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海洋病毒——海洋生态系统结构与功能的重要调控者   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
摘要:作为海洋生态系统中的重要成员,海洋病毒在调节海洋生态系统中的群落结构、种群数量、物质循环、生物间遗传物质的转移以及气候变化等方面起着重要的作用。本文概述了近年来对海洋病毒的研究进展,讨论了海洋病毒对海洋生态系统结构和功能的重要调控作用,并对海洋病毒的研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

生态系统健康研究的一些基本问题探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前有关生态系统健康研究的一些基本问题尚未达成共识。本文分析了健康、系统与生态系统3个与生态系统健康关联的概念,在此基础上,对生态系统健康的概念及其内涵、研究价值、研究的内容框架、研究的合理尺度以及生态系统质量诊断与质量等级评价进行了探讨。指出生态学上的生态系统是系统科学意义上系统的一类,整体性、稳定性和可持续性是生态系统的重要特征,生态系统健康可通过它的充分必要条件给出,即具备良好的整体性,能够维持较高的稳定性,并能实现良好的可持续性。生态系统质量标准分为质量诊断标准和质量等级评价标准,质量诊断是一种是与非的事实判断,而质量等级评价是一种价值判断。生态系统质量等级评价指标可分为限制可比型和非限制可比型两类。生态系统的复杂性决定了生态系统健康研究须借助于系统科学和非线性科学的理论与方法,生态系统病变的滞后性决定了生态系统健康研究必须加强生态系统质量预测与预警,而生态系统健康的跨学科性决定了生态系统健康研究需要生态学、环境学、医学、社会学以及经济学等领域研究人员的广泛合作。  相似文献   

基于生态系统方法的大海洋生态系管理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
初建松 《应用生态学报》2011,22(9):2464-2470
大海洋生态系是指海洋中具有独特海洋学和生态学特征的一个较大的区域,其自然特性要求采用基于生态系统的方法对其进行管理.一系列的国际条约和章程均明确或间接支持采用基于生态系统方法管理大海洋生态系,实现海洋资源的可持续利用.实践方面,加拿大、澳大利亚、美国等采用了基于生态系统方法对其海洋进行管理,全球环境基金会等国际组织实施了一些基于生态系统方法的大海洋生态系项目,加勒比共同体等区域组织建立了旨在实现其渔业可持续发展的区域渔业机制.而基于生态系统方法的大海洋生态系管理能否最终成功实施,不仅是一个科学和法律问题,而且在很大程度上也是一个政治问题,依赖于相关国 家的政治意愿与相互合作的程度.  相似文献   

Different coastal areas possess different pollution risks and ecosystem service values. The management strategies in these areas also differ. With limited environmental funds available, it is necessary to conduct in-depth study of pollution risks and ecosystem service values for developing marine conservation and management strategies. This paper proposes a management method that combines marine pollution risks and ecosystem service values to identify the management priorities of different sites, which are used to determine the appropriate management strategies. The management priorities of different bays in China's Bohai Sea were determined, and management strategies were recommended. The method can be used to determine effective management strategies for oceans around the world, especially in developing countries with limited environmental protection funds.  相似文献   

海洋生态系统服务的来源与实现   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
从海洋生态系统的组分、生态过程及生物多样性等3个方面,分析了海洋生态系统能够产生和支持的生态系统服务。按照相似的作用和性质,海洋生态系统服务可以归纳为15种类型。尽管对海洋生态系统的许多生态过程及生物种类还不了解,但本文试图在这些服务与其来源之间建立起对应关系,以掌握这些服务的实现过程。每种生态系统服务都来源于生态系统的组分。并通过一定生态过程得以实现。所以,当海洋生态系统的组分或过程受损时,海洋生态系统服务将减弱或丧失.并因此而影响人类对这些服务的享用。理解和掌握海洋生态系统服务的来源及实现过程,不仅可以更好地认识海洋生态系统的重要性,还可以为受损生态系统修复提供科学基础,从而更好地管理和维护海洋生态系统的服务,实现社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

海洋生态系统服务的产生与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王其翔  唐学玺 《生态学报》2009,29(5):2400-2406
在阐述海洋生态系统服务内涵的基础上,分析了海洋生态系统服务的产生过程和实现途径,将海洋生态系统每一组分和(或)功能与其所提供的服务联系起来,给出了从每种组分和(或)功能到相应的服务所经过的生理生态过程.结果表明,海洋生态系统的服务一部分是生物组分和(或)系统整体直接提供,另一部分是通过系统功能产生.系统内的各种生理生态过程不直接产生服务.服务的实现包括海洋生态系统途径和海洋生态经济系统途径两种.  相似文献   

Cai  Mingwei  Duan  Changhai  Zhang  Xinxu  Pan  Jie  Liu  Yang  Zhang  Cuijing  Li  Meng 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2022,65(6):1222-1234
Science China Life Sciences - Theionarchaea is a recently described archaeal class within the Euryarchaeota. While it is widely distributed in sediment ecosystems, little is known about its...  相似文献   

