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The interaction between the integrin alpha(4)beta(7) and its ligand, mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1, on high endothelial venules represents a key adhesion event during lymphocyte homing to secondary lymphoid tissue. Stromal cell-derived factor-1alpha (SDF-1alpha) is a chemokine that attracts T and B lymphocytes and has been hypothesized to be involved in lymphocyte homing. In this work we show that alpha(4)beta(7)-mediated adhesion of CD4(+) T lymphocytes and the RPMI 8866 cell line to mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 was up-regulated by SDF-1alpha in both static adhesion and cell detachment under shear stress assays. Both naive and memory phenotype CD4(+) T cells were targets of SDF-1alpha-triggered increased adhesion. In addition, SDF-1alpha augmented alpha(4)beta(7)-dependent adhesion of RPMI 8866 cells to connecting segment-1 of fibronectin. While pertussis toxin totally blocked chemotaxis of CD4(+) and RPMI 8866 cells to SDF-1alpha, enhanced alpha(4)beta(7)-dependent adhesion triggered by this chemokine was partially inhibited, indicating the participation of Galpha(i)-dependent as well as Galpha(i)-independent signaling. Accordingly, we show that SDF-1alpha induced a rapid and transient association between its receptor CXCR4 and Galpha(i), whereas association of pertussis toxin-insensitive Galpha(13) with CXCR4 was slower and of a lesser extent. SDF-1alpha also activated the small GTPases RhoA and Rac1, and inhibition of RhoA activation reduced the up-regulation of alpha(4)beta(7)-mediated lymphocyte adhesion in response to SDF-1alpha, suggesting that activation of RhoA could play an important role in the enhanced adhesion. These data indicate that up-regulation by SDF-1alpha of lymphocyte adhesion mediated by alpha(4)beta(7) could contribute to lymphocyte homing to secondary lymphoid tissues.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte migration to inflammatory sites is an essential factor in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammation. An ensemble of adhesion receptors mediating lymphocyte-endothelial cell recognition and binding are thought to play a crucial role in this process. In the present study, we have explored the molecular basis of lymphocyte adhesion to endothelium in the synovial membrane of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. We established that the very late antigen-4 [VLA-4 (CD49d)] and the vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) are important mediators of binding to synovial endothelium of resting and, to a greater extent, of activated T lymphocytes, whereas the leukocyte-function associated antigen-1 [LFA-1 (CD11a/18)]/intercellular adhesion molecule-1 [ICAM-1 (CD54)] pathway is less important in this interaction. In contrast to its prominent role in lymphocyte interaction with endothelium in rheumatoid synovium, the VLA-4/VCAM-1 pathway does not significantly contribute to lymphocyte adhesion to peripheral lymph node high endothelial venule. Thus, the VLA-4/VCAM-1 pathway may be of primary importance in mediating lymphocyte adhesion to inflamed endothelium and in lymphocyte homing to rheumatoid synovium.  相似文献   

In circulating lymphocytes, the VLA-4 integrin preexists in multiple affinity states that mediate spontaneous tethering, rolling, and arrest on its endothelial ligand, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). The regulation and function of VLA-4 affinity in lymphocytes has never been elucidated. We show here that p56(lck), the major Src kinase in T cells, is a key regulator of high affinity VLA-4. This high affinity is essential for the rapid development of firm adhesion of resting T cells to VCAM-1 and to their extracellular matrix ligand, fibronectin. Lck-regulated VLA-4 function does not require intact TCR nor several key components of the TCR signaling pathway, including ZAP-70 and SLP-76. Furthermore, stimulation of p56(lck) by the phosphatase inhibitor, pervanadate, triggers firm VLA-4-dependent adhesion to VCAM-1. Although Lck is not required for chemokine receptor signaling to mitogen-activated protein kinase, the presence of Lck-regulated high affinity VLA-4 also facilitates firm adhesion triggered by the chemokine, SDF-1, at short-lived contacts. Surprisingly, bond formation rates, ability to tether cells to VLA-4 ligand, and VLA-4 tether bond stability under shear flow are not affected by VLA-4 affinity or Lck activity. Thus, the ability of high affinity VLA-4 to arrest cells on VCAM-1 under flow arises from instantaneous post-ligand strengthening rather than from increased kinetic stability of individual VLA-4 bonds. These results suggest that p56(lck) maintains high affinity VLA-4 on circulating lymphocytes, which determines their ability to strengthen VLA-4 adhesion and rapidly respond to proadhesive chemokine signals at endothelial sites.  相似文献   

