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黑带食蚜蝇体色变异的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
霍科科  郑哲民 《昆虫知识》2003,40(6):529-534
通过对黑带食蚜蝇Episyrphus balteatus(De Geer)体色变异的研究,发现黑带食蚜蝇存在深色型和浅色型2种基本形式,体色变异具有明显的季节性,深色型个体出现在温度较低的秋季及早春,浅色型个体发生在温度较高的春夏季节;在腹部色斑方面,深色型和浅色型个体中均存在变异,可划分为8种类型,腹部色斑的变异在浅色型个体中较为丰富,腹部不同体节背板上色斑的变异程度不同;黑带食蚜蝇在体型大小方面同样存在差异,这些变异的多态性可能是食蚜蝇系统学研究中异名产生的一个重要原因。因此,食蚜蝇类群的个体体色变异在系统学研究中是一个必须特别注意的问题。  相似文献   

昆虫色斑型与基因型的关联性以及与环境适应性的关系,是昆虫学的研究热点之一。异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis Pallas作为一种重要的昆虫色斑多型性资源,受到广泛重视。本文于2012-2015年通过调查统计泰安市异色瓢虫不同时期鞘翅底色、不同位置斑点、联斑、二窗型和四窗型、性比等指标的变化特点,并进行了多项式拟合、χ2(卡方)检验和相关性分析,明确了异色瓢虫色斑型和性比的周年变化特点及其与月平均气温的关系。结果表明,浅色型异色瓢虫中,浅色型、不同位置斑点和联斑数量比例均随月份先降后升,与月平均温度显著负相关,均在夏季出现最低值。深色型中,深色型数量比例随月份先升后降,与月平均温度显著正相关;其中的二窗型数量比例在夏季和冬季上升,春季和秋季下降,四窗型则相反,但均于月平均气温相关性不显著,相关系数分别为-0.09和0.09。异色瓢虫种群、浅色型和深色型均表现为偏雌现象,在夏季更为明显,且与月平均气温显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.79、0.90和0.66。χ2检验可知,异色瓢虫浅色型和深色型数量、不同位置斑点数量、联斑数量、二窗型和四窗型数量以及种群、浅色型和深色型雌雄数量均与月份显著关联。综合分析可知,异色瓢虫浅色型中各指标受月平均气温影响均较大。除数量比例和性比受温度影响较大外,深色型中二窗型和四窗型比例变化较小。异色瓢虫各指标均月份显著关联。  相似文献   

中国桂林岩溶洞穴苔藓植物研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对采自中国广西桂林17个岩溶洞穴的192份苔藓植物标本进行研究,报道了洞穴苔藓13科19属28 种,其中含广西苔藓植物新记录16种。野外观察表明,桂林岩溶洞穴苔藓植物主要分布于洞穴洞口0~32m 弱光带范围内。三种丛集型藓类植物:净口藓、钩喙净口藓和东亚泽藓参与岩溶洞穴洞口带钙华沉积。  相似文献   

扬子区东南台缘下奥陶统特马道克阶仑山组上段多见厚层碳酸盐岩,其中的叠层石礁出露厚度23m,穹窿状叠层石密集生长序列厚度20m,往上部的3m叠层石变得稀少。微相特征显示叠层石的纹层多不清晰,存在不同程度的生物、物理及化学营力的干扰现象,可识别数种成因。生物对藻席表面的啃食和内部的栖居钻孔可破坏纹层;高能水流时常带入的生屑、砂屑堆积能点断叠层石纹层的正常生长;部分叠层石中常见压溶缝合线和白云岩化。区域海退过程抑制了叠层石礁的连续生长。  相似文献   

植物向光性运动机理的新见解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向光性反应是植物器官适应环境,向有利方向生长的一种良好的生物学特性。1880年,Charles Darwin和Francis Darwin首先发现这个现象,并认为是某些物质引起的。1928年,Went证明燕麦芽鞘经单侧光照后,背光一侧芽鞘顶部扩散到琼脂的生长刺激活性是向光一侧的一倍。1924年,  相似文献   

