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Eicosanoids are potent mediators of inflammation and are synthesized in increased quantity in active ulcerative colitis. To elucidate the role of prostaglandin E2, thromboxane A2, prostaglandin I2, and leukotriene B2 in acute chemical colitis induced by 4% acetic acid, we utilized an animal model which has a deficiency of arachidonic acid, the precursor of eicosanoids due to an essential fatty acid deficient diet. Forty-eight hours after colitis was induced, mucosal synthesis of the cyclooxygenase products, prostaglandin E2, thromboxane A2, and prostaglandin I2, was significantly decreased in essential fatty acid deficient rats compared to normal controls. However, the 5-lipoxygenase product, leukotriene B4, was not different between groups. The decrease in cyclooxygenase products did not correlate with any change in the severity of colonic inflammation as assessed by gross morphology, histology, or myleoperoxidase activity. Thus inhibition of formation of the cyclooxygenase products of arachidonate metabolism does not appear to improve the degree of inflammation under the experimental conditions employed in this study.  相似文献   

Phospholipid accounted for 81% (by weight) of the total lipid of rat olfactory mucosa. Phosphatidylcholine (46% of total phospholipids) and phosphatidylethanolamine (26%) were the predominant phospholipids. Phosphatidylinositol (8%), sphingomyelin (6%), and phosphatidylserine (7%) were the next most abundant phospholipids, with cardiolipin (4%) and phosphatidic acid (1%) present in lesser amounts. Only trace amounts of the polyphosphoinositides, phosphatidylinositol monophosphate, and phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate were detected. Sterol was the major neutral lipid present (83% of the total neutral lipid mass) with lesser amounts of triacylglycerols (7%), steryl esters (6%), free fatty acids (4%), and diacylglycerols (1%). Monoacylglycerols were detected only in trace amounts. The sterol to phospholipid ratio was 0.39:1. Most of the phospholipids of the olfactory mucosa showed a high polyunsaturated fatty acid content, with the arachidonic acid (20:4) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6) residues predominating. The fatty acids in sphingomyelin, however, were almost totally saturated and included the 24:0 and 24:1 residues, which were not detected in other phospholipids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids accounted for less than 25% of the total fatty acid of any individual neutral lipid and comprised largely linoleic and arachidonic acids. The results are discussed in relation to the putative role of lipids in olfactory signal transduction.  相似文献   

All-trans-retinoic acid (atRA) is incorporated covalently into proteins of rat testes mitochondria. In this study, the effect of three diets with different fatty acid composition on the retinoylation of proteins of rat testes mitochondria has been investigated. Different groups of rats were fed on a basal diet supplemented with 15% of either coconut oil (CO), olive oil (OO) or fish oil (FO). We found that, when compared with CO, the binding of retinoic acid was decreased in FO- and OO-fed rats. Mitochondrial phospholipids composition was differently influenced by dietary treatments; minor changes were observed in fatty acid composition of phospholipids. Few differences were observed in the Arrhenius plots among the three groups of rats. Kinetic analysis revealed a decrease in the V max value in FO- and OO- as compared with CO-fed rats. No difference among the three groups were observed in the K M value. The retinoylation reaction was inhibited by 13-cis-RA and 9-cis-RA.  相似文献   

An acid deoxyribonuclease has been purified from rat small intestinal mucosa by a procedure including ammonium sulfate fractionation, chromatographies on DEAE-cellulose, CM-cellulose and SE-Sephadex and finally isoelectric focusing. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme preparation showed one major and two minor bands, and the enzyme activity corresponded to one of the minor bands. The enzyme preparation was free of contaminating DNase I, DNase III, alkaline RNase, acid and alkaline phosphatases and nonspecific phosphodiesterase, but slight activities of DNase IV and acid RNase were detected. The enzyme did not require divalent cations for activity, had a pH optimum of 4.5 in 0.33 M sodium acetate buffer, and had an optimum temperature of 50 to 60 degrees C when assayed for 30 min. The rate of hydrolysis of native DNA was about 2.5-fold faster than that observed with denatured DNA. Its molecular weight was found to be 9.0 +/- 0.1. The enzyme catalyzes the endonucleolytic cleavage of native and denatured DNA, yielding oligonucleotides which have an average chain length of about 7, and which contain 3'-phosphoryl termini. The mode of action of the enzyme is double-strand scission.  相似文献   