Immobilized stromal cell-derived factor-1 alpha (SDF-1 alpha) has been shown to induce tight adhesion of T cells to purified ICAM-1 in assays done under flow conditions. In this study, we show that soluble SDF-1 alpha induced a rapid (within 20 s) cessation of rolling and tight adhesion of >90% of the rolling T cells on monolayers of activated endothelial cells under similar flow. Within 4 min, the T cells had either started to migrate between the endothelial cells or re-entered the rolling and circulating lymphocyte pool. This deadherence of the firmly bound cells, with either ensuing transmigration or continued rolling, was most likely due to desensitization of lymphocytes to the continuously present SDF-1 alpha. The released rolling lymphocytes could still respond to other activating signals by a second round of tight adhesion. Pretreating the lymphocytes with pertussis toxin almost completely blocked the effect of the chemokine, confirming that the induction of firm adhesion was due to the function of the chemokine on the lymphocytes and not the endothelial cells. Pretreating the endothelium with SDF-1 alpha did not lead to firm adhesion of subsequently added lymphocytes, also indicating that the effect was due to soluble, not endothelially bound, chemokine. Blocking experiments showed that the same molecules mediated rolling before and after SDF-1 alpha-induced tight adhesion. This is the first study to demonstrate the effect of soluble SDF-1 alpha on T cell rolling on an endothelial cell monolayer. The data broaden our understanding of the stimulatory factors directing the firm adhesion and ensuing transmigration of leukocytes into tissues through activated endothelium.  相似文献   

The chemokine, stromal cell-derived factor-1 alpha (SDF-1 alpha) and its receptor CXCR-4 (fusin, LESTR) are thought to be involved in the trafficking of hematopoietic progenitors and stem cells, as suggested by the chemotactic effect of SDF-1 alpha on these cells. Gene inactivation studies have shown that both SDF-1 alpha and CXCR-4 are essential for B lymphopoiesis. Migration of leukemic cells may also be dependent on SDF-1 alpha and CXCR-4. Fibronectin (FN) is a component of the extracellular matrix (ECM), and one of the natural supports for cell movement in their bone hematopoietic environment. In the present study, we examined the influence of FN on the chemotactic effect of SDF-1 alpha and on the CXCR-4 expression and function on human precursor-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia (pre-B ALL) cells at sequential stages of development. Fourteen children with pre-B ALL were studied. Their immunophenotypes belonged to the first three stages of B cell differentiation. Despite relatively high levels of CXCR-4 expression at all stages, the responsiveness to SDF-1 alpha, measured as the percentage of migrating cells in the transwell culture system, varied with patients and seems to be less significant for pre-B3 (and pre-B1) than for pre-B2. There was no correlation (r = 0.2) between the SDF-1 alpha induced migration (range: 2.5-39%) and the cell surface density of CXCR-4 (range: 46.5-97.5%). The extracellular matrix protein FN, either coated on the filter (for more than 18 hours) or in soluble form, enhanced the SDF-1 alpha induced migration of pre-B ALL respectively (2 fold and 1.6 fold) without influencing CXCR-4 expression in short term cultures. Therefore, we analyzed the expression of the FN receptors, VLA-4 (CD49d) and VLA-5 (CD49e), by direct immunofluorescence, on these leukemic cells. VLA-4 was strongly expressed in all stages of pre-B ALL (range: 77-97%) while VLA-5 expression was more variable (range: 14-94%), but no correlation with the FN-dependent increased SDF-1 alpha chemotactic effect was noted. In conclusion, the migratory behavior of pre-B leukemic cells in response to SDF-1 alpha partly depends upon the stage of differentiation, and partly upon unexplained patient variability. Our results suggest that several molecules from the extracellular matrix, such as FN, may be implicated in this phenomenon.  相似文献   

The chemokine stromal cell-derived factor-1alpha (SDF-1alpha) is expressed by bone marrow (BM) stromal cells and plays key roles in cell homing to and retention into the bone marrow. In multiple myeloma, blood-borne malignant plasma cells home to the BM and accumulate in contact with stromal cells, implicating myeloma cell migration across endothelium. Myeloma cells express the SDF-1alpha receptor CXCR4, as well as the integrin alpha4beta1, which mediates their attachment to BM stroma. We show here that SDF-1alpha promotes transendothelial migration of purified BM myeloma cells and myeloma-derived NCI-H929 cells, involving a transient upregulation of alpha4beta1-dependent cell adhesion to the endothelium. Characterization of intracellular signaling pathways involved in the modulation by SDF-1alpha of alpha4beta1-mediated myeloma cell adhesion revealed that intracellular cAMP amounts associated with the activation of protein kinase A play key roles in this modulation. Furthermore, a functional link between cAMP actions on the dynamics of actin cytoskeleton, RhoA activation, and alpha4beta1-dependent cell adhesion in response to SDF-1alpha has been found. The regulation of alpha4beta1-mediated myeloma cell adhesion by SDF-1alpha could play key roles during myeloma cell homing into and trafficking inside the BM, and characterization of the molecular events involved in SDF-1alpha-activated modulation of this adhesion will contribute to a better understanding of mechanisms participating in cell migration.  相似文献   

