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Summary cur-1, a mutation found in many strains of the Y10 line of Escherichia coli K-12, but not previously described, maps at 27 min, close to galU. cur-1 causes mucoidity or uracil requirement at 29°C depending on the genetic background. These phenotypes are suppressed by amber codon suppressors.  相似文献   

Hybrid membrane particles from two mutants of Escherichia coli K12, Bv4 and KI1, defective in oxidative phosphorylation, have been prepared, in which ATP-driven membrane energization is restored.

A soluble factor of mutant KI1 was found to have properties similar to parental crude coupling factor, ATPase (EC Membrane particles of this mutant could not be reconstituted by parental coupling factor. Either parental coupling factor, or the soluble factor of mutant KI1 could reconstitute both respiration-driven and ATP-driven energization to membrane particles of mutant BV4 or to parental particles depleted of ATPase. Mutant BV4 was found to be devoid of coupling factor activity, while retaining the ability to hydrolyze ATP. Both mutants possess an ATPase with an altered binding to the membrane.

Mutant KI1 is impaired in respiration-driven amino acid transport, in contrast to mutant BV4.

The three major subunits of parental Escherichia coli ATPase have been isolated and antibodies have been prepared against these subunits. Antibodies against the largestsubunit ( component) or against the intact catalytic subunits ( + β components) inhibit both ATP-Pi exchange in the parent organism as well as ATP hydrolytic activity in parent and mutants. Antibodies against the two other subunits (β or γ components) also inhibit these two reactions, but were found to be less effective. Mutant NI44, which lacks ATPase activity, shows no precipitin lines with anti-, anti-β, anti-γ, or anti-( + β) preparations. In contrast, mutants BV4 and KI1, exhibit cross-reactivity with all of the antisera.  相似文献   

A class of F' plasmids, designated Fpoh+, was previously shown to be able to replicate extra-chromosomally on Hfr strains by virtue of carrying the specific site or region poh+ (permissive on Hfr) of the E. coli chromosome (Hiraga, 1975, 1976a). These plasmids were now found to replicate on E. coli mafA mutants (mafA1 and mafA23) that cannot support vegetative replication of F and some other F-like plasmids. The derivatives of Fpoh+ that have lost the poh+ site, on the other hand, failed to replicate on mafA mutants. These mutants harboring Fpoh+ (but not Poh- derivatives thereof) exhibit abnormal cell division and form elongated cells, presumably due to competition between Fpoh+ and the host chromosome for some factor(s) essential for the initiation of DNA replication of the both replicons. It is tentatively concluded that the poh+ site is required for F' plasmids to replicate on mafA mutants as well as on Hfr strains. In view of the fact that the mechanism of inhibition of autonomous F DNA replication in mafA mutants and in Hfr strains are clearly different, the present data seem to provide strong support to the notion that the poh+ region contains the replication origin of the E. coli chromosome.  相似文献   

Summary We have analysed as a function of cell doubling times the control of R6K plasmid replication in rep + and rep strains of Escherichia coli. The rep mutation results in an alteration or loss of an enzyme that unwinds helical DNA. We found in rep + bacteria that R6K relative dosage (plasmids per genome equivalent) remained nearly constant as growth rates increased. From this we concluded that the average plasmid concentration (plasmids per unit cell mass or volume) fell relative to the average concentration of chromosome origins when growth rates increased. In this context, the control of R6K replication is similar to that of other plasmids as seen by different workers. We also found that the relative dosage of R6K in rep mutants is greater than in rep + bacteria when both strains were grown at fast growth rates. This finding was expected since at fast growth rates the number of genome equivalents per unit mass is expected to be lower in rep mutants. Unexpectedly, however, we found the effect of the rep mutation on R6K relative dosage had occurred in a step-like manner at a slow growth rate of about 120 min per generation. This implies that both the relative dosage and concentration of R6K had increased in a step-like manner. We also found that the effect of the rep mutation on R6K concentration was lost at fast growth rates while the effect of the mutation on R6K relative dosage was not lost.  相似文献   

