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Age effects on telomere length and telomerase expression in peripheral blood lymphocytes were analyzed from 121 normal individuals age newborn to 94 years and revealed several new findings. 1) Telomere shortening was observed in CD4+ and CD8+ T and B cells with age. However, the rate of telomere loss was significantly different in these populations, 35 +/- 8, 26 +/- 7, and 19 +/- 7 bp/year for CD4+ and CD8+ T and B cells, respectively. In addition, CD4+ T cells had the longest average telomeres at all ages, followed by B cells, with CD8+ T cell telomeres the shortest, suggesting that these lymphocyte populations may have different replicative histories in vivo. 2) Telomerase activity in freshly isolated T and B cells was indistinguishably low to undetectable at all ages but was markedly increased after Ag and costimulatory receptors mediated stimulation in vitro. Furthermore, age did not alter the magnitude of telomerase activity induced after stimulation of T or B lymphocytes through Ag and costimulatory receptors or in response to PMA plus ionomycin treatment. 3) The levels of telomerase activity induced by in vitro stimulation varied among individual donors but were highly correlated with the outcome of telomere length change in CD4+ T cells after Ag receptor-mediated activation. Together, these results indicate that rates of age-associated loss of telomere length in vivo in peripheral blood lymphocytes is specific to T and B cell subsets and that age does not significantly alter the capacity for telomerase induction in lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Different motile blood cells behave in a different way upon spreading on the glass surface. Macrophages pass through all the stages of spreading described for fibroblasts (Vasiliev, Gelfand, 1976); granulocytes are polarized after a short staying in badly spread conditions, lymphocytes are polarized immediately after setting of the glass surface. In relation to the leading edge and the cell nucleus, centrioles in the described cell types are located differently. In macrophages they are mainly in the front or on one side of the nucleus, in granulocytes they lie within the ring-like nucleus, in lymphocytes they are strictly located behind the nucleus in the uropode. In all the cases, however, centrioles are localized in the central region of the cytoplasm. Their location does not appear to be connected with the movement direction of blood cells. The distal ends of the active centrioles are faced to the upper cell surface in the examined cells. It is suggested that the centriole can distinguish the free cell surface and the surface associated with the substrate.  相似文献   

Using an in vitro cytotoxicity assay (51Cr-release), it was shown that bilirubin exerts a cytotoxic effect on both adult and newborn human lymphocytes after a 1-d incubation of cells with bilirubin. The effect of bilirubin on human granulocytes was less pronounced; the association of the cytotoxic effect with a functional immunological perturbation of these cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes, monocytes and granulocytes were separated by counter-flow centrifugation from the blood of normal individuals and were incubated in full serum medium or lipid-depleted medium. The monocytes incorporated about five times more [2-14C]acetate into sterols than did the lymphocytes in full serum medium and approximately twenty times more than the lymphocytes in lipid-depleted medium. The granulocytes were unable to synthesize sterols from either [2-14C]acetate or [2-14C]mevalonate, but they were able to use these substrates for the synthesis of squalene and demonstrated approximately a two fold increase in the incorporation of [2-14C]acetate (but not [2-14C]mevalonate) into squalene when incubated in the lipid-depleted medium as compared to the full serum medium.  相似文献   

The glutathione (GSH) content of mouse T- and B-cells was determined and compared with the GSH content of human peripheral blood lymphocytes and human erythrocytes. Owing to the difficulty of obtaining large numbers of purified lymphocytes, a technique was developed to measure picomolar quantities of GSH. By this technique, mouse T- and B-cells, as well as mouse peripheral-blood lymphocytes, were found to contain approx. 30% of the GSH found in human peripheral-blood lymphocytes. The concanavalin A response of human peripheral-blood lymphocytes and human spleen cells was insensitive to 2-mercaptoethanol as well as to culture in 17% O2, whereas mouse lymphocyte responses were altered by 2-mercaptoethanol and inhibited by 17% O2. The capacity of human peripheral-blood lymphocytes, human erythrocytes, mouse T-cells and mouse B-cells to regenerate GSH stores after chemical oxidation by diamide was tested, and it was found that mouse cells were less capable of regenerating GSH than human erythrocytes or human peripheral-blood lymphocytes. In addition, the latter lymphocytes were less sensitive to oxidation of GSH and to inhibition of proliferation by diamide.  相似文献   