The solution structure of monomeric stromal cell-derived factor-1alpha (SDF-1alpha), the natural ligand for the CXCR4 G-coupled receptor, has been solved by multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. The structure has a characteristic chemokine fold and is in excellent agreement with the individual subunits observed in the crystal structures of dimeric SDF-1alpha. Using various peptides derived from the N-terminal extracellular tail of the CXCR4 receptor, we show that the principal determinants of binding reside in the N-terminal 17 residues of CXCR4, with a major contribution from the first six residues. From 15N/1HN chemical shift pertubation studies we show that the interaction surface on SDF-1alpha is formed by the undersurface of the three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet bounded by the N-terminal loop on one side and the C-terminal helix on the other. This surface overlaps with but is not identical to that mapped on several other chemokines for the binding of equivalent peptides derived from their respective receptors.  相似文献   

Tyrosine sulfation of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 enhances its interaction with the chemokine SDF-1alpha. Given similar post-translational modification of other receptors, including CCR5, CX3CR1 and CCR2b, tyrosine sulfation may be of universal importance in chemokine signaling. N-terminal domains from seven transmembrane chemokine receptors have been employed for structural studies of chemokine-receptor interactions, but never in the context of proper post-translational modifications known to affect function. A CXCR4 peptide modified at position 21 by expressed tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase-1 and unmodified peptide are both disordered in solution, but bind SDF-1alpha with low micromolar affinities. NMR and fluorescence polarization measurements showed that the CXCR4 peptide stabilizes dimeric SDF-1alpha, and that sulfotyrosine 21 binds a specific site on the chemokine that includes arginine 47. We conclude that the SDF-1alpha dimer preferentially interacts with receptor peptide, and residues beyond the extreme N-terminal region of CXCR4, including sulfotyrosine 21, make specific contacts with the chemokine ligand.  相似文献   

CXCL12 (SDF-1alpha) and CXCR4 are critical for embryonic development and cellular migration in adults. These proteins are involved in HIV-1 infection, cancer metastasis, and WHIM disease. Sequestration and presentation of CXCL12 to CXCR4 by glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) is proposed to be important for receptor activation. Mutagenesis has identified CXCL12 residues that bind to heparin. However, the molecular details of this interaction have not yet been determined. Here we demonstrate that soluble heparin and heparan sulfate negatively affect CXCL12-mediated in vitro chemotaxis. We also show that a cluster of basic residues in the dimer interface is required for chemotaxis and is a target for inhibition by heparin. We present structural evidence for binding of an unsaturated heparin disaccharide to CXCL12 attained through solution NMR spectroscopy and x-ray crystallography. Increasing concentrations of the disaccharide altered the two-dimensional (1)H-(15)N-HSQC spectra of CXCL12, which identified two clusters of residues. One cluster corresponds to beta-strands in the dimer interface. The second includes the amino-terminal loop and the alpha-helix. In the x-ray structure two unsaturated disaccharides are present. One is in the dimer interface with direct contacts between residues His(25), Lys(27), and Arg(41) of CXCL12 and the heparin disaccharide. The second disaccharide contacts Ala(20), Arg(21), Asn(30), and Lys(64). This is the first x-ray structure of a CXC class chemokine in complex with glycosaminoglycans. Based on the observation of two heparin binding sites, we propose a mechanism in which GAGs bind around CXCL12 dimers as they sequester and present CXCL12 to CXCR4.  相似文献   

The capacity of tumor cells to form metastatic foci correlates with their ability to interact with and migrate through endothelial cell layers. This process involves multiple adhesive interactions between tumor cells and the endothelium. Only little is known about the molecular nature of these interactions during extravasation of tumor cells. In human melanoma cells, the integrin alphavbeta3 is involved in transendothelial migration and its expression correlates with metastasis. However, many human melanoma cells do not express beta3 integrins. Therefore, it remained unclear how these cells undergo transendothelial migration. In this study we show that human melanoma cells with different metastatic potency, which do not express beta2 or beta3 integrins, express the VCAM-1 receptor alpha4beta1. VCAM-1 is up-regulated on activated endothelial cells and is known to promote transendothelial migration of leukocytes. Interestingly, despite comparable cell surface levels of alpha4beta1, only the highly metastatic melanoma cell lines MV3 and BLM, but not the low metastatic cell lines IF6 and 530, bind VCAM-1 with high affinity without further stimulation, and are therefore able to adhere to and migrate on isolated VCAM-1. Moreover, we demonstrate that function-blocking antibodies against the integrin alpha4beta1, as well as siRNA-mediated knock-down of the alpha4 subunit in these highly metastatic human melanoma cells reduce their transendothelial migration. These data imply that only high affinity interactions between the integrin alpha4beta1 on melanoma cells and VCAM-1 on activated endothelial cells may enhance the metastatic capacity of human beta2/beta3-negative melanoma cells.  相似文献   

