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ABSTRACT. The cicadelloid leaf-hoppers, Eurymela distincta (Signoret) and Eurymela fenestrata (Le Pelletier & Serville), feed on the phloem sap of Eucalyptus spp. The osmotic pressure profile of haemolymph and gut fluids is consistent with a filtration mechanism based on passive osmosis. This is responsible for shunting water rapidly from foregut to hindgut in the relatively simple filter chamber. The osmotic gradient which drives the system is probably produced by active secretion of sodium and potassium into the Malpighian tubules and posterior midgut. Although the osmotic pressures in all parts of the system are higher, the mechanism is probably similar to that previously described for xylem-feeding cicadas.
The major haemolymph cations are sodium and magnesium and the concentrations of sodium and magnesium in the urine are higher than potassium. A variety of storage granules in the midgut contain calcium, phosphorus (as phosphate), ferric iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese and copper.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of wax glands (integumentary, stigmatic, and peristigmatic glands) was investigated in larvae, cysts, and adult females and males of species belonging to the genera Porphyrophora, Sphaeraspis, and Eurhizococcus. The general organization and cytological characteristics are similar for all glands studied. Each gland is composed of a single layer of 8 to 40 cells. The glandular cells are characterized by a very large quantity of smooth endoplasmic reticulum which forms dense zones throughout the cytoplasm, but is always placed near the collecting canals in the presence of mitochondria. Each cell has a central canal reservoir which penetrates it deeply and gives rise to a large number of lateral collecting canals, formed by the invagination of the apical plasma membrane. The canals open into a subcuticular cavity forming a common reservoir in which the secretion is accumulated. This reservoir is covered by a modified cuticle formed from the endocuticle and the epicuticle. The endocuticle is composed of a network of fine tubular structures and has many filaments on its surface. The epicuticle is perforated by numerous pores. There is no cuticular duct. The secretion crosses the cuticle in three successive steps. First, it passes through the filaments, then through fine tubular structures of the endocuticle, and finally through the epicuticular pores.  相似文献   

Abstract. Gas chromatography (GC) analysis of 159 specimens (144 females and 15 males) of Lutzomyia youngi collected in Shannon traps in a coffee plantation in the Andean region of western Venezuela, where leishmaniasis is endemic, revealed the presence of fructose, sucrose, glucose and maltose in the gut and crop of the wild sandflies. The identification of the sugars was confirmed by comparing retention times with those observed for standard sugars and those obtained from sandflies experimentally fed on known sugar solutions. Although the sandflies in nature may ingest each of the four sugars, the results suggest that it is more probable there is an invertase enzyme (glycosidase?) in the gut or crop of the sandfly which hydrolyses ingested disaccharides (e.g. sucrose) to the constituent monosaccharides (i.e. fructose and glucose). Ecological and altitudinal distributions of sandfly species may be related to the availability of specific sugar sources, with epidemiological implications. Identification of the preferred sugar could make breeding easier and would facilitate further research on Leishmania–wector relationships.  相似文献   

Lumbricillus lineatus selectively ingests masses of organic and inorganic interstitial particles from a sand-clay substratum in the upper littoral zone. Particle-masses are ingested, passed along the esophagus and into the anterior intestine where the pH becomes acid. A- and C-esterases, acid -galactosidase, acid phosphatase and -N-acetylglucosaminidase are present in the epithelium, while the rotating food masses are surrounded by a membrane of sulphated, acid glycoprotein. These enzymes, with the exception of acid phosphatase and the addition of aminopeptidase M, are also present in the epithelia of the mid and posterior intestinal regions where the pH is alkaline. The cells in the ventral wall of the mid intestinal region contain high concentrations of alkaline phosphatase, acid -galactosidase and -N-acetylglucosaminidase. The food consists of absorbed organics and bacteria with absorption and intracellular digestion occurring along the intestine, particularly in the mid ventral region.  相似文献   

Scanning and light microscopy investigations of the anterior alimentary canal of the pear psylla, Psylla pyricola Foerster (Homoptera: Psyllidae), revealed the morphology of the labium and stylets, as well as the presence of sensory structures and a valve in the precibarium. The labium consists of three telescoping segments with an internal labial groove, which surrounds and supports the stylet bundle. Also a part of the labial groove is the internal labial clamp. The stylet bundle is comprised of paired styliform mandibles and maxillae, which interlock to form the food and salivary canals. The stylet bundle proximal to the labium forms a large loop within a membranous crumena. When fully retracted the coiled stylets are under tension. Stylet extension generates increasing tension so that when retracted the stylets readily recoil within the crumena. Penetration of leaf tissues by the stylet bundle is dependent on the interaction between stylet muscles, opening and closing of the labial clamp, the barbed stylet tips, and the ventral position of the labium. Proximal to the crumena the paired stylets separate and diverge at the entrance of the precibarium, which is formed by the interlocking of the epi-and hypopharynges. There are 18 sensory structures in the precibarium, as well as a precibarial valve. These structures appear to be homologous to similar structures observed previously in aphids and leafhoppers. The morphology and the location of the precibarial sensilla suggest that, like the precibarial sensory organs of aphids and leafhoppers, they are gustatory and probably mediate acceptance or rejection of plant fluids, thus playing a major role in locating tissues for feeding.  相似文献   

