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Cytogenetics of pearl millet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The somatic karyotype of pearl millet Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke. (2n = 14) has been studied in several cultivars, but few cytological markers have been discovered which could help in the easy identification of the chromosomes. Analysis of pachytene bivalents permits such identification but is feasible only in a few cultivars. Recently, several lines having telocentric chromosomes have been produced and classified but their potentialities as cytogenetic tools have yet to be explored. Some African populations of pearl millet carry B-chromosomes in their karyotype. Cytogenetics of B-chromosomes has been reported in great detail. Bs undergo spontaneous changes to produce deficient- and iso-chromosomes. The main effect of B-chromosomes is on chiasma frequency which is exerted by the relative amounts of chiasma promoting euchromatin and the chiasma depressing heterochromatin in the Bs. Haploid plants occur occasionally and sometimes show a low degree of seed set, offering a possibility of establishing homozygous inbred lines. Cytogenetics of several spontaneous and induced autotetraploids have been reported. In general quadrivalent formation between the seven sets of four homologues was random. Seed set of the autotetraploids could be improved by selection; improved seed fertility was found to be associated with increased chiasma frequency, increased quadrivalent frequency and regular distribution of chromosomes at anaphase I. Genes controlling morphological characters of plant phenotype segregate independent of those controlling fertility and in pearl millet polyploidy per se is not limiting to plant vigour. Primary trisomics represent the best studied among the aneuploids of pearl millet. All the seven primary trisomics have been identified and described. Some were used in assigning genes to specific chromosomes but in general trisomies have poor vigour and fertility, and show low frequency of transmission. Apart from B-chromosomes, cytogenetics of interchanges has been the best studied aspect of pearl millet. The frequency of co-orientation of an interchange complex at metaphase I, which determines the fertility or sterility of the interchange heterozygote, is influenced by the genetic background and thus is theoretically amenable for selection leading to improved fertility of the heterozygote. Interchange tester-stocks have been assembled which can be used to identify the chromosomes involved in any newly obtained interchange. A complex interchange line involving all the chromosomes of the complement has also been produced, but the ring-of-fourteen produces total male and female sterility.Genotypic control of mitosis and meiosis has been reported, with reference to chromosome numerical mosaicism, multiploid sporocytes, desynapsis and chromosome fragmentation, and male sterility. Pearl millet being a largely outbreeding species, forced inbreeding was mainly found to result in loss of morphological vigour and reduction in mean chiasma frequency per PMC. Interspecific hybrids between pearl millet and several related species have been cytologically investigated and homology of the seven chromosomes of pearl millet with seven of the fourteen chromosomes of P. purpureum has been demonstrated. Cytogenetic evidence from haploids, autopolyploids and interspecific hybrids has indications to suggest that the haploid number of x = 7 is derived from x = 5, but the evidence is inconclusive and needs critical evaluation.  相似文献   

Summary Growth and phosphorus uptake of pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum) on an unsterile, phosphorus-deficient soil was improved by the seed inoculation withAzospirillum brasilense or soil inoculation with the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Acaulospora,Gigaspora margarita, Glomus fasciculatum). These microorganisms acted synergistically when added simultaneously and the response was significant withAzospirillum brasilense + Gigaspora margarita andAzospirillum brasilense + Glomus fasciculatum combinations over uninoculated control as far as the dry matter content of shoots, root biomass and phosphorus uptake of the millet was concerned.  相似文献   

