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Thinning and burning forests established on revegetated mine pits in jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forests of south‐west Australia is being considered as a management option to accelerate succession in sites with excessive tree densities. To assess the impact of thinning and burning on reptiles and small mammals, we installed trapping grids in eight thinned and burned sites, each paired with untreated controls. Of the eight pairs, four were in rehabilitated sites (planted with nonlocal species) and four were in restored sites (seeded with local species). Thinning and burning had no significant impact on the small mammal community, although Cercatetus concinnus was more abundant in rehabilitated sites. In contrast, thinning and burning significantly increased reptile abundance and species richness, with two species (Morethia obscura and Menetia greyii) only recorded in thinned and burned sites. We concluded that thinning and burning was a successful management option in revegetated mine pits in jarrah forests, particularly because reptile communities created by thinning and burning were more similar to those in unmined forest. Although published studies for comparison are few, we expect thinning and burning to have generally positive effects on reptile communities in forest ecosystems where fire is an important disturbance agent. Our study emphasizes the importance of monitoring revegetated areas over time periods sufficient to detect deviations from desired successional trajectories, so that management options, such as thinning and burning, can be implemented if required.  相似文献   

Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve (MMFR) in Peninsular Malaysia is under systematic management since 1902 and still considered as the best managed mangrove forest in the world. The present study on silvimetrics assessed the ongoing MMFR forest management, which includes a first thinning after 15 years, a second thinning after 20 years and clear-felling of 30-year old forest blocks, for its efficiency and productivity in comparison to natural mangroves. The estimated tree structural parameters (e.g. density, frequency) from three different-aged mangrove blocks of fifteen (MF15), twenty (MF20), and thirty (MF30) years old indicated that Bruguiera and Excoecaria spp. did not constitute a significant proportion of the vegetation (<5%), and hence the results focused majorly on Rhizophora apiculata. The density of R. apiculata at MF15, MF20 and MF30 was 4,331, 2,753 and 1,767 stems ha−1, respectively. In relation to ongoing practices of the artificial thinnings at MMFR, the present study suggests that the first thinning could be made earlier to limit the loss of exploitable wood due to natural thinning. In fact, the initial density at MF15 was expected to drop down from 6,726 to 1,858 trees ha−1 before the first thinning. Therefore the trees likely to qualify for natural thinning, though having a smaller stem diameter, should be exploited for domestic/commercial purposes at an earlier stage. The clear-felling block (MF30) with a maximum stem diameter of 30 cm was estimated to yield 372 t ha−1 of the above-ground biomass and suggests that the mangrove management based on a 30-year rotation is appropriate for the MMFR. Since Matang is the only iconic site that practicing sustainable wood production, it could be an exemplary to other mangrove locations for their improved management.  相似文献   

Is the Western diet adequate in copper?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Copper has been known to be essential for health for more than three quarters of a century. Myriad experiments with animals reveal that the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and nervous systems are most sensitive to deficiency. Copper in the Western diet has been decreasing at least since the 1930s; half of the adult population consumes less than the amount recommended in the European Communities and the United Kingdom. At least one fourth of adults consume less than the estimated average requirement published for the United States and Canada. Hundreds of people have been reported in journals about medicine and neurology rather than nutrition to have impaired copper nutriture based on the criteria of low copper concentrations and low activities of enzymes dependent on copper in various fluids and tissues. In contrast, only 46 people have participated in depletion/repletion experiments needed to define requirements. Almost 1000 people have benefited from supplements containing copper in controlled trials. People deficient in copper are being identified increasingly; it is unknown if unusually high requirements or unusually low diets are causal. Alzheimer's disease, ischemic heart disease and osteoporosis are the most likely human illnesses from low copper intakes.  相似文献   


Background and aims

South America and Oceania possess numerous floristic similarities, often confirmed by morphological and molecular data. The carnivorous Drosera meristocaulis (Droseraceae), endemic to the Neblina highlands of northern South America, was known to share morphological characters with the pygmy sundews of Drosera sect. Bryastrum, which are endemic to Australia and New Zealand. The inclusion of D. meristocaulis in a molecular phylogenetic analysis may clarify its systematic position and offer an opportunity to investigate character evolution in Droseraceae and phylogeographic patterns between South America and Oceania.

Methods Drosera meristocaulis

was included in a molecular phylogenetic analysis of Droseraceae, using nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and plastid rbcL and rps16 sequence data. Pollen of D. meristocaulis was studied using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy techniques, and the karyotype was inferred from root tip meristem.

