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祝雯  詹家绥 《遗传》2012,34(2):157-166
品种单一化、生产密集型和一年多茬的现代农业特点导致病原物呈现出进化速度加快、致病力增强及流行风险增大趋势。深入研究病原物群体遗传学对认识病害的流行、有效选育和使用抗性品种乃至控制病害具有重要意义。文章阐述了植物病原物群体遗传学的研究目标和内容、突变、基因迁移、基因重组、随机遗传漂变和自然选择5大遗传机制在植物病原物进化过程中的作用, 以及目前植物病原物群体遗传学研究的现状。  相似文献   

植物分子群体遗传学研究动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王云生  黄宏文  王瑛 《遗传》2007,29(10):1191-1191―1198
分子群体遗传学是当代进化生物学研究的支柱学科, 也是遗传育种和关于遗传关联作图和连锁分析的基础理论学科。分子群体遗传学是在经典群体遗传的基础上发展起来的, 它利用大分子主要是DNA序列的变异式样来研究群体的遗传结构及引起群体遗传变化的因素与群体遗传结构的关系, 从而使得遗传学家能够从数量上精确地推知群体的进化演变, 不仅克服了经典的群体遗传学通常只能研究群体遗传结构短期变化的局限性, 而且可检验以往关于长期进化或遗传系统稳定性推论的可靠程度。同时, 对群体中分子序列变异式样的研究也使人们开始重新审视达尔文的以“自然选择”为核心的进化学说。到目前为止, 分子群体遗传学已经取得长足的发展, 阐明了许多重要的科学问题, 如一些重要农作物的DNA多态性式样、连锁不平衡水平及其影响因素、种群的变迁历史、基因进化的遗传学动力等, 更为重要的是, 在分子群体遗传学基础上建立起来的新兴的学科如分子系统地理学等也得到了迅速的发展。文中综述了植物分子群体遗传研究的内容及最新成果。  相似文献   

植物表观遗传多样性是对生物多样性的遗传多样性层面的补充,也是植物表型多样性的重要来源,研究表观遗传多样性的群体表观遗传学应运而生。在植物自然种群的研究中,群体表观遗传学弥补了群体遗传学对不符合孟德尔遗传定律的表型遗传的认识,是对现代综合进化论的重要补充。分子生物学技术的发展,为研究表观遗传变异提供了甲基化敏感的扩增片段长度多样(MS-AFLP)、结合二代测序的亚硫酸氢钠测序法等有力的技术手段。在生态和进化领域,自然种群中表观遗传变异与遗传变异、表型可塑性、生境分化、物种形成的关系成为研究的热点。表观遗传机制在生态系统和生物进化中的作用也逐渐得到揭示,本综述回顾近年来植物群体表观遗传学的实验研究和理论观点,展望了植物群体表观遗传学在研究方法和研究主题上的前景。  相似文献   

植物抗病基因的进化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
庄军  刘志昕 《遗传》2004,26(6):962-968
植物抗病基因在进化中形成了几种共有的进化形式。植物祖先抗病基因的复制创造了新基因座。基因间和基因内重组导致了变异,也导致了新特异性抗病基因的产生。另外,与特异性识别相关的富含亮氨酸重复区顺应于适应性选择。同样,类转座元件在抗病基因座中的插入加速了抗病基因的进化。随着抗病基因的进化,抗病反应也呈现出多样化,代表着植物与病原物动态进化的不同阶段。  相似文献   

孙毅 《化石》2000,(3):31-32
遗传学(genetics)是研究生物遗传及变异规律的学科。是选择和培育动植物及微生物优良种和研究防治遗传性疾病的理论基础。根据研究对象 ,遗传学可分为人类遗传学、动物遗传学、植物遗传学、微生物遗传学等。根据研究的问题和方法 ,又可分为细胞遗传学、生化遗传学、分子遗传学、辐射遗传学、群体遗传学、数量遗传学、医学遗传学、免疫遗传学及行为遗传学等。遗传学发展至当代 ,特别是分子遗传学的成就 ,使人类有能力直接设计自身和其它物种的进化 ,从而使公众对该学科的兴趣空前提高 ,人类将不再只慢慢的等待自然极其缓慢的进化过…  相似文献   