Summary The sdrA102 mutation confers upon cells the ability to replicate DNA in the absence of protein synthesis. This mutation was combined with the recA200 mutation, which renders the recA protein thermolabile, and had little effect on normal replication. However, the sdrA102 recA200 double mutant exhibited temperature-sensitive stable DNA replication: it replicated DNA continuously in the presence of chloramphenicol at 30°C, whereas at 42°C DNA replication ceased after the DNA content increased only 40–45%. Suppressor mutants (rin; recA-independent) capable of stable DNA replication at 42°C were isolated from the double mutant. The suppressor mutant retained all other recA characteristics, i.e., deficient general recombination, severe UV-sensitivity, and incapability of prophage induction in lysogens. This indicates that the rin mutation specifically suppresses the recA + dependency of stable DNA replication. It is suggested that the recA + protein stabilizes a specific structure, similar to an intermediate in recombination, which may function in the initiation of stable DNA replication.  相似文献   

Introduction of a Micrococcus plasmid in Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 6-MDa plasmid (pMQV10), carrying cholesterol hydroxylase and streptomycin-resistance genes, from a gram-positive strain of Micrococcus sps., (RJ6) has been successfully transformed in gram-negative Escherichia coli K12 C600. pMQV10 is maintained stably and expresses its drug resistance in the new host.  相似文献   

To clone new replication origin(s) activated under RNase H-defective (rnh ) conditions in Escherichia coli cells, whole chromosomal DNA digested with EcoRI was to with a Kmr DNA fragment and transformed into an rnh derivative host. From the Kmr transformants, we obtained eight kinds of plasmid-like DNA, each of which contained a specific DNA fragment, termed Hot, derived from the E. coli genome. Seven of the Hot DNAs (HotA-G) mapped to various sites within a narrow DNA replication termination region (about 280 kb), without any particular selection. Because Hot DNA could not be transformed into a mutant strain in which the corresponding Hot region had been deleted from the chromosome, the Hot DNA, though obtained as covalently closed circular (ccc) DNA, must have arisen by excision from the host chromosome into which it had initially integrated, rather than by autonomous replication of the transformed species. While Hot DNA does not have a weak replication origin it does have a strong recombinational hotspot active in the absence of RNase H. This notion is supported by the finding that Chi activity was present on all Hot DNAs tested and no Hot-positive clone without Chi activity was obtained, with the exception of a DNA clone carrying the dif site.  相似文献   

Summary Two loci,ma-l + andry +, necessary for xanthine dehydrogenase activity inDrosophila melanogaster have been studied for dosage effects utilizing deficiencies and duplications induced for this purpose. Comparisons of one, two and three doses ofma-l + in the female or one and two doses in the male indicate that there is no increase in specific enzyme activity with dose. On the other hand, comparisons of one, two and three doses ofry + in the male and female reveal an increase in enzyme activity that is roughly proportional to dose. Since dosage ofry + is limiting, whereas that ofma-l + is not, the final concentration of xanthine dehydrogenase is shown to depend on the number of doses ofry +.The implications of these findings with respect to the hypothesis of dosage compensation and to the mechanism of control of enzyme and protein concentration are discussed.Operated by Union Carbide Corporation for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.  相似文献   

Summary A series of mutants of E. coli temperature-sensitive for DNA synthesis has been studied. The temperature-sensitive DNA mutations map in seven distinct genetic loci most of which have not been previously reported. Mutations in dnaA and in dnaC affect the initiation of DNA replication; those at the remaining loci affect chain elongation. A temperature-sensitive Flac is shown to suppress a group A mutant with somewhat less efficiency than other F factors previously reported by others. The gene products rendered temperaturesensitive by the mutations have not been identified for any of the loci.  相似文献   

