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The crab genus Brachynotus de Haan, 1833 is restricted to the intertidal and shallow subtidal of the Mediterranean and northeastern Atlantic. It is presently recognized to consist of four species, of which three (B. foresti, B. gemmellari and B. sexdentatus) are endemic to the Mediterranean. The fourth species, B. atlanticus, is found along the Atlantic coasts of northern Africa and southern Europe, but also extends into the western Mediterranean. This high level of endemism suggests that speciation within Brachynotus is strongly correlated with the geography and geology of the Mediterranean Sea. A molecular phylogeny based on the mitochondrial large subunit (16S) rRNA gene indicates that the four species of Brachynotus form a monophyletic group within Atlantic Varunidae. The DNA sequence data also show that the genus Brachynotus can be subdivided into two species groups, one comprising B. atlanticus and B. foresti, and the other one B. gemmellari and B. sexdentatus. While B. atlanticus and B. foresti are clearly genetically distinct, B. gemmellari and B. sexdentatus are identical in the studied region of the 16S rRNA gene, suggesting a recent separation or continuing gene flow.  相似文献   

Until now, phylogenetic studies of the mongooses (Carnivora, Herpestidae) have not included an exhaustive sampling of the Asian members of this family. In this study, we used mitochondrial (Cytochrome b and ND2), nuclear (β-fibrinogen intron 7 and Transthyretin intron 1) sequences from almost all of the recognized mongoose species to produce a well-resolved phylogeny of the Herpestidae. We also performed molecular dating analyses to infer divergence dates of the different lineages within the Herpestidae. Our results confirmed the paraphyly of the Herpestes genus and other phylogenetic relationships, which previously had only been moderately supported. The Asian herpestid species were found to form a monophyletic group within the Herpestidae. Within the Asian species, a cyto-nuclear conflict was discovered between the small Indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus), the Indian gray mongoose (Herpestes edwardsii) and the Javan mongoose (Herpestes javanicus), which may have occurred through interspecific hybridization. This study inferred an Early Miocene origin for the Herpestidae and a Middle Miocene origin for the Asian mongooses.  相似文献   

Howe AT  Bass D  Chao EE  Cavalier-Smith T 《Protist》2011,162(5):710-722
Glissomonadida is an important cercozoan order of predominantly biflagellate gliding bacterivores found largely in soil and freshwater. Their vast diversity is largely undescribed. We studied 23 mostly newly isolated strains by light microscopy and sequenced their 18S rDNA genes; nine represent new species. For two misidentified ATCC 'Heteromita triangularis' strains, we establish novel gliding genera and species: the sandonid Mollimonas lacrima, the only glissomonad forming anterior and posterior pseudopodia, and Dujardina stenomorpha, a strongly flattened member of the new family Dujardinidae. A new strain from Oxfordshire grassland soil is the first reliably identified isolate of the virtually uniflagellate, smooth-gliding glissomonad genus, AllantionSandon, 1924. Phylogenetic analysis and cytological features reveal Allantion to be a member of Allapsidae. Sandona limna and Bodomorpha prolixa from Lake Baikal and Sandona hexamutans from volcanic Costa Rican soil are described as new species. Fifteen glissomonad strains were from grassland beside Lake Baikal. We describe two as new species of Sandona (S. heptamutans and S. octamutans); the others included strains of Sandona and Allapsa species that have already been described; and three were new species of Sandona and Allapsa but these died before being described. We discuss the ecological and evolutionary significance of these new strains.  相似文献   

This study investigates the molecular phylogeny of seven lionfishes of the genera Dendrochirus and Pterois. MP, ML, and NJ phylogenetic analysis based on 964 bp of partial mitochondrial DNA sequences (cytochrome b and 16S rDNA) revealed two main clades: (1) “Pterois” clade (Pterois miles and Pterois volitans), and (2) “Pteropterus–Dendrochirus” clade (remainder of the sampled species). The position of Dendrochirus brachypterus either basal to the main clades or in the “Pteropterus–Dendrochirus” clade cannot be resolved. However, the molecular phylogeny did not support the current separation of the genera Pterois and Dendrochirus. The siblings P. miles and P. volitans are clearly separated and our results support the proposed allopatric or parapatric distribution in the Indian and Pacific Ocean. However, the present analysis cannot reveal if P. miles and P. volitans are separate species or two populations of a single species, because the observed separation in different clades can be either explained by speciation or lineage sorting. Molecular clock estimates for the siblings P. miles and P. volitans suggest a divergence time of 2.4–8.3 mya, which coincide with geological events that created vicariance between populations of the Indian and Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