VLA-4 (alpha4beta1) is a key integrin in lymphocytes, interacting with endothelial vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) on blood vessels and stroma. To dissect the contribution of the two cytoskeletal VLA-4 adaptor partners paxillin and talin to VLA-4 adhesiveness, we transiently knocked them down in Jurkat T cells and primary resting human T cells by small interfering RNA silencing. Paxillin was required for VLA-4 adhesiveness to low density VCAM-1 under shear stress conditions and was found to control mechanical stability of bonds mediated by the alpha4 subunit but did not affect the integrin affinity or avidity to VCAM-1 in shear-free conditions. Talin 1 maintained VLA-4 in a high affinity conformation, thereby promoting rapid VLA-4 adhesion strengthening to VCAM-1 under both shear stress and shear-free conditions. Talin 1, but not paxillin, was required for VLA-4 to undergo optimal stimulation by the prototypic chemokine, CXCL12, under shear stress conditions. Interestingly, talin 1 and paxillin played the same distinct roles in VLA-4 adhesions of primary T lymphocytes, although VLA-4 affinity to VCAM-1 was at least 200-fold lower in these cells than in Jurkat cells. Collectively, our results suggest that whereas paxillin is a mechanical regulator of VLA-4 bonds generated in the absence of chemokine signals and low VCAM-1 occupancy, talin 1 is a versatile VLA-4 affinity regulator implicated in both spontaneous and chemokine-triggered rapid adhesions to VCAM-1.  相似文献   

The role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase), an important enzyme involved in signal transduction events, has been studied in the polarization and chemotaxis of lymphocytes induced by the chemokine stromal cell-derived factor-1 alpha (SDF-1 alpha). This chemokine was able to directly activate p85/p110 PI3-kinase in whole human PBL and to induce the association of PI3-kinase to the SDF-1 alpha receptor, CXCR4, in a pertussis toxin-sensitive manner. Two unrelated chemical inhibitors of PI3-kinase, wortmannin and Ly294002, prevented ICAM-3 and ERM protein moesin polarization as well as the chemotaxis of PBL in response to SDF-1 alpha. However, they did not interfere with the reorganization of either tubulin or the actin cytoskeleton. Moreover, the transient expression of a dominant negative form of the PI3-kinase 85-kDa regulatory subunit in the constitutively polarized Peer T cell line inhibited ICAM-3 polarization and markedly reduced SDF-1 alpha-induced chemotaxis. Conversely, overexpression of a constitutively activated mutant of the PI3-kinase 110-kDa catalytic subunit in the round-shaped PM-1 T cell line induced ICAM-3 polarization. These results underline the role of PI3-kinase in the regulation of lymphocyte polarization and motility and indicate that PI3-kinase plays a selective role in the regulation of adhesion and ERM proteins redistribution in the plasma membrane of lymphocytes.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of H-Ras in chemokine-induced integrin regulation in leukocytes. Stimulation of Jurkat T cells with the CXC chemokine stromal cell-derived factor-1alpha (SDF-1alpha) resulted in a rapid increase in the phosphorylation, i.e., activation of extracellular signal receptor-activated kinase (ERK) but not c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase or p38 kinase, and phosphorylation of Akt, reflecting phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) activation. Phosphorylation of ERK in Jurkat cells was enhanced and attenuated by expression of dominant active (D12) or inactive (N17) forms of H-Ras, respectively, while N17 H-Ras abrogated SDF-1alpha-induced Akt phosphorylation. SDF-1alpha triggered a transient regulation of adhesion to intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 mediated by lymphocyte function antigen-1 (LFA-1) and very late antigen-4 (VLA-4), respectively, and a rapid increase in LFA-1 binding to soluble ICAM-1.Ig, which was inhibited by D12 but not N17 H-Ras. Both D12 and N17 H-Ras abrogated the regulation of LFA-1 but not VLA-4 avidity, and impaired LFA-1-mediated transendothelial chemotaxis but not VLA-4-dependent transmigration induced by SDF-1alpha. Analysis of the mutant Jurkat J19 clone revealed LFA-1 with constitutively high affinity and reduced ERK phosphorylation, which were partially restored by expression of active H-Ras. Inhibition of PI3-K blocked the up-regulation of Jurkat cell adhesion to ICAM-1 by SDF-1alpha, whereas inhibition of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase impaired the subsequent down-regulation and blocking both pathways abrogated LFA-1 regulation. Our data suggest that inhibition of initial PI3-K activation by inactive H-Ras or sustained activation of an inhibitory ERK pathway by active H-Ras prevail to abolish LFA-1 regulation and transendothelial migration induced by SDF-1alpha in leukocytes, establishing a complex and bimodal involvement of H-Ras.