An allochthonous population of spiral-shaped bacteria was found colonizing the surfaces of the colonic mucosa of rats after they had been given magnesium sulphate (MgSO4)-induced diarrhea. These organisms were rarely seen in normal control rats and were not displaced when the treatment was ceased, remaining associated with the tissue for periods of up to 180 days. Similar bacteria were also found when specific pathogen-free rats, lacking mucosa-associated populations, were inoculated with homogenized rat intestine from conventional animals. Light and electron microscopic observations showed that the organisms were attached to the surface of the colon, orientated at right angles to the tissue, with one end inserted into the microvillus border. This is the first report of long-term colonization, following perturbation of the gut ecosystem, of a site on the gastrointestinal mucosa not normally associated with bacteria. The ultrastructure and mode of attachment of these organisms were very similar to that of spiral-shaped bacteria known to associate with the colonic mucosa in monkeys and man.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the lipid composition of rat caecal mucosa, including the fatty acid composition of major phospholipid classes. Phospholipids accounted for 90% of the total lipid, with cholesterol, triacylglycerols, diacylglycerols, fatty acids and cholesterol ester making up the remainder. Therefore, a phospholipid to neutral lipid ration of 9:1 was found. Phosphatidylethanolamine was the predominant phospholipid, with phosphatidylcholine as the second most abundant phospholipid. Cardiolipin, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol and lysophosphatidylcholine were present in lesser amounts. Sphingomyelin and lysophosphatidylethanolamine were only detected in trace amounts. The major fatty acids present in both the lipid and all phospholipid fractions were palmitate, stearate, oleate, linoleate and arachidonate. Other fatty acids of chain length greater than C20 were only detected in phospholipid fraction and accounted for < 5% of the total fatty acids in this fraction. However, 11.10% of 22:6 (n-3) and 7.17% of 24:0 were detected in phosphatidylserine and lysophosphatidylcholine, respectively. The results are discussed in terms of their possible physiological significance.  相似文献   

Rats were maintained on nutritionally complete diets enriched in unsaturated (menhaden fish oil) or saturated (butter fat) triacylglycerols. After 4 weeks, the animals were killed, proximal small intestinal brush-border membranes were prepared, and examined and compared with respect to their lipid composition, molecular species of phosphatidylcholine, lipid fluidity and sodium-dependent D-glucose transport. Membranes prepared from the two dietary groups were found to possess similar ratios of cholesterol/phospholipid (mol/mol), sphingomyelin/phosphatidylcholine (mol/mol), and protein/lipid (w/w). In contrast to these findings, however, striking differences were noted in the total fatty acid compositions of these membranes. Plasma membranes prepared from animals fed the fish oil diet possessed higher percentages of saturated fatty acids as well as (n - 3) unsaturated fatty acids and lower percentages of monounsaturated and (n - 6) unsaturated fatty acids than those prepared from animals fed the butter fat diet. Analysis of the molecular species of phosphatidylcholine by HPLC, moreover, revealed that membranes from rats fed fish oil had higher levels of 16:0-20:5, 16:0-22:6 and 18:0-20:5 and lower levels of 18:0-18:2 and 16:0-18:1 than their butter fat counterparts. As assessed by steady-state fluorescence polarization, differential polarized phase fluorometric and excimer/monomer fluorescence intensity techniques using various fluorophores, the lipid fluidity of membranes from rats fed fish oil was also found to be significantly lower compared to membranes from rats fed butter fat. Finally, comparison of the kinetic parameters of Na+-dependent D-glucose transport revealed that fish oil-membrane vesicles had a higher maximum velocity (Vmax) than butter fat membrane vesicles but a similar Km for glucose.  相似文献   