白文钊 《生命科学研究》2002,6(4):293-295,325
转座因子,重组、整合、遗传效应等是目前遗传学领域的一个研究热题。转座因子对遗传变异、宗系进化、突变频率、物种形成、新基因的产生以及对分子生物学、遗传工程学、群体遗传学和数量遗传学等方面的研究都有着重要的意义,主要对果蝇的P转座因子以及环境对P转座因子遗传效应的作用关系进行了研究。  相似文献   

陕西省遗传学会人类医学、动物和微生物遗传专业委员会年会暨学术研讨会,于1983年12月27日至29日在西安召开。与会代表69人,宣读交流论文26篇,其中人类医学遗传学23篇,动物遗传学3篇,内容涉及染色体病的细胞遗传学研究与产前诊断,单基因病和多基因病的临床研究和流行病学,生化遗  相似文献   

植物抗病机制是目前研究的热点。在长期的进化过程中,植物形成了一系列复杂有效的防御机制来抵御、破坏病原物的侵染。植物抗病基因在植物抗性反应中起着重要的作用,植物一旦监测到病原物马上起始防御反应,并伴随着植物体内一系列细胞和生理生化的变化。近年来,基因沉默作为一个重要的细胞内防御外源核酸的机制,越来越受到科学家重视。综述了植物抗病基因和基因沉默机制在植物抗病反应中的重要作用,并对研究植物抗病机制的前景做了展望。  相似文献   

甘蔗主要病害抗病遗传育种研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘蔗生产长期受到病害的严重影响,这些病害不仅降低蔗茎产量和糖分,还影响宿根性,甚至造成品种种性退化,而抗病品种的选育是保证甘蔗生产的有效途径。概述了甘蔗花叶病、黑穗病、宿根矮化病和梢腐病4种主要甘蔗病害在病原物检测、种质筛选和基因工程技术等抗病育种工作方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

植物的繁育系统、遗传结构和遗传多样性保护   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
达尔文和最早的群体遗传学理论,都认为繁育系统对生物的遗传多样性和进化起重要作用。本文首先介绍用蛋白质电泳检测植物繁育系统的优点,然后讨论中外学者的实验结果,表明在植物众多特征中,如生活型、是有性繁殖还是无性繁殖等都能影响群体遗传结构,但最显著的是繁育系统和群体遗传分化两者间的关系。因此我们能从植物的繁育系统推测群体遗传结构,进而提出监测遗传多样性的取样策略,这对就地保护和移地保护都是十分重要的  相似文献   

《Trends in plant science》2023,28(5):519-526
Infectious plant diseases are a major threat to global agricultural productivity, economic development, and ecological integrity. There is widespread concern that these social and natural disasters caused by infectious plant diseases may escalate with climate change and computer modeling offers a unique opportunity to address this concern. Here, we analyze the intrinsic problems associated with current modeling strategies and highlight the need to integrate evolutionary principles into polytrophic, eco-evolutionary frameworks to improve predictions. We particularly discuss how evolutionary shifts in functional trade-offs, relative adaptability between plants and pathogens, ecosystems, and climate preferences induced by climate change may feedback to future plant disease epidemics and how technological advances can facilitate the generation and integration of this relevant knowledge for better modeling predictions.  相似文献   

