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Rhizomes ofHydrocotyle plants from three contrasting habitats were cloned and the ramets grown under controlled environmental conditions. Measurements of net photosynthesis, transpiration, and total leaf diffusion resistance were used to examine possible physiological adaptations to specific field environments. Increasing dryness of the growth chamber environment had large effects on gas exchange (CO2 and water vapor) and on total diffusion resistance of plants from a pond, moderate effects on plants from a mesic forest, but plants from a coastal sand dune were unaffected by the experimentally imposed dryness. Thus the 3 Hydrocotyle types demonstrated adaptive physiological reponses to their specific field habitats. Periodic stomatal oscillations were induced in ramets from the pond by sharply increasing irradiance, but the adaptiveness of the oscillations cannot be determined with the evidence at hand.No stomatal closure could be induced by atmospheric dryness alone as long as soil and plant dessication were prevented. There were no observable differences in stomatal response to increasing atmospheric vapor pressure deficits.  相似文献   

At 14-hour day length, 25 C leaf temperature, 9 mm Hg vapor-pressure deficit, and 1.17 joules cm−2 min−1 irradiance, the diurnal change in daily photosynthesis of the cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a result of an endogenously controlled circadian rhythm in net photosynthesis which peaks near noon and troughs near midnight. By resetting the day-night light regime, the rhythm rephased in continuous light. The free-running rhythm approximates 26 hours. Both transpiration and dark respiration show similar rhythmicity, with transpiration closely in phase with the rhythm in photosynthesis. The rhythm in carbon dioxide compensation point is approximately 12 hours out of phase, peaking at midnight and troughing at midday. Endogenous changes in stomatal aperture seemed to be the major control of the rhythm in photosynthesis. The activity of ribulose-1,5-diphosphate carboxylase increased during the normal photoperiod, leveling off after 12 hours; however, the activity was not correlated with the rhythmic change in photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Two populations of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) S23, selected for contrasting rates of yield and mature leal dark respiration, were used in this study. Since previous work showed that yield decreased severely in population GL66 due to mechanical perturbation, possible effects on respiration rates were examined. Apart from a transient increase in population GL72, there was no effect on the respiration rate but mechanical perturbation did affect other processes. Handling caused transpiration ratesinthe light to increas for GL72, and in the dark to decrease for GL66. In the logger term, the nitrogen content decreased in handled plants grown at high density. These results emphasize that handling plants should be reduced to a minimum since it might have major effect on several processes. It is concluded that the original selection for the Lolium population was indeed on contrasting rates in yield and respiration. Furthermore it is argued that the existence of low- and high-yielding genotypes can be attributed to the dissimilar responses of different genotypes to mechanical influence.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

There is a conspicuous increase of poikilohydric organisms (mosses, liverworts and macrolichens) with altitude in the tropics. This study addresses the hypothesis that the lack of bryophytes in the lowlands is due to high-temperature effects on the carbon balance. In particular, it is tested experimentally whether temperature responses of CO2-exchange rates would lead to higher respiratory carbon losses at night, relative to potential daily gains, in lowland compared with lower montane forests.


Gas-exchange measurements were used to determine water-, light-, CO2- and temperature-response curves of net photosynthesis and dark respiration of 18 tropical bryophyte species from three altitudes (sea level, 500 m and 1200 m) in Panama.

Key Results

Optimum temperatures of net photosynthesis were closely related to mean temperatures in the habitats in which the species grew at the different altitudes. The ratio of dark respiration to net photosynthesis at mean ambient night and day temperatures did not, as expected, decrease with altitude. Water-, light- and CO2-responses varied between species but not systematically with altitude.