海洋生态系统服务的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
综合了国际和国内对海洋生态系统服务的研究成果,总结归纳了海洋生态系统服务在基础理论、价值评估和应用研究等3个方面的进展.在众多的定义中,Daily(1997)的定义得到了生态学家们的普遍认可,而MA(2003)的概念更倾向于管理中应用.目前对生态系统服务的分类并不一致,MA的分类体系更为实用和便于评估.对海洋生态系统服务还缺乏系统的基础理论研究和适用的分类体系.在价值评估方面,多位学者对生态系统服务的社会价值与生态价值进行了探讨.尽管有多种技术方法可以了解人们的支付意愿,但对于不具有市场的服务价值的评估方法还有待进一步完善.应用研究主要集中在人类活动与生态系统服务之间的关系,以指导生态系统服务的管理与可持续利用.对如何更好地将生态系统服务的理论应用于实际管理和政策制定作了探讨与展望.  相似文献   

The accelerating loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services worldwide has accentuated a long-standing debate on the role of diversity in stabilizing ecological communities and has given rise to a field of research on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF). Although broad consensus has been reached regarding the positive BEF relationship, a number of important challenges remain unanswered. These primarily concern the underlying mechanisms by which diversity increases resilience and community stability, particularly the relative importance of statistical averaging and functional complementarity. Our understanding of these mechanisms relies heavily on theoretical and experimental studies, yet the degree to which theory adequately explains the dynamics and stability of natural ecosystems is largely unknown, especially in marine ecosystems. Using modelling and a unique 60-year dataset covering multiple trophic levels, we show that the pronounced multi-decadal variability of the Southern California Current System (SCCS) does not represent fundamental changes in ecosystem functioning, but a linear response to key environmental drivers channelled through bottom-up and physical control. Furthermore, we show strong temporal asynchrony between key species or functional groups within multiple trophic levels caused by opposite responses to these drivers. We argue that functional complementarity is the primary mechanism reducing community variability and promoting resilience and stability in the SCCS.  相似文献   

桑沟湾海洋生态系统的服务价值   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对我国黄海内的典型集约化浅海养殖区域——桑沟湾的生态系统服务价值进行了评估.结果表明:2003年桑沟湾的总服务价值为6.07×108元,平均单位海域面积的服务价值为4.24×106元.km-2.在总服务价值中,供给服务、调节服务和文化服务分别占51.29%、17.34%和31.37%.在所评估的8项主要和次要生态系统服务中,食品供给服务价值最高(50.45%),其次是旅游和娱乐服务价值(29.89%)及气候调节服务价值(9.18%),最低的是有害生物与疾病的生物调节与控制服务价值(0.0017%).桑沟湾的养殖活动对当地社会经济、环境调节与社会文化均有较大贡献.海水养殖活动,特别是大型藻类的养殖对于维持和提升海洋生态系统的服务具有重要意义.  相似文献   

海州湾生态系统服务价值评估   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
参照千年生态系统评估的分类体系,并考虑污染等因素引起生态系统服务的退化,评估了海州湾生态系统的潜在和实际服务价值.结果表明,2005年海州湾的潜在服务价值为16.64×108元,平均单位面积海域的服务价值为1.90× 106元/km2.潜在服务价值中,供给服务、文化服务和调节服务分别占53.39%,35.48%和10.84%.考虑赤潮、食品中累积的污染物超标以及温室气体排放等因素造成的生态服务质量和数量的退化,2005年海州湾生态系统提供的实际服务价值为14.08×108元,平均单位面积海域的服务价值为1.61×106元/km2.实际服务价值中,供给服务、文化服务和调节服务分别占48.32%,41.94%和9.74%.海水富营养化和污染等因素导致的生态服务价值降低2.56× 108元,影响最大的是食品供给和气候调节服务.  相似文献   

Two recirculated marine seawater systems (capacities: 150 and 300 l) were used for the study on cadmium accumulation of biological filter sludge, by the musselMytilus edulis and the plaicePleuronectes platessa for a period of up to 300 days. In the contaminated system Cd concentrations varied from 2.5 to 7.0 g/l with a mean of 4.6±1.15 g/l (control: 1.04±0.46 g/l). Accumulation of Cd by the filter sludge from the control system as well as from the contaminated system was significant. Mean concentrations of control-and contaminated sludge over the experimental period were 2.01±0.86 ng Cd/mg dry wt and 9.98±3.55 ng Cd/mg dry wt respectively. Accumulation of Cd byM. edulis both in the control and in the contaminated system was considerable. After 163 days of exposure the whole body burden of mussels rose from 0.3 ng Cd/mg dry wt to around 10 ng Cd/mg dry wt in the controls and to 70 ng Cd/mg dry wt in the contaminated systems. Accumulation of Cd byP. platessa was analysed in backbone, fins, gills, liver, muscle (fillet), otolith and skin (dorsal and ventral) over a period of 280 days. Elevated Cd contents of livers from control specimens were noticed after 200 days and reached 1.75 ng Cd/mg dry wt in liver. There was considerable accumulation in the liver (maximum values: 3.0 ng Cd/mg dry wt) and gills (6.0 ng Cd/mg dry wt) of specimens from the contaminated system, Cd contents of plaice exposed for identical periods of time were very variable. Growth of plaice living in the contaminated system was at times significantly slower than that of the control group. Of the three biological objects tested-filter sludge,M. edulis, P. platessa—the mussel seemed to be the most sensitive indicator of elevated Cd-concentrations, while the reaction of the plaice was slow and less distinct.  相似文献   

