM). A similar action was elicited by high K+. In the presence of excess GABA, this stimulatory action of GABA antagonists and high K+ on [3H]DA release was completely abolished. To interpret the action of GABA antagonists on DA cells, isolated cell fractions were preincubated with GABAse. After such a treatment, the stimulatory effects of GABA antagonists and high K+ on [3H]DA release were differentiated from each other; the former disappeared whereas the latter remained unchanged. The data strongly suggest that GABA inhibits the DA release from retinal DA cells and thus the GABA antagonists affect [3H]DA release from cell fractions not by a direct membrane action but by a disinhibition mechanism via GABA receptors on the DA cell bodies.  相似文献   

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