Key Results

The phylogenetic inferences (maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches) substantiate with high statistical support the inclusion of sect. Meristocaulis and its single species, D. meristocaulis, within the Australian Drosera clade, sister to a group comprising species of sect. Bryastrum. A chromosome number of 2n = approx. 32–36 supports the phylogenetic position within the Australian clade. The undivided styles, conspicuous large setuous stipules, a cryptocotylar (hypogaeous) germination pattern and pollen tetrads with aperture of intermediate type 7–8 are key morphological traits shared between D. meristocaulis and pygmy sundews of sect. Bryastrum from Australia and New Zealand.


The multidisciplinary approach adopted in this study (using morphological, palynological, cytotaxonomic and molecular phylogenetic data) enabled us to elucidate the relationships of the thus far unplaced taxon D. meristocaulis. Long-distance dispersal between southwestern Oceania and northern South America is the most likely scenario to explain the phylogeographic pattern revealed.  相似文献   

Understanding the resilience of ecosystems globally is hampered by the complex and interacting drivers of change characteristic of the Anthropocene. This is true for drylands of the western US, where widespread alteration of disturbance regimes and spread of invasive non-native species occurred with westward expansion during the 1800s, including the introduction of domestic livestock and spread of Bromus tectorum, an invasive non-native annual grass. In addition, this region has experienced a multi-decadal drought not seen for at least 1200 years with potentially large and interacting impacts on native plant communities. Here, we present 24 years of twice-annual plant cover monitoring (1997–2021) from a semiarid grassland never grazed by domestic livestock but subject to a patchy invasion of B. tectorum beginning in ~1994, compare our findings to surveys done in 1967, and examine potential climate drivers of plant community changes. We found a significant warming trend in the study area, with more than 75% of study year temperatures being warmer than average (1966–2021). We observed a native perennial grass community with high resilience to climate forcings with cover values like those in 1967. In invaded patches, B. tectorum cover was greatest in the early years of this study (1997–2001; ~20%–40%) but was subsequently constrained by climate and subtle variation in soils, with limited evidence of long-term impacts to native vegetation, contradicting earlier studies. Our ability to predict year-to-year variation in functional group and species cover with climate metrics varied, with a 12-month integrated index and fall and winter patterns appearing most important. However, declines to near zero live cover in recent years in response to regional drought intensification leave questions regarding the resiliency of intact grasslands to ongoing aridification and whether the vegetation observations reported here may be a leading indicator of impending change in this protected ecosystem.  相似文献   

AimOur purpose is to construe the role of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) in the management of lung cancer from our early experience with SBRT for salvage treatment in patients with recurrent lung cancer after initial radiation therapy.BackgroundLocoregional recurrences are a frequent challenge in patients treated with radio-chemotherapy for locally advanced NSCLC. Conventional external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) is rarely given as salvage treatment because of the risk of toxicity. There is a paucity of published studies evaluating the role of SBRT in this clinical setting.Materials and methodsBetween 2008 and present, 10 patients with biopsy proven non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) underwent 14 radiosurgical procedures for salvage therapy after failing initial radiation treatment. Patients’ age ranged from 54 to 88 years with a median of 74 years in 6 males and 4 females. Intervals from initial radiation treatment to salvage SBRT were 3–33 months with a median of 13 months. SBRT treatments were delivered using Intensity Modulated Volumetric Arc Therapy (VMAT). All patients received concomitant chemotherapy.ResultsOverall survival after salvage radiosurgery ranged from 6 to 41 months (mean 20 months, median 18 months). Four of the ten patients are alive with disease locally controlled. Of the remaining 6 patients, 4 had distant progression of disease with brain metastases and one had both brain and lung metastases. The other patient had a regional failure. Toxicities were found in three of the ten (30%) patients with grade I pneumonitis.ConclusionIn our early experience, salvage SBRT is an effective modality of treating patients who failed after conventional irradiation, achieving excellent results in terms of local control with acceptable toxicity. Further prospective studies are needed to determine optimal fractionation schemes.  相似文献   