【目的】昆虫中经常可见体色变化,但是关于其作用价值了解甚少。高桥氏果蝇Drosophila takahashii在遗传上表现出腹部黑化的不连续变化。为了测定生理性状是否可能受黑化的影响,我们调查了3个不同色型个体腹部黑化的变化和胁迫相关性状,检验了季节性环境条件将增强相应的季节性表型的适应性这一假说。【方法】从不同海拔地点采集高桥氏果蝇,对深色和浅色纯育品系的遗传杂交进行的孟德尔分析证实存在一个主要位点,为D等位基因显性。对种群以及3种色型果蝇的生理生态学性状进行了统计分析。【结果】在旱季观察到深色等位基因频率的显著增加,在雨季会出现体色较浅的果蝇,这说明气候选择起着重要作用。不过,在这两个季节中体色居中的果蝇均很多。中间色型的果蝇由于适应而表现出所有性状的F值均显著增加(P0.001),但在深色和浅色纯育品系中未观察到这类适应效果(P≥0.42)。【结论】通过不同性状的测定结果我们提出,在干冷胁迫条件下,在深色型中观察到显著更高的生理学耐性;而在湿热条件下,在浅色型中观察到显著更高的生理学耐性。有意思的是,中间表型在这两种条件下均有较强的适应能力。而且,我们发现温湿度的季节性改变给胁迫相关的性状施加了选择压力。  相似文献   

[目的]昆虫中经常可见体色变化,但是关于其作用价值了解甚少.高桥氏果蝇Drosophila takahashii在遗传上表现出腹部黑化的不连续变化.为了测定生理性状是否可能受黑化的影响,我们调查了3个不同色型个体腹部黑化的变化和胁迫相关性状,检验了季节性环境条件将增强相应的季节性表型的适应性这一假说.[方法]从不同海拔地点采集高桥氏果蝇,对深色和浅色纯育品系的遗传杂交进行的孟德尔分析证实存在一个主要位点,为D等位基因显性.对种群以及3种色型果蝇的生理生态学性状进行了统计分析.[结果]在旱季观察到深色等位基因频率的显著增加,在雨季会出现体色较浅的果蝇,这说明气候选择起着重要作用.不过,在这两个季节中体色居中的果蝇均很多.中间色型的果蝇由于适应而表现出所有性状的F值均显著增加(P <0.001),但在深色和浅色纯育品系中未观察到这类适应效果(P≥0.42).[结论]通过不同性状的测定结果我们提出,在干冷胁迫条件下,在深色型中观察到显著更高的生理学耐性;而在湿热条件下,在浅色型中观察到显著更高的生理学耐性.有意思的是,中间表型在这两种条件下均有较强的适应能力.而且,我们发现温湿度的季节性改变给胁迫相关的性状施加了选择压力.  相似文献   

野牡丹属植物种子特征的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以国产5种野牡丹属植物的种子为材料,对种子颜色、数量、大小、形状、千粒重和萌发率等基本特征进行观察和统计分析。野牡丹属不同植物果实中都有浅、深两种颜色种子,其数量比多在1:2左右。种子形状为类肾形、类三角形、类半圆形、类圆形。浅色种子较饱满,能萌发;深色种子多数干瘪,不能萌发。同种植物浅色种子的千粒重约为深色种子的2倍;不同植物千粒重由大到小的顺序为:展毛野牡丹〉地苍〉多花野牡丹〉细叶野牡丹〉野牡丹。野牡丹种子的萌发率最高,为97.55%,地苍最低,为12.63%,种子萌发率与采种时期有密切关系。对种子表面做电镜扫描,多花野牡丹、野牡丹和细叶野牡丹种子表面纹饰为圆形、椭圆形或不规则突起;地苍种子表面呈不规则的皱痕;展毛野牡丹种子表面有脊和谷,脊顶部有突起,谷布满穴。  相似文献   

安徽东至华龙洞因发现距今约30万年的古人类头骨化石和大量动物化石及石制品受到学术界广泛关注。本文对华龙洞遗址的地质、地貌、沉积物特点及洞穴演化过程与古人类活动的关系进行分析。华龙洞地处扬子陆块区西北缘,周边呈现低山—丘陵—湖泊平原地貌景观。与华龙洞遗址密切关联的岩溶洞穴,发育在上寒武统微晶灰岩和白云质灰岩岩系内,中更新以来的地壳运动和岩溶发育是其形成的主要营力。华龙洞遗址是一处坍塌的洞穴,其发育大致经历发育初期(中更新世早期甚至更早)—稳定发育期(中更新世中期)—坍塌埋藏期(中更新世中晚期)等三个阶段,岩溶发育和洞外溪谷的侵蚀使得原始洞穴和堆积物一起在重力作用下坍塌。洞穴坍塌沉积物主要包括围岩岩块与碎屑、各种岩溶沉积物和文化遗物,胶结坚硬,不规则地埋藏于裂隙和巨石之间。古人类在遗址的活动时间处在距今约30万年前的稳定发育期,石制品和骨骼表面痕迹证据表明,华龙洞古人类具备依据不同原料的特点采取砸击法与锤击法并用的技术策略;石片边缘的使用痕迹和动物骨骼表面痕迹显示,古人类在遗址可能进行过肢解动物的行为。本研究对揭示长江下游中更新世中晚期古人类演化与适应生存行为具有重要意义。  相似文献   