The effect of long-term (1983–1988) applications of crop residues (millet straw, 2–4 t ha-1 yr–1) and/or mineral fertilizer (30 kg N, 13 kg P and 25 kg K ha-1 yr-1) on uptake of phosphorus (P) and other nutrients, root growth and mycorrhizal colonization of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) was examined for two seasons (1987 and 1988) on an acid sandy soil in Niger. Treatments of the long-term field experiment were: control (–CR–F), mineral fertilizer only (–CR+F), crop residues only (+CR–F), and crop residues plus mineral fertilizer (+CR+F).In both years, total P uptake was similar for +CR–F and –CR+F treatments (1.6–3.5 kg P ha-1), although available soil P concentration (Bray I P) was considerably lower in +CR–F (3.2 mg P kg-1 soil) than in –CR+F (7.4) soil. In the treatments with mineral fertilizers (–CR+F; +CR+F), crop residues increased available soil P concentrations (Bray I P) from 7.4 to 8.9 mg kg-1 soil, while total P uptake increased from 3.6 to 10.6 kg P ha-1. In 1987 (with 450 mm of rainfall), leaf P concentrations of 30-day-old millet plants were in the deficiency range, but highest in the +CR+F treatment. In 1988 (699 mm), leaf P concentrations were distinctly higher, and again highest in the +CR+F treatment. In the treatments without crop residues (–CR–F; –CR+F), potassium (K) concentrations in the leaves indicated K deficiency, while application of crop residues (+CR–F; +CR+F) substantially raised leaf K concentrations and total K uptake. Leaf concentrations of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) were hardly affected by the different treatments.In the topsoil (0–30 cm), root length density of millet plants was greater for +CR+F (6.5 cm cm-3) than for +CR–F (4.5 cm cm-3) and –CR+F (4.2 cm cm-3) treatments. Below 30 cm soil depth, root length density of all treatments declined rapidly from about 0.6 cm cm-3 (30–60 cm soil depth) to 0.2 cm cm-3 (120–180 cm soil depth). During the period of high uptake rates of P (42–80 DAP), root colonization with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi was low in 1987 (15–20%), but distinctly higher in 1988 (55–60%). Higher P uptake of +CR+F plants was related to a greater total root length in 0–30 cm and also to a higher P uptake rate per unit root length (P influx). Beneficial effects of crop residues on P uptake were primarily attributed to higher P mobility in the soil due to decreased concentrations of exchangeable Al, and enhancement of root growth. In contrast, the beneficial effect of crop residues on K uptake was caused by direct K supply with the millet straw.  相似文献   

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) was grown in the greenhouse and in the field at different levels of phosphorus applied, with or without inoculation with VA mycorrhiza in sterilized or unsterilized soil. When grown in a sterilized soil to which eight levels of P had been applied the non-inoculated plants required the application of 3200 kg P ha−1 to reach near-maximum yield of plant dry matter (DM) at 3 months. Inoculated plants, however, showed only a minor response to applied P. Mycorrhizal inoculation in the P check increased top growth over 80 fold and total P uptake over 100 fold. Relating dry matter produced to the available P concentration in the soil (Bray II), a critical level of 15 ppm P was obtained for mycorrhizal and 190 ppm P for non-mycorrhizal plants. This indicates that the determination of critical levels of P in the soil is highly dependent on the degree of mycorrhizal infection of the root system. In a second greenhouse trial with two sterilized and non-sterilized soils it was found that in both sterilized soils, inoculation was most effective at intermediate levels of applied P resulting in a 15–30 fold increase in DM at 100 kg P ha−1. In the unsterilized soil inoculation had no significant effect in the quilichao soil, but increased DM over 3 fold in the Carimagua soil, indicating that the latter had a native mycorrhizal population less effective than the former. When cassava was grown in the field in plots with 11 levels of P applied, uninoculated plants grown in sterilized soil remained extremely P deficient for 4–5 months after which they recuperated through mycorrhizal infection from unsterilized borders or subsoil. Still, after 11 months inoculation had increased root yields by 40%. In the non-sterilized soil inoculation had no significant effect as the introduced strain was equally as effective as the native mycorrhizal population. These trials indicate that cassava is extremely dependent on an effective mycorrhizal association for normal growth in low-P soils, but that in most natural soils this association is rapidly established and inoculation of cassava in the field can only be effective in soils with a low quantity and quality of native mycorrhiza. In that case, plants should be inoculated with highly effective strains.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial DNA has been isolated from paired lines of pearl millet maintainer and cytoplasmic male sterile plants. Evaluation of the DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis shows that good quality DNA of high molecular weight can be obtained from mitochondria of both maintainer and male sterile pearl millet.  相似文献   

Among the various available sources of male-sterile cytoplasm in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.], the A1 source has been exploited the most for the breeding of commercial F1 hybrids. The effect of this source on the combining ability (CA) for smut severity was studied since it is the CA that determines the performance of hybrids. The effect was estimated by comparing the CA estimates of 5 pairs of lines and 35 pairs of crosses with and without A1 cytoplasm. The cytoplasm showed either a significantly desirable or at least no adverse effect on the CA of 4 out of the 5 line pairs and 56 out of 70 pairs of comparison of crosses in two environments. The differential effect of cytoplasm in some pairs might be due to its interaction with nuclear genes. These results further substantiated that the A1 cytoplasm is not linked with increased smut severity in pearl millet hybrids.  相似文献   