Drivers other than temperature-dependent metabolic rates must be more important in explaining the altitudinal gradient in bryophyte abundance. This does not discard near-zero carbon balances as a major problem for lowland species, but the main effect of temperature probably lies in increasing evaporation rates, thus restricting the time available for photosynthetic carbon gain, rather than in increasing nightly respiration rates. Since optimum temperatures for photosynthesis were so fine tuned to habitat temperatures we analysed published temperature responses of bryophyte species worldwide and found the same pattern on the large scale as we found along the tropical mountain slope we studied.  相似文献   

Specific leaf weight (SLW), net photosynthesis (P n ), and dark respiration (R d ) of apple leaves were monitored for an entire growing season. Leaves were sampled from the canopy interior and periphery to provide a range of SLW. Leaf P n was linearly correlated with SLW until mid-August, when P n began to decline. During September the relationship between SLW and P n was a quadratic. Leaf R d and SLW were linearly correlated throughout the season. Leaf P n and R d were significantly correlated through most of the season, but the relationship was not always linear. Specific leaf weight appears to be a reliable index of the previous light environment of a leaf, but use to estimate P n is probably limited to the first half of the season, because of increased variation after mid-August.Former Graduate Research Assistant (presently Assistant Professor, Department of Horticulture and Forestry, Rutgers University, Cook College, New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA) and Associate Professor, respectively.  相似文献   

Effects of daytime carbon dioxide concentration on dark respiration in rice   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) has generated considerable interest in the response of agricultural crops to [CO2]. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of a wide range of daytime [CO2] on dark respiration of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. IR-30). Rice plants were grown season-long in naturally sunlit plant growth chambers in subambient (160 and 250), ambient (330), or super-ambient (500, 660 and 900 μmol CO2 mol?1 air) [CO2] treatments. Canopy dark respiration, expressed on a ground area basis (Rd) increased with increasing [CO2] treatment from 160 to 500 μmol mol?1 treatments and was very similar among the superambient treatments. The trends in Rd over time and in response to increasing daytime [CO2] treatment were associated with and similar to trends previously described for photosynthesis. Specific respiration rate (Rdw) decreased with time during the growing season and was higher in the subambient than the ambient and superambient [CO2] treatments. This greater Rdw in the subambient [CO2] treatments was attributed to a higher specific maintenance respiration rate and was associated with higher plant tissue nitrogen concentration.  相似文献   

Effects on photosynthesis of the fruit thinning agents naphthaleneaceticacid (NAA) and three commercial plant growth regulator formulations,naphthaleneacetic acid ('Rhodofix') and naphthaleneacetamide('Amidthin') and 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid('Ethrel')were evaluated with respect to the stress they impose on the fruit tree, usingthe alternate-bearing sensitive apple cv. 'Elstar'. This work wasbased on the hypothesis that plant stress in the form of large reductions inleaf photosynthesis are a pre-requisite for successful fruit thinning. A newtechnology was employed for continuous recording of tree canopyphotosynthesis, dark respiration and carbon balance of apple trees. This wasbased on six canopy chambers, which enclosed apple trees under naturalconditions in the field, with on-line measurements and continuous analysis ofCO2 exchange and automated data acquisition. All employed thinningagents reduced whole tree canopy photosynthesis consistently by3–34% on the five days following their application, withphotosynthesis still declining thereafter in the case of the NAA and'Amid-thin' application. The reduction after application of either'Rhodofix' or 'Ethrel', declined within five days, suchthat most of the original photosynthetic potential was restored, indicatingacceptable phytotoxicity of these three plant growth regulators at theconcentrations used. The effects on dark respiration differed markedly. NAA and'Ethrel' increased dark respirationover-proportionally by up to 106%, whereas 'Amid-thin' and'Rhodofix' decreased it by up to 46%inthe first night after application, thereby drastically affecting the carbonbalance of the tree in opposite ways. These results are integrated into ahypothesis linking basipetal auxin transport, phloem loading, translocation anddeficiency of photoassimilates.  相似文献   

The effects of flow velocities on dark respiration and net photosynthesis of eight submerged stream macrophytes were examined in a laboratory oxygen chamber. The shoots/leaves were exposed to saturating free-CO2 concentrations and were attached basally so that they could move in the flowing water. Net photosynthesis declined by 34–61% as flow velocity increased from 1 to 8.6cm s?1, while dark respiration increased 2.4-fold over the same range. The increase in dark respiration could only account for between 19 and 67% of the decrease in net photosynthesis. The relationship between flow velocity (U) and net photosynthesis (P) was described by: P=b×Ua. The exponent, a, varied from -0.20 to –0.48 and showed a negative correlation to the surface: volume (SA: V) ratio of the plants, i.e. species with high SA: V ratio were more sensitive to flow. In contrast, net photosynthesis of plants firmly attached to a supporting frame was not significantly affected by increasing flow velocity. This result indicates that the physical stress imposed on the plants by agitation or stretching in the flowing water is a key factor for the observed response.  相似文献   