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis requires the mobilization of progenitor cells from the bone marrow (BM) and homing of progenitor cells to ischemic tissue. The cholesterol lowering drug Statins can stimulate angiogenesis via mobilization of BM derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), promoting EPC migration, and inhibiting EPC apoptosis. The chemokine stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) augments EPC chemotaxis, facilitates EPC incorporation into the neovasculature. The combined use of a statin to mobilize EPCs and local overexpression of SDF-1 to augment EPC homing to ischemic muscle resulted in superior angiogenesis versus use of either agent alone. Their effects are through augmenting EPC mobilization, incorporation, proliferation, migration and tube formation while inhibiting EPC apoptosis. Statin and SDF-1 therefore display synergism in promoting neovascularization by improving reperfusion of ischemic muscle, increasing progenitor cell presentation and capillary density in ischemic muscle, and diminishing apoptosis. These results suggest that the combination of statin and SDF-1 may be a new therapeutic strategy in the treatment of limb ischemia.Key words: angiogenesis, endothelial progenitor cells, statin, SDF-1, migrationAngiogenesis is the process by which new vessels form in ischemic tissue. The cytokine Stromal Cell Derived Factor-1 (SDF-1) is released into the circulation in response to ischemia and is an initiating signal in the angiogenesis process. SDF-1 mobilizes bone marrow cells (BMC) by binding to the cell surface receptor CXCR4. BMCs then enter the circulation and migrate to the ischemic site following the SDF-1 gradient. On arrival, BMCs promote angiogenesis by providing cellular elements such as endothelial cells (EC) and perivascular cells and also by secreting signaling proteins that mature the angiogenesis process. BMC surface CXCR4 expression and the SDF-1/CXCR4 interaction are essential for BMC to home to the injured site.Cell-based strategies to improve neovascularization of ischemic tissue have been achieved by injecting mononuclear cells derived from either BM1 or peripheral blood, directly into ischemic muscle,2 or by mobilizing BM-MNC with cytokines3 or other drugs such as statins.46Statins are 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase inhibitors and are primarily used to lower circulating cholesterol levels. In addition to reducing cholesterol synthesis, inhibition of the mevalonate pathway prevents synthesis of isoprenoid intermediates including geranylgeranylpyrophosphate. Geranylgeranylation is important in the posttranslational modification of intracellular signaling proteins, including Rho GTPases. This mechanism underlies many of the pleiotropic effects including the ability of statins to stabilize endothelial nitric oxide synthase mRNA and increase nitric oxide biosynthesis. In fact, statins have been shown to protect against ischemic injury of the heart and stimulate angiogenesis in ischemic limbs of normocholesterolemic animals.7,8 The mechanism of action of statins has been demonstrated via mobilization of BM endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and facilitation of EPC incorporation into the neovasculature through a phosphoinositide-3 (PI-3) kinase-dependent pathway.46 Statins have also been reported to enhance EPC migration, augment EPC chemotaxis and inhibit EPC apoptosis both in vitro and in vivo.4,9,10SDF-1, an 89-amino acid polypeptide, is a member of the chemokine CXC subfamily originally isolated from murine bone marrow stromal cells.11 SDF-1 was initially identified as a potent chemoattractant for lymphocytes and monocytes, and as an enhancer of B cell proliferation. SDF-1 is considered to be a key regulator of hematopoietic stem cell trafficking between BM and the peripheral circulation. SDF-1 is highly expressed in ischemic tissues.12,13 Elevation of SDF-1 levels in peripheral blood results in BMC mobilization to the peripheral circulation with a concurrent decrease within the BM.14 SDF-1 not only mobilizes progenitor cells in BM but also directs them to the ischemic site by promoting cell migration and proliferation.3,15 SDF-1 may generate a gradient similar to developmental morphogens during ischemia that provides the cues and directions for progenitor cell mobilization into peripheral blood and homing to ischemic tissues.16,17 Furthermore, SDF-1 also reduces EPC apoptosis and enhances survival of the progenitor cells.3,18 SDF-1, either delivered locally in its protein form,3,19,20 or generated in situ via plasmid and viral vector-mediated gene expression,10,21,22 enhances neovascularization by augmenting EPC recruitment into ischemic tissues.SDF-1 binding to its receptor CXCR4 on the cell surface provides essential signals for mobilization and homing of EPCs to the injured site.2325 SDF-1 binding with CXCR4 triggers internalization of CXCR4. This SDF-1/CXCR4 interaction results in elevation of cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels26 and phosphorylation of PI-3 kinase and other protein kinases, e.g. Akt,21 MEK/ERK27,28 and Janus kinase (JAK)-2.29 Activation of Akt protein kinase further upregulates the activity of eNOS by increasing both eNOS expression and phosphorylation, which in turn catalyzes the production of nitric oxide (NO), an important signal molecule for vascular protection and remodeling.21,26 Disruption of SDF-1/CXCR4 interaction impaired incorporation of EPC into sites of ischemia, and disturbed ischemic limb neo-vascularization.30To explore if the combined use of a statin to mobilize BM EPCs and local overexpression of SDF-1 to augment EPC homing to ischemic muscle will result in superior angiogenesis versus use of either agent alone, we used the murine hindlimb ischemia model to determine the effects of Fluvastatin and SDF-1 on