Summary Genotypes of pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum L. Leeke) were examined for differences in vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) colonization and response to inoculation. For thirty genotypes tested across three field locations there was a range of mycorrhizal colonization intensity between 25 and 56%. In another experiment with two male-sterile lines, restorer lines and their derived crosses, grown in pots filled with non-sterilized soil there were significant differences between genotypes for colonization by mycorrhiza. This showed hostgenotype dependence for mycorrhizal colonization.Root growth rates, mycorrhizal root length, percentage root colonization and plant growth and P uptake were studied in ten genotypes. A set of 3 genotypes with similar root lengths varied significantly with regard to mycorrhizal root length and the percentage colonization. This supports the suggestion that VAM colonization and spread is dependent on the host genotype. The growth responses differed significantly between the genotypes and they also differed in their responses to P uptake and VAM inoculation. The utility of host-genotype dependent differences in VAM symbiosis in plant breeding is discussed.Journal Article No. 453  相似文献   

Four near-isonuclear polycytoplasmic versions of 81A and two of Pb 402A male-sterile lines of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides) were used in factorial matings with five inbred male testers in different combinations in three sets. The cytoplasmic differences were studied for several agronomic traits using mean values and general combining effects (gca) of male-sterile lines, and specific combining ability effects of hybrids. The fertility/ sterility behaviour of different male-sterile lines in crosses with common male parents was also studied. Significant differences among near-isonuclear polycytoplasmic lines were observed in mean values for a few traits such as plant height, leaf length and peduncle length, but the differences for combining ability were more pronounced. The A3 cytoplasm was a better general combiner than the A2 cytoplasm for grain yield and both A2 and A3 cytoplasms were better general combiners for leaf length and peduncle length. In addition, superiority of A3 cytoplasm for gca was observed for plant height and ear characters over the A2 cytoplasm in set II. A differential behaviour of cytoplasms, both in combination with a common pollinator and across pollinators, was observed for several traits. The results provide evidence for the distinctiveness of different cytoplasmic sources in pearl millet and for the influence of cytoplasmic factors on the phenotypic expression of nuclear genes. A diversification of male sterility sources in the breeding of pearl millet hybrids is suggested.  相似文献   

There have been no studies of the effects of soil P deficiency on pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) photosynthesis, despite the fact that P deficiency is the major constraint to pearl millet production in most regions of West Africa. Because current photosynthesis-based crop simulation models do not explicitly take into account P deficiency effects on leaf photosynthesis, they cannot predict millet growth without extensive calibration. We studied the effects of soil addition on leaf P content, photosynthetic rate (A), and whole-plant dry matter production (DM) of non-water-stressed, 28 d pearl millet plants grown in pots containing 6.00 kg of a P-deficient soil. As soil P addition increased from 0 to 155.2 mg P kg–1 soil, leaf P content increased from 0.65 to 7.0 g kg–1. Both A and DM had maximal values near 51.7 mg P kg–1 soil, which corresponded to a leaf P content of 3.2 g kg–1. Within this range of soil P addition, the slope of A plotted against stomatal conductance (gs) tripled, and mean leaf internal CO2 concentration ([CO2]i) decreased from 260 to 92 L L–1, thus indicating that P deficiency limited A through metabolic dysfunction rather than stomatal regulation. Light response curves of A, which changed markedly with P leaf content, were modelled as a single substrate, Michaelis-Menten reaction, using quantum flux as the substrate for each level of soil P addition. An Eadie-Hofstee plot of light response data revealed that both KM, which is mathematically equivalent to quantum efficiency, and Vmax, which is the light-saturated rate of photosynthesis, increased sharply from leaf P contents of 0.6 to 3 g kg–1, with peak values between 4 and 5 g P kg–1. Polynomial equations relating KM and Vmax, to leaf P content offered a simple and attractive way of modelling photosynthetic light response for plants of different P status, but this approach is somewhat complicated by the decrease of leaf P content with ontogeny.  相似文献   

Summary In the selfed progeny of a spontaneously produced triploid interchange heterozygote four different double trisomic plants were observed. In all the plants the frequency of alternate orientation of multivalents was lower compared to their respective types in the sib single trisomic plants. The frequency of alternate co-orientation of the interchange complex in these trisomics was also reduced compared to that of parental euploid disomic interchange heterozygotes. It is suggested that the presence of extra chromosomes influences the orientation behaviour of higher associations in different trisomics.  相似文献   