The scientific and applied problem of the ecosystem approach to the management of marine biological resources arose during the last quarter of the 20th century as a component of the Rational Nature Use Concept. This occurred mostly because the existing fishery rules and concepts of the optimum yield theory, which were introduced in the practice of fishery regulations, have proven to be insufficiently effective to conserve biological resources and provide stability of the fishery resource base. The ecosystem approach to biological-resource management implies a change of the autecological studies of commercial stock units (populations) and the managerial single-species models for the sustainable-sized management, taking the impacts of the fishery on marine ecosystems into account, as well as those of marine ecosystems on the fishery. At present, the ecosystem-based biological-resource management includes a complex of ecological topics and issues, such as biodiversity conservation, effect of climate changes, sustainability of stocks and communities, interspecies relationships, multi-species fishery, conservation of rare species, protection of especially important water bodies and landscapes, biotope degradation, anti-pollution measures, invasive species, ranching aquaculture, genetic diversity, etc. The main current problem, besides insufficient knowledge of many of these issues, is how to practically integrate such a large number of parameters into the management system. Thus, the complicated and long-term problem of ecosystem management of marine biological resources should be solved step-by-step, following the progress in the technical capabilities and concepts of natural processes. As well, certain better-studied elements of the ecosystem approach should be implemented first in the practice of management, while taking the regional specifics into account.  相似文献   

Meiofaunal prominence and benthic seasonality in a coastal marine ecosystem   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Summary The muds of a shallow (7 m) site in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island contained higher abundances of meiofauna (averaging 17×106 individuals per m2 and ash free dry weight of 2.9 g/m2 during a 3 year period) than have been found in any other sediment. The majority of sublittoral muds, worldwide, have been reported to contain about 106 individuals per m2. This difference is attributed primarily to differences in sampling techniques and laboratory processing.Extremely high meiofaunal abundances may have also occurred because Narragansett Bay sediments were a foodrich environment. While the quantity of organic deposition in the bay is not unusually high for coastal waters, this input, primarily composed of diatom detritus, may contain an unusually high proportion of labile organics. Furthermore, meiofauna could have thrived because of spatial segregation of meiofauna and macrofauna. While meiofauna were concentrated at the sediment-water interface, most macrofauna were subsurface deposit feeders. Macrofaunal competition with, and ingestion of meiofauna may thus have been minimized.The seasonal cycles of meiofauna and macrofauna were similar. Highest abundances and biomass were observed in May and June and lowest values in the late summer and fall. Springtime increases of meiofaunal abundance were observed in all depth horizons, to 10 cm. We hypothesize that phytoplankton detritus accumulated in the sediment during the winter and early spring, and that the benthos responded to this store of food when temperatures rose rapidly in the late spring. By late summer, the stored detritus was exhausted and the benthos declined.  相似文献   

Introduced ecosystem engineers can severely modify the functioning on invaded systems. Species-level effects on ecosystem functioning (EF) are context dependent, but the effects of introduced ecosystem engineers are frequently assessed through single-location studies. The present work aimed to identify sources of context-dependence that can regulate the impacts of invasive ecosystem engineers on ecosystem functioning. As model systems, four locations where the bivalve Ruditapes philippinarum (Adams and Reeve) has been introduced were investigated, providing variability in habitat characteristics and community composition. As a measure of ecosystem engineering, the relative contribution of this species to community bioturbation potential was quantified at each site. The relevance of bioturbation to the local establishment of the mixing depth of marine sediments (used as a proxy for EF) was quantified in order to determine the potential for impact of the introduced species at each site. We found that R. philippinarum is one of the most important bioturbators within analysed communities, but the relative importance of this contribution at the community level depended on local species composition. The net contribution of bioturbation to the establishment of sediment mixing depths varied across sites depending on the presence of structuring vegetation, sediment granulometry and compaction. The effects of vegetation on sediment mixing were previously unreported. These findings indicate that the species composition of invaded communities, and the habitat characteristics of invaded systems, are important modulators of the impacts of introduced species on ecosystem functioning. A framework that encompasses these aspects for the prediction of the functional impacts of invasive ecosystem engineers is suggested, supporting a multi-site approach to invasive ecology studies concerned with ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Tropical Environments: The Functioning and Management of Tropical Ecosystems by M. Kellman and R. Tackaberry Routledge, 1997. £60.00 hbk, £18.99 pbk (xix+380 pages) ISBN 0 415 11608 2/0 415 11609 0.  相似文献   

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