Development of the digestive tract of the holothurian Eupentacta fraudatrix was examined using light and transmission electron microscopy. After the blastopore closes, the gut rudiment loses its connection with the blastoderm and becomes an enclosed, tubular chamber, ending blindly at both ends. The differentiation of the digestive and coelomic epithelia is mainly completed by day 12. Since no transient cell types are observed, this differentiation is definitive. By day 20, the mouth and anal openings appear. The cuticular lining in the anterior part of the gut rudiment has an endodermal origin and differentiates before the mouth is formed. The rest of the gut lining is composed of enterocytes typical of holothuroid intestine. At the early stages of development, mitotic figures are encountered among nonspecialized cells of the gut primordium. In more developed digestive epithelium, vesicular enterocytes are capable of mitotic division. Dividing enterocytes retain secretory vacuoles; thus mitosis occurs in actually differentiated cells. After mouth and anus formation, the oesophagus, stomach, intestine and rectum can be distinguished. In the wall of the stomach, powerful musculature is formed.  相似文献   

中华稻蝗全消化道内壁显微结构观察   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文采用扫描仪和扫描电镜对中华稻蝗消化道内壁的细微结构进行了系统观察和研究。结果表明,中华稻蝗食道内壁由纵行脊组成,前端有齿。嗉囊包括两段,前段的一个小的膨大部分,由V-形区和两侧的V-形脊组成,只在前端内壁有齿;后段为一个大的膨大部分,由柳叶脊、扇形脊和不规则脊组成,脊的上缘有齿。前肠内壁的齿主要为单生齿,除贲门瓣上齿的齿尖指向前方外,全部齿的齿尖指向后方。后肠的前端为12个幽门瓣,内壁有齿。回肠和结肠由6条纵行脊组成,结肠内壁有齿。直肠的齿在除直肠垫外的直肠内壁上。后肠的齿主要为丛生齿,后肠除直肠内壁齿的齿尖指向附着环外,全部齿的齿尖指向后方。根据我们的观察,对前肠提出了新的分区。  相似文献   

The presence and variation of microspines within the foregut and hindgut of the taxa Arthropoda, Onycophora, and Annelida were presented. Microspines appear to be sympleisiomorphic to the Arthropoda sensu stricto. Unispinose microspines constitute the original ancestral condition, and these have been retained and variously modified within the classes to aid in filtering ingested food, food movement through the gut and retain symbionts, and possibly protect the cellular linings of the gut in particulate food eaters.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the canal cells and the canal filling substance ofCitrus limon have been studied. At maturity the canal cells are very rich in cytoplasm. Their inner tangential walls lining the canal are much thickened and formed by two layers: the outer corresponds to the original wall, the inner is formed by subsequent deposition of abundant materials of different origin. This thickening occurs at the same time as the filling of the stylar canal. Both events are paralleled by considerable dictyosomic activity, the formation of a large amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum, and the incorporation of small cytoplasmic masses into the cell wall, due to plasmalemma evaginations. — The material in the stylar canal has a heterogeneous ultrastructure aspect and consists of polysaccharides, proteins and lipids; it presumably provides nutrients for the growing pollen tubes.Research performed under CNR program Biology of Reproduction.  相似文献   

Adults of the large milkweed bug, oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas), deprived of food for 48 hr, were fed 5% solutions of either sucrose, maltose, lactose, raffinose or melezitose, for 15–20 min. The alimentary canals were then dissected out 30 min or 1 hour after the period of feeding, and the gut contents chromatographed. The results indicated the presence in the gut of the following carbohydrases: -glucosidase, -fructosidase, -galactosidase and -galactosidase.
Résumé Des adultes de la punaise de l'asclépiade, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas), soumis au jeûne pendant 48 heures, ont été nourris ensuite durant 15 à 20 minutes avec des solutions aqueuses de 5% de glucides, comprenant soit le sucrose le maltose, le lactose, le raffinose ou le mélézitose. Les tubes digestifs furent prélevés 30 ou 60 minutes après l'ingestion des sucres, et leur contenu glucidique séparé et identifié par chromatographie sur papier filtre. Les résultats ont révélé la présence dans le tube digestif des carbohydrases suivantes: -glucosidase, -fructosidase, -galactosidase et -galactosidase.