The response of the adrenal gland to zinc deficiency was examined in male weanling rats. In comparison with decapsulated adrenals from ad libitum fed controls, glands from zinc deficient rats had greater relative weight (mg/g body wt), DNA concentration, and total lipid and cholesterol concentrations as well as a smaller protein/DNA ratio. Several of these differences (protein/DNA and cholesterol concentration) could be attributed to the inanition accompanying zinc deficiency, as zinc deficient values were similar to those of pair fed controls. Values for total DNA and protein concentration were similar for all groups. Electron micrographs of the zona fasciculata showed a small number of lipid droplets in the adrenals from ad libitum fed controls, an increase in lipid droplets from pair fed controls, and an even more striking increase in lipid droplets from the zinc deficient adrenals. The increased adrenal lipid composition in the zinc deficient group may be secondary to enhanced steroidogenesis or a zinc deficiency-induced defect of lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

1. Two phospholipase activities, provisionally designated as phospholipase activity I and phospholipase activity II, were found to be present in the mucosal homogenates of rat small intestine. These phospholipase activities were present in the membraneous particle fraction and were characterized in this study without further purification, using phosphatidylcholine as a substrate. Phospholipase activity I was assayed at pH 5.9 in the absence of deoxycholate, whereas phospholipase activity II was assayed at pH 9.4 in the presence of deoxycholate. Phospholipase activity I was more easily inactivated by heat treatment and trypsin digestion than phospholipase activity II. Both phospholipase activities were inhibited by diisopropyl-fluorophosphate but not by SH-binding reagents. 2. Phospholipase activity I had a pH optimum at 5.9. A sigmoid curve was obtained when the amount of the enzyme preparation was plotted against the phospholipase activity I. The unusually low activity found at low enzyme concentrations was enhanced by addition of the heat-inactivated enzyme preparation to a level where a linear relationship was found between the amount of enzyme and the activity. The effector present in the enzyme preparation was tentatively identified as fatty acid(s). The addition of oleic acid or linoleic acid to the incubation mixture enhanced the phospholipase activity I. At 1 mM levels of these fatty acids the highest activity was obtained when 1.5 mM phosphatidylcholine was used as a substrate. 3. The phospholipase activity II increased on addition of deoxycholate. In the presence of 5 mM deoxycholate, a pH optimum was found at 9.6. It was found that the maximal extent of hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine in the incubation mixture was dependent on the concentration of deoxycholate. This indicates that deoxycholate facilitates the action of phospholipase activity II, presumably by forming deoxycholate-phosphatidylcholine mixed micelles. Phospholipase activity II was found to deacylate specifically the 2-acyl moiety of phospholipids.  相似文献   

Prior studies have suggested that sex hormones could influence the ganglioside and/or neutral glycosphingolipid composition of various organs. To date, the effects of sex hormones on the glycosphingolipid composition of the rat small intestinal mucosa, however, have not been examined. In the present studies, male albino rats of the Sherman strain were subcutaneously administered the synthetic estrogen, ethinylestradiol (5 mg/kg body wt. per day), or diluent for 5 days, and the ganglioside, neutral glycosphingolipid and ceramide composition of the small intestinal mucosa of these animals were analyzed and compared. The results of these experiments demonstrate that estrogen administration: increased the ganglioside concentration of this tissue, including hematoside (Gm3); increased the percentage of the long-chain base phytosphingosine of hematoside; and did not appear to significantly influence the concentration or composition of the neutral glycosphingolipids or ceramide in this tissue. These data, therefore, indicate that estrogen administration induces quantitative and qualitative alterations in the gangliosides but not in the neutral glycosphingolipids or ceramide of rat small intestinal mucosa.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of retinal tissues was measured in rats maintained for 26–32 weeks on each of the following diets: a purified basal diet deficient in α-tocopherol and selenium, an identical control diet supplemented with α-tocopherol and selenium, and a commercial laboratory rat chow. Dietary deficiencies of antioxidant nutrients were found to cause a large decrease in total polyunsaturated fatty acids in the retinal pigment epithelium, a small decrease in the retinal rod outer segments, but no change in the whole retina or liver when compared to tissues from animals fed the vitamin E- and selenium-supplemented control diet. The polyunsaturated fatty acid content which we have observed for the retinal pigment epithelium from rats fed commercial lab chow is similar to that which we observed for bovine retinal pigment epithelium.Our results indicate that changes in fatty acid composition are not generalized to all tissues in severely antioxidant-deficient animals, but that changes do occur in some tissues, such as the retinal pigment epithelium, which appears to be particularly sensitive to in vivo lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

Essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency in mice induces fat malabsorption. We previously reported indications that the underlying mechanism is located at the level of the intestinal mucosa. We have investigated the effects of EFA deficiency on small intestinal morphology and function. Mice were fed an EFA-deficient or control diet for 8 wk. A 72-h fat balance, the EFA status, and small intestinal histology were determined. Carbohydrate absorptive and digestive capacities were assessed by stable isotope methodology after administration of [U-(13)C]glucose and [1-(13)C]lactose. The mRNA expression and enzyme activity of lactase, and concentrations of the EFA linoleic acid (LA) were measured in small intestinal mucosa. Mice fed the EFA-deficient diet were markedly EFA-deficient with a profound fat malabsorption. EFA deficiency did not affect the histology or proliferative capacity of the small intestine. Blood [13C6]glucose appearance and disappearance were similar in both groups, indicating unaffected monosaccharide absorption. In contrast, blood appearance of [13C]glucose, originating from [1-(13)C]lactose, was delayed in EFA-deficient mice. EFA deficiency profoundly reduced lactase activity (-58%, P<0.01) and mRNA expression (-55%, P<0.01) in mid-small intestine. Both lactase activity and its mRNA expression strongly correlated with mucosal LA concentrations (r=0.77 and 0.79, respectively, P<0.01). EFA deficiency in mice inhibits the capacity to digest lactose but does not affect small intestinal histology. These data underscore the observation that EFA deficiency functionally impairs the small intestine, which in part may be mediated by low LA levels in the enterocytes.  相似文献   

Termination of pregnancy in missed abortion and intra-uterine fetal death was accomplished using vaginal suppositories of 20 mg PGE2 in 31 cases and the results were compared with oxytocin induction (with or without estrogen pre-treatment) in 17 cases at the doses routinely used in our hospital. The PG suppositories proved much more superior (96.7%) than oxytocin (47.7%), but induced a higher rate of side effects. The latter were not serious and were generally tolerated by the patients. There was a positive correlation between duration of fetal retention in utero and the induction expulsion time. The over all patient acceptance of the method was quite favourable and the approach appears to be a definite advance towards management of these cases.  相似文献   

Essential fatty acid interconversion during gestation in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The synthesis of arachidonic acid has been investigated in fetal and pregnant rat liver microsomes in the course of the gestation. The delta 5-desaturase activity decreased 2-3 times in rat liver between the 19th and 22nd day of the pregnancy. During this period the delta 5-desaturate activity increased 3-fold in the fetal liver, exceeding the activity of the maternal liver. In contrast, the activity of the fetal delta 6-desaturase was in the same range as in pregnant rat liver and the liver of control animals and did not change between these two stages of the gestation. The elongation rate of linoleic acid in fetal liver was 2-3 times lower than in maternal liver but this increased during the pregnancy. The fatty acid activate rate was always higher than the activity of the desaturases. At the 19th day, the activity of the delta 5-desaturase was apparently the rate limiting step of arachidonic acid synthesis in fetal liver. We did not find any delta 5- and delta 6-desaturase activities or linoleic acid elongation in the placenta microsomes.  相似文献   

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