In 2008–2010, several freshwater dinoflagellate blooms caused by Peridiniopsis spp. were observed in China. P. penardii and P. niei sampled from various geographical localities were examined by means of light and scanning electron microscopy. After comparing morphological and molecular differences, the new freshwater variety Peridiniopsis penardii var. robusta var. nov. (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae) found in Manwan Reservoir, Yunnan Province was described. The new variety differed from P. penardii since it possessed numerous robust antapical spines and a conspicuous apical spine. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on SSU, LSU and ITS indicated P. niei, P. penardii and P. penardii var. robusta were closely related with P. kevei, and clustered into a monophyletic clade. The new variety possessed an endosymbiotic diatom which was similar to P. penardii and P. kevei, whereas the endosymbiont was not present in cells of P. niei. The endosymbiont SSU and ITS phylogenies showed that the endosymbionts of these three dinoflagellates were closely related to members of Thalassiosirales. Furthermore it was concluded that the endosymbionts might originate from Discostella-like species.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships between recent Elephantidae (Proboscidea, Mammalia), that is to say extant elephants (Asian and African) and extinct woolly mammoth, have remained unclear to date. The prevailing morphological scheme (mammoth grouped with Asian elephant) is either supported or questioned by the molecular results. Recently, the monophyly of woolly mammoths on mitochondrial grounds has been demonstrated (Thomas, et al., 2000), but it conflicts with previous studies (Barriel et al., 1999; Derenko et al., 1997). Here, we report the partial sequencing of two mitochondrial genes: 128 bp of 12S rDNA and 561 bp of cytochrome b for the Lyakhov mammoth, a 49,000-year-old Siberian individual. We use the most comprehensive sample of mammoth (11 sequences) to determine whether the sequences achieved by former studies were congruent or not. The monophyly of a major subset of mammoths sequences (including ours) is recovered. Such a result is assumed to be a good criterion for ascertaining the origin of ancient DNA. Our sequence is incongruent with that of Yang et al. (1996), though obtained for the same individual. As far as the latter sequence is concerned, a contamination by non-identified exogenous DNA is suspected. The robustness and reliability of the sister group relation between Mammuthus primigenius and Loxodonta africana are examined: down-weighting saturated substitutions has no impact on the topology; analyzing data partitions proves that the support of this clade can be assigned to the most conservative phylogenetic signal; insufficient taxonomic and/or characters sampling contributed to former discordant conclusions. We therefore assume the monophyly of "real mammoth sequences" and the (Mammuthus, Loxodonta) clade.  相似文献   

The squirrel family, Sciuridae, is one of the largest and most widely dispersed families of mammals. In spite of the wide distribution and conspicuousness of this group, phylogenetic relationships remain poorly understood. We used DNA sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of 114 species in 21 genera to infer phylogenetic relationships among sciurids based on maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic methods. Although we evaluated more complex alternative models of nucleotide substitution to reconstruct Bayesian phylogenies, none provided a better fit to the data than the GTR+G+I model. We used the reconstructed phylogenies to evaluate the current taxonomy of the Sciuridae. At essentially all levels of relationships, we found the phylogeny of squirrels to be in substantial conflict with the current taxonomy. At the highest level, the flying squirrels do not represent a basal divergence, and the current division of Sciuridae into two subfamilies is therefore not phylogenetically informative. At the tribal level, the Neotropical pygmy squirrel, Sciurillus, represents a basal divergence and is not closely related to the other members of the tribe Sciurini. At the genus level, the sciurine genus Sciurus is paraphyletic with respect to the dwarf squirrels (Microsciurus), and the Holarctic ground squirrels (Spermophilus) are paraphyletic with respect to antelope squirrels (Ammospermophilus), prairie dogs (Cynomys), and marmots (Marmota). Finally, several species of chipmunks and Holarctic ground squirrels do not appear monophyletic, indicating a need for reevaluation of alpha taxonomy.  相似文献   