angiogenesis.10 Fluvastatin (5 mg/kg) was injected intra-peritoneally into the mice daily for 7 days to mobilize progenitor cells prior to ischemia-inducing surgery. NIH 3T3 cells transduced with the retroviral vector carrying SDF-1 gene were injected I.M. into the ischemic limb after surgery to locally deliver SDF-1 to ischemic muscle.22 The number of circulating EPCs increased 9–18 fold seven days post statin/SDF-1 treatment.Our data of single treatment with Fluvastatin are consistent with the previous reports that statins not only augment mobilization of progenitor cells by increasing circulating EPC originated from BM,4,31 but also modulate their differentiation. We further give a new insight view of the mechanism for statin induced EPC mobilization. We found that statin induced activation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP)-2 and -9 in EPC. The increased MMP activity could result in degradation of extracellular matrix.17 Progenitor cells will be such mobilized into circulation when the cellular attachment is reduced within the bone marrow niches. We show that statin alone can enhance the phosphorylation of Akt, promote EPC proliferation, migration and inhibit cell apoptosis in vitro. The proangiogenic effects of statin are also illustrated in vivo using a murine hind-limb ischemia model. In this model, Fluvastatin treatment results in more EPC in circulation, more BM derived progenitor cells in ischemic muscle, more cell proliferation, enhanced capillary formation, and diminished cell apoptosis; these effects end up in improved reperfusion versus control. The beneficial effects of statin on angiogenesis are independent of cholesterol since the total serum cholesterol level is not changed by Fluvastatin treatment under these experimental conditions.To be noted, the effect of statins on EPCs was found to be concentration dependent. EPC proliferation, migration and the inhibition of apoptosis are enhanced at low statin concentrations (10 nM and 100 nM) but are significantly inhibited at a higher statin concentration (1,000 nM). The toxic effect of statin at high concentration cannot be compensated by addition of SDF-1, indicating that Statin causes apoptosis in a pathway different from the pathway that SDF-1 uses to prevent EPC apoptosis. Increased apoptosis at the higher statin concentration could explain the reversed effect of stain in angiogenesis. These findings are consistent with the reports in which statins were found to have proangiogenic effects at low therapeutic concentrations but angiostatic effects at high concentrations, the latter effect being reversible by geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate.32,33Combined statin and SDF-1 treatment significantly enhanced angiogenesis versus treatment with either reagent alone. More cell proliferation and less apoptosis were observed both in vitro and in vivo, along with increased cell migration and tube formation in vitro, and enhanced progenitor cell incorporation and higher capillary density in ischemic tissue in vivo. It is interesting to note that neither statin nor SDF-1 alone promotes EPC tube formation, but combined treatment results in significant EPC tube formation. These results suggest that SDF-1 and statin have different mechanisms of action with regards to the promotion of neovascularization. It is possible that each drug affects a specific subset of progenitor cells.The facilitative effect of both statin and SDF-1 on EPC proliferation and migration is involved with Akt phosphorylation and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activation. The mechanism by which statins promote angiogenesis is through, at least partly, improved nitric oxide bioavailability. Statins have been reported to induce eNOS mRNA stability34 and eNOS activity through a PI3k/Akt dependent pathway.31,3537 However, neither eNOS mRNA/protein expression nor EPCs are reported to be essential for the therapeutic effect of Fluvastatin on hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension; Fluvastatin improved eNOS phosphorylation by a mechanism independent of Akt activation.38 Our data favor a mechanism involving Akt phosphorylation since phosphorylated Akt is increased when EPCs are cultured in the presence of statin, and statin-enhanced EPC proliferation and migration were inhibited by the PI3K/Akt inhibitor LY294002.The angiogenic effects of SDF-1 also involve increased production of NO26 as NO is essential for EC migration and angiogenesis. SDF-1α gene transfer has been shown to enhance eNOS activity.21 Our in vitro data confirmed the involvement of Akt and eNOS in SDF-1 mediated cell migration.10 Phosphorylated Akt is increased when EPCs are cultured in the presence of SDF-1. The facilitative effect of SDF-1 on EPC migration is blocked by both the Akt inhibitor LY294002 and the eNOS inhibitor L-NMMA. In contrast, L-NMMA does not reverse the inhibitory effect of SDF-1 on apoptosis, indicating that the inhibitory effect of SDF-1 on apoptosis is not mediated through NO.22We also show that the expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 was increased when EPCs were cultured in the presence of statin or SDF-1. MMPs are a family of proteolytic enzymes that degrade components of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Degradation of ECM is an essential step for cell mobilization and migration. Our data indicate that the novel effect of statin and SDF-1 on migration is through enhancement of MMP-2 and MMP-9 activity, resulting in ECM degradation, thus promoting progenitor cell mobilization and migration. Both Akt phosphorylation and expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in EPCs are further enhanced by combined treatment with statin and SDF-1. This result indicates that treatment of EPCs with either statin or SDF-1 as monotherapy results in a sub-maximal angiogenic response. The effects of statin partially overlap with that of SDF-1; and the combined use of two factors appears to have an optimal effect on progenitor cells (Fig. 