高寒草甸植物多样性促进了施肥条件下土壤真菌病原体的丰富度 在农业生态系统中,氮添加对植物病原真菌丰富度和相对多度的影响已被基本阐明,然而在自然生态系统中,氮添加如何影响土壤中的植物病原真菌(通过影响植物群落结构或土壤理化指标)仍知之甚少。本研究以青藏高原东部高寒草甸为研究对象,基于7年的氮添加梯度野外实验,使用Miseq平台,针对土壤真菌的ITS1基因进行测序,以评估氮添加对高寒草甸土壤中的植物病原菌丰富度和相对多度的影响,并阐明氮添加通过不同途径(即植物群落结构和土壤理化指标)影响病原菌的潜在机制。基于模型筛选和结构方程模型等统计方法,本研究发现,氮添加通过改变土壤理化指标影响土壤中的植物病原菌相对多度。但是,在排除掉氮添加对土壤中植物病原菌丰富度的影响后,地上植物物种丰富度与土壤中植物病原菌丰富度仍存在显著的正相关性。因此,我们认为高寒草甸土壤中植物病原菌丰富度和相对多度受到不同的机制调控。世界范围内,自然生态系统中氮素输入量的加剧(包括氮沉降和氮肥施用)所引起的植物物种丧失引起了人类的较大关注。除此之外,氮素输入所引起的植物病原菌丰富度和相对多度的变化也值得我们警醒,因为植物病原菌群落结构的改变可能会对生态系统功能和服务产生重要影响。  相似文献   

Progress in genetic improvement of crop yield potential has slowed since 1985. Simultaneously, more sustainable management of agricultural ecosystems is needed. A better understanding of natural selection can help solve both problems. We illustrate this point with two specific examples. First, the genetic legacy of crop plants has been refined by millions of years of natural selection, often driven by competition among plants. We therefore suggest that most simple, tradeoff-free options to increase competitiveness (e.g., increased gene expression, or minor modifications of existing plant genes) have already been tested by natural selection. Further genetic improvement of crop yield potential over the next decade will mainly involve tradeoffs, either between fitness in past versus present environments, or between individual competitiveness and the collective performance of plant communities. Eventually, we may develop the ability to predict the consequences of genetic alterations so radical that they have not yet been tested by natural selection. Second, natural selection acts mainly at the level of genes, individuals, and family groups, rather than ecosystems as a whole. Consequently, there is no reason to expect the structure of natural ecosystems (diversity, spatial, or temporal patterns) to be a reliable blueprint for agricultural ecosystems. Natural ecosystems are nonetheless an important source of information that could be used to improve agriculture.  相似文献   

Study of the congruence of population genetic structure between hosts and pathogens gives important insights into their shared phylogeographical and coevolutionary histories. We studied the population genetic structure of castrating anther‐smut fungi (genus Microbotryum) and of their host plants, the Silene nutans species complex, and the morphologically and genetically closely related Silene italica, which can be found in sympatry. Phylogeographical population genetic structure related to persistence in separate glacial refugia has been recently revealed in the S. nutans plant species complex across Western Europe, identifying several distinct lineages. We genotyped 171 associated plant–pathogen pairs of anther‐smut fungi and their host plant individuals using microsatellite markers and plant chloroplastic single nucleotide polymorphisms. We found clear differentiation between fungal populations parasitizing S. nutans and S. italica plants. The population genetic structure of fungal strains parasitizing the S. nutans plant species complex mirrored the host plant genetic structure, suggesting that the pathogen was isolated in glacial refugia together with its host and/or that it has specialized on the plant genetic lineages. Using random forest approximate Bayesian computation (ABC‐RF), we found that the divergence history of the fungal lineages on S. nutans was congruent with that previously inferred for the host plant and probably occurred with ancient but no recent gene flow. Genome sequences confirmed the genetic structure and the absence of recent gene flow between fungal genetic lineages. Our analyses of individual host–pathogen pairs contribute to a better understanding of co‐evolutionary histories between hosts and pathogens in natural ecosystems, in which such studies remain scarce.  相似文献   

Plant pathogens destroy crops and cause severe yield losses, leading to an insufficient food supply to sustain the human population. Apart from relying on natural plant immune systems to combat biological agents or waiting for the appropriate evolutionary steps to occur over time, researchers are currently seeking new breakthrough methods to boost disease resistance in plants through genetic engineering. Here, we summarize the past two decades of research in disease resistance engineering against an assortment of pathogens through modifying the plant immune components (internal and external) with several biotechnological techniques. We also discuss potential strategies and provide perspectives on engineering plant immune systems for enhanced pathogen resistance and plant fitness.  相似文献   