Effects of UV-B radiation on photosynthesis and growth of terrestrial plants   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
The photosynthetic apparatus of some plant species appears to be well-protected from direct damage from UV-B radiation. Leaf optical properties of these species apparently minimizes exposure of sensitive targets to UV-B radiation. However, damage by UV-B radiation to Photosystem II and Rubisco has also been reported. Secondary effects of this damage may include reductions in photosynthetic capacity, RuBP regeneration and quantum yield. Furthermore, UV-B radiation may decrease the penetration of PAR, reduce photosynthetic and accessory pigments, impair stomatal function and alter canopy morphology, and thus indirectly retard photosynthetic carbon assimilation. Subsequently, UV-B radiation may limit productivity in many plant species. In addition to variability in sensitivity to UV-B radiation, the effects of UV-B radiation are further confounded by other environmental factors such as CO2, temperature, light and water or nutrient availability. Therefore, we need a better understanding of the mechanisms of tolerance to UV-B radiation and of the interaction between UV-B and other environmental factors in order to adequately assess the probable consequences of a change in solar radiation.Abbreviations Amax light and CO2 saturated rate of oxygen evolution - Ci internal CO2 concentration - Fv/Fm ratio of variable to total fluorescence yield - PAR photosynthetically active radiation (400–700 nm) - PS II Photosystem II - app apparent quantum yield of photosynthesis - SLW specific leaf weight - UV-B ultraviolet-B radiation between 290–320 nm  相似文献   

Soil water stress and twospotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae Koch) were tested for their influence on the content and activity of leaves of greenhouse grown Delicious apple trees. Soil water stress caused reductions in net photosynthesis (Pn), transpiration (Tr), and shoot growth. Leaf water potential was decreased by both water stress and mite feeding. Feeding of 15 adult mites/leaf for 28 days resulted in a 16% reduction in Pn while an initial population of 10 mites leaf/left to develop for 20 days reduced Pn by 27%. Mite feeding reduced leaf nitrogen and non-structural carbohydrate levels when sampled 20 days after placement on the leaf. There was no interaction between the changed physiology of the leaf due to soil water stress and mite feeding.Approved for publication as Journal Article No. 111-80 of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, OH 44691.Associate Professor and Professor, Departments of Horticulture and Entomology, respectively.  相似文献   

Seedlings of three species native to central North America, a C3 tree, Populus tremuloides Michx., a C3 grass, Agropyron smithii Rybd., and a C4 grass, Bouteloua curtipendula Michx., were grown in all eight combinations of two levels each of CO2, O3 and nitrogen (N) for 58 days in a controlled environment. Treatment levels consisted of 360 or 674 μmol mol-1 CO2, 3 or 92 nmol mol-1 O3, and 0.5 or 6.0 m M N. In situ photosynthesis and relative growth rate (RGR) and its determinants were obtained at each of three sequential harvests, and leaf dark respiration was measured at the second and third harvests. In all three species, plants grown in high N had significantly greater whole-plant mass, RGR and photosynthesis than plants grown in low N. Within a N treatment, elevated CO2 did not significantly enhance any of these parameters nor did it affect leaf respiration. However, plants of all three species grown in elevated CO2 had lower stomatal conductance compared to ambient CO2-exposed plants. Seedlings of P. tremuloides (in both N treatments) and B. curtipendula (in high N) had significant ozone-induced reductions in whole-plant mass and RGR in ambient but not under elevated CO2. This negative O3 impact on RGR in ambient CO2 was related to increased leaf dark respiration, decreased photosynthesis and/or decreased leaf area ratio, none of which were noted in high O3 treatments in the elevated CO2 environment. In contrast, A. smithii was marginally negatively affected by high O3.  相似文献   