The histology and ultrastructure of the renopericardial complex of Hypselodoris tricolor (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia, Doridoidea) have been investigated by means of semithin serial sections and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The examinations revealed a functional metanephridial system comprising a monotocardian heart with ventricle and auricle in a spacious pericardium that is linked with the single, large kidney by a renopericardial duct with prominent ciliation towards its opening. Podocytes as the site of ultrafiltration were not only detected in the auricular epicardium, but also line the entire outer pericardial epithelium. The cuboidal, highly vacuolated excretory cells of the kidney epithelium with extensive basal infoldings and an apical microvillous border indicate secretory and reabsorptive activity. Solitary rhogocytes (pore cells) of the connective tissue and haemocoel represent additional loci of ultrafiltration with a fine structure identical to that of the podocytes (slits between cytoplasmic processes, bridged by fine diaphragms and covered by extracellular matrix). The presence of podocytes situated in the epicardial wall of the auricle is regarded as plesiomorphic for the Mollusca and is confirmed for the Nudibranchia. An additional, extensive and separate ultrafiltration site in the outer pericardial wall is not known from any other taxon of the Mollusca and strongly suggests a significantly increased ultrafiltration activity in H. tricolor.  相似文献   

Summary Each ovariole of the coccidian Aspidiotus hederae contains a single oocyte connected by means of a nutritive cord to the trophic chamber. The trophic chamber consists of three nurse cells characterized by an enlarged, ramified nucleus with a prominent nucleolus. The perinuclear cytoplasm contains nuage material, large amounts of free ribosomes, and scattered mitochondria. Occasional cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and bacteroids are found in trophocyte cytoplasm. The nutritive cord contains many microtubules in parallel array interspersed with numerous free ribosomes and a few mitochondria. The nutritive cord is strengthened by trophocyte projections which surround it. Microtubules in the projections are oriented perpendicular to the long axis of the cord.  相似文献   

Microsiphum Cholodkovsky (Macrosiphini) is a small genus comprising 11 species and subspecies distributed in the Palaearctic Region. After examination of the collection of the Institute of Zoology (Kazakhstan), Microsiphum diversisetosum sp. n. from Artemisia abrotanum (northern and western Kazakhstan) is described. New synonymies are established: M. nudum Holman, 1961 = M. minus Bozhko, 1963, syn. n., M. ptarmicae Cholodkovsky, 1902 = M. heptapotamicum Kadyrbekov, 2000, syn. n. The taxonomic rank of M. procerae subalpicum Mamontova, 1982 stat. n. and M. jazykovi wahlgreni Hille Ris Lambers, 1947 stat. n. is changed. A key to the known taxa of the genus Microsiphum is given.  相似文献   

太白蝎蛉消化道形态学与组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘书宇  花保祯 《昆虫学报》2009,52(7):808-813
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜, 在形态学和组织学水平上研究了太白蝎蛉Panorpa obtusa Cheng成虫消化道的结构。结果表明: 蝎蛉消化道由前肠、中肠、和后肠组成。前肠包括咽喉、食道、和前胃, 但没有嗉囊,其中咽喉可分为骨化的前咽和附着扩肌的后咽(咽喉唧筒); 前胃壁很厚,内膜上长有许多排列整齐、紧密的棕色胃刺,司过滤、暂时储存和磨碎食物的功能; 前肠末端有6个贲门瓣伸入中肠。中肠较长且膨大,其肠壁细胞由柱状细胞和再生细胞组成; 肠壁细胞外分别为环肌和纵肌,无胃盲囊,也未观察到围食膜。6根棕红色的马氏管位于中、 后肠分界处。后肠分为不对称的“V”字型回肠、环状结肠、以及膨大透明的直肠, 直肠内壁上有6个交替排列的直肠垫。最后简要讨论了蝎蛉消化道的结构与功能,及其在蝎蛉科昆虫分类中的意义。  相似文献   

钟海英  张雅林  魏琮 《昆虫学报》2020,63(4):421-432
【目的】本研究通过合哑蝉Karenia caelatata成虫消化道的形态学、组织学和超微结构研究,进一步了解蝉科(Cicadidae)代表种类的消化道形态和功能分化。【方法】利用光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜技术,对合哑蝉雄成虫消化道的整体形态以及食道、滤室(中肠前端及后端、马氏管基部、后肠基部)、滤室外中肠(锥形体、中肠环)、后肠(回肠、直肠)的一般形态和超微结构进行了详细观察,同时对滤室的组织结构进行了研究。【结果】结果表明,合哑蝉消化道由食道、滤室、滤室外中肠及后肠组成。食道狭长,被有上表皮和内表皮。中肠前端、中肠后端、马氏管基部以及后肠基部被一肌肉鞘包围形成滤室构造。组成中肠前端和后端的细胞基膜高度内褶,顶端的微绒毛发达。中肠后端分布许多线粒体和高电子密度的分泌颗粒。滤室外的中肠包括膨大的锥形体、中肠环。其中,锥形体由两种细胞组成;中肠环分为前、中、后3个不同的区段。前中肠细胞包含大量的分泌颗粒、线粒体、粗面内质网和溶酶体;中中肠细胞含有分泌颗粒;后中肠细胞包括许多低电子密度的分泌颗粒和滑面内质网。类铁蛋白颗粒零星分布于中肠环的前、中区段。组成锥形体和中肠环前端的细胞顶端微绒毛被...  相似文献   

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