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Effect of statins and SDF-1 on promoting angiogenesis. Statin enhances the phosphorylation of Akt with a yet undefined mechanism. SDF-1 binding with the G-protein coupled membrane receptor CXCR4 results in phosphorylation of protein kinases like PI3 kinase and Akt. Activation of Akt then upregulates the activities of MMPs and eNOS. NOS catalyze the synthesis of NO which is essential for the EPC migration. MMPs degrade extracellular matrix to initiate cell migration. Activation of Akt also prevents cell apoptosis. These reactions promote cell migration and proliferation and enhance EPC survival. EPCs from bone marrow are thus mobilized into circulation. The circulating EPC are homed into ischemia area in lure of SDF-1. EPCs contribute to neovascularisation, either directly by incorporation into endothelium and differentiation into endothelial cells or indirectly by differentiating into perivascular cells that provide physical support and secrete signaling proteins and structural enzymes enabling the angiogenesis process. The effects of statin partially overlap with that of SDF-1; and the combined use of two factors appears to have an additive/synergistic effect on progenitor cells.In summary, the combination of progenitor cell mobilization with statin and targeted recruitment into the ischemic bed by SDF-1 leads to improved blood flow in the ischemic limb versus treatment with either agent alone. Statin and SDF-1 therefore display synergism in promoting neovascularization. This result suggests that the combination of statin and SDF-1 may be a new therapeutic strategy in the treatment of limb ischemia. However, the use of statins as a clinical modifier of angiogenesis is still unproven. A great number of patients have been treated with these drugs and if they were potently proangiogenic, one might expect to see an increased risk of tumors. However, there is no evidence that these drugs encourage tumor development. Likewise, there is no definitive evidence for an antiangiogenic, tumor-modulating action of statins. We await further studies with interest.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis requires the mobilization of progenitor cells from the bone marrow (BM) and homing of progenitor cells to ischemic tissue. The cholesterol lowering drug Statins can stimulate angiogenesis via mobilization of BM derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), promoting EPC migration, and inhibiting EPC apoptosis. The chemokine stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) augments EPC chemotaxis, facilitates EPC incorporation into the neovasculature. The combined use of a statin to mobilize EPCs and local over-expression of SDF-1 to augment EPC homing to ischemic muscle resulted in superior angiogenesis versus use of either agent alone. Their effects are through augmenting EPC mobilization, incorporation, proliferation, migration, and tube formation while inhibiting EPC apoptosis. Statin and SDF-1 therefore display synergism in promoting neovascularization by improving reperfusion of ischemic muscle, increasing progenitor cell presentation and capillary density in ischemic muscle, and diminishing apoptosis. These results suggest that the combination of statin and SDF-1 may be a new therapeutic strategy in the treatment of limb ischemia.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of the protein kinase C activator phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) on the human eosinophil adhesion molecule phenotype and attachment to VCAM-1 via alpha4 and alphad integrins under static and flow conditions. PMA increased surface expression of alphad integrins and decreased alpha4 integrin expression. Under static conditions, eosinophils bound well to VCAM-1, primarily via alpha4beta1 integrins, with a minor alphadbeta2 integrin component. Unexpectedly, PMA-stimulated eosinophils bound equally well to VCAM-1 and albumin in a temperature- and divalent cation-dependent manner, yet adhesion was independent of beta1 and beta2 integrins. Under flow conditions, eosinophils readily attached to VCAM-1, and adhesion was inhibited by both alpha4 and alphad mAbs (95 and 50% inhibition, respectively). Many fewer PMA-stimulated eosinophils bound to VCAM-1 under flow conditions, but both alpha4 and alphad mAbs inhibited adhesion equally. Thus, PMA alters eosinophil integrin expression and the relative contributions of alpha4 and alphad integrins during attachment to VCAM-1.