The dose- and time-response effects of sequential 3 h+3 h NO→NO2 day time exposures [0–9 μl l?1 (ppm) NO, 0–7.5 μl l?1 NO2] followed by 3 h+3 h NO→NO2 night-time exposures (0–9.5 μl l?1 NO, 0–9 μl l?1 NO2) on photosynthesis, transpiration and dark respiration were examined for nine Carpatho-Ukrainian (‘Rachovo’) half-sib families and for two populations, one from the FRG (‘Westerhof’) and one from the GDR (‘Schmiedefeld’) of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.], all in their 4th growing season. In a second exposure series the exposure sequence was reversed. None of the treatments induced needle scorching. The higher NOx (NO or NO2) concentrations reduced photosynthesis and transpiration within 1 h. The physiology of the different spruce types was affected significantly differently, the most sensitive spruce having its photosynthesis suppressed 6.6 times and its transpiration 5.5 times more than the most tolerant. ‘Westerhof’ was more sensitive to NO2 than the average ‘Rachovo’ half-sibs. The gradients of different photosynthesis and transpiration sensitivities among the half-sibs (and ‘Westerhof’) demonstrated a significant, positive, mutual correlation, but significant negative correlations with the gradient of novel decline symptoms among their parents growing in Danish forests. The relative photosynthesis and transpiration sensitivies may thus serve as diagnostic parameters for laboratory selection of the most resistant trees to novel spruce decline. The average NO2 flux density was three times larger than the average NO flux density. Only for NO2 and in light was stomatal NOx uptake larger than the total NOx uptake. Both night transpiration and dark respiration were stimulated by high concentrations of night NOx, preceded by day NOx exposures.  相似文献   

To determine how increased atmospheric CO2 will affect the physiology of coppiced plants, sprouts originating from two hybrid poplar clones ( Populus trichocarpa × P. deltoides - Beaupre and P. deltoides × P. nigra - Robusta) were grown in open-top chambers containing ambient or elevated (ambient + 360 μmol mol−1) CO2 concentration. The effects of elevated CO2 concentration on leaf photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, dark respiration, carbohydrate concentration and nitrogen concentration were measured. Furthermore, dark respiration of leaves was partitioned into growth and maintenance components by regressing specific respiration rate vs specific growth rate. Sprouts of both clones exposed to CO2 enrichment showed no indication of photosynthetic down-regulation. During reciprocal gas exchange measurements, CO2 enrichment significantly increased photosynthesis of all sprouts by approximately 60% ( P < 0.01) on both an early and late season sampling date, decreased stomatal conductance of all sprouts by 10% ( P < 0.04) on the early sampling date and nonsignificantly decreased dark respiration by an average of 11%. Growth under elevated CO2 had no consistent effect on foliar sugar concentration but significantly increased foliar starch by 80%. Respiration rate was highly correlated with both specific growth rate and percent nitrogen. Long-term CO2 enrichment did not significantly affect the maintenance respiration coefficient or the growth respiration coefficient. Carbon dioxide enrichment affected the physiology of the sprouts the same way it affected these plants before they were coppiced.  相似文献   

A model is presented which solves simultaneously for leaf-scale stomatal conductance, CO2 assimilation and the energy balance as a function of leaf position within canopies of well-watered vegetation. Fluxes and conductances were calculated separately for sunlit and shaded leaves. A linear dependence of photosynthetic capacity on leaf nitrogen content was assumed, while leaf nitrogen content and light intensity were assumed to decrease exponentially within canopies. Separate extinction coefficients were used for diffuse and direct beam radiation. An efficient Gaussian integration technique was used to compute fluxes and mean conductances for the canopy. The multilayer model synthesizes current knowledge of radiation penetration, leaf physiology and the physics of evaporation and provides insights into the response of whole canopies to multiple, interacting factors. The model was also used to explore sources of variation in the slopes of two simple parametric models (nitrogen- and light-use efficiency), and to set bounds on the magnitudes of the parameters. For canopies low in total N, daily assimilation rates are ~10% lower when leaf N is distributed uniformly than when the same total N is distributed according to the exponentially decreasing profile of absorbed radiation. However, gains are negligible for plants with high N concentrations. Canopy conductance, Gc should be calculated as Gc=Aσ(fslgsl+fshgsh), where Δ is leaf area index, fsi and fsh are the fractions of sunlit and shaded leaves at each level, and gsi and gsh are the corresponding stomatal conductances. Simple addition of conductances without this weighting causes errors in transpiration calculated using the ‘big-leaf’ version of the Penman-Monteith equation. Partitioning of available energy between sensible and latent heat is very responsive to the parameter describing the sensitivity of stomata to the atmospheric humidity deficit. This parameter also affects canopy conductance, but has a relatively small impact on canopy assimilation. Simple parametric models are useful for extrapolating understanding from small to large scales, but the complexity of real ecosystems is thus subsumed in unexplained variations in parameter values. Simulations with the multilayer model show that both nitrogen- and radiation-use efficiencies depend on plant nutritional status and the diffuse component of incident radiation, causing a 2- to 3-fold variation in these efficiencies.  相似文献   