It has been widely advocated that smoke–water application to topsoil can substantially improve restoration success by enhancing seed germination. This is despite few studies having tested the effects of smoke–water on seedling emergence in field-scale restoration trials. Here we report the effects of applying a commercially available smoke solution (Regen 2000®), at rates between 0 and 100 mL m 2, on jarrah forest sites being restored after bauxite mining in the southwest of Western Australia. Smoke solutions stimulated the seed germination of a range of species in laboratory experiments. In addition, smoke–water stimulated germination of Stylidium affine seeds sown directly into the first field experiment. However, apart from the effect on sown S. affine seeds, smoke–water application had no effect on subsequent seedling numbers, species richness or the relative proportion of seedlings in different growth-form categories in either of the two field experiments. These findings suggest that smoke–water application does not always ensure enhanced restoration outcomes.  相似文献   

Climate change has direct and indirect impacts on forest ecosystems worldwide. In this context, changing site conditions and altered disturbance regimes as well as forest management responses are challenging the conservation of biodiversity in forests. Climate-induced dynamics and uncertainties related to future forest ecosystem development are calling into question current conservation strategies and concepts. Given the longevity of trees, slow development rates of forest ecosystems and slow migration rates of many forest species, the planning of adaptation measures in response to climate change are especially difficult though highly important for forest biodiversity conservation. This paper introduces a special issue with eight contributions which deal with a variety of aspects of forest biodiversity conservation in the face of climate change. More specifically, the papers address direct impacts of climate change on forest biodiversity, adaptation measures for forest and conservation management, as well as resulting challenges for conservation strategies and concepts. In conclusion, adaptation measures that enhance diversity and provide different options for future action, thereby maintaining ecosystems’ resilience, as well as conservation management operating on a landscape level, are promoted as being beneficial for coping with uncertainties related to climate change. Adaptive management, which constantly reviews conservation goals and measures, and which takes into account both science-based and local ecological knowledge on climate change can be a valuable tool to inform decisions for forest biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

For many years, the physiological significance of Ca(2+) oscillations has been a matter of debate, but the potential to encode and transduce information in the pattern of an oscillation is obvious. In this review, we only consider transients and oscillations observed during fertilization in plants with the major focus on flowering plants. After presenting data related to algae, fertilization mechanisms in flowering plants are defined as a multi-step phenomenon, starting with pollination during which calcium plays a key role, especially during pollen-stigma interactions (compatible and incompatible reactions). The pollen tube serves as a guide and a pathway for the sperm cells on their course towards their female target cells. For many years, the pollen tube has also been studied as an easily accessible in vitro model to elucidate the role of calcium on tip growth. Finally, in flowering plants, a unique double fertilization system is present. Interesting data obtained from an in vitro fertilization system in maize are presented and discussed. In addition, the new approaches made possible by Arabidopsis and Torenia and their potential limitations are covered.  相似文献   

“Charged” amino acids play countless important roles in protein structure and function. Yet when these side chains come into contact with membranes we do not fully understand their behavior. This is highlighted by a recent model of voltage-gated ion channel activity and translocon-based experiments that suggest small penalties to expose these side chains to lipids, opposing the prevailing view in membrane biophysics. Here we employ a side chain analog as well as a transmembrane helix model to determine the free energy as a function of protonation state and position for a lipid-exposed arginine (Arg) residue across a membrane. We observe high free energy barriers for both the charged and neutral states. Due to the stabilizing influence of membrane deformations for the protonated form, the Arg side chain experiences a pKa shift of ≤4.5 units and remains mostly protonated. The cost for exposing Arg to lipid hydrocarbon is prohibitively high with implications for many membrane translocating processes and the activation mechanisms of voltage-gated ion channels.  相似文献   