Summary In a research program to transfer apomixis from Pennisetum squamulatum Fresen to pearl millet, P. americanum L. Leeke, a polyhaploid plant (2n=21) was discovered in the uniform open-pollinated progeny of an apomictic interspecific hybrid (2n = 41) between pearl millet and P. squamulatum. The polyhaploid was shorter, less vigorous and was smaller morphologically than its maternal parent. It probably originated by parthenogenetic development of a reduced gametophyte in the apomictic interspecific hybrid. The most common metaphase I chromosome association in the polyhaploid was 4 bivalents plus 13 univalents. Irregular chromosome distribution, tripolar spindles, bridges and fragments were observed at anaphase I and telophase I. The polyhaploid was male-sterile and partially female- fertile having multiple aposporous embryo sacs in 95% of the ovules. Seed set was 3% when open-pollinated and 33% when pollinated with pearl millet pollen. Low seed set was due to competition among multiple embryos developing in the same ovule. Seventeen progeny from seed produced under open-pollination on the polyhaploid each had 2n=21 chromosomes and were morphologically uniform and identical to the female parent. The expression of obligate apomixis in the polyhaploid conditioned by the P. squamulatum genome between the simplex and duplex condition indicates that apomictic reproduction is possible in nonpolyploid plants.  相似文献   

The response to delayed harvest of fungal and mycotoxin contamination of grain of the pearl millet hybrid HGM 100 was examined in 1992 and 1993. Samples of grain were assayed from seven plantings at locations near Tifton, Georgia, USA. Grain was harvested at 30, 40, and 50 days after anthesis and evaluated for infection byFusarium species andAspergillus flavus, and mycotoxin contamination. Mean isolation frequencies ofF. semitectum (35.6%) andF. chlamydosporum (17.2%) increased linearly with delayed harvest.Fusarium moniliforme andF. equisiti were infrequently isolated (<0.5%) and did not increase in the grain when harvest was delayed. Low mean concentrations of zearalenone (0.17 ppm), nivalenol (0.42 ppm), and deoxynivalenol (0.01 ppm) were detected but were not affected by delayed harvest. Isolation frequencies ofF. chlamydosporum andF. equiseti were correlated (P=0.07) with levels of nivalenol.Aspergillus flavus was not isolated from the grain, and aflatoxin concentrations averaged 1.9 ppb.  相似文献   

The effects of phosphorus (P) application and mycorrhizal inoculation on the root characteristics of subterranean clover and ryegrass were examined. Phosphorus application increased total root length, root surface area and root volume of both plant species. In contrast, mycorrhizal infection only affected the root characteristics of subterranean clover. Ryegrass took up more P than non-mycorrhizal subterranean clover at all levels of application. However, mycorrhizal infection only increased P uptake by subterranean clover and there was no difference in P uptake between ryegrass and mycorrhizal subterranean clover at low levels of P application. When the P uptake was expressed on the basis of any of the root characteristics, subterranean clover were superior to ryegrass suggesting that the greater uptake of P by ryegrass is not due to a higher efficiency in absorption of P from soil solution, but rather to a large root system.  相似文献   

Large-scale cultivation of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. F1 hybrids in India has led to increased incidence of downy-mildew (Sclerospora graminicola). There is concern that the A1 male-sterile cytoplasm used in all the hybrids released so far is responsible for this increase. The influence of A1 malesterile cytoplasm on downy-mildew incidence in pearl millet was studied by comparing the disease reaction of 40 pairs of F1 hybrids, each pair carrying respectively a1 male-sterile and normal B cytoplasm. Mean downy-mildew incidence was similar in the hybrids carrying either A1 male-sterile or B cytoplasm. The general combining ability of lines with and without A1 cytoplasm was found to be similar for downy-mildew incidence. These results indicated that in pearl millet A1 cytoplasm is not associated with increased downymildew incidence. The possible danger of using only one source of cytoplasm has been briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Continued inbreeding by self pollination resulted in a proportion of sterile plants in some families of the inbred line IP 1475 of Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke. Cytological examinations of the sterile plants revealed mild to extreme desynapsis and also chromosome fragmentation in some plants. Segregation ratios in the selfed families did not fit into any simple Mendelian ratio; however, in one F2 family of the cross desynaptic x normal, segregation into 15 normal: 1 desynaptic was observed. Plants from a segregating family were classified as normals, desynaptics with 2–6 univalents, desynaptics with 2–10 univalents, desynaptics with 10–14 univalents and desynaptics with chromosome fragmentation. Estimation of the content of phosphate and potassium from the flag leaves did not reveal significant differences between the five groups of plants.  相似文献   