Much effort has been expended to improve irrigation efficiency and drought tolerance of agronomic crops; however, a clear understanding of the physiological mechanisms that interact to decrease source strength and drive yield loss has not been attained. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms contributing to inhibition of net carbon assimilation under drought stress, three cultivars of Gossypium hirsutum were grown in the field under contrasting irrigation regimes during the 2012 and 2013 growing season near Camilla, Georgia, USA. Physiological measurements were conducted on three sample dates during each growing season (providing a broad range of plant water status) and included, predawn and midday leaf water potential (ΨPD and ΨMD), gross and net photosynthesis, dark respiration, photorespiration, and chlorophyll a fluorescence. End-of-season lint yield was also determined. ΨPD ranged from −0.31 to −0.95 MPa, and ΨMD ranged from −1.02 to −2.67 MPa, depending upon irrigation regime and sample date. G. hirsutum responded to water deficit by decreasing stomatal conductance, increasing photorespiration, and increasing the ratio of dark respiration to gross photosynthesis, thereby limiting PN and decreasing lint yield (lint yield declines observed during the 2012 growing season only). Conversely, even extreme water deficit, causing a 54% decline in PN, did not negatively affect actual quantum yield, maximum quantum yield, or photosynthetic electron transport. It is concluded that PN is primarily limited in drought-stressed G. hirsutum by decreased stomatal conductance, along with increases in respiratory and photorespiratory carbon losses, not inhibition or down-regulation of electron transport through photosystem II. It is further concluded that ΨPD is a reliable indicator of drought stress and the need for irrigation in field-grown cotton.  相似文献   

We examined the interactions of water and nitrogen availability by subjecting two Populus clones. Tristis and Eugenei, to five soil moisture and three soil nitrogen levels. Nitrogen application significantly increased net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of flooded Eugenei and Tristis. The onset of flooding caused partial stomatal closure. Net photosynthesis significantly declined after a longer flooding period. Emergence of adventitious roots on the submerged portions of stems in both clones seemingly helped net photosynthesis fully recover in Eugenei and partially recover in Tristis. Under the progressive drought conditions, stomatal conductance was more sensitive to drought than net photosynthesis in both clones. Addition of nitrogen to progressively drying soil induced more stomatal closure in both clones. The highest water-use efficiency was found on the high-N/severe drought zone for Eugenei, whereas it was found on the high-N/mild to moderate drought zone for Tristis.  相似文献   

曹勋  郑新军  李彦  唐立松 《生态学杂志》2013,32(8):2002-2007
为研究N过量吸收对植物生长的作用,以耐盐植物地肤(Kochia scoparia)作为研究对象,设置3个不同的施N处理,测量了不同生长时期的N含量、暗呼吸速率、生物量和相对生长速率(RGR)。结果表明:在N过量吸收的情况下,多余的N对暗呼吸速率并没有显著的影响,导致了暗呼吸中N的利用效率变低;单位质量暗呼吸速率与相对生长速率(RGR)有很好的线性相关,并且直线的斜率和截距并不受氮素过量吸收的影响,表明单位质量暗呼吸速率与RGR的关系不受施氮水平的影响;暗呼吸速率与总N的异速关系中,幂指数的大小与施N量相关,施N量越大对应的幂指数越小。  相似文献   

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