An approach for sequencing the entire mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) of decapod crustaceans using 79 newly designed and 7 published polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers is described. The approach comprises the following steps: (1) the entire mitogenome is amplified in 2 or 3 long PCRs; (2) the 86 primers are used in different combinations to amplify contiguous, overlapping short segments of the entire mitogenome with the diluted long PCR products as templates; (3) direct cycle sequencing is conducted using the short PCR products. This strategy allows a more rapid determination of decapod mitogenomic sequences than a traditional method using cloned mitochondrial DNA and primer walking strategy. As a practical example, the mitogenomic sequence for a kuruma prawn Marsupenaeus japonicus (Crustacea: Decapoda), was determined using the PCR-based approach.  相似文献   

Nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS and ETS) sequences from 39 native Californian (USA) Allium species and congeners were combined with 154 ITS sequences available on GenBank to develop a global Allium phylogeny with the simultaneous goals of investigating the evolutionary history (monophyly) of Allium in the Californian center of diversity and exploring patterns of adaptation to serpentine soils. Phylogenies constructed with ITS alone or ITS in combination with ETS provided sufficient resolution for investigating evolutionary relationships among species. The ITS region alone was sufficient to resolve the deeper relationships in North American species. Addition of a second marker (ETS) further supports the phylogenetic placements of the North American species and adds resolution within subgenus Amerallium, a clade containing many Californian endemics. Within the global phylogeny, the native North American species were found to be monophyletic, with the exception of Allium tricoccum and Allium schoenoprasum. All native Californian species included in the analysis fell into a monophyletic subgenus Amerallium section Lophioprason, although endemic Californian species were not monophyletic due to the inclusion of species with ranges extending beyond the California Floristic Province. The molecular phylogeny strongly supports previous morphology-based taxonomic groupings. Based on our results, serpentine adaptation appears to have occurred multiple times within section Lophioprason, while the ancestor of the Californian center of diversity may not have been serpentine-adapted.  相似文献   

The Australo-Papuan family Petroicidae (Aves: Passeriformes) has been the focus of much systematic debate about its relationships with other passerine families, as well as relationships within the family. Mostly conservative morphology within the group limits the effectiveness of traditional taxonomic analyses and has contributed to ongoing systematic debate. To assess relationships within the family, we sampled 47 individuals from 26 species, representing the majority of genera and species, for four loci: 528 base pairs (bp) of C-myc, 501 bp of BA20454 and 336 bp of BA23989 from nuclear DNA and 1005 bp of the mitochondrial ND2 gene. There was consensus between individual loci and overall support for major lineages was strong. Partitioned Bayesian analyses of all four loci produced a fully resolved and very well-supported phylogeny that addresses many of the previous systematic debates in this group. The Eopsaltriinae as construed is monophyletic with the exception of Eopsaltria flaviventris, which is nested within Microeca as an unremarkable member of that genus. This relationship is corroborated by morphology and egg color and pattern. Petroicinae as currently construed was not monophyletic and comprised two lineages that are paraphyletic with respect to each other. The third subfamily, Drymodinae, remains incertae sedis. The mangrove robin, Peneonanthe pulverulenta, of tropical Australia and New Guinea is nested within a clade that also contained the sampled species of Peneothello and Melanodryas, a novel relationship. Preliminary biogeographic and divergence time estimates from these results are discussed and a new subfamily arrangement proposed.  相似文献   

A new genus, Cystobasidiopsis, and a new species, Cystobasidiopsis nirenbergiae, are described for a fungus isolated from an arable loess soil in Ahlum near Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, Germany. An integrated analysis of morphological, ecological, ultrastructural and molecular data indicates that the new species belongs to the Chionosphaeraceae within the Agaricostilbales. Relevant characteristics of the new species are discussed and compared with those of related taxa.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of H. americanus have been characterised by C-banding, fluorochrome banding and restriction endonuclease banding. Thanks to these techniques, it has been possible to identify mitotic and meiotic figures clearly and to study the distribution and structure of heterochromatic regions. Moreover, we have identified small supernumerary chromosomes, variable in number and often asynaptic in first meiotic metaphase.  相似文献   