Divergent natural selection is considered an important force in plant evolution leading to phenotypic differentiation between populations exploiting different environments. Extending an earlier greenhouse study of population differentiation in the selfing annual plant Senecio vulgaris, we estimated the degree of population divergence in several quantitative traits related to growth and life history and compared these estimates with those based on presumably neutral molecular markers (amplified fragment length polymorphisms; AFLPs). This approach allowed us to disentangle the effects of divergent selection from that of other evolutionary forces (e.g. genetic drift). Five populations were examined from each of two habitat types (ruderal and agricultural habitats). We found a high proportion of total genetic variance to be among populations, both for AFLP markers (phiST = 0.49) and for quantitative traits (range of QST: 0.26-0.77). There was a strong correlation between molecular and quantitative genetic differentiation between pairs of populations (Mantel's r = 0.59). However, estimates of population differentiation in several quantitative traits exceeded the neutral expectation (estimated from AFLP data), suggesting that divergent selection contributed to phenotypic differentiation, especially between populations from ruderal and agricultural habitats. Estimates of within-population variation in AFLP markers and quantitative genetic were poorly correlated, indicating that molecular marker data may be of limited value to predict the evolutionary potential of populations of S. vulgaris.  相似文献   

自世界工业革命以来,化石燃料的大量使用以及人类对自然环境的过度破坏,致使大气CO2浓度不断升高.研究大气CO2浓度升高介导的农业生态系统内植物、植食性昆虫及其天敌的适应机制,对于阐明气候变化下农业害虫爆发危害规律,指导防控与减排具有重要意义.本文综述了大气CO2浓度升高对农业生态系统中植物、植食性昆虫及天敌的影响,主要包括:1)相关研究方法的改进;2)大气CO2浓度升高介导的寄主植物营养和次生代谢物质的变化;3)大气CO2浓度升高对以植物为食的昆虫的个体生长发育、种群数量、行为的影响;4)天敌昆虫的生物学及捕食量与寄生率变化.最后对今后的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   


Increased pressure for food production has, in recent years, led to the development of intensive agricultural systems that use significant quantities of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides. However, there is now substantial evidence for the environmental costs of this high-input strategy and this has led to demands for agricultural systems to be modified in order to make them more sustainable. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a key role in natural and agricultural ecosystems through major functions in the enhancement of plant phosphorus and nitrogen nutrition, nutrient and soil conservation, and the biological control of plant pathogens. They are essential to the sustainability of systems and their importance in agricultural ecosystems is likely to increase as inputs are reduced and/or rationalized. In order to maximize their benefits it is essential to ensure that management practices include minimum tillage, reduced use of inappropriate fertilizer, appropriate crop rotations with minimal fallow, and rationalized pesticide use. Furthermore, crop breeders should take full account of the symbiosis in selection. Future research should be targeted to understanding the functional ecology of AMF in agroecosystems.  相似文献   

Diversification in agricultural cropping patterns is widely practised to delay the build-up of virulent races that can overcome host resistance in pathogen populations. This can lead to balanced polymorphism, but the long-term consequences of this strategy for the evolution of crop pathogen populations are still unclear. The widespread occurrence of sibling species and reproductively isolated sub-species among fungal and oomycete plant pathogens suggests that evolutionary divergence is common. This paper develops a mathematical model of host-pathogen interactions using a simple framework of two hosts to analyse the influences of sympatric host heterogeneity on the long-term evolutionary behaviour of plant pathogens. Using adaptive dynamics, which assumes that sequential mutations induce small changes in pathogen fitness, we show that evolutionary outcomes strongly depend on the shape of the trade-off curve between pathogen transmission on sympatric hosts. In particular, we determine the conditions under which the evolutionary branching of a monomorphic into a dimorphic population occurs, as well as the conditions that lead to the evolution of specialist (single host range) or generalist (multiple host range) pathogen populations.  相似文献   

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