猿人洞的溶洞演化和堆积旋回与北京猿人生活环境   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
猿人洞的溶洞演化过程按岩溶洞穴发生发展规律可划分为6个阶段.在洞穴发育的填充过程中,依据堆积物的成因类型,猿人洞中的中更新世洞穴堆积层可分为7个堆积旋回.每个堆积旋回可与年代相当的黄土堆积旋回和深海气候旋回—一对应.堆积旋回所显示的气候和洞穴环境变化均与北京猿人生活环境及其旧石器文化的发展有着密切的关系.  相似文献   

The eyed surface form and eyeless cave form of the Mexican tetra Astyanax mexicanus experience stark differences in the daily periodicities of light, food and predation, factors which are likely to have a profound influence on metabolism. We measured the metabolic rate of Pachón cave and surface fish at a fixed swimming speed under light/dark and constant dark photoperiods. In constant darkness surface forms exhibited a circadian rhythm in metabolism with an increase in oxygen demand during the subjective daytime, whereas cave forms did not. The lack of circadian rhythm in metabolism leads to a 27% energy savings for Pachón cave fish compared to surface fish when comparing both forms in their natural photoperiods. When surface forms were tested under constant dark conditions they expended 38% more energy than cave forms under equivalent conditions. Elimination of the circadian rhythm in metabolism may be a general feature of animals that live in perpetually dark food-limited environments such as caves or the deep sea.  相似文献   

Microbialites are organosedimentary structures that result from the trapping, binding, and lithification of sediments by microbial mat communities. In this study we developed a model artificial microbialite system derived from natural stromatolites, a type of microbialite, collected from Exuma Sound, Bahamas. We demonstrated that the morphology of the artificial microbialite was consistent with that of the natural system in that there was a multilayer community with a pronounced biofilm on the surface, a concentrated layer of filamentous cyanobacteria in the top 5 mm, and a lithified layer of fused oolitic sand grains in the subsurface. The fused grain layer was comprised predominantly of the calcium carbonate polymorph aragonite, which corresponded to the composition of the Bahamian stromatolites. The microbial diversity of the artificial microbialites and that of natural stromatolites were also compared using automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The ARISA profiling indicated that the Shannon indices of the two communities were comparable and that the overall diversity was not significantly lower in the artificial microbialite model. Bacterial clone libraries generated from each of the three artificial microbialite layers and natural stromatolites indicated that the cyanobacterial and crust layers most closely resembled the ecotypes detected in the natural stromatolites and were dominated by Proteobacteria and Cyanobacteria. We propose that such model artificial microbialites can serve as experimental analogues for natural stromatolites.  相似文献   

Sun exposure is responsible for detrimental damage ranging from sunburn to photoaging and skin cancer. This damage is likely to be influenced by constitutive pigmentation. The relationship between ultraviolet (UV) sensitivity and skin color type was analyzed on 42 ex vivo skin samples objectively classified from light to dark skin, based on their values of individual typology angle (ITA) determined by colorimetric parameters. The biologically efficient dose (BED) was determined for each sample by quantifying sunburn cells after exposure to increasing doses of UV solar-simulated radiation. Typical UV-induced biologic markers, other than erythema, such as DNA damage, apoptosis and p53 accumulation, were analyzed. A statistically significant correlation was found between ITA and BED and, ITA and DNA damage. Interestingly, DNA lesions were distributed throughout the whole epidermal layers and the uppermost dermal cells in light, intermediate and tanned skin while they were restricted to suprabasal epidermal layers in brown or dark skin. Our data support, at the cellular level, the relationship between UV sensitivity and skin color type. They emphasize the impact of DNA damage accumulation in basal layer in relation to the prevalence of skin cancer.  相似文献   