Correlation and path-coefficient analyses have been successful tools in developing selection criteria. Since increased seed yield is an important goal in our pearl millet x elephantgrass [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br. x P. purpureum Schum.] hexaploid breeding program, we used correlation and path-coefficient analyses on seed data. This study was conducted to develop appropriate selection criteria by determining the direct and indirect effects of seed-yield components on seed yield plant-1. Number of tillers plant-1, panicles tiller-1, seeds panicle-1, 100-seed weight, and seed yield plant-1, were estimated for individual plants in seven families. Phenotypic (rp) and genetic correlations (rg) were calculated, and path analyses (phenotypic and genetic) were carried out according to predetermined causal relationships. Phenotypic and genetic correlations differed in several cases due to large environmental variance and covariance. Phenotypically, all components were positively and significantly associated with seed yield plant-1. Genotypically, only seeds panicle-1 and 100-seed weight were significantly correlated. These two components were also positively correlated (r p=0.55, r g=0.63), so simultaneous improvement for both components would be feasible. Panicles tiller-1 and seeds panicle-1 were negatively correlated (r g=-0.97). In the path analyses, all direct effects of the components on seed yield plant-1 were positive. Phenotypic indirect effects were not as important as genetic indirect effects. The components seeds panicle-1 and 100-seed weight influenced seed yield plant-1 the greatest, both directly and indirectly.Florida Agricultural Experimental Station Journal Series No. R-03339  相似文献   

J. H. Bouton 《Plant and Soil》1988,110(1):143-144
Pearl millet inbred lines previously selected for differences in acetylene reduction activity (ARA) in seedling agar tubes were found to support low soil ARA. Lines selected for high ARA gave better performance than lines selected for low ARA. None of the high ARA lines was found to approach the ARA of alfalfa with their average rates over 40 fold lower.  相似文献   

Ishac  Y. Z.  El-Haddad  M. E.  Daft  M. J.  Ramadan  E. M.  El-Demerdash  M. E. 《Plant and Soil》1986,90(1-3):373-382
Summary The effect of seed inoculation withAzotobacter spp. orAzospirillum spp., and garbage amendment (0.5%), on the growth of wheat was studied in a field experiment under sub-tropical conditions. Two levels of N fertilizer were applied, the usual field rate (150 kg N ha–1) and half this amount. Tillering of plants, dry matter contents and nitrogenase activity were determined 30, 60 and 90 days after sowing. At the end of the experimental period, spore numbers and percentage of mycorrhizal infection were observed in the rhizosphere and root systems of plants. Straw and grain yields were also determined. The results of this study showed that seed inoculation and/or organic amendment stimulated plant growth, nitrogenase activity and mycorrhizal infection. This was more noticeable withAzotobacter than withAzospirillum. Inoculation withAzotobacter together with 1/2 N dose and organic amendment was the most effective application (19.75 and 10.70 t ha–1 were recorded for straw and grain yield, respectively).  相似文献   

Construction of a BAC library of pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was constructed using nuclear DNA from pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), and used as a resource for the isolation of microsatellite sequences. The library contains a total of 159,100 clones with an average insert size of 90 kb, and corresponds to 5.8 haploid genome equivalents. The BAC library was pooled for screening by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as well as robotically gridded on high-density filters. PCR-based screening of a subset of the library (4.7 haploid genome equivalents) using five sequence-tagged site (STS) and six microsatellite markers identified between 2 and 11 positives superpools (5.4 on average). The frequency of BAC clones carrying inserts of chloroplast DNA was estimated to be less than 1% by hybridisation with a rice chloroplast probe. Received: 30 January 2000 / Accepted: 16 October 2000  相似文献   

Chemotropic responses by pearl millet pollen tubes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary The possible existence of a chemotropic factor controlling pearl millet pollen-tube directionality within the ovary was investigated using three approaches: cytochemical analysis of water-soluble components at the micropyle, in vitro testing of various chemicals for chemotropic activity, and an attempt to isolate and characterize an ovarian chemotropic factor. Observations of pollinated pearl millet ovaries by fluorescence microscopy revealed that pollen tubes enroute to the embryo sac exhibit specific directional turns in the regions of the style base/ovary juncture, the basal placenta, and the micropyle. The placenta and the micropylar regions have water-soluble periodic acid Schiff positive-substances as well as protein; this extracellular material and the walls of the micropylar nucellar cells appear to have associated calcium (Chaubal and Reger 1991). In vitro assays of pollen-tube behavior in response to a range of external stimuli revealed that pearl millet pollen tubes exhibit directional turns in response to: (1) diffusate from excised pistil tissues; (2) glucose, but not to several other carbohydrates; (3) calcium (unwashed polygalacturonic acid-calcium gel); (4) an ovarian water soluble, low molecular weight, acidic protein. These results which apparently suggest the presence of at least three different potential chemotropic factors in pearl millet ovaries are discussed in relation to angiosperm chemotropism in general and the difficulties involved in the search for possible in vivo chemotropic factors.On Specific Cooperative Agreement 58-43YK-8-0026 with the Department of Biochemistry, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA  相似文献   

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