The monophyletic status of the squat lobster superfamily Galatheoidea has come under increasing doubt by studies using evidence as diverse as larval and adult somatic morphology, sperm ultrastructure, and molecular data. Here we synthesize phylogenetic data from these diverse strands, with the addition of new molecular and morphological data to examine the phylogeny of the squat lobsters and assess the status of the Galatheoidea. A total of 64 species from 16 of the 17 currently recognised anomuran families are included. Results support previous work pointing towards polyphyly in the superfamily Galatheoidea and Paguroidea, specifically, suggesting independent origins of the Galatheidae+Porcellanidae and the Chirostylidae+Kiwaidae. Morphological characters are selected that support clades resolved in the combined analysis and the taxonomic status of Galatheoidea sensu lato is revised. Results indicate that Chirostylidae are more closely related to an assemblage including Aegloidea, Lomisoidea and Paguroidea than to the remaining Galatheoidea and are referred to the superfamily Chirostyloidea to include the Chirostylidae and Kiwaidae. A considerable amount of research highlighting morphological differences supporting this split is discussed. The Galatheoidea sensu stricto is restricted to the families Galatheidae and Porcellanidae, and diagnoses for both Chirostyloidea and Galatheoidea are provided. Present results highlight the need for a detailed revision of a number of taxa, challenge some currently used morphological synapomorphies, and emphasise the need for integrated studies with wide taxon sampling and multiple data sources to resolve complex phylogenetic questions.  相似文献   

Parsimony analyses of the internal transcribed spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS 1 & ITS 2) for 38 taxa sampled from the Phebalium group (Rutaceae: Boronieae) and two outgroups confirm that, with the exception of Phebalium sensu stricto and Rhadinothamnus, six of the currently recognised genera within the group are monophyletic. The data indicate that Phebaliums. str. is paraphyletic with respect to Microcybe, and Rhadinothamnus is paraphyletic with respect to Chorilaena. Rhadinothamnus and Chorilaena together are the sister group to Nematolepis. Drummondita, included as an outgroup taxon, clustered within the ingroup as sister to Muiriantha and related to Asterolasia.The phylogeny suggests that the evolution of major clades within a number of these genera (e.g. Phebalium) relates to vicariance events between eastern and south-western Australia. Leionema is an eastern genus, with the most basal taxon being the morphologically distinct Leionema ellipticum from northern Queensland. Leionema also includes one species from New Zealand, but this species (as with some others) proved difficult to sequence and its phylogenetic position remains unknown. Taxonomic changes at the generic level are recommended.The authors wish to thank Paul G.Wilson, PERTH, for advice and discussion, and Paul Forster, BRI, for collecting and providing material of Leionema ellipticum. The project was supported by a Melbourne University Postgraduate Award (to BM), the Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS), Australian Systematic Botany Society and Wolf Den (Australia) Investments.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the fishes in the perciform tribe Epinephelini (Serranidae) have long been poorly understood, in large part because of the numerous taxa that must be considered and the large, circumtropical distribution of the group. In this study, genetic data from two nuclear (Tmo-4C4 and histone H3) and two mitochondrial (16S and 12S) genes were gathered from 155 serranid and acanthomorph species as a means of developing a phylogenetic hypothesis using both maximum-likelihood and -parsimony criteria. The maximum-parsimony analysis recovered 675 most parsimonious trees of length 5703 steps (CI = 0.2523, HI = 0.7477, RI = 0.6582), and the maximum-likelihood analysis recovered 1 tree at −lnLikelihood = 28279.58341. These phylogenetic hypotheses are discussed in light of previous morphological evidence to evaluate the evolutionary history of the group and their implications for the currently recognized taxonomy. Our results question the monophyly of the Serranidae, as well as the genera Cephalopholis, Epinephelus, and Mycteroperca as currently defined. The Serranidae is monophyletic only with the exclusion of the genera Acanthistius and Niphon. We propose a revised classification of the tribe Epinephelini that reflects the hypothesized shared ancestry of the group and recognizes 11 genera: Alphestes, Cephalopholis, Dermatolepis, Epinephelus, Gonioplectrus, Hyporthodus (which is resurrected for 11 species of deep-bodied groupers), Mycteroperca (including 7 species heretofore allocated to Epinephelus), Plectropomus, Saloptia, Triso, and Variola.  相似文献   

