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The occurrence and distribution of santalbic acid in the plant kingdom are reported and discussed. This conjugated acetylenic fatty acid, octadeca-11-trans-en-9-ynoic acid (in “Delta Notation” 18:2Δ9a,11t), occurs in members of the santalalean plant families, mostly in tropical and subtropical areas. The range is from only traces up to 95.0?% of total fatty acids in the seed oil. However, some caution is required during the analysis, so the presence of this acid may have been overlooked sometimes. This fatty acid may be toxic to humans, but may be of interest for technical purposes because of a reactive functional group.  相似文献   

Hydroxyproline arabinosides in the plant kingdom   总被引:34,自引:22,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
The hydroxyproline-O-arabinosyl linkage is present in cell walls of selected tissues representing green plants from algae to angiosperms.  相似文献   

Distribution of latex in the plant kingdom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

转座子是真核生物基因组的重要组成成分。为了研究家蚕Bombyx mori长末端重复序列 (long terminal repeat, LTR)逆转录转座子的分类及进化, 本研究采用de novo预测和同源性搜索相结合的方法, 在家蚕基因组中共鉴定出了38个LTR逆转录转座子家族, 序列长度占整个基因组的0.64%, 远小于先前预测的11.8%, 其中有6个家族为本研究的新发现。38个家族中, 26个家族有表达序列标签 (expression sequence tag, EST)证据, 表明这些家族具有潜在的活性。对有EST证据的6个家族和没有EST证据的5个家族用RT-PCR进行了组织表达谱实验, 结果表明这11个家族在一些组织中有表达, 这进一步证实了这些家族具有转录活性, 基于此我们推测家蚕中大部分的LTR逆转录转座子家族很可能具有潜在活性。对转座子的插入时间进行估计, 结果表明绝大部分元件都是最近1百万年内插入到家蚕基因组中的。我们还比较了黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster、 冈比亚按蚊Anopheles gambiae和家蚕B. mori中Ty3/Gypsy超家族分支的差异, 结果表明不同枝在不同昆虫中有着不同的扩张。家蚕中LTR逆转录转座子的鉴定和系统分析有助于我们理解逆转录转座子在昆虫进化中的作用。  相似文献   

Saponins, classification and occurrence in the plant kingdom   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Saponins are a structurally diverse class of compounds occurring in many plant species, which are characterized by a skeleton derived of the 30-carbon precursor oxidosqualene to which glycosyl residues are attached. Traditionally, they are subdivided into triterpenoid and steroid glycosides, or into triterpenoid, spirostanol, and furostanol saponins. In this study, the structures of saponins are reviewed and classified based on their carbon skeletons, the formation of which follows the main pathways for the biosynthesis of triterpenes and steroids. In this way, 11 main classes of saponins were distinguished: dammaranes, tirucallanes, lupanes, hopanes, oleananes, taraxasteranes, ursanes, cycloartanes, lanostanes, cucurbitanes, and steroids. The dammaranes, lupanes, hopanes, oleananes, ursanes, and steroids are further divided into 16 subclasses, because their carbon skeletons are subjected to fragmentation, homologation, and degradation reactions. With this systematic classification, the relationship between the type of skeleton and the plant origin was investigated. Up to five main classes of skeletons could exist within one plant order, but the distribution of skeletons in the plant kingdom did not seem to be order- or subclass-specific. The oleanane skeleton was the most common skeleton and is present in most orders of the plant kingdom. For oleanane type saponins, the kind of substituents (e.g. -OH, =O, monosaccharide residues, etc.) and their position of attachment to the skeleton were reviewed. Carbohydrate chains of 18 monosaccharide residues can be attached to the oleanane skeleton, most commonly at the C3 and/or C17 atom. The kind and positions of the substituents did not seem to be plant order-specific.  相似文献   

In animals, heterotrimeric G proteins, comprising α-, β-and γ-subunits, perceive extracellular stimuli through cell surface receptors, and transmit signals to ion channels, enzymes and other effector proteins to affect numerous cellular behaviours. In plants, G proteins have structural similarities to the corresponding molecules in animals but transmit signals by atypical mechanisms and effector proteins to control growth, cell proliferation, defence, stomate movements, channel regulation, sugar sensing and some hormonal responses. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on the molecular regulation of plant G proteins, their effectors and the physiological functions studied mainly in two model organisms: Arabidopsis thaliana and rice (Oryza sativa). We also look at recent progress on structural analyses, systems biology and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