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion mediated by the interaction between integrin alpha4beta1 and VCAM-1 is important in normal physiologic processes and in inflammatory and autoimmune disease. Numerous studies have mapped the alpha4beta1 binding sites in VCAM-1 that mediate cell adhesion; however, little is known about the regions in VCAM-1 important for regulating soluble binding. In the present study, we demonstrate that 6D VCAM-1 (an alternatively spliced isoform of VCAM-1 lacking Ig-like domain 4) binds alpha4beta1 with a higher relative affinity than does the full-length form of VCAM-1 containing 7 Ig-like extracellular domains (7D VCAM-1). In indirect binding assays, the EC50 of soluble 6D VCAM-1 binding to alpha4beta1 on Jurkat cells (in 1 mM MnCl2) was 2 x 10(-9) M, compared with 7D VCAM-1 at 11 x 10(-9) M. When used in solution to inhibit alpha4beta1 mediated cell adhesion, the IC50 of 6D VCAM-1 was 13 x 10(-9) M, compared with 7D VCAM-1 measured at 150 x 10(-9) M. Removal of Ig-like domains 4, 5, or 6, or simply substituting Asp328 in domain 4 of 7D VCAM-1 with alanine, caused increased binding of soluble 7D VCAM-1 to alpha4beta1. In contrast, cells adhered more avidly to 7D VCAM-1 under shear force, as it induced cell spreading at lower concentrations than did 6D VCAM-1. Finally, soluble 6D VCAM-1 acts as an agonist through alpha4beta1 by augmenting cell migration and inducing cell aggregation. These results indicate that the domain 4 of VCAM-1 plays a contrasting role when VCAM-1 is presented in solution or as a cell surface-expressed adhesive substrate.  相似文献   

To investigate the functional significance of putative integrin divalent cation binding sites, several mutated alpha 4 subunit cDNAs were constructed. Mutants contained the conservative substitution of Glu for Asp or Asn at the third position in each of three putative divalent cation sites. Transfection of wild-type or mutated alpha 4 into K562 cells yielded comparable expression levels and immunoprecipitation profiles. However, for all three alpha 4 mutants, adhesion to CS1/fibronectin was greatly diminished in either the presence or absence of the stimulatory anti-beta 1 mAb TS2/16. Constitutive adhesion to vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM) 1 was also diminished but, unlike CS1 adhesion, was restored upon TS2/16 stimulation. In contrast, adhesion to the bacterial protein invasin was minimally affected by any of the three mutations. For each of the mutants, the order of preference for divalent cations was unchanged compared to wild-type alpha 4, on CS1/fibronectin (Mn2+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+), on VCAM-1 (Mn2+ > Mg2+ = Ca2+) and on invasin (Mg2+ = Ca2+). However for the three mutants, the efficiency of divalent cation utilization was decreased. On VCAM-1, 68-108 microM Mn2+ was required to support half-maximal adhesion for the mutants compared with 14-18 microM for wild-type alpha 4. These results indicate (a) that three different ligands for VLA-4 show widely differing sensitivities to mutations within putative divalent cation sites, and (b) each of the three putative divalent cation sites in alpha 4 have comparable functional importance with respect to both divalent cation usage and cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Leukocyte integrins must rapidly strengthen their binding to target endothelial sites to arrest rolling adhesions under physiological shear flow. We demonstrate that the integrin-associated tetraspanin, CD81, regulates VLA-4 and VLA-5 adhesion strengthening in monocytes and primary murine B cells. CD81 strengthens multivalent VLA-4 contacts within subsecond integrin occupancy without altering intrinsic adhesive properties to low density ligand. CD81 facilitates both VLA-4-mediated leukocyte rolling and arrest on VCAM-1 under shear flow as well as VLA-5-dependent adhesion to fibronectin during short stationary contacts. CD81 also augments VLA-4 avidity enhancement induced by either chemokine-stimulated Gi proteins or by protein kinase C activation, although it is not required for Gi protein or protein kinase C signaling activities. In contrast to other proadhesive integrin-associated proteins, CD81-promoted integrin adhesiveness does not require its own ligand occupancy or ligation. These results provide the first demonstration of an integrin-associated transmembranal protein that facilitates instantaneous multivalent integrin occupancy events that promote leukocyte adhesion to an endothelial ligand under shear flow.  相似文献   

The SDF-1alpha/CXCR4 ligand/chemokine receptor pair is required for appropriate patterning during ontogeny and stimulates the growth and differentiation of critical cell types. Here, we demonstrate SDF-1alpha and CXCR4 expression in fetal pancreas. We have found that SDF-1alpha and its receptor CXCR4 are expressed in islets, also CXCR4 is expressed in and around the proliferating duct epithelium of the regenerating pancreas of the interferon (IFN) gamma-nonobese diabetic mouse. We show that SDF-1alpha stimulates the phosphorylation of Akt, mitogen-activated protein kinase, and Src in pancreatic duct cells. Furthermore, migration assays indicate a stimulatory effect of SDF-1alpha on ductal cell migration. Importantly, blocking the SDF-1alpha/CXCR4 axis in IFNgamma-nonobese diabetic mice resulted in diminished proliferation and increased apoptosis in the pancreatic ductal cells. Together, these data indicate that the SDF-1alpha-CXCR4 ligand receptor axis is an obligatory component in the maintenance of duct cell survival, proliferation, and migration during pancreatic regeneration.  相似文献   

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