The recA + gene of Vibrio cholerae O1 has been cloned, its nucleotide sequence determined and the product characterized. A deletion mutation was constructed in the recA gene and mutants showed the typical sensitivity to UV and to DNA-damaging agents, as well as an inability to mediate homologous DNA recombination. The chromosomal recA deletion mutants in V. cholerae do not show altered virulence in the infant mouse cholera model and are thus ideal strains for use in complementation studies.  相似文献   

Summary A mutant strain of E. coli which was isolated initially because of its strong hyper-recombination phenotype was shown to carry a lesion in uvrD. The presence of this mutation, designated uvrD210, increased the frequency of recombination between chromosomal duplications in F-prime repliconant cells and reduced linkage between closely linked markers in crosses with Hfr donors. A comparable hyper-rec phenotype was demonstrated in strains carrying other alleles of uvrD previously referred to as mutU4, uvr502 and recL152. The recombination activity of a uvrD210 strain was abolished by mutation of recA but the mutator activity associated with this allele proved to be independent of recA. It is suggested that uvrD mutations reduce the fidelity of DNA replication and that the accumulation of lesions in the newly synthesized strand provides additional sites for initiating recombination.  相似文献   

Summary F-prime heterogenotes of dam-3 bacteria segregate F-prime homogenotes at a frequency 30–200 times higher than the isogenic dam + strain. A hyperrecombination mutant which shows increased recombination between chromosomal duplications was characterized as a dam mutant. The dam-3 allele causes a reduction in linkage of proximal unselected markers in transconjugants and increases the recombination frequency between a pair of closely linked markers. It is concluded that dam mutations confer a hyperrecombination phenotype to the cell.  相似文献   

Chieko Wada  Takashi Yura 《Plasmid》1982,8(3):287-298
When temperature-sensitive mafA mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 carrying mini-F plasmid (pSC138) are transferred from 30 to 42 °C, plasmid DNA replication as determined by incorporation of [3H]thymidine into covalently closed circular (CCC) mini-F DNA or by DNA-DNA hybridization is inhibited markedly within 10 min. The results of extensive pulse-chase experiments suggest that the initiation rather than the chain elongation step of plasmid replication is affected under these conditions. The replication inhibition in the mutant is accompanied by appearance of a class of plasmid DNA with a buoyant density higher than that of CCC DNA observed in the wild type, and is followed by gradual inhibition of host cell growth. The inhibition of plasmid replication is reversible at least for 60 min under the conditions used, and the recovery at low temperature (30 °C) depends on the synthesis of untranslated RNA. These results taken together with other evidence suggest that the mafA mutations primarily affect the initial step(s) of F DNA replication, presumably at or before the synthesis of untranslated RNA.  相似文献   

Summary Seven mutants of E. coli with temperature-sensitive synthesis of DNA have been isolated. Synthesis of RNA, protein and DNA precursors does not appear to be directly affected. The mutants can be divided into at least two groups on the basis of their pattern of DNA synthesis, their ability to support phage growth at 41° and their genetic mapping.Mutants of the first group are heterogeneous in their pattern of DNA synthesis at 40°. Some mutants cease DNA synthesis abruptly upon transfer to 40° and any residual DNA synthesis is barely detectable. In others there is substantial residual synthesis at 40°. All these Group 1 mutants are alike, however, in that they support the growth of phage T4 but not Lambda at 41°. Two mutants with barely detectable residual DNA synthesis carry DNA mutations which have been mapped by P1 transduction and show about 72% linkage to the malB locus. It has not yet proved possible to map accurately the mutants showing substantial residual synthesis, and the possibility that these mutations are in a different gene(s) has not been excluded.A single mutant has been placed in a second group. Like some Group 1 mutants it synthesizes substantial amounts of DNA at 40° before synthesis stops. However, unlike them it supports the growth of T4 and Lambda at 41°. The DNA mutation maps near the leu locus. Certain properties of this mutant are consistent with the idea that initiation of DNA synthesis is temperature-sensitive in this strain.Adapted from a dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. This investigation was supported in part by U.S. Public Health Services Grant 5-TO1-GM00829 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and in part by U.S.P.H.S. research grant GM12524.  相似文献   