Metabolic symbiosis and the birth of the plant kingdom   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eukaryotic cells are composed of a variety of membrane-bound organelles that are thought to derive from symbiotic associations involving bacteria, archaea, or other eukaryotes. In addition to acquiring the plastid, all Archaeplastida and some of their endosymbiotic derivatives can be distinguished from other organisms by the fact that they accumulate starch, a semicrystalline-storage polysaccharide distantly related to glycogen and never found elsewhere. We now provide the first evidence for the existence of starch in a particular species of single-cell diazotrophic cyanobacterium. We provide evidence for the existence in the eukaryotic host cell at the time of primary endosymbiosis of an uridine diphosphoglucose (UDP-glucose)-based pathway similar to that characterized in amoebas. Because of the monophyletic origin of plants, we can define the genetic makeup of the Archaeplastida ancestor with respect to storage polysaccharide metabolism. The most likely enzyme-partitioning scenario between the plastid's ancestor and its eukaryotic host immediately suggests the precise nature of the ancient metabolic symbiotic relationship. The latter consisted in the export of adenosine diphosphoglucose (ADP-glucose) from the cyanobiont in exchange for the import of reduced nitrogen from the host. We further speculate that the monophyletic origin of plastids may lie in an organism with close relatedness to present-day group V cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

A diverse community of microorganisms inhabits various parts of a plant. Recent findings indicate that perturbations to the normal microbiota can be associated with positive and negative effects on plant health. In this review, we discuss these findings in the context of understanding how microbiota homeostasis is regulated in plants for promoting health and/or for preventing dysbiosis.  相似文献   

Janeczko A 《Steroids》2012,77(3):169-173
Steroids are present in living organisms as one of the most essential groups of compounds. Continuous research has led to new discoveries and the revision of existing information concerning the occurrence and the role of steroids, both in animals and plants. This article will focus on reviewing the literature studying progesterone in the plant kingdom, including its discovery, its occurrence in different plant species as well as its biological activity and molecular basis of action. This review will present and discuss the current data in addition to introducing potential directions for further research on the subject of progesterone in plants.  相似文献   



Kinesins constitute a large superfamily of motor proteins in eukaryotic cells. They perform diverse tasks such as vesicle and organelle transport and chromosomal segregation in a microtubule- and ATP-dependent manner. In recent years, the genomes of a number of eukaryotic organisms have been completely sequenced. Subsequent studies revealed and classified the full set of members of the kinesin superfamily expressed by these organisms. ForDictyostelium discoideum, only five kinesin superfamily proteins (Kif's) have already been reported.


Here, we report the identification of thirteen kinesin genes exploiting the information from the raw shotgun reads of theDictyostelium discoideumgenome project. A phylogenetic tree of 390 kinesin motor domain sequences was built, grouping theDictyosteliumkinesins into nine subfamilies. According to known cellular functions or strong homologies to kinesins of other organisms, four of theDictyosteliumkinesins are involved in organelle transport, six are implicated in cell division processes, two are predicted to perform multiple functions, and one kinesin may be the founder of a new subclass.


This analysis of theDictyosteliumgenome led to the identification of eight new kinesin motor proteins. According to an exhaustive phylogenetic comparison,Dictyosteliumcontains the same subset of kinesins that higher eukaryotes need to perform mitosis. Some of the kinesins are implicated in intracellular traffic and a small number have unpredictable functions.  相似文献   

Myosins constitute a superfamily of motor proteins that convert energy from ATP hydrolysis into mechanical movement along the actin filaments. Phylogenetic analysis currently places myosins into 17 classes based on class-specific features of their conserved motor domain. Traditionally, the myosins have been divided into two classes depending on whether they form monomers or dimers. The conventional myosin of muscle and nonmuscle cells forms class II myosins. They are complex molecules of four light chains bound to two heavy chains that form bipolar filaments via interactions between their coiled-coil tails (type II). Class I myosins are smaller monomeric myosins referred to as unconventional myosins. Now, at least 15 other classes of unconventional myosins are known. How many myosins are needed to ensure the proper development and function of eukaryotic organisms? Thus far, three types of myosins were found in budding yeast, six in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, and at least 12 in human. Here, we report on the identification and classification of Drosophila melanogaster myosins. Analysis of the Drosophila genome sequence identified 13 myosin genes. Phylogenetic analysis based on the sequence comparison of the myosin motor domains, as well as the presence of the class-specific domains, suggests that Drosophila myosins can be divided into nine major classes. Myosins belonging to previously described classes I, II, III, V, VI, and VII are present. Molecular and phylogenetic analysis indicates that the fruitfly genome contains at least five new myosins. Three of them fall into previously described myosin classes I, VII, and XV. Another myosin is a homolog of the mouse and human PDZ-containing myosins, forming the recently defined class XVIII myosins. PDZ domains are named after the postsynaptic density, disc-large, ZO-1 proteins in which they were first described. The fifth myosin shows a unique domain composition and a low homology to any of the existing classes. We propose that this is classified when similar myosins are identified in other species.  相似文献   