为了解矿区洞穴动物群落多样性特征及其影响因素,于2019年3月对贵州松桃锰矿区仙家洞和忆苦洞的动物进行了调查,运用主成分(PCA)综合分析了环境因子对洞穴动物群落多样性的影响,并利用潜在生态危害指数对洞穴内土壤重金属的生态风险水平进行了评价.结果 表明:共获动物标本445号,隶属4门8纲18目32科,其中仙家洞178号...  相似文献   

Blues and surface whites of tent caterpillars are structural colours resulting from the scattering of light by small, transparent, cuticular filaments. The filaments are small enough to be Tyndall-active, that is they scatter the short wavelengths of incident light more effectively than the long wavelengths. Immediately beneath the surface filaments of blue-coloured cuticle there is a layer of dark pigment which absorbs transmitted light. Therefore, only Tyndall-scattered light is reflected from the cuticle and since this light is diminished in long wavelengths it appears blue. Cuticle that is surface white lacks the layer of dark pigment. Light passing through the surface layer is therefore subject to scattering within the cuticle and by underlying tissues. Sufficient complementary long wavelengths are backscattered from below the surface mat of filaments that the reflected light appears white. Tyndall blue systems found in other insects are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

According to theories on cave adaptation, cave organisms are expected to develop a lower metabolic rate compared to surface organisms as an adaptation to food scarcity in the subterranean environments. To test this hypothesis, we compared the oxygen consumption rates of the surface and subterranean populations of a surface‐dwelling species, the newt Calotriton asper, occasionally found in caves. In this study, we designed a new experimental setup in which animals with free movement were monitored for several days in a respirometer. First, we measured the metabolic rates of individuals from the surface and subterranean populations, both maintained for eight years in captivity in a natural cave. We then tested individuals from these populations immediately after they were caught and one year later while being maintained in the cave. We found that the surface individuals that acclimated to the cave significantly reduced their oxygen consumption, whereas individuals from the subterranean population maintained in the cave under a light/dark cycle did not significantly modify their metabolic rates. Second, we compared these metabolic rates to those of an obligate subterranean salamander (Proteus anguinus), a surface aquatic Urodel (Ambystoma mexicanum), and a fish species (Gobio occitaniae) as references for surface organisms from different phyla. As predicted, we found differences between the subterranean and surface species, and the metabolic rates of surface and subterranean C. asper populations were between those of the obligate subterranean and surface species. These results suggest that the plasticity of the metabolism observed in surface C. asper was neither directly due to food availability in our experiments nor the light/dark conditions, but due to static temperatures. Moreover, we suggest that this adjustment of the metabolic level at a temperature close to the thermal optimum may further allow individual species to cope with the food limitations of the subterranean environment.  相似文献   

Larvae of the genus Arachnocampa, known as glowworms, are bioluminescent predatory insects that use light to attract prey. One species, Arachnocampa flava, is known to possess true circadian regulation of bioluminescence: light:dark cycles entrain the rhythm of nocturnal glowing. Given the absence of natural light as a cue in caves, we addressed the question of whether cave populations of Arachnocampa tasmaniensis, a species known to inhabit caves as well as epigean environments, are rhythmic. We found that the major dark-zone cave populations of A. tasmaniensis maintain a high-amplitude 24-hour rhythm of bioluminescence, with the acrophase during external daylight hours. Populations of A. tasmaniensis in caves many kilometers apart show similar, but not exactly the same, timing of the acrophase. Systematic investigation of colonies in the dark zone of a single cave showed that some smaller colonies distant to the main ceiling colony, also in the dark zone, glow in antiphase. Periodic monitoring of a single colony over several years showed that the acrophase shifted from nocturnal to diurnal some time between October 2008 and January 2009. Prey availability was investigated as a possible zeitgeber. The acrophase of prey availability, as measured by light trapping, and the acrophase of bioluminescence do not precisely match, occurring 3 hours apart. Using in-cave artificial light exposure, we show that after LD cycles, cave larvae become entrained to bioluminesce during the foregoing photophase. In contrast, epigean larvae exposed to artificial LD cycles after a period of DD become entrained to bioluminesce during the foregoing scotophase. One explanation is that individuals within colonies in the dark zone synchronize their bioluminescence rhythms through detection and matching of each other 's bioluminescence.  相似文献   

