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Mercury-reducing biofilms from packed-bed bioreactors treating nonsterile industrial effluents were shown to consist of a monolayer of bacteria by scanning electron microscopy. Droplets of several micrometers in diameter which accumulated outside of the bacterial cells were identified as elemental mercury by electron-dispersive X-ray analysis. The monospecies biofilms of Pseudomonas putida Spi3 initially present were invaded by additional strains, which were identified to the species level by thermogradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) and 16S rDNA sequencing. TGGE community fingerprints of the biofilms showed that they were composed of the effluent bacteria and did not contain uncultivable microorganisms. Of the 13 effluent bacterial strains, 2 were not mercury resistant, while all the others had resistance levels similar to or higher than the inoculant strain.  相似文献   

Utilization of Microbial Biofilms as Monitors of Bioremediation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A down-well aquifer microbial sampling system was developed using glass wool or Bio-Sep beads as a solid-phase support matrix. Here we describe the use of these devices to monitor the groundwater microbial community dynamics during field bioremediation experiments at the U.S. Department of Energy Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation Research Programs Field Research Center at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. During the 6-week deployment, microbial biofilms colonized glass wool and bead internal surfaces. Changes in viable biomass, community composition, metabolic status, and respiratory state were reflected in sampler composition, type of donor, and groundwater pH. Biofilms that formed on Bio-Sep beads had 2–13 times greater viable biomass; however, the bead communities were less metabolically active [higher cyclopropane/monoenoic phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) ratios] and had a lower aerobic respiratory state (lower total respiratory quinone/PLFA ratio and ubiquinone/menaquinone ratio) than the biofilms formed on glass wool. Anaerobic growth in these systems was characterized by plasmalogen phospholipids and was greater in the wells that received electron donor additions. Partial 16S rDNA sequences indicated that Geobacter and nitrate-reducing organisms were induced by the acetate, ethanol, or glucose additions. DNA and lipid biomarkers were extracted and recovered without the complications that commonly plague sediment samples due to the presence of clay or dissolved organic matter. Although microbial community composition in the groundwater or adjacent sediments may differ from those formed on down-well biofilm samplers, the metabolic activity responses of the biofilms to modifications in groundwater geochemistry record the responses of the microbial community to biostimulation while providing integrative sampling and ease of recovery for biomarker analysis. Dedication: The authors dedicate this paper to Professor Peter Hirsch, whose infectious enthusiasm for beautiful mushrooms, Antarctica, and most of all weird microbes he has isolated and characterized has greatly enriched our lives as microbiologists with the wonder of what lies beyond our lab-rat cultures. Once Peter visits your lab, looking through your microscope will be a different experience. Happy birthday and thanks for so enriching our lives and profession.  相似文献   

A novel method of detecting extracellular protease activity at biofilm-substratum interfaces was developed. This method utilizes fluorescent molecules bound to cellulose substrata with a lectin. Extracellular proteases degrade the lectin and release the fluorochrome into solution. This new technique and a standard dissolved-substrate assay detected similar responses of biofilm extracellular protease activity to experimental manipulation of N supply. Combination of this technique with confocal scanning laser microscopy allowed direct visualization of microspatial patterns of bacterial distribution and extracellular protease activity at the biofilm-substratum interface.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrifying biofilms were constructed on low density polyester Dacron for the bioremediation of nitrogen from wastewater effluent of a municipal treatment plant. Dacron disks were inoculated with wastewater sludge enriched for 15 days for either ammonia- or nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (AOB or NOB, respectively) and packed into glass bioreactors. Wastewater effluent containing high levels of ammonia, nitrite, and phosphate was collected and fed to inoculated and uninoculated bioreactors. Both inoculated bioreactors showed stable nitrification efficiencies, removing 96 and 76% of the ammonia and 12 and 35% of the nitrite for AOB- and NOB-inoculated bioreactors, respectively. Efficiencies of phosphate removal were similar in both inoculated and uninoculated bioreactors, indicating that nitrifiers were not required for this process. AOB-inoculated bioreactors accumulated nitrite mid-way through the experiment and had low rates of conversion to nitrate, suggesting slow nitrite oxidizer growth. DGGE and sequence analysis of AOB 16S rRNA genes showed enrichment of Nitrosomonas spp. in both inoculated bioreactors, and a dominance of Nitrosospira spp. in non-inoculated bioreactors. This study describes an inexpensive and efficient technology for removing ammonia and nitrite from wastewater effluents of municipal treatment plants before its release to the environment.  相似文献   