Melatonin, a metabolic product of the amino acid tryptophan, induces a dose-dependent energy drop correlated with a decrease in the oxidative phosphorylation process in isolated rat liver mitochondria. This effect involves a gradual decrease in the respiratory control index and significant alterations in the state 4/state 3 transition of membrane potential (ΔΨ). Melatonin, alone, does not affect the insulating properties of the inner membrane but, in the presence of supraphysiological Ca2+, induces a ΔΨ drop and colloid-osmotic mitochondrial swelling. These events are sensitive to cyclosporin A and the inhibitors of Ca2+ transport, indicative of the induction or amplification of the mitochondrial permeability transition. This phenomenon is triggered by oxidative stress induced by melatonin and Ca2+, with the generation of hydrogen peroxide and the consequent oxidation of sulfydryl groups, glutathione and pyridine nucleotides. In addition, melatonin, again in the presence of Ca2+, can also induce substantial release of cytochrome C and AIF (apoptosis-inducing factor), thus revealing its potential as a pro-apoptotic agent.  相似文献   

Inverse metabolic engineering attempts to identify or construct desired phenotypes of applied interest to endow them on appropriate host organisms. A particular desirable phenotype is the ATP homeostasis exhibited by animal cells with high and variable ATP turnover through temporal and spatial energy buffering. This buffering is achieved by phosphagen kinase systems that consist of a specific kinase and its cognate phosphagen, which functions as a large pool of 'high-energy phosphates' that are used to replenish ATP during periods of high energetic demand. This review discusses recent advances and potentials of inverse metabolic engineering of cell types that do not normally contain such systems--bacteria, yeast, plants, and liver--with creatine or arginine kinase systems. Examples are discussed that illustrate how microbial metabolism can be tailored for large-scale industrial processes with imperfect mixing and how the liver can be protected from metabolic insults or stimulated for better regeneration.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone encoding human thymosin-beta 4 was isolated from a cDNA library prepared from peripheral blood leukocytes of a patient with acute lymphocytic leukemia. This clone contained the entire coding sequence of 43 amino acid residues of thymosin-beta 4 and had an initiation codon and two termination codons. The amino acid and nucleotide sequences in the coding region were well conserved between rat and human. Nine of 132 nucleotides were different in the coding sequences (93% homology), but the deduced amino acid sequences were identical. No signal peptide was found in the deduced protein sequence. Human thymosin-beta 4 mRNA, approximately 830 nucleotides in length, was about 30 nucleotides larger than rat thymosin-beta 4 mRNA. Expression of the human thymosin-beta 4 gene in various primary myeloid and lymphoid malignant cells and in a few human hemopoietic cell lines was studied. Northern blot analyses of different neoplastic B lymphocytes revealed that steady state levels of thymosin-beta 4 mRNA varied as a function of differentiation stage. Thymosin-beta 4 mRNA levels were decreased in myeloma cells as are class II human leukocyte antigen, Fc receptor, and complement receptor, suggesting a relationship between thymosin-beta 4 and the immune response. Thymosin-beta 4 mRNA was more highly expressed in mature granulocytes than in immature blastic cells. Treatment of THP-1 cells, a human monocytic cell line, with recombinant human interferon-lambda reduced the levels of thymosin-beta 4 mRNA. Its level decreased after differentiation of THP-1 cells into Ia+ macrophages, but increased after differentiation of HL-60 cells into Ia- macrophages. The pattern of thymosin-beta 4 gene expression suggests that it may play a fundamental role in the host defense mechanism.  相似文献   

Enzymatic activity of purified staphylococcal extracellular serine proteinase decreases as a result of incubation with granulocytes as well as with lymphocytes taken from peripheral blood of healthy donors. However, specific proteinase binding was observed only in the case of granulocytes but not in peripheral lymphocytes.  相似文献   