We describe stromatolites forming at an altitude of 3570 m at the shore of a volcanic lake Socompa, Argentinean Andes. The water at the site of stromatolites formation is alkaline, hypersaline, rich in inorganic nutrients, very rich in arsenic, and warm (20–24°C) due to a hydrothermal input. The stromatolites do not lithify, but form broad, rounded and low-domed bioherms dominated by diatom frustules and aragonite micro-crystals agglutinated by extracellular substances. In comparison to other modern stromatolites, they harbour an atypical microbial community characterized by highly abundant representatives of Deinococcus-Thermus, Rhodobacteraceae, Desulfobacterales and Spirochaetes. Additionally, a high proportion of the sequences that could not be classified at phylum level showed less than 80% identity to the best hit in the NCBI database, suggesting the presence of novel distant lineages. The primary production in the stromatolites is generally high and likely dominated by Microcoleus sp. Through negative phototaxis, the location of these cyanobacteria in the stromatolites is controlled by UV light, which greatly influences their photosynthetic activity. Diatoms, dominated by Amphora sp., are abundant in the anoxic, sulfidic and essentially dark parts of the stromatolites. Although their origin in the stromatolites is unclear, they are possibly an important source of anaerobically degraded organic matter that induces in situ aragonite precipitation. To the best of our knowledge, this is so far the highest altitude with documented actively forming stromatolites. Their generally rich, diverse and to a large extent novel microbial community likely harbours valuable genetic and proteomic reserves, and thus deserves active protection. Furthermore, since the stromatolites flourish in an environment characterized by a multitude of extremes, including high exposure to UV radiation, they can be an excellent model system for studying microbial adaptations under conditions that, at least in part, resemble those during the early phase of life evolution on Earth.  相似文献   

One of the most intriguing questions in evolutionary biology is the degree to which behavior is a necessary consequence of morphology. We explore this issue by examining phototactic behavior in epigean (eyed surface-dwelling) and troglomorphic (blind cave) forms of the teleost Astyanax fasciatus whose eyes were modified during embryogenesis by removing one or both lens vesicles from the epigean form or by transplanting the lens vesicle from an epigean fish into the optic cup of a blind cave form. Lens removal results in eye degeneration and blindness in adult epigean fish, whereas lens transplantation stimulates growth of the eye, inducing the development of optic tissues in the normally eyeless adult cave fish. Photoresponsiveness was examined by placing fish in an aquarium with one half illuminated and the other half dark and scoring their presence in the illuminated or dark half. Both the eyeless epigean fish and cave fish with induced eyes are indifferent to the illumination whereas the surface forms are scotophilic, suggesting that optic development and phototactic behavior are decoupled.  相似文献   

Mesophyll structure has been associated with the photosynthetic performance of leaves via the regulation of internal light and CO(2) profiles. Differences in mesophyll structure and chlorophyll distribution within three ontogenetically different leaf types of Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus were investigated. Juvenile leaves are blue-grey in color, dorsiventral (adaxial palisade layer only), hypostomatous, and approximately horizontal in orientation. In contrast, adult leaves are dark green in color, isobilateral (adaxial and abaxial palisade), amphistomatous, and nearly vertical in orientation. The transitional leaf type has structural features that appear intermediate between the juvenile and adult leaves. The ratio of mesophyll cell surface area per unit leaf surface area (A(mes)/A) of juvenile leaves was maximum at the base of a single, adaxial palisade layer and declined through the spongy mesophyll. Chlorophyll a + b content showed a coincident pattern, while the chlorophyll a:b ratio declined linearly from the adaxial to abaxial epidermis. In comparison, the mesophyll of adult leaves had a bimodal distribution of A(mes)/A, with maxima occurring beneath both the adaxial and abaxial surfaces within the first layer of multiple palisade layers. The distribution of chlorophyll a + b content had a similar pattern, although the maximum ratio of chlorophyll a:b occurred immediately beneath the adaxial and abaxial epidermis. The matching distributions of A(mes)/A and chlorophyll provide further evidence that mesophyll structure may act to influence photosynthetic performance. These changes in internal leaf structure at different life stages of E. globulus may be an adaptation for increased xeromorphy under increasing light exposure experienced from the seedling to adult tree, similar to the characteristics reported for different species according to sunlight exposure and water availability within their native habitats.  相似文献   

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