Summary The final step in the biosynthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine, the major membrane lipid of Escherichia coli, is catalyzed by the membrane-bound enzyme, phosphatidylserine decarboxylase. A variation of a procedure for localized mutagenesis (Hong and Ames, 1971) was employed to generate conditional lethal mutants in phosphatidylserine decarboxylase. In our modification, an episome carrying the psd gene closely linked to purA + was heavily mutagenized in vivo in a strain also lysogenic for phage P1 CMclr100. After induction of a phage lytic cycle, the purA + marker was transduced to a purA - recipient. A majority of the Pur+ transductants thus contained a psd gene originating from the heavily mutagenized episomal strain. Three mutants were isolated in which temperature-sensitive growth is caused by thermosensitive phosphatidylserine decarboxylase activity that is defective in vivo at the non-permissive temperature. All 3 mutations were mapped at the same location as psd1, being cotransduced with melA, purA, and ampA. The gene order in this region, as determined by a phage P1-mediated, three-factor cross is ampA-psd-purA. psd + is dominant to the psd mutant alleles.  相似文献   

【背景】Zn2+在细胞解毒及许多生理过程中发挥着关键作用,Zn2+转运蛋白已逐渐引起人们的重视。在大肠杆菌中,zntA和zitB是2个外排Zn2+的关键基因。【目的】构建大肠杆菌Zn2+敏感突变株,并对其功能进行验证。【方法】以Escherichia coli DH5α为出发菌株,利用λ Red重组系统,通过携带卡那霉素抗性基因的同源重组片段敲除zntA基因。在单基因敲除菌株基础上,利用携带庆大霉素抗性基因的同源重组片段敲除zitB基因,获得一株敲除了zntA和zitB的双基因敲除菌株KZAB04。通过功能互补实验检测基因敲除菌株及对照菌株对不同浓度Zn2+的敏感程度。【结果】基因敲除菌株KZAB04比出发菌株E. coli DH5α具有更高的Zn2+敏感性。【结论】大肠杆菌Zn2+敏感突变株构建成功。该菌株的构建为zntA和zitB基因功能的研究提供了必要条件,同时也为其他Zn2+转运蛋白基因的功能鉴定与分析奠...  相似文献   

在原核生物中,硒蛋白合成需要tRNA~(Sec) (SelC)与硒代半胱氨酸合成(Sec synthase, SelA)、硒代半胱氨酸特异性延伸因子(Sec-specificelongationfactor,SelB)之间相互作用。【目的】基于大肠杆菌掺硒机器,寻找tRNA~(Sec)骨架上关键核苷酸位点,为解决硒蛋白目前面临的掺硒效率较低、产量低的问题提供新思路。【方法】以大鼠细胞质型硫氧还蛋白还原酶(thioredoxinreductase1,TrxR1)为掺硒模式蛋白为定点突变tRNA~(Sec),转化至BL21 (DE3) gor-获得阳性重组菌株(携带pET-TRSter/pSUABC’),用于表达大鼠硒蛋白TrxR1,然后使用2¢,5¢ADP-Sepharose亲和层析和凝胶过滤两步法分离纯化TrxR1,最后利用经典硒依赖型DTNB还原反应测定TrxR1的酶活,分析关键核苷酸位点,评价掺硒效率。【结果】在存在SECIS元件的前提下,当SelA、SelB、tRNA~(Sec)共表达时,与野生型相比,携带突变型tRNA~(Sec)所共表达的TrxR1酶活力呈现不同程度的降低,其中E.colitRNA~(Sec)的G18、G19这两个位点的所有的TrxR1酶活远低于野生型(10%);然而,a26和b7的酶活相对较高。【结论】E. coli tRNA~(Sec)骨架上G18和G19位点对于维持tRNA稳定性和灵活性发挥了关键作用,位点突变引起tRNA结构变化会影响tRNA~(Sec)与掺硒元件的互作,因此有望通过改造tRNA核苷酸位点来提高硒蛋白的掺硒效率。  相似文献   

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