Summary The in vivo fragmentation of the plastid rRNA from plants situated at different places in the evolutionary scale, with the exception ofAlgae, was analysed by electrophoresis using fully denaturing conditions. This fragmentation corresponds to an in vivo post-maturation. It exists only in some bacteria and is not random. Five main groups of fragments with the following real molecular weights (Mr) are found in 23 S:ca 0.9 × 106; 0.7 × 106; 0.45 × 106; 0.35 × 106 and 0.15 × 106. The existence of a large fragment (Mr = 0.9 × 106) corresponds to a primitive type of fragmentation found in some archaic plants. Dicotyledons and several other groups have the same pattern of 23 S fragmentation, often comprising all the fragments mentioned above, whilstGraminaceae (Monocotyledons) constitute a special group with a very predominant 0.35 × 106 dalton fragment and the absence of the 0.45 × 106 dalton fragment. The plastid 16 S rRNA in all plants studied here has aMr of 0.54 × 106 which is smaller than the 16 S ofEscbericbia coli taken as reference (0.56 × 106 dalton).  相似文献   

Ribosomal RNA genes are abundant repetitive sequences in most eukaryotes. Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) contains many insertions derived from mobile elements including non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons. R2 is the well-characterized 28S rDNA-specific non-LTR retrotransposon family that is distributed over at least 4 bilaterian phyla. R2 is a large family sharing the same insertion specificity and classified into 4 clades (R2-A, -B, -C, and -D) based on the N-terminal domain structure and the phylogeny. There is no observation of horizontal transfer of R2; therefore, the origin of R2 dates back to before the split between protostomes and deuterostomes. Here, we in silico identified 1 R2 element from the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis and 2 R2-like retrotransposons from the hydrozoan Hydra magnipapillata. R2 from N. vectensis was inserted into the 28S rDNA like other R2, but the R2-like elements from H. magnipapillata were inserted into the specific sequence in the highly conserved region of the 18S rDNA. We designated the Hydra R2-like elements R8. R8 is inserted at 37 bp upstream from R7, another 18S rDNA-specific retrotransposon family. There is no obvious sequence similarity between targets of R2 and R8, probably because they recognize long DNA sequences. Domain structure and phylogeny indicate that R2 from N. vectensis is the member of the R2-D clade, and R8 from H. magnipapillata belongs to the R2-A clade despite its different sequence specificity. These results suggest that R2 had been generated before the split between cnidarians and bilaterians and that R8 is a retrotransposon family that changed its target from the 28S rDNA to the 18S rDNA.  相似文献   

Kinetic and phylogenetic analysis of plant polyamine uptake transporters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mulangi V  Chibucos MC  Phuntumart V  Morris PF 《Planta》2012,236(4):1261-1273
The rice gene POLYAMINE UPTAKE TRANSPORTER1 (PUT1) was originally identified based on its homology to the polyamine uptake transporters LmPOT1 and TcPAT12 in Leishmania major and Trypanosoma cruzi, respectively. Here we show that five additional transporters from rice and Arabidopsis that cluster in the same clade as PUT1 all function as high affinity spermidine uptake transporters. Yeast expression assays of these genes confirmed that uptake of spermidine was minimally affected by 166 fold or greater concentrations of amino acids. Characterized polyamine transporters from both Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa along with the two polyamine transporters from L. major and T. cruzi were aligned and used to generate a hidden Markov model. This model was used to identify significant matches to proteins in other angiosperms, bryophytes, chlorophyta, discicristates, excavates, stramenopiles and amoebozoa. No significant matches were identified in fungal or metazoan genomes. Phylogenic analysis showed that some sequences from the haptophyte, Emiliania huxleyi, as well as sequences from oomycetes and diatoms clustered closer to sequences from plant genomes than from a homologous sequence in the red algal genome Galdieria sulphuraria, consistent with the hypothesis that these polyamine transporters were acquired by horizontal transfer from green algae. Leishmania and Trypansosoma formed a separate cluster with genes from other Discicristates and two Entamoeba species. We surmise that the genes in Entamoeba species were acquired by phagotrophy of Discicristates. In summary, phylogenetic and functional analysis has identified two clades of genes that are predictive of polyamine transport activity.  相似文献   

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