Recent mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae; pine beetle) outbreaks in the western United States have affected nearly 18 million ha of pine (Pinus spp.) forest and are unprecedented in spatial extent, severity, and duration, yet little is known about wildlife responses to large-scale insect outbreaks. Elk (Cervus canadensis) are important wildlife whose dominant management paradigm on public lands has focused on providing security habitat to increase survival during hunting seasons and to maintain elk presence on public lands to promote hunter opportunity. To assess the effect of pine beetles and associated changes in forest structure on elk security, we used a time series to characterize canopy cover pre- and post-pine beetle outbreak, characterized relative canopy cover among the dominant forest types in the study area post-pine beetle outbreak, and used global positioning system location data from male and female elk to define habitat relationships and security during the archery and rifle hunting seasons. Our study area was within the Elkhorn Mountains of southwest Montana, USA, 2015–2017, which experienced 80% mortality of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) forests during a pine beetle outbreak that peaked in 2008. We observed an 8.5% reduction in canopy cover within pine beetle-infested lodgepole pine forests, yet canopy cover remained relatively high among other forest types post-outbreak. The top-ranked habitat security models contained positive relationships with canopy cover, distance to motorized routes, terrain ruggedness, and slope with few notable differences among sexes and seasons. Across sexes and seasons, 75% and 50% of elk use was within areas with average canopy cover values ≥31 ± 6.65 (SD)% and ≥53 ± 5.7% that were an average of ≥2,072 ± 187.93 m and ≥3,496 ± 157.32 m from a motorized route, respectively. Therefore, we recommend fall elk security be defined as areas that meet these criteria for minimum canopy cover and distance from motorized routes in the Elkhorn Mountains and in other landscapes with similar forest characteristics and hunting pressures. Although we observed expected reductions in canopy cover within pine beetle-infested forests, defoliation alone did not appear to negatively affect elk security or reduce canopy cover below our management recommendations. Nonetheless, because of the prevalence of standing dead trees in our study area, we recommend future work that investigates the relationships with pine beetle-infested areas post-blowdown because changes in ground structure and costs of locomotion may affect elk habitat and security. © 2019 The Authors. Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biology is distinctively forward looking or 'teleological' in its way of thought. In this, it distinguishes itself from the physical sciences. One can ask for the purpose or function of the stegoseaur's fins. One would never ask for the function of a planet. Many, including biologists, worry that such teleology is an unhappy legacy of a Christian past. Although teleology does have its roots in pre-evolutionary thought, there are good reasons why it has persisted, and there are equally good reasons why it should be cherished.  相似文献   

In general, more of the biomass of the community is preserved than is its numerical abundance. Thus, the paleontologist, on the average, works with more of the community when biomass is used. Community characteristics such as taxon dominance and habitat proportions are at least as accurately derived from biomass as numerical abundance. The use of biomass is clearly more appropriate in describing energy flow and trophic proportions. Whenever possible, biomass should be used as a complement to numerical abundance in future paleoecologic reconstructions.  相似文献   

In vivo studies on disc mechanics show loss of fluid from the intervertebral disc (IVD) during loading and full recovery during rest. Previous work indicated that in vitro recovery is hampered after static loading. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of the endplate after dynamic and static loading on mechanical recovery in vitro. Lumbar spines (caprine) were obtained from the local slaughterhouse and stored frozen. Twenty-four intervertebral discs were thawed and subjected to a compression test in a saline bath (37 degrees C). The discs were pre-loaded at 20 N for 15 min. Three 15-min loading cycles (static: 2.0 MPa or dynamic: average load 2.0 MPa at 0.5 Hz) were applied, each followed by a 30-min period of unloading (20 N). After this protocol, the endplates of half of the discs were blocked with silicone paste and the long-term recovery protocol was applied; the discs were subjected to a single loading cycle (15 min of static or dynamic loading) followed by 10h of unloading at 20 N. All specimens showed a net loss of height and a gain in stiffness during the first part of the test. Eventually, height and stiffness were restored during a long-term recovery test. The difference in recovery between blocked and free endplates was marginal. If fluid flow plays a role during recovery in vitro, the role of the endplate appears to be limited. Our findings show no influence of loading type on recovery in vitro.  相似文献   

In Australia, dingoes (Canis lupus dingo) have been implicated in the decline and extinction of a number of vertebrate species. The lowland Wet Tropics of Queensland, Australia is a biologically rich area with many species of rainforest‐restricted vertebrates that could be threatened by dingoes; however, the ecological impacts of dingoes in this region are poorly understood. We determined the potential threat posed by dingoes to native vertebrates in the lowland Wet Tropics using dingo scat/stomach content and stable isotope analyses of hair from dingoes and potential prey species. Common mammals dominated dingo diets. We found no evidence of predation on threatened taxa or rainforest specialists within our study areas. The most significant prey species were northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus), canefield rats (Rattus sordidus), and agile wallabies (Macropus agilis). All are common species associated with relatively open grass/woodland habitats. Stable isotope analysis suggested that prey species sourced their nutrients primarily from open habitats and that prey choice, as identified by scat/stomach analysis alone, was a poor indicator of primary foraging habitats. In general, we find that prey use by dingoes in the lowland Wet Tropics does not pose a major threat to native and/or threatened fauna, including rainforest specialists. In fact, our results suggest that dingo predation on “pest” species may represent an important ecological service that outweighs potential biodiversity threats. A more targeted approach to managing wild canids is needed if the ecosystem services they provide in these contested landscapes are to be maintained, while simultaneously avoiding negative conservation or economic impacts.  相似文献   

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