We analyzed the amounts and types of glycosphingolipids (GSLs) from peripheral blood lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes isolated by counter-current elutriation. The three cell types contained different amounts of neutral and acidic GSLs. The highest amount of neutral GSLs (109 micrograms/10(8) cells) was found in granulocytes, with considerably less found in monocytes (11 micrograms/10(8) cells) and lymphocytes (4 micrograms/10(8) cells). The neutral GSLs were composed of four types of lipids, GL1 through GL4 (mono-, di-, tri-, and tetraosylceramide). The highest percentage of GL1 was detected in lymphocytes and the lowest percentage in granulocytes, with the reverse order observed for GL2. GL3 and GL4, which were minor components of the neutral GSLs, were highly cell specific, with lymphocytes containing GL3 and GL4 of the globo series, granulocytes containing GL3 and GL4 of the lacto or neolacto series, and monocytes containing GL3 and GL4 of both types. The acidic GSL, sialosyl hexaosylceramide (lacto-series), was abundant in granulocytes but not in monocytes or lymphocytes. Another ganglioside, GM3, although present in all three cell types, was most abundant in monocytes and lymphocytes, whereas sialosyl paragloboside was higher in granulocytes than in lymphocytes and monocytes. These results indicate that peripheral blood lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes have distinct "GSL fingerprints."  相似文献   

We postulate that metabolic conditions that develop systemically during exercise (high blood lactate and high nonesterified fatty acids) are favorable for energy homeostasis of the heart during contractile stimulation. We used working rat hearts perfused at physiological workload and levels of the major energy substrates and compared the metabolic and contractile responses to an acute low-to-high work transition under resting versus exercising systemic metabolic conditions (low vs. high lactate and nonesterified fatty acids in the perfusate). Glycogen preservation, resulting from better maintenance of high-energy phosphates, was a consequence of improved energy homeostasis with high fat and lactate. We explained the result by tighter coupling between workload and total beta-oxidation. Total fatty acid oxidation with high fat and lactate reflected increased availability of exogenous and endogenous fats for respiration, as evidenced by increased long-chain fatty acyl-CoA esters (LCFA-CoAs) and by an increased contribution of triglycerides to total beta-oxidation. Triglyceride turnover (synthesis and degradation) also appeared to increase. Elevated LCFA-CoAs caused high total beta-oxidation despite increased malonyl-CoA. The resulting bottleneck at mitochondrial uptake of LCFA-CoAs stimulated triglyceride synthesis. Our results suggest the following. First, both malonyl-CoA and LCFA-CoAs determine total fatty acid oxidation in heart. Second, concomitant stimulation of peripheral glycolysis and lipolysis should improve cardiac energy homeostasis during exercise. We speculate that high lactate contributes to the salutary effect by bypassing the glycolytic block imposed by fatty acids, acting as an anaplerotic substrate necessary for high tricarbocylic acid cycle flux from fatty acid-derived acetyl-CoA.  相似文献   

Analysis of the nucleoside triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase specific activity of red cells obtained from a random Caucasian population indicated at least two subclasses. The specific activity of 18% of the population ranged from undetectable activity to 27.5 nmol ITP cleaved/20 min/mg hemoglobin. The remainder of the population had higher activity, 27.5–125 nmoles ITP cleaved/20 min/mg hemoglobin. The variation of NTPH activity evident in the red cells of an individual is reflected in granulocytes, lymphocytes, and platelets of that individual. Erythrocyte activity ranges from 0.7 to 21 units (nmol of ITP cleaved in 20 min)/107 cells, granulocytes have 17–201 units/107 cells, lymphocytes have 91–462 units/107 cells, and platelets have 1.1–7.1 units/107 platelets. These cell differences are discussed with respect to the hypothesis that NTPH prevents incorporation of ITP or dITP into nucleic acids.This work was supported by funds allocated by the Agricultural Experiment Station, Michigan State University. Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal No. 8727.  相似文献   

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