We study the phylogenetic relationships among some North American Colias ("sulfur") butterflies, using mitochondrial gene sequences (ribosomal RNA, cytochrome oxidase I+II) totaling about 20% of the mitochondrial genome. We find that (1) the lowland species complex shows a branching order different from earlier views; (2) several montane and northern taxa may be more distinct than in earlier views; (3) one morphologically conservative Holarctic assemblage, C. hecla, is differentiated at the molecular-genetic level into at least three taxa which occupy distinct positions in the phylogeny and are sisters to diverse other taxa. These conclusions, constituting phylogenetic hypotheses, are supported by parsimony, maximum-likelihood, and Bayesian reconstruction algorithms. They are tested formally, by interior branch tests and paired-site tests, against alternative hypotheses derived from conventional species and subspecies naming combinations. In all cases our hypotheses are supported by these tests and the conventional alternatives are rejected. The "barcoding" subset of cytochrome oxidase I sequence identifies only some of the taxa supported by our full data set. Comparison of genetic divergence values among Colias taxa with those among related Pierid butterflies suggests that species radiations within Colias are comparatively younger. This emerging Colias phylogeny facilitates comparisons of genetic polymorphism and other adaptive mechanisms among taxa, thereby connecting micro- and macro-evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Classification of the genusAconitum (Ranunculaceae) has long been considered quite difficult because its species show high levels of morphological and ecological variability. The molecular phylogeny of Asian aconites,Aconitum subgenusAconitum was, therefore, studied based on RFLP and sequences of the intergenic spacer between thetrnL (UAA) 3′ exon andtrnF (GAA), and of thetrnL intron, of the chloroplast DNA. UsingAconitum subgenusLycoctonum as an outgroup, we obtained a statistically reliable molecular tree composed of six clades branched radiatively at the very base. There are three clades of Japanese aconites, a single clade of the species of Yunnan and Himalayas, and two clades of Siberian plants. All the tetraploid taxa of Japan we studied did not show any difference based on the molecular characters analyzed, though they have been classified into many taxa. Evolution and phytogeography of the Asian aconites as well as the phylogeny are discussed.  相似文献   

A new sanguinicolid trematode, Cardicola aurata sp. n., is described from gilthead seabream Sparus aurata L., from off the Spanish Mediterranean coast. The morphology of C. aurata sp. n. generally agrees with the diagnosis of the genus, however, in contrast to all other reported Cardicola spp. the male pore is located sub-medially at the posterior end of the body instead of sinistrally before the posterior end of the body. Based on a comparison of the morphology as well as partial 28S and ITS2 rDNA sequence data from the present species with that from closely related species, it was decided to emend the diagnosis of Cardicola rather than create a new genus, as the aberrant position of the male pore is likely to be an autapomorphy. The phylogenetic analyses revealed a close relationship between Cardicola and Paradeontacylix, two genera with considerable morphological differences; C. aurata sp. n. occupies a position intermediate to these genera. Thus, a morphological comparison of Cardicola, Paradeontacylix and Braya, a genus which is morphologically similar to Cardicola but clusters basal to the Cardicola/Paradeontacylix clade, was conducted. The results of this comparison showed that despite large differences with regard to body shape, the organisation of the internal organs is very similar in species of Cardicola and Paradeontacylix. The synopsis of morphological data and molecular phylogeny allows for interpretations regarding the importance of different morphological features for the phylogenetic inference of the Sanguinicolidae.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of genera Allograpta, Sphaerophoria and Exallandra (Diptera, Syrphidae) were analyzed based on sequence data from the mitochondrial protein-coding gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and the nuclear 28S and 18S ribosomal RNA genes. The three genera are members of the subfamily Syrphinae, where nearly all members feed as larvae on soft-bodied Hemiptera and other arthropods. Phytophagous species have recently been discovered in two subgenera of Allograpta, sg Fazia and a new subgenus from Costa Rica. Phylogenetic analyses of the combined datasets were performed using parsimony, under static alignment and direct optimization, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference. Congruent topologies obtained from all the analyses indicate paraphyly of the genus Allograpta with respect to Sphaerophoria and Exallandra. Exallandra appears embedded in the genus Sphaerophoria, and both genera are placed within Allograpta. The distribution of phytophagous taxa in Allograpta indicates that plant feeding evolved at least twice in this group.  相似文献   

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