Simultaneous production of sulfide and methane by anaerobic sewer biofilms has recently been observed, suggesting that sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and methanogenic archaea (MA), microorganisms known to compete for the same substrates, can coexist in this environment. This study investigated the community structures and activities of SRB and MA in anaerobic sewer biofilms (average thickness of 800 μm) using a combination of microelectrode measurements, molecular techniques, and mathematical modeling. It was seen that sulfide was mainly produced in the outer layer of the biofilm, between the depths of 0 and 300 μm, which is in good agreement with the distribution of SRB population as revealed by cryosection-fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). SRB had a higher relative abundance of 20% on the surface layer, which decreased gradually to below 3% at a depth of 400 μm. In contrast, MA mainly inhabited the inner layer of the biofilm. Their relative abundances increased from 10% to 75% at depths of 200 μm and 700 μm, respectively, from the biofilm surface layer. High-throughput pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA amplicons showed that SRB in the biofilm were mainly affiliated with five genera, Desulfobulbus, Desulfomicrobium, Desulfovibrio, Desulfatiferula, and Desulforegula, while about 90% of the MA population belonged to the genus Methanosaeta. The spatial organizations of SRB and MA revealed by pyrosequencing were consistent with the FISH results. A biofilm model was constructed to simulate the SRB and MA distributions in the anaerobic sewer biofilm. The good fit between model predictions and the experimental data indicate that the coexistence and spatial structure of SRB and MA in the biofilm resulted from the microbial types and their metabolic transformations and interactions with substrates.  相似文献   

Biofilm formation is controlled by an array of coupled physical, chemical, and biotic processes. Despite the ecological relevance of microbial biofilms, their community formation and succession remain poorly understood. We investigated the effect of flow velocity, as the major physical force in stream ecosystems, on biofilm community succession (as continuous shifts in community composition) in microcosms under laminar, intermediate, and turbulent flow. Flow clearly shaped the development of biofilm architecture and community composition, as revealed by microscopic investigation, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis, and sequencing. While biofilm growth patterns were undirected under laminar flow, they were clearly directed into ridges and conspicuous streamers under turbulent flow. A total of 51 biofilm DGGE bands were detected; the average number ranged from 13 to 16. Successional trajectories diverged from an initial community that was common in all flow treatments and increasingly converged as biofilms matured. We suggest that this developmental pattern was primarily driven by algae, which, as “ecosystem engineers,” modulate their microenvironment to create similar architectures and flow conditions in all treatments and thereby reduce the physical effect of flow on biofilms. Our results thus suggest a shift from a predominantly physical control to coupled biophysical controls on bacterial community succession in stream biofilms.  相似文献   

Microorganisms have been reported to induce settlement and metamorphosis in a wide range of marine invertebrate species. However, the primary cue reported for metamorphosis of coral larvae is calcareous coralline algae (CCA). Herein we report the community structure of developing coral reef biofilms and the potential role they play in triggering the metamorphosis of a scleractinian coral. Two-week-old biofilms induced metamorphosis in less than 10% of larvae, whereas metamorphosis increased significantly on older biofilms, with a maximum of 41% occurring on 8-week-old microbial films. There was a significant influence of depth in 4- and 8-week biofilms, with greater levels of metamorphosis occurring in response to shallow-water communities. Importantly, larvae were found to settle and metamorphose in response to microbial biofilms lacking CCA from both shallow and deep treatments, indicating that microorganisms not associated with CCA may play a significant role in coral metamorphosis. A polyphasic approach consisting of scanning electron microscopy, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) revealed that coral reef biofilms were comprised of complex bacterial and microalgal communities which were distinct at each depth and time. Principal-component analysis of FISH data showed that the Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, and Cytophaga-Flavobacterium of Bacteroidetes had the largest influence on overall community composition. A low abundance of Archaea was detected in almost all biofilms, providing the first report of Archaea associated with coral reef biofilms. No differences in the relative densities of each subdivision of Proteobacteria were observed between slides that induced larval metamorphosis and those that did not. Comparative cluster analysis of bacterial DGGE patterns also revealed that there were clear age and depth distinctions in biofilm community structure; however, no difference was detected in banding profiles between biofilms which induced larval metamorphosis and those where no metamorphosis occurred. This investigation demonstrates that complex microbial communities can induce coral metamorphosis in the absence of CCA.  相似文献   

Streams are highly heterogeneous ecosystems, in terms of both geomorphology and hydrodynamics. While flow is recognized to shape the physical architecture of benthic biofilms, we do not yet understand what drives community assembly and biodiversity of benthic biofilms in the heterogeneous flow landscapes of streams. Within a metacommunity ecology framework, we experimented with streambed landscapes constructed from bedforms in large-scale flumes to illuminate the role of spatial flow heterogeneity in biofilm community composition and biodiversity in streams. Our results show that the spatial variation of hydrodynamics explained a remarkable percentage (up to 47%) of the variation in community composition along bedforms. This suggests species sorting as a model of metacommunity dynamics in stream biofilms, though natural biofilm communities will clearly not conform to a single model offered by metacommunity ecology. The spatial variation induced by the hydrodynamics along the bedforms resulted in a gradient of bacterial beta diversity, measured by a range of diversity and similarity indices, that increased with bedform height and hence with spatial flow heterogeneity at the flume level. Our results underscore the necessity to maintain small-scale physical heterogeneity for community composition and biodiversity of biofilms in stream ecosystems.Biofilms (attached and matrix-enclosed microbial communities) are an important form of microbial life in streams and rivers, where they can greatly contribute to ecosystem functions and even large-scale carbon fluxes (1, 3). Streams are inherently heterogeneous and are characterized by a largely unidirectional downstream flow of water that controls the dispersal of suspended microorganisms (21), biofilm community composition (7), architecture (2), and metabolism (13), for instance. However, we do not understand how diverse microorganisms assemble into biofilm communities based on flow heterogeneity and related dispersal in these ecosystems.Dispersal, as the propagation and immigration of biota, can have important consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in heterogeneous landscapes (18, 25). Landscape topography and turbulent transport affect dispersal, a relationship that is well studied in the dispersal of plant seeds (31) but not in the microbial world. Only recently have microbial ecologists begun to understand the role of dispersal in large-scale biogeographic patterns (29) and metacommunity ecology (24, 44). This growing body of research on microbial dispersal and its consequences for spatial patterns of community assembly and composition rests entirely on free-living bacteria, while no comparable data exist for microbial biofilms. The confirmation of detachment as an intrinsic behavior in many biofilms has led to the appreciation of dispersal as an insurance policy for these microbial communities to seed new habitats during resource limitation or aging of the parental biofilm (4). However, microbial ecology lacks conceptual models to predict postemigration processes, such as cell propagation, immigration, and community assembly during colonization of new surfaces. The perception of biofilms as microbial landscapes and, at the same time, as integrated parts of the landscape they inhabit offers the possibility to test models for habitat selection by dispersal cells (4). In this study, we focused on the assembly of biofilm communities by dispersal cells in spatially variable-flow environments; we did not measure dispersal as the emigration of cells from established biofilms. We adopted metacommunity ecology as a framework that encapsulates environmental heterogeneity and dispersal (18) to illuminate the mechanisms underlying community assembly.If the effects of microbial diversity on ecosystem functions are to be understood, we need to address the proper spatial resolution at which microorganisms assemble into communities and at which their functioning becomes manifest. In streams, this is typically at the level of habitats and microhabitats ranging from meters to centimeters, where characteristic geomorphological features (e.g., bedforms) and induced hydrodynamic fields develop and where spatial variations in biofilm metabolism become apparent (13). The ensemble of these small-scale variations translates into the landscape heterogeneity of the streambed.The aim of this study was to test whether spatial flow heterogeneity generating diverse microhabitats induces spatial species turnover and increases the biodiversity of microbial biofilms. Microbial metacommunity ecology predicts mass effects rather than species sorting to drive community composition in ecosystems with low residence time, such as streams (14, 18, 24). To test this prediction, we constructed six streambed landscapes from bedforms of defined dimensions differing in height; the mean flow (at flume scale) was kept constant, whereas the spatial heterogeneity of flow increased across the gradient of the six landscapes. The inoculum (i.e., the stream water and naturally contained microorganisms) and water chemistry were equal in all flumes. This allowed us to isolate flow heterogeneity as a potential driver of biofilm community composition in a high-energy ecosystem. We used terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences from winter and summer communities and related bacterial community composition and microbial biomass to the hydrodynamics in representative microhabitats using causal modeling and forward selection of explanatory variables (9, 23).  相似文献   

A culture-independent molecular phylogenetic approach was used to survey constituents of microbial communities associated with an aquifer contaminated with hydrocarbons (mainly jet fuel) and chlorinated solvents undergoing intrinsic bioremediation. Samples were obtained from three redox zones: methanogenic, methanogenic-sulfate reducing, and iron or sulfate reducing. Small-subunit rRNA genes were amplified directly from aquifer material DNA by PCR with universally conserved or Bacteria- or Archaea-specific primers and were cloned. A total of 812 clones were screened by restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP), approximately 50% of which were unique. All RFLP types that occurred more than once in the libraries, as well as many of the unique types, were sequenced. A total of 104 (94 bacterial and 10 archaeal) sequence types were determined. Of the 94 bacterial sequence types, 10 have no phylogenetic association with known taxonomic divisions and are phylogenetically grouped in six novel division level groups (candidate divisions WS1 to WS6); 21 belong to four recently described candidate divisions with no cultivated representatives (OP5, OP8, OP10, and OP11); and 63 are phylogenetically associated with 10 well-recognized divisions. The physiology of two particularly abundant sequence types obtained from the methanogenic zone could be inferred from their phylogenetic association with groups of microorganisms with a consistent phenotype. One of these sequence types is associated with the genus Syntrophus; Syntrophus spp. produce energy from the anaerobic oxidation of organic acids, with the production of acetate and hydrogen. The organism represented by the other sequence type is closely related to Methanosaeta spp., which are known to be capable of energy generation only through aceticlastic methanogenesis. We hypothesize, therefore, that the terminal step of hydrocarbon degradation in the methanogenic zone of the aquifer is aceticlastic methanogenesis and that the microorganisms represented by these two sequence types occur in syntrophic association.  相似文献   

Air artificially contaminated with increasing concentrations of benzene was treated in a laboratory scale compost-packed biofilter for 240 days with a removal efficiency of 81–100%. The bacterial community in the packing material (PM) at different heights of the biofilter was analysed every 60 days. Bacterial plate counts and ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA) of the isolated strains showed that the number of cultivable aerobic heterotrophic bacteria and the species diversity increased with benzene availability. Identification of the isolated species and the main bands in denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles from total compost DNA during the treatment revealed that, at a relatively low volumetric benzene load (1.2≤VBL≤6.4 g m−3 PM h−1), besides low G+C Gram positive bacteria, originally present in the packing compost, bacteroidetes and β- and γ-proteobacteria became detectable in the colonising population. At the VBL value (24.8 g m−3 PM h−1) ensuring the maximum elimination capacity of the biofilter (20.1 g m−3 PM h−1), strains affiliated to the genus Rhodococcus dominated the microflora, followed by β-proteobacteria comprising the genera Bordetella and Neisseria. Under these conditions, more than 35% of the isolated strains were able to grow on benzene as the sole carbon source. Comparison of DGGE and automated RISA profiles of the total community and isolated strains showed that a complex bacterial succession occurred in the reactor in response to the increasing concentrations of the pollutant and that cultivable bacteria played a major role in benzene degradation under the adopted conditions.  相似文献   

Waters from an extensive sulfide-rich aquifer emerge in the Frasassi cave system, where they mix with oxygen-rich percolating water and cave air over a large surface area. The actively forming cave complex hosts a microbial community, including conspicuous white biofilms coating surfaces in cave streams, that is isolated from surface sources of C and N. Two distinct biofilm morphologies were observed in the streams over a 4-year period. Bacterial 16S rDNA libraries were constructed from samples of each biofilm type collected from Grotta Sulfurea in 2002. β-, γ-, δ-, and -proteobacteria in sulfur-cycling clades accounted for ≥75% of clones in both biofilms. Sulfate-reducing and sulfur-disproportionating δ-proteobacterial sequences in the clone libraries were abundant and diverse (34% of phylotypes). Biofilm samples of both types were later collected at the same location and at an additional sample site in Ramo Sulfureo and examined, using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The biomass of all six stream biofilms was dominated by filamentous γ-proteobacteria with Beggiatoa-like and/or Thiothrix-like cells containing abundant sulfur inclusions. The biomass of -proteobacteria detected using FISH was consistently small, ranging from 0 to less than 15% of the total biomass. Our results suggest that S cycling within the stream biofilms is an important feature of the cave biogeochemistry. Such cycling represents positive biological feedback to sulfuric acid speleogenesis and related processes that create subsurface porosity in carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

Morphological form in multicellular aggregates emerges from the interplay of genetic constitution and environmental signals. Bacterial macrocolony biofilms, which form intricate three-dimensional structures, such as large and often radially oriented ridges, concentric rings, and elaborate wrinkles, provide a unique opportunity to understand this interplay of “nature and nurture” in morphogenesis at the molecular level. Macrocolony morphology depends on self-produced extracellular matrix components. In Escherichia coli, these are stationary phase-induced amyloid curli fibers and cellulose. While the widely used “domesticated” E. coli K-12 laboratory strains are unable to generate cellulose, we could restore cellulose production and macrocolony morphology of E. coli K-12 strain W3110 by “repairing” a single chromosomal SNP in the bcs operon. Using scanning electron and fluorescence microscopy, cellulose filaments, sheets and nanocomposites with curli fibers were localized in situ at cellular resolution within the physiologically two-layered macrocolony biofilms of this “de-domesticated” strain. As an architectural element, cellulose confers cohesion and elasticity, i.e., tissue-like properties that—together with the cell-encasing curli fiber network and geometrical constraints in a growing colony—explain the formation of long and high ridges and elaborate wrinkles of wild-type macrocolonies. In contrast, a biofilm matrix consisting of the curli fiber network only is brittle and breaks into a pattern of concentric dome-shaped rings separated by deep crevices. These studies now set the stage for clarifying how regulatory networks and in particular c-di-GMP signaling operate in the three-dimensional space of highly structured and “tissue-like” bacterial biofilms.  相似文献   

In 1996, a controlled crude oil application was conducted at a Texas intertidal, coastal wetland to determine the effectiveness of two biostimulation treatments in these sensitive areas. An inorganic nutrient treatment and inorganic nutrient plus a potential electron acceptor (nitrate) treatment were examined. As part of this research, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading, aliphatic-degrading, and total heterotrophic microbial numbers were monitored. Using a randomized, complete block design consisting of 21 plots, microbial data from biostimulation treatment plots were statistically compared to oiled control plots to assess treatment differences. Sediment samples from all plots receiving oil showed exponential increases in the numbers of aliphatic (n-alkane) and PAH-degrading microorganisms. This increase was observed at both 0 to 5 cm and 5 to 10 cm sample depths. Statistical analysis, however, revealed no significant differences in the numbers of aliphatic-degrading or PAH-degrading microorganisms between treatment plots and oiled control plots or between treatments on any sample day. The numbers of PAH- and aliphatic-degrading microorganisms returned to near pre-application levels by the end of the monitoring period. Ratios of hydrocarbon-degrading microbes to total heterotrophs also increased as a result of the oil application and returned to pre-application levels by the end of the monitoring period. Overall, the populations of hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms illustrated a well-documented response to crude oil. However, the addition of the biostimulation treatments did not significantly increase the numbers of aliphatic-degrading, PAH-degrading, or total heterotrophic microorganisms over populations on control plots.  相似文献   

The succession of sulfur-oxidizing bacterial (SOB) community structure and the complex internal sulfur cycle occurring in wastewater biofilms growing under microaerophilic conditions was analyzed by using a polyphasic approach that employed 16S rRNA gene-cloning analysis combined with fluorescence in situ hybridization, microelectrode measurements, and standard batch and reactor experiments. A complete sulfur cycle was established via S0 accumulation within 80 days in the biofilms in replicate. This development was generally split into two phases, (i) a sulfur-accumulating phase and (ii) a sulfate-producing phase. In the first phase (until about 40 days), since the sulfide production rate (sulfate-reducing activity) exceeded the maximum sulfide-oxidizing capacity of SOB in the biofilms, H2S was only partially oxidized to S0 by mainly Thiomicrospira denitirificans with NO3 as an electron acceptor, leading to significant accumulation of S0 in the biofilms. In the second phase, the SOB populations developed further and diversified with time. In particular, S0 accumulation promoted the growth of a novel strain, strain SO07, which predominantly carried out the oxidation of S0 to SO42− under oxic conditions, and Thiothrix sp. strain CT3. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that the dense populations of Thiothrix (ca. 109 cells cm−3) and strain SO07 (ca. 108 cells cm−3) were found at the sulfur-rich surface (100 μm), while the population of Thiomicrospira denitirificans was distributed throughout the biofilms with a density of ca. 107 to 108 cells cm−3. Microelectrode measurements revealed that active sulfide-oxidizing zones overlapped the spatial distributions of different phylogenetic SOB groups in the biofilms. As a consequence, the sulfide-oxidizing capacities of the biofilms became high enough to completely oxidize all H2S produced by SRB to SO42− in the second phase, indicating establishment of the complete sulfur cycle in the biofilms.  相似文献   

随着分子生物学技术如分子杂交、PCR、电泳技术等的发展,微生物学研究领域发生了深刻的变革,灵敏的检测和精确的细菌鉴定成为可能.微生物分子生态学作为分子生物学与微生物生态学交叉而形成的学科,在生物修复方面得到广泛应用.从分子生物学实验技术角度综述了各种微生物分子生物学技术在生物修复中的应用研究情况.  相似文献   

The century-long research on succession has bestowed us with a number of theories, but little agreement on what causes species replacements through time. The majority of studies has explored the temporal trends of individual species in plant and much less so in microbial communities, arguing that interspecific interactions, especially competition, play a key role in community organization throughout succession. In this experimental investigation of periphytic succession in re-circulating laboratory streams, we examined the density and the relative abundance of diatoms and soft algae for 35 days across gradients of low to high nutrient supply (nitrogen + phosphorus) and low to intermediate current velocity (10 vs. 30 cm·s−1). All algal species were classified into trophic groups and morphological guilds, both of which responded more strongly to nutrient than current velocity manipulations, as shown by regression analyses. We concluded that within the manipulated environmental ranges: (1) Succession was a gradient of stress tolerance, driven primarily by nutrient supply and secondarily, by current velocity. Nutrient supply had a qualitative effect in determining whether the contribution of species tolerant vs. sensitive to nutrient limitation would increase through time, while current velocity had a quantitative influence and affected only the rate of this increase. (2) The mechanism of algal succession at a functional level was a neutral coexistence, whereby the tolerant low profile guild maintained high density when overgrown by sensitive species, while sensitive species, constituting mostly the motile and high profile guilds, were neither facilitated nor inhibited by tolerant species but controlled by the environment. It is suggested that the mechanism of succession may depend on the level of biological organization with interspecific interactions giving way to neutral coexistence along the hierarchy from species to functional groups. Considering that the functional makeup is strictly environmentally defined, while species composition reflects local and regional species pools that may exhibit substantial geographic variability, succession is deterministic at a functional level